UAA :: Volume #10

#924: Also other Monarch institute

The peak of extremely positive strength from that palace shines, above the entire summit all under the strength of that burning hot, by far thinks a palpitation. 极阳之力从那宫殿的顶端照耀下来,整个山顶之上全是在那种炙热的力量之下,远远都觉得一阵心悸。 Luo Yuankai is looking at that extremely positive light with amazement, said surprised: This palace peak has what most precious object, can send out the so formidable strength unexpectedly, if by person obtained, how could it not be can the running amuck world 罗元恺骇然的望着那极阳之光,吃惊道:“这宫殿顶端到底有何至宝,竟然可以散发出如此强大的力量,若是被人所得,岂非可以横行天下了” The dust opens the great wild goose is also with a crash excited, muttered: This ray, imitates, if approaches Sun to be ordinary, we look to feel that from afar a heart startled, how should this enter the palace?” 尘开鸿也是砰然心动,喃喃道:“这光芒,仿若要靠近太阳一般,我们远远望去都感到一阵心惊,这该如何进入宫殿内部?” The people one worry, they stand in the distant place, cannot shine extremely positive, thought that roasting roasts uncomfortably, not to mention directly strides. 众人一下都犯愁起来,他们站在远处,极阳照耀不到,都觉得一阵的炙烤难受,更别提直接跨入其中。 While cannot bear say vastly: This extremely positive strength seriously so terrifying?” 乘浩渺忍不住道:“这极阳之力当真有如此恐怖吗?” It is not luminous said indifferently: This thing book is the one anomalous form of strength of rule, resists Emperor Nine Heavens air/Qi sufficiently, if greatly strengthened, even if the emperor air/Qi is unable to resist.” 不光亮淡然道:“这东西本就是规则之力的一种变体,足以对抗九天帝气,若是极强的话,即便是帝气也无法抵挡。” Luo Yuankai congealing sound track: Here from the main hall entrance about 500 meters, should not be difficult to insist.” 罗元恺凝声道:“这里距离大殿门口大约500米,应该不难坚持。” He promotes the aura to the strongest condition, changed to a ray to clash fiercely, saw only the airborne glare to flash through, ignites the flame, Luo Yuankai whole person directly to opposite shore, but turned into a hot person, hurried revolution Origin Force shook the air/Qi of flame, this is well. 他将气息提升到最强状态,猛地化作一道光芒就冲了出去,只见空中一道强光闪过,燃起火焰来,罗元恺整个人就直接到了对岸,不过已经化成一个火人,急忙运转元力震开火焰之气,这才平安无事。 But the clothes of big piece burn down completely, the whole person was also black half, makes by his strength so distressedly, most people heart is startled. 但身上大片的衣服全部烧掉,整个人也黑了一半,以他的实力都弄得如此狼狈,大部分人都心惊起来。 Luo Yuankai said by far: „ Although is very strong, so long as time suffices to be insufficient to have the matter short, comes 罗元恺远远道:“虽然很强,但只要时间够短就不至于有事,都过来吧 Everybody then slightly felt relieved that started flying in the past, defending and speed displays the pinnacle, various types of colorful war clothes also completely reappeared, many people sent out the repetitive pitiful yell, after opposite shore, has fired the black coal. 大家这才稍稍放心,开始一个个飞度过去,都是将防御和速度发挥到极致,各种五颜六色的战衣也全部浮现,不少人还是发出连连的惨叫,到了对岸后,一个个都烧成了黑炭。 The Soul Devouring clan Martial Emperor powerhouse, seems practice cultivation technique by this extremely positive strength to subdue|grams, nobody broke through eventually, fell from the sky directly on the way , the body steamed in the moisture content instantaneously, changed to in corpse to drop down. 更是有一名噬魂族武帝强者,似乎是修炼的功法被这种极阳之力所克,终究没人冲过,直接陨落在了途中,身体瞬间就蒸于了水分,化作一具于尸倒下。 Not luminous and is the complexion changes while vast and the others, reveals the shocking and cloudy and cold color. 不光亮和乘浩渺等人都是脸色微变,露出震惊和阴冷之色来。 Outside main hall on only remaining Li Yunxiao one people, but also is as if indecisive in that. 大殿之外就只剩下李云霄一人,还在那似乎犹豫不决。 The dust opens Hong saying: By the energy of Young Master Yun, passed this region people should not be a problem?” 尘开鸿道:“以云少之能,度过这片区域应该不成问题吧?” Li Yunxiao held under to long for one, the situation that everyone overran a moment ago he looked in the eye, said: I try, as if everybody has not thought was so difficult, could find a simpler way also perhaps.” 李云霄托着下巴想了一阵,刚才每个人冲过去的情况他都看在眼中,道:“我试试吧,似乎并没有大家想的那么难,也许能够找到更简便的途径也说不定呢。” „? We must have a look at Young Master Yun to have what simple way but actually.” “哦?那我们倒要看看云少有何简便的途径。” Said while vast ill-humored coldly that their Soul Devouring clan fell from the sky a powerhouse, making his mood very not good 乘浩渺没好气的冷冷道,他们噬魂族陨落了一名强者,让他心情十分不好 Li Yunxiao light snort/hum, being disinclined manages him, the body condenses one group of moisture slowly, has a glazed frost, covers in which the body, extremely positive within walks toward that. 李云霄轻哼一声,也懒得理他,身上慢慢凝聚出一团水气来,结出一层薄冰,将身体覆盖其中,往那极阳之内走去。 Ha, does that glazed frost want to work as the extremely positive strength? He thinks what oneself cultivates is my cold of northern deep Xuangong ices True Qi?” “哈,那点薄冰就想当极阳之力?他以为自己修炼的是我北冥玄宫的寒冰真气吗?” A northern deep Xuangong disciple disdains sneers. 一名北冥玄宫弟子不屑的冷笑起来。 The people also contemptuously appear on the face, waits to look that he was burnt. 众人也都是轻蔑浮现在脸上,等着看他被烤焦。 Li Yunxiao treadons into extremely Yang Nei, has not fled rapidly, but stopped, afterward leisure proceeded. 李云霄一脚踏入极阳内,并没有飞速遁走,而是停了一下,随后才慢悠悠的往前走了起来。 „? What?” “啊?什么?” This...... This what's the matter?” “这……这怎么回事?” All people were instantaneously scared, stares the big eyeball all of a sudden completely, almost must fall, the unbelievable look appears on the face. 所有人瞬间都傻了眼,一下子全部瞪大眼珠子,几乎要掉了下来,难以置信的神色浮现在脸上。 Ice layer composition light ice armor that the Li Yunxiao whole body appears, but actually several, moreover is not the ordinary post on the body, but has become by precise congealing the complex prism structure, these extremely positive light shine, the major part was refracted, has not fallen on him tiny bit, but he must do unceasingly maintains this ice armor with Origin Force. 李云霄周身浮现出的冰层组成薄薄的冰甲,但却有数层之多,而且不是普通贴在身上,而是被精密的凝成了复杂的棱镜结构,那些极阳之光照耀下来,绝大部分都被折射了出去,没有一丝一毫落在他身上,而他所要做的就是不断地用元力维持这身冰甲。 Even if the speed of ice armor consumption is extremely fast, but maintained the hemiprism fragrant time to suffice by the strength of Li Yunxiao. 即便冰甲消耗的速度极快,但以李云霄之力维持个半柱香时间还是够了。 On the scene is a master, immediately had discovered the mystery, the complexion haze get down, oneself were fired the black coal, some people therefore directly fall from the sky, he unexpectedly also leisurely walks in Yangxia extremely, that step jumping belt jumps continually, is very satisfied. 在场的全是高手,立即发现了其中奥秘,一个个脸色阴霾下来,自己被烧成了黑炭,更是有人因此直接陨落,他竟然还优哉游哉的在极阳下行走,那步子连蹦带跳的,好不惬意。 Is pale while the vast complexion, clenches jaws saying: Li Yunxiao, you can find out the so excellent means that actually did not speak, I who harmed sent a powerhouse to fall from the sky, you were really virulent 乘浩渺脸色铁青,咬牙切齿道:“李云霄,你能想出如此绝妙的办法,竟然不吭声,害的我派一名强者陨落,你真是恶毒啊” Li Yunxiao white his eyes, said: „When this law I am also watches flying think that moreover does not have the precedent, who dares to try? Died has only been able to blame him to cultivate to insufficiently, said that I was virulent you to feel all right?” 李云霄白了他一眼,道:“此法我也是观看诸位飞度之时想到的,况且没有先例,谁敢一试?死了只能怪他修为不够,说我恶毒你好意思吗?” While the vast sign language, he knows that oneself said Li Yunxiao, after staring his one eyes, maliciously no longer spoke. 乘浩渺一下哑语,他知道自己怎么也说不过李云霄,狠狠瞪了他一眼后不再吭声。 Luo Yuankai deep looked at Li Yunxiao one, even more thinks this child fearful, but on the face has not revealed that but said indifferently: Since were in attendance, then goes.” 罗元恺深深的望了李云霄一眼,越发的觉得此子可怕,但脸上没有表露出来,只是淡然道:“既然都到齐了,便进去吧。” The main hall is grand, is being supported by a row of pillar, does not have the front door, goes nonstop to inner palace. 大殿宏伟端庄,由一排的柱子支撑着,没有大门,直通内殿 Before passing through, palace corridor, people immediately at present one bright, sees only a front big pavilion, is situated in the miraculous glow faintly, looks to imitate distantly, if Immortal Realm. 走过前殿长廊,众人立即眼前一亮,只见前方一大片楼阁,隐隐坐落于灵光之内,遥遥望去仿若仙境 A channel leads to that pavilion directly, has a pair of bronze person burial puppet in two sides every other dozens meters of channel, as if in protection front. 一条通道直接通往那片楼阁,在通道的两边每隔数十米就有一对青铜人俑,似乎在守护前方。 The dust opens the great wild goose great happiness: So a big building, I look at every other above the building as if to have the ban light, how could the person of red semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate obtained all thought on that day does not know that conceal where, looked at luck, the person of sword sect, walked along with me first one step 尘开鸿大喜道:“如此一大片建筑,我看每隔楼宇之上似乎都有禁制之光,红月城的人岂能尽数得到那天思也不知藏于何处,就看诸位运气了,刀剑宗之人,随我先走一步” He changes to a ray directly, goes toward these buildings, several Martial Emperor of sword sect also in abundance follow closely on. 他直接化作一道光芒,就朝那些楼宇而去,刀剑宗的几名武帝也纷纷紧随而上。 Another several schools of people also equally matched, impatiently pursued, quick turned into Li Yunxiao alone one person to stand before the channel. 另外几派之人也不相上下,迫不及待的追了上去,很快就变成了李云霄孤零零的一人站在通道之前。 Monster Dragon sound transmission comes, said: „ Untold hardships arrive at this place, you can be so calm unexpectedly, pour also rarely. 妖龙传音而来,道:“千辛万苦才到此地,你竟能如此淡定,倒也难得。 Li Yunxiao said with a smile: „ According to red semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate that generation of city main records, the day thinks does not have the trace faintly recognizable, only has Moon Pupil to be able it to seek, these people are accompany the crown prince to study, even if were Jiang Churan is also not necessarily able to find. 李云霄笑道:“根据红月城那一代城主的记载,天思飘渺无踪,唯有月瞳才能将它寻出,这些人不过是陪太子读书罢了,即便是姜楚然也未必能找到。 His pupil light dodges, Moon Pupil appears immediately in eyes, looks toward that building, in the left front as if strange feelings, imitates, if summon gently surges in the heart. 他瞳光一闪,月瞳立即浮现在双眸内,往那片建筑望去,在左前方似乎有一股奇异的感觉,仿若是轻轻的呼唤在心中涌起。 In Li Yunxiao heart slightly one startled, Moon Pupil vanishes immediately, on the face reveals color with amazement to come, after the infinite years, that so-called day thinks really also here? 李云霄心中微微一惊,月瞳立即消失,脸上露出骇然之色来,历经无穷岁月,难道那所谓的天思真的还在这里? After he hesitates slightly, immediately went in formerly the induction direction, that is one and common yard, what is different from all around situation is the light of here ban. 他略微沉吟后,立即朝着先前感应的方向而去,那是一栋并不起眼的小院,与四周情况不同的是这里并没有禁制之光。 Un? Did the person of red semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate look up here?” “嗯?难道红月城的人已经查到了此处?” In Li Yunxiao heart one startled, among quickens pace to walk into, inside is a courtyard, the current of water sound of trickle. 李云霄心中一惊,加快了步伐走入其内,里面是一片院子,还有涓涓的水流之声。 Moreover, three forms also in the yard, simultaneously turn head to look, is the Long three people. 不仅如此,三道身影也在小院之中,同时回头望来,正是龙家三人。 In Yu Zhuo Yan flashes through color of being startled, immediately returned to normal, said with a smile: „, Is Young Master Yun? You also arrived.” 禹卓眼中闪过一丝吃惊之色,随即恢复了正常,笑道:“哦,是云少?你也到了。” Li Yunxiao is surprised the different way: „Did Yu Zhuo brother already arrive? The sea of dense fog can not pass through the great mountain, can other road to here?” 李云霄诧异道:“禹卓兄早就到了?难道迷雾之海上可以不经过巨山,还有另外的路可以通向这里?” Great mountain?” “巨山?” Yu Zhuo chuckle, said: We do not know that any great mountain, wanders about aimlessly in the sea of dense fog, arrived in this palace, should be many roads.” His eye narrows the eyes, asks: This place palace building is numerous, cannot count one by one, how will Young Master Yun also be interested in this common Monarch institute only?” 禹卓轻笑了一下,道:“我们不知道什么巨山,在迷雾之海乱走,就到了这片宫殿之内,应该是许多条路吧。”他眼睛微眯,问道:“此地宫殿楼宇众多,不可以逐一而数,云少怎么会独独对这座不起眼的还君院感兴趣?” „? Did this institute call also Monarch institute?” “哦?此院叫还君院吗?” Li Yunxiao raised the head, is looking on that courtyard signboard several strange writing, is astonished however says with a smile: Comes at will, does Yu Zhuo brother, recognize the character of this pupil clan actually unexpectedly?” 李云霄抬起头来,望着那院子牌匾上几个古怪的文字,讶然笑道:“不过是随意而来罢了,倒是禹卓兄,竟然认得这瞳族之字?” Yu Zhuo innermost feelings one startled, secretly said is not good, but quick then said with a smile: I look at these character some shapes, therefore called the exit|to speak at will.” 禹卓内心一惊,暗道不好,但很快便笑道:“我不过是看这几个字有些像,所以随意叫出口而已。” In the Li Yunxiao heart sneers, but indifferently said: Originally is optional, everybody at will strolls.” 李云霄心中一阵冷笑,但还是淡然道:“原来都是随意,那大家就随意逛逛吧。” Yu Zhuo has smiled awkwardly several, in courtyard optional paces back and forth, but the innermost feelings are actually an anxiety 禹卓尴尬的笑了几下,也在院子里随意的徘徊起来,但内心却是一阵焦虑 Li Yunxiao also carefully observes, now he extremely believes firmly that other this also Monarch institute has the strangeness, but did not know why when Yu Zhuo also here, these three people as if already comes to be many, but has not discovered anything probably. 李云霄也仔细观察起来,现在他万分确信这还君别院定有古怪,只是不晓得为何禹卓也在此,这三人似乎已经来了多时了,但好像没有发现什么。 After the moment, Yu Zhuo could not bear finally, opens the mouth saying: This place is empty, really does not have anything to be good to stroll, goes to locate. After all the time is limited, do not delay the treasure hunt shell.” 片刻后,禹卓终于忍不住了,开口道:“此地空无一物,实在没什么好逛的,还是去它处吧。毕竟时间有限,千万别耽误了寻宝贝。” Li Yunxiao including saying with a smile: „The word of Yu Zhuo brother is rational, you walk one first step, climbed mountains a moment ago met the monster beast, the little brother received some wounds, happen to this place pure can therapy.” 李云霄含笑道:“禹卓兄之言有理,你先走一步吧,刚才上山的时候遇到妖兽,小弟受了一些伤,正好此地清净可以疗伤一下。” Yu Zhuo complexion changes, took out scarlet red medicinal pill to hand over, said: Here has the therapy wondrous medicines, after the Young Master Yun clothing/taking next, decides however can convalesce, hurries to leave, do not delay the treasure hunt.” 禹卓脸色微变,取出一枚赤红色的丹药递了上来,道:“我这里有枚疗伤圣药,云少服下后定然可以痊愈,还是赶紧离开,别耽误了寻宝。” Li Yunxiao received medicinal pill, received, said with a smile: Might as well, on me also has several Profound Artifact, Yu Zhuo brother goes first.” 李云霄接过丹药,直接收了起来,笑道:“无妨,我身上还有几件玄器,禹卓兄先去吧。” A Yu Zhuo anger has welled up, snort/hum said: How many Profound Artifact has? You are Ninth Star Martial Venerable, what lavishness suspends? My Tian Ling Long Jia as seven big super influences, endless of Profound Artifact number, I am not rare, you a bit faster walk 禹卓一股怒气涌了上来,哼道:“有几件玄器?你不过是九星武尊而已,摆什么阔气?我天岭龙家身为七大超级势力,玄器数之不尽,我不稀罕,你还是快点走吧” Li Yunxiao said with a smile: I am 8th Rank Refining Master, the treasure am not big to my attraction, Yu Zhuo brother hurries busily, did not need to manage me.” 李云霄笑道:“我本身就是八阶术炼师,宝物对我的吸引力并不大,禹卓兄还是赶紧去忙吧,不用管我了。” The person of another Long could not bear finally, gets angry: Li Yunxiao, how are you willing to depart?” 另外一名龙家之人终于忍不住了,怒道:“李云霄,你如何才肯离去?” Yu Zhuo's aura becomes somewhat is also cruel, coldly said: Li Yunxiao, I think you am a promising youth, has a mind to become friends with. Since my medicinal pill you also took, how also to feel all right to be thick the face shameless here? I bright told you, if not leave, does not take it ill the person of my Tian Ling Long not to be unfriendly 禹卓身上的气息也变得有些暴戾起来,冷冷道:“李云霄,我看你是后起之秀,有心结交。既然我的丹药你也拿了,怎么还好意思厚着脸皮赖在这里?我就明的跟你说了,若是再不离开,就休怪我天岭龙家之人不友善了” Three people have encircled immediately, imposing manner emits slightly, a wild fierce and brutal aura heads on, person on face bad. 三人立即围了上来,身上的气势微微放出,一股蛮荒凶暴的气息扑面而来,人人脸上不善。
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