UAA :: Volume #21

#2005: Meeting

In gold/metal, there is Yun Qi densely, immediately disperses, appears a dwelling place of Buddhist immortals world. 金波中,有云气氤氲而起,随即散开,浮现出一片洞天世界来。 Inside cool breeze, the bright moonlight ringing, the wave light is slowly clear, unexpectedly is boundary of the stretch of deity. 里面清风徐徐,明月朗朗,波光粼粼,竟是一片神仙之境。 Has the palace to be built on remote gold/metal, such as close, also as if horizon. 有宫殿立于渺渺金波上,如咫尺之间,又仿佛远若天涯。 That three looked after the house to protect the opening that the people of institute were shock the mouth, was hard to believe that Lin will open the restricted area, making the palace appear. 那三位看家护院之人都是惊呆的张大了嘴巴,难以相信琳会打开禁地,让宫殿显现出来。 Not only this is agreed appearance that the people go, is more like opens the imperial city gate to greet greatly. 这不仅是同意众人进去的样子,更像是大开宫门迎接。 Before went to notify that person to appear in that flake gold wave, on the face similarly was the unbelievable color, held the fist in the other hand to bow in salute saying: „, Sir Lin is invited.” 之前进去通报那人出现在那片金波上,脸上同样是难以置信之色,抱拳作揖道:“诸位,琳大人有请。” Such remarks, that three people lived immediately silly, helplessly looks that in Li Yunxiao and the others were laughing and playing is entering. 此话一出,那三人顿时傻住了,眼睁睁的看着李云霄等人嬉笑着入内。 Li Yunxiao holds the fist in the other hand saying: Had the work.” Then joyfully enters. 李云霄抱拳道:“有劳了。”便欣喜而入。 Lin so greets them on a grand scale, it seems like is not disgusting, even that Tianfeng real plume was also perhaps hopeful. 琳这般大张旗鼓的迎接他们,看来并无恶心,甚至那天凤真翎说不定也就有希望了。 Several people step into that gold/metal joyfully, immediately feels the different, entire myriad climates has distinguished with the eternal life. 几人满心欢喜的踏入那金波中,立即感觉别有洞天,整个万千气候都与永生之界有所区别。 Transforms three beautiful color light in the sky, concentrates the shape of phoenix feather, is the peacock spreads the tail likely, such as mountain character floats in the sky. 在天空上幻化出三道美丽的彩光,凝成凤羽的形状,像是孔雀开屏,如一个“山”字浮于天空。 Li Yunxiao was startled, said: Tianfeng real plume?!” 李云霄吃了一惊,道:“天凤真翎?!” Non- Ni Mangdao: Indeed was the feathers of three Tianfeng, but was not that real tail plume of end.” 非倪忙道:“的确是三根天凤之羽,但并非尾部的那根真尾翎。” Some of her facial color blood flushes, after stepping into this boundary, the speed of flow of blood doubled continues, as if tired bird turns over to the nest. 她面色有些潮红,自踏入此境后,血液的流速增加了一倍不止,仿佛倦鸟归巢。 At this moment looks at the three phoenix feathers on sky, in the eye is showing the infatuated look, felt that the boundless warm photo on the body, comfortable of not being able saying that unexpectedly somewhat affected wants to cry. 此刻望着天空上的三根凤羽,眼里露出痴迷的神色,感到无边温暖照在身上,说不出的舒服,竟有些感动的想落泪。 On her starts to have slight change, has the phoenix mark to appear on the skin indistinctly, in the design in that phoenix feather with the sky is exactly the same. 她身上开始出现细微的变化,隐约有凤纹在皮肤上显现,与天空上那根凤羽中的图案如出一辙。 Non- Ni you......” “非倪你……” Li Yunxiao has also discovered the difference, non- Ni started to reappear Tianfeng phantom, in one group of fiery red glimmer, seemed dormant the great birds and beasts, momentarily but from out of the blue general. 李云霄也发现了异样,非倪的身后开始浮现出天凤虚影,一团火红的微光里,似乎蛰伏着巨禽,随时会破空而出一般。 On non- Ni presents the massive phoenix marks, covers the five senses/facial features, God Fire burns from the body, fires into the horizon, turns into a giant phoenix shade sky over the palace. 非倪身上出现大量的凤纹,将五官也覆盖住,神火从身体里烧出,冲向天际,在宫殿上空化成一只巨大的凤影。 Non- Ni closes one's eyes slowly, flies high empty sits, before a laying aside body, mallotus japonicus has the strange mark, seems the phoenix head, the end before the body. 非倪缓缓闭上眼,凌空虚坐,一手放置身前楸一手结出古怪印记,好似凤头,端于身前。 Qu Hongyan is just about to go forward to care to send regards that had been blocked by Li Yunxiao, said: This place is enormous for the advantage to her cultivating, do not disturb her. Sir Lin certainly already the sensation to non- Ni's existence, will not have blamed.” 曲红颜正要上前关心问候,被李云霄拦住了,道:“此地对她的修为好处极大,就不要打搅她了。琳大人也一定早就感知到了非倪的存在,不会怪责的。” Qu Hongyan said: We enter in the palace.” 曲红颜道:“那我们进宫殿内吧。” Although on the Li Yunxiao mouth so said that but keeps this place some not to feel relieved non- Ni that said: Young person and Yunchang, you are nursing non- Ni in this place, I feared that provides against contingencies.” 李云霄嘴上虽如此说,但将非倪一人留在此地还是有些不放心,道:“红颜、云裳,你两人在此地看护着非倪,我还是怕以防万一。” Also good, like this I can also feel relieved.” Qu Hongyan should say that looked at one with Luo Yunchang, two females all smile. “也好,这样我也能放心些。”曲红颜应道,与洛云裳望了一眼,两女皆笑。 Un, we walk first.” “嗯,那我们先走。” Li Yunxiao is bringing south Mo and Beizhen goes immediately toward the palace. 李云霄当即带着陌与北圳南往宫殿而去。 Mo and with are Monster Clan, south Beizhen is the 100,000 years ago early men, therefore has not made them stay behind. 陌和琳同为妖族,北圳南更是100000年前的旧人,故而没让他们两人留下。 That palatial palace such as fog such as imaginary, probably is been ordinary by the water vapor condensation, in gold/metal faintly recognizable, appears some are not real. 那巍峨的宫殿如雾如幻,好像由水汽凝聚一般,在金波上飘飘渺渺,显得有些不真实。 Three people of lines before that palace, the palace gate shuts tightly, only then the statues of two copper beasts are built on about. 三人行至那宫殿前,殿门紧闭,只有两尊铜兽的雕像立于左右。 Li Yunxiao holding the fist in the other hand high sound track: Younger generation Li Yunxiao pays a visit senior especially.” 李云霄抱拳高声道:“晚辈李云霄特来拜见前辈。” The sound is loud and clear, passes the main hall. 声音洪亮,直透大殿。 But has not responded, all peace as usual. 但却没有回应,一切照旧的安静。 Li Yunxiao wrinkled under the eyebrow, does not know that Lin is any meaning, has to proceed to walk, wants to push the door to enter. 李云霄皱了下眉,不知琳是什么意思,只好自己往前走去,想要推门而入。 Suddenly drinks the sound to get up together severely, halts!” 突然一道厉喝声响起,“站住!” Before seeing only the gate, that two copper beasts change suddenly, changes to two powerful Monster Clan men, a person all over the body jet black, the fiendish features, one person is the ash-gray body, the tail like the snake volume on the body. 只见门前那两尊铜兽突然变化起来,化作两名威风凛凛的妖族男子,一人通体漆黑,青面獠牙,一人则是灰色身躯,尾巴如蛇般卷在身上。 The formidable aura transmits from Monster Clan of left that jet black fang immediately, such as the impregnable bastion, one shakes to draw back Li Yunxiao. 强大的气息立即从左侧那漆黑獠牙的妖族身上传来,如铜墙铁壁,一下将李云霄震退回去。 Mo pupil shrinks suddenly, shock looks at these two Monster Clan, as if has recognized some origins. 陌瞳孔骤缩,震惊的看着这两名妖族,似乎认出了一些来历。 The Li Yunxiao complexion changes, but still facial color tranquil holding the fist in the other hand said: Younger generation Li Yunxiao pays a visit Sir Lin, before had circular.” 李云霄脸色微变,但依然面色平静的抱拳道:“晚辈李云霄拜见琳大人,之前有过通传的。” Monster Clan of black body fang sneers saying: What is circular was said that early man of Sir Lin, what thing you were, dares to say the person early man? If cannot to the view, not want to go back today!” 黑身獠牙的妖族冷笑道:“通传的是说琳大人的旧人,你算什么东西,也敢自称人旧人?若是不能给个说法,今天就别想回去了!” Li Yunxiao is depressed, this knows that Lin opens the imperial city gate to greet early man greatly, but does not greet him, original work sentimental, awkward. 李云霄郁闷无比,这才知道琳大开宫门是为了迎接“旧人”,而不是迎接他,自作多情了一阵了,尴尬不已。 In the Monster Clan eye of that grey body snake tail is glittering the strange ray, is staring at not far away non- Ni, said surprised: Tianfeng body!” 那灰身蛇尾的妖族眼里闪烁着诡异的光芒,盯着不远处的非倪,吃惊道:“天凤涅体!” Really was Tianfeng body!” “果然是天凤涅体!” The Monster Clan similar shock of black body fang, with amazement said: 100,000 years pass by, did Tianfeng body reappear this world?” 黑身獠牙的妖族同样震惊不已,骇然道:“100000年过去,天凤涅体重现人寰了吗?” No matter how, this absolutely is an important matter, must inform Sir Lin!” Monster Clan of grey body snake tail said. “不管如何,这绝对是一件大事,必须通知琳大人!”灰身蛇尾的妖族说道。 Does not use, the so intense response, Sir Lin affirmed that knew.” Monster Clan of black body fang shakes the head to say. “不用了,如此强烈的反应,琳大人肯定已经知道了。”黑身獠牙的妖族摇头说道。 They stare at that non- Ni to look that neglected Li Yunxiao and the others completely. 两人都是盯着那非倪看,将李云霄等人完全忽略了。 The Li Yunxiao three people only think a little cold, has not had the feeling completely, but can only offer a sacrifice to World God monument, lets hear the shepherd's flute to come out. 李云霄三人只觉得有点冷,完全没有存在感,无奈之下只能祭出界神碑,让聆牧笛出来。 Un? Saint!” “嗯?圣器!” Then causes two Monster Clan to be able greatly attention, after all Saint non- is every thing, Saint also few that Monster Clan inherits for these years, until now was only the remaining armillary spheres. 这下才引起两位妖族大能的注意,毕竟圣器非是凡物,妖族这么多年来传承的圣器也没几件,到如今更是只剩下浑天仪了。 Hears the shepherd's flute to hold the fist in the other hand saying: Originally is Can and drips two Venerable Sirs.” 聆牧笛抱拳道:“原来是灿和涿两位尊者大人。” Who are you?!” “你是谁?!” Two Monster Clan all were one startled, high and low sizes up heard shepherd's flute several, Monster Clan of that black body fang dripped saying: Is the soul takes possession on the puppet, is it possible that are you that 100,000 years ago early man?” 两名妖族皆是一惊,上下打量了聆牧笛几眼,那名黑身獠牙的妖族涿道:“是灵魂附体在傀儡上,莫非你就是那位100000年前的旧人?” Hears the shepherd's flute saying: „, Hears shepherd's flute below, seeks an interview Sir Lin. Does not know that Sir Lin and two Venerable can still remember below?” 聆牧笛道:“正是,在下聆牧笛,求见琳大人。不知琳大人和二位尊者可还记得在下?” King of Ling shepherd's flute northern territory!” “北域之王聆牧笛!” Their body simultaneously shakes, immediately becomes with deep veneration and respectful. 两人身躯同时一震,顿时变得肃然和恭敬起来。 Saying that monster Can sighs with emotion: Cannot think that shepherd's flute Sir ends up to turn out so the body unexpectedly.” In the words contains infinitely disconsolate. 妖灿不无感慨的说道:“想不到牧笛大人竟落得如此身躯。”话语中蕴含无限惆怅。 Hears the shepherd's flute to say with a smile: Not is too bad.” 聆牧笛笑道:“也不算太差。” Can busy say/way: In shepherd's flute Sir requests personally, Sir Lin waited there for some time.” 灿忙道:“牧笛大人里面请,琳大人等候多时了。” Heard the shepherd's flute politely with two monsters mutually several, then directly went toward that main hall. 聆牧笛与二妖互相客气了几下,便径直往那大殿而去。 The gate of palace one opens voluntarily, the Li Yunxiao three people also follow closely to enter, then Can and drips does not have the stop again. 宫殿的门一下自行打开,李云霄三人也紧随而入,这下灿和涿再无阻拦。 In the palace was jet black a piece, walks into during along with several people, gradual becomes must journey Liang. 殿内原本漆黑一片,随着几人走入其间,逐渐的变得程亮起来。 Inside is not big, is fine and elegant, somewhat warm feeling. 里面并不大,却精致而典雅,更有些温馨的感觉。 Hears the shepherd's flute high sound track: Hears the shepherd's flute to pay a visit Sir Lin especially.” 聆牧笛高声道:“聆牧笛特来拜见琳大人。” In four people of front grounds, appears suddenly array, the green light raises slowly, flutters is not loose in airborne. 在四人前方的地面上,突然浮现出一座阵法,青色的阵光缓缓升起,飘于空中而不散。 Among appears suddenly one group of golden light, drifts from place to place sky over array. 其内骤然浮现出一团金光,在阵法上空飘忽不定。 The remote voiceless sound spreads from that golden light together, is very calm and tranquil, said: Shepherd's flute Sir, the long separation meets by chance, has been well since last meeting.” 一道渺渺清音从那金光内传出,十分沉稳和平静,道:“牧笛大人,久别相逢,别来无恙。” Hears shepherd's flute hears word, the body trembles, obviously is excited, said: 100,000 years, cannot think the sound that can also hear Sir Lin, I not regretted.” 聆牧笛闻言,身躯一颤,显然非常激动,道:“100000年了,想不到还能听见琳大人的声音,我无憾了。” Li Yunxiao looks with the ingenious method spirit item, that golden light moves fast, inside is empty, only has strange Monster Clan rune/symbol writing. 李云霄用妙法灵目望去,那金光飘飘忽忽,里面空无一物,只有一个古怪的妖族符文。 Lin was speaking by the technique of sound transmission inevitably, does not know why did not come, this rather appeared some not politeness. 那琳必然是凭借传音之术在说话,就不知为何不现身而出,这样未免显得有些不礼貌。 But in the past Lin was one of the four big King Jing powerhouses, was the sovereigns of ten thousand monster, status and strength above hearing shepherd's flute, like this met passably but actually. 但当年琳是四大界王境强者之一,也是万妖之皇,身份和实力都在聆牧笛之上,这样相见倒也说得过去。 Hehe, can see one side old friend, I am also very gratified.” “呵呵,能够见得老友一面,我也很欣慰。” Saying that Lin also sighs with emotion. 琳也不无感慨的说道。 Is quiet along with the rear palace, only then that golden light is absent-minded, all around light of photo flickering. 随后殿内沉静下来,只有那金光恍惚,照的四周光影幢幢。 Lin's voice spreads once more, said: „Does shepherd's flute Sir this time come to not to talk about old days with me?” 琳的声音再次传出,道:“牧笛大人此次前来不会只是为了与我叙旧吧?” Hehe, to me, can see the Sir indeed is the most important matter. But indeed also has also supplemented some minor matters.” “呵呵,对我而言,能见大人的确是首要之事。但也的确还附带了一些小事。” Hears the shepherd's flute to say with a smile slightly. 聆牧笛微微笑道。 „, Any minor matter, mentioned listens.” Lin's voice said calmly. “哦,什么小事,说来听听。”琳的声音平静说道。 They all surmounted 100,000 years of peerless powerhouse, although meets again each other is excited, but quick can return to normal. 两人皆是跨越了100000年的绝世强者,虽然再次见面彼此心情激动,但很快就能平复下来。 Hears the shepherd's flute stern say/way: Demon main seal started, the Ten Directions rule re-entered the world, the date of demon tribulation approaches once more.” 聆牧笛正色道:“魔主封印已开,十方规则重回天地,魔劫之日再次来临。” The golden light group rotates keeps, good to spread the sound, said: „Does Sir look for me for this matter? By Lin condition at this moment, again embarrassed, when to seal/confer Moda is. Has the powerhouse of each time each time, but the powerhouse of each time is shouldering the responsibility of each time, the present world was not Lin.” 金色光团转动不停,好一阵才传出声音,道:“大人就是为此事来找我吗?以琳此刻的状态,再难堪当封魔大任。每个时代有每个时代的强者,而每个时代的强者又肩负着每个时代的责任,如今的天下已经不属于琳了。” Hears the shepherd's flute saying: Has not wanted Sir Lin to become an official below. That female outside this moment palace, thinks that the Sir also early has the induction, was Tianfeng body. I hope that the Sir can give her Tianfeng real tail plume.” 聆牧笛道:“在下也并未想要琳大人出山。此刻宫殿外的那名女子,想必大人也早有感应,正是天凤涅体。我希望大人能将那枚天凤真尾翎给她。” The Li Yunxiao also facial color sinks to congeal, is staring at that golden light group, wants to see some clue, actually throughout can not. 李云霄也面色沉凝起来,盯着那金色光团,想要看出一些端倪,却始终不得。 Lin has not spoken, waited for long time, said: This real tail plume was antiquity Tianfeng, I also by request of taking care person.” 琳一阵未曾说话,等待良久后才道:“这根真尾翎原本就是上古天凤的,我也是受人之托代为保管。” By the request of person?” “受人之托?” Li Yunxiao and the others were startled, but the Li Yunxiao three people do not know the details, therefore after slightly startled, returned to normal. 李云霄等人都是吃了一惊,但李云霄三人并不知道详情,所以略惊之后就恢复了正常。 Hears the shepherd's flute actually startled color not to reduce, blurts to ask: Is who holds?” 只是聆牧笛却惊色不减,脱口问道:“是何人所托?” Lin silent, said: To Zhu.” 琳沉默了一下,道:“离朱。” Is she!” “是她!” Hears the shepherd's flute to shock, the puzzled color of whole face, said: Since she had the Tianfeng real tail plume, why didn't have to refine?” 聆牧笛大为震惊,满脸的不解之色,道:“既然她有天凤真尾翎,为何没有自己炼化掉?” Said: „The details is a long story, some questionable points I am not also clear. Entrusted to Zhu Jiang this Tianfeng real tail plume in me, making me pass to be able to evolve truly the person of antiquity Tianfeng it in the future.” 琳道:“其中详情一言难尽,有些疑点我亦不明白。离朱将这根天凤真尾翎托付于我,让我在将来把它传给真正能够进化成上古天凤之人。” That is not just right!” “那不是正好吗!” Hears the shepherd's flute to be happy: That female outside palace was Tianfeng body, now is returns to original condition Divine Realm, future achievement under leaving Zhu, decided to evolve true antiquity Tianfeng!” 聆牧笛喜道:“殿外的那名女子便是天凤涅体,如今已是归真神境,将来的成就不会在离朱之下,定可进化成真正的上古天凤!” Oh, right?” “喔,是吗?” Flavor that Lin's light saying, in the sound does not believe obviously. The mobile phone user please visit 琳淡淡的说道,声音里一股明显不信的味道。手机用户请访问
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