USS :: Volume #18

#1745: Trial opening

On the road, Xu Que carefully studied a within the body injury, finally draws the conclusion that is beyond cure, then gave up the idea of short time fast healing simply. 路上,徐缺仔细研究了一下自己体内的伤势,最终得出无药可治的结论,索性便放弃了短时间快速愈合的想法。 According to the report of System, what oneself present need is can balance Demon Qi item. 根据系统的报告,自己现在需要的是能够平衡魔气物品 What also has compared with Ancient Buddha Śarīra, ancient scripture can balance Demon Qi? 还有什么比古佛舍利,古经更能够平衡魔气 Becoming Bodhisattva, our generation is bounden! 成为佛子,我辈义不容辞! At this time, two people are leading the way toward the west side slowly, the path upper berth in city the Layer 1 close yellow sand, the wind blew raises the pale yellow at dusk. 此时,两人正朝着西边缓缓前行,城内的道路上铺了一层细密的黄砂,风一吹就扬起昏黄的薄暮。 Actually this can Bodhisattva Trial make what?” Xu Que threw over black-robe(d), is swaying slowly. “这佛子试炼究竟要做些什么呢?”徐缺披了件黑袍,慢悠悠地晃荡着。 He very long has not felt had walked with the foot slowly, this feeling made him recall, when oneself just came this world feeling. 他已经很久没有感受过用脚慢慢走路了,这种感觉让他不免回忆起了,自己刚来这世界时的感觉。 At that time although cultivation base was low, but crossed with ease merrily. 那时候修为虽然低,但是过得轻松快活。 Fahui holds their palms together, walks in the front, said slowly: Bodhisattva Trial is Trial that in Buddha Realm spreads, the monk is also first participation, will therefore not be clear will have anything specifically.” 法慧双手合十,走在前方,慢悠悠地说道:“佛子试炼乃是佛境中流传的一项试炼,小僧也是第一次参加,所以并不清楚具体会发生什么。” Xu Que does not lose heart: Has no hearsay?” 徐缺不死心:“难道就没有什么传闻吗?” Has.” Fahui hesitant, opens the mouth saying that it is said Bodhisattva Trial, needs restrictive seal cultivation base, purely is the body of mortal through Trial, obtains ancient scripture.” “有。”法慧犹豫了一下,开口道,“据说佛子试炼,需要封禁自身修为,纯粹是凡人之躯通过试炼,取得古经。” Xu Que immediately was happy. 徐缺顿时乐了。 Oneself just did not have cultivation base, is only left over this capable body. 自己刚好没了修为,只剩下这具精壮的身躯。 This simply for him creation Trial! 这简直是为他而创造的试炼啊! Walks! We pass a bit faster!” “走走走!咱们快点过去!” Urged by Xu Que's, two people in the evening, then come arrived to participate in Trial place-- Great Thunderclap Temple. 徐缺的催促下,两人在傍晚的时候,便来到了参加试炼的地方——大雷音寺 Why is Great Thunderclap Temple?” Xu Que looks at the large character on signboard, unthinkable say/way. “为什么又是大雷音寺?”徐缺看着牌匾上的大字,匪夷所思道。 Fahui explained: This place was the copy the temple of Ancient Buddha obtaining enlightenment constructed in the past, therefore also called it Great Thunderclap Temple.” 法慧解释道:“此地乃是仿造当年古佛得道之寺所建,故而也称之为大雷音寺。” At present impressively is a grand temple, dozens zhang (3.33 m) high Ancient Buddha golden body, stands erect just like a mountain in the main hall in temple. 眼前赫然是一座雄伟的寺庙,数十丈高的古佛金身,宛如一座大山屹立在寺庙的大殿之中。 Under the main hall is a broad square, they then stand in the midpoint of square at this time. 大殿下是一片宽阔的广场,他们此时便站在广场的正中央。 around the body, is the bustling crowd, besides lots of bald monks, more is actually ordinary cultivator(s). 身周,是熙熙攘攘的人群,除了大量的光头和尚以外,更多的却是普通的修士 I said that...... these have me of hair when they are your Buddha Realm lay family disciple.” Xu Que referred to distant place these modeling obviously building not above several people with human, said in a low voice, do not tell me the gadget are your Buddha Sect disciple mount.” “我说……这些有头发的我就当他们是你们佛境的俗家弟子。”徐缺指了指远处那些造型明显与人类搭不上边的几人,低声道,“你别告诉我那些玩意儿是你们佛门弟子的坐骑。” Not far away, how many cultivator(s) that understands at a glance is the monster clan, tall and sturdy, with relations that Buddha Sect has? 不远处,几个一看就知道是妖族的修士,人高马大,跟佛门有个屁的关系? Xu Que looked stupidly, wasn't reaching an agreement Bodhisattva Trial? 徐缺都看傻了,不是说好的佛子试炼吗? Why including wasn't the fellows of person comes? 为什么连不是人的家伙都来了啊? Amitabha.” Fahui praised Buddha name lowly, the sinking sound said, my Buddha mercy, Bodhisattva Trial regardless of race, every life all enterable.” 阿弥陀佛。”法慧低颂了一声佛号,沉声道,“我佛慈悲,佛子试炼不论种族,凡生灵皆可参加。” Understood, this is your Buddha Sect letter/believes my Buddha all for the buddhist.” “懂了,这就是你们佛门的信我佛者皆为佛徒是吧。” Xu Que grinning, did not pay attention while Fahui, rushes to the corner to use System to trade a modeling. 徐缺咧了咧嘴,趁着法慧不注意,跑到角落里用系统换了个造型。 When he appears again, impressively is a woeful Buddha Sect disciple appearance, a face fair and clear, was seemingly delicate. 当他再度出现的时候,赫然是一副悲天悯人的佛门弟子模样,一张脸白白净净,看起来柔弱极了。 Little Bulb, how do you look at my modeling?” 小灯泡,你看我这身造型怎么样?” Xu Que arrives in front of Fahui complacently, turns circle. 徐缺洋洋得意地走到法慧面前,转了个圈。 Fahui visits him dumbfoundedly, gawked the long time, this distinguished the Xu Que's status from the aura: slow, Fellow Daoist Xu? This is your true body...... is not right, previous is your true image.” 法慧目瞪口呆地看着他,愣了半晌,这才从气息分辨出了徐缺的身份:“徐,徐道友?这才是你的真身吗……不对,先前的才是你真正的形象。” Does in Rome as Rome does, participates in Bodhisattva Trial naturally to have wipes shiny bald.” Xu Que chanted the Buddha's name, said pretentiously formally, from now on, please call my Master Tang Sanzang.” “入乡随俗,参加佛子试炼当然得拥有一抹锃亮的光头。”徐缺装模作样地念了句佛号,正儿八经地说道,“从现在起,请叫我唐三藏法师。” „......” “……” Fahui told Xu Que, Bodhisattva Trial does not have the host, only needed to wait in this place, when arrived to the time, will then start Trial. 法慧告诉徐缺,佛子试炼没有主持人,只需要在此地等候,待到时间一到,便会开始试炼 Concrete Trial rule, in Trial starts, the notification gives the participant. 具体的试炼规则,将会在试炼开始之时,通报给参加者。 At this time Trial has not started, big fellow gathers together chatted. 此时试炼尚未开始,大家伙都聚在一起聊天。 After all is Bodhisattva Trial, what no matter grows into, big fellow one friendly appearance, or exchange Buddhist studies idea, either on the discussion Trial content. 毕竟是佛子试炼,不管长成啥样,大家伙都一副和和气气的模样,要么交流佛学理念,要么就探讨试炼内容。 Fahui seems to be well known, walks, some people recognize him, for a moment discuss spiritedly. 法慧似乎名气不小,一路走来,都有人认出他,一时间议论纷纷 Amitabha, never expected that Master Fahui also came.” 阿弥陀佛,没想到法慧师傅也来了。” „A Bodhisattva Trial ten thousand years of beginning opens, I and other buddhists naturally cannot miss so the grand occasion.” 佛子试炼万年始开,我等佛徒自然不会错过如此盛事。” Has Master Fahui, we feared the opportunity to be uncertain, by the research of Buddhist studies, who compared to result in Master Fahui?” “不过有法慧师傅在,我们恐怕机会渺茫了,以佛学之研究,有谁比得过法慧师傅?” As for his Xu Que, was disregarded directly. 至于他身旁的徐缺,直接被无视掉了。 Some actually people pay attention to arrived Xu Que, on comes to ask in a low voice: This master, you are also participate in Bodhisattva Trial?” 倒是有人注意到了徐缺,上前来低声问道:“这位师傅,你也是来参加佛子试炼的嘛?” Xu Que white his eyes: Amitabha, you said is not the idle talk, who coming to here not to participate in Bodhisattva Trial?” 徐缺白了他一眼:“阿弥陀佛,你说的不是废话吗,来这里谁不是参加佛子试炼的?” Eh...... is also.” Buddhist gawked, pursues asks, does not know why the monk friend does want to participate in Bodhisattva Trial? this poor monk observes you as if to study not deeply above the Buddhist doctrine......” “额……也是。”佛徒愣了愣,追问道,“不知僧友为何要来参加佛子试炼贫僧观你似乎在佛法之上研究不深……” Those present did not discuss the height by cultivation base, but saw high by the Buddhist doctrine under. 在场的人不以修为论高低,而以佛法见高下。 To search my details? 想探我底细? Xu Que benign countenance said with a smile: this poor monk turned the 7 x 7 = 49 place monster to be evil in our country dry/does, participates in Bodhisattva Trial, then to have a look in Western Paradise whether had what monster to cause trouble evilly.” 徐缺慈眉善目地笑道:“贫僧在我国干翻了七七四十九处妖邪,参加佛子试炼,便是为了看看在西天是否有什么妖邪作祟。” „......” “……” This Buddhist priest was said dumbfounded by the language style of Xu Que simple and crude, after silent moment, drew back quietly. 这名僧人被徐缺简单粗暴的语言风格说得一愣一愣的,沉默片刻后,悄然退了回去。 Clang--! —— In the meantime, the deafening ding resounds together. 就在此时,一道震耳欲聋的钟声响起。 The people stopped the discussion immediately, simultaneously looked to the Ancient Buddha golden body in main hall. 众人登时停止了讨论,齐齐看向大殿中的古佛金身。 Buzz-- —— A trembling whining noise transmits from the golden body, its back gradually surges the bright golden light, covered the trim square. 一阵颤鸣声从金身上传来,其背后逐渐涌起灿烂的金光,覆盖了整片广场。 Xu Que only feels a head dusk, when he sobers again, the present scene has changed greatly. 徐缺只感觉脑袋一昏,当他再次清醒过来的时候,眼前的场景已然大变样。 Sees only a palatial mountain to stand erect in the front, takes the form of a palm, in mountain most, is pressing a Lei lian monkey. 只见一座巍峨的高山矗立在前方,形似一掌,在山的最下方,压着一只雷公脸的猴子。 Xu Que was startled at that time: I special is this in crossed over arrived Journey to the West?” 徐缺当时就惊了:“我特么这是穿越到了西游记里?” While he prepares to summon System time, by the ear resounded in one suddenly gentle and mild and sound: „, By disciple that Buddha Sect selects, with Buddha Sect the heart of mercy, subdues your four disciple, passing 9 x 9 = 81 was difficult, went to Western Paradise to obtain properly, became Bodhisattva only then.” 正当他准备召唤系统的时候,耳旁忽然响起了一道中正平和的声音:“出发吧,被佛门选中的弟子,以佛门的慈悲之心,收服你的四位弟子,度过九九八十一难,前往西天取得正经,方可成为佛子。” Xu Que cannot help but starts to suspect, in the past wrote Journey to the West that person, should not go back from here crossed over? 徐缺不由得开始怀疑,当年写西游记那人,该不会也是从这里穿越回去的吧? Along going up step by step, Xu Que comes in front of the arrived monkey, pasted the pressure of its top of the head without delay directly tearing up. 沿着拾级而上,徐缺到了猴子面前,二话不说直接把它头顶的压贴给撕掉了。 Afterward, cracks into a smile to the monkey, benign countenance opens the mouth saying: Hello, I called Tang Sanzang, went Western Paradise seeking the Scriptures with me.” 随后,冲着猴子咧嘴一笑,慈眉善目地开口道:“你好,我叫唐三藏,跟我去西天取经吧。” Eh...... is not, Old Sun I was suppressed by the Buddha in the past, actually thought that he very said reasonable, Western Paradise seeking the Scriptures even.” “额……不是,老孙我当年被佛祖镇压,其实觉得他说得挺有道理的,西天取经就算了吧。” Amitabha, you thought I am right to him?” 阿弥陀佛,那你觉得我对还是他对?” That naturally is the Buddha...... definitely is you are right! The master is not hurried, disciple this comes out to go Western Paradise seeking the Scriptures with you.” “那自然是佛祖……肯定是你对啊!师傅莫慌,徒儿这就出来与你前去西天取经。” Xu Que puts down the monk's staff that oneself just took out, nods satisfied: Very good, worthily for clever disciple of master.” 徐缺放下自己刚刚取出的禅杖,满意地点了点头:“很好,不愧是为师的乖徒儿。” ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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