UAA :: Volume #21

#2010: Dragon rune/symbol

In this world does not have anything is impossible, but you do not believe. ē “这世上没有什么是不可能的,只是你不相信罢了。ē Li Yunxiao said lightly that two ju lings are pursuing Yao Jinliang and bury Yun Shou to go, another four Djinn reappearing expansive sky, look at the people once more indifferently. 李云霄淡淡说道,二尊巨灵追着姚金良和葬云兽而去,另外四尊巨灵再次浮现长空,冷眼看着众人。 Most controls six by his present strength, many words enormously will damage the body. 以他现在的实力最多操控六尊,再多的话就会极大损伤身躯。 Li Yi and the others are panic-stricken, started somewhat to fluster. 李逸等人都是惊骇不已,开始有些慌了。 Yin Yuchi sound track: Snort, even if this heart refining up the puppet to be fierce, will limit to your oneself cultivates is, therefore you do not need to bluster.” 胤羽嗤声道:“哼,即便这心炼傀儡再厉害,也将局限于你自身修为,所以你不用虚张声势。” Right! The side that the Sir said is, if he has confidence to win us, had already gotten rid, will not be compelled to the present.” Li Yi echoes loudly, to oneself, emboldens to the companion. “对!大人说的极是,若是他有把握胜我们的话,早就出手了,也不会被逼至现在。”李逸大声附和起来,给自己,也给同伴壮胆。 Li Yunxiao sneers, lifts hand, concentrates directly a lightning, strikes fiercely toward Li Yi. 李云霄冷笑一声,抬起手来,直接凝出一道闪电,猛地往李逸击去。 Flip-flop!” “噼啪!” Li Yi had a scare, holds the sword to dance hurriedly a piece of sword astral before the body, airtight such as sword shield. 李逸吓了一跳,急忙持剑在身前舞出一片剑罡,密不透风如剑盾。 Bang!” “砰!” That dodges the electric shock on the sword shield, shoots the spark, shakes his whole body to tingle with numbness, steps on again and again retrocedes on void. The hair of whole body by electricity has set upright, the hairstyle on head assumes the explosive warhead, extremely funnily comedy. 那闪电击在剑盾上,弹起火花,震得他浑身发麻,踩在虚空上连连后退。全身的毛发都被电的竖了起来,脑袋上的发型呈爆炸头,极为滑稽搞笑。 Several people cannot bear laugh secretly, endures not to make noise forcefully. 有几人忍不住窃笑起来,强行忍着不出声。 Several years passed by, you is a progress do not have, 8527.” Li Yunxiao coldly visits him, that loose eyelid as if no spirit, to the person one type looks that mud results in felt. “几年过去了,你还是一点长进都没有啊,8527。”李云霄冷冷的看着他,那松散的眼皮似乎没有精神,给人一种看着烂泥似得感觉。 The anger of Li Yi air/Qi launches a psychological attack, 8527 were he made the lackey time in Li Family in the past the serial number, afterward the lackey could complete is granted Li surname, these years already desirably forgot, but Li Yunxiao was actually mention time and time again, routed his self-respect, Li Yunxiao, I have not certainly ended with you!” 李逸气的怒火攻心,8527是当年他在李家做奴才时候的编号,后来奴才做得好才被赐予了“李”姓,这些年来自己早已刻意忘记,可李云霄却是一次又一次的提起,击溃他的自尊心,“李云霄,我一定跟你没完!” Li Yunxiao meaningful glance cold, said: But I want with you.” 李云霄的眼色冷了起来,道:“但是我想跟你有完呢。” In the Li Yi heart twitches fiercely, by that vision startled has drawn back half step. He knows that by the Li Yunxiao present strength, must kill him to be too easy, immediately was silent, was enduring as far as possible, making other people show off, oneself waited for the opportunity to act. 李逸心中猛地抽搐一下,被那目光惊的退了半步。他知道以李云霄现在的实力,要杀他太容易,顿时闭口不言,尽量忍着,让其他人去出风头,自己伺机而动。 Yin Yuheng said: Everybody does not need to fear that pressed Yao Jinliang saying that divided to strike it. In my opinion, he this 50% might cannot display. These four ju lings I cope, if also has the subsequent party you to pay attention.” 胤羽哼道:“大家不用怕,就按姚金良说的,分而击之。依我看,他连此阵一半的威力都发挥不出来。这四尊巨灵我来对付,若是还有后手你们就留意点。” Then, his body empty melts directly, changes to the light azure smoke, inside raises unexpectedly a black dragon, goes toward the expansive sky. 说完,他的身体直接虚化起来,化作淡淡的青烟,里面竟升起一条青龙,往长空而去。 Melts the dragon!” “化龙!” All people are surprised. 所有人都是大吃一惊。 Li Yunxiao is the facial color is also dignified, before had seen the descendants emergence dragon in blade range Jianfeng, but the golden color, now is actually the purest green. 李云霄也是面色凝重,之前在刀岭剑峰上就见过胤羽化龙,只不过金色,现在却是最为纯粹的青色。 Handed down the dragon of antiquity really Dragon Jiwei green. 相传上古真龙即为青色之龙。 His both hands rapid knot seal, four ju lings glare angrily, one appears around Qinglong, holds the weapon to strike respectively. 他双手飞速结印,四尊巨灵怒目圆睁,一下出现在青龙四周,各自持兵器击去。 Melts Dragon descendants feather both eyes cool colors, maintains the dragon shape condition, both hands can also tie seal unexpectedly. 化龙的胤羽双眼一片冷色,维持龙形状态,双手竟也可以结印。 One group of green rays appear in his pair of palms, concentrate the fist size, inside green rune/symbol writing seethes. 一团青色光芒在其双掌间出现,凝成拳头大小,里面青色的符文翻腾。 Dragon symbol!” “龙符!” Qingyun one lost one's voice to call, the delay of whole face, the body trembled afterward unexpectedly, the big cold sweat fell from the forehead. 罗青云一下失声叫了起来,满脸的呆滞,随后身躯竟瑟瑟发抖,大颗的冷汗从额头落下。 Dragon rune/symbol is existence of clan legend dragons, condenses by the strength of unique dragon, is different from among the world any strength, is the strength on the real dragon the variation, but existence. 龙符是龙之一族传说中的存在,以独特的龙之力凝聚,有别于天下间任何一种力量,是界力在真龙身上变异而出的存在。 Handing down in world can control dragon symbol, only had the antiquity real dragon and its nine. 相传世间能够掌控龙符者,唯有上古真龙和其九子。 On Yin Yu the face flood the sacred ray, in the hand the photosphere one increases, sparkle such as positive. 胤羽的脸上泛起神圣的光芒,手中光球一下变大,闪耀如阳。 Dragon tally seal!” “龙符印!” Three characters said from the descendants feather mouth, the entire photosphere exploded instantaneously, vast mighty force dispersing, swallowed the attacks of four ju lings. 三字从胤羽口中说出,整个光球瞬间爆开,浩瀚伟力散开,将四尊巨灵的攻击吞噬进去。 It seems ten thousand dragons gallops, ten thousand stars fall, terrifying strength impacts array. 好似万龙奔腾,万星坠下,恐怖的力量一圈圈的冲击着阵法 Li Yunxiao stuffy snort/hum, in this counter- epicenter, has injured his meridians directly, in the throat the surging smell of blood, but forcefully was depressed by him. 李云霄闷哼一声,在这一下反震中,直接伤了他的经脉,喉咙内涌起血腥味,但还是被他强行压下。 Narongwech in array enormous and powerful, is attacking in all directions, a light fluctuates in sky over unceasingly absent-minded, throughout cannot break. 那龙威在阵法内浩浩荡荡,冲击着四面八方,阵光在上空不断恍惚浮动,始终不能破。 Actually in the first strongest bombardment cannot break array, the following strength not help matters. 其实第一下最强轰击中没能破阵,后续的力量都无济于事。 twelve day evil deity can extract the strength of outside continuously, makes up for to be in debt, only if strikes the powder, otherwise behind is the futile efforts. 十二都天神煞阵可以源源不断的抽取外界之力,弥补阵内亏空,除非一击击散,否则后面都是徒劳。 Yin Yu the pupil shrinks suddenly, as if also discovered? Right, startled say/way: This...... This...... 12......” 胤羽瞳孔骤缩,似乎也发现了?对,惊道:“此阵……此阵……12尊……” His complexion sank, has probably remembered anything, said loudly: „Everyone attacks the puppet respectively, divides to defeat!” 他的脸色沉了下来,好像想起了什么,大声道:“每人各自攻击傀儡,分而击破!” Then, Dragon body a revolution, flushes away toward a puppet. 说完,龙身一转,就朝着一尊傀儡冲去。 Qingyun and the others also make the birds to be loose, fires into the puppet respectively, some strength weak 2-3 people of one groups. 罗青云等人也都做鸟兽散,各自冲向傀儡,有些实力较弱的则两三人一组。 Immediately each puppet was attacked, the revolution of array becomes slow. 顿时每尊傀儡受到攻击,阵法的运转变得迟缓起来。 The Li Yunxiao facial color big change, sits cross-legged immediately void, is controlling the puppet with the psychic force carefully, acts calmly, but still feels extremely thorny. 李云霄面色大变,当即盘坐虚空,用精神力小心操控着傀儡,沉着应战,但依然感到极为棘手。 Only is Yin Yu, then takes four puppets to deal with, otherwise was destroyed a words trouble to be big by him alone. 光是胤羽一人,便要四尊傀儡才能应付,否则被他单独毁去一尊的话麻烦就大了。 Even if so, under coming under people of one mind attack, various types instead shake transmit unceasingly, makes him worried, fierce in within the body aura disorder, in the hand Secret Art seal also starts to make a mistake. 即便如此,在受到众人齐心攻击下,各种反震不断传来,也让他大为苦恼,体内气息紊乱的厉害,就连手中诀印也开始出错。 Flies upwards, removes quickly!” “飞扬,快撤阵!” Suddenly the Qu Hongyan sound conveys, rapid say/way: Does not remove words, once the battle formation collapses, you will certainly the severe wound.” 突然曲红颜的声音传来,急促道:“再不撤阵的话,一旦阵势崩溃,你必将重伤。” Li Yunxiao startled say/way: How you came out, non- Ni?” 李云霄惊道:“你怎么出来了,非倪呢?” Qu Hongyan said: Relax, non- Ni younger sister still in sitting in meditation in practice, is Sir Lin makes me come.” 曲红颜道:“放心吧,非倪妹子还在入定修炼中,是琳大人让我来的。” What?” “什么?” In the Li Yunxiao heart cannot help but the doubt gets up, at this time Lin had not gotten rid, is it possible that has the secret facts. 李云霄心中不由得狐疑起来,都这个时候了琳还不出手,莫非有隐情。 He cannot attend to thinks that immediately both hands pinch finger joints with the thumb, received array. 他顾不得多想,立即双手掐诀,将阵法收了起来。 12 puppets vanish in front of descendants feather and the others instantaneously, dodges in the expansive sky, flies back to the Li Yunxiao hand. 12尊傀儡瞬间消失在胤羽等人面前,在长空上一闪,就飞回李云霄手中。 Snort, exhausts the bag of clumsy tricks, on!” “哼,黔驴技穷,上!” The descendants feather reveals fiercely, Dragon body dodges, then soars to the heavens. 胤羽露出狰狞,龙身一闪,便冲霄而起。 Qu Hongyan blocks Li Yunxiao, said: Makes me come.” 曲红颜拦住李云霄,道:“让我来吧。” She could see that Li Yunxiao consumed enormously in array, required the time to control one's breathing. Then takes out the Zixiao sword, danced a sword to be colored, stood on the war before gold/metal dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, calmly looks that black dragon flushed. 她看得出李云霄在刚才的阵法中消耗极大,需要时间调息。便取出紫霄剑,舞了个剑花,就战立在金波洞天前,静静看着那青龙冲来。 Suddenly the ice-cold sound resounds in sky together, does not have any emotion, hears to make the person whole body be scared. 突然一道冰冷的声音在上空响起,毫无任何情感,听得令人浑身发毛。 Descendants feather, did you bring death specially?” “胤羽,你特意来送死了吗?” Immediately wipes nine pink clouds light from the sky to reappear, seems the peacock spreads the tail, finally turns into mountain character palm, shoots down from the nihility. 随即一抹九彩霞光在空中浮现,好似孔雀开屏,最后化成“山”字般的手掌,从虚无内击落。 zi! Lin!” “嗞!琳!” Yin Yukuang has pulled out an cold air/Qi, the body of black dragon shivered under that sound unexpectedly, immediately turns around the direction swinging long-tail, was broken void, dodges to enter. 胤羽狂抽了口冷气,青龙之躯在那声音下竟打了个冷颤,立即掉转方向摆动长尾,虚空被震碎,一闪而入。 All people are dumbfounded, unexpectedly the so formidable black dragon, will be afraid under this palm escapes to empty to run away directly. 所有人都是目瞪口呆,如此强大的青龙,竟会在这一掌下害怕的直接遁空而逃。 But that mountain character being in charge its locking, shuttle layer upon layer void tracing went. 但那“山”字般的掌印已将其锁定,穿梭层层虚空追踪而去。 Bang!” “轰隆!” In several thousand zhang (3.33 m) far place, the space blasts out suddenly, appears nine color peacock light, turns into dozens mu big colored vortex. 在数千丈远的地方,突然空间炸开,浮现出九彩孔雀光,化成数十亩大的彩色漩涡。 The descendants feather was shaken to fly directly from that vortex, distressed swinging the body, was running away several thousand zhang (3.33 m) to stop. 胤羽从那漩涡中直接被震飞出来,狼狈的摆动着身躯,逃了几千丈远才停下。 This sky phenomenon, caused immediately all people focus attention on, all stopped. 这一天空异象,立即引得所有人注目,全都停了下来。 Pursues dripping and Can who is sealing to leave simultaneously one startled, stopped continue pursue, under dodged returns to above the golden light dwelling place of Buddhist immortals. 追击着封要离的涿和灿两人同时一惊,停止了继续追,一闪之下就回到金光洞天上方。 Heard the shepherd's flute and Wei Qing, Mo and struggle of Wei Wuya also stopped, the respective return camp, faced each other across a great distance on void. 聆牧笛与韦青,陌与韦无涯之争也停了下来,各自回归阵营,在虚空上遥遥相对。 Ha!” “哈哈哈!” Suddenly the crazy sound certainly conveys, distant place several azure color break-ups move, then sees Yin Yu to appear before the people body, actually sees the facial color to be fierce, in the seven orifices seeps out the blood, extremely fearsome. 突然狂绝的声音传来,远处几下青光闪动,便见胤羽出现在众人身前,却见面色狰狞,七孔中都渗出鲜血,极为可怖。 But that towering appearance, in eye is having the ruthless color, is staring in the golden light dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, cold sound track: You have not really died, Lin!” 但那峥嵘的模样,眼里带着狠色,盯着金光洞天内,寒声道:“你果然还没死呀,琳!” You died I not dead.” “你死了我也不会死的。” Lin's voice spreads from that dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, melodious, said: On the contrary is you, how to have gone down in the world more and more, cultivated to drop the empty extremely this degree.” 琳的声音从那洞天内传出,悠悠扬扬,道:“反倒是你,怎么越来越落魄了,修为跌落到了虚极这种程度。” The Li Yunxiao heart startles greatly, at this time he knew Wu Dacheng named descendants feather. 李云霄心头大骇,这时他才知道吴大成名为“胤羽”。 Yin Yu knows Lin, but listens from the words, is drops unexpectedly empty extremely, he once made the stage of perfection? 胤羽认识琳也就罢了,但从话中听出,竟是跌落回虚极,难道他曾经是造化境? Can and drips is the whole face is also panic-stricken, they never have the color of being vigilant, protects before the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, is staring at that Yin Yu, is critical situation. 灿和涿也是满脸惊恐,两人从未有过的警惕之色,守护在洞天前,盯着那胤羽,如临大敌。 Snort, even if empty extremely, you cannot kill me, but also there is what Ke to say?” “哼,就算是虚极,你也杀不死我,还有何可说?” The mallotus japonicus feather thinks little, in the vision is flashing the fine glow, said: That struck a moment ago, although has to make the stage of perfection the strength, but actually void . Were you predestined time of death draw near?” 楸羽不以为意,目光中闪动着精芒,道:“刚才那一击虽然有造化境的力量,但却空虚的很啊。琳,你是不是大限快到了?” All people all are the complexion big changes, but has the difference respectively, Wei Qing and the others are pleasantly surprised, Li Yunxiao each complexion is ugly. 所有人皆是脸色大变,只不过各有不同,韦青等人是又惊又喜,李云霄这边则各个脸色难看。 Yin Yu the words are not groundless, Lin has not come to the present, but hid in the hidden place has sneak attacked one move. If she has the mist crag main like that tyrannical strength, sealed to and the others tidy up Yin Yuhe sufficiently. 胤羽的话不无道理,琳到现在都还未现身,只是躲在暗处偷袭了一招。若她有岚岩主那般强横力量的话,足以将胤羽和封要离等人收拾了。 Can gets angry: Not doing nonsense!” 灿怒道:“休要胡言!” Snort, is the predestined time of death, how to be said by me? Lin has not opened the mouth, your this dog anxious anything.” The descendants feather coldly ridicule said. “哼,是不是大限将至,岂由我说?琳都尚未开口,你这只狗急什么。”胤羽冷冷讥讽道。 Lin's voice conveys, said: You said right, whether the predestined time of death to will not be said by you, but how regardless of me, kills you to have more than enough to spare now.” 琳的声音传来,道:“你说得对,是否大限将至不由你说,但无论我现在如何,杀你还是绰绰有余的。” Ha, kills me?” “哈哈哈,杀我?” Ridicule of Yin Yu ridicule: In the past you Venerable for King Jing the powerhouses cannot kill me, now the strength drops so actually thinks fiercely the moron did have a dream? If I guess well, once you leave this place, the predestined time of death can come is earlier, feared that is the instantaneous body dies also very likely.” 胤羽不无讥讽的嘲笑道:“当年你尊为界王境强者都没能杀我,现在实力跌落的这般厉害却想痴人做梦了?若是我猜得不错的话,你一旦离开此地,大限会来的更早,怕是瞬间身死也极有可能。” Said: You also said right, I indeed have not been able to leave this place.” 琳道:“你又说对了,我的确已经无法离开此地了。” Li Yunxiao and hears shepherd's flute and the others is the mind big quake, Can and drips is on the face shows the sad look, calls lightly said: Sir Lin......” 李云霄和聆牧笛等人皆是心神大震,灿和涿更是脸上露出悲伤的神色,轻唤道:“琳大人……” Lin said leisurely: „Since has been eternal, who can run away dies? Even if king Divine Realm, five fade, will be only sooner or later matter, your two people not by any means sad.” 琳悠悠道:“万古以来,谁能逃一死?即便是界王神境,亦有五衰,只是早晚之事,你二人切莫悲伤。” Yes, Sir.” “是,大人。” Can and drips should say with one voice, but looks sad Se unavoidably. 灿和涿齐声应道,但难免面露悲色。 Snort!” “哼!” As if the topic is too moved, Yin Yu also feels ill, stuffy snort/hum one, said: Looks in being acquainted in a share, I do not feel embarrassed you. Gave me the Tianfeng real tail plume, I turned around immediately walk.” 似乎话题太伤感,就连胤羽也感到不适,闷哼一声,道:“看在相识一场的份上,我也不为难你。将天凤真尾翎给我,我立即掉头就走。” Gives you? Do you match?” “给你?你配吗?” Lin's voice conveys lightly, that careless and contemptuous sentiment floats says in Biao. 琳的声音淡淡传来,那漫不经心和轻蔑之情浮言于表。 // will erupt tomorrow, least seven chapters, have established 5 : 00 am alarm clocks, gets up on the symbol! I and other single generations, when erupts the complete potential, the anti- Heavenly Dao is unfair! Bright? 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