UAA :: Volume #21

#2013: Who more beautiful( third)

Li Yunxiao changes to thunder Qu at this moment, is feeling the body changes, seemed deeper to the comprehension of thunder. 李云霄此刻化作雷躯,感受着身体的变,似乎对雷霆的领悟更深了一层。 Later, he changes the ordinary condition , to continue to pinch finger joints with the thumb to control one's breathing. 之后,他变化普通状态,继续掐诀调息起来。 Also several double-hour, all had finally restored all God Grace Force of loss, body function adjustment to peak. 又过了数个时辰,终于将所有亏损的神奕力尽数恢复,把身体机能调节至巅峰。 At this time he took out that Purple Gold Thunder Tribulation pill, on pill has five colors to flash indistinctly, and among the clearly discernible beast shade crawled, as if fell into the deep sleep. 这时他才取出那紫金雷劫丹,丹上隐约有五色雷芒闪动,并且清晰可见兽影匍匐其内,似乎陷入了沉睡。 So long as he eats medicinal pill, thunder Mou also on thorough becomes pill spirits, was absorbed to digest by him. 只要他将丹药吃掉,那雷哞也就彻底的成为丹灵,被他吸收消化掉了。 Although thunder Mou the appearance is cute, but Li Yunxiao yes snort/hum, slightly was not take pity on puts in the mouth to swallow. 那雷哞的样子虽然可爱,但李云霄却是哼了一声,丝毫也不怜惜就放入口中吞下。 A Purple Gold pill entrance, that feeling swallowed purple thunder Si probably, in pill one explodes the five colors thunder clouds, everywhere thunder light wreaks havoc in within the body, is penetrates the skin to shoot. 紫金雷丹一入口,那种感觉好像吞了一条紫雷似的,丹中一下爆开五色雷云,漫天的雷光在体内肆虐,更是穿透皮肤射・了出去。 The Li Yunxiao once more body thunder, unexpectedly presents the colors of nine color, various thunder and lightning in body surging, are washing out the body. 李云霄再次身化雷霆,竟然呈现九彩之色,各种雷电在身上奔涌,冲刷着身体。 Your younger sister, what's the matter? Seemed has detonated my own thunder and lightning, instantaneous innumerable variation.” “你妹・的,怎么回事?好似一下将我自身的雷电引爆了,瞬间化出无数变异雷芒。” He discovered with amazement that his thunder is under the function of that medicinal pill, has various changes, one will be jet black one to be red, the golden color and silver also changed. 他骇然的发现,自己的雷身在那丹药的作用下,产生各种变化,一会漆黑一会通红,就连金色和银色也变了过去。 And changes to money bi-color time, the feeling and calamity of that strength fight on true body to be without change. 并且化作金银双色的时候,那种力量的感觉与祸斗真身上的雷芒一般无二。 This is the source thunder strength evolves the variation the process......” “这是本源雷力衍化变异的过程吗……” After long time, Li Yunxiao understood finally, although does not know how that medicinal pill achieves, but the present change, the thunder of source changes to ten thousand thunder one process, looks like demonstrates to him specially. 半晌后,李云霄终于明白了过来,虽不知那丹药是如何做到的,但现在的变化,正是本源之雷化作万雷的一种过程,就像是特意向他演示。 Li Yunxiao calms the mind hurriedly, starts to feel the changes of these strengths, when the thunder grow darks, seemed within the body has pressed ten thousand jin (0.5 kg) strength, was hard to withstand. When changes red, is similar to places in the roaring flame to fire, the skin is painful. When changes the gold/metal, truncates surely like blade, is no different is cut to pieces, wait/etc.. 李云霄急忙静下心来,开始感受着这些力量的变化,但雷霆变黑之时,就好似体内压了万斤之力,难以承受。变红之时,又如同放在烈焰中灼烧,皮肤生疼。变金之时,有如千万刀刃削下,无异于千刀万剐,等等。 Among five elements has the mutual promotion of the five elements, even if the thunder and lightning of wooden department, can split up thunder of to come different five elements, is only the attribute is not strong, Li Yunxiao is sensing that non- poor wretch matching and change. 五行之间有相生,即便是属于木系的雷电,也能分化出不同五行之雷来,只是属性不强,李云霄正在感悟那无穷种搭配和变化。 After several days dates, void above lost his form unexpectedly, only has a green thunder ball float airborne. 数日后,虚空之上竟失去了他的身影,只有一个青色的雷球悬浮空中。 Massive rune/symbol writing rolls above, probably becomes to become Jue, sometimes imaginary sometimes extinguishes. 大量的符文在上面滚动,好像成篇成诀,时幻时灭。 Carefully looks, in the interior of thunder ball, Li Yunxiao is presenting the baby hugs, static sleeping peacefully in, probably returns to the placenta, will change over to by the day after tomorrow innate. 仔细看去,在雷球的内部,李云霄正呈现婴儿抱,静静的安睡其中,就好像回归到胎盘内,由后天转入先天。 Finally, more than ten days later. 终于,十多天后。 That thunder ball blooms suddenly ten thousand, unexpectedly presents over a hundred different colors, shoots enters in everywhere inexhaustible void. 那雷球突然绽放出万道雷芒,竟呈现上百种不同颜色,射・入上下四方无穷无尽的虚空里。 That thunder ball changes along with the release of energy is unceasingly small, the Li Yunxiao body also gradually exposes, likely is the baby generally stretch waist slowly. 那雷球随着能量的释放不断变小,李云霄的身躯也逐渐展露出来,像是婴儿一般缓缓的舒展腰肢。 ying.” He incomparably called one comfortably, resembles being reborn rebirth to come general. “嘤。”他无比舒服的叫了一声,就好像脱胎换骨重生过来一般。 This body......” “这身躯……” The Li Yunxiao cannot help but great happiness, obviously felt thunder Qu and former difference, was not only the enhancement on strength, the nature was different, now his instinct attribute understanding to the thunder was also deeper. 李云霄不由得大喜,明显感受到了雷躯与之前的不同,不仅仅是力量上的增强,就连性质也不一样,现在他对雷之本能属性的理解又更深了一层。 The eye pupil opens and closes, has the thunder glittering. 眼眸开合之间,都有雷光闪烁。 „The strength of source...... This is the superiority of innate five elements spirit body......” “本源之力吗……这就是先天五行灵体的优势……” Li Yunxiao closes the eye, slowly the change of feeling body, as well as to the assurance of present body strength, slowly opens both eyes for a long time. 李云霄闭上眼睛,慢慢感受身躯的变化,以及对现在身体力量的把握,许久才缓缓睁开双眼来。 Now this thunder Qu, cannot miss many compared with these genuine innate spirit bodies, but my cultivating is......” “现在这雷躯,比那些真正的先天灵体也差不了多少了,只是我的修为……” His depressed discovery matter, his cultivating for not, when transforms as the thunder body promotes many, is returning to original condition the Divine Realm peak according to Junqua, is only the feeling of that broken cocoon is getting more and more near. 他郁闷的发现一件事,他的修为并没有在转化为雷躯的时候提升多少,依然卡在归真神境巅峰,只是那种破蛹的感觉越来越近。 So long as there is an enough time, making him close up a one year or so, can break in the palm day boundary inevitably. 只要有足够的时间,让他闭关个一年半载,必然可以冲入掌天境。 Did not have the time pitifully.” “可惜没时间了。” Li Yunxiao heaved a deep sigh, whole face complex took out medicinal pill to come again, northern broad law day pill who snatched. 李云霄长叹一声,满脸复杂的再取出一枚丹药来,正是抢来的北广法天丹。 On him in addition three medicinal pill, quality not inferior Purple Gold pill and northern broad law day pill, are only the effectiveness and attribute are not clear, does not dare to attempt easily. 他身上另外还有三枚丹药,品质丝毫不逊色紫金雷丹和北广法天丹,只是效用和属性不清楚,不敢轻易尝试。 Purple Gold pill, if not he is five elements thunder Qu, the ordinary returning to original condition boundary powerhouse swallowed, feared that was the skeleton has not saved. 刚才的紫金雷丹,若非他是五行雷躯,普通归真境强者吞服下去的话,怕是已经尸骨无存了。 Only can use medicinal pill again.” “只能再用一枚丹药了。” Although regretted, but situation institute, moreover after medicinal pill swallows, effect savings that has in within the body, does not calculate that eats without paying. 虽然惋惜,但形势所,而且丹药吞下后,产生的效果积蓄在体内,也不算是白吃。 After thinking, northern broad law day Dantun , the dantian place trembles immediately suddenly, almost must explode half. 思定后,将北广法天丹吞下,顿时丹田处猛然一颤,几乎要爆裂开了一半。 Colored glaze glittering keeps, looks like the body must blast open. 身上的琉璃光闪烁不停,就像是身体也要随之炸裂。 zi! So to be how strong!!” “嗞!怎么会这么强!!” The Li Yunxiao eyeball stared, is similar to frog, the face also twists. 李云霄眼珠子瞪了出来,如同青蛙似的,脸孔也为之扭曲。 He breaks the whole body with the sword direction hurriedly in a big way hole, making the strength fall in torrents along with these acupuncture points, simultaneously the blood such as the note wells up...... 他急忙用剑指点破自己周身大・穴,让力量随着那些穴位倾泻而出,同时血如注涌…… After several days dates, static float Li Yunxiao on void, the body moves suddenly. Finally a terrifying strength erupts from its within the body, fluctuation strong continuous, shakes in entire is void. 数日后,静静悬浮在虚空上的李云霄,身躯猛然一动。终于一股恐怖的力量从其体内爆发出来,波动之强绵绵不绝,震荡在整个虚空内。 Holds the day boundary, I finally achieved!” “掌天境,我终于达到了!” His facial features are calm, as if has taken off the immature feeling, opens eyes, such as stars twinkle. 他的面容沉稳无比,似乎脱去了稚嫩的感觉,睁开眼来,如星辰闪烁。 When previous life peak the boundary that cannot break through, visits at this moment finally. 前世巅峰之时也未能突破的境界,此刻终于踏足。 Although has relied on two ten step god pill, but he is also well satisfied, broke through well, the precious material must use. 虽说凭借了两枚十阶神丹,但他也算心满意足,突破了就好,再珍贵的材料也得用。 Cannot think that on you unexpectedly some these many good things, it seems like that the Heavenly Dao is great to your deep affection.” “想不到你身上竟有这么多好东西,看来天道对你厚爱不浅。” In this time, Lin's voice transmits, said: „The my feather of Tianfeng was gives for nothing.” 就在此时,琳的声音传来,道:“我的天凤之羽算是白给了。” Hey, the feather gives back to the Sir, hopes that the Sir its refining up, increases the life.” “嘿嘿,羽毛还给大人,希望大人将其炼化,增加寿元。” Li Yunxiao took the feather of that Tianfeng, holds in the palm, holds up high. 李云霄将那根天凤之羽取了出来,托于掌心,高高举起。 Lin seemed to be silent, said: This thing I have not needed, furthermore gave you me again not to take back. You change clothes first, later I in the past with Yin Yu a wartime, will preserve the reflection in mind to pass to you.” 琳似乎沉默了,一阵后才道:“此物我已经不需要了,再者给了你我就不会再收回。你先换套衣服吧,待会我将当年与胤羽一战时,留存在脑海中的映像传给你。” Li Yunxiao then discovered that oneself is a bloodstained clothing. After swallowing northern broad law day pill, the whole body meridians explode, exposes the hole hole to make the strength release voluntarily, this avoided exploding the danger of body. 李云霄这才发现,自己还是一袭血衣。在吞食北广法天丹后,全身经脉爆开,自行点破窍穴让力量泄掉,这才避免了爆体的危险。 But unfortunately massive efficacies also drained. 但可惜的是大量的药力也随之流失了。 Li Yunxiao changed clothing quickly, Lin transformed the female form to come in void together, the appearance gradually became clear. 李云霄很快就换好了衣物,琳在虚空内幻化出一道女子身影来,容颜渐渐变得清晰。 The Li Yunxiao whole person has tarried instantaneously, even if he sees the beautiful woman to be innumerable, is treats with Qu Hongyan for a long time in the same place, actually also by so shocking appearance attracting, in brain instantaneous blank. 李云霄整个人瞬间呆住了,纵然他见过美女无数,更是长期与曲红颜待在一块,却也被这般惊世容貌给吸引住,脑子里瞬间空白。 This absolutely is a perfect face, is the miracle of divine creative force. 这绝对是一张完美无瑕的脸,乃是造物的奇迹。 If said that the Qu Hongyan beautiful is extremely the peak, then Lin's appearance, is actually beautiful does not result in, beautiful results in should not save in world. 若说曲红颜的美是绝顶巅峰,那么琳的这张容颜,却是美得不真实,美得不应该存于世间。 What's wrong, looked to suffice?” “怎么,看够了没?” Lin beautiful smiles, said lightly. 琳嫣嫣一笑,淡淡说道。 Li Yunxiao the expression she saw a lot, each first look at her to accommodate Yan Zhi people, even if were the female, all so. 李云霄的这种表情她见得多了,每一个初次看她容颜之人,即便是女子,也无不如此。 For 100,000 years the aloneness, sees this delay once more face, cannot help but in the heart raises the recollection, infinite feeling. 只是100000年来的孤寂,再次看到这种呆滞的脸孔,不由得心中升起回忆,无限感慨。 You...... You......” Li Yunxiao by this beautiful startled could not speak. “你……你……”李云霄被这种美惊的说不出话来。 Lin said with a smile: Your that female companion is also very beautiful, in your eyes, we who is more attractive?” 琳微笑道:“你的那位女伴也很美,在你眼里,我们到底谁更漂亮呢?” When the girl sees the beautiful woman, always cannot bear wants to compare, especially are also the peerless beautiful woman time, this competition like the toxicant, wants to govern does not govern. 女孩子见到美女时,总忍不住的想要比较一番,特别是自己也是绝世美人的时候,这种攀比就像毒药一样,想治都治不了。 Li Yunxiao then recovers, long sighed, said: You indeed are beautiful scary, beautiful such is not real. But must with the young person compared with words, are the young person are naturally more beautiful, in my heart, her beautiful beyond comparison, irreplaceable.” 李云霄这才回过神来,长长叹息了一声,道:“你的确是美的吓人,美的那样不真实。可要和红颜比的话,自然是红颜更美,在我心中,她的美无以伦比,也无可替代。” Lin was shocked, standing in that on the perfect face presented the delay. 琳愣住了,怔怔的站在那,完美的脸孔上出现了呆滞。 This answer was too strange, since there is a memory, regardless of before anybody, compares favorably with never has lost, this answer her first hearing, completely is different from the estimate of innermost feelings. 这个答案太陌生了,自从有记忆以来,无论在任何人面前,比美就从未输过,这番答案她还是第一次听到,与内心的预计完全不同。 What you said is the truth?” “你说的是实话吗?” Naturally.” “当然。” After affirmation reply, Lin was silent. 得到肯定回答后,琳沉默了。 This time silent for a long time, enough half double-hour, lets in the Li Yunxiao heart disturbed, thought that won't offend her? 这次沉默了许久,足足有半个时辰,让李云霄心中忐忑不已,心想不会得罪她了吧? Lin has opened the mouth finally, facial color ice-cold, said: I give you again an opportunity, you give me an answer.” 琳终于开口了,面色冰冷,道:“我再给你一次机会,你重新给我一个答案。” In the expression full is threat tone, not minces matter own idea and intention, she as if cannot accept others compared with her beautiful, even if in anybody at heart. 语气中满是威胁的口吻,毫不掩饰自己的想法和意图,她似乎不能接受别人比她美,即便是在任何人的心里。 Li Yunxiao secretly said must by, the woman be initiated the nerve to come radically impervious, if Lin intertwines in this matter, feared that will affect directly the later gambling approximately war. 李云霄暗道要遭,女人发起神经来根本就不可理喻,若是琳纠结于此事,怕会直接影响到之后的赌约之战。 That...... You are also very beautiful.” “那个……你也很美。” I and Qu Hongyan who is more beautiful?” “那我和曲红颜到底谁更美?” Can not compare? On me brought the good tea, our gate sits down to drink the cup tea to chat well.” “能不比了吗?我身上带了好茶,咱门坐下喝杯茶好好聊聊天。” Who is more beautiful?!” “到底谁更美?!” Lin's voice one becomes swift and fierce, eyes also projects cold glow, is staring at Li Yunxiao, that vision as if must penetrate his body, peeps at its innermost feelings directly. 琳的声音一下变得凌厉起来,双眸也射出冷芒,直盯着李云霄,那目光似乎要穿透他的身躯,直接窥视其内心。 Good, I said that the young person is more beautiful.” “好吧,我说,红颜更美。” Li Yunxiao sighed deeply, innermost feelings secretly said must end. 李云霄长叹了一声,内心暗道要完。 Lin sudden one has smiled, smiles tall and pleasing to the eye, in the world absolutely does not have the word to describe that Li Yunxiao was absorbed soul again, looked to stay. 琳突然一下笑了,笑得美轮美奂,世上根本就没有词可以形容,李云霄再次被摄住魂魄,看呆了。 Qu Hongyan can have your such man, she is very happy.” 曲红颜能有你这样的男人,她很幸福。” Said with a smile: But I will not be angry because of your rumor, because your expression betrayed your answer. How even if you said again forcefully she is more beautiful, change I compared with the fact of her beautiful.” 琳笑道:“但我不会因为你的谎言而生气的,因为你的表情已经出卖了你的答案。即便你再如何强行说她更美,也改变不了我比她美的事实。” Li Yunxiao sighed, said: I have not lied.” 李云霄叹了口气,道:“我没有说谎。” Said: Since you must insist your answer, is indisputable, I also insist my answer.” 琳道:“既然你要坚持自己的答案,也无可厚非,我也坚持自己的答案。” She smiles, access road: Time are not much, starts. I will change to the image with various memories of Yin Yu wartime in the past, you observe and emulate attentively.” 她轻轻一笑,便道:“时间不多了,开始吧。我将当年与胤羽一战时的各种记忆化作影像,你用心观摩一下。” The Li Yunxiao innermost feelings relaxed, secretly said has gone through a strategic pass finally, this woman is normal, has not gone crazy, otherwise cannot support. 李云霄内心松了口气,暗道总算过关了,这女人还算正常,没有发神经,否则自己真是吃不住。 Lin also no longer spoke, but lifted the hand, before the body under the non- break point, turned into golden rune/symbol Xian, the quick pictures appear at present in Li Yunxiao. The mobile phone user please visit 琳也不再说话,而是抬起手来,在身前不断点下,化成金色的符线,很快一幕幕景象在李云霄眼前浮现出来。手机用户请访问
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