UAA :: Volume #21

#2007: Protection

Does not have to guard the door? This minor matter also wants us to get rid, does that want their what to use?” Drips on the face to flash through the ruthless color. “不是有个看门的吗?这点小事也要我们出手,那要他们何用?”涿脸上闪过狠色。 Volume......” “额……” It seems like that person of tragedies five guarding a gate, the status unexpectedly so is really low, makes the Monster Clan person look down upon. 看来那五个守门之人果然悲剧,地位竟如此低,也让妖族人看不起。 We have a look.” “我们去看看。” For does not affect non- Ni Ruding, Li Yunxiao and the others go toward the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals beyond immediately. 为了不影响到非倪入定,李云霄等人立即往洞天外而去。 The Qu Hongyan congealing sound said to Luo Yunchang: You have a look, this place keeps me to be able.” 曲红颜凝声对洛云裳道:“你也去看看,此地留我一人便可。” Good.” “好。” Luo Yunchang has complied with one, pursued. 洛云裳应了一声,也追了过去。 Left that dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, the people step on above gold/metal, outside sees only dozen of intensity , the people of four guard are the severe wounds. 出了那洞天,众人踩在金波之上,只见外面打的激烈,四名看守之人已是重伤。 When they come out, four people happen to lose the strength, was captured alive by the opposite party. Was bundled becomes the steamed rice dumpling, is one by one black and blue. 他们出来时,四人正好失去战力,被对方活捉了。被捆成粽子,各个鼻青脸肿。 Is you!” “是你们!” Among under both sides coreferences, calls out in alarm one. 双方之间互见之下,都是惊呼一声。 Intrudes restricted area, is Wei Qing and the others. 闯入禁地者,正是韦青等人。 Not only the Wei Qing influence, Yin Yu with sealing to leave. 不仅韦青的势力都在,还有胤羽与封要离。 Sealed to alone leave, Yin Yuzhui its goes, actually does not know why in together, as if achieved some tacit understanding now. 原本封要离独自离开,胤羽追其而去,却不知为何现在都在一起了,似乎达成了某种默契。 Boy! Is you!” “小子!是你!” Seals to also severely drinks one, is staring at Li Yunxiao. On Li Yunxiao also has some calamities that he needs to fight the remnant soul. 封要离也是厉喝一声,直盯着李云霄李云霄身上还有他所需的部分祸斗残魂。 This is really a strange combination......” “这真是个奇怪的组合呢……” Li Yunxiao reveals the strange color, vision, seals to and the others sweep from Wei Qing and Wei Wuya, the south wind fine jade and Yao Jinliang, Luo Qingyun, Yin Yu. 李云霄露出古怪之色,目光从韦青、韦无涯、南风璇、姚金良、罗青云、胤羽、封要离等人身上扫过。 The Li Yi face was instantaneously cloudy and twisted, Li Yunxiao the vision had swept these many people a moment ago, actually does not know that was intends or has no intention to leak. 李逸脸孔瞬间就阴沉和扭曲了起来,李云霄刚才目光扫过这么多人,却不知是有意还是无意就将自己漏了。 Wei Qing sinking sound track: Li Yunxiao, you how in buddhist monster this!” 韦青沉声道:“李云霄,你怎么会在梵妖这!” Li Yunxiao asked back: You how in this?” 李云霄反问道:“那你们怎么又会在此?” Wei Qing stuffy snort/hum, said: Sighted person did not speak the code words, thinks that came for the Tianfeng real tail plume? Can you go well?” 韦青闷哼一声,道:“明人不说暗话,想必都是为了天凤真尾翎来的吧?你们可有得手?” Li Yunxiao has thought, said: Has not gone well. Buddhist monster a poor thing but mine own, is not willing to sell.” 李云霄想了下,道:“并未得手。梵妖敝帚自珍,不肯出让呢。” Oh?” “喔?” Descendants feather facial color cloudy and cold, said: „Have you seen Lin?” 胤羽面色阴冷,道:“你见过琳了?” Li Yunxiao is astonished to visit him, said: Wu Dacheng, this has little thought strange, who you are, actually Sir even/including Lin also knows.” 李云霄讶异看着他,道:“吴大成,本少一直觉得奇怪,你到底是何人,竟然连琳大人也知道。” Snort, Lin is the sovereigns of ten thousand monster, knows that she is very strange? Only can explain that you experience shallowly.” Descendants feather cloudy and cold is staring at Li Yunxiao. “哼,琳可是万妖之皇,知道她很奇怪吗?只能说明你见识浅罢了。”胤羽阴冷的盯着李云霄 „, Good, I experience shallowly, blames me.” Li Yunxiao sluggish saying. “哦,好吧,我见识浅,怪我咯。”李云霄懒散的说道。 Yin Yu by heavy of this appearance air/Qi, was angrily rebuked saying: Which was that only wild the dragon?” 胤羽被他这模样气的不轻,怒斥道:“那只野龙哪去了?” The eye pupil of Li Yunxiao was cold immediately, cold sound track: This matter I am just about to ask you to do accounts, today just right comes the safe idly, I then must peel your skin, who has a look at you are!” 李云霄的眼眸立即冷了下来,寒声道:“此事我正要找你算账呢,今天正好闲来无事,我便要将你的皮剥了,看看你到底是何人!” Yin Yu the face twitched slightly, then returns to normal, snort/hum said: I and you are the same, was the person of that day life selection.” 胤羽脸孔微微抽搐了下,便恢复正常,哼道:“我与你一样,同是那天命选中之人。” Li Yunxiao said: Why that repeatedly pretends in me, deceives in all directions, goes bad my reputation!” 李云霄道:“那为何屡次假冒于我,四处行骗,坏我名声!” Hehe, for a while emerges. Who makes you come out from the eastern kelp me.” Yin Yu shows a faint smile. “呵呵,也只是一时兴起吧。谁让你将我从东海带出来呢。”胤羽微微一笑。 East China Sea!” “东海!” In the Li Yunxiao heart shakes crazily, said surprised: „Are you beginning dragon of rain place?!” 李云霄心中狂震,吃惊道:“你是雨地的始龙?!” On the person of face presence changes color all, the name of beginning dragon extremely likes thunder reverberating in one's ears, is nine of real dragon child one. 在场之人无不脸上变色,始龙之名太过如雷贯耳,乃是真龙的九子之一。 „Is beginning dragon also living?” “难道始龙还活着?” In the people heart is shocking thoughts. 众人心中都是震惊的想到。 Hehe, is very indeed difficult to guess.” “呵呵,的确很难猜啊。” Yin Yumi the eye was saying with a smile: Cannot guess has not related, you will sooner or later know. We come this's goal to be very explicit, for that Tianfeng real tail plume, you really saw Lin?” 胤羽眯着眼睛笑道:“猜不中也没关系,你迟早会晓得的。我们来此的目的很明确,就是为了那天凤真尾翎,你们真的见到琳了吗?” Li Yunxiao said: Naturally saw, will I also deceive inadequately? This trust does not have, is really affecting.” 李云霄道:“自然是见到了,难道我还会骗诸位不成?这点信任也没,真让人伤心呐。” Yin Yudao: I naturally am trust your, does not know that Lin can be good now?” 胤羽道:“我自然是信得过你的,不知琳现在可好?” Li Yunxiao said: Also good, good.” 李云霄道:“还行,挺好的。” The descendants feather was somewhat depressed, pulls several not to have any nutrition. 胤羽有些郁闷,扯了几句都是没什么营养的。 Wei Qing is knows about Li Yunxiao many, snort/hum said: This person most is good at wrangling, said will again not have the result, we are go to look for the answer.” 韦青则是对李云霄了解甚多,哼道:“此人最擅长扯皮,再说下去也不会有结果的,我们还是自己进去寻找答案吧。” Seals to leave the cold sound track: You go, I did not have the interest to be only interested to this boy to that Tianfeng real tail plume. I take its life, you didn't and others have the opinion?” 封要离冷声道:“你们去吧,吾对那天凤真尾翎没兴趣只对这小子有兴趣。吾取其性命,你等没意见吧?” Wei Qing and the others stare, does not understand that he has any enmity with Li Yunxiao, but looks the happy expression, Wei Qing haha said with a smile: If you can take his life, that is good.” 韦青等人都是一愣,不明白他跟李云霄有什么过节,但都是面露喜色,韦青哈哈笑道:“若是你能取他性命,那再好不过了。” Only then Qingyun is cloudy the face, snort/hum said: „The life of this person must take is also comes by me, when was one's turn you!” 只有罗青云阴沉着脸,哼道:“此人的性命要取也是由我来,何时轮到你了!” The right hand holds is fighting the spear/gun to sweep , the direction seals to leave. 右手持着战枪一扫而下,指向封要离。 Un, this spear/gun is good. But is pointing at me with the weapon casually, but must pay the life the price!” “嗯,这枪不错。但随便拿兵器指着吾,可是要付出性命的代价的!” Seals to leave in the eye one cold, such as has covered the ice layer. 封要离眼中一寒,如罩了冰层。 Qingyun!” “罗青云!” The Wei Qing complexion changes, immediately grabs the hand of Qingyun to press down, berates: Does not do to act sloppily!” 韦青脸色一变,立即抓住罗青云的手按下,喝斥道:“休要胡来!” Seals to the corners of the mouth raise the ridicule, scoffs to say with a smile: If you are not tactful, I then first kill you!” 封要离嘴角扬起讥讽,嗤笑道:“若是你不识趣,吾便先杀你!” That cold air like the frost, the people of all around felt, cannot help but avoided half step, was to sealing to dread extremely. 那寒气如霜,四周之人都感受到了,不由得避开半步,都是对封要离极为忌惮。 Snort!” “哼!” Qingyun the hand, received the kitchen god bright moonlight spear/gun in a flash, said: You could not kill him.” 罗青云一晃手,将荒神明月枪收了起来,道:“你杀不了他的。” Haha, the weak one only will say that some rumors do comfort themselves?” “哈哈,弱者就只会说一些谎言来安慰自己吗?” Seals to laughing, turns around to walk toward Li Yunxiao, in the eye glitters the excited light. 封要离大笑一声,转身就朝李云霄走去,眼里闪烁出兴奋的光来。 Mo who Wei Qing looks at the distant place, said in a low voice: Father, is that Monster Clan!” 韦青看着远处的陌,低声道:“父亲,是那名妖族!” Wei Wuya nods saying: This Monster Clan is talented, gives me to cope, you seize the remaining people.” 韦无涯点头道:“这妖族实力不俗,就交给我来对付,你们将剩下之人擒下。” Good.” “好。” Wei Qing has complied with one, then high sound track: Comes along with me, takes these people, regardless of life and death!” 韦青应了一声,便高声道:“都随我来,将这几人拿下,生死不论!” One group of people's in dwelling place of Buddhist immortals toward that gold/metal walk under his leadership. 一群人在他的带领下往那金波内的洞天走去。 Before is already disappeared by severe wound Zhu that Li Yunxiao hit, it is estimated that has unravelled, was being fettered four people all lost the strength, was watched by a powerhouse, stood in same place has not moved. 之前被李云霄打的重伤的朱老早已不见了,估计是灰飞烟灭了,那被束缚着的四人全都失去了战力,被一名强者看住,就站在原地未动。 The Li Yunxiao alert said: Everybody was careful that these people are not simple.” 李云霄戒备道:“大家小心,这些人都不简单。” When he dodges first, shifted the number hundred zhang (333 m) to be far, for fear that the fight affected the palace, affected non- Ni Xiulian. 他当先一闪,就横移了数百丈远,生怕战斗波及进宫殿,影响到非倪修炼。 After standing firm body, under the World God monument ray flashes, has also summoned with the survey bullfight the arrange three people. Three people after all are Ninth Star peak powerhouses, can deal with these subordinates who Wei Qing brings. 站定身躯后,界神碑的光芒闪动之下,将布子三人和巡天斗牛也召了出来。三人毕竟是九星巅峰强者,可以应对一下韦青带来的那些属下。 Three people see at present the scene, on complexion big change, but does not have idea, can only brace oneself on. 三人一见眼前情景,就脸色大变,但也没辙,只能硬着头皮上。 The survey bullfight is the under foot treads several steps, shrinks to become Cun, arrives to hear the shepherd's flute body side. 巡天斗牛则是脚下踏出几步,缩地成寸,就来到聆牧笛身侧。 Heard the shepherd's flute to pat that to the buffalo and cow horns, said: This entrance is being defended by me.” 聆牧笛拍了拍那对牛角,道:“这入口处就由我来守着。” „To defend the entrance, is too rather difficult!” “想守入口,未免太难吧!” The Wei Qing facial color is chilly, one appears above the survey bullfight, both hands wave, melt a green big hand imprint to strike fiercely. 韦青面色清冷,一下就出现在巡天斗牛上方,双手舞动,化出一只青色大手印猛地击下。 Survey bullfight moo called one, both eyes are red, the big body shakes, the head biangular has gone against. 巡天斗牛“哞”的叫了一声,双目就通红,偌大身躯一抖,头上双角就顶了过去。 Bang!” “轰隆!” The light beam to/clashes together, is directly broken the Wei Qing big hand imprint bang, Ox body also appears in the sky, roared to throw. 一道光柱冲起,直接将韦青的大手印轰碎,牛身也出现在天空上,咆哮着扑了过去。 Damn god puppet!” “该死的神傀!” Wei Qing pinches finger joints with the thumb the palm to pat, bang an acoustic shock on the survey bullfight forehead, azure light that shakes, keeps off survey bullfight the strength of impact. 韦青掐诀化掌拍去,“嘭”的一声击在巡天斗牛额头上,震的一片青光,将巡天斗牛的冲击之力挡下。 Afterward the left hand flies high to pinch finger joints with the thumb, proceeds to select, the fingertip departs the white ray, such as the satin ribbon waves, one has bundled the survey bullfight. 随后左手凌空掐诀,往前点出,指尖飞出白色光芒,如缎带舞动,一下将巡天斗牛捆了起来。 Hears in the shepherd's flute eye the stern countenance to dodge, wields conveniently, together the whip shade from the sky flashes through, bang hits on Wei Qing. 聆牧笛眼里厉色一闪,随手一挥,就一道鞭影在空中闪过,“轰”的一声打在韦青身上。 The Wei Qing form explodes to break to pieces immediately, turns into the innumerable fragments, is actually only afterimage. 韦青的身影立即爆碎开,化成无数碎片,却只是残影 The true body appears in the sky, flies to fall, steps on directly at the survey bullfight carries on the back, looks to hear the shepherd's flute indifferently. 真身在上空现出,飞落而下,直接踩在巡天斗牛背上,冷眼看着聆牧笛。 The survey bullfight goes all out to struggle, actually throughout cannot leave from that white light halo. 巡天斗牛拼命挣扎,却始终不能从那白色光圈内脱出。 Hehe, if I have not remembered incorrectly, you should be King of Ling the shepherd's flute northern territory, why to make so distressedly?” “呵呵,若是我没记错的话,你应该是北域之王聆牧笛了,缘何将自己弄得如此狼狈呢?” Yin Yu also appears in that gold/metal, walks toward among dwelling place of Buddhist immortals. 胤羽也出现在那金波上,往其内洞天走去。 Hears the shepherd's flute to grasp the counter soul whip, blocks in the front, said fierce: Who are you?” 聆牧笛手持逆魂鞭,拦在前方,厉声道:“你是何人?” Hehe, who am I? You are like this young have not matched to know me.” “呵呵,我是何人?你这样的小喽啰还不配认识我。” Yin Yu laughs at one, regards him like the air, still the stride proceeds. 胤羽嗤笑一声,视他如空气,依然大步往前走。 Sir, this person gives me.” “大人,此人就交给我吧。” South Beizhen holds the sword to come, to keep off before the descendants feather body, unemotionally. 北圳南持剑而来,挡在胤羽身前,面无表情。 Gives you? You receive?” “交给你?你受的了吗?” Yin Yu contemptuous smiled, lifts the hand to pat. 胤羽轻蔑的一笑,抬起手来就拍了过去。 In the sky appears Dragon Claw, shortly will grasp. 天空上浮现一只龙爪,顷刻间抓下。 Wan Shi imperial sword!” “万世御剑!” South Beizhen does not dare to be negligent, the sword Secret Art same place, a huge ensiform soars to the heavens to go. 北圳南不敢大意,剑诀一起,一道巨大的剑形冲天而去。 Bang!” “轰隆隆!” The ensiform cuts under that dragon claw, actually cannot the enemy, be layer upon layer stave, was suppressed. 剑形斩在那龙爪下,却不能敌,层层破碎,被压制下来。 South Beizhen sees the potential wonderfully, does not receive the sword to run away fiercely. 北圳南见势不妙,猛地收剑就逃。 Bang!” “轰!” The place of standing, was patted by the dragon claw immediately, blows out one group of energy eddy currents, disrupts that golden fluctuation. 所立之处,立即被龙爪拍中,爆出一团能量漩涡,将那金色波动打乱。 Hehe, a move does not beat, disgraced.” “呵呵,一招都不敌,丢人。” Yin Yu laughs at one, actually sees all around sword shade like the rain, continuously. Simultaneously is accompanied by the green glow to flash, monster different. 胤羽嗤笑一声,却见四周剑影如雨,绵绵不绝而来。同时伴有绿芒闪动,妖异非常。 „Do seven imaginary have a nightmare green? Exterminates the five harmful things unexpectedly greatly.” “七幻绿魇?竟是大灭绝五毒。” Yin Yu the brow wrinkled, this toxin he, although did not fear, but many also dreaded, once the contamination is also the troublesome matter. 胤羽眉头皱了下,此毒他虽不怕,但多少也有所忌惮,一旦染毒也是麻烦的事。 Outside counting hundred zhang (333 m), Li Yunxiao also fell into struggle, the unceasing backlash that was sealed to leave the cold sword that compels incorruptible. 在数百丈外,李云霄也陷入了苦战,被封要离的冷剑冰霜逼的不断后退。 That was familiar the pinnacle the sword, at this moment actually becomes incomparably strange, a cold air shoots leaves, the ice enters the marrow. 那原本熟悉极致的剑,此刻却变得无比陌生,道道寒气射・出,冰入骨髓。 Moreover the cold sword is incorruptible, in sealing to leave in the hand, was sharper than before, almost destroyed the hardest defenses. 而且冷剑冰霜在封要离手中,比之前更为锋锐,几乎无坚不摧。 This time looked how you run away, hand over the calamity to fight the remnant soul, may exempt dies!” “这次看你如何逃,交出祸斗残魂,可免一死!” Seals to, although approaches step by step, actually for a while cannot suppress Li Yunxiao, they have not displayed fully, but warms up mutual probe. 封要离虽步步逼近,却一时压制不住李云霄,两人都并未施展全力,只是热身似的互相试探。 In the Li Yunxiao also heart vacillated, initially initially met in the country of snow, seals to then directly integrate the cold sword to be incorruptible the country of entire snow , helping its becomes Saint, the main body can turn into the calamity to fight the true body, when the last move, displays too beginning the real Secret Art suppresses his ice ghost heart flame. 李云霄也心中动摇了,当初在雪之国初遇,封要离便直接将整个雪之国融入冷剑冰霜内,助其成为圣器,本体又能化成祸斗真身,更在最后一招时,施展出太初真诀压制他的冰煞心焰。 This person cultivates, Profound Artifact, mortal body and magical powers four types, all the no small matter, feared that is the powerhouses of empty boundary is unable to suppress him extremely, only has the mist crag main like that to exist to be sure of success. 此人无论是修为、玄器、肉身、神通四样,皆非同小可,怕是虚极境的强者都无法压制他,唯有岚岩主那般存在才能稳操胜券。 But if hand over the remnant soul, making him refine the calamity to fight the true body completely, in the future more difficult enemy. The mobile phone user please visit 但若是自己交出残魂,让他完全炼化祸斗真身,将来就更加难敌了。手机用户请访问
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