USS :: Volume #18

#1746: this poor monk this surpasses you

In Xu Que grasps under the inculcation of monk's staff, the monkey then accepted itself to become the fact of Tang Sanzang big apprentice quickly. 徐缺手持禅杖的谆谆教诲下,猴子很快便接受了自己成为唐三藏大徒弟的事实。 Good starting today, your name was Kakarot.” “好了从今天开始,你的名字就叫卡卡罗特。” „It is not...... the master I have the name, I called Sun Wukong.” “不是……师傅我有名字,我叫孙悟空。” That name has become past tense, now you call Kakarot.” “那名字已经成为了过去式了,现在你就叫卡卡罗特。” Goes to your code Sun Wukong! 去你码的孙悟空 When what you Sun Wukong I do work as? 你当孙悟空我当什么? Xu Que had not forgotten, oneself have doppelgänger is Heaven Exploding Faction Sun Wukong. 徐缺可没忘了,自己还有个分身乃是炸天帮孙悟空 Sun Wukong is quite suffering: „It is not, you did not speak the truth well......, starting today, I called Kakarot, the master we to start off together!” 孙悟空颇为委屈:“不是,你这人不讲道理……好的,从今天起,我就叫卡卡罗特,师傅我们一起上路吧!” Un, good, felt relieved that puts out the monk's staff not to frighten you for the master, but the hand is itchy, occasionally wants to play.” “嗯,不错,放心为师拿出禅杖并非是想要吓唬你,只不过手痒,偶尔想要耍耍罢了。” Xu Que is saying, while brandishes the monk's staff conveniently. 徐缺一边说着,一边随手挥舞禅杖。 Bang, the giant stone of body others height was hit crushes. “砰”地一声,身旁人身高的巨石被打得粉碎。 Sun Wukong, is not right, Kakarot held breath directly a cold air/Qi, in the heart shocked. 孙悟空,不对,卡卡罗特直接倒吸了一口冷气,心中震撼不已。 What situation? 什么情况? Didn't mention Trial cultivation base to be able by restrictive seal? 不是说来试炼修为都会被封禁吗? Isn't the monk special is convinces people by reasoning? 和尚不是都特么是以理服人吗? How at present this person sees, does not seem like the type that convinces people by reasoning! 眼前这人怎么看,都不像是以理服人的类型啊! Regained Sun Wukong, Xu Que started to take the lead to charge, went toward the direction line of Western Paradise. 收复了孙悟空,徐缺开始带头冲锋,朝着西天的方向行去。 Arrives at this place time, on him then brought a package, the inside map , indicating way that goes to Western Paradise. 来到此地的时候,他身上便自带了一个包裹,里面就有一份地图,表明了前往西天的路径。 System, which examining this is, I always do not feel right.” Xu Que reads the map, while the instruction said. 系统,检测一下这是哪儿,我总感觉不对劲啊。”徐缺一边看地图,一边吩咐道。 In roughly after three seconds, System gave the reply. 约莫三秒中后,系统给出了回复。 This place becomes Memory Realm of god.” “此地乃是成神者的记忆之境。” Memory Realm?” Xu Que gawked, under one closely examines, finally did to understand the normal Trial original condition. 记忆之境?”徐缺愣了愣,在一番追问下,终于搞明白了正常试炼的原貌。 Place that he is at now, is a film title for the mainland of eastern god, but in this mainland, Monster Demon and human coexistence, Immortal pays no attention to the human affairs unusually refinedly. 他现在所在的地方,是一片名为东神的大陆,而在这片大陆上,妖魔与人类共存,仙人超凡脱俗不理世事。 Oneself is a monk of fine Buddhist cultivation method, feels strongly about the common people misery, therefore decides to go Western Paradise Great Thunderclap Temple seeking Daoist scripture, Salvation to All Living Things. 自己则是一名精修佛法的和尚,有感于百姓苦难,所以决定前去西天大雷音寺求取真经,普度众生 But this all, actually is illusory existence, is by the illusion that the Ancient Buddha memory builds. 而这所有的一切,其实全都是虚幻的存在,乃是以古佛的记忆搭建出来的幻境。 Good, Ancient Buddha was cultivation base so strong in the past? Unexpectedly can also construct such big illusion?” “牛哇,古佛当年修为这么强?居然还可以建造这么大的幻境?” Xu Que exclaims, looks at the surrounding every bit of property, almost with has does not have any difference. 徐缺惊叹不已,看着周围的一草一木,几乎与真实存在没有任何区别。 He had also experienced several illusion before, when including competing for Ancient Buddha inheritance passed the long mortal life. 他之前也经历过几次幻境,包括争夺古佛传承时更是在其中度过了漫长的凡人一生。 But that limits in place of country merely, the range is far from now being so big, already a degree of arrived mainland. 但那都仅仅只是局限在一国之地,范围远没有现在这么大,已经到了一片大陆的程度。 In other words, this had Ancient Buddha really experienced Western Paradise seeking the Scriptures this matter in the past?” Xu Que pays more attention to this point. “也就是说,这古佛当年真的经历过西天取经这回事?”徐缺更关注这个点。 Replies Host, your present experience, to become the god past years personally experienced.” “回复宿主,你现在的经历,皆为成神者当年亲身经历。” „, It seems like crossed over also really continues my.” “得,看来穿越者还真不止我一个。” one person and one monkey stepped the journey of going to Western Paradise, on the road Xu Que obtained the related prompting message off and on. 一人一猴踏上了前往西天的旅程,路上徐缺断断续续地获得了相关的提示信息。 Wants through Trial, must pass 9 x 9 = 81 to be difficult. 想要通过试炼,就要度过九九八十一难。 But each trialist, no matter the cultivation base height, by restrictive seal cultivation base, will be passed this long distance by the physical body and mortal flesh status. 而每一位试炼者,不管修为高低,都会被封禁修为,以肉体凡胎的身份度过这漫长的路程。 But needs to subdue four disciple on the way, as own protector, arrives in Western Paradise. 而在途中则需要收服四位弟子,作为自己的保护者,抵达西天。 Said simply, the full background story and Journey to the West are almost exactly the same. 简单说,整个背景故事和西游记几乎一模一样。 But own big apprentice does not know that loads the mistake, in the character and record are completely two appearances. 只不过自己的这位大徒弟不知道是不是加载错误,性格和记录里完全是两个样子。 Two people lead the way, then met one group to rob on the way quickly. 两人一路前行,很快便遇见了一伙劫道的。 This mountain is I opens! This tree is I opens! To cross since then, leaves behind the safe passage money!” “此山是我开!此树是我开!要想从此过,留下买路财!” The tall and sturdy robber carries the quarrying a mountain blade, devils exclaimed. 人高马大的劫匪扛着开山刀,凶神恶煞地吼道。 At this time, outside Memory Realm, several old monks are looking at front midday nap Golden Light Mirror. 此时,记忆之境外,几名老僧正看着面前午睡的金光之镜 Each side Golden Light Mirror, represented one to participate in trialist. 每一面金光镜,都代表了一名参与试炼者 trialist the performance in Memory Realm, all present before several old monks, they must do and ensure cannot present the casualties. 试炼者们在记忆之境中的表现,会被尽数呈现在几位老僧面前,他们要做的,就是保证不会出现伤亡。 This after all is Bodhisattva Trial, is only for the inheritance Buddhist doctrine, if presents the casualties confession not to pass. 这毕竟是一场佛子试炼,只是为了传承佛法,要是出现伤亡也交代不过去。 These old monks practice many years of Buddhist doctrine Great Master in Great Thunderclap Temple, but does not have to control the Memory Realm ability, can only in the time of danger, pull out Memory Realm trialist. 这些老僧都是在大雷音寺中修行多年的佛法大师,但也并不具有操控记忆之境的能力,只能在危险的时刻,将试炼者拉出记忆之境 Several, do not see for a long time.” A tall and thin old monk said with a laugh, our deep sleep many years, can witness Bodhisattva Trial finally again with own eyes, are really lucky.” “几位,好久不见啊。”一名高瘦老僧笑呵呵地说道,“咱们沉睡多年,终于能够再度亲眼见证佛子试炼,实在是幸运至极。” indeed, does not know that these who can become final Bodhisattva time.” 是啊,不知道这一次又有谁能够成为最终的佛子。” It is said this trialist, has in the legend time inborn Buddha Heart busy existence, its named Fahui.” “据说这一次的试炼者,有传说中天生一颗佛心无暇的存在,其名为法慧。” Right? I heard actually, he is not a person comes.” Has the old monk to say with a smile. “是吗?我倒是听说,他可不是一个人来的。”有老僧笑道。 "Oh? can participate in Trial with inborn Buddha Heart, is it possible that is also Heavens' Chosen Person of my Buddha? ” “哦?能够与天生佛心者参加试炼,莫非也是我佛的天选之人?” The old monks are excited exceptionally, this Buddha Sect Trial many years will open after all one time, their previous Buddha Realm Trial time, young people, now actually already gradually old. 老僧们兴奋异常,毕竟这佛门试炼多年才会开启一次,他们这些人上一次佛境试炼的时候,都还是年轻人,如今却已经垂垂老矣。 The old monks chatted a while, will then focus in these trialist. 老僧们闲聊了一会儿,便将注意力放到这些试炼者身上。 This Bodhisattva Trial, what test is the understanding about Buddhist doctrine, with heart of the mercy, to be whether able to be rogue.” “这佛子试炼,考验的乃是关于佛法的理解,能否以一颗慈悲之心,度化凶恶。” Right, practice Buddhist doctrine, after restrictive seal cultivation base, with mortal not different, so can test them.” “没错,修炼佛法者,封禁修为后与凡人无异,如此才能考验他们。” Hopes that this time, can have true Bodhisattva to appear.” Has the old monk to say with emotion, previous Bodhisattva Trial, without exception, defeated in finally took scripture that to close finally.” “希望这一次,能够有真正的佛子出现吧。”有老僧感慨道,“上一次佛子试炼,最终无一例外,都败在了最后取经书那一关上。” Mentioned this pass/test, the old monks heart had the relative to be sorrowfully. 说起这一关,老僧们都心有戚戚然。 That can be said as the most pit father's pass/test, they have witnessed normal Trial with own eyes, perhaps oneself go in can also by the pit. 那可以说是最坑爹的一关,要不是他们亲眼见证过正常试炼,自己进去恐怕也会被坑。 Yeah, that probably with that monk friend who Fahui comes in together.” An old monk points at Golden Light Mirror to open the mouth to say suddenly. “哎,那好像就是与法慧一起进来的那位僧友。”一名老僧忽然指着一处金光镜开口道。 In the picture, Xu Que is leading own big apprentice, faces with a gangster. 画面中,徐缺正带着自己的大徒弟,与一众匪徒对垒。 Monk, knows the limitation to hand over wealth, this Sir can also forgive your life!” The black strong guy's in quarrying a mountain blade the hand wields, the wind sound/rumor howls. “和尚,识相得就把身上的钱财交出来,本大爷还可以饶你一命!”黑壮大汉将手中开山刀一挥,风声呼啸。 Kakarot said in a low voice: Master, senses them with your Buddhist doctrine quickly.” 卡卡罗特低声道:“师父,快用你的佛法感悟他们。” Xu Que holds their palms together, goes forward one step, the smile said: Without issue, and looks at this poor monk this by Buddha law you.” 徐缺双手合十,上前一步,微笑道:“没问题,且看贫僧这就以佛法度化你们。” Black strong guy hearing this, immediately said with a smile crazily: hahahaha! The father ghost first three Jianghu many years, your wool no monk also wants to spend the father vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, looked that father this delivers you to go to the western heaven!” 黑壮大汉闻言,顿时狂笑道:“哈哈哈哈!老子鬼头三纵横江湖多年,你一个毛都没有的和尚还想度化老子,看老子这就送你上西天!” Saying, is then brandishing a sword to cut fiercely. 说着,便猛地挥刀砍来。 This blade is rudely, by restrictive seal cultivation base cultivator(s), could not be shunted definitely. 这一刀势大力沉,被封禁修为修士,决计躲不开。 Saw that the blade being near body, Xu Que will give a loud shout suddenly, lifting the hand is a fist: Puts down the butcher knife, vertical achieves Buddhahood!” 眼看刀将临身,徐缺忽然大喝一声,抬手就是一拳:“放下屠刀,立地成佛!” kā chā! 咔嚓 The quarrying a mountain blade breaks accordingly! 开山刀应声而断! ...... ……
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