UAA :: Volume #21

#2001: Declining

„?!” “啊?!” Non- Ni Jingjiao, the right hand has been covering close to, said panic-strickenly: How does she die?” 非倪惊叫了一声,右手掩着巴,惊骇道:“她是怎么死的?” Day shows a faint smile, said: Which my knows such detailed, these are the island main Sirs tell me, even if the island main Sir, how could completely to know to the matter of past years. After all that time was extremely chaotic.” “叶南天”微微一笑,道:“我哪知道的这样详细,这些都是岛主大人告诉我的,即便是岛主大人,对当年之事又岂能尽知。毕竟那个时代太过纷乱了。” Li Yunxiao asked suddenly: King of Ye eastern territory holds up the space to be also surnamed Ye, with your what relations?” 李云霄突然问道:“东域之王叶擎宇也姓叶,与你何关系?” Haha.” “哈哈。” Day laughs, said: Ancestor.” “叶南天”大笑起来,道:“正是先祖。” Besides Zhu Jun and Meng Zhuo, other people have gawked, immediately also restores as usual, not too big expression. 除了朱钧和孟琢外,其余之人都是愣了一下,随即也恢复如常,并未太大表情。 Snort.” Li Yunxiao stuffy snort/hum, said: It seems like the profound offshore islands were also Ye to focus.” “哼。”李云霄闷哼了一下,道:“看来玄离岛也是叶家为主了。” Day smiled, then did not speak. “叶南天”笑了笑,便不语。 Li Yunxiao said: Why mist crag main must grasp Ye Fan, to impede your Ye?” 李云霄道:“岚岩主为何要抓叶凡,是为了掣肘你们叶家吗?” Day nod said: This is also one of the reasons, reason I temporarily have not been able to consider.” “叶南天”点头道:“这也是原因之一吧,还有个缘由恕我暂时不能相告。” Li Yunxiao said: Un, these matters I do not have the interest to know that is only Ye Fan for my brother, you are his ancestor, must protect him to be complete.” 李云霄道:“嗯,这些事我也没兴趣知道,只是叶凡为我兄弟,你乃他先祖,必须要护他周全。” This is natural.” “这是自然的。” Day straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards raise, appears valiant. “叶南天”剑眉一扬,显得英姿飒爽。 So, I did not have anything to say. The matter of today, the obligation does not say thanks, another day has the opportunity to report again this graciousness.” “如此,我也没什么要说的了。今日之事,大恩不言谢,他日有机会再报此恩。” Li Yunxiao holds the fist in the other hand the expression of gratitude, appearance that must leave unexpectedly. 李云霄抱拳道谢,竟是要离别的样子。 Day is astonished slightly, said: „Do you want to walk?” “叶南天”微微讶异,道:“你要走了?” The Li Yunxiao corner of the eye has curled upwards, said: What's wrong, doesn't walk also stays behind eats meal?” 李云霄眼角翘了下,道:“怎么,不走难道还留下吃饭吗?” Haha, naturally. Since Young Master Yunxiao came the eternal life, although the profound offshore islands do not dare saying that is this master, but should also treat as the master, receives cordially.” “哈哈,当然。云霄公子既然来了永生之界,玄离岛虽不敢说是此界主人,但也应该当做主人,款待诸位。” Day laughed, makes to stroke the hand signal of beard, but did not have the beard. “叶南天”哈哈一笑,做了个捋胡须的手势,可是却没有胡须。 Li Yunxiao knows that he wants to invite itself and the others on the island, but in his heart as if some do not hope, said: In profound offshore islands does not handle the mist crag Lord, the words that we go to what to do were killed by the mist crag Lord have been possible.” 李云霄知道他想邀自己等人上岛,但他心中似乎有些不愿,道:“玄离岛上都搞不定岚岩主,我们去的话被岚岩主杀了可怎么办。” Day said: Young Master Yunxiao is this finds the excuse to decline intentionally? Actually island main Sirs invited not its intent, but wants to see the World God monument successor. After all you hopefully become the person of this generation of gods, but previous generation god Sir and island main, but the close comrade, is the immediate superior.” “叶南天”道:“云霄公子这是故意找借口推辞吗?其实岛主大人相邀也并未它意,只是想见一见界神碑的传人罢了。毕竟你可是有希望成为这一代界神的人啊,而上一代的界神大人与岛主可是亲密战友,更是顶头上司。” Hehe, becomes the god at least must step into King Jing, this few present cultivating to return to original condition Divine Realm, the Sir may have many god pill, then can help my helping hand.” Li Yunxiao hehe said with a smile. “呵呵,成为界神至少要踏入界王境,本少现在的修为才归真神境而已,大人可有许多神丹,便能助我一臂之力。”李云霄呵呵笑道。 Day said: Emperor pill building Nai every Grandmaster cast in the past, Young Master Yunxiao should this time harvest great?” “叶南天”道:“帝丹楼乃当年一凡大师所铸,云霄公子这次应该收获不浅吧?” The Li Yunxiao sudden look changes, the sword war casualty cuts raises red, in a very short time green. A day of this word reminds him , the day transports good fortune pill also in Gu Qingqing the hand. 李云霄突然神色一变,剑殇斩红扬起,直指顾青青。叶南天此言让他想起,天运造化丹还在顾青青手里。 Other people are also the complexion change, the simultaneous reaction, one has surrounded Gu Qingqing, at daggers drawn. 其余之人也是脸色微变,同时反应了过来,一下将顾青青围住,剑拔弩张。 Oh, your this dies not to have the conscience!” “哎呀,你这死没良心的!” Gu Qingqing scolded: If not for a moment ago I with your same battleline, can expel the mist crag Lord? Now dismantled the bridge after crossing, unloads the grinding to kill donkey.” 顾青青骂道:“刚才若不是我跟你同一阵线,能将岚岩主逼走吗?现在过河拆桥,卸磨杀驴了。” Li Yunxiao hehe said with a smile: Sir said right, if not for we of one mind, the mist crag main will not be expelled, the Sir should also be warm in the spring bed account at this moment, enjoys that mist crag main hip next loose.” 李云霄呵呵笑道:“大人说的没错,若不是我们齐心,岚岩主也不会被逼走,大人此刻也应该在春床帐暖,享受那岚岩主的胯・下风流了吧。” Gu Qingqing the double cheek is red, direct firing to the neck root, has gotten angry: Li Yunxiao, your this dead thing!” 顾青青双颊通红,直接烧到了脖子根,怒道:“李云霄,你这个死东西!” Wipes the red glow to change is in charge, Gu Qingqing bullies the body, pats fiercely, in the sword war casualty cuts on red, repels the number hundred zhang (333 m) to be far Li Yunxiao. 一抹红芒化作掌印,顾青青欺身而下,猛地拍在剑殇斩红上,将李云霄击退数百丈远。 When the people cover the mouth when smiling, Gu Qingqing turns around fiercely, dodges walks. 就在众人掩嘴而笑时,顾青青猛地转身,一闪就走。 „It is not good, blocks her!” “不好,拦下她!” Qu Hongyan one startled, this discovered oneself relaxed has alerted, but Gu Qingqing strength promotion to empty extremely, was unprepared while the people, under dodged broke through surrounding, escaped directly thousand zhang (3.33 m) far. 曲红颜一惊,这才发现自己放松戒备了,但顾青青将力量提升至虚极,乘众人不备,一闪之下就突破了包围,直接遁开千丈远。 When the people faint from fear, walked does not have the shade. 等众人惊觉过来时,已经走得没影了。 This old sorceress!” “这个老巫婆!” The Li Yunxiao complexion one sank. 李云霄脸色一下就沉了下来。 Haha, Gu Qingqing astutely was too clever, this walks to fear that was very difficult to pursue.” “哈哈,顾青青太精明伶俐了,这一走怕是很难追了。” Day shows a faint smile, said: medicinal pill, Young Master Yunxiao why is offended, transports at young master’s chance and day, in the future achievement inevitably above Gu Qingqing.” “叶南天”微微一笑,道:“不过一枚丹药而已,云霄公子又何必介怀,以公子的机缘和天运,将来成就必然在顾青青之上。” Li Yunxiao stuffy snort/hum did not speak, that transported good fortune pill to relate the sea sovereign couple's injury to restore, must snatch. 李云霄闷哼一声不语,那运造化丹关系着海皇夫妇的伤势恢复,必须要抢回来。 Day sees him to be as before depressed, access road: You , if in suspense really that medicinal pill, does not need extremely to be worried. When Gu Qingqing robs this pill to attack a higher boundary for the future uses, in a short time will not use up.” “叶南天”见他依旧闷闷不乐,便道:“你若是真放心不下那枚丹药,也不用太过担心。顾青青抢走此丹必是为了将来冲击更高境界时用,短时间内是不会用掉的。” Li Yunxiao thinks also to think rational, Gu Qingqing in the future the place inevitably is the Flame Martial City place near of sealing demon, when the time comes asks her people should not be difficult. 李云霄想了想也觉得有理,顾青青将来所去之处必然是炎武城附近的封魔之地,到时候找她应该不难。 Young Master Yunxiao also please walk profound offshore islands along with me.” 云霄公子还请随我走一趟玄离岛吧。” Day invited again. “叶南天”再次邀请起来。 Li Yunxiao declines said: Now the eternal life opening, will certainly integrate in Heavenly Martial World gradually, in the future goes to the opportunity in profound offshore islands to be many. Was injured below with mist crag main war in a moment ago significantly, wants to return to Flame Martial City to calm the mind to heal from a wound first, after the injury convalesced, went to profound offshore islands one line again.” 李云霄推辞道:“如今永生之界开启,必将逐渐融入天武界内,将来去玄离岛的机会还多着呢。刚才与岚岩主一战中在下受伤非浅,想先回炎武城静心养伤,待伤势痊愈后再去玄离岛一行。” Day quite disgruntled, said: What opinion does Young Master Yunxiao have to profound offshore islands? Even if the outside has not good hearsay, that also will be only some hearsay, the ancestor is the past years god Sir subordinates, but was interested in World God monument wielding, Young Master Yunxiao declined over and over, rather too did not show due respect for the feelings!” “叶南天”颇为不悦,道:“云霄公子是不是对玄离岛有什么意见?外界即便有不好的传闻,那也只是一些小道消息,先祖乃当年界神大人麾下之将,只是对界神碑的执掌者颇感兴趣而已,云霄公子再三推辞,未免太不给面子了!” Li Yunxiao holds the fist in the other hand saying: „The huge person has thought that leader who King of Nai eastern territory to seal/confer demon fought in the past, below also admiration. But is the time is really limited, I plan to go to buddhist monster territory one line, afterward returns to Flame Martial City.” 李云霄抱拳道:“叶南天大人多想了,东域之王乃当年封魔一战的领袖人物,在下也钦佩的很。但实在是时间有限,我打算前往梵妖领地一行,随后就回炎武城。” Day was startled, said: „Do you want to go to Sir Lin that?!” “叶南天”吃了一惊,道:“你们要去琳大人那?!” Li Yunxiao said: „, Heard buddhist monster that to have a Tianfeng real tail plume, non- Ni Nai Tianfeng body, if can obtain this thing, will certainly even more powerful.” 李云霄道:“正是,听闻梵妖那有一根天凤真尾翎,非倪乃天凤涅体,若是能得到此物,必将如虎添翼。” Day silent, said: Good, since you must go to Sir Lin that I also no longer invited. Another day if has free time, but also looks at Young Master Yunxiao to come an profound offshore islands meeting. As for Sir Lin that line, you much be careful to wonderfully, but non- Ni Jiwei Tianfeng body, thinks that Sir Lin extremely will not feel embarrassed you.” “叶南天”沉默了一阵,道:“好吧,既然你们要去琳大人那,我也就不再相邀了。他日若是有空,还望云霄公子来玄离岛一会。至于琳大人那一行,你们还是多多小心为妙,但非倪即为天凤涅体,想必琳大人也不会太过为难你们。” Be careful?” The Li Yunxiao brow jumps, said: „Is this what view?” “小心?”李云霄眉头一跳,道:“这是何说法?” Day smiles, said: Sir Lin as Monster Clan Commander, does not like seeing humanity, after having the multiple person clan powerhouses to astray its territory, does not have.” “叶南天”嘿嘿一笑,道:“琳大人身为妖族统领,是不喜欢见到人类的,曾经有过多次人族强者误入其领地后,也没回来的。” Several people are the complexion change, Mo is also the appearance that the whole face worries about and is distracted. 几人都是脸色微变,陌更也是满脸担忧和走神的模样。 Li Yunxiao said: „, Many thanks the Sir raised.” 李云霄道:“原来如此,多谢大人提点。” Day beckoned with the hand, said: You go.” “叶南天”摆了摆手,道:“你们去吧。” Li Yunxiao said: That Ye Fan......” 李云霄道:“那叶凡……” Day said: Nature returns to profound offshore islands along with me.” “叶南天”道:“自然随我回玄离岛。” Li Yunxiao said: This is also good, has the inheritance of Sir and eastern territory king, Ye Fan thinks also when can ten thousand li in a day, another day say goodbye, when holds in high esteem.” 李云霄道:“这样也好,有大人和东域之王的传承,叶凡想必也能一日千里,他日再见之时,当刮目相看。” Day shows a faint smile, as if some taste of not being able saying that then gaze after Li Yunxiao and the others to leave. “叶南天”微微一笑,似乎有些说不出的滋味,便目送李云霄等人离开。 After the moment, Li Yunxiao and the others disappeared in the void end, day hesitated for a long time, sighed: Goes back.” 片刻后,李云霄等人消失在虚空尽头,“叶南天”沉吟了许久,才叹道:“回去吧。” He waves, the boat of Noa circles in flight immediately, turns into the big golden battleship. 他一挥手,诺亚之舟顿时飞旋起来,化成偌大的金色战舰。 Among Zhu Jun and Meng carve also hurriedly leap forward, afterward the battleship glitters, vanishes is in-situ. 朱钧与孟琢也急忙跃入其内,随后战舰闪烁一下,就消失在原地。 Li Yunxiao and the others go toward north rapid flight, non- Ni Zhongyu could not bear, asked: Husband, I sees you to reject that huge person over and over, whether to have what secret facts?” 李云霄等人朝着北面疾飞而去,一阵后,非倪终于忍不住了,问道:“夫君,我见你再三拒绝那叶南天大人,可否是有什么隐情?” Several other people of also mind one cold, is listening earnestly. 其余几人也都心神一凛,认真听着。 They also quite knew about Li Yunxiao that indeed thinks somewhat strangely. 他们对李云霄也颇为了解,的确觉得有些怪异。 On the Li Yunxiao face passed over gently and swiftly unusual look, shakes the head slightly, said: I remember , in 33 days of seal, ran into King of Beijing western region to be great.” 李云霄脸上掠过一丝异色,微微摇头,道:“我只是想起在33天封印内的时候,遇到了西域之王贝经弘。” A Beizhen southern brow wrinkle, said: You meant that perhaps the king of eastern territory similarly does hide malicious intent under a fair countenance?” 北圳南眉头一皱,道:“你的意思是说,东域之王也许同样包藏祸心?” Li Yunxiao shakes the head saying: This I do not dare to break theory, after all I do not understand him. But even if understood that his person, 100,000 years passed, who can guarantee that hasn't changed?” 李云霄摇头道:“这我不敢断论,毕竟我不了解他。但即便是了解他之人,100000年过去了,谁又能保证没有变化呢?” In the Beizhen southern heart moves, said: Is it possible that is......” 北圳南心中一动,道:“莫非是……” Li Yunxiao nodded, said: Hears the shepherd's flute Sir to make me not go temporarily. These have my consideration. If before meeting mist crag main, where I am proud next within to go on this day. But since meets the mist crag main, understands that this in world also has the master who makes the stage of perfection, and was really too fearful. If the king of eastern territory has any evil intent, we let us not want to live are leaving the profound offshore islands.” 李云霄点了点头,道:“正是聆牧笛大人让我暂时别去的。这其中也有我自己的考量。若是在遇见岚岩主之前,我自负这天下间哪里都去得。可自从遇见岚岩主后,才明白这世间还有造化境的高手,并且实在是太可怕了了。若是东域之王有什么祸心的话,我们谁也别想活着离开玄离岛了。” Qu Hongyan said: Decision of flying upwards I also think that is right, all are careful for on, is only this buddhist monster......” 曲红颜道:“飞扬的决定我也认为是对的,还是一切小心为上,只是这梵妖……” Li Yunxiao said with a smile: In the past buddhist monster Saint merit for me obtained, obviously also calculates to have the chance with her, moreover heard the shepherd's flute Sir saying that can try to ask that phoenix plume, perhaps will have an opportunity.” 李云霄微笑道:“当年梵妖圣功为我所得,可见与她也算有机缘,而且聆牧笛大人说可以试着去求那凤翎,也许会有一线机会。” Real?” “真的吗?” Non- Ni Daxi, one is excited. If can obtain Tianfeng real tail plume, she must be able to break in the palm day boundary, even cultivates Body Tempering high empty extremely. 非倪大喜,一下激动起来。若是能够得到天凤真尾翎,她必能冲入掌天境,甚至修炼到更高的虚极。 The Li Yunxiao forced smile said: Heard the shepherd's flute Sir saying that an opportunity, was uncertain, we went to say first again.” 李云霄苦笑道:“聆牧笛大人只是说一线机会而已,还不一定呢,我们先去了再说吧。” The people are hopeful, rapid flight in expansive sky, only then Mo complexion is ugly, appearance that fills with the concern. 众人都满怀希望,在长空上疾飞,只有陌一人脸色难看,满怀心事的样子。 At this moment, in World God monument, hears sky over the domain that shepherd's flute is. 此刻,界神碑内,聆牧笛所在的领域上空。 Li Yunxiao branches out together soul, obviously melts, among falls slowly. 李云霄分出一道魂魄,显化而出,缓缓落入其内。 Sees only in the domain center, two giant pinnacles, reach as high as the number hundreds of zhang (333 m). 只见在领域的中央,有两块巨大的石峰,高达数百丈。 Hears the shepherd's flute and Bei Jinghong sits alone respectively on a pinnacle, as if cultivates in closes/obsctructs eye. 聆牧笛与贝经弘各自独坐在一座石峰上,似乎在闭目修炼。 Bei Jinghong has a ruddy complexion, Blood qi is full, as if restored to cultivate is, but under the Divine Sense investigation, directly was actually blocked by a strength, cannot see through its actual situation by the ingenious method spirit item. 那贝经弘面色红润,血气十足,似乎恢复了修为,但神识探查之下,却直接被一股力量挡住,凭借妙法灵目也不能看穿其虚实。 Li Yunxiao infers him also to have the wound secretly inevitably in the body, after all the injury in 33 days was almost initially fatal, where has such easy restoration. 李云霄暗自推断他必然还有伤在身,毕竟当初在33天内的伤势几乎是致命的,哪有这样容易复原。 // only has one today. //今天只有一更了。
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