UAA :: Volume #10

#923: Broken bans

Martial Artist cannot bear ask: Yuan Sir Kai, can your this beetle draw a conclusion?” 一名武者忍不住问道:“元恺大人,你这一只甲壳虫就能下结论?” The dust opened the great wild goose to shoot a look at that person of one, said: „The Yuan Kai brother's technique of unparalleled in the world controlling insect, that three beetles sufficiently take your life, does not believe to try.” 尘开鸿瞥了那人一眼,道:“元恺兄的驭虫之术天下无双,那三只甲壳虫就足以取你性命,不信可以试试。” On that face the color of obvious not believing, but does not dare to speak the rebuttal, being tactful has fallen back on one side. 那人脸上明显的不信之色,但也不敢出言反驳,识趣的退到了一边。 A person said: It seems like this ban specifically aims at the life establishment, can filter the past including the attack, it seems like wants to pass somewhat troubles.” 一人说道:“看来这禁制是专门针对生灵设置的,连攻击都可以过滤过去,看来想通过有些麻烦了。” The people have turned the head to look at the person of that speech, while has gawked vastly, said: Li Yunxiao? You when with?” 众人都转过头去看着那说话之人,乘浩渺愣了一下,道:“李云霄?你什么时候跟来的?” Li Yunxiao said with a smile: Hehe, my such unimportant person has the feeling to be low, does not have the means.” 李云霄笑道:“呵呵,我这样的小人物就是存在感低,没办法啊。” While ridiculed vastly: Feared that was attacks time Young Master Yun of monster ape already in? Do not regard unimportant person oneself, any matter does not strive.” 乘浩渺讥讽道:“怕是攻击妖猿的时候云少就已经在了吧?千万不要把自己当成小人物,就什么事都不出力。” Li Yunxiao snort/hum said: I who vast brother saying said do not like listening, if I do not find out the strength, I do stand to say now?” 李云霄哼道:“浩渺兄这话说的我可不爱听,若是我不想出力的话,那我现在站出来说个屁啊?” In Luo Yuankai heart moves, said: „Does Young Master Yun this word have means to pass?” 罗元恺心中一动,道:“云少此言是有办法通过?” Everybody remembered him at this time is 8th Rank Refining Master, immediately great happiness. 大家这时候才想起他是一名八阶术炼师,顿时大喜。 Li Yunxiao looked around several, walks up, puts out a hand to stroke gently, the light of that ban shines suddenly, opens his hand ball. 李云霄四下张望了几下,走上前去,伸出手轻轻抚摸过去,那禁制之光骤然亮起,将他的手一下弹开。 His right hand holds before the body, ponders, afterward makes several magic arts to pass definitely, a ball at the ban, appears a small strange symbol, afterward one diverges. 他右手托在身前,沉思起来,随后打出几道法决过去,一下弹在禁制上,浮现出一个小的古怪阵符,随后一下散去。 Later he one after another makes dozens spirit knacks, every will arouse this to ban ray that presents strange array comes, seemed describing a great picture scroll. 之后他又接连打出数十道灵诀,每一下都会激起这禁制上的光芒,呈现出古怪的阵法来,似乎在描绘一张宏大的画卷。 After the moment, Li Yunxiao stopped finally, said: Was similar, who has unnecessary 9th Rank Profound Artifact, taking advantage of break array.” 片刻后,李云霄终于停了下来,道:“差不多了,谁有多余的九阶玄器,借来破阵。” The people look at each other in blank dismay, 9th Rank Profound Artifact is their lifeblood, some people did not even have, how dare to borrow the person at will. 众人面面相觑,九阶玄器都是他们的命根子,有些人甚至都还没有,岂敢随意借人。 While vast say/way: Must discuss 9th Rank Profound Artifact, all of us add not necessarily to have your Li Yunxiao to be many, asked that we borrow.” 乘浩渺道:“要论九阶玄器之多,我们所有人加起来都未必有你李云霄多,怎问我们借。” Li Yunxiao said: I, although are many, actually not unnecessary.” 李云霄道:“我虽多,却没有多余的。” The dust opened the great wild goose as if to see a point anything positive result, said: „Is Young Master Yun this must by break array?” 尘开鸿似乎看出了一点什么名堂,道:“云少这可是要以阵破阵?” The Li Yunxiao nod said: Good, this ban can understand truly difficult, did not have too much time studies, can only by break array, I the arrange on the light of this ban get down one small micro inversion, needed Profound Artifact as the eye, was very likely to destroy in break array.” 李云霄点头道:“不错,这禁制实难看得懂,也没有太多的时间研究了,只能以阵破阵,我已经在这禁制之光上布下了一个小微颠倒阵,需要一件玄器作为阵眼,极有可能在破阵的时候毁去。” Destroys?” “毁去?” These is everybody a poor thing but mine own, will be impossible to take, will ruin 9th Rank Profound Artifact, this price no one will be able to withstand. 这一下更是人人敝帚自珍,不可能会拿出来的,毁掉一件九阶玄器,这个代价谁也承受不起。 The dust opens the great wild goose to knit the brows: Anybody's 9th Rank Profound Artifact is the life cultivates, where will have unnecessarily, 8th Rank isn't good? Here actually 8th Rank treasured sword, was past years, now also only the remaining meanings of fondly remembering. If useful I can contribute.” 尘开鸿皱眉道:“任何人的九阶玄器都是性命相修,哪里会有多余的,八阶的不行吗?我这里倒是有一件八阶的宝刀,乃是当年之用,现在也只剩下怀念之意了。若是用得上的话我可以贡献出来。” Li Yunxiao knits the brows: If there is 9th Rank Profound Artifact is an eye, some of I enormous assurances break this ban actually, if only 8th Rank, I did not have this assurance.” 李云霄皱眉道:“若有九阶玄器为阵眼,我倒是有极大的把握破掉这禁制,如果只是八阶的话,我就没有这把握了。” The dust opens Hong saying: Tries, who will take to destroy own 9th Rank Profound Artifact.” 尘开鸿道:“试试吧,谁会将自己的九阶玄器拿出来毁去呢。” In his hand the ray dodges, appears a gold/metal blade, in the eye reveals take pity on, double has handed over. 他手中光芒一闪,浮现出一把金刀,眼中露出一丝怜惜,双手递了上去。 Li Yunxiao received the blade, looked that under then smiles bitterly saying: Scala media? Even if with 8th Rank, at least makes 8th Rank top Profound Artifact?” 李云霄接过刀来,一看之下便苦笑道:“还是中阶的?就算拿八阶,也至少弄个八阶顶级玄器吧?” Snort, dexterous that said that 8th Rank top Profound Artifact links me not to have.” “哼,说的轻巧,八阶顶级玄器连我都没。” Martial Artist complained immediately that Bao Han does not know the hungry man (Han) hunger the appearance, said: I am Emperor San Xingwu, only has 8th Rank intermediate Profound Artifact.” 一名武者立即抱怨起来,一副饱汉不知饿汉饥的模样,道:“我身为三星武帝,都只有一件八阶中级玄器。” Li Yunxiao has pondered, puts in that gold/metal blade airborne, the flame combustion in the past, got up that knife calcine together. 李云霄沉思了一下,将那金刀置于空中,一道火焰燃烧过去,将那刀身煅烧起来。 Afterward in his hand appears one pile of materials, has chosen several types, has thrown directly, starts to use techniques to refine the law Secret Art. 随后他手中浮现出一堆的材料,挑选了几种,直接扔了过去,开始施展出一道道的术炼法诀。 Formerly everybody does not understand that he must make anything, these responded, is on the face appears color with amazement. 先前大家都不明白他要做什么,这一下都反应了过来,全都是脸上浮现骇然之色。 Li Yunxiao must refine this handle gold/metal blade rank unexpectedly at the scene 李云霄竟然是要当场提炼这柄金刀的等级 The dust opens great wild goose to have a scare, all difficulties believe. 尘开鸿自己都是吓了一跳,万难相信。 Initially to promote this handle gold/metal blade rank , he but has not been short of the collection material, has not been short to look for these arrogant Refining Master, under thousand sought ten thousand to ask, others lagged behind the facial skin to comply, after to paying reluctantly the technique of sky-high price refine the fee, but also directly refines the failure, being left intact has drawn back the blade, the material and technique refine the fee to throw away carelessly completely. 当初为了提升这柄金刀的等级,他可是没少收集材料,没少去找那些高傲的术炼师,千求万求之下,人家才拉下脸皮勉强答应,支付了天价的术炼费后,还直接提炼失败,原封不动的将刀退了回来,材料和术炼费全部打了水漂。 After that he thoroughly lost heart, has not moved has promoted the gold/metal blade rank the thought that until after he strides in Fourth Star Martial Emperor, became the red semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate absolute mainstay, this can the high level bestow next handle 9th Rank gold/metal blade. 至那以后,他就彻底死了心,从来没动过提升金刀等级的念头,直到他跨入四星武帝后,成为了红月城绝对的中流砥柱,这才得以⊥高层赐下一柄九阶金刀。 In other words, he before Fourth Star Martial Emperor, is the handle 8th Rank intermediate gold/metal blade that uses. 也就是说,他在四星武帝之前,一直都是用的这柄八阶中级的金刀。 Now Li Yunxiao empty-handed at the scene promotes rank unexpectedly, how making him be able not to be shocked. 现在李云霄竟然空手当场提升等级,让他怎么能够不惊呆。 Not is only he, which Martial Artist on the scene does not look that the Refining Master complexion walks, knows difficulty, knows that refines the Profound Artifact rank is far from an easy matter, but also the failure rate is extremely high. 不仅是他,在场的哪个武者不都是一路看着术炼师脸色走过来的,知道其中难处,也知道提炼玄器等级绝非易事,而且失败率极高。 While could not calm down vastly, said: „ This moment came the refiner, Young Master Yun this also rather to crack a joke 乘浩渺沉不住气了,道:“这种关头来炼器,云少这也未免太开玩笑了吧 A disciple in northern deep Xuangong is also cold -ly snorted and said: This person had one's wish, sooner or later will cause the trouble 一名北冥玄宫的弟子也是冷哼道:“此人随心所欲惯了,迟早会酿出大祸来” In not the luminous eye also reveals the color of shock, but actually yes hey has smiled several, said: It seems like he cultivate to very confident to his Refining Dao 不光亮眼中也露出震惊之色,不过却是嘿嘿的笑了几下,道:“看来他对自己的术道修为十分有信心啊” After the dust opens the great wild goose looked at one, in heart imposing, said: Peaceful, making him try also well, after all is relating the matter of everybody advance, even if were defeated were unimportant.” 尘开鸿看了一阵后,心中凛然,道:“诸位都安静吧,让他试试也好,毕竟是关系着大家前进之事,即便失败了也不要紧。” The disciple in that northern deep Xuangong complained: Snort, is not does not make him try, but so loses everybody's valuable time.” 那名北冥玄宫的弟子抱怨道:“哼,不是不让他试,而是这般耽误大家的宝贵时间。” Although people in heart discontented, but since Li Yunxiao started, no longer spoke, in order to avoid affected the important matter that broken banned. 众人虽然心中不满,但既然李云霄已经开始了,也就不再吭声,以免影响到破禁的大事。 Li Yunxiao did not say a word from beginning to end, but promoted gold/metal blade to the 8th Rank high-level words, by his strength at this moment was not a difficult matter, infiltrated along with his law Secret Art unceasingly, the aura on that gold/metal blade started to stiffen unceasingly. 李云霄至始至终一言不发,只是将金刀提升到八阶高级的话,以他此刻的实力而言并非难事,随着他的法诀不断打入,那金刀上的气息开始不断变强起来。 On the scene was the Nine Heavens powerhouse, the nature keen detection gold/metal blade the change, shocked exceptionally 在场的都是九天强者,自然敏锐的察觉到了金刀的变化,一个个震骇异常 gold/metal blade unceasingly precise, the aura has promoted absolutely the 8th Rank high-level degree, afterward is accumulated starts to shake, the speed is getting more and more fast, on gold/metal blade blade glow twinkle, before already, had the entirely different change, seems changed beyond recognition 那金刀在不断地凝炼中,气息已经提升到了绝对八阶高级的程度,随后便是器蕴开始震荡出来,速度越来越快,金刀上刀芒闪烁,已经和之前发生了截然不同的变化,似乎焕然一新 The dust opened the great wild goose to attract an cold air/Qi suddenly, said panic-strickenly: This...... Was this promoted?” 尘开鸿猛然吸了口冷气,惊骇道:“这……这就晋级了?” The Li Yunxiao clothes have soaked, both eyes stare at that knife to wink, but also is infiltrating unceasingly the law Secret Art, the respite said: Is the high rank degree, I try whether to raise the Body Tempering 8th Rank peak directly, in any case was the disposable consumables 李云霄的衣裳已经湿透,双目盯着那刀身一眨不眨,还在不断地将法诀打入进去,喘息道:“已经是高阶程度了,我试试能否直接提炼到八阶巅峰,反正是一次性消耗品了” The speed in his hand is getting more and more fast, quick body are then innumerable, leaves behind afterimage. 他手中的速度越来越快,很快便身化无数,留下一道道的残影 gold/metal blade after accumulated changes, the blade glow aura starts to promote. 金刀在器蕴变化后,刀芒气息又开始提升。 All person thorough delay, the refiner they also had to look, probably was very dignified ceremony, the massive assistants assisted in side, and turned on a plate or cauldron, was similar to the pilgrimage is ordinary . Moreover the failure rate was extremely high. 所有人都彻底的呆滞了,炼器他们也不是没看过,都好像是十分庄严的仪式,还有大量的助手在旁边协助,并且开启阵盘或者鼎器,就如同朝圣一般,而且失败率都是极高。 They asked Refining Master helped time each time, in one side pray, but most times were the brokenhearted results. 每次他们求术炼师帮忙的时候,都是在一旁祈祷,但多数时候还是心碎的结果。 This Li Yunxiao refiner probably with eating meal optional, they taunted in the one side, but the result clearly was probably opposite...... 这次李云霄炼器好像跟吃饭似的随意,他们都在一旁冷嘲热讽,但结果好像截然相反…… Was similar “差不多了” Li Yunxiao opens the mouth to say suddenly, in the eye the look ten segregate heavily, that gold/metal blade condition at this moment is not quite steady, although promoted the 8th Rank peak forcefully, but this was he stimulated the potential of this blade thoroughly, momentarily possibly collapsed. 李云霄突然开口说道,眼中神色十分凝重,那金刀此刻的状态极为不稳,虽然强行提升到了八阶巅峰,但这是他彻底激发了此刀的潜能,随时都可能崩坏掉。 Goes “去” He drinks one lightly, the law Secret Art makes together, that gold/metal blade flew instantaneously, bumps into the light of that ban, went through unimpededly, but above also has small micro inversion that Li Yunxiao superimposes, immediately was hindered, hangs in airborne. 他轻喝一声,一道法诀打出,那金刀瞬间飞了过去,一碰到那禁制之光,原本已经穿行无阻,但上面还有李云霄叠加上去的小微颠倒阵,立即受到阻碍,悬在空中。 Li Yunxiao both hands have together the mark afterward, pushed out fiercely, immediately rumbles on that gold/metal blade. 李云霄随后双手结出一道印记,猛地推了出去,立即轰在那金刀上。 Extremely is together gorgeous the dazzling ray to bloom from the gold/metal blade, afterward he formerly symbols under arrange completely stimulated, sends out the infinite energy, is centered on the gold/metal blade revolves, is getting bigger and bigger. 一道极其绚丽刺目的光芒从金刀中绽放出来,随后他先前布下的一个个阵符全部激发起来,散发出无穷能量,以金刀为中心旋转,越来越大。 The entire backdrop all of a sudden becomes bright, the terrifying aura that on the gold/metal blade lends disperses toward four sides, is similar to the flame is swallowing the light of that ban generally. 整个天幕一下子变得明亮起来,金刀上散发出的恐怖气息朝着四面散开,如同火焰一般吞噬着那禁制之光。 The people in the future retreat of cannot help but, for fear that was affected, but the strength of that gold/metal blade actually throughout spreads at the ban, has not flushed. 众人不由自主的往后退去,生怕被波及,但那金刀之力却始终在禁制上蔓延,并没有冲出来。 After the moment, that gold/metal blade Bang breaks at the scene, changes to the scrap iron to fall. 片刻后,那金刀“砰”的一声当场断裂,化作废铁掉落下来。 Li Yunxiao said suddenly: „The light of quick past this ban was too strong, inexhaustible, does not know where was the source, I burn a large cave now, after a period of time feared was meets to restore 李云霄猛然道:“快过去这禁制之光太强,无穷无尽,不知哪里是源头,我现在只是烧出了一个大洞,再过段时间怕是会自己恢复了” When he directly changed to a ray to break through the light of that ban first, fell on the place above. 他当先就直接化作一道光芒冲过了那禁制之光,落在上方。 Other people are also in abundance great happiness, immediately flushed, really a moment later, that ban restores at the naked eye obvious speed such as beginning. 其余之人也是纷纷大喜,立即冲了过来,果然片刻之后,那禁制以肉眼可见的速度恢复如初。 This, all people look that the Li Yunxiao look changed, is an appearance of respect. 这一下,所有人看着李云霄的神色都变了,全是一副尊敬的样子。 The dust opens the great wild goose , said first: „The name of Young Master Yun 8th Rank Refining Master is really worthy of the reputation, even above ordinary 8th Rank Refining Master, the future achievement will be still unquantifiable 尘开鸿当先道:“云少八阶术炼师之名果然名副其实,甚至还在普通八阶术炼师之上,将来的成就难以估量” Li Yunxiao shows a faint smile, said: Was laughed, hurries, comes Immortal Realm rarely, the words time not with a sense of urgency must arrive.” 李云霄微微一笑,道:“见笑了,赶紧走吧,难得来一趟仙境,再不抓紧的话时间就要到了。” Li Yunxiao status at this moment such rose to open great wild goose and the others with the dust swiftly the same altitude, people in abundance polite echoed, continued to rush toward the summit under several people of leadership. 李云霄此刻的地位倏然就这么上升到了和尘开鸿等人一样的高度,众人纷纷客客气气的附和起来,在几人的带领下继续朝着山顶奔去。 Does not have the stop all the way again, moreover even/including Yaoshou the aura did not exist. 一路上再无阻拦,而且连妖兽的气息也不复存在了。 Quick, then swung to see above the summit, the main hall that towered grandly, sent out ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) ray, above the photo sky sea of clouds dazzling. 很快,便摇摇看见了山顶之上,一座宏伟耸立的大殿,散发出万丈光芒,照的天空云海之上一片耀眼。 Luo Yuankai startled say/way: Extremely positive strength 罗元恺惊道:“极阳之力” This summit, unexpectedly is the peak of sacrificial altar, above is hanging the extremely positive strength, the shining four directions 这山顶,竟然就是祭台的顶端,上面高悬着极阳之力,照耀四方
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