UAA :: Volume #21

#2014: Goes out( fourth)

Picture that Lin and Yin Yu fight is very scary, that peak showdown, almost every is the earth-shattering, the entire world inverts. 琳与胤羽战斗的景象十分骇人,那种巅峰对决,几乎每一下都是天崩地裂,寰宇颠倒。 Li Yunxiao even suspected that for thousands of years, in Heavenly Martial World has the innumerable such powerhouses, why has not fallen the disintegration that Heavenly Martial World hits directly. 李云霄甚至怀疑,千万年来,天武界中有过无数这样的强者,为何没将天武界直接打的崩碎掉。 Merely several double-hour, Lin has then reflected the scene that several times fought. 仅仅数个时辰,琳便将几次战斗的情景过映完了。 „More than ten day time, you perceive through meditation well.” Then, Lin then disappears in void, did not appear again. “还有十余日的时间,你好好参悟一下吧。”说完,琳便消失在虚空内,再未出现。 Li Yunxiao benefits greatly, incisiveness that in their fights, Yin Yu the forms of combat and style manifest, moreover two super powerhouses to the war, making his fight to higher level have the brand-new understanding. 李云霄受益匪浅,两人的战斗内,胤羽的战斗方式和招式体现的淋漓尽致,而且两位超级强者的对战,让他对更高层次的战斗有了全新的理解。 After Lin walks, he was then lost in thought. 琳走后,他便陷入了沉思。 After more than ten day, beyond gold/metal dwelling place of Buddhist immortals. 十余日后,金波洞天外。 Yin Yu opens eyes suddenly, the opens mouth long recited one fiercely, immediately dragon throat Nine Heavens, that sound gathered the line to strike into gold/metal dwelling place of Buddhist immortals directly, caused the turbulence. 胤羽突然睁开双眸,猛地张口长吟一声,顿时龙吭九天,那声音汇聚成线直接击入金波洞天内,引起动荡。 „The throat of real dragon! This is the throat of genuine real dragon!” “真龙之吭!这便是真正的真龙之吭!” The Qingyun facial color is pale, he has almost been fully correct Yin Yu the status, but does not dare saying that answer. 罗青云面色惨白,他几乎猜透了胤羽的身份,只是不敢说出那个答案而已。 In Dragon spoke to spread to the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, when caused the people in great surprise, non- Ni also suddenly opened eyes, that eyes was not completely humanlike, bent down, sent out a long cry, the reverberation is void. 就在龙吭声传入洞天内,引得众人大惊时,非倪也猛然睁开眼来,那双眸子完全不似人类,俯身而下,发出一声长鸣,回荡在虚空。 Immediately dragon roar phoenix cry, forms resonating, the frequency transmits, all people all are the complexion big changes. 顿时龙吟凤鸣,形成一种共振,频率传来,所有人皆是脸色大变。 Under these two sounds, as if the space and time flowed desolate, in that ten thousand dominated the world spirit the time, stood two powerhouses in most peak, surmounted. 在这两道声音下,仿佛时空流回了荒古,在那万灵称霸世界的时代,站立于最顶端的两位强者,跨越而来。 Resonating has continued the hemiprism fragrant time, gradually weakens, until vanishing. 共振持续了半柱香时间,才渐渐变弱,直至消失。 Three phoenix feathers that in the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, in the sky reappeared, at this moment becomes gloomy, probably by the flame has burnt the ashes, selects the point to extinguish. 洞天中,天空上原本浮现的三道凤羽,此刻变得暗淡下来,就好像被火焰烧过的灰烬,点点灭去。 The ray in entire dwelling place of Buddhist immortals is gloomy, falls into with the darkness that the outside is without change. 整个洞天内的光芒暗淡下来,陷入与外界一般无二的黑暗。 Can with dripping is the heart trembles, oneself have protected 100,000 years of place, feared that will be the present has not existed, they will all have the tears to spin in the eye socket. 灿与涿皆是心头一颤,自己守护了100000年的地方,怕是今后就不复存在了,两人皆是有泪在眼眶打转。 Non- Ni was awakened by dragon roar from the deep sleep, the body also starts to have the astonishing change, phoenix marks appear on the body, the forehead presents the hot cloud mark of Tianfeng, dodged not to have. 非倪从沉睡中被龙吟惊醒,身体也开始发生惊人变化,一圈圈的凤纹在身上浮现,眉心更是出现天凤的火云印记,一闪而没。
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