UAA :: Volume #21

#2004: Interview

Li Yunxiao said with a smile: I, or not to mention, did your five person manner clans, give the Monster Clan guarding gateway awfully?” 李云霄笑道:“我要不要命且不说,你们五人身为人族,怎么给妖族看守门户了?” Five people are to all shame the anger, actually do not know how to refute. 五人皆是羞怒不已,却又不知如何反驳。 Actually their five people were to hear the matter of Tianfeng real tail plume, from ran to take by force in all directions, then...... Guarded the door to protect the institute for the person. 其实他们五人都是听闻天凤真尾翎的事,从四面八方跑来打劫的,然后……就替人看门护院了。 What manages your, courts death!” “管你何事,找死!” The black robe man of handlebar angrily rebukes, grasps a bronze broadsword, brandishes to attack directly. 八字胡的黑袍男子怒斥一声,抓出一把古铜色的大刀,挥舞着直接攻上来。 Li Yunxiao poked their sore spot, another four people were also in an uncontrollable rage, took out the weapon respectively, along in that black robe man behind. 李云霄戳到了他们的痛处,另外四人也怒不可遏,各自取出兵器,随在那黑袍男子身后。 Appeases anger, made an indiscreet remark below. We have the matter to pay a visit Sir Lin, but also looks to notify one, said that has the old friend to seek an interview.” “诸位息怒,是在下失言了。我们有事拜见琳大人,还望通报一声,就说有故人求见。” Li Yunxiao does not hope with their battle, has drawn back several steps, evades the attack of handlebar man, stern said. 李云霄不愿跟他们争斗,退了几步,躲过八字胡男子的攻击,正色说道。 But where the opposite party manages him, airtight of broadsword dance, forms a light light cover, in a Li Yunxiao whole body several chi (0.33 m) twinkle, throughout is actually not able to draw close to its. 但对方哪里理他,大刀舞的密不透风,形成一层薄薄的光罩,在李云霄周身数尺闪烁,却始终无法贴近其身。 Handlebar man also heart startled, berated: Has the classification to hide, fights with me open and aboveboard!” 八字胡男子也心惊,喝斥道:“有种别躲,堂堂正正跟我一战!” Another four people also respectively seek for the match, slaughters. Two palm day boundary powerhouses separately to Qu Hongyan and Beizhen south, two returning to original condition boundaries have fought with non- Ni and Luo Yunchang. 另外四人也各自找寻到对手,厮杀起来。两名掌天境强者分别对上曲红颜和北圳南,两名归真境则是跟非倪与洛云裳战了起来。 Remaining Mo hold the hand to stand, unemotionally looks. 剩下陌一人抱手而立,面无表情的看着。 Li Yunxiao somewhat was also inwardly angry, said: Your excellency do not go too far.” 李云霄也有些愠怒了,道:“阁下不要欺人太甚。” Snort, goes too far? Our is good for you, if Sir Lin gets rid personally, you already the skeleton not saved.” In handlebar man hand knife point dance is quicker, the innermost feelings are also more anxious. “哼,欺人太甚?我们这可是为你们好,若是琳大人亲自出手的话,你们早已尸骨无存了。”八字胡男子手中刀锋舞的更快,内心也更焦急。 He recognized Li Yunxiao, only then the returning to original condition boundary cultivates is, at is not his match, but depends entirely on the movement to dodge. 他认定李云霄只有归真境修为,根本不是他对手,只是全靠身法闪躲。 Impervious!” “不可理喻!” Li Yunxiao angrily rebukes, sneers saying: Even if Sir Lin gets rid personally, our several people turns into looks after the house to protect the institute, where can the skeleton not save.” 李云霄怒斥一声,冷笑道:“即便是琳大人亲自出手,也不过将我们几人变成看家护院的罢了,哪里会尸骨无存。” He stops the movement to dodge, welcomed a that knife point foot to kick directly. 他停下身法闪躲,直接迎着那刀锋一脚踢了过去。 Works as!” “当!” Tip of the toe on the back, immediately changes the path of blade, a blade cuts, melts to wipe the ray to fall from the Li Yunxiao body side. 脚尖点在刀背上,立即将刀之轨迹改变,一刀斩偏,化出一抹光芒从李云霄身侧落去。 Damn!” “该死!” The towering rage of handlebar masculinity, Li Yunxiao pokes his sore spot once more, in the eye erupts the murderous intention. 八字胡男子气的火冒三丈,李云霄再次戳他痛处,眼里爆发出杀机来。 Five people all are respective the powerhouse of time, after eternal life heard the matter of Tianfeng real plume, impatient ran. 原本五人皆是各自时代的强者,进入永生之界后听闻天凤真翎之事,就迫不及待的跑来了。 As top powerhouse, ends up to turn out now looks after the house to protect the institute, five people already constrained for a long time, the temperament also becomes cruel incomparable. 以顶尖强者的身份,现在落得看家护院,五人早就压抑许久,脾气也变得暴戾无比。 The reputation of buddhist monster is too big, for many years also nobody dares to enter the restricted area, therefore they could not find a round of drain port. 只是梵妖的名头太大,许多年来也没人敢入禁地,所以他们也找不到发泄口。 Now not only some people came, but also pokes their sore spot, but also is only the young fellow of returning to original condition boundary. 现在不仅有人来了,而且直戳他们痛处,而且还只是个归真境的毛头小子。 „!!” “啊啊!!” The handlebar man calls out several, broadsword in a flash, melts seven blade shades, cuts from the different directions to Li Yunxiao, looks like seven people of same fortune blades is ordinary. 八字胡男子暴喝数声,大刀一晃,化出七道刀影,从不同方向斩向李云霄,就像是七人同时运刀一般。 , Shoulder and chest, under plate and other places, have the broadsword to cut. 头、肩、胸、下盘等处,都有大刀斩去。 The Li Yunxiao cool color, pinches finger joints with the thumb wear a look of single-handed, under a golden light dodges, melts superhuman, counts respectively is the sword Secret Art, selects toward that golden glow on. 李云霄面带冷色,单手掐诀,金光一闪之下,化出三头六臂,各掐指为剑诀,往那金芒上点去。 What?” Handlebar man one startled, the magical powers of golden body was shocked by law. “什么?”八字胡男子一惊,被法相金身的神通震惊住了。 bang bang bang!” “砰砰砰!” Afterward is the arm sinks, on the blade hit the mark by seven sword glow, the knife is absent-minded, sends out the vibrato. 随后便是手臂一沉,刀上被七道剑芒点中,刀身恍惚不定,发出颤音。 The handlebar man startled and anger, the opposite party is the returning to original condition boundary, can unexpectedly hard anti- his blade glow. 八字胡男子又惊又怒,对方不过是归真境界,竟然可以硬抗他的刀芒。 Under roars, both hands arm with knife before the body, since massive golden rune/symbol writing flies from that knife, concentrates the golden beast shade. 怒吼之下,双手持刀于身前,大量的金色符文从那刀身上飞起,凝成金色兽影。 Clever ancient Daozhan!” “通灵古刀斩!” The handlebar man bellows, that beast shade such as the incarnation of blade, roared flies to raid to go. The men are also the body flash, along in that beast movie queen, almost agglutinates in together, the person the blade unites. 八字胡男子大吼一声,那兽影如刀之化身,咆哮中飞袭而去。男子也是身躯闪动,随在那兽影后,几乎粘合在一起,人刀合一。 The Li Yunxiao six arms pinch finger joints with the thumb, the respective knot seal, glances incomparably limpidly, static looks that blade beast flies to cut to come, not to have the least bit ripples. 李云霄六臂掐诀,各自结印,眼波无比清澈,静静的看着那刀兽飞斩而来,没有半点涟漪。 Repairing of previous life for the card before the palm day boundary, thinks that surmounted this ridge then to come to the end. 前世的修为卡在掌天境前,以为跨越了这道坎便走到了尽头。 Five Dawn Mountains fights, in Fang Zhishi also has an empty extremely boundary, for the peak boundaries under this sky. 五霞山一战中,方知世上还有虚极一境,是为这片天空下的巅峰境界。 After meeting the mist crag main, knows empty on extremely has the good fortune, in the Ten Directions boundary also has hundred tribulation kings. 遇到岚岩主后,才晓得虚极之上有造化,十方境上还有百劫界王。 At this moment, his eye? Looked to that remote King Jing, said that the heart is firm, holds the strength under day boundary, cannot shake his slightest mind again. 此时此刻,他的眼?已经望向那遥远的界王境,道心弥足坚定,掌天境下的力量,再也撼动不了他分毫心神。 Li Yunxiao extremely static caused that Mo's looking askance looks at one another, in Mo eyes reveals the startled color, has the ripples to fluctuate. 李云霄的“极静”引得陌的侧目相看,陌眼里露出惊色,有涟漪波动。 Since the massive golden light and rune/symbol writing from the Li Yunxiao six arms fly, when that blade beast to dozens zhang (3.33 m) vicinity, three big hand imprints forms respectively, flies high to unite. 大量的金光和符文从李云霄六臂中飞起,待那刀兽冲至数十丈近处,三道大手印各自结成,凌空合一。 Floating Life Seal and this mortal world seal and world seal, three seal unites, golden light disperse several mu big, covers among the blade beast. 浮生印”、“尘世印”、“天地印”,三印合一,一片金光散开数亩之大,将刀兽都笼罩其内。 What?!” “什么?!” In the handlebar man heart trembles fiercely, immediately realized this move of prestige energy. 八字胡男子心中猛颤,立即察觉到了此招的威能。 But he to press the opposite party plans from Fu Xiuwei, moreover is in itself also the peerless powerhouse, the rare defeat, will not believe itself to lose. 但他自付修为压过对方一筹,而且本身也是绝世强者,罕有败绩,不信自己会输。 Immediately roars, pours into the compensation the blade, that blade beast increases several points, the roaring sound is bigger, overrunning of staking everything on a single throw of the dice. 顿时怒吼一声,将全部力量都灌入刀中,那刀兽更是增大几分,咆哮声更大,孤注一掷的冲过去。 But afterward the dragon roar startled day, submerges that roaring sound together. 但随后一道龙吟惊天,将那咆哮声淹没。 Under three seal unites, rune/symbol writing everywhere dances in the air surely, concentrates unexpectedly to turn into a dragon form, sound throat Nine Heavens! 三印合一下,千万符文漫天飞舞,竟凝成龙形,声吭九天 Dragon form turns around, the body circles, intelligential, fires into the blade beast unexpectedly very! 那龙形一个转身,身躯盘旋起来,竟十分有灵性,冲向刀兽! Bang!” “轰隆!” The golden light explodes, before the dazzling glare camouflage human eye, then saw that blade beast called out pitifully, destruction under dragon shape. 金光爆开,在刺目的强光遮蔽人眼之前,便见到那刀兽惨叫一声,在龙形下覆灭。 Afterward Dragon Shenji on the back, the handlebar man puts out a blood, the golden glow proliferation that immediately attacks, shines several hundred mu sky, embezzles all lines of sight completely. 随后龙身击在刀背上,八字胡男子吐出一口鲜血,顿时冲击的金芒扩散,照耀数百亩的天空,将所有视线全部吞没。 Moreover one side, that four people also fell into struggle. 另外一边,那四人也都陷入了苦战。 As this golden glow explodes together, four people were in great surprise, immediately are all killed to be caught off guard, drew back the number hundred zhang (333 m) from fighting the circle anxiously ran away. 随着这一道金芒爆开,四人皆是大惊不已,立即被杀了个措手不及,急退数百丈才从战圈中逃了出来。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Is clever ancient Daozhan!” “是通灵古刀斩!” „Isn't the boy returning to original condition boundary cultivates is? Zhu that compels unexpectedly displayed to press the bottom a move.” “那小子不是归真境修为吗?竟逼的朱老施展出了压箱底的一招。” Hey, no matter how. Even if the ordinary palm day boundary, cannot shoulder this blade to cut. Zhu has killed one first, these our pressures are also more relaxed, they were finished thoroughly.” “嘿嘿,不管如何。即便是普通掌天境,也扛不住这一刀斩的。朱老先杀了一个,这些我们的压力也轻松些,他们彻底完蛋了。” Un, dares to excel at breaking into restricted area, but also dares to make impertinent remarks, gets what one deserves they dead!” “嗯,竟敢擅闯禁地,还敢出言不逊,活该他们死!” Four people outside counting hundred zhang (333 m), taunted, wear a look of grinned fiendishly, did not live sized up in Qu Hongyan and the others, the meaning later was one's turn you. 四人在数百丈外,冷嘲热讽起来,都是面带狞笑,不住的在曲红颜等人身上打量,意思是待会就轮到你们了。 The bellow in golden light has continued moment, gradually dissipates, that dazzling golden glow also slowly changes pale, among reveals the picture. 金光内的轰鸣声持续了片刻,才逐渐消散,那刺目的金芒也慢慢变淡,露出其内景象。 The handlebar man still maintained the posture of holding the blade, but appears somewhat frail, shivers in the wind slightly. 八字胡男子依然保持了持刀的姿势,只是显得有些单薄,在风中微微颤抖。 !” “噗!” Piled up has spurted in the blood of chest finally, the handlebar man like the kite of broken line, paper, toward behind fluttered probably. 积压在胸口的血终于喷了出来,八字胡男子有如断线的风筝,好像一张纸似的,往身后飘去。 „? Zhu!” “啊?朱老!” Moreover that four men after the short delay, all have a big shock, one of them diving posture on, supports by the arm that Zhu, flew. 另外那四名男子在短暂的呆滞后,皆是大惊失色,其中一人飞身而上,将那朱老搀扶住,飞了回来。 Four people unbelievable looks at his injury, almost being a mass of cuts and bruises of breakage, several big hole holes and Lord meridians infiltrate to bleed. 四人都难以置信的看着他身上的伤势,几乎破损的体无完肤,几大窍穴和主经脉都渗出血来。 That broadsword also raises in the hand, but the intelligence completely loses, does not have gloomily up. 那大刀还提在手上,只是灵性尽失,暗淡无光。 Li Yunxiao also restored the normal body, the both arms somewhat tingle with numbness, the bulge of blue vein blood vessel on the skin, covers entirely the beads of sweat. 李云霄也恢复了正常身,双臂有些发麻,青筋血管在皮肤上凸起,布满汗珠。 Struck him also to use a moment ago fully, full of patting, all God Grace Force poured into Secret Art seal, the whole person was found time by that Dragon form, strengthened him to speed up toward the determination of front advance. 刚才一击下他也倾尽全力,拍的酣畅淋漓,所有神奕力都灌入诀印,整个人被那龙形抽空,更加坚定了他要加快往前方前进的决心。 Qu Hongyan several people first flicker to move to its side, to protect its security. 曲红颜几人第一时间就瞬移至其身侧,以护其安全。 Li Yunxiao is to exempt the audiences female worry, said: I am all right.” Afterward goes to distant place four people the vision, said: We seek an interview Sir Lin, moreover old knowledge of Sir Lin, exhausted four circular.” 李云霄为免众女担心,道:“我没事。”随后将目光投向远处四人,道:“我们只是求见琳大人而已,而且还有一位琳大人的旧识,劳烦四位通报一下。” One of them angrily rebukes saying: You strike the severe wound Zhu, we are also wounded in the body, but also wants to make us notify, did not think that is the moron has a dream?” 其中一人怒斥道:“你将朱老击成重伤,我们也都带伤在身,还想让我们通报,不觉得是痴人做梦吗?” Li Yunxiao coldly said: How many should also be scolds zha the Heavenly Martial World powerhouse, how to say the so weak words? If I said a moment ago am moron have a dream, four were dangerous.” 李云霄冷冷道:“几位也应该是叱咤过天武界的强者,怎么会说出这般幼稚的话来?若我刚才所言是痴人做梦,四位就危险了。” Four people all are one startled, this sobers, detected suddenly own several people had been locked by the opposite party, so long as a word does not gather feared is the gust of wind attack brashly. 四人皆是一惊,这才清醒过来,猛然发觉自己几人已被对方锁定,只要一言不合怕等来的就是疾风骤雨般的攻击。 „, Has the words to say.” “咳咳,有话好说。” Four people have comprehended finally, their which buildings also once were the old fox characters, was only alone was long , the air/Qi was muddleheaded, this was swayed by personal feelings. 四人终于开悟了,他们哪个楼也曾是老狐狸般的人物,只是孤寂的久了,又气昏了头,这才意气用事。 Li Yunxiao said: Word of praise said completely, only remaining coarse.” 李云霄道:“好话都已经说尽了,只剩下难听的了。” Hehe, the good advice is always offensive to the ear, was I and others was muddled.” “呵呵,良言从来是逆耳,是我等糊涂了。” A powerhouse of palm day boundary admitted defeat immediately, held the fist in the other hand to bow in salute to apologize. 一名掌天境的强者立即服软,抱拳作揖是为赔罪。 Hehe, might as well. Reins at the brink of the precipice, turns head well.” Li Yunxiao is also polite, so-called beats a dog also looks at the master, if these five people of tidying up was too miserable, later not good to confess to Lin. “呵呵,无妨无妨。悬崖勒马,回头就好。”李云霄也客气起来,所谓打狗还的看主人,若是将这五人收拾的太惨了,待会也不好向琳交代。 That humanity: Several later rest in this, my this then notifies Sir Lin.” 那人道:“几位就在此稍后休息,我这便去通报琳大人。” Another three face discolorations strange, is flood sneers, looks that they are common like the deceased person. 另外三人脸色变得古怪起来,都是泛起冷笑,看着他们有如死人一般。 That person also shows a faint smile, turns around to walk, the innermost feelings criticize several people of stupid, made that anomaly tidy up these people not to be good directly, why must to make own several people so distressed, Zhu almost compensated the life. 那人也是微微一笑,转身就走,内心暗骂自己几人蠢,直接让琳那变态收拾这些人不就好了,何须弄得自己几人如此狼狈,朱老更是差点赔上性命。 Thinks that Lin that terror strength, that person of whole body trembles, cannot help but sped up the footsteps, under several vanishes on void. 一想到琳那恐怖的实力,那人浑身一颤,不由得加快了脚步,几步之下就消失在虚空上。 Remaining three people are alerting Li Yunxiao and the others vigilantly, while therapy to Zhu, but that injury is too serious, can only little stops the blood. 剩下三人一边警惕的戒备着李云霄等人,一边给朱老疗伤,但那伤势太重,只能一点点的将血止住。 Li Yunxiao moved the compassion, has thrown some therapy medicines in the past. 李云霄动了恻隐之心,扔了一些疗伤药物过去。 That three people are to resist first, but after afterward carefully observed the medicine, this felt relieved that takes to Zhu. 那三人先是抗拒的,但后来仔细观察了药物后,这才放下心来,给朱老服用。 For several thousand years treat here, various medicinal pill and day material treasure early has also eaten to eat all one's food, poor dingdong sound. 数万年来待在这里,身上的各种丹药和天材地宝也早吃光了,穷的叮当响。 After tea time, in thousand zhang (3.33 m) far front, appears suddenly flake gold light, such as the water surges, vast, passes through the world, covers the thousand li (500 km). 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