UAA :: Volume #20

#1999: The king of stone ( 7 )

Zhu Jun left hand pinches finger joints with the thumb, the circle of right hand before the body, concentrates immediately Dragon Ying. 朱钧左手掐诀,右手在身前化圆,立即凝出一龙影。 Meng carves is pinches finger joints with the thumb, another ties seal to put before the body, the palm place presents one group of rays, inside has array to fluctuate. 孟琢则是一手掐诀,另外一手结印放于身前,掌心处出现出一团光芒,里面有阵法浮动。 Suddenly, all people promoted the pinnacle strength. 一时间,所有人都将力量提升到了极致。 The survey bullfight all over the body becomes the green, Nine Heavens on neck records Luo Huan to be greatly scarlet, flies the binding energy in the top of the head. 巡天斗牛通体变得青色,脖子上的九天都录大罗环猩红无比,飞在头顶上聚能。 The alligator also changes to the astral wind, the rave, the opening mouth, inside actually contains storm, and constantly is strengthening. 就连鳄鱼也化作罡风,狂吼不已,张大嘴巴来,里面竟然含・着一口暴风,并且在不断增强。 Hey, this little fierce battle appearance.” “嘿嘿,这样才有点‘恶战’的样子了。” The mist crag main reveals to smile rarely, the body as if had the change under the virtual light, meridians appear, can look clear including the whole body hundred skillful holes. 岚岩主难得露出笑来,身体在虚光下似乎起了变化,条条经脉都浮现而出,连周身百巧穴都能看得一清二楚。 That formidable strength appears, immediately in the top will support in a big way, Li Yunxiao is stuffy snort/hum one, ray colored glaze is also uncertain. 那强大的力量浮现而出,立即将阵内陀螺撑大,李云霄则是闷哼一声,身上的光芒也琉璃不定起来。 Your mother, spelled!” “你妈・的,拼了!” Li Yunxiao bellows suddenly, both hands pinches finger joints with the thumb once more makes. 李云霄突然大吼一声,双手再次掐诀打出。 The remaining five ju lings also suddenly move, simultaneously brandishes the weapon to get rid, cuts toward the central top on. 剩下的五道巨灵也蓦然一动,同时挥舞着兵器出手,往中央陀螺上斩去。 Actuates array forcefully, even if he is eight entirely Kai allowing temporary credit boundary mortal body, cannot shoulder that strength of backlash, several meridians explode directly in within the body, explodes to bleed. 强行驱动阵法,即便他是八门俱开的融通境肉身,也扛不住那反噬之力,数道经脉直接在体内爆开,炸出血来。 This immediately, he could not attend to this many, did not have other people to see, everyone was goes all out to display the elementary work, the terrifying strength looked like Fierce Wolf big dragons, jumped into that shelled on the top. 只是这个当下,他自己也顾不得这许多了,更没有其他人看见,每个人都是拼命施展元功,恐怖的力量就像是一条条猛虎巨龙,扑入那阵内,轰击在陀螺上。 Bang!” “轰隆!” All strengths break in all, that top still unceasingly supports under the mist crag main strength in a big way, among various strengths integrate, the bang in his whole body three chi (0.33 m), was blocked by the Dharmakaya virtual light, the entire body as if becomes insightful. 所有力量尽数冲入进去,那陀螺还在岚岩主的力量下不断撑大,各种力量融入其内,轰在他周身三尺,被法身虚光拦下,整个身体似乎变得通透起来。 Finally, the balance point of that terror was pressed shatter, all strengths explode instantaneously, bang earth-shaking, to goes in all directions. 终于,那恐怖的平衡点被压得破碎,所有力量瞬间爆开,“轰隆”一声天翻地覆,向四面八方而去。 Gu Qingqing gives a loud shout, said: Walks quickly!” 顾青青大喝一声,道:“快走!” When she changes to escaping light to fly to run away first, more than ten people scatter in a panic completely. 她当先就化作遁光飞逃,十余人全部作鸟兽散。 Li Yunxiao also wants to run, but entire day evil deity must support by him, in the instance that strength explodes, array greatly strengthened is attacked, the terrifying strength backlashes on him, explodes several meridians directly, the flesh and blood flying in all directions that the whole person explodes, escapes is also half beat behind, when was swallowed first by the strength of that impact! 李云霄也想跑,但整个都天神煞阵还得靠他撑着,在那力量爆开的瞬间,阵法就受到极强的冲击,恐怖的力量反噬在他身上,直接爆开数条经脉,整个人炸的血肉横飞,逃跑也慢了半拍,当先就被那冲击之力吞噬进去! Emperor pill Palace is also hard to escape by luck, was involved in that impact, the entire palace building becomes absent-minded, finally starts cuns (2.5 cm) shatter, turns into everywhere the fragment, selects the point to vanish in the world, does not exist. 帝丹宫也难以幸免,被卷入那冲击里,整个宫楼变得恍惚起来,最终开始寸寸破碎,化成漫天的碎片,点点消失在天地间,不复存在。 Several people also run away late, was involved in the storm, but can contend with the self-preservation by own strength, but Qiu Ming starts is looks at the good play the appearance, when that balanced shatter, the strength explodes, does not detect well, goes all out to run away. 还有几人也逃得较晚,被卷入进风暴,但以自身之力还是能抗衡自保,而邱明开始则是一副看好戏的样子,等到那平衡破碎,力量爆开,才发觉不好,拼命逃走。 But directly was actually attracted to pull by the great strength, under goes all out to struggle, the severely wounded body is hard to contend, finally under the despair, yells unable to send out continually, was ripped the powder dust. 但却直接被巨力吸扯进去,拼命挣扎之下,重伤的身躯难以抗衡,最终在绝望下,连叫喊都发不出,就被撕成了碎末。 By the emperor pill Palace impact, toward spreads unceasingly in all directions, in spreads in the eternal life, the fluctuation covers remote of thousand li (500 km), even beyond several thousand miles can also feel weak surging. 帝丹宫旁的冲击,不断往四面八方扩散,在永生之界内传开,波动更是覆盖千里之遥,甚至数千里外还能感受到微弱的波荡。 But impact zero point, turned into the black hole directly, deeply does not see the bottom. 而冲击的原点处,直接化成了黑洞,深不见底。 After that strength weakens gradually, hears the cough sound that spreads from, as if some people are coughing up blood, said off and on: „...... It is not good......” 那力量渐渐消弱后,才听见从其内传出的咳嗽声,似乎有人在咳血,断断续续说道:“还是……不行吗……” „............ Damn...... World rule......” “咳……咳咳……该死的……天地规则……” Black hole reduction gradually, the mist crag main body appears, the corners of the mouth are bringing a bloodstain, the body also several hundred wounds, actually in unceasing cicatrization. 黑洞渐渐的缩小,岚岩主的身躯显现出来,嘴角带着一丝血迹,身上也有数百道伤口,却在不断的愈合。 After entire emperor pill Building vanishes, then does not have any material, all people in standing in eternal life in void, is separated by several thousand zhang (3.33 m) far. 整个帝丹楼消失后,再没有任何物质,所有人都在站立在永生之界的虚空内,相隔数千丈远。 Has not died unexpectedly...... He does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish really......” “竟然还没死……他是真的不死不灭吗……” Gu Qingqing in the distant place face whiten, the petite body cannot help but shivers in the darkness. 顾青青在远处脸色苍白,娇小的身躯不由得在黑暗中颤抖起来。 She has reached oneself limit, in maintains the empty Divine Realm time to exceed in the eternal life extremely outside, but has also surpassed the physical ability. 她已经达到自己的极限了,在永生之界内维持虚极神境的时间要胜过界外,但也已经超出体能。 Flies upwards!” “飞扬!” Qu Hongyan panic-stricken looks toward the four directions, first has not seen Li Yunxiao unexpectedly, frightens beautiful face changing colors. 曲红颜惊恐的往四方望去,第一眼竟未见到李云霄,吓得花容失色。 Luo Yunchang busy say/way: Teacher do not fluster, he in that.” 洛云裳忙道:“师尊别慌,他在那呢。” The convenient finger, beyond thousand zhang (3.33 m), is away from the mist crag main recent place, is floating a swarthy metal ball. 顺手一指,千丈外,距离岚岩主最近的地方,浮着一个黝黑的金属球。 The mallotus japonicus shape of that metal is anomalous, uneven, suddenly these edges and corners open, likely is since the baby rests in the posture to extend the waist, is the bottle gourd young diamond. 那金属的楸形并不规则,有棱有角,突然那些棱角打开,像是从婴儿睡姿里伸展腰肢,正是葫芦小金刚。 In that time at a crucial moment, calls immediately it, kept off to strike for oneself. 在那千钧一发的时刻,立即将其唤出,替自己挡下了一击。 Build thoroughly attacked distortion of this moment bottle gourd young diamond . Moreover the flaw several, have not been able to restore unexpectedly. 此刻葫芦小金刚的体型彻底被冲击的变了形,而且还缺失了几块,竟未能恢复。 Li Yunxiao panic-stricken looks at the body of bottle gourd young diamond, in his ingenious method spirit at present, can see that slow restoration speed, is only the slow astonishment, as if the wound of mist crag main Dharmakaya virtual light is quite fierce. 李云霄惊骇的看着葫芦小金刚的身体,在他妙法灵目下,还是能看到那缓慢的恢复速度,只是慢的惊人,似乎岚岩主法身虚光的创伤极为厉害。 Which even if he also very to goes, the whole body is the blood, although mainly attacked to keep off by the bottle gourd young diamond, but twelve day evil deity was broken, gave his impact is exceptionally huge, within the body five main internal organs (entrails) bore the brunt. 即便是他自己也好不到哪去,全身是血,虽然主要冲击被葫芦小金刚挡去了,但十二都天神煞阵被破,给他的冲击还是异常巨大,体内五脏六腑首当其冲。 The whole body is glittering the colored glaze ray, but also is blending the Inextinguishable Golden Body golden light, but that restores the speed is also extremely slow, probably is the same with the average person. 全身闪烁着琉璃光芒,还参杂着不灭金身的金光,但那恢复速度也是极慢,就好像跟普通人一样。 Li Yunxiao both hands pinch finger joints with the thumb unceasingly, appears the ray from all around void, flew, was shaken into void six Ding Liujia, performs to scold in his hand, received. 李云霄双手不断掐诀,从四周的虚空内浮现出光芒,一道道飞了过来,正是被震入虚空的六丁六甲,尽数落回他手里,收了起来。 Understands the wind remnant bright colored glaze body?” “晓风残的光明琉璃身?” In the mist crag master eye reveals being astonished color, is indistinct has the ray to flash, said: Is World God monument selects the person of Lord worthily, really in this say/way arranges, gathers various chances.” 岚岩主眼里露出讶色,隐约里有光芒闪动,道:“不愧是界神碑择主之人,果然在此界的‘道’之安排下来,汇聚各种机缘。” Li Yunxiao said: Since you have so knew, how could it not be then with me for the enemy with this is the enemy, the careful purple thunder falls, strikes the wiped out to the last man that you kills.” 李云霄道:“既然你有这般认识,那与我为敌岂非就是与这一界为敌,小心紫雷落下,将你击杀的片甲不留。” „The person who ha, is good at a lecture of joke is really loathful.” “哈哈哈,善于讲笑话的人真令人讨厌。” The mist crag Lord scoffs at the sound track: World God monument selected the person of Lord dead were many! Even if this say/way, is unable to violate a higher rule the universe Heavenly Dao, that is superior win and inferior wash out, the survival of the fittest. Even if Heavenly Martial World itself, in diligently eliminates own weakness, acquiring survival diligently.” 岚岩主嗤声道:“界神碑择主之人死掉的多了去了!即便是此界之‘道’,也无法违背更高规则的宇宙天道,那便是优胜劣汰,适者生存。哪怕是天武界本身,又何尝不是在努力的淘汰自身弱点,努力的求得生存呢。” Li Yunxiao nodded, stern say/way: I understood, and I asked you, can you have step into that body of the emperor self-confidently, the achievement king?” 李云霄点了点头,正色道:“我明白了,我且问你,你可有自信踏入那圣体,成就界王?” Mist crag main complexion changes, does not understand why he so asked that but replied: In this eternal life was not possibly, I made you act a moment ago fully, wants in the outside pressure? Next, breaks through own limit again, what a pity failed. Even if I obtain the day to transport good fortune pill and World God monument, not possibly. But since the number of days is instable, thinks that outside the regular strength had the change, when the Ten Directions rule sets up in the world again, then when is I steps into the body of the emperor, the achievement king.” 岚岩主脸色微变,不明白他为何这般问,但还是答道:“在这永生之界内是无可能了,刚才我让你们全力施为,就是想在外界压?下,再突破自身极限,可惜还是失败了。即便我得到天运造化丹和界神碑,也没有可能。但既然天数易变,想必外界的规则之力已经出现了变化,当十方规则重立天地间的时候,便是我踏入圣体,成就界王之时。” Li Yunxiao has gawked, said: You did not say that the human body is the buried treasure, the unceasing internal excavation, does not need the external force also to be able the achievement body of the emperor, steps into King Jing?” 李云霄愣了一下,道:“你不是说人体即为宝藏,自己不断的内部挖掘,不需要外力也能成就圣体,踏入界王境吗?” The mist crag Lord sinks to congeal saying: Words indeed are this, but I in the Dharmakaya boundary over ten thousand years, always cannot break through upwardly, getting a sudden inspiration made you suppress me a moment ago with joint forces, still does not have the improvement. This chance is perhaps related with the Ten Directions rule.” 岚岩主沉凝道:“话的确是这样,但我在法身境也有上万年了,始终不得向上突破,刚才灵机一动让你们合力压制我,依然没有起色。也许这机缘还是与十方规则有关。” He looked at a Li Yunxiao point, as if had a deeper clear(ly) to become aware, said: In the past dawn wind remnant refine the body technique to the limit, finally also with my general Dharmakaya boundary. The time that but he has is powerhouse everywhere, the time of most cauldron peak, but when my, already changed the world, even if so, I also obtain with his general achievement, I believe that so long as the Ten Directions rule opens, I must be able to understand step into King Jing the method.” 他又看了李云霄一点,似乎有了更深的明悟,道:“当年晓风残将体术炼至极限,最终也不过与我一般的法身境。只不过他存在的时代乃是强者遍地,最为鼎峰的时代,而我所处之时,早已变了天地,即便如此,我也取得与他一般的成就,我相信只要十方规则一开,我必能悟出踏入界王境的法门。” Li Yunxiao is silent, this mist crag main indeed is fierce, not only the strength is exceedingly high, but also the talent is also scary, not under oneself. 李云霄沉默不语,这岚岩主的确是厉害,不仅实力通天,而且天赋也是吓人,不在自己之下。 The mist crag main light smiles, said: „When to the present, coming to understand that you should also have? Who lets World God monument, only then, but do you coexist with me the same time? Is happy is sad, only then your innermost feelings knew.” 岚岩主淡淡一笑,道:“时至如今,你也该有死的觉悟了吧?谁让界神碑只有一个,而你又与我共处同一时代呢?是喜是悲,也只有你自己内心知道了。” He lifts to start, paces to walk toward Li Yunxiao. 他抬起脚来,踱步向李云霄走去。 How did you think a moment ago that twelve day evil deity might?” Li Yunxiao asked suddenly. “你觉得刚才那十二都天神煞阵的威力如何?”李云霄突然问道。 Un, is very strong.” “嗯,很强。” The mist crag main does not understand why he this one asked that the footsteps stopped, said: „But if you want to maintain life by this, is insufficient. If you can release completely its might, could fight with me also perhaps, but now...... Is far from enough.” 岚岩主不明白他为何有此一问,脚步停了下来,道:“但若是你想靠此保命,还是不够的。若是你能将其威力全部释放出来,也许能与我一战也说不定,但现在嘛……还远远不够。” Li Yunxiao nodded, said: Very critical appraisal. But if I give self up to a war, after the set up formation, blows up 12 evil deity puppet, oneself also detonate the mortal body to attack you, does your somewhat assurance keep off?” 李云霄点了点头,道:“很中肯的评价。但我若是舍身一战,布阵之后将12神煞傀都炸毁,自己也引爆肉身冲击你,你有几分把握挡下?” The mist crag Lord color changes, but indifferently said: Percentage hundred assurances can receive.” But he sincerely adds: But I will also be injured great.” 岚岩主神色微变,但还是淡然道:“百分百的把握能接下。”但他又诚恳的补充道:“但我也会受伤不浅。” If we also do give self up to from exploding?” “若是我们也舍身自爆呢?” Qu Hongyan and the others also flew, stands in front of Li Yunxiao. 曲红颜等人也飞了过来,站在李云霄面前。 Non- Ni, Luo Yunchang, Beizhen south, survey bullfight and alligator, afterward Mo and Gu Qingqing also flew, only remaining Zhu Jun and Meng carve, is cloudy the face to be motionless. 非倪、洛云裳、北圳南、巡天斗牛、鳄鱼,随后陌与顾青青也飞了过来,只剩下朱钧与孟琢,阴沉着脸不动。 The mist crag Lord knits the brows, said: Very naive idea, even if you want from exploding, somewhat the assurance can injure to this king, even if presents such one, this king is also self-confident can receive does not die.” 岚岩主皱起眉来,道:“很幼稚的想法,即便你们想要自爆,又有几分把握能伤到本王,就算真的出现那样一幕,本王也自信能接下不死。” „.” “啪啪啪。” Li Yunxiao applauds saying: Really is the breadth of spirit is extraordinary, self-confident extraordinary. But the Sir may think, cannot kill you by our strength, causes heavy losses to your Dharmakaya inevitably, some of your also many assurance impact King Jing.” 李云霄鼓掌赞道:“果然是气魄非凡,自信非凡。但大人可有想过,以我们之力就算杀不死你,也必然重创你的法身,你又还有多少把握冲击界王境呢。” The mist crag main has smiled suddenly, said: Ha, thanks to you cultivates the person of mortal body, how to say the so weak words. Body technique together, difficult hundred times, but has the enormous advantage, is the mortal body does not go bad, the boundary does not fall, the heavy wound can also restore so, and restores the speed to take a lot of times in the average man. Even if you dead to contend with me cause heavy losses, does not leave this place to be able in March/three months complete such as beginning, wants to coerce me by this, is too weak! Not is only weak, is pitiful laughable, this King does Yinggai give you to pity?” 岚岩主突然笑了起来,道:“哈哈哈,亏你还是修炼肉身之人,怎会说出这般幼稚的话来。体术一道,艰难百倍,但却有着极大的好处,便是肉身不坏,境界不落,再重的伤也能恢复如此,并且恢复速度要千百倍于常人。即便你们以死抗衡将我重创,不出三月本座就能完好如初,想以此来要挟我,太幼稚啊!不仅是幼稚,更是可悲可笑,本王应该给予你们怜悯吗?”
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