UAA :: Volume #21

#2008: The war seals to leave

Therefore Li Yunxiao has not planned to win from the beginning, but wants to delay the next time. He does not believe Lin whatever the bystander will act unruly before own, so long as agree will get rid, will take her to make cultivating of stage of perfection, these people will all come but not return. 所以李云霄一开始就没打算取胜,只是想拖延下时间。他就不信琳会任由外人在自家门前撒野,只要琳肯出手的话,以她造化境的修为,这些人全都有来无回。 You are very bigger than the previous progress, but wants to flee from my hand, is absolutely impossible, awakens early, may remain assigns.” “你比上次进步很大,但想要从吾手中逃离,绝无可能,还是及早醒悟,可留得一命。” Seals to leave at a moderate pace saying, opens greatly gathers greatly, has the grandmaster style that in the hand the sword potential brandishes extremely, obviously his aura is calm, only strove for unhurriedly steadily. 封要离不紧不慢的说道,手中剑势挥舞的大开大合,极有宗师风范,可见他气息沉稳,不慌不忙只求稳。 Calamity fights the remnant soul is not your, you can snatch the body, can't I the making up time remnant soul?” “祸斗残魂又不是你的,你能抢身躯,我就不能抢点残魂吗?” Li Yunxiao dodges unceasingly, the heart of alert strengthens, that sword potential prestige can also increase, starts slowly real thing. 李云霄不断闪躲,戒备之心增强,那剑势威能也在增大,开始慢慢动真格了。 Haha, naturally snatches, but must look at the strength strong and weak.” Seals to the anger say with a smile. “哈哈,当然抢的,但也要看实力强弱。”封要离怒笑道。 Such being the case, that first looks at the strength strong and weak.” “既然如此,那就先看实力强弱吧。” Li Yunxiao careless saying. 李云霄漫不经心的说道。 This appearance enraged immediately has sealed to leave, the anger shouted to clear the way: Courted death, does not do to complain about me!” 这幅样子立即激怒了封要离,怒喝道:“找死,休要怨吾了!” On a cold sword incorruptible piece of cold smoke braves, shortly among will cover 1100 zhang (3.33 m) range, among the Li Yunxiao consciousness is covered by the white smoke, only felt that the chill in the air is threatening. 冷剑冰霜上一片寒烟冒起,顷刻间罩住1100丈范围,李云霄不知觉间就被白烟笼罩其内,只感到寒意逼人。 But in the boundless white smoke, all kinds picture appears, has the house and street...... Unexpectedly is a city, is the country of that snow! 而在茫茫白烟里,万般景象显现出来,有房屋、街道……竟是一座城池,正是那雪之国! Li Yunxiao heart with amazement, knows oneself had been surrounded by the strength of cold sword incorruptible world, if cannot exit to be big on the trouble. 李云霄心头一阵骇然,知道自己已经被冷剑冰霜的世界之力困住,若是不能出去的话就麻烦大了。 The body one inflates, changes to the body of thunder, has increased more than ten times, is similar to the Djinn. 身体一下膨胀起来,化作雷霆之躯,变大了十余倍,如同巨灵。 Pinches thunder Jue single-handed, two fingers turn into the purple, unites the strength unceasingly. 单手掐雷诀,两根手指化成紫色,不断凝聚力量。 Another arm was high holds up, grabs the hammer, rubs scolded the ancient Chinese characters to tumble to keep above on that day. 另外一只手臂则是高高举起,抓着那天锤,摩诃古字在其上翻滚不停。 five elements thunder body, although is good, but before me, must kneel to bend down!” 五行雷体,虽然不错,但在吾面前,也要跪伏!” Seals the sound that must leave to transmit, immediately the person's shadow dodges, holds the sword to puncture. 封要离的声音传来,随即人影一闪,持剑刺下。 The country of entire snow rocked, as if changes to the shade of that sword, causes the downfall of the nation. 整个雪之国晃动了一下,都仿佛化作那一剑之影,倾国而来。 The Li Yunxiao heart startles greatly, cold sword to seal to leave incorruptible to refine, almost controls this Saint completely, that terrifying strength scared. Even if body colored glaze, is difficult to keep off the cold air to enter the body. 李云霄心头大骇,冷剑冰霜本就为封要离所炼,几乎是完全掌控这件圣器,那种恐怖的力量令人胆寒。即便身化琉璃,也难挡寒气入体。 Congealing thunder Zhi!” /p >\; “凝雷指!”/p>\; Li Yunxiao gives a loud shout, double directs, cuts the sword air/Qi, a point touches on the cold sword incorruptible sword point, exudes Bang. 李云霄大喝一声,双指点去,划破剑气,一点触到冷剑冰霜的剑尖上,发出“砰”的一声。 Immediately the purple thunder enlarges in the fingertip unceasingly, with that sword glow interwines. 随即紫色雷霆在指尖不断放大,与那剑芒交织在一起。 Li Yunxiao only thought that double refers to the severe pain, almost must break, opens eyes to look, on the hand back is a white cold ice, froze the thunder and lightning! 李云霄只觉得双指剧痛,几乎要断裂了,睁眼看去,手背上全是一层白色寒冰,将雷电都冻结住了! Bang!” “嘭!” His thunder Qu cannot shoulder the sword of causing the downfall of the nation finally, changes to a lightning suddenly, circles on, wants to break this side world to run away. 他的雷躯终于扛不住倾国之剑,骤然化作一道闪电,盘旋而上,想要破开这方世界逃走。 „To run away? Too difficult!” “想逃?太难了吧!” Seals to leave in the eye one cold, sword intent begins, pursues that lightning to cut! 封要离眼中一寒,剑意再起,追着那闪电斩去! The country of cold frost entire snow dances in the air, everywhere is the frozen air/Qi, Li Yunxiao only thought that own speed congealed, in the heart greatly startled. 整个雪之国寒霜飞舞,漫天都是冻气,李云霄只觉得自己的速度都凝结住了,不由心中大骇。 That sword glow cuts to at present, front splits suddenly void, sets aside a giant shadow, lifts the white axe to cut at the same time! 那剑芒斩至眼前,突然前方虚空裂开,腾出一道巨大黑影,抬起一面白晃晃的斧头斩下! Bang!” “轰隆!” That axe cuts in the sword glow, erupts the greatly strengthened impact, everywhere snowflake dances in the air, one dyes the white the shadow. 那斧头斩在剑芒上,爆发出极强的冲击,漫天雪花飞舞,一下将黑影染成白色。 Drips the Sir!” “涿大人!” Li Yunxiao one startled, getting rid monster drips, this moment whole body iced up, shakes several to shake the snow and ice, revealed the jet black body. 李云霄一惊,出手的正是妖涿,此刻全身结冰,抖了几下才将冰雪震去,露出漆黑的身体来。 Snort, I already know that your several humanity are unreliable, I and Can get rid.” “哼,我早就知道你们几个人类靠不住,还是得我和灿出手。” Drips saying that mumbled, big axe wielded, vision cold Liding was sealing to leave, reveals greatly strengthened was vigilant. 涿哼哼唧唧的说道,大斧一挥,目光冷厉盯着封要离,露出极强的警惕来。 Li Yunxiao speechless, their getting rid book guards the gateway for them, now mentioned is brings upon oneself on the contrary dully. 李云霄一阵无语,他们出手本就是替他们看守门户,现在说来反倒是自找没趣了。 But Li Yunxiao has not said anything, they are willing to get rid to block Wei Qing, the key also want to display before Lin, seeks a favorable impression, strove to obtain the Tianfeng real tail plume, poured is not the sincerity wants to help. 李云霄并未说什么,他们肯出手拦下韦青,关键也是想在琳面前表现一下,博取点好感,争取能得到天凤真尾翎,倒也不是真心想帮忙。 Monster Clan!” 妖族!” Seals to leave is also the pupil micro, shoots leaves the cold light, said: Lin's subordinate?” 封要离也是瞳孔微缩,射・出寒光,道:“琳的部下?” Dissolute! The name of Sir Lin is also you can shout out at will!” “放肆!琳大人之名也是你能随意呼喝!” The monster drips to be angry, double is grasping the big axe, dodges appears is sealing to leave the front, has chopped fiercely. 妖涿大怒,双手持着大斧,一闪就出现在封要离面前,猛地砍了过去。 Bang!” “砰!” Seals to the body retrocede, simultaneously lifts the sword to cut, strikes that sword glow on the axe blade edge, blows out the metal ray. But the sword blade actually does not move with that big axe. 封要离身后退,同时举剑斩出,将那剑芒击在斧刃上,爆出金属光芒。而剑身却是不与那大斧触碰。 The cold sword is incorruptible, although sharp incomparable, but so the treasure resists , the easy buckle, to seal to want the offcenter to have take pity on, does not give up, therefore is only willing to cut it by the sword glow, is not willing to meet the tough head-on with toughness. 冷剑冰霜虽锋利无比,但与这般重器相抗,也容易折损,封要离心有怜惜,舍不得,所以只愿以剑芒斩之,不肯硬碰硬。 Li Yunxiao sees clearly, seals to each sword leave that tomahawk to have two cuns (2.5 cm) distance, control exquisiteness of. 李云霄看得清清楚楚,封要离每一剑都离那战斧只有二寸距离,控制的十分精妙。 The monster dripped had also discovered this, attack was fiercer, each axe got down to cut the sky, after more than ten moves, the country of snow by in broken pieces that he cut, everywhere was the giant crack. 妖涿也是发现了这点,攻击的就更加凶猛起来,每一斧下去都划破天空,十余招后,雪之国就被他斩的七零八碎,到处是巨大裂缝。 Damn stupid pig!” “该死的蠢猪!” Seals to shouting angrily, buries in my thousand li (500 km) frozen state!” 封要离怒喝一声,“葬在吾之千里冰封的国度里吧!” The sword potential suddenly changes, myriad pictures revolve, circles in the surroundings of sword, concentrates startled Sky Sword astral, cuts under! 剑势突然一变,万千景象旋转起来,绕在剑的周围,凝成惊天剑罡,直斩而下! The monster drips does not dare to be negligent, the broad-ax before the body, the left hand pinches finger joints with the thumb under horizontally. 妖涿也不敢大意,板斧横在身前,左手掐诀点下。 Drinks!” “喝!” Roar!” “吼!” After giving a loud shout, does not know that transmits the astonishing beast roar from where, in dripping appears main body phantom, the giant pig shape monster beast, both eyes has braved the azure light, on that fang the cold glow flashes. 大喝一声后,不知从何处传来惊人的兽吼,在涿的身后浮现出本体虚影,乃一直巨大的猪形妖兽,双眼冒着青光,那獠牙上寒芒闪动。 On the broad-ax flies innumerable rune/symbol writing, turns into a huge triangle shape, is the flag shape is likely floating, afterward one is hard, flies to cut to go. 板斧上飞起无数符文,化成一个巨大的三角形状,像是旗形飘飘,随后一下坚硬起来,飞斩而去。 Black evil anger cuts!” “黑邪怒斩!” Roar!” “吼!” In the sky sees only the pig shape Monster Clan huge body, that flag the light of broad-ax, hits fiercely on that sword astral! 天空上就只见猪形妖族巨大的身躯,还有那旗形的板斧之光,猛地撞在那剑罡上! Bang!” “嘭!” The world disintegration, everywhere snowflake world one vanishes, changes to the vortex to dance in the air in the space. 天地崩碎,漫天雪花世界一下消失,化作漩涡飞舞在空间里。 Li Yunxiao panic-stricken looks, by the snowscape of that disintegration, in the vortex center, their forms zhi stands, the first weapon hit in one. 李云霄惊骇的看着,透过那崩碎的雪景,在漩涡中央,两人的身影相峙而立,第一次兵器撞击在了一起。 Cold sword incorruptible inserting broad-ax several cuns (2.5 cm), the complementary waves stroke in two people, separates over a hundred bodies to injure. 冷剑冰霜嵌入板斧数寸,余波击打在两人身上,割裂出上百道的皮肉伤来。 But they all ignore, but ice-cold looks at the opposite party. 但两人皆是置若罔闻,只是冰冷的看着对方。 Evenly matched......” “势均力敌吗……” Li Yunxiao talked to oneself, along with, even if sent out the sigh. If one move were the monster dripped a moment ago most strikes, then he lost. 李云霄自语一声,随即便发出叹息。若刚才一招是妖涿最强一击的话,那么他就输了。 Because seals to leave at this moment the ordinary person, the calamity fights the real body and too beginning the real Secret Art has not displayed, the dependence Saint cold sword incorruptible strength can contend with the monster to drip merely. 因为封要离此刻还是普通人身,祸斗真躯和太初真诀都未施展出来,仅仅依靠圣器冷剑冰霜之力就能抗衡妖涿。 He considers secretly, this must leave rather was also too formidable, initially when the country's of snow just regained consciousness as if has not adapted, now fully adapts likely. 他暗自思量,这封要离也未免太强大了,当初在雪之国的时候刚苏醒似乎还不适应,现在像是完全适应下来了。 Snort, the boy, you names, but also very strong!” “哼,小子,你叫什么名字,还挺强的呀!” The monster drips to be cloudy the pig face, ahem said. 妖涿阴沉着猪脸,哼唧道。 Boy? Haha, stupid pig, when I cut your head, again considering my!” “小子?哈哈,蠢猪,待吾斩下你头,再告之吾名!” Seals to laughing at one, the ray in both eyes starts to change, turns into money bi-color. 封要离嗤笑一声,双眼中的光芒开始变化起来,化成金银双色。 Li Yunxiao startled say/way: „It is not good, he must change the calamity fights the real body!” 李云霄惊道:“不好,他要变出祸斗真躯!” What? What did you say?” “什么?你说什么?” The monster drips unable to respond, said stunned: You said that the calamity does fight?” 妖涿一下反应不过来,愕然道:“你说祸斗?” But he understood instantaneously, in a big way seals body that must leave one two times, whole body light blue color, bullion biangular, on has bi-color flip-flop to flash. 但瞬间他就明白了,封要离的身躯一下大了二倍之多,全身淡淡的蓝色,头生金银双角,上有双色雷芒“噼啪”闪动。 zi! The calamity fights!” “嗞!祸斗!” The monster drips to call out in alarm one, is almost unbelievable, old circle that the eyeball stares! 妖涿惊呼一声,几乎是难以置信,眼珠子瞪的老圆! The calamity fights is famous clans in ten thousand monster, the prestige illustrious, he as Monster Clan nature recognizes, in delay suddenly awakens instantaneously, did not shout darkly well! 祸斗乃是万妖之中的名族,声威赫赫,他身为妖族一员自然认得,在呆滞的瞬间就猛然醒悟过来,暗呼不好! Sees only seals to the top of the head biangular one eject the bi-color thunder and lightning, turns into money thunder clouds to cover directly. 只见封要离头顶双角一下击出双色雷电,化成金银雷云直接罩下。 They are distanced too near, the broad-ax incorruptible was immobilized by the cold sword, is unable to work loose. 两人相距太近,板斧又被冷剑冰霜钳制住,无法挣脱。 Sudden green great hand drops from the clouds, holds that money thunder clouds, is Li Yunxiao thunder body, reaches as high as the hundred zhang (333 m). 突然一只青色的巨手从天而降,将那金银雷云抓住,正是李云霄所化的雷霆身躯,高达百丈。 Afterward he opens mouth fiercely attracts, in the sky is the green thunder and lightning twinkle keeps, that money thunder clouds cannot work loose in his palm, had been inhaled in the belly by it. 随后他猛地张嘴一吸,天空上全是青色雷电闪烁不停,那金银雷云在他掌心挣脱不掉,也被其吸入了肚子里。 „?!” “啊?!” Sealed to drip with the monster is opens the mouth dumbfounded. 封要离和妖涿都是张大嘴巴呆住了。 But they all instantaneously responded that Li Yunxiao was five elements thunder Qu, among the world ten thousand thunder Nanshang, only if were higher than too many thunder and lightning compared with his rank, feared also only then purple thunder. 但两人皆是瞬间反应过来,李云霄身为五行雷躯,天下间万雷难伤,除非是比他等级高出太多的雷电,怕也只有紫雷了。 After Li Yunxiao swallowed money bi-color thunder, immediately felt is not healthy. That bi-color thunder rank not under him, moreover is having the greatly strengthened monster Qi, melts with own thunder Qunan. 李云霄吞了金银双色雷后,立即感觉到身体不舒服。那双色雷的等级不在他之下,而且带着极强的妖气,与自身的雷躯难融。 But at this moment, ate has eaten, could not attend to this many, bellowed to lift the day hammer to fall. 但此时此刻,吃都吃了,也顾不得这许多了,大吼一声就举着天锤击落下来。 Likes a sudden thunderclap!” “五雷轰顶!” Together great thick lightning falls from Nine Heavens, illuminates side sky, the goal seals to leave the top of the head. 一道巨・粗的闪电从九天而落,照亮一方天空,目标正是封要离头顶。 Damn!” “该死!” Seals to shouting angrily, the cold sword shakes incorruptible suddenly, strength of enormous and powerful spin a world opens. Dripped to shake the monster unexpectedly has drawn back dozens zhang (3.33 m) far. 封要离怒喝一声,冷剑冰霜猛然一震,一股世界之力浩浩荡荡旋开。竟将妖涿震退了数十丈远。 Immediately he pinches finger joints with the thumb single-handed, the biangular on money bi-color, turns into the primal chaos chart densely, rises against the wind. 随即他单手掐诀,双角上的金银双色氤氲而起,化成太极图,迎风而涨。 That thunder shoots down, crashes into the primal chaos chart, integrated in the Yin-Yang fish directly, loses the trace. 那雷霆击落下来,坠入太极图中,直接融入了阴阳鱼内,失去踪影。 Primal chaos to seal/confer Tianyin! It is not good!” “太极封天印!不好!” Li Yunxiao first responded that saw the primal chaos chart to peep, side fiercely flickered to move to the monster to drip, held him to run away toward the distant place. 李云霄第一时间就反应过来,见太极图初现,就猛地瞬移至妖涿身边,一把抓住他往远处逃去。 This is...... The calamity fights...... Primal chaos to seal/confer Tianyin......” “这是……祸斗……太极封天印……” Mo of distant place looks at this stunned, some delay said: This...... This how possible......” 远处的陌愕然看着这一幕,有些呆滞道:“这……这怎么可能……” Snort, facing my such match, you also wants to divert attention?” “哼,面对我这样的对手,你也想分心吗?” Front Wei Wuya scoffs at the sound to sneer, in the eye full is the color of cloudy vulture. 前方的韦无涯嗤声冷笑,眼里满是阴鹫之色。 When Five Dawn Mountains, Mo is the palm day boundary, after long time does not see, rushed unexpectedly empty extremely, had with the strength of his war, the innermost feelings are extremely cannot help but depressed. 五霞山时,陌不过是掌天境而已,时隔多日不见,竟然也冲上了虚极,有了与他一战之力,内心不由得万分郁闷。 Although is ridiculing Mo, the change that but Wei Wuya innermost feelings to sealing to leave is also exceptionally shocking. 虽然在讥笑陌,但韦无涯内心对封要离的变化也是异常震惊。 Five Dawn Mountains fights, dies young the calamity to fight the true body fight, is too deep to the impression that everybody makes. 五霞山一战中,殇化出祸斗真身战斗,给大家留下的印象太深了。 Mo shook the head, said: You are not clear. The calamity fights a clan to be exceptionally formidable, the talent magical powers were extremely. The Heavenly Dao has lacks full, therefore the calamity fights a clan always only to meet the single to appear, in the world simultaneously will not have two calamities to fight.” 陌摇了摇头,道:“你不明白的。祸斗一族异常强大,天赋神通更是极为了得。天道有盈有缺,所以祸斗一族从来都只会单只出现,世上绝不会同时存在两只祸斗的。” Originally is this.” “原来是这样。” Wei Wuya was also shocked, immediately hesitates saying: „The present time is somewhat chaotic, many powerhouses are for 100,000 years seal. The war casualty is so, at present this person perhaps similarly so, then one time presented several is very normal.” The mobile phone user please visit 韦无涯也愣住了,随即沉吟道:“现在的时代有些混乱,很多强者都是100000年来封存下来的。殇是如此,眼前这人也许同样如此,那么一次出现几只也就很正常了。”手机用户请访问
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