UAA :: Volume #21

#2012: Gambling approximately( second)

Li Yunxiao knits the brows: Did not say that the body of the emperor can not refuse stubbornly to extinguish?” 李云霄皱眉道:“不是说圣体可以不死不灭吗?” Hehe, does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish is only a view of exaggeration, did not refuse stubbornly to extinguish to the average man. Even if with world same longevity, is unable not to refuse stubbornly to extinguish. Even if the world itself , the tribulations of five fading, discussed why not to extinguish?” “呵呵,不死不灭只是一种夸张的说法,相对于常人而言就是不死不灭了。即便与天地同寿,也无法不死不灭吧。哪怕是天地本身,也有五衰之劫,谈何不灭?” Lin said with a smile lightly: Just the world is opposite to us, almost did not refuse stubbornly to extinguish.” 琳淡淡笑道:“只不过天地相对我们而言,就几乎是不死不灭了。” The Li Yunxiao nod said: I understood, in this world does not have the absolute thing, everything can only be relative discusses.” 李云霄点头道:“我明白了,这世上没有绝对的东西,凡事都只能是相对而论。” Lin appreciates saying: Right, you have perception very much.” 琳赞赏道:“对,你很有悟性。” The Li Yunxiao forced smile said: I am not clear, why Sir Lin wants me to cope with that Yin Yu, why not to let drip with Sir Can goes, the words assurance that they get rid of should be older than me.” 李云霄苦笑道:“我不明白,琳大人为何要我去对付那胤羽,何不让涿和灿大人去,他们出手的话把握应该比我大吧。” Can and dripped is also very under the chest, imposing manner dispersing, the malignant influences were threatening. 灿和涿也是挺了下胸膛,身上的气势散开,煞气逼人。 Can sinking sound track: Sir Lin, Can treasured sword is not old, still may fight!” 灿沉声道:“琳大人,灿宝刀未老,依然可战!” Drips also the hurried say/way: Drips is also!” 涿也急忙道:“涿也是!” Lin said with a smile lightly: You follow my these many years, was laborious you. I let Li Yunxiao and descendants feather battle, is not pure to win him, but probes their destiny chances.” 琳淡淡笑道:“你们二人追随我这么多年,辛苦你们了。我让李云霄和胤羽争斗,并非是纯粹的为了赢他,而是试探两人的气运机缘。” Hears the shepherd's flute to say suddenly: I understood, the Sir wants to probe the Li Yunxiao destiny strongly, whether can be capable the Lord of World God monument, if the incorrect words, this Tianfeng real tail plume might as well gave others.” 聆牧笛恍然道:“我明白了,大人是想试探李云霄的气运到底有多强,是否真能堪当界神碑之主,若是不行的话,这天凤真尾翎还不如给别人。” Lin nods saying: Said right, this real tail plume I have preserved for 100,000 years, among the world can make me give at most four people.” 琳点头道:“说的没错,这根真尾翎我保存了100000年,天下间能够让我给予者至多四人。” Hears the shepherd's flute startled say/way: Four people? Which four people doesn't know?” 聆牧笛惊道:“四人?不知哪四人?” Said: One was Tianfeng body, one was the Lord of World God monument, one was the sovereigns of ten thousand monster, last, although I did not want, but stood the general situation, Yin Yu was also the person of suiting.” 琳道:“一为天凤涅体,一为界神碑之主,一为万妖之皇,还有最后一个,虽然我不愿意,但站在大局来说,胤羽也是适合之人。” The people are the complexion change, Li Yunxiao is also the startled say/way: „Does this person also suit? He is what status, is it possible that is the child of real dragon?” 众人都是脸色微变,李云霄也是惊道:“此人也适合?他到底是何身份,莫非是真龙之子?” Hears the shepherd's flute to knit the brows: I never had heard why this person, he should also be evidently the 100,000 years ago powerhouses is right.” 聆牧笛皱眉道:“为何我从未听说过此人,看样子他应该也是100000年前的强者才对呀。” Lin silent a meeting, said: His qualifications compared with our any person old, how long he lived everyone not to know, 100,000 years ago although he has not participated in war of the demon, actually also somewhat affected the war. Yin Yu the child of status by no means real dragon, but real dragon main body!” 琳沉默了一会,道:“他的资历比我们任何一人都老,他到底活了多久谁也不知道,100000年前他虽未参与封魔之战,却也多多少少影响到了战事。胤羽的身份并非真龙之子,而是真龙本尊!” zi!” “嗞!” All people were frightened heavily, and dripped besides Can already knew its status, other people were the complexion big changes, several near delay. 所有人都是被吓得不轻,除了灿和涿早就知其身份外,其余之人都是脸色大变,几近呆滞。 Only has powerhouse in myth, accepts the world essence to live, concentrates for the strength, the head of antiquity True Spirit, in the legend incomparably formidable existence, appears in unexpectedly at present, and...... 仅存在于神话中的强者,纳天地精华而生,为界力所凝,上古真灵之首,传说中无比强大的存在,竟然就出现在眼前,而且…… Thinks that various contradictory gratitude and grudges between Wu Dacheng and Li Yunxiao, stumble along, Li Yunxiao cannot help but asked: Sir made a mistake......” 想到吴大成与李云霄之间的各种矛盾恩怨,一路磕磕绊绊走来,李云霄不由得问道:“大人弄错了吧……” Although he knew in the heart that definitely is right, Lin will not crack a joke at this matter, but is unable to believe. 虽然他心知肯定是对的,琳绝不会在这种事上开玩笑,但只是无法相信。 Let alone is he, heard shepherd's flute and the others also to petrify generally, for a very long time slow the god. 别说是他,聆牧笛等人也全都石化了一般,久久才缓过神来。 Hears the shepherd's flute sinking sound track: In world does not know how long has not seen real dragon Tianfeng, cannot think that the real dragon has saved in world unexpectedly. That why 100,000 years ago so doesn't great misfortune see his person's shadow?” 聆牧笛沉声道:“天地间已不知多久没有见过真龙天凤了,想不到真龙竟一直存于世间。那为何100000年前如此大劫都不见他人影?” Said: This dragon is a selfish person, 100,000 years ago I know his time, he actually also only then makes the stage of perfection to cultivate is, had been beaten violently several times by me, but made him run away. As if long ago had been seriously injured, cannot restore. Now 100,000 years, dropped to empty.” 琳道:“此龙是个自私自利之人,100000年前我认识他的时候,他其实也只有造化境修为,被我狠揍过几次,但都让他逃了。似乎在很久以前受过重伤,就一直未能恢复。现在100000年了,又跌落至虚极了。” This......” “这……” All people are bewildered, Li Yunxiao said: Real dragon should not be King Jing?” 所有人都是一脸茫然,李云霄怔怔道:“真龙不应该是界王境的吗?” Said: Before for a long time he should also be King Jing exists, but was hit dropped the boundary, therefore rough was desolated in the time passed, cultivates to be getting more and more low. Said that is also a pitiful laughable person.” 琳道:“在许久以前他应该也是界王境存在,只是被人打得跌落了境界,所以磕磕绊绊的在时间荒芜里度过,修为越来越低。说起来也是个可怜可笑之人。” Li Yunxiao has been shocked, said: Was hit drops boundary? In does this world have to be able the person of real dragon asking the price with no intention of buying boundary?” 李云霄惊呆了,道:“被人打得跌落境界?这世上还有能够将真龙打落境界之人吗?” Said: This matter I am also curious. Before meeting demon main, I also felt that is unlikely. But if presented the demon main such powerhouse, poured is not difficult to understand.” 琳说道:“此事我也非常好奇。在遇见魔主之前,我也感觉不太可能。但若是出现了魔主那样的强者的话,倒也不难理解了。” Li Yunxiao and the others mutually looked at one, can only see each other in the eye full is shocking. 李云霄等人都是互望了一眼,只能看到彼此眼中满是震惊。 In the Li Yunxiao sudden heart moves, said: Is it possible that before the 100,000 years ago demon tribulations, the demon tribulation has appeared?” He thinks immediately in really Dragon Mili, the neon original stone that oneself obtain. 李云霄突然心中一动,道:“莫非在100000年前的魔劫之前,还有魔劫出现过?”他立即想到在真龙秘里,自己得到的霓虹原石。 That hides away is the descendants feather stays behind, inside has the neon original stone, obviously the descendants feather is certain and demon has been connected. 那秘藏是胤羽留下的,里面有霓虹原石,可见胤羽一定和魔界有所关联。 Said: This idea I also once had, but, the time is extremely no matter how remote, only if Yin Yu said personally, otherwise was very difficult to research. Furthermore is, long ago matter was small to the influence that present had, does not need to haggle over.” 琳道:“这个想法我也曾经有,但不管如何,时间太过久远,除非胤羽亲口说出来,否则很难考证了。再者就是,久远之事对现在产生的影响甚微,也不需要去计较。” The people are silent, was really Yin Yu the status extremely has shocked, making them unable to get back one's composure. 众人都是沉默不语,实在是胤羽的身份太过震撼了,让他们回不过神来。 Said: Therefore this Tianfeng real tail plume gave you three people of one of them me is wants, otherwise I rather refine, many 20 years of life also good everywhere to play.” 琳道:“所以这根天凤真尾翎给你们三人其中之一我都是愿意的,否则我宁可自己炼化掉,多个20年寿元也好到处玩玩。” In Mo eyes flood fine glow, is holding the fist in the other hand saying: Sir Lin, I although now has not ascended the throne the monster sovereign, but that is sooner or later matter, might as well the real tail plume to me.” 陌眼中泛着精芒,抱拳道:“琳大人,我现在虽还未登基妖皇,但那是迟早的事,不如将真尾翎给我。” Lin said lightly: Everything do not say early, you now are not the monster sovereign, the proof has compared with you more formidable Monster Clan exists, the future matter no one will talk clearly. Furthermore, you preserved the life to say from the wrong road of practice Saint merit first again.” 琳淡淡说道:“凡事不要说得太早,你现在不是妖皇,就证明有比你更为强大的妖族存在,将来的事谁也说不清楚。再者,你先从修炼圣功的歧途中保住命再说吧。” Mo complexion one is ugly, pleaded: Sir Lin saves me.” 陌脸色一下就难看起来,恳求道:“琳大人救救我。” Lin snort/hum said: On temper that your this fears death, but also took the Tianfeng real tail plume, after letting I died, how with leaving Zhu confessed.” 琳哼道:“就你这怕死的性子,还拿天凤真尾翎,让我死后怎么跟离朱交代。” The head that Mo air/Qi feels dizzy, wants to get rid to kill people, but forcefully bears, is cloudy the face no longer to speak. 陌气的脑袋发晕,就想出手杀人,但还是强行忍住,阴沉着脸不再吭声。 Li Yunxiao stern say/way: „The meaning of Sir I understood, but also please give institute of the closing up, I quite practice a month, strives to break through to the palm day boundary.” 李云霄正色道:“大人的意思我明白了,还请给一处闭关之所,我好修炼一月,争取突破到掌天境。” Said: No matter you whether breaks through to the palm day boundary, must shift to an earlier time for three days to come out. In the past I and Yin Yu have fought several times, I some picture memories passed to you to look.” 琳道:“不管你是否突破到掌天境,都必须提早三天出来。当年我与胤羽交手过数次,我会将其中一些景象记忆传给你看。” The Li Yunxiao great happiness, holds the fist in the other hand saying: That many thanks Sir.” 李云霄大喜,抱拳道:“那多谢大人了。” Lin waved, said: I also hope you to win, although does not have anything to like to you, but does not like Yin Yu. But if the Lord of World God monument has lost to the real dragon, I have to handle affairs according to the Heavenly Dao.” 琳挥了挥手,道:“我也希望你胜,虽然对你没什么喜欢,但更不喜欢胤羽。可要是界神碑之主败给了真龙,那我也只好依天道行事了。” Yes.” “明白。” The Li Yunxiao prudent nod said that afterward then the whole body by one group of golden light surrounding, one vanished in the main hall. 李云霄慎重的点头道,随后便全身被一团金光包围,一下就消失在了大殿中。 Lin is looking at the remaining people, said: You casually play.” She then said to Mo: „The dark green Monster Clan junior, comes along with me.” 琳望着剩下之人,道:“你们就随便玩吧。”她这才对陌道:“苍妖族的小辈,随我来吧。” After Mo has gawked a next, then great happiness, said: „Is Sir willing to save me?” 陌愣了一下后便大喜,道:“大人肯救我了?” Lin snort/hum said: You are the Monster Clan big energy, has the empty boundary to cultivate is extremely, is a fearful dark green monster clan successor, and my Saint merit, how could I see somebody in danger and do nothing. Before saw you extremely to fear death, therefore the heart had discontentedly. Then, you also really give us Monster Clan to lose face.” 琳哼道:“你是妖族大能,有虚极境修为,又是可怕的苍妖一族传人,并且得我圣功,我岂能见死不救。之前只是见你太过怕死,所以心有不满罢了。说起来,你还真给我们妖族丢人。” Mo scolded speechless, on face also red, flashes through the ashamed and resentful color. 陌被骂的一阵无语,脸上也红了起来,闪过羞愤之色。 But dodges along with it golden glow, vanishes in the main hall, this time with has Lin's form that it vanishes together. 但随之金芒一闪,也消失在大殿内,这次与之一同消失的还有琳的身影。 Qu Hongyan somewhat worried that said: Lets fly upwards with a real dragon war, can be unconsidered. The opposite party is not only empty extremely Divine Realm cultivates is, was the antiquity real dragon.” 曲红颜有些担忧,道:“让飞扬与真龙一战,会不会有欠考虑。对方不仅是虚极神境修为,更是上古真龙啊。” Hears the shepherd's flute saying: This is also Sir Lin to his test, this test is not groundless. If the Lord of destiny World God monument could not struggle the antiquity real dragon, the next demon tribulation dealt with by really Dragon Yin Yulai might also as well be means.” 聆牧笛道:“这也是琳大人对他的一个考验吧,这个考验不无道理。若是界神碑之主气运争不过上古真龙的话,下一次魔劫就由真龙胤羽来应付也未尝不是个办法。” Qu Hongyan said: But that Yin Yu is selfish, will compete in the demon tribulation for the world common people?” 曲红颜道:“可是那胤羽自私自利,会为了天下苍生而出战魔劫吗?” Hears the shepherd's flute saying: When the time comes may be beyond control he. The demon entrance opens, the words that Wan Moqi is near, entire Heavenly Martial World must be finished, he is no exception. In the past sealed various group of heroes of war of demon, how many also there are unselfish? Has not been relating to own interests.” 聆牧笛道:“到时候可就由不得他了。魔界入口开启,万魔齐临的话,整个天武界都要完蛋,他也不例外。当年封魔之战的各路英雄豪杰,又有几个是大公无私的?还不是关系着自己的利益。” Qu Hongyan has been speechless, whose the Tianfeng real tail plume turned over to her not to matter, who led the people to deal with the demon tribulation not to matter, even did the demon tribulation win does not matter, she only wanted Li Yunxiao is well. 曲红颜无话可说了,天凤真尾翎归谁她无所谓,谁带领众人应对魔劫也无所谓,甚至魔劫赢不赢都无所谓,她只想要李云霄平安无事。 Teacher felt relieved that Yunxiao he will certainly not have the matter.” Luo Yunchang comforts in the one side. “师尊放心吧,云霄他一定不会有事的。”洛云裳在一旁安慰起来。 Qu Hongyan shows a faint smile, she knows that Luo Yunchang was not never worried, now makes the disciple comfort itself, cannot help but smiles bitterly, said: We let us not waste the time, this month cultivates well, in the future has not known that has many tough battles to hit.” 曲红颜微微一笑,她知道洛云裳何尝又不担心,现在却让弟子来安慰自己,不由得苦笑一声,道:“我们也别浪费时间了,这个月好好修炼,将来还不知道有多少硬仗要打呢。” Two females also sit cross-legged to practice immediately. 两女当即也盘坐修炼起来。 Hears the shepherd's flute, Can, dripping, sits cross-legged respectively, entered the practice condition. 聆牧笛、灿、涿,也各自盘坐,进入了修炼状态。 Li Yunxiao vanishes after the palace, directly appears in a side on void. All around, everywhere is vast, cannot see the end. 李云霄从宫殿上消失后,直接出现在一方虚空上。前后左右,上下四方皆是一望无际,看不到尽头。 Suddenly in the sky appears to wipe the yellow luminescence, changes to a feather to fall gently slowly. 突然天空上浮现出一抹黄光,化作一根羽毛缓缓飘落下来。 Lin's voice along with it conveying, said: This was in my hand the last piece of ordinary Tianfeng feather, wants to remain is living for several days, now looks like does not need. You absorb its inside strength, strives to break through to the palm day boundary.” 琳的声音随之传来,道:“这是我手中最后一片普通的天凤羽毛,原本是想留着多活几天的,现在看来不需要了。你将它里面的力量吸收掉,争取能突破到掌天境。” That piece of feather falls gently in the Li Yunxiao hand, as if also contains to have the temperature, making the Li Yunxiao innermost feelings one warm. 那片羽毛飘落在李云霄手中,似乎还蕴含有温度,让李云霄内心一暖。 It seems like Lin is really wishes that he wins, but sometimes Heavenly Dao chooses anyone not to be fully correct, she also can only do everything humanly possible but then leave to fate. 看来琳是真心希望他赢的,但有时候天道的选择谁也猜不透,她也只能尽人事而听天命。 Li Yunxiao grasps that feather, Lin's aura is vanishing was void, should walk. 李云霄握着那羽毛,琳的气息就消失在了虚空内,应该是走了。 He has sighed deeply, received this precious phoenix feather, does not lose the time, swallowed some exhaust fumes medicinal pill, directly sits cross-legged to sit down to sit in meditation. 他长叹了一声,将这根宝贵的凤羽收了起来,也不耽误时间,吞了一些回气的丹药,就直接盘腿坐下入定。 Before the breakthrough, must first own condition adjustment to the peak. 在突破之前,必须先将自己的状态调节至巅峰。 This moment Li Yunxiao within the body also has the calamity to fight money bi-color thunder and lightning that on the true body projects, has been pressed by him in the body refining up unceasingly, now happen to sinks the heart, uses the complete mind above. 此刻李云霄体内还有祸斗真身上射出的金银双色雷电,一直被他压在身体里不断炼化,现在正好沉下心来,将全部心神都用在上面。 That bi-color thunder under an oppression of small group purple thunder, decomposes unceasingly, turns into sends the silk to be slender, bought by the dantian. 那双色雷霆在一小团紫雷的压迫下,不断分解开,化成发丝般纤细,被丹田吸纳。 After several double-hour, that bi-color thunder bought in completely cleanly. The mobile phone user please visit 数个时辰后,那双色雷霆完全被吸纳干净了。手机用户请访问
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