UAA :: Volume #10

#922: Enters the mountain

This hinayana is vast their complexions to be finally ugly, although they do not believe that the dust opens the great wild goose to meet a matter under this sound wave attack not to have, but at least shoulders them is longer, this is the affirmation. 这下乘浩渺两人的脸色终于难看起来,虽然他们不相信尘开鸿在这种音波攻击下会一点事都没,但至少比他们扛的要久,这是肯定的。 Said while the vast forced smile: „ Also looks at Sir Hong to get rid to expel this ape, both of us help one another settledly strongly 乘浩渺苦笑道:“还望开鸿大人出手赶走此猿,我们两人定当竭力相助 Snort “哼” The dust opened the great wild goose layer on layer snort/hum, revealed own was not happy, but he will not haggle over at this moment, but wants to make these two strive, therefore coldly said: I break this sound wave attack, you simultaneously get rid to assist me from about, if who fully, I pat the buttocks to turn around to leave.” 尘开鸿重重哼了一声,表露出自己的不高兴,但此刻他也不会真的计较,只是想让这两人多出点力而已,故而冷冷道:“我破开这音波攻击,你们两人同时从左右出手协助我,若是有谁不出全力,我拍拍屁股转身就走人。” Certain “一定” They are cold sweat of face, where dares to have the least bit to overstep one's authority. 两人都是一脸的冷汗,哪里敢有半点僭越。 The dust opens great wild goose then revolution Origin Force, in the hand gold/metal Daozheng however, the whole person and blade photosynthesizes one, across the sky, directly cleaves in two entire sky 尘开鸿这才运转元力,手中金刀铮然一声,整个人与刀光合一,横空而下,将整个天空直接劈成两半 That sound wave was broken the frequency instantaneously, becomes is noisily grating, although is coarser, an eardrum stabbing pain, did not have that type to shake the person heart and soul, stirred up the person vitality the effect. 那音波瞬间被打破频率,变得嘈杂刺耳起来,虽然更为难听,耳膜一阵刺痛,却没有了那种震人心魄,激人气血的效果。 While vast and another Soul Devouring clan person is the great happiness, changes to two rays respectively, opens the great wild goose to say about the minute to attack according to the dust on. 乘浩渺和另外一名噬魂族人都是大喜,分别化作两道光芒,依照尘开鸿所言分左右攻击而上。 While vast bites the soul streamer to launch together, Huang level the golden soul slave has swallowed toward the giant ape, the entire Spirit Mountain treasure trove in an instant becomes the cloudy and cold dim piece, that apes and monkeys has gawked, looks that soul slave reveals one to dread the color comes, obviously he also somewhat dreads the thing of this type of ghost. 乘浩渺一道噬魂幡展开,黄级的金色魂奴就朝巨猿吞噬了过去,整个灵山宝地刹那间变得阴冷昏暗一片,那猿猴愣了一下,看着那魂奴露出一丝忌惮之色来,显然他也有些畏惧这种鬼怪之物。 The sound wave was opened the great wild goose to break by the dust, the apes and monkeys stops the sound immediately, on the fist concentrates a ray, pounds toward that soul slave on, scatters this gloomy sky instantaneously. 音波已被尘开鸿破去,猿猴立即止住声音,拳头上凝出一道光芒,就往那魂奴上砸去,瞬间将这片阴暗的天空打散。 Was shaken while the vast mind, spouts a big blood at the scene, the whole person and bites the soul streamer to shake to fly together. 乘浩渺心神受震,当场喷出一大口血来,整个人和噬魂幡一起震飞掉。 Moreover that Soul Devouring clan person pinches finger joints with the thumb single-handed, has been meditating the mnemonics, the entire body starts becomes the monster different, a light strength is surrounding the whole body, obviously melts an extremely long tail unexpectedly, covers entirely the scales, both hands has together Dragon form. 另外那名噬魂族人单手掐诀,一直在默念口诀,整个身体开始变得妖异起来,一股淡淡的力量包围着全身,竟然显化出一条极长的尾巴,身后布满鳞甲,双手结出一道龙形。 In riding shakes the instance that flies vastly, after this Soul Devouring clan person , a huge monster shade, is consistent with his movement. 就在乘浩渺震飞的瞬间,这名噬魂族人身后化出一道巨大妖影,与他的动作一致。 Soul fights the technique ghost to sob “魂战技法鬼泣” A strength of rushing runs out from that person, melts forms the body of huge monster beast, is fierce to throw toward the apes and monkeys on. 一股澎湃的力量从那人身上冲出,化形成巨大的妖兽之身,狰狞着往猿猴身上扑去。 Li Yunxiao in sea fog static looks, in the eye flashes through a ray, he also cultivated the soul to fight the technique, the effect and Soul Devouring clan the law of real sect differs too far, as if the disciple has its shape, in this moment brain thought to perceive through meditation unceasingly. 李云霄在海雾中静静的看着,眼中闪过一丝光芒,他也修炼了魂战技法,效果和噬魂族的真宗之法相差太远,似乎徒有其形,此刻脑中不断地思索参悟起来。 What that person fuses with it is a Semi-Dragon derivation descendant, or is one in land dragon, is extremely powerful 9th Rank exists. 那人与之融合的是一种亚龙的衍生后代,或者说是地龙中的一种,也是极其强悍的九阶存在。 Roar roar “吼吼” The apes and monkeys opening mouth roars, is the prestige washes out that strength of changing from merely, bounces along with a both legs tread , the specific use forced up, shakes the powder that strength of rushing loudly, oneself as if certainly were also affected, the entire body sent the hair root root to set upright, had to plant the appearance that wanted the violent to walk. 猿猴张大嘴巴怒吼一声,仅仅是声威就将那化形之力冲散,随着双腿一蹬下弹跳起来,用头顶了上去,轰然将那澎湃之力震散,自己也似乎受到了一定影响,整个身体发毛根根竖了起来,有种要暴走的样子。 The person of that Soul Devouring clan after strikes, imposing manner suffers a disastrous decline, becomes extremely weak, the corners of the mouth also flow off a blood, exclaiming that the hissing strength uses up: Opens Sir Hong, has not begun 噬魂族之人在一击后,身上的气势一落千丈,变得极为虚弱,嘴角还流下一道鲜血,嘶声力竭的吼道:“开鸿大人,还不动手” The dust opened the great wild goose to complete the plan of getting rid, but apes and monkeys after the faint violent walked, aura became the overbearing and ominous offense gets up, making him obstruct, receives the blade glow that in the hand condensed, said indifferently: When begins me to have the consideration, does not need you to direct. This ape now the aura is extremely chaotic, when is powerful, is not suitable by our strength spells hardly, is inferior to wait/etc. other people. This trim dense fog sea such great mountain, other people also one after another will also catch up, when the time comes captures this ape naturally not to be a problem.” 尘开鸿原本做好了出手的打算,但猿猴在隐隐暴走后,身上的气息变得更加霸道和凶戾起来,让他为之一窒,将手中凝聚的刀芒收起,淡然道:“何时动手我自有考量,不用你们指挥。此猿现在气息极乱,正是强盛之时,以我们之力不宜硬拼,不如等等其他人吧。这整片迷雾海上也就这么一座巨山,其他人也会陆续赶来,到时候擒拿此猿自然不成问题。” While vast and that Soul Devouring clan popularity almost must spit blood, did not get rid you early saying that we who harmed have been injured, now said that was not suitable gets rid, my date your entire family ancestors 18 generations 乘浩渺和那名噬魂族人气的几乎要吐血了,不出手你早说啊,害的我们都受伤了,现在说不宜出手,我日你全家祖宗18代 But on their mouths where dares to offer an opinion, after revealing a resentment of face, is far away from that apes and monkeys in abundance, stands still to control one's breathing in the sea of dense fog. 但两人嘴上哪里敢提意见,露出一脸的怨气后纷纷远离那猿猴,静立在迷雾之海上调息起来。 That apes and monkeys as if not dare to run out of the great mountain, but stands in the mountain roars unceasingly several, slowly peaceful, continuation that in the eye the ominous light does not reduce is staring at the dense fog, is similar to the patron god of this great mountain. 那猿猴似乎不敢冲出巨山,只是站在山中不断咆哮几声,也慢慢的安静了下来,眼中凶光不减的继续盯着迷雾,如同这座巨山的守护神。 Entire all around all of a sudden became peaceful, only could hear below ocean waves sound, controlled one's breathing in the luck, was while vast is most serious with the Li Yunxiao injury. 整个四周一下子变得安静了起来,只听得见下方的海浪声,都是在运气调息,其中就属乘浩渺和李云霄的伤势最为严重。 Partly after making a sound, finally some people come, to cough the say/way: Coughs, is your this lies in? Motionless, I also think that you died, happy wish received you several souls, the discovery was lives.” 半响后,终于又有人来,咳嗽着道:“咳、咳咳,你们这是在于嘛?一动不动的,我还以为你们都死了呢,正高兴的想要收你们几个的魂,才发现是活的。” Teacher's younger brother “师叔” While vast suddenly from controlling one's breathing recovers, great happiness: Teacher's younger brother came finally 乘浩渺猛然的从调息之中回过神来,大喜道:“师叔终于来了” Moreover that Soul Devouring clan person is also a face happy expression, has not luminously, collaborates to take the apes and monkeys definitely not to be a problem, will not be opened the great wild goose to bully by the dust. 另外那名噬魂族人也是一脸喜色,有不光亮在,联手之下拿下猿猴肯定不成问题,而且也不会被尘开鸿欺负了。 The dust opens the great wild goose complexion changes, gan has smiled several, said: Luminous brother comes just in time, I and expensive send two outstanding disciples both to be blocked by this monster ape, is unable to enter in the mountain, now has the luminous brother, all feared insufficient.” 尘开鸿脸色微变,尴笑了几下,道:“光亮兄来的正是时候,我和贵派两位高徒都被这妖猿所阻,无法进入山中,现在有光亮兄在,一切不足惧了。” Not the luminous that skinny form reveals from the sea fog that hey said with a smile: How I can be good, my soul slave still in the deep sleep, now lacks the strength to truss up a chicken, but must open the great wild goose brother to protect me much is.” 不光亮那枯瘦的身影从海雾中显露出来,嘿嘿笑道:“我怎么能行,我的魂奴还在沉睡之中,现在可是手无缚鸡之力,还要开鸿兄多多保护我才是。” Snort, lacks the strength to truss up a chicken can also stretch across the sea of this dense fog, if there is a strength to truss up a chicken, how could it not be that did raise hand to lift in the feet to cut to kill us?” “哼,手无缚鸡之力还能横跨这迷雾之海,若是有了缚鸡之力,那岂非举手抬足之间就将我们斩杀了?” In the dense fog hears Luo Yuankai's the sound of disdaining, his form also gradually appears. 迷雾中传来罗元恺的不屑之声,紧接着他的身影也渐渐出现。 The dust opens the great wild goose great happiness: „The Yuan Kai brother also came, then took this ape is the easy, easy matter.” 尘开鸿大喜道:“元恺兄也来了,这下拿下此猿是轻而易举,手到擒来的事了。” Luo Yuankai looked at four next, said: Might as well wait for the complete people again, although this sea fog is mysterious, pours does not have any danger, instead is in this great mountain gives people an extremely not simple feeling.” 罗元恺看了四下一眼,道:“不如再等齐众人吧,这海雾虽然神奇,倒也没什么危险,反而是这巨山之中给人一种极不简单的感觉。” Three monks do not have the water to drink, no one is willing to strive, therefore continues in that. 三个和尚没水喝,谁也不愿意多出力,于是继续在那于等起来。 Secret sigh of Li Yunxiao in dense fog, the person each strengths of these seven big factions excel, everybody like dragon, once joined up on everybody such as the insect. 李云霄在迷雾中暗暗叹息,这些七大派的人各个实力高强,人人如龙,一旦联合起来就人人如虫了。 He continues hidden the controlling one's breathing injury in the dense fog, has not known how long, heard the dialog faintly, this from controlling one's breathing recovers, an injury also good ten 56, did not have anything to obstruct basically greatly. 他继续隐在迷雾里调息伤势,不知过了多久,隐隐听到对话,这才从调息中回过神来,一身伤势也好了十之56,基本没什么大碍了。 But this moment personnel also almost gathered half, but the Long three people have not seen the form, but the northern deep aristocratic family also only then two appeared. 而此刻人员也差不多聚集到了一半,只不过龙家三人还不见身影,而北冥世家也只有两人出现。 The dust opened the great wild goose as if somewhat unable to calm down, said: „, But can also continue? The seas of this dense fog god knows big, perhaps some people transmitted ten thousand miles remote, this whole life could not catch up.” 尘开鸿似乎有些沉不住气了,道:“诸位,还要继续等吗?这片迷雾之海天知道有多大,也许有的人被传送的万里之遥,这辈子都赶不过来了。” It is not luminous to lift the view, said: This sea area key is item cannot regard, actually should very not be big, we are distanced is not quite far, the remaining these people should also not be right, has not come to fear that met the condition that some we had not met.” 不光亮抬起眼帘来,道:“这片海域关键是目不能视,其实应该不会很大,我们这些人相距的也不太远,剩下的那些人也应该不远才对,没有过来怕是遇到了一些我们没有遇见的状况了。” The dust opens Hong saying: Northern deep same side has not appeared, wants him dead in this dense fog within the four seas is good, I suggested that we expel this ape to enter in the mountain first, if behind also some people came naturally to find the road with.” 尘开鸿道:“北冥同方也没出现,要他死在这片迷雾海内才好,我建议我们先赶走此猿进入山中,若是后面还有人来的话自然可以找到路跟上来。” The person in that two northern deep Xuangong listened to this saying, the air/Qi complexion is pale, does not dare to speak, the dust opens the great wild goose as if unintentionally shot a look at their eyes the vision, frightens their hurriedness to close the mouth. 那两名北冥玄宫的人听了这话,气的脸色铁青,又不敢吭声,尘开鸿似乎有意无意的将目光瞥了他们一眼,吓得他们的急忙闭上嘴巴。 Luo Yuankai also nod to praise becomes enlightened: So also good, waits again is not the means that now had moon/month time, feared that will be momentarily will close in ancient times, everybody grasped.” 罗元恺也点头赞成道:“如此也好,再等下去也不是办法,现在已经有月余时间了,怕是地老天荒随时都会关闭,大家抓紧吧。” The dust opens Hong saying: Un, everybody works as one to get rid, does not need one round then to tidy up this ape.” 尘开鸿道:“嗯,大家齐心协力出手,不用一个回合便可以收拾此猿。” The imposing manners of all people erupt all of a sudden, mutually implicates, forms enormous aura dispersing, that dense fog also along with it scattering. 所有人的气势一下子爆发出来,彼此之间相互牵连,形成极大的气场散开,就连那迷雾也随之驱散。 The apes and monkeys in mountain fiercely in great surprise, in eye full color with amazement, is whooshing in a low voice, under foot in the future retreat cannot help but, under this aura, it will also fear. 山中的猿猴猛地大惊,眼中满满的骇然之色,低声嘶吼着,脚下不由自主的往后退去,在这种气场之下,它也怕了。 Snort, a moment ago you were not very imposing, very flamboyant?” “哼,刚才你不是挺威风,很牛逼的吗?” While hates it to be deepest vastly, in the eye flashes through the murderous intention, bites the soul streamer to open in the hand, treats as a handle machete to cut directly. 乘浩渺恨它最深,眼中闪过杀机,噬魂幡在手中张开,直接当做一柄大砍刀斩出。 The people successively begin, various unique skills shell. 众人都是先后动起手来,各种绝招纷纷轰击下去。 That apes and monkeys jumped panic-stricken, rapid runs away toward the mountain, where dares to resist hardly, such as the attack bang of rain enters in the mountain, shakes the mountain massif greatly to shake, the apes and monkeys also ran away does not have the shade. 那猿猴惊恐的跳了起来,飞速的朝着山中逃走,哪里敢硬抗,一阵如雨的攻击轰入山中,震得山体巨震,猿猴也逃得没影了。 The direction that Luo Yuankai visual that apes and monkeys is running away, said: That apes and monkeys upward runs away, left this place the channel to be the mountain of this direct access to the highest authorities, we also followed the mountain massif to have a look.” 罗元恺目视着那猿猴逃走的方向,道:“那猿猴一路往上逃,离开此地的通道应该就是这通天之山了,我们也顺着山体上去看看。” The people entered in the mountain massif finally, felt that such as the spiritual energy of water, moistened exceptionally, upward spatially flew along that mountain road unceasingly, the peak stood tall and erect directly into the horizon, among did not know deep little. 众人终于进入到了山体之内,感受到那如水的灵气,一个个滋润异常,沿着那山道不断地往上空飞行,顶端直接高耸入天际,不知其内深几许。 After entering in the mountain, Divine Sense also restored, often can feel in the mountain massif to have the formidable aura to move, some aura as if are nosing they, but lives in peace with each other, does not have the monster beast to jump out looks for trouble. 进入山中后,神识也恢复了过来,不时的可以感受到山体中有强大的气息在移动,还有一些气息似乎在查探他们,但都是相安无事,并没有妖兽跳出找麻烦。 Has ban “有禁制” Luo Yuankai suddenly one startled, shouted to clear the way hurriedly, the entire team stopped completely. 罗元恺突然一惊,急忙喝道,整个队伍全部停了下来。 Sparkles in the front piece of multi-colored sunlight, the barrier before the people body, above flowing light flashes faintly horizontally. 在前方一片霞光闪耀,隐隐有一道屏障横于众人身前,上面流光闪动。 Luo Yuankai referred to the glow shooting directly together, wanted to probe the depth. 罗元恺直接一道指芒就射了过去,想要试探一下深浅。 That ray does not hinder has passed through the ban, as if no what fierce. 那道光芒毫无阻碍的就穿过了禁制,似乎并没有什么厉害。 Luo Yuankai wrinkled under the brow, as if had not felt relieved that takes out a bamboo tube, turns on the cover gently, immediately departs three golden beetles, lies covers motionlessly in that casing. 罗元恺皱了下眉头,似乎还不放心,取出一个竹筒来,轻轻打开盖子,立即飞出三个金色的甲壳虫,趴在那筒盖上一动不动。 Luo Yuankai leaves a mark near the cavitation, infiltrates in a beetle, that insect buzz humming sound flew immediately, flies toward the light of that ban on. 罗元恺临空化出一个符号,打入其中一只甲壳虫内,那虫子立即“嗡嗡嗡”飞了起来,往那禁制之光上飞去。 Beetle „” hits at the ban, directly was shot, flies once more, several, directly shake one after another, without a single exception. 甲壳虫“啪”的一声撞在禁制上,就直接被弹了回来,再次飞过去,接连几下,都是直接震回,毫无例外。 Luo Yuankai brow has twisted, said: Really has the positive result.” 罗元恺眉头拧了起来,道:“果然有名堂。” After that beetle failed several times, flew under his control, returns to the bamboo tube adduction to get up directly 那甲壳虫失败了几次后,在他的操控下就飞了回来,直接回到竹筒内收起
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