EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#120: The gods, please grant my bright eyes

Foxy Blue Wolf Dog was too deceitful, their tactical sinisterness and ruthlessness as always. 蓝狗狐狼太狡诈了,它们的战术一如既往的阴险毒辣。 Hateful, what to do?” Zhen Jin clenches teeth secretly, he cannot remind the people directly, will do this will certainly bring in the suspicion. “可恶,怎么办?”针金暗自咬牙,他不能直接提醒众人,这样做一定会引来怀疑的。 Can the words that however did not remind, looks at these two Foxy Blue Wolf Dog work helplessly? 但是不提醒的话,难道要眼睁睁地看着这两头蓝狗狐狼得逞吗? In the final analysis, is enemy I am weak. 说到底,还是敌强我弱。 The short these days time, the magic beast regiment has inflated to this degree. The people must do utmost, cannot have the mistake to happen, can have the hope of achievement. 短短这些天的时间,魔兽军团就已然膨胀到这种程度。众人必须竭尽全力,不能有错误发生,才能有获胜的希望。 Soon came!” On the wooden wall, Xi Suo narrows the eyes slightly, has a parched mouth. “快要来了!”木墙上,细索微微眯起双眼,口干舌燥起来。 At night the quiet forest becomes moves restlessly anxiously, the night bird flies randomly, the snake mouse evades to draw back. The sound that the quick group beast gallops is more obvious, the grating scream of Bat Monkey, making a sound of Flying Squirrel, the Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear roar, the neighing sound of alligator hammer tail ran, the Resilient White Rhinoceros galloping sound...... these sounds combine together, the probably invisible great mallet, falls the morale unceasing hammer of people. 夜晚静谧的森林变得躁动不安,夜鸟乱飞,蛇鼠避退。很快群兽奔腾的声音越加明显,蝠猴的刺耳尖叫,飞鼠的吱吱声,猴尾棕熊的吼声,鳄头锤尾蚺的嘶鸣声,强命白犀的奔腾声……这些声音混杂在一起,像是无形的巨槌,将众人的士气不断锤落。 A crew swallows saliva, both hands is gripping tightly the bow crossbow, the scope that the body shivers is getting more and more obvious. 一位船员吞咽口水,双手紧握着弓弩,身躯颤抖的幅度越来越明显。 Whiz. 嗖。 He pointed at also follows to tremble, enters touched off the trigger, emitted an arrow. 他手指也跟着哆嗦,进入扣动了扳机,放出了一箭。 This arrow projects, immediately the surrounding person was also projecting the arrow, formed wave of sparse arrow rain. 这一箭射出,立即连带着周围的人也射出了箭,形成了一波稀疏的箭雨。 Other person of stunned. 其他人愕然。 Xi Suo responded, at once curses angrily: What do you do again? Calm, gives me to be calm!” 细索反应过来,旋即怒骂:“你们再搞什么?镇定,都给我镇定下来!” The iron arrow number is limited, is precious. 铁头箭数量是有限的,非常宝贵。 Wasted more than ten iron arrows all of a sudden in vain, this makes anxious shoots the air crew to feel ashamed, many one by one lower the head. 一下子白白浪费了十几只铁头箭,这让紧张得射空气的船员们都感到惭愧,许多人纷纷低头。 The members of first Tripleblade commission army corps have not shot arrows actually, but their complexions are also tying tight at this moment, has not cancelled the interest of crew. 三刀佣兵团的成员们倒是没有射箭,但此刻他们的脸色也紧绷着,没有丝毫取消船员们的兴致。 hanging in the balance, looks like this at present the jet black night. 前途未卜,就像是这眼前漆黑的夜。 Actually the victory or defeat how, who can live, did not say certainly. 究竟胜败如何,谁又能活下来,都说不准。 Suddenly, even Lan Zao, Hei Juan and the others, in the vision still reveal anxious color somewhat. 一时间,即便是蓝藻黑卷等人,目光中也都流露出多多少少的不安之色。 At this time, the people heard the Zhen Jin pray sound. 就在这个时候,众人听到针金的祈祷声。 Oh, almighty Emperor Holybright, my God and Lord, your knight is about to head to battle and carry out your creed. With your blessing, I shall be fully equipped and put on the belt of righteousness, the mirror armor of braveness, the boots of peace and the helmet of salvation. However, the night is like fog that shrouds my vision. Oh God, please grant me clear sight to see my enemies and lead my people to victory!” 伟大的圣明大帝啊,我的神,我的主。祢的骑士将临战,将践行祢的教义承蒙祢的恩赐,我全副武装。我穿上正直的腰带,勇武的护心镜,平安的鞋和救恩的头盔然而,黑夜犹如迷雾,遮挡住我的视野。神啊,请赐予我明亮的双眼,让我看清敌势,让我引领众人,走向胜利吧!” With was different in the past, this Zhen Jin prayed blatantly, the sound of pray is very loud, many people heard, and listens is very clear. 和往常不同,这一次针金公然祈祷,祈祷的声音很大,很多人都听到了,并且听的很清晰。 People one by one casts the vision that anticipates to Zhen Jin. 众人纷纷针金投去期待的目光。 However, more than ten breath in the past, Zhen Jin as always, and does not have any sacred light arrived to his body. 然而,十几个呼吸过去,针金一如往常,并没有任何圣光降临到他的身上。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Was defeated?” “失败了吗?” Difficult god of journeys to favor our fights?” “难道神也不看好我们这场战斗吗?” The heart of people was flurried. 众人的心都慌乱了。 Damn!” Zong Ge cannot bear curse in the heart. “该死的!”鬃戈忍不住在心中咒骂起来。 He knows more inside stories: Not all people can pray successfully, the god is impossible to gaze at every person simultaneously. The Emperor Holybright vision stays on the body of each Templar Knight, this view is not false, but the Templar Knight nine groups, each group member has several thousands to over ten thousand people. 他知道更多内幕:并不是所有的人都能够祈祷成功,神不可能同时注视每一个人。说圣明大帝的目光停留在每一位圣殿骑士的身上,这说法不假,但是圣殿骑士有九个团,每个团成员有数千到上万人不等。 The Templar Knight pre-war pray, Emperor Holybright every lowers divine spell to have the historical record one time. 圣殿骑士战前祈祷,圣明大帝每一次降下神术都有历史记载。 Basically, at least is Templar Knight of group was praying together, one or many Templar Knight Regiment long management, face at least is the wars of ten thousand people of scales, or in the entire campaign is the extremely essential fight. 基本上,都至少是一个团的圣殿骑士在共同祈祷,有一位或多位圣殿骑士团长主持,面临的至少是万人规模的大战,或者在整个战役中是极其关键的战斗。 In addition, in normal condition divine spell adds the body, is priest that the dependence sacrificial offering and bishop or accompany the armed forces. 除此之外,正常情况下的神术加身,是依靠祭祀、主教或者随军的牧师 In the impossible each Templar Knight life all fights, including select only, duel anything, can get the response of Emperor Holybright. 不可能每一个圣殿骑士的一生中所有战斗,包括单挑,决斗什么的,都能得到圣明大帝的回应。 In fact, a death of Templar Knight, was nothing to Emperor Holybright. It is alive the god, is the Emperor, wields entire human Empire. Empire once lost entire Templar Knight Fifth Regiment, later in several years can reconstruct rapidly. 事实上,一个圣殿骑士的死亡,对圣明大帝而言算不了什么。祂是在世神,也是帝君,执掌整个人类帝国帝国曾经损失了整个圣殿骑士五团,之后几年内就得以迅速重建。 Therefore, Templar Knight in pre-war prayed, has not been responded, is not anything. 所以,一位圣殿骑士在战前祈祷,没有得到回应,并不算什么。 Or is very normal, has the possibility very much. 或者说,是很正常的,很有可能。 But the ordinary people are not clear. 但普罗大众并不清楚。 Now the people noticed that the pray of Zhen Jin has not responded, becoming flustered is also more natural. 现在众人看到针金的祈祷没有回应,变得更慌张也是理所当然的。 „The young people...... the fight of experience were too few!” “到底还是年轻人……经历的战斗太少了!” When Zong Ge thinks Zhen Jin makes the mistake...... 就在鬃戈认为针金发生失误的时候…… „!” The Zhen Jin whole body trembles fiercely, opens the eyes that shut tightly, exudes pleasantly surprised and unexpected shout, I saw!” “啊!”针金猛地全身一颤,睁开紧闭的双眼,发出一声惊喜、意外的呼喊声,“我看到了!” People are one dull. 人们都是一呆。 Zhen Jin turns around immediately, the direction people said: Quickly, in the magic beast regiment has two Foxy Blue Wolf Dog. Now, they have divided forces. Leads the large unit, the direct impact barrack gate. Another head, then leads the Flying Squirrel group to circle, wants to attack the side of our military camp.” 针金立即转身,指挥众人道:“快,魔兽军团中有两头蓝狗狐狼。现在,它们已经分兵了。一头率领大部队,直冲营门。另外一头,则带领飞鼠群绕过来,想要攻打我们营寨的侧面。” People hear dumbfounded. 人们听得一愣一愣的。 Then, Zhen Jin also narrated the constitutions of these two enemy potentials in detail, many Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear, many alligator hammer tail ran, many Bat Monkey wait/etc. 接着,针金又详细地叙述了这两股敌势的构成,有多少的猴尾棕熊,有多少的鳄头锤尾蚺,有多少的蝠猴等等。 The people happen simultaneously pleasantly surprised! 众人惊喜交加! Zhen Jin said is so detailed, definitely. 针金说的这么详细,肯定是真的了。 He as Templar Knight, impossible in this critical moment, during goes to come to lie with the aid of the name of gods. 他身为圣殿骑士,不可能在这种紧要的关头,去借助神明的名义来当中撒谎。 Because this does not have the advantage to him, and was revealed easily. 因为这对他毫无好处,并且非常容易被揭穿。 Really prayed the success?” Zong Ge puts out foul air, sighed, this Zhen Jin also was really the good luck.” “真的祈祷成功了?”鬃戈吐出一口浊气,感叹起来,“这针金还真是好运。” „Is Foxy Blue Wolf Dog really magic beast? Unexpectedly will also divide forces, was too deceitful.” 蓝狗狐狼真的是魔兽吗?居然还会分兵,太狡诈了。” We obtained the enlightenment of Emperor Holybright, this explained that this fight was blessed by the gods. We can certainly win!” “我们得到了圣明大帝的启示,这说明这场战斗是被神明祝福的。我们一定能赢!” Suddenly, the morale rises suddenly. 一时间,士气暴涨。 Finally, the positive/direct magic beast regiment takes the lead to run out of the forest, intrudes in the middle of the line of sight of people. 终于,正面的魔兽军团率先冲出森林,闯入众人的视线当中。 Looked quickly, said with Lord Zhen Jin is the same.” “快看,和针金大人说的一样。” Right, is so many magic beast!” “没错,就是这么多的魔兽!” We will certainly gain the victory, the brothers, have the gods to aid us!” “我们一定会取得胜利,兄弟们,有神明在护佑着我们!” Without Zhen Jin first warned, the people saw so large-scale magic beast regiments suddenly, will inevitably produce dreads, frightens and other negativities. 如果没有针金首先示警,众人骤然看到如此规模庞大的魔兽军团,不可避免会产生畏惧、惊吓等负面情绪。 But now Zhen Jin the upholstery is ahead of time good, the people several magic beast quantities, instead the morale rises one section. 但现在针金提前铺垫好了,众人数着魔兽的数量,反而士气又上升一截。 Has the gaze of gods, the people are sporty. Let alone is the magic beast regiment, even facing beastman ten thousand people tribe, they are still unperturbed does not fear. 有神明的注视,众人底气十足。别说是魔兽军团,就算是面对兽人的万人大部落,他们也夷然不惧。 The magic beast regiment has not reorganized the formation idea, after running out of the forest, the speed erupts to a big way, charges into the camp front door directly. 魔兽军团没有整顿阵型的想法,一冲出森林之后,速度爆发到最大,直接冲向营地大门。 Only if the castle, the front door of this wooden military camp, often is the frailest spot. 除非是城堡,这种木制营寨的大门,往往是最脆弱的部位。 Preparation- puts!” Xi Suo bellows. “预备-放!”细索大吼。 Bends the crossbow salvo, arrow flies to shoot, forms frail arrow rain. 弓弩齐射,箭矢飞射而出,形成一层单薄的箭雨。 Under arrow rain, many Bat Monkey and Flying Squirrel death. 箭雨之下,不少蝠猴飞鼠死亡。 Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear, Resilient White Rhinoceros wait/etc. also arrow, but they continue to proceed to clash, the speed even also increases several points, was injured aroused ominous with the ache. 猴尾棕熊强命白犀等也中箭了,但它们继续往前冲,速度甚至还增加几分,受伤和疼痛激起了凶性。 The people archery has the methodicalness very much. 众人射箭很有章法。 They have not treated as the main objective large-scale magic beast, but first eliminates the beast that can fly to plant. 他们没有把大型魔兽当做主要目标,而是首先消灭能够飞行的兽种。 Bat Monkey suffers the main attendance, next is Flying Squirrel. 蝠猴遭受最主要的照顾,其次是飞鼠 The newly-made bow crossbow, in addition an iron arrow, making Bat Monkey and Flying Squirrel lose many. 新制的弓弩,再加上铁头箭,让蝠猴飞鼠损失很多。 Foxy Blue Wolf Dog resides in the middle of the forest, hidden in the hidden place, aloof. 蓝狗狐狼居于森林当中,隐藏在暗处,无动于衷。 Bat Monkey subdued are not many, has the thick smoke disturbance, has not used greatly. The Flying Squirrel elite majority carried off by another Foxy Blue Wolf Dog, these are the cannon fodders. 蝠猴本来就收服的不多,有浓烟干扰,也没有大用。飞鼠精锐大多数都被另一头蓝狗狐狼带走,这些不过是炮灰而已。 In brief, they attracted the firepower, played their proper role. 总之,它们吸引了火力,发挥了它们应有的作用。 Places the great expectations truly, large-scale magic beast that on the ground gallops. 真正寄予厚望的,还是在地上奔腾的大型魔兽 However, on the flat land before camp front door, is not a blank. 然而,营地大门前的平地上,并不是一片空白。 Regarding military camp, established according to horse and wooden stake, stone that the giant moves. 围绕着营寨一圈,都设置了据马和木桩,还有大个子搬来的石块。 Resilient White Rhinoceros, Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear as well as alligator hammer tail ran battered, cracked-up all barriers along the way, however the speed of charge also dropped many inevitably. 强命白犀猴尾棕熊以及鳄头锤尾蚺横冲直撞,撞碎了沿途的一切障碍,但是冲锋的速度也不可避免地下降许多。 After breaking through the diked area, they arrived at the trap area. 冲过了障碍区后,它们就来到了陷阱区。 The mist and dust rises from all directions, can support the trap lap that the average man walks, cannot support Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear such body weight absolutely. Not to mention heavier Resilient White Rhinoceros and alligator hammer tail ran. 烟尘四起,能够支撑常人行走的陷阱盖板,绝对支撑不住猴尾棕熊这样的体重。更别提更重的强命白犀、鳄头锤尾蚺了。 Therefore, large-scale magic beast fell the gulf one after another. 于是,大型魔兽们接连落到了深坑当中去。 Considering the Foxy Blue Wolf Dog kind of person wisdom, the people in camp front door weakest position, had laid down most crowded traps and barriers. 考虑到蓝狗狐狼的类人智慧,众人早就在营地大门这个最弱的位置,铺设了最多最密集的陷阱和障碍。 Pit bottom Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear and Resilient White Rhinoceros do not have the means to be separated suddenly, but alligator hammer tail ran actually followed the side to crawl. 坑底猴尾棕熊强命白犀一时间没办法脱离,但鳄头锤尾蚺却顺着坑壁爬了出来。 Their build were too huge, and in a pit often several magic beast fall into. 它们的体型太庞大了,并且一个坑中往往有几头魔兽都陷入进去。 magic beast that the forefront pit falls are most. 最前端的坑跌进去的魔兽最多。 These magic beast superimpose mutually, several Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear have gradually climbed up. 这些魔兽相互叠加,已经有几头猴尾棕熊逐渐攀爬上来。 The people on wooden wall start to turn around the firepower, full power magic beast in suppressed trap. 木墙上的众人开始掉转火力,全力压制陷阱中的魔兽 The build was still hugest, most skin coarse meat thick alligator hammer tail ran, rushed to under the wooden wall. 仍旧有一头体型最庞大,也最皮糙肉厚的鳄头锤尾蚺,冲到了木墙下。 It head high, chest out, is climbing the wooden wall unexpectedly, crawled, huge alligator rose and people flush altitude. 它昂首挺胸,竟然攀着木墙,爬了上来,巨大的鳄头升到了和众人齐平的高度。 Is waiting for you!” Zong Ge sneers, had prepared for some time, saw that an alligator reveal comes out, his both hands grip tightly the wooden handle, brandishes the great hammer full power. “等着你呢!”鬃戈冷笑,早已准备多时,看到鳄头露出来,他双手紧握木柄,全力挥舞巨锤。 The white bones great hammer sweeps away violently, arouses gale! 白骨巨锤猛烈横扫,激起一阵劲风 Bang. 砰。 The great hammer hits ruthlessly on the alligator, alligator hammer tail ran was pounded directly ignorant by a heavy hammer, body one soft, probably the attacking a city ladder falls down the ground, has with a crash the loud sound, this wooden wall with ground, but vibrated ruthlessly. 巨锤狠狠地打在鳄头上,鳄头锤尾蚺被一记重锤直接砸懵,身躯一软,像是攻城梯般栽倒到地上,又发出砰然巨响,这个木墙都随着地面而狠狠震动了一下。 The people actually cheer without enough time, because nearby three silver magic beast rush. 众人却来不及欢呼,因为又有三头白银魔兽冲到跟前。 Two Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear, Resilient White Rhinoceros! 两头猴尾棕熊,一头强命白犀 Whiz, whiz and whiz! 嗖、嗖、嗖! Three benefit the arrow to fly to shoot, hits accurate the pupils of these three magic beast. 三只利箭飞射而出,精准地命中这三头魔兽的瞳孔。 The people look hastily, saw that Zhen Jin is opening the crossbow to give the rear area the waist. 众人连忙望去,就看到针金正将腰张弩递给后方。 He provided two people behind alone. 他身后单独配备了两人。 These two people have the wound, the itself strength is limited, but they do not do other, draws a bow for Zhen Jin. 这两人身上有伤,本身战力有限,但他们也不干别的,就是为针金张弓。 Zhen Jin just ripple fire three waist stretch/open Nu. 针金刚刚连射了三把腰张弩。 Both Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear fell down on the ground, palm Para the shaft of eye socket, is calling out pitifully painfully. 两头猴尾棕熊都栽倒在了地上,手掌巴拉着眼眶的箭杆,痛苦地惨叫着。 But another Resilient White Rhinoceros can actually bear patiently, even if were shot blindly the left eye, was still charging. 而另一头强命白犀却非常能隐忍,即便被射瞎了左眼,也仍旧在冲锋。 It has not possibly adapted to the change of field of vision suddenly, or because of the severe pain, it straight charge route was cheap, on torso that finally gripped before...... that alligator hammer tail ran. 只是它一时间可能没适应视野的变化,或者是因为剧痛,它原本笔直的冲锋路线便宜了,最终一头扎在了……之前那条鳄头锤尾蚺的躯干上。
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