UAA :: Volume #0

#0: Mutually wounded

South Beizhen also rare revealing happy expression, said: Congratulations.” 北圳南也难得的露出喜色,道:“恭喜。” Li Yunxiao naturally is also extremely happy, holds the fist in the other hand saying: Many thanks.” 李云霄自然也是万分开心,抱拳道:“多谢。” After stepping into Divine Realm, not only thinks strength to promote, but also Soul Power also obtains enormous enhancement, the keen ears and sharp eyes, Divine Sense can the range of sensation be bigger. 踏入神境后,不仅觉得实力有所提升,而且魂力也得到极大加强,耳聪目明,神识能够感知的范围更大了。 He looked at a front that vortex, worries saying: Does not know how the demon advocated peace the spirit present.” 他看了一眼前方那漩涡,担忧道:“也不知道魔主和阵灵现在如何了。” South Beizhen said: Very rubber, but this way......” he looked up that above 33 seal light, said: Words that like this hits, even if cannot rout a spirit, this place space spalling, pours can also exit.” 北圳南道:“很胶着,但这样下去……”他抬头看了一眼那上空33道封印阵光,道:“这样打下去的话,即便不能击溃阵灵,也会将此地空间震塌,倒也还是能出去。” The sudden hand has extended from that vortex, grips Ahan to cut the osteotome, wields fiercely under! 突然一只手从那漩涡中伸了出来,握住阿含斩骨刀,猛地一挥而下! Bang!” “轰隆!” Giant blade glow falls, cuts two halves the entire vortex. In the world a disorder strength disintegration, turns into the astral wind to diverge toward the both sides. 巨大的刀芒落下,将整个漩涡斩成两半。天地间紊乱的力量一下崩碎,化成罡风往两侧散去。 Even if separated by far Li Yunxiao and the others, backlash several steps that was also forced by the strength of that astral wind. 即便相隔较远的李云霄等人,也被那罡风之力逼迫的后退数步。 The demon form appears from that vortex, the law a on link all disappears, as if struck him to be in the upper hand a moment ago, not only repels a spirit, but also from the condition of suppression recovers consciousness. 魔普的身影从那漩涡中浮现出来,法相上的阵环全都不见了,似乎刚才一击下他占了上风,不仅击退阵灵,还从压制的状态下缓过来。 Six demon eyes toward look void, the body in a flash, receives the superhuman law and five demon soldiers, only remains the true body, the hand grasps Ahan to cut the osteotome. 六只魔眼往虚空望去,身躯一晃,收起三头六臂法相和五件魔兵,只剩真身,手握阿含斩骨刀。 Maintains the strength that the Dharmakaya needs to be too big, but in a short time is hard to strike to kill a spirit radically, can only complete the long-time plan. 维持法身所需的力量太大,而短时间内根本难以击杀阵灵,只能做好长久打算。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Sudden trembles greatly, space explodes. Demon the place of standing caved in fiercely, the under foot splits void, the whole person one sinks toward inside. 突然一声巨颤,空间爆开。魔普所立之处猛地塌陷了下去,脚下虚空裂开,整个人往里面一沉。 All around appears to make a debut a link, from top to bottom arranges the cone gradually, although only then 23, as if constituted a bottomless trench, demon Pu Kun among, the body tenesmuss unceasingly, probably will not forever have the end. 四周浮现出道道阵环,从上到下逐次排列成锥形,虽只有23道,却仿佛构成了一个无底深渊,将魔普困在其内,身体不断下坠,好像永无尽头。 Demon brandishes is cutting the osteotome, pinches finger joints with the thumb single-handed, constantly changes the form. 魔普挥舞着斩骨刀,单手掐诀,不断变化身影。 It looks like in Li Yunxiao and the others, he simply was mounted by 23 links, the body tenesmuss unceasingly. But no matter how changes the form, cannot come out from the link. 李云霄等人看来,他只是简单地被23道阵环镶嵌住,身体不断下坠。但不管如何变化身影,都不能从阵环中出来。 Only appears outside the link together azure, is a spirit, dodges appears in demon behind, works on a white link to hit to his head, but he actually quite the same as does not know. 一道青光在阵环外浮现,正是阵灵,一闪就出现在魔普身后,抓起白色阵环就打向他脑袋,而他却浑然不知。 In Li Yunxin startled, hurried both hands pinch finger joints with the thumb, open mouth, dragon roar falls in torrents together, long jab expansive sky! 李云心中一惊,急忙双手掐诀,张开嘴来,一道龙吟倾泻而出,直击长空! If demon hung, they did not use. 若是魔普挂了的话,那他们也就不用出去了。 The demon whole body trembles, that dragon roar sound penetration comes, shakes him awakes, immediately induced anything, reached behind the back a blade to cut suddenly! 魔普浑身一颤,那龙吟声穿透而来,将他震醒,立即感应到了什么,猛然回手一刀斩去! Bang!” “砰!” Ahan blade strikes on the link, shakes hazy white, such as the frost and snow sprinkles, splashes down in the body sends out zi zi unexpectedly the corrosion sound, the demon air/Qi tumbles. 阿含刀击在阵环上,震起朦朦一片白色,如霜雪洒下,溅落在身躯上竟发出“嗞嗞”的腐蚀声,魔气翻滚。 The spirit facial color concentrates, pinches finger joints with the thumb single-handed, 23 links reduce suddenly, hits toward demon on. 阵灵面色一凝,单手掐诀,23道阵环急剧缩小,往魔普身上撞去。 Bang!” “轰!” Demon one by the smashing of surrounding and attacking, all demon Yuan was attached to Ahan blade, cuts a channel to fly to escape. 魔普一下被阵环击的粉碎,所有魔元依附在阿含刀上,斩出一条通道飞遁出去。 The spirit right hand raises, these links pursued, in the sky only saw that a blade flees, behind tagged along after 20 corona, is in hot pursuit. 阵灵右手一扬,那些阵环追了过去,天空上只见到一刀遁走,后面尾随了20多道光环,紧追不舍。 Works as! Ding-dong!” “当!当当!” These links overtake finally, hit on Ahan blade, fetters it. 那些阵环终于追上,撞击在阿含刀上,将其束缚住。 The demon true body also melts, was bundled the steamed rice dumpling by 23 links! 魔普的真身也随之化出,被23道阵环捆成了粽子! Although the spirit does not have any expression, but felt on obviously the face has the happy expression, suddenly that happy expression turned stunned. 阵灵虽没什么表情,但明显感到脸上有喜色,突然那喜色变成了愕然。 Sees only to be reappeared to ridicule by the demon corners of the mouth that the link ties, said lightly: Has hit for 100,000 years, you are such pure, is really cute. Again what to do later can unable to meet you such adorable match? I will certainly fondly remember your.” 只见被阵环束住的魔普嘴角浮现出讥讽来,淡淡说道:“打了100000年,你还是这么单纯,真可爱呢。以后要再遇不上你这么可爱的对手怎么办?我一定会怀念你的。” Li Yunxiao is also in the heart shakes, sees only in spirit all around, appears the black wire rope, turns into astroid, ties to live its bunch. 李云霄也是心中一震,只见在阵灵的四周,浮现出黑色铁索,化成星状,结阵将其束住。 But spirit behind, is appears one group of shadows, melts the demon status, grasps the bronze tomahawk, has cut directly. 而阵灵身后,则是浮现一团黑影,化出魔普的身份,手持青铜战斧,直接斩了下来。 The spirit has struggled several, that wire rope trembles unceasingly, above innumerable rune/symbol writing surges, actually cannot be separated. 阵灵挣扎了几下,那铁索不断震颤,上面无数符文涌起,却不能脱离。 Bang!” “轰隆!” The bronze tomahawk chops on the spirit head, explodes fiercely blasts out! 青铜战斧劈在阵灵的头颅上,猛地爆裂炸开! The spirit first half body blows up directly, Allah profound axe cut the spirit navel place directly, the big piece blue color crystal was blacked by the demon air/Qi. 阵灵上半个身子直接炸毁,阿赖玄钺直接斩到了阵灵肚脐处,大片蓝色晶体被魔气染黑。 The blue crystal that these break has not struck to fly, but circled in flight in the sky one, condenses the human form once more, wielded Bai Huan to hit. 那些震碎的蓝色晶体并未击飞,而是在上空飞旋了一,再次凝聚出人形,挥动着白环打了下来。 What?!” “什么?!” Demon one startled, wanting the withdrawing axe to meet the enemy, the discovery tomahawk had actually been immobilized, a half spirit puts out a hand to hold the shaft, body likely viscous liquid flowing, turns into the human form. 魔普一惊,想要抽回斧来迎敌,却发现战斧已经被钳制住了,半截阵灵伸出手抓住斧柄,身躯像粘稠的液体般流动,也化成人形。 But among the axe actually still inserts, the blue liquid flows backwards following the axe body on. 而斧头却依然嵌入其内,蓝色的液体更是顺着斧身倒流而上。 Demon loosens the tomahawk, pinches finger joints with the thumb toward the shaft on a racket, Allah profound axe vanishes immediately does not see. That blue liquid lost relying on, has not diverged, but concentrates directly the big hand, took advantage of opportunity to grasp. 魔普松开战斧,掐诀往斧柄上一拍,阿赖玄钺顿时消失不见。那蓝色的液体失去了凭仗,也没有散去,而是直接凝成大手,顺势抓了过来。 Demon turns around to run away fiercely, just changed to escaping light to fly, sky that spirit uses to surround and attack to fall white, happen to hits on him! 魔普猛地转身就逃,刚化作遁光飞起,上空那个阵灵就用白环击落下来,正好打在他身上! Bang!” “嘭!” The demon Yuan explodes, does several things at the same time instantaneously by the scrap. 魔元爆开,普的这道分身瞬间被炸碎。 Sky that spirit takes back Bai Huan, but below spirit unceasingly melts, the thick liquid of big piece upward flies, integrates above that spirit within the body, is quick they to return to one. 上空那个阵灵收回白环,而下方的阵灵则是不断融化开,大片的粘稠液体往上飞去,融入上空那个阵灵体内,很快两人就回归到一个。 flatter stopping buddhist temple still assumes star type battle formation, static horizontally in airborne. 阿遏梵刹依然呈星形阵势,静静的横在空中。 After the spirit gets out of trouble, the form dodges, toward goes by demon Pu Fei who 23 links tie. 阵灵脱困后,身影一闪,朝着被23道阵环束住的魔普飞去。 Demon complexion big change, shouted to clear the way: You are seeing still a play, has not helped me quickly!” 魔普脸色大变,喝道:“你们都还在看戏,还不快来助我!” That 23 link all mounts in his within the body, not any loose space, how regardless of he changes, these links also along with the change, likely are the maggots of tarsal bone. 那23道阵环全都镶嵌在他体内,勒的没有任何松动空间,无论他如何变化,那些阵环也随着改变,像是跗骨之蛆。 The Li Yunxiao brow raises, said: Do not crack a joke, this degree of fight can it be that we can participate, comes up also works as the cannon fodder, you want to murder with a borrowed knife.” 李云霄眉头一扬,道:“别开玩笑了,这种程度的战斗岂是我们能参与的,上来也不过是当炮灰,你是想借刀杀人吧。” Demon Pu Jidao: At this time you also had thoughts to tease, if I died, no one want to exit!” 魔普急道:“这个时候了你还有心思调侃,若是我死了,谁也别想出去了!” Li Yunxiao spreads out both hands, but said: That does not go back, does not go back also to live, if gets rid to this spirit, directly died. Sir Bei Jinghong also said a moment ago, was living well.” 李云霄摊开双手来,无奈道:“那就不回去吧,不回去还能活,若是出手对上这阵灵的话,就直接是死了。刚才贝经弘大人也说了,活着多好。” Bei Jinghong the whole body trembles, immediately thinks continues to be stranded this place, until the life end point, cannot bear fear. 贝经弘浑身一颤,立即想到继续被困此地,直至生命终点,忍不住就恐惧起来。 No! I do not stay behind, must exit!” “不!我不要留下,要出去!” He bellows, the form dodges turns into the meteor to overrun. 他大吼一声,身影一闪就化成流星冲了过去。 law tree gold/metal wheel makes pit-a-pat sound, in demon Pu Shenqian transforms a spirit law wonderful tree, full of vitality, becomes the world. 法树金轮发出“突突”的声音,在魔普身前幻化出一株灵法妙树,生机勃勃,自成世界。 A flowered world, a tree bodhi. 一花一世界,一树一菩提。 The spirit diving posture overcomes with the white link, bang, that tree trembles fiercely, has swayed several, then swiftly the avalanche, turns into Bai Mengmeng's ash to fly. 阵灵飞身用白环打下,“轰隆”一声,那树剧烈震颤起来,摇晃了几下,便倏然崩塌,化成白朦朦的灰飞。 !” “噗!” Bei Jinghong caused heavy losses immediately, spouts a blood, sprinkles in the law tree gold/metal round, standing from the sky creakies. 贝经弘立即被重创,喷出一口血来,洒在法树金轮上,站在空中摇摇欲坠。 Is good because of the spirit goal is not he, after striking it shakes, then continues to grab Bai Huan to demon to hit. 好在阵灵的目标并不是他,一击将其震开后,便继续抓着白环向魔普打去。 The demon eyelid jumps, the appearance that looks at Bei Jinghong, the corners of the mouth raises slightly, ridicules: Oh, I want to deceive Li Yunxiao, kills taking advantage of the spirit his, but his strength, although is inferior to you, but the intelligence quotient actually surpasses your several levels.” 魔普眼皮一跳,看着贝经弘的样子,嘴角微微扬起,讥讽道:“哎呀,我本想将李云霄骗过来,借阵灵杀他的,怎奈他实力虽不如你,但智商却远超你几个层次。” Bei Jinghong: „......” 贝经弘:“……” Demon sighed, said: Perhaps this is for 100,000 years, you cannot win my strength completely the reason. Did not have the means that Li Yunxiao can only wait me to get rid to strangle to death in the future personally!” 魔普叹了口气,道:“也许这就是100000年来,你都不能全部夺走我力量的缘由吧。没办法了,李云霄只能留待我日后亲自出手绞杀了!” !” “噗!” Bei Jinghong air/Qi spouts a blood once more, finally fainted, downward sends the jet black earth to fall. 贝经弘气的再次喷出一口血来,终于昏死了过去,往下发漆黑的大地坠去。 Hears the shepherd's flute form to dodge, then constrains him, gives Li Yunxiao saying: Is stranded into him World God monument, suppresses with the pocket lead Tianfeng. This person knows in the tablet the whereabouts of spirit.” 聆牧笛身影一闪,便将他拖住,递给李云霄道:“将他困入界神碑内,用兜率天峰压住。此人知道碑中之灵的下落。” Li Yunxiao calls World God monument to come, has thrown Bei Jinghong, and right hand grasps, set up gold/metal Lun also to receive that law, said: You have taken this few Dynasty Bell, now this little takes a wheel, was averages.” 李云霄唤出界神碑来,将贝经弘扔了进去,并且右手一抓,把那法树金轮也收了起来,道:“你取走了本少的皇朝钟,现在本少拿一个轮子,也算是扯平了。” Demon corner of the eye split vision shot a look at World God monument, body Bang on real magic, superhuman. 魔普眼角余光瞥了一眼界神碑,身上“砰”的一声就化出真魔法相,三头六臂。 Before the body, although was fettered by the link, but another two magic arts actually rapidly pinch finger joints with the thumb, one group appears on four arms, upward is fiercely spatial to throw, concentrates one group of nebulas. 身前虽被阵环束缚,但另外两道法相却是飞速掐诀,一团在四臂上浮现,猛地往上空一抛,凝成一团星云。 Simultaneously on an arm grips a Afghanistan , Morocco round treasure, working as that Bai Huandang under. 同时一只手臂上握住阿摩轮宝,“当”的一声将那白环挡下。 That nebula circles in flight in the sky, changes to half mu size quickly, the terrifying strength suppresses them completely below. 那星云在上空飞旋,很快化作半亩大小,恐怖的力量完全将两人压制在下面。 In the Li Yunxiao heart trembles, immediately understood this move, startled say/way: Walks quickly, leaves as far as possible far!” 李云霄心中一颤,立即明白了这招,惊道:“快走,尽量离得远些!” He receives World God monument fiercely, turns into piece of thunder light, will hear shepherd's flute and the others to bind, runs away toward the distant place fiercely. 他猛地收起界神碑,化成一片雷光,将聆牧笛等人全都裹住,猛地往远处遁去。 The spirit also knits the brows, as if felt uncommonly. bends body draws back fiercely, 33 links depart all, unfolds in the front. 阵灵也是皱起眉来,似乎感受到了不凡。猛地屈身而退,身上33道环尽数飞出,在面前铺开。 Demon cracks into a smile, before the body , the law also gains the freedom, on six arms the demon soldier flies, all was received top the nebula. 魔普咧嘴一笑,身前法相也获得自由,六臂上魔兵飞起,全都被收入顶上星云。 Simultaneously three law transitions fierce and dignified, condensation, Secret Art seal of six arms varies, and fierce that shivers, six arms extend finally, that nebula crashes fiercely under. 同时三面法相变得狰狞、庄严、冷凝,六只手臂的诀印不一,并且颤抖的厉害,终于六臂一伸,那星云猛地坠落而下。 Star fine jade explodes!” “星璇爆!” Bang!” “轰隆隆!” The destruction extinguishes the place the strength to open from that nebula implosion, sees only six weapon to become Zhen to arrange among, the strength that attacks annihilates instantaneously them. 毁灭灭地的力量从那星云内爆开,只见六件兵器成阵排列在其内,冲击出来的力量瞬间将两人都湮灭进去。 Demon is also wear a look of frightened, body unceasing chapping opens, turns into the most primitive demon air/Qi. 魔普自己也是面带恐惧,身体不断的皲裂开,化成最原始的魔气。 But is still motionless, six arms pinch finger joints with the thumb to stand, finally the strength that was exploded by the star fine jade swallows. 但依然一动不动,六臂掐诀而立,最终被星璇爆的力量吞噬。 The spirit is also 33 links arranges, resists the impact of that terror, sees only starts from the outer layer, a link explodes one by one, shortly will have broken to pieces more than ten. 阵灵也是33道阵环排列开,抵挡那恐怖的冲击,只见从外层开始,阵环逐一爆开,顷刻间就碎了十余个。 For 100,000 years, their strengths drop are too many. But demon under Bei Jinghong peeping, is the strength outflow is more astonishing, runs out of the hope of this place only inspires the strength of six demon soldiers, cuts to kill True Spirit. 100000年来,两人的力量都下降太多。而魔普在贝经弘的窥视下,更是力量流失惊人,唯一冲出此地的希望就是引动六道魔兵之力,斩杀真灵 Before demon was confident, but after several moves, discovered that oneself the strength has fallen short to the demon soldier's control, completely not 100,000 years ago such had one's wish, must take risks, shows this move of he beyond control masterstroke. 之前魔普还信心满满,但过了几招后才发现,自己对魔兵的操控已经力有不逮,完全不似100000年前那样随心所欲,只得铤而走险,施展出这招就连他自己都无法控制的神技。
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