UAA :: Volume #21

#2006: Test

Naturally!” “当然是啦!” Li Yunxiao said loudly: Ni Nianqing is intelligent, in all previous Tianfeng bloodlines was also the top eminent, moreover obtained the phoenix to be really hot, all these will indicate her to be able to become true Tianfeng in the future!” 李云霄大声说道:“倪年轻聪慧,在历代天凤血脉中也算是顶尖翘楚,而且得到了凤凰真火,这一切都寓意着她将来必能成为真正的天凤!” Hehe.” “呵呵。” In the golden photosphere hears the light laughter, said: In the past to Zhu is nine your body, and what obtains was Tianfeng is really hot, but the non- ordinary phoenix was really hot. Even if so, finally cannot become true Tianfeng.” 金色光球内传来淡淡笑声,道:“当年离朱为九涅凤体,并且得到的是天凤真火,而非普通的凤凰真火。即便如此,最终也未能成为真正的天凤。” The Li Yunxiao opening mouth, could not speak. 李云霄张大嘴巴,说不出话来了。 Said: If she can step into the future makes the stage of perfection, and cultivates completely, when impact king Divine Realm, I can give this real plume.” 琳道:“若是日后她能踏入造化境,并且修炼圆满,在冲击界王神境的时候,我可以将这根真翎给她。” In the Li Yunxiao heart moves, said: Had this real plume, can break in king Divine Realm?” 李云霄心中一动,道:“有了这根真翎,就能冲入界王神境吗?” Said: Hehe, but increased some probabilities. King Divine Realm so is can it be that good to attack. Otherwise in the past will not bog down to Zhu. Practices the utmost complete making stage of perfection master to Zhu Keshi.” 琳道:“呵呵,只是增加了些许概率而已。界王神境岂是这么好冲击的。否则当年离朱也不会停滞不前了。离朱可是修炼至大圆满的造化境高手哦。” Li Yunxiao was speechless. 李云霄更是无话可说了。 „, Sir Lin......” “咳咳,琳大人呐……” Hears the shepherd's flute to open the mouth saying: Present situation 100,000 years ago is different, so many King Jinghe will not have made the stage of perfection master to appear. Non- Ni Ruoshi can obtain this real tail plume, can step into the empty extremely boundary surely, can play the enormous role to the demon tribulation.” 聆牧笛开口说道:“现在的情形与100000年前不一样了,已经不会有那么多的界王境和造化境高手出现了。非倪若是能得到这根真尾翎,必定能踏入虚极境,也就能对魔劫起到极大作用。” The brightness of golden photosphere as if one has shone, Lin's voice spreads, as if some were not happy that said: Shepherd's flute Sir, I do not understand that you were saying anything. Let me used this Tianfeng real tail plume to accomplish an empty extremely boundary, was this your meaning?” 金色光球的亮度似乎一下更亮了起来,琳的声音传出,似乎有些不高兴,道:“牧笛大人,我不明白你在说什么。让我用这根天凤真尾翎去造就一个虚极境的喽啰,这是你的意思吗?” Hears the shepherd's flute somewhat to be also awkward, right hand made a fist to place the lip to cough several, said: Sir Lin, present Heavenly Martial World not like us in the past, without many powerhouses. Empty extremely Divine Realm is great existence.” 聆牧笛也有些尴尬,右手握拳放在唇边咳嗽了几声,道:“琳大人,现在的天武界不像我们当年了,没有那样多的强者。虚极神境已是了不起的存在。” Snort, hears the shepherd's flute, do not talk nonsense. With it so, this real tail plume might as well I refine, even if to Can or dripping, the effect will also be bigger than that returning to original condition boundary Tianfeng bloodlines outside palace.” “哼,聆牧笛,你不要胡扯了。与其如此,这根真尾翎还不如我自己炼化掉,即便给灿或涿,效果也会大于殿外的那个归真境天凤血脉。” Lin moved real anger indistinctly, unrestrained/no trace of politeness berated. 琳隐约是动了真怒,毫不客气的喝斥起来。 Hears some shepherd's flute also headaches, has thought under also said: This female not only own condition is superior, but also teaches other people Li Yunxiao with the World God monument present age is the lover relates, should also the person of destiny selection.” 聆牧笛也有些头疼,想了下又道:“此女不仅自身条件优越,而且与界神碑的当代传人李云霄是情侣关系,应该也天命选中之人。” Said: „The person of destiny selection are many, but must have been through repeatedly Lang Tao Sha verse, finally fortunately survives to be good.” 琳道:“天命选中之人多着呢,但也要历经大浪淘沙,最后幸存下来才行。” Idle talk are really many, to put it bluntly is not willing to give! This real tail plume book was the thing of Tianfeng, natural was Tianfeng bloodlines all, you usurped the thing of her person are what truth.” “废话真多,说白了就是不肯给了!这真尾翎本就是天凤之物,理所应当是天凤血脉所有,你强占她人之物是何道理。” Li Yunxiao does not hear patiently, spoke to blame. 李云霄听得不耐烦,出言责备起来。 Hears the shepherd's flute complexion big change, hurried say/way: Do not speak at a venture!” 聆牧笛脸色大变,急忙道:“别乱说话!” That golden photosphere seemed to be gloomy, does not have the sound to spread. 那金色光球似乎暗淡了下来,一阵都没有声音传出。 Hears the shepherd's flute, although is the metal body, but the five senses/facial features push toward , a desperate appearance. 聆牧笛虽是金属身躯,但五官都往里挤,一副情急的样子。 Li Yunxiao said: My where has the nonsense, book is this truth.” 李云霄道:“我哪有胡言,本就是这番道理。” Oh, you added!” “哎呀,你还说!” Hears the shepherd's flute only to think a headache, Lin offending words, not only the Tianfeng real tail plume could not attain, but also made a poor impression. 聆牧笛只觉得一阵头疼,将琳给得罪了的话,不仅天凤真尾翎拿不到,还留下个不好的印象。 He makes Li Yunxiao look for Lin's goal, besides Tianfeng real tail plume, what is more important is to let supports Li Yunxiao World God monument the main status. 他让李云霄来找琳的目的,除了天凤真尾翎外,更重要的是为了让琳支持李云霄界神碑之主的身份。 After all now the world makes the stage of perfection powerhouse to fear that is a number, if can have Lin's support, the Li Yunxiao future road will also want smooth many. 毕竟当今天下造化境强者怕是不过一手之数,如果能得到琳的支持,李云霄将来的路也要平坦的多。 In the golden photosphere spreads the sound once more, said: „Are you World God monument in the person of this time choice?” The sound is very light, as if has not been angry. 金色光球内再次传出声音,道:“你就是界神碑在这个时代选择的人?”声音很轻,似乎并没有生气。 Li Yunxiao said confidently: „.” 李云霄坦然道:“正是。” The golden photosphere has rotated several, said: Repairing of returning to original condition boundary is, the mortal body of allowing temporary credit boundary, places for 100,000 years ago is the trash. But just listened to hear the word of shepherd's flute, should also be able to pass in this time.” 金色光球转动了几圈,道:“归真境的修为,融通境的肉身,放在100000年前就是渣渣。但刚听聆牧笛之言,在这个时代也应该还过得去了。” Heard shepherd's flute for fear that Li Yunxiao again to speak at a venture, after staring his one eyes, rushed to say hurriedly: Hehe, but also good also good.” 聆牧笛生怕李云霄再乱说话,瞪了他一眼后,急忙抢着说道:“呵呵,还行还行。” Said: „The inheritance of this time really so emaciated? If such qualifications can have World God monument, outside the palace that female had the Tianfeng real tail plume is also passable.” 琳道:“这个时代的传承真的如此羸弱吗?若是这样的资格都可以拥有界神碑的话,殿外那女子拥有天凤真尾翎也是说得过去。” Li Yunxiao: „......” 李云霄:“……” Hears the shepherd's flute busy say/way: Such being the case, that asked Sir to bestow the plume.” 聆牧笛忙道:“既然如此,那就请大人赐翎吧。” Lin snort/hum said: I had saying that can give the real tail plume?” 琳哼道:“我有说要给真尾翎吗?” Hears in the shepherd's flute heart one happy, listens to this saying as if also? Requests a performance, busy say/way: These people that Sir sees at present, is in the future after the main force of demon tribulation, as us of senior, 100,000 years ago fortunately survives, many also gives them a help.” 聆牧笛心中一喜,听这话似乎还?点戏,忙道:“大人眼前所见的这几人,都是将来历经魔劫的主力,作为前辈的我们,从100000年前幸存下来,多少也给他们一点帮助吧。” Lin was also silent, then Li Yunxiao also saw she as if vacillated, keeps silent. 琳又沉默了起来,这下李云霄也看出了她似乎动摇了,也默不作声。 After, said: I can them an opportunity, try their chances, tests the divine intervention. If the divine intervention is willing to make me put out the real tail plume, I was also speechless.” 一阵后,琳说道:“我可以给他们一个机会,试试他们的机缘,也算是测试天意吧。若是天意愿意让我拿出真尾翎,我也就无话可说了。” Hears the shepherd's flute to be happy: What tests?” 聆牧笛喜道:“什么测试?” Said: And other Tianfeng bodies came out to say from the practice again. Rare she arrived here, I found this Fangdong day, and maintains for 100,000 years, has used the feathers of 12 Tianfeng, now is maintaining these three also remain the strength not to be many. That Tianfeng physical ability bought in many to look at her good fortune.” 琳道:“等那天凤涅体从修炼中出来再说吧。难得她来到此处,我开创这方洞天,并且维持100000年来,用了12根天凤之羽,现在维持着的这三根也所剩力量不多了。那天凤涅体能吸纳多少就全看她的造化了。” The ingenious method spirit item of penetration of Li Yunxiao to the palace outside, the non- Ni Cike condition entered sitting in meditation completely, feared that could not come out little while. 李云霄的妙法灵目穿透至殿外,非倪此刻的状态完全进到了入定,怕是一时三刻根本出不来。 But he is not anxious, can be many in sitting in meditation later, takes one point of advantage. Moreover is also at the appointed time bigger through the assurance of test of Lin. 但他一点也不急,能多在入定中待一会,就多占一分便宜。而且到时通过琳之考验的把握也就更大。 Lin's voice resounds once more, said: „Are you dark green monster?” 琳的声音再次响起,道:“你是苍妖?” Mo whole body shakes, immediately alerts, knows that Lin stared at himself, said vigilantly: „.” 陌浑身一震,立即戒备起来,知道琳盯上了自己,警惕道:“正是。” Said: I thought that on you Origin Force fluctuates, but cultivates the Saint merit that I have left behind?” 琳道:“我看你身上元力波动,可是修炼了我留下的圣功?” Mo does not dare to deny that holds the fist in the other hand saying: Inherited below, many thanks senior Sir.” 陌不敢否认,抱拳道:“正是在下继承了,多谢前辈大人。” Un, shortly after should just be inherited. You can result in my Saint merit, has the person of certain chance. This Saint merit is my buddhist monster clan is tailor, you practice rashly, feared that must fall into error finally, finally either overstated, either body dead fate.” “嗯,应该是刚刚得到传承不久。你能得我圣功,也算是有一定的机缘之人。只是这圣功乃我梵妖一族量身打造,你冒然修炼,怕是终要误入歧途,最终要么走火入魔,要么身死下场。” Lin's voice said lightly that is very tranquil. 琳的声音淡淡说道,十分平静。 What?!” “什么?!” In Mo heart, is in great surprise anxious and anger, looked at Li Yunxiao one, this stares at that light to roll, said: What senior said is really?” 陌心中大惊,又急又怒,看了李云霄一眼,这才盯着那光团,道:“前辈说的可是真的?” Said: Joke, why do I want to deceive you? Naturally, you do not need to believe me, when I am the nonsense.” 琳道:“笑话,我为何要骗你?当然,你也没有必要相信我,就当我是胡说的吧。” Mo complexion is somewhat ugly, holds the fist in the other hand saying: „Can the senior have the law of melting?” 陌脸色有些难看起来,抱拳道:“那前辈可有化解之法?” The golden photosphere did not answer, brightness dark, seemed quiet. 金色光球不答,亮度暗了下来,似乎沉静了。 Mo is anxious and anger, holds the fist in the other hand to cup one hand in the other across the chest to say once more: „Can senior, have the law of melting?” 陌又急又怒,再次抱拳拱手道:“前辈,可有化解之法?” The golden photosphere is still quiet, Mo also again asked several, on the forehead the blue vein sticks out suddenly, actually does not dare to manifest suddenly. 金色光球依然沉静,陌又再问了数遍,额头上青筋暴起,却又不敢发作。 Quarrelled anything to quarrel, I naturally know, but does not want to tell you.” “吵什么吵,我自然知道,只是没想告诉你而已。” The golden photosphere has shone, Lin's voice spreads. 金色光球亮了一下,琳的声音传出。 Also looks at the senior to look in a Monster Clan lineage/vein share, the law of melting will consider it.” Mo's patient saying, besides the patience, he also has no other alternative at this moment. “还望前辈看在妖族一脉的份上,将化解之法告之。”陌耐心的说道,此刻除了耐心外,他也别无他法。 Said: Hehe, the Saint merit is comprehensive, you do not have the body of buddhist monster, although will bring forth the issue, so long as is careful, and deals by own natural talent carefully, the solution issue, this can seep the strength of comprehension Saint merit voluntarily.” 琳道:“呵呵,圣功包罗万象,你没有梵妖之体虽会练出问题,但只要小心谨慎,以自己的天资和细心应对,自行解决其中问题,这样才能更渗透领悟圣功之力。” Mo is depressed, both hands have lifted up high the top of the head, deeply bows in salute to do obeisance, said: Sir Lin, do not crack a joke! Also looks to look in Monster Clan lineage/vein, bestows the law of my melting!” 陌郁闷无比,双手高举过头顶,深深作揖拜下,道:“琳大人,别开玩笑了!还望看在妖族一脉,赐我化解之法!” This, it seems like you were fear death tighten. Really is one generation is inferior to one generation. Then I also give you a test, if can pass, my then own autobiography your Saint merit.” Lin's voice said. “这样呀,看来你是怕死得紧了。果然是一代不如一代。那么我也给你一个考验吧,若是能通过,我便亲自传你圣功。”琳的声音说道。 Mo is wild with joy, busy say/way: Multi- Sir Xie Lin, does not only know that is what test?” 陌狂喜,忙道:“多谢琳大人,只不知是何考验?” Said: Later you knew, but you must be prepared, if cannot test, possibly hangs.” 琳道:“待会你就知道了,但你也要有准备,若是考验不过的话,可能就挂啦。” What? Hangs?!” “什么?挂?!” Mo was startled, the whole face cloudy vulture said: Is anything tests, wants me to use the life to bet for the note unexpectedly.” 陌吃了一惊,满脸阴鹫道:“是什么考验,竟要我用命为注去赌。” Hehe, what is your life? If not you implored urgently, you think that you did have the qualifications gambling?” Ridicule of Lin ridicule: If not I read in Monster Clan lineage/vein, the wizard can manage you.” “呵呵,你的命算什么?若非你苦苦哀求,你以为你有资格赌吗?”琳不无讥讽的嘲笑道:“若非我念在妖族一脉,鬼才会理你呢。” Mo said: That also asks Sir Lin to test specifically describes, I quite consider whether participates.” 陌道:“那还请琳大人将考验详细说明一下,我好斟酌是否参与。” Said: Does not have the explanation, likes not being able to come.” 琳道:“无说明,爱来不来。” Mo: „......” He just cultivated shortly after the buddhist monster Saint merit, discovery why not proper, but Lin's words she believes in firmly, one is startled in same place, does not know that to be how good. 陌:“……”他刚修炼梵妖圣功不久,并未发现有何不妥,但琳的话她深信不疑,一下怔在原地,不知如何好了。 Hears the shepherd's flute not to care to his matter that stands does not speak in one side. 聆牧笛对他的事也不关心,站在一旁不语。 Li Yunxiao simply has closed eye, enters the practice condition, waits for non- Ni Chuguan. 李云霄则是干脆闭上了眼睛,进入修炼状态,等非倪出关。 Mo knows that these people stemming from snatch pill's retaliation to him, in the heart sends painstakingly, the day transports good fortune pill not to snatch, but also offended some people and others, oneself must follow for ten years side Li Yunxiao, how god knows the later day must have. 陌知道这几人是出于对他抢丹的报复,不由心中发苦,天运造化丹没抢到,还得罪了一干人等,自己还要在李云霄身边追随十年,天知道以后的日子要怎么过。 When he intertwines, out of the door transmits Origin Force to fluctuate suddenly, the frequency is extremely low, as if transmits from the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, but on the scene is extremely the master, immediately induced. 就在他纠结时,门外突然传来元力波动,频率极低,似乎是从洞天外传来,但在场的无一不是绝顶高手,立即就感应到了。 Some people break into the restricted area! 是有人闯禁地! Li Yunxiao from sitting in meditation recovers, since frown wrinkles. 李云霄从入定中回过神来,双眉皱起。 Is who breaks into the restricted area he not to care whether right and wrong Ni of care will be affected, at this moment she was swallowing up the Tianfeng real strength wantonly, if were fought to block is a pity. 是什么人闯禁地他不关心,关心的是非倪是否会受到影响,此刻她正在大肆鲸吞天凤真力,若是被打斗阻断的话就太可惜了。 Knew perfectly well that here is Sir Lin restricted area also dares to come, is it possible that is the young fellow who Heavenly Martial World comes?” Li Yunxiao guessed. “明知这里是琳大人禁地还敢来,莫非是天武界来的毛头小子?”李云霄猜测道。 Was also difficult to say. The eternal life the seal for a long time, everybody lives in peace with each other, now the gate opens greatly, everybody is waiting for exiting, starts to have the graciousness to repay a debt of gratitude, had a grudge to revenge.” “也难说呢。永生之界封闭许久,大家相安无事,现在界门大开,大家都等着出去,也就开始有恩报恩,有仇报仇了。” Lin's voice flutters from the golden photosphere, said lightly: I have not offended anyone probably, because I offended person...... Died.” 琳的声音从金色光球内飘出,淡淡说道:“不过我好像也没得罪谁,因为我得罪了的人……都死了。” Li Yunxiao with hearing the shepherd's flute looks at one mutually, then could not sit still, dodges arrives at outside the palace. 李云霄与聆牧笛互望一眼,便坐不住了,一闪就来到殿外。 Sees only Can with dripping has still stood before the palace, does not have what expression, as if thinks otherwise to outside fighting. 只见灿与涿已经依然立在宫殿前,并没有什么表情,似乎对外面的打斗不以为然。 Two don't plan to exit to teach the interloper?” “两位不打算出去教训一下闯入者吗?” Li Yunxiao curious asking, these two appearances seem are not the generation of that charity. The mobile phone user please visit 李云霄好奇的问道,这两人的模样看上去并不是那种慈善之辈。手机用户请访问
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