UAA :: Volume #20

#2000: Day

Pities to leave yourself, mist crag Lord.” “怜悯留给你自己吧,岚岩主。” The mallotus japonicus slightly immature sound resounds suddenly together, under people surprised vision, before Li Yunxiao body, golden glow dodges, changes to the boat of Noa, slowly revolving. 突楸一道略显稚嫩的声音响起,在众人惊讶的目光下,李云霄身前金芒一闪,就化作诺亚之舟,缓缓旋转。 Ye Fan pinches finger joints with the thumb single-handed, before being built on boat, coldly looks at the mist crag Lord, the corners of the mouth is holding sneering. 叶凡正单手掐诀,立于舟前,冷冷的看着岚岩主,嘴角噙着冷笑。 Day!” “叶南天!” Mist crag main complexion changes, looks at Ye Fan, before the apparent way , the person is far from a main body, but was arrived, especially that makings, he is not strange. 岚岩主脸色微变,看着叶凡,便知道眼前之人绝非本体,而是被降临了,特别是那气质,他一点也不陌生。 Zhu Jun and Meng of Zhuo distant place had a scare, look one at present, is the great happiness, fiercely the rapid flight comes, holds the fist in the other hand to bow in salute to say in pairs: Subordinate has seen Sir King of day.” 远处的朱钧和孟琢吓了一跳,对望一眼下,皆是大喜不已,猛地疾飞而来,双双抱拳作揖道:“属下见过天之王大人。” Day beckoned with the hand, they stand in the one side immediately respectfully. “叶南天”摆了摆手,两人顿时恭敬的站在一旁。 Li Yunxiao is also numerous relaxing, said: You are willing to come finally, since first time arrives on Ye Fan, is mystical, if you do not come, I may hand over to maintain life Ye Fan on first.” 李云霄也是重重的松了口气,道:“你总算肯现身了,自从第一次降临在叶凡身上起,就神神秘秘的,若是你再不现身的话,我可就第一个把叶凡交出去保命了。” Ha, you such will not do, moreover you handed over Ye Fan unable to preserve the life.” “哈哈哈,你不会这么做的,况且你就算交出了叶凡也保不住命。” Day chuckle, then looks at the vision to the mist crag Lord, becomes cold Lihe ridicules. “叶南天”轻笑一声,便将目光望向岚岩主,变得冷厉和讥讽起来。 The mist crag main then finally changed the complexion, said: How will you have free time to arrive to come?” 岚岩主这下终于变了脸色,道:“你怎么会有空降临而来?” Day scoffs to say with a smile: Is very simple, since sees me to appear in this place, couldn't have thought by your strategy?” “叶南天”嗤笑道:“很简单,既然见我出现在此地,以你的智谋还会想不到吗?” Is impossible!” “不可能!” The mist crag main startled drinks one, said fierce: Even if you go out, so is not easy to get out of trouble!” 岚岩主惊喝一声,厉声道:“即便你们出关来,也没这般容易脱困!” Hehe, you want.” “呵呵,你想多了。” Day coldly said with a smile: You think other two such with every effort works oneself to death for you? You are the benefit become, this arrives at the same place, so long as the benefit changes slightly, naturally also separated.” “叶南天”冷冷笑道:“你以为另外两人会这样尽力的替你卖命吗?你们不过是利益所趋,这才走到一起罢了,只要利益稍加变化,自然也就分开了。” The mist crag Lord to be silent, if day is gets out of trouble, he does not believe that but if to tempt with the promise of gain it, is all possible. 岚岩主一下沉默起来,若是“叶南天”是脱困而出,他不太相信,但若是以利诱之,则无不可能。 „The eternal truth you said that you also did several things at the same time to arrive at this moment, is it possible that can also keep off me to be inadequate?!” “就算真如你所言,你此刻也只是分身降临,莫非还能挡我不成?!” The mist crag Lord sneers, since has gotten angry, that thoroughly quarrelled face-to-face. 岚岩主冷笑一声,既然翻脸了,那就彻底破脸好了。 Day said: Indeed cannot block, but if Li Yunxiao they do exert one?, Caused heavy losses to you, you thought that you can also live are leaving the eternal life?” “叶南天”道:“的确挡不住,但若是李云霄他们奋死一?,重创了你,你觉得你还能活着离开永生之界吗?” Day vision becomes chilly, and has the murderous intention to flash. “叶南天”的目光变得清冷起来,并有杀机闪动。 The mist crag main then changed complexion, ray that in the first eye projects the angry look. 岚岩主这才变了脸色,第一次眼里射出怒色的光芒。 Day beckoned with the hand, said: You walk, the idea of World God monument do not hit, although you have for 100,000 years the first talent, does not have the 100,000 years of first chance, the candidate of god is not you.” “叶南天”摆了摆手,道:“你还是走吧,界神碑的主意就别打了,你虽有着100000年来第一的天赋,却没有100000年第一的机缘,界神的人选并不是你。” Ha, laughable!” “哈哈哈,可笑!” Mist crag main contemptuous despising said: You said that wasn't not? When you were hundred rounds ties clothes that old god stick? This King Gao your a few words, everything depends on human effort!” 岚岩主轻蔑的鄙视道:“你说不是就不是了?你当自己是百轮结衣那老神棍了吗?本王告之你一句话,事在人为!” Then, the mist crag main then turns around, leaves in a huff, does not make the moment stay unexpectedly. 说罢,岚岩主便转身,拂袖而去,竟不做片刻停留。 Suddenly comes, goes ahead, round trip free, free and easy uninhibited. 说来就来,说走就走,来去自如,洒脱不羁。 Quick, mist crag main form disappears on void. 很快,岚岩主的身影就消失在虚空上。 All people somewhat are unbelievable, recovers, cannot believe that escaped in light of this. 所有人都有些难以置信,一阵才回过神来,不敢相信就此逃过了一劫。 Li Yunxiao also relaxed, whole face is dejected. 李云霄也是松了口气,却满脸颓然。 All people are full are frustrations, with defeating cockerel, dejected. 所有人都满是挫败感,跟斗败的公鸡一样,垂头丧气。 Non- Ni Shenhu the tone, said: This person was too fearful, Sir King of day, he actually wants to grasp Ye Fan, when the profound offshore islands do encircle him fully?” 非倪深呼了口气,道:“此人太可怕了,天之王大人,他竟然想要抓叶凡,玄离岛当全力围剿他吧?” From the idle talk of world of profound offshore islands, he also understood a moment ago at this moment in Ye Fan within the body, inevitably is profound offshore islands one of the four kings, is honored as the day of day of king , is the Ye Fan ancestor. 从刚才玄离岛之人间的闲言碎语中,他也明白了此刻在叶凡体内的,必然是玄离岛的四王之一,被誉为天之王的叶南天,也便是叶凡先祖。 A day of name resounds through mainland, spreads hundredth, she knows, whole face the color of respect. 叶南天之名响彻大陆,流传百世,她自是知道,满脸的尊敬之色。 Encircles? Hehe.” “围剿?呵呵。” Day smiles bitterly, shakes the head saying: Mist crag Lord is for 100,000 years the talent first powerhouse, sweeps away the mainland, the rein world, founds the purple mist dynasty, in the past all sea and Monster Clan must be at somebody's beck and call in him. At this moment cultivates Body Tempering Dharmakaya boundary, wants the fierce several points compared with the ordinary making stage of perfection powerhouse, the strength for the profound offshore islands four king's heads, among this piece of world, who can encircle he?” “叶南天”苦笑一声,摇头道:“岚岩主可是100000年来天赋第一的强者,横扫大陆,统御天下,开创紫岚王朝,当年就连四海和妖族都要俯首听命于他。此刻更是修炼到法身境,比普通的造化境强者还要厉害几分,实力为玄离岛四王之首,这片天下间,谁能围剿的了他?” The people are stunned, after strength direct access to the highest authorities, can indeed ride roughshod, nobody dares accountability. 众人都是愕然起来,实力通天之后,的确可以横行无忌,没人敢问责。 Non- Ni said: „...... Makes him continue to run amuck like this? In isn't this world still the bounded King Jing peak exists? Since the profound offshore islands the rein eternal life, that island main strength should also in the mist crag main above?” 非倪怔怔道:“难道……难道就让他这样继续横行?这世上不是还有界王境的巅峰存在吗?玄离岛既然统御永生之界,那岛主的实力也应该在岚岩主之上吧?” Day forced smile, said: Did not raise this matter.” “叶南天”苦笑不已,道:“不提此事了。” The Li Yunxiao hear subtle situation, as if involved the profound offshore islands secret, day, therefore hidden did not discuss that he pursues immediately asks: Mist crag main said a moment ago, 100,000 years ago when seals the demon has four King Jing Sir, where doesn't know nowadays? Did the hosts of past four territory and cultivate for the boundary?” 李云霄听出了微妙的情况,似乎涉及到了玄离岛隐秘,叶南天故而隐而不谈,他立即追问道:“刚才岚岩主所言,100000年前封魔时有四位界王境的大人,不知现今何在?当年的四域之主又是何等修为境界?” Day said with a smile: „The matters of that four Sir I not really am clear, kings as for past four territory, should makes the stage of perfection powerhouse.” “叶南天”笑道:“那四位大人之事我也不甚清楚,至于当年的四域之王,应该都是造化境强者。” Non- Ni say/way: I understood, quite in your profound offshore islands present four kings, Sir King of day, you should also be makes the stage of perfection?” 非倪道:“我明白了,就相当于你们玄离岛现在的四王,天之王大人,您也应该是造化境了吧?” Day smiles bitterly once more, said: „Does non- Ni, you hit my face intentionally? Must know under this sky, most can only break through to empty extremely Divine Realm, even if so is unable to maintain too for a long time. But the time that the eternal life in maintains is longer. Must want to attack to make the stage of perfection, must have the complete Ten Directions rule.” “叶南天”再次苦笑起来,道:“非倪,你是不是故意来打我脸?要知这片天空下,最多只能突破到虚极神境,即便如此也无法维持太长时间。而永生之界内只是维系的时间更长一些罢了。要想冲击造化境,必须要有完整的十方规则。” Li Yunxiao cannot help but in great surprise, said: If another three King Jie are empty extremely Divine Realm, how that does keep in balance the mist crag Lord?” 李云霄不由得大惊,道:“若是另外三王皆是虚极神境,那如何制衡岚岩主呢?” Day said: „Before mist crag main, is only the mortal body virtual light boundary, quite in Xuji Divine Realm, although stronger compared with three of us, are not many. Adds the custom on heaven offshore islands again, handles affairs many that the present is more tasteful, does not have now to be so unscrupulous. Then also has the island main Sirs also makes the stage of perfection, therefore can still impede to him, but the strength of this balance gradually is weakening, incisiveness that because the superiority of body refining cultivation building up in manifests in this eternal life. First the body refining cultivation building up mortal body is difficult to decay does not need to depend upon the seal to preserve the physical body like us, next in losing the situation of Ten Directions rule, cultivates the mortal body the speed to be by far we, for 100,000 years also only then he stepped into the Dharmakaya to make the stage of perfection.” “叶南天”道:“岚岩主之前也只是肉身虚光境,相当于虚极神境,虽然比我们三人都要强,却也没有强太多。再加上玄离岛上的规矩,行事起来比现在讲究的多,没有现在这般肆无忌惮。然后还有岛主大人也是造化境,所以对他依然可以掣肘,只是这制衡的力量在逐渐消弱,因为体术修炼者的优势在这永生之界内体现的淋漓尽致。首先体术修炼者肉身难朽不用像我们这样依靠封印来保存肉体,其次在失去十方规则的情况下,修炼肉身的速度要远胜我们,100000年来也只有他一人踏入了法身造化境。” These words hear everybody to look at each other in blank diamay, Zhu Jun and Meng Zhuo are also the heart startled, usually the people on the profound offshore islands extremely little has occurring together, mostly is closing up the practice, little knows some secret Xin. 这番话听得大家都面面相觑,就连朱钧和孟琢也是心惊不已,平时在玄离岛上众人都极少有交集,大多在闭关修炼,也很少知道一些秘辛。 Li Yunxiao asked: If Ten Directions rule present, by the accumulation and talent of Sir, whether to break in a short time makes the stage of perfection?” 李云霄问道:“若是十方规则现,以大人的积累和天赋,可否短时间内冲入造化境?” Day in eye one emits up, hey has smiled two, has licked the lip, said: This matter nobody has tried, who dares to say do oneself have confidence?” “叶南天”眼中一下放出光来,嘿嘿笑了两声,舔了下嘴唇,道:“这种事没人试过,谁敢说自己有把握?” I understood.” “我明白了。” The Li Yunxiao nod said: Works as in this life, can also the bounded King Jing powerhouse?” 李云霄点头道:“那当今世上,可还有界王境强者?” Day has hesitated the moment, shakes the head saying: Should not exist, even if that four Sirs lived in the past fortunately, dropped the boundary inevitably, for example......” “叶南天”沉吟了片刻,摇头道:“应该是不存在了,即便当年那四位大人有幸活下,也必然跌落了境界,比如说……” His vision glances slightly, looks to north, as if intent has referred. 他的目光微微一瞥,望向北面,似乎意有所指。 When several people are to knit the brows, Mo faints from fright suddenly, loses the sound track: You say the buddhist monster?!” 几人都是皱眉之际,陌猛然惊厥,失声道:“你是说梵妖?!” Everybody awakens immediately, the buddhist monster that before that direction, Gu Qingqing said was , was also one of characters the eternal life in could not stir up. 大家立即醒悟过来,那个方向正是之前顾青青所言的梵妖所在,也是永生之界内惹不起的人物之一。 Oh.” “嗯嗯。” Day the respect of whole face, said: Sir Lin in the past sealed war of one of the demon leaders, but the true body was already destroyed, now preserves the eternal life the body was only past one does several things at the same time, how cultivates to nobody know, but definitely was not King Jing, I supposed that should be good fortune Divine Realm.” “叶南天”满脸的敬重,道:“琳大人正是当年封魔之战的首领之一,只是真身早已被毁,现在留存永生之界的躯体只是当年的一道分身,修为如何没有人知道,但肯定不是界王境了,我估摸应该是造化神境。” The people only know original that buddhist monster named: Lin. 众人这才知道原来那梵妖名为:琳。 Gu Qingqing and Zhu Jun are also first time knows. 就连顾青青和朱钧两人也是第一次知道。 Li Yunxiao has remembered that statue, that cannot see clearly the facial features the form, perhaps was himself the looks like. 李云霄则是想起了那尊雕像,那个看不清面容的身影,恐怕就是琳本身之像了。 Non- Ni said suddenly: If King Jing is this peak, then these True Spirit of ancient times, for example real dragon Tianfeng?” 非倪突然说道:“若界王境就是这一界的顶峰,那么古时的那些真灵,比如真龙天凤呢?” Day said: Real dragon Tianfeng naturally was King Jing existence, was only......” he is silent, as if has remembered anything, one was lost in thought unexpectedly. “叶南天”道:“真龙天凤自然是界王境的存在,只是……”他沉默起来,似乎想起了什么,竟然一下陷入了沉思。 What is only?” Non- Ni Zhaba the eye was asking, is related to Tianfeng saying that she was extremely curious. “只是什么?”非倪眨巴着眼睛问道,事关天凤之说,她万分好奇。 Day was on the rise, said: Was only under this sky has not presented the real dragon and Tianfeng for a long time.” “叶南天”抬起头来,道:“只是这片天空下许久都没有出现过真龙与天凤了。” In the Li Yunxiao sudden heart moves, as if has remembered anything, miraculous has floated in the mind together, has probably any important thing, always cannot hold, lets his frown tight wrinkle, racks one's brains. 李云霄突然心中一动,似乎想起了什么,一道灵光在脑海里浮过,好像有什么重要的东西,却总也抓不住,让他双眉紧皱,苦思起来。 Why?” Non- Ni Jixu asked. “为什么?”非倪继续问道。 Day said: Real dragon Tianfeng was collects the world essence to live, was Heavenly Martial World true say/way manifestation, looked like the buddhist day purple mansion extinguishes the world god thunder to be the same, was enforcing justice on behalf of Heaven magical things, when Heavenly Martial World beset with a crisis the confusion or, will then have the real dragon and Tianfeng is born, but the war of past sealing demon, has not actually seen real dragon Tianfeng.” “叶南天”道:“真龙天凤乃是汇天地精华而生,是天武界真正的‘道’之体现,就像是梵天紫府灭世神雷一样,乃是替天行道的‘灵物’,在天武界陷入混乱或危机时,便会有真龙与天凤诞生,可是当年的封魔之战,却并未见到真龙天凤。” That what's the matter?” “那是怎么回事?” In Li Yunxiao falls into to think deeply, suddenly asked that as if has a key not to be always able to hold, lets him worriedly. 李云霄陷入深思内,突然问了一句,似乎有个关键总是无法抓住,让他苦恼不已。 Day said: Inheritance of real dragon and Tianfeng was different, the real dragon was world breeding lives, after each generation of real dragons fell from the sky, will then have the new real dragon to appear. But Tianfeng was actually the strength of inheritance dependence bloodlines, when the Heavenly Dao took time, had the person of Tianfeng bloodlines to appear, grows into Tianfeng of new generation.” “叶南天”道:“真龙与天凤的传承不一样,真龙乃是天地孕育而生,每一代的真龙陨落后,便会有新的真龙出现。而天凤却是依靠血脉之力传承,当天道所需时,身怀天凤血脉的人就会出现,成长为新一代的天凤。” Day vision looks to non- Ni, becomes some burning hots gets up. “叶南天”的目光望向非倪,也变得有些炙热起来。 Non- Ni Lianjia one red, is somewhat embarrassed, said: That why 100,000 years ago hasn't presented the person of Tianfeng bloodlines?” 非倪脸颊一红,有些不好意思,道:“那为何100000年前并没有出现天凤血脉之人?” Day has hesitated, said: Appeared, and there is a greatly strengthened indication. The Tianfeng bloodlines were the bloodlines of stealth, was quite rare in the inheritance, even if there are to appear is very difficult to stimulate the strength. But in the past that bloodlines inheritance was actually the natural talent outstanding, but also in non- Ni above you, was only...... Has not stepped into King Jing in her...... Grew before true Tianfeng...... Died.” “叶南天”沉吟了一下,道:“出现了,并且有极强的征兆。天凤血脉算是隐形的血脉,在传承中极为罕见,就算有出现也很难激发出力量。但当年那位血脉传承者却是天资超卓,还远在非倪你之上,只是……在她还未踏入界王境……成长为真正的天凤前……就死了。”
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