UAA :: Volume #21

#2009: Disparity

Volume...... Like this......” “额……这样吗……” After Mo has gawked one next, thinks reasonable, moreover can only explain like this. 陌愣了一下后,觉得有道理,而且也只能这样解释了。 After they talked, each other confronted was standing, has not begun again. Takes their cultivating as, decides the victory and defeat to come very much difficultly in a short time, moreover does not want to fight life and death. 两人对话之后,就彼此对峙的站着,并没有再动手。以两人的修为,很难短时间内分出胜负来,而且本来也不想斗的你死我活的。 Calamity fights......” “祸斗吗……” Stands before gold/metal dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, Can of protector entrance is also astonished raising the head, looks that seals the calamity that wants the ionization to leave to fight the true body with that primal chaos to seal/confer Tianyin, in the eye full is the complex look, does not know that is what thinks. 站在金波洞天前,守护者入口的灿也是惊愕的抬起头来,看着封要离化出的祸斗真身与那太极封天印,眼里满是复杂的神色,不知是何想。 The surroundings have more than ten people to surround, unceasing long-distance attacks, as if very dreaded that does not dare to approach its. 周围有十多人环绕,不断的远程攻击过来,似乎十分忌惮,不敢太靠近其身。 Can appears, has killed instant 34 people, is one move dies basically, immediately retreats in fear other people. 灿出现的刹那,就连杀了34人,基本都是一招即死,当下将其余之人吓退。 Qingyun and Yao Jinliang and the others are the heart startled, before does not dare to depend. 罗青云和姚金良等人都是心惊不已,不敢靠得太前。 This then surmounts existence of palm day boundary, the strength of empty extremely Divine Realm......” “这便是超越掌天境的存在,虚极神境之力吗……” Yao Jinliang body somewhat shivers, the explosive that five fingers pinch, longs for surging to the strength unceasingly, somewhat one's blood bubbles up to the brim. 姚金良身躯有些颤抖,五指捏的爆响,对力量渴望不断涌起,有些热血沸腾。 His card was returning to original condition Divine Realm to be too long, has suffered from not being able to break through, so long as can obtain the feather of Tianfeng, even if were the feather of ordinary Tianfeng, had confidence to break in the palm day boundary. 他卡在归真神境太久了,一直苦于无法突破,只要能得到天凤之羽,哪怕是普通的天凤之羽,也有把握冲入掌天境。 The distant place sealed to just display primal chaos to seal/confer Tianyin, looked that Li Yunxiao and monster dripped to run away, stuffy snort/hum, received to seal/confer Tianyin. 远处封要离刚施展出太极封天印,就看李云霄和妖涿跑走了,闷哼一声下,将封天印收起。 But keeps the calamity to fight true body, grasps the cold sword to be incorruptible, coldly is staring at the Li Yunxiao cold sound track: Today does not hand over the remnant soul, I will certainly chase down you to the ends of the earth!” 但却留着祸斗真身,手持冷剑冰霜,冷冷盯着李云霄寒声道:“今日不交出残魂,吾必将追杀你至天涯海角!” Li Yunxiao careless saying: „To kill my person to be many, are many your not to matter.” 李云霄漫不经心的说道:“想杀我的人多着呢,多你一个也无所谓。” Drips shouts loudly: Can, this person is very thorny , helping me quickly, we collaborate to kill him!” 涿大声喊道:“灿,此人十分棘手,快来助我,咱们联手杀他!” Can facial color hesitates, said: „Is this person the person is the monster? If the calamity fights a clan, is our clans, is not necessary to begin.” 灿面色沉吟,道:“此人到底是人是妖?若是祸斗一族的话,乃是我们本族,大可不必动手。” Li Yunxiao said: „After this person kills calamity has fought, seized his body.” 李云霄道:“此人是杀了祸斗后,夺了他的身躯。” Even so, that then keeps you to be serious!” “即使如此,那便留你不得了!” In Can eyes blowout anger and severe glow, could not attend to the protection dwelling place of Buddhist immortals entrance, under dodged rushed. 灿眼里喷出怒火和厉芒,也顾不得守护洞天入口了,一闪之下就冲了上去。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Wei Qing looks at Can diving posture on, two empty extremely Divine Realm? The monster besieges to seal to together leave, feared that is who enjoys so the treatment to hang. 韦青看着灿飞身而上,两名虚极神境的?妖一起围攻封要离,怕是谁享受这般待遇都得挂掉。 Really, seals to see them to besiege, immediately does not return runs away toward the distant place. 果然,封要离一见两人围攻过来,顿时头也不回的就往远处逃走。 But Wei Qing own strength is also limited, cannot help, under can deal with hears the shepherd's flute extremely to be strenuous. 韦青自身实力也有限,根本帮不上忙,能应付下聆牧笛就已经极其吃力了。 Breaks in the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals quickly!” “快冲入洞天!” Wei Qing was ordering to that distant place No. several person immediately. 韦青顿时对着那远处的十几号人下了命令。 This moment dwelling place of Buddhist immortals entrance nobody left, south Beizhen was also being pressed hitting by the descendants feather, almost does not have the strength to hit back, the mortal body of allowing temporary credit boundary under dragon prestige by many punctures, almost borders on the life and death. 此刻洞天入口处空无一人,北圳南也被胤羽压着打,几乎没有还手之力,融通境的肉身在龙威下被多处击穿,几乎濒临生死。 Li Yunxiao rushes from the sky fiercely, a sword behind cut toward Yin Yu. 李云霄猛地从天空上冲下,一剑就往殷羽身后斩去。 Snort, sneak attacks me?!” “哼,偷袭我吗?!” Yin Yunu smiles one, turns around to cut red to that sword war casualty on five fingers Dragon Zhaokou. 胤羽怒笑一声,转身就五指龙爪扣向那剑殇斩红。 Bang!” “嘭!” The claw just moved on the sword blade, shoots the ice ghost heart flame, his palm pain of burning, but clenches teeth to shoot down, will ice the ghost heart flame to shake extinguishes. 爪刚触碰到剑身上,就弹起冰煞心焰,烧的他掌心一痛,但还是咬牙击落,将冰煞心焰震灭。 A Li Yunxiao sword potential revolution, simultaneously the left hand pinches finger joints with the thumb, north 36 handles the day of cold star sword detaches, has cut with the sword Secret Art together. 李云霄剑势一转,同时左手掐诀,36柄北天寒星剑脱体而出,与剑诀一道斩了过去。 Yin Yu sneers wear a look, in eye is the boundless anger, in blade range Jianfeng he by Li Yunxiao and Qu Hongyan they collaborates to compel into the hopeless situation, from exploding the space compact disc ran away, is this lives the unusual shame. 胤羽面带冷笑,眼里更是无边怒火,刀岭剑峰上他被李云霄曲红颜两人联手逼入绝境,自爆了宇光盘才逃走,是此生少有的耻辱。 The mood that a revenge avenges wells up to be careful, both hands wave before the body unceasingly, the current events leave ten thousand dragon surging, raids fiercely to these sword air/Qi. 一股复仇雪恨的情绪涌上心间,双手在身前不断舞动,顿时化出万龙奔涌,猛地袭向那些剑气。 Bang! Bang! Bang!” “砰!砰!砰!” The sword air/Qi was repelled with the northern day of cold star sword all, in the Li Yunxiao hand Secret Art seal changes, 36 swords melt immediately attack to defend, becomes a row horizontally before the body. 剑气与北天寒星剑尽数被击退,李云霄手中诀印一变,36剑立即化攻为守,成一排横在身前。 „Are you all right?” “你没事吧?” Li Yunxiao on the alert Yin Yu, simultaneously is concerned was asking south Beizhen injury. 李云霄警惕着胤羽,同时关切的问着北圳南的伤势。 South Beizhen somewhat could not support, sits cross-legged to sit in Qi behind, but said lightly: Cannot die.” 北圳南有些支撑不住了,盘腿坐于其身后,只是淡淡说道:“死不了。” Li Yunxiao waves, in World God monument appears to wipe white glow immediately, received Beizhen south, this total involvement facing descendants feather, as well as it behind racing to come Luo Qingyun and the others. 李云霄一挥手,界神碑内立即浮现出一抹白芒,将北圳南收了进去,这才全身心的面对胤羽,以及其身后奔来的罗青云等人。 On the same day in the sword sect, your gangs besieges me. Haha, now the natural justice circulation, retribution is not feeling well, is one's turn me to lead the gang to besiege you.” “当日在刀剑宗,你们一伙人围攻我。哈哈,现在天理循环,报应不爽,轮到我带一伙人来围攻你。” Yin Yu laughs fiercely, coldly is staring at Li Yunxiao. 胤羽狰狞的大笑起来,冷冷盯着李云霄 Although his whole face murderous aura, but the innermost feelings are actually the whisper, indecisive. 虽然他满脸是杀气,但内心却是嘀咕不已,犹豫不决。 Because Li Yunxiao has World God monument, is the person of Heavenly Dao selection, although will not be will not die absolutely, but also is that will be very difficult dead. 因为李云霄身怀界神碑,乃是天道选中之人,虽不是绝对不会死,但也是属于很难死的那种。 If by the strength theory, he then has the confidence to strike to kill Li Yunxiao, does not need anything to besiege. 若只是以实力论的话,他一人便有信心将李云霄击杀,根本不需什么围攻。 He gives me, you go advanced.” “他交给我吧,你们先进去。” Qingyun opens the mouth to say suddenly that complexion becomes lonely, tight is staring at Li Yunxiao, as if in his eyes besides Li Yunxiao, does not have other people again. 罗青云突然开口说道,脸色变得冷清起来,紧紧的盯着李云霄,似乎在他眼里除了李云霄外,再无他人。 Oh, you?” “喔,你?” Yin Yusao his eyes, swung the finger, scoffs to say with a smile: You are not his match.” 胤羽扫了他一眼,摇了摇手指,嗤笑道:“你不是他对手。” Qingyun said: This saying is really coarse, coarse I want to punch you.” 罗青云道:“这话真难听,难听的我想揍你。” Haha, so long as you have the bloodlines of dragon, never may punch I!” The ridicule that Yin Yu disdains said that self-confident appearance. “哈哈,只要你身怀龙之血脉,就永远不可能揍的了我!”胤羽不屑的讥讽道,自信满满的样子。 Qingyun wrinkled under the eyebrow, resounds on the descendants feather is bringing that dragon prestige, will give birth to fear intent from the soul, the complexion cannot help but ugly, clenches teeth saying: I will sooner or later discover to suppress the law of dragon prestige.” 罗青云皱了下眉,响起胤羽身上带着的那股龙威,从灵魂中就会生出惧意来,不由得脸色难看,咬牙道:“我迟早会找出压制龙威之法的。” „, Ambitious.” “啧啧,有志气。” Yin Yu suddenly changed the mind, said: Since you want to fight with him, that gave you.” Then, then must lead the people to go. 胤羽突然改变了主意,赞道:“既然你想与他一战,那就交给你了。”说罢,便要带着众人进去。 Li Yunxiao coldly said: No one want to walk.” 李云霄冷冷道:“谁也别想走。” He turns the hand throws, six Ding Liujia turns into the honorable person size immediately, makes to hold the appearance of weapon respectively, protects before the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals. 他翻手一扔,六丁六甲顿时化成真人大小,各自做出持兵器的样子,守护在洞天前。 Puppet!” “傀儡!” Yin Yu pupil micro, as if felt anything, startled say/way: „Does heart refine the puppet?” 胤羽瞳孔微缩,似乎感受到了什么,惊道:“心炼傀儡?” Cannot think that also has the person of being able to judge the quality of goods.” “想不到还有识货之人。” Li Yunxiao heartfelt saying, Yin Yu indeed is experienced, the experience is extraordinary. 李云霄由衷的称赞道,胤羽的确是见多识广,见识非凡。 Even if the heart refining up the puppet, that is also what kind.” “即便是心炼傀儡,那又怎样。” Yin Yu thinks little, in long years, any magical powers some of his slightly understanding, even has experienced basically. 胤羽并不以为意,在漫长的岁月里,什么神通他都略有了解,甚至基本都见识过。 Hehe, is not indeed what kind.” “呵呵,的确不怎样。” Li Yunxiao self-ridicules has smiled one, flickers to move to six Ding Liujia Central committee, both hands pinches finger joints with the thumb unceasingly. 李云霄自嘲的笑了一声,瞬移至六丁六甲中央,双手不断掐诀。 Immediately 12 ju lings behind appear in the puppet, grasps the light blade edge weapon respectively, the stance is consistent with that puppet. 顿时12尊巨灵在傀儡身后浮现,各自手持光刃兵器,姿态与那傀儡一致。 And three ju lings one step steps comes, in the hand the blade, sword and halberd weapon, cuts fiercely toward the crowd in! 其中三尊巨灵一步踏上前来,手中兵器为刀、剑、戟,猛地往人群里斩去! Bang!” “轰隆!” Three glares from out of the blue, strike to the crowd. 三道强光破空,击向人群内。 The people early have the alert, toward four diverges fiercely, three attacks fail all. 众人早有戒备,猛地往四下散去,三道攻击尽数落空。 More than ten photographs spread all over, fragmentary point point in airborne, under flashes flushes away toward the front. 十余人像是星罗棋布,零星点点的在空中,闪动之下往前方冲去。 12 puppets pinch finger joints with the thumb respectively, simultaneously proceeds to pat single-handed. 12尊傀儡各自掐诀,同时单手往前拍去。 Light appear, rapidly in the front spreads, surrounded Yin Yu and the others, instantly the wind and cloud surges, the world changes color, only thought that has traded the space. 一片阵光浮现,迅速在前方蔓延,将胤羽等人困住,霎时风云涌起,天地变色,只觉得换了空间。 Originally is array?” “原来是阵法吗?” Yin Yu calm saying: Heart refining up the puppet either condenses the magical powers, either condenses array, this group of puppets have 12, indeed is array. Needs these many of puppet arrangement, must not be simple, everybody is more careful.” 胤羽冷静的说道:“心炼傀儡要么是凝聚神通,要么是凝聚阵法,这组傀儡有12尊之多,的确是阵法呀。需要这么多傀儡布置的阵,必不简单,大家小心些。” Entered to call carefully, doesn't think somewhat late?” “都已经入阵了才叫小心,不觉得有些晚吗?” The Li Yunxiao form floats down now sky over array, coldly bird's eye view people. 李云霄的身影一下浮现在阵法上空,冷冷的俯瞰众人。 Snort, late? You are really understanding obscene, in this world never has the matter that the dependence external force can go against heaven's will.” “哼,晚?你还真会意・淫啊,这世上从来不存在依靠外力就可以逆天的事。” The ridicule of descendants feather whole face, although the battle formation tumbles, the facial color like the water, said: „Similar to you, although has World God monument, is the person of Heavenly Dao choice, but limits to own natural talent and strength, cannot display the World God monument strength. This to taking advantage of the puppet technique is the same, is sorrowful.” 胤羽满脸的讥讽,虽然阵势翻滚,却面色如水,道:“就如同你虽有界神碑,是天道选择之人,但局限于自己的天资和实力,根本不能发挥出界神碑的力量。这与依仗傀儡术一样,都是悲哀啊。” Li Yunxiao is silent, Yin Yu the words said indeed right, the vacation in the nonego throughout is not the correct path, only has own strength is the eternal say/way. 李云霄沉默不语,胤羽的话说得的确没错,假于外物始终不是正道,唯有自身实力才是永恒之道。 Altogether 12 puppets, we have 17 people, divides to strike it.” “一共12尊傀儡而已,我们有17人,分而击之。” Yao Jinliang with burying Yun Shoudang fires into the array edge first, goes toward that puppet. 姚金良与葬云兽当先就冲向阵法边缘,往那傀儡而去。 In his opinion, the Li Yunxiao strength is also well-matched with him, even if assists in puppet array, is absolutely impossible to block 17 people of attacks, must strike to burst. 在他看来,李云霄的实力与他也不过旗鼓相当,即便在傀儡阵法辅助下来,也绝无可能挡住17人的攻击,必是一击而溃。 Li Yunxiao facial color one cold, two ju lings appear, a hand with fighting the halberd cuts, another single-handed congealing palm, changes to the mountain peak to fall. 李云霄面色一冷,二尊巨灵浮现出来,一尊手拿战戟斩下,另一尊单手凝掌,化作山峰落去。 Two attacks such as the meteor has delimited the expansive sky, locks Yao Jinliang with burying Yun Shou separately. 两道攻击如流星划过长空,分别锁定姚金良与葬云兽。 So to be how strong?!” “怎么会这么强?!” Yao Jinliang heart shakes, unbelievable looks that two radiant rays fall, each power and influence under him, startled big wave of innermost feelings gradually does not change to the suffering. 姚金良心头一震,难以置信的看着两道璀璨光芒落下,每一道的威势都不在他之下,内心的惊涛渐渐化作苦水。 Originally with for ten big Martial Emperor, but after the strength breaks through the Martial Dao peak, disparity in various person natural talent and chance on obvious manifested, cultivated to start to appear splits up suddenly. 原本同为十大武帝,但在实力突破武道巅峰后,各人天资和机缘上的差距就明显的体现出来了,修为开始出现急剧分化。 Even if before 20 years, their strengths also differs not in a big way. But the self-torture has gotten down, but the opposite party was actually overthrows came again one time, may make dumbfounded finally, short 20 years, not only the strength restored, but also really formerly! 即便在20余年前,两人的实力也相差不大。可自己一直苦修下去,而对方却是推倒重来了一次,可结果却令得自己目瞪口呆,短短20年,不仅实力全部恢复,而且更甚从前! Yao Jinliang innermost feelings are somewhat dejected, the greatly strengthened frustration multiplies in the innermost feelings. 姚金良内心有些颓然起来,极强的挫败感在内心滋生。 „It is not good, I must obtain the feather of Tianfeng, crosses this barrier!” “不行,我一定要得到天凤之羽,越过这层屏障!” The innermost feelings raise the intense hope, past events have floated the mind, can arrive at the present powerhouse, which after thousand is not difficult to be difficult obtains so the achievement status, who easily will concede in the face of the difficulty! 内心升起强烈的渴望来,往事一幕幕浮过脑海,能够走到如今的强者,哪个不是历经千难险阻才取得如此成就地位,在困难面前谁又会轻易服输! The intention phonograph, Yao Jinliang is fierce holds up the ghost dace to twist, Zheng unseal opens, delimits together white glow, cuts toward that ray! 心念电转,姚金良猛得举起鬼鲮绞,“铮”的一下解封开,划出一道白芒,往那光芒斩去! Buried Yun Shou is reverse body, the whole body wool has set upright, bellowed several, the direct specific use flung, immediately the imposing manner changed to the essence, roared on. 葬云兽则是扭转身躯,浑身的毛都竖了起来,大吼几声,直接用头一甩,顿时气势化作实质,咆哮而上。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Four strengths shell in together, such as the smoke fireworks and firecrackers open, explode the innumerable rays to fall. 四股力量轰击在一起,如烟花爆开,炸出无数光芒落下。 Although strong, living that but this place also receives!” “虽强,但本座还受的住!” In Yao Jinliang eyes projects the stern countenance, that makes an all-out effort to reappear once more, with burying Yun Shou dashes about wildly in array together. 姚金良眼里射出厉色,那股狠劲再次浮现出来,与葬云兽一起在阵法内狂奔。 Yin Yu the complexion also somewhat changed, startled say/way: „Do these 12 puppets all have the energy of returning to original condition boundary? This is how possible! You are also the returning to original condition boundary cultivate are!” The mobile phone user please visit 胤羽的脸色也有些变了,惊道:“这12尊傀儡皆有归真境之能?这怎么可能!你自己也不过是归真境修为啊!”手机用户请访问
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