USS :: Volume #18

#1747: Can this also spend?

Bang! 砰! The fist potential after bang broken quarrying a mountain blade does not reduce, falls on the guy, flew its bang. 轰碎开山刀后的拳势不减,落在大汉身上,将其轰得飞了出去。 Kakarot startled. 卡卡罗特惊了。 Before Golden Light Mirror, old monks who wait for Xu Que to show the Buddhist doctrine, startled. 金光镜前,正在等徐缺展现佛法的老僧们,也惊了。 This special...... what ghost? 这特么……什么鬼啊? Senses the opposite party with the Buddhist doctrine! You special this is the direct violence persuades! 用佛法感悟对方啊!你特么这是直接暴力劝服啊! Your practice many years of Buddhist doctrine? 修炼多年的佛法呢? You is a Buddhist you make clear! 你是个出家人你搞清楚啊! „It is not right, is not right, this should not!” Has the old monk to respond, the anxious sound opens the mouth saying that he not by restrictive seal cultivation base? How possibly a fist bang broken quarrying a mountain blade?” “不对,不对,这不应该!”有老僧反应过来,急声开口道,“他不是被封禁修为吗?怎么可能一拳轰碎开山刀?” practice Buddhist doctrine, mortal body emaciated mostly emaciated, even if there is specially a buddhist of practice diamond arhat law, an powerful physical body still originates from cultivation base. 修炼佛法者,肉身孱弱大多孱弱,就算有专门修炼金刚罗汉法的佛徒,一身强悍的肉体也来源于修为 Therefore restrictive seal cultivation base, was equal to that makes them turn into the mortal. 所以封禁修为,就等于让他们变成凡人。 Does a mortal possibly destroy the quarrying a mountain blade with the fist? 一个凡人怎么可能用拳头打碎开山刀? Was Trial has problems?” Has the old monk to run hurriedly toward the rear area, I inspect!” “难道是试炼出问题了?”有老僧匆忙朝着后方跑去,“我去检查一下!” The regulator as Trial, they have to inspect Trial, as well as has the problem to terminate the Trial right, this is the custom that Ancient Buddha set initially. 身为试炼的监管者,他们有检查试炼,以及出现问题终止试炼的权利,这是当初古佛定下的规矩。 Right, mostly is the Bodhisattva Trial inheritance many years, the strength has been weaken.” “没错,多半是佛子试炼传承多年,力量有所减弱。” Must be so, will therefore make him retain some cultivation base.” “应当是如此,所以才会让他保留些许的修为。” It seems like our deep sleep was too long, therefore cannot overhaul promptly, later must pay attention.” “看来还是我们沉睡太久了,所以没能及时检修,以后要注意了。” The old monks are discussing in a low voice, is reconsidering itself. 老僧们低声议论着,反思着自己。 After a while, the old monk who that overhauls returns among the people. 过了一会儿,那名去检修的老僧回到众人当中。 What kind of? restrictive seal did Array have the problem?” “怎么样?是不是封禁阵法出现了问题?” Has to fix?” “有修好吗?” Several old monks open the mouth to ask hastily. 几名老僧连忙开口问道。 Sees only that old monk who goes to inspect, the complexion opens the mouth to say strangely: Old buddhist monk complete overhaul...... all were perfect, does not have any gaps and omissions.” 只见那名前去检查的老僧,脸色怪异地开口道:“老衲全部检查了一遍……一切都完好无损,没有任何的缺漏。” „......” “……” People immediately was silent. 众人顿时沉默了。 Long time, has the old monk to open the mouth to say spookily: Therefore, this trialist...... he is practice mortal body Buddhist cultivator? Also or is he understanding of the Buddhist doctrine , so?” 半晌,有老僧幽幽地开口道:“所以,这位试炼者……他本身就是修炼肉身修佛者?亦或者说,他对佛法的理解,,就是如此?” The understanding of Buddhist cultivator about Buddhist doctrine, will manifest to own cultivation base on. 修佛者关于佛法的理解,会体现到自身修为上。 For example Salvation to All Living Things that former Xu Que obtained, was in Buddha Sect most famous mouth artillery Immortal Technique. 比如之前徐缺获得的普度众生,便是佛门中最为著名的嘴炮仙术 Fights to depend entirely on opens mouth, convinced you with my truth. 打架全靠一张嘴,用我的道理说服你。 In Buddha Sect, most Magic principles with this similar, just formally has certain difference in the performance. 佛门里,大部分法术原理都和这差不多,只不过在表现形式上存在一定的差别。 But Xu Que's appears, completely broke their inherent impression. 徐缺的出现,彻底打破了他们的固有印象。 In Memory Realm, Xu Que walks to go forward with a face all smiles, arrives at side the robust man, smilingly asked: This benefactor, did you feel in the heart to the respect of Buddhist doctrine to deepen one?” 记忆之境中,徐缺笑容满面地走上前,来到壮汉身边,笑眯眯地问道:“这位施主,请问你有没有感受到心中对佛法的敬仰更加深了一步呢?” The robust men the dizziness vertigo, hearing this shot at this time directly, cursed angrily: Deepens your mother......” 壮汉此时头晕眼花,闻言直接弹了起来,怒骂道:“加深尼玛……” Xu Que has not waited for him saying that lifts the fist directly is a fist. 徐缺没等他说完,直接抬起拳头就是一拳。 Bang! 砰! The robust men were pounded to fall to the ground again, the big tree trembled continually two. 壮汉再度被砸倒在地,连身后的大树都颤了两下。 benefactor, feels the Buddhist doctrine to be summoning you?” 施主,有没有感受到佛法在召唤你?” No!” “没有!” Bang! 砰! benefactor, are you willing to believe in Buddhism now?” 施主,你现在愿意信佛吗?” Believes your old mother!” “信你老母!” Bang! 砰! benefactor......” 施主……” Kakarot looks in the one side is pale, on the forehead the pea-sized beads of sweat roll down. 卡卡罗特在一旁看得脸色发白,额头上豆大的汗珠滚滚而下。 Mother...... isn't Master the Buddhist doctrine cardinal virtue? 妈耶……自家师父不是佛法大德吗? So is why violent? 为什么这么暴力? Now does Buddhist cultivator take this type of path? 现在修佛者都走这种路子了吗? Experienced Xu Que not to know after many hammers, the robust man crawled again, the whole face angry look, the tooth fastened to nip. 经历了徐缺不知道多少次的锤击以后,壮汉再度爬起,满脸怒色,牙关紧咬。 Xu Que as before is that smiling appearance: „Does benefactor, feel the summon of Buddha Sect now?” 徐缺依旧是那副笑眯眯的模样:“施主,现在感受到佛门的召唤了吗?” Nearby Kakarot looks vigilantly, in the hand has fished out the stick. 一旁的卡卡罗特面露警惕,手中已然摸出了棍子。 As Xu Que's eldest disciple, he has the duty to assure the safety of opposite party. 身为徐缺的大弟子,他有义务保证对方的安全。 The robust men deeply inspire, plop kneels down, holds their palms together, has lifted up high the top of the head, the trembling sound said: Many thanks Great Master rescues, the impel of my suddenly sensed Buddha, requesting earnestly Great Master I to achieve Buddhahood.” 壮汉深吸了一口气,“扑通”一声跪倒在地,双手合十,高举过头顶,颤声道:“多谢大师打救,我忽然感受到了佛祖的感召,恳请大师度我成佛。” Kakarot: „......” 卡卡罗特:“……” Numerous old monk: „......” 众老僧:“……” This special also good? 这特么也行? Convinces people by reasoning with the fist?! 用拳头以理服人?! Xu Que nods, satisfaction said: Such being the case, that this poor monk then you achieve Buddhahood!” 徐缺点了点头,满意道:“既然如此,那贫僧便度你成佛!” Then, figure squats, the fist grips tightly, fiercely a fist bang on guy. 说罢,身形微蹲,拳头紧握,猛地一拳轰在大汉身上。 The guy throat does not have throat one , just like did not have the sound directly softly. 大汉吭都没吭一声,直接软绵绵地倒了下去,俨然是没了声息。 The Kakarot entire only monkey direct stupidly fell. 卡卡罗特整只猴直接傻掉了。 Buddha Sect did disciple take a life? 佛门弟子杀生了? This special also called Buddha Sect disciple?! 这特么还叫佛门弟子吗?! Master...... he wants you to spend him to achieve Buddhahood, did not want you to kill his Ah…… Kakarot to say in a low voice. 师父……他是要你度他成佛,不是要你杀了他啊……卡卡罗特低声道。 Xu Que puts out the shovel from System, said righteously: Right, do I deliver him to go to the western heaven to see the Buddha is not good? Rubbish, helped me dig a pit quickly buries.” 徐缺系统里拿出铲子,理直气壮道:“对啊,我送他上西天见佛祖还不好吗?别废话了,快来帮我挖坑把人埋了。” This is not quite good...... good all various professions I to help you dig, Master you first put down the monk's staff.” “这样不太好吧……行行行我来帮你挖,师父你先把禅杖放下。” This for good disciple of master.” “这才是为师的好徒儿。” one person and one monkey, starts to dig in the mountain forest buries deep the corpse, this scene simply strange arrived extreme. 一人一猴,开始在山林之中挖坑埋尸,这场面简直诡异到了极点。 Digs half, Kakarot cannot bear finally, opens the mouth to ask: Master, others is a tribulation wealth, crime not until death.” 挖到一半,卡卡罗特终于还是忍不住,开口问道:“师父,人家不过是劫个财而已,罪不至死啊。” Xu Que puts down the hoe, thinks, asked: You thought that I do do wrong?” 徐缺放下锄头,想了想,问道:“你觉得我做得不对吗?” We are the Buddhists, shouldn't leniency?” Kakarot said cautiously. “咱们是出家人,不是应该慈悲为怀吗?”卡卡罗特小心翼翼地说道。 Xu Que nods , to continue to excavate earth: You said well, such being the case, after me, said that these people are you kill.” 徐缺点了点头,继续挖土:“你说得不错,既然如此,那我以后就说这些人都是你杀的。” Kakarot: „......” 卡卡罗特:“……” You for the first bodyguard of master, later go out external, will mention you to think that in the past that Kakarot grasped two watermelon blades, slashing all the way from Southern Heavenly Gate to Soaring Firmament Treasure Hall, the ghost were under innumerable, was very imposing?” “你好歹是为师的第一保镖,以后出门外在,一说起你就会想到当年那卡卡罗特手持两把西瓜刀,一路从南天门砍到凌霄宝殿,手下冤魂无数,是不是很威风?” Master......, or you put me to return to Five Elements Mountain to continue to be pressed.” 师父……要不你还是放我回五行山继续被压着吧。” Hurries to dig!” “赶紧挖!” "Ah! do not take the monk's staff! ” “啊!你别把禅杖拿出来!” Before Golden Light Mirror, several old monk look at each other in dismay. 金光镜前,几名老僧面面相觑 „Did his...... calculate contrary?” An old monk hesitant say/way. “他这样……算违规了吗?”一名老僧犹豫道。 Although said those who kill is the person in Memory Realm, is not an honorable person, in the future when Bodhisattva Trial will open again, this person also meets the rebirth, but committed the crime of taking a life eventually. 虽然说杀的是记忆之境里的人,并不算真人,日后佛子试炼再度开启时,此人也会重生,但终究是犯了杀生之罪。 The people looked mutually, that tall and thin old monk sinking sound said: Such being the case, we then terminate his Trial in advance, brings to come out him, inquired again.” 众人互相看了看,那名高瘦老僧沉声道:“既然如此,那我们便先行终止他的试炼,将他带出来,再行询问。” Agreement.” “同意。” Agreement.” “同意。” In the meantime, that fat old monk who is responsible for inspecting, suddenly the complexion changes, pulls out scripture from the bosom. 就在此时,负责检查的那名胖老僧,忽然脸色一变,从怀里掏出一本经书 In the scripture title page writes several large characters: Arhat book. 经书的封面上写着几个大字:罗汉册。 He turns to fast one page, discovers named Zhao Tiezhu the name, gradually is revealing in the paper page. 他飞快地翻到其中一页,发现一个叫“赵铁柱”的名字,正逐渐显露在纸页上。 This, was this moment ago the name of that black strong guy?” “这,这是刚才那黑壮大汉的名字?” Why in this arhat book? It is not only then by person of my Buddha, can on the arhat book?” “为何会在这罗汉册上?不是只有被我佛度化的人,才能上罗汉册吗?” The fat old monk holds up the arhat book unbelievable, muttered: By that monk friend said that...... he really turned into Buddha this person......” 胖老僧难以置信地举起罗汉册,喃喃道:“以那位僧友所说……他真的将此人度化成佛了……”
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