UAA :: Volume #20

#1998: The king of stone ( 6 )

Gu Qingqing startled say/way in expansive sky: Empty on extremely also has? May rely on this eternal life in strength, even if maintains the empty boundary also to be extremely difficult, at most compared with present Heavenly Martial World in a little, wants to attack good fortune Divine Realm, rather the moron has a dream.” 顾青青在长空上惊道:“就算虚极之上还有?化,可凭借这永生之界内的力量,就算是维持虚极境也困难,顶多比现在的天武界强上那么一点,想要冲击造化神境,未免痴人做梦。” Mist crag main after striking powder six ju lings, the vision has swept from that six Ding Liujia, this looked up the expansive sky, afterward falls the body south Beizhen, the doubt said: I am also curious to your status, who are you?” 岚岩主在击散六道巨灵后,目光从那六丁六甲身上扫过,这才抬起头来望着长空,随后落在北圳南的身上,狐疑道:“我对你的身份也非常好奇呢,你到底是谁?” South Beizhen said with deep veneration: Who I am unimportant, next I am also only the irrelevant weight unimportant person, how I am also curious your excellency to achieve to make the stage of perfection. This boundary 100,000 years ago , is very honored rare, many natural talent outstanding generations are hard to step into.” 北圳南肃然道:“我是谁并不重要,其次我也只是个无关轻重的小人物,我也非常好奇阁下是如何达到造化境的。这一境界就算在100000年前,也是非常尊贵罕有,多少天资卓绝之辈都难以踏入。” „The body technique that hehe, it seems like you practice is not very complete.” “呵呵,看来你修炼的体术也不够完整啊。” The mist crag main said indifferently: In this world the person of practice body technique are too few, but when the antiquity, the body technique massively existed. Because this cultivation technique can maximum limit make up for the mortal body disparity between human and True Spirit. At that time was to refine the body technique is most prosperous the formidable time, the genuine body of the emperor also occurred now and then.” 岚岩主淡然说道:“这世上修炼体术之人太少,但在上古之时,体术可是大量存在的。因为这种功法可以最大限度的弥补人类与真灵之间的肉身差距。那时才是炼体术最为繁荣强大的时期,真正的圣体也时有出现。” Genuine body of the emperor...... Does that exist?!” Beizhen southern heart startled, similarly he of practice body technique, actually feels frustrated not to know to these secret Xin. “真正的圣体……那又是何等存在?!”北圳南心惊不已,同样修炼体术的他,对这些秘辛却惘而不知。 Hehe.” “呵呵。” The mist crag main said lightly: Genuine body of the emperor, then can contend with existence of King Jing powerhouse.” 岚岩主淡淡说道:“真正圣体,便是能够抗衡界王境强者的存在。” What? This is impossible!” “什么?这不可能!” South Beizhen one was rude, is somewhat flurried, said: King Jing, but this in strongest existence, can contend with the unsurpassed big energy of strength!” 北圳南一下就失态了,有些慌乱,道:“界王境可是这一界内最强的存在,能够抗衡界力的无上大能啊!” Haha, you are not understanding!” “哈哈,你懂个屁!” Mist crag main ridicule scolded: „The building up body technique big energy of ancient times, but can with True Spirit side by side, but to the later generation, actually reduced to with the monster beast side by side, really stops increases smiles the ear, is laughed by knowledgeable people!” 岚岩主讥讽的骂道:“古时的炼体术大能,可是能够与真灵比肩,而到了后世,却沦落到跟妖兽比肩,真是止增笑耳,贻笑大方!” He continues saying: „The mortal body of person has eight strength, when opens the seventh door, the mortal body potential of releasing can with returning to original condition Divine Realm contends, this is called in the ancient times inauguration. But after eight entirely Xian, achieves the strength of palm day boundary, body refining cultivation building up of ancient times calls allowing temporary credit.” 他继续说道:“人的肉身有八门之力,当打开第七门的时候,释放出的肉身潜能便可与归真神境抗衡,这在古时被称为‘初开’。而八门俱显后,达到掌天境的力量,古时的体术修炼者们称之为‘融通’。” Inaugurates...... Allowing temporary credit......” “初开……融通……” Beizhen south and Li Yunxiao all are in heart meditate, they are first time listen to this type to divide. After all refining up the body technique to be quite scarce rarely, the view of this boundary division was already lost in the history. 北圳南与李云霄皆是心中默念,两人都是第一次听过这种划分。毕竟炼体术极为稀少罕见,这种境界划分的说法早已失传在历史中。 South Beizhen has swallowed under the saliva, said: „Does that inaugurate and above allowing temporary credit?” 北圳南吞咽了下口水,道:“那初开和融通之上呢?” Mist crag main snort/hum, lifts the hand, virtual lights appear in the palm, shine his complexion somewhat to be fierce, said: Then was the virtual light that you see at present. After breaking through the allowing temporary credit mortal body, can be concise the mortal body virtual light, the ancient times can greatly directly by its name, for virtual light.” 岚岩主哼了一声,抬起手来,一片虚光在掌心浮现,照耀得他的脸色有些狰狞,道:“便是你眼前所见的虚光了。冲破融通肉身后,就可以凝练出肉身虚光,古时大能直接以其名称呼,是为‘虚光’。” Virtual light......” “虚光……” „After that virtual light?” “那虚光之后呢?” The Beizhen southern face rises to yearn for the meaning. 北圳南脸上升出向往之意。 „After virtual light , is my present boundary, the ancient times greatly can call Dharmakaya.” “‘虚光’之后便是我现在的境界,古时大能称之为‘法身’。” In the mist crag master eye explodes projects the fine glow, did not have the ratio callous with proud Se, said: Under now Heavenly Martial World, even is the eternal life, wants to attack good fortune Divine Realm not to be impossible! But only has a mortal body way, develops the human body potential, does not need the coordination of world rule! Must know that each of us is this day universe miniature, contains the unsurpassed main road, so long as quenchings to excavate unceasingly, can step into the peak directly!” 岚岩主眼里爆射出精芒,还有无比的冷酷和傲色,道:“在当今的天武界下,甚至是永生之界内,想要冲击造化神境根本就不可能!但唯有肉身一途,乃是开发人体潜能,并不需要天地规则的配合!要知道我们每个人都是这天地宇宙的缩影,内含无上大道,只要不断淬炼发掘出来,就能够直接踏入巅峰!” He proudly: However I finally broke through the virtual light 10,000 years ago, cultivates the Dharmakaya of present, quite in good fortune Divine Realm. Words upward, are the genuine body of the emperor, side by side king Divine Realm!” 他傲然到:“而我就在10000年前终于突破了虚光,修炼成现在的这副法身,也就相当于造化神境。再往上的话,便是真正的圣体,比肩界王神境!” Body of the emperor...... King Divine Realm......” “圣体……界王神境……” All people is a silence, as if saw one brand-new to high road, presents at present. 所有人都是一阵默然,似乎看到了一条崭新的至高之路,呈现在眼前。 Mortal body...... Endures compared with King Jing......” “肉身……堪比界王境……” South Beizhen is astonished by it, although has practiced the body technique, and greatly becomes, never has actually thought the body technique can also cultivate the extreme in Body Tempering this stretch of world, bird's eye view all living things. 北圳南为之愕然,虽然一直修炼体术,并且大有所成,却从未想过体术也能修炼到这片天地的极点,俯瞰众生。 Li Yunxiao is depressed: Since you such good has compelled, what that also snatches my World God monument to make, you treat relieved in the profound offshore islands, well isn't the impact body of the emperor?” 李云霄郁闷道:“既然你这么牛・逼了,那还抢我界神碑做什么,你安心的待在玄离岛,好好冲击圣体不是更好吗?” Mist crag main road: Since World God monument selected to advocate you, you naturally have heard the god?” 岚岩主道:“既然界神碑择主了你,那你自然也听说过界神吧?” God? God how?!” “界神?界神怎么了?!” Li Yunxiao was startled, the matter about god hears fragmentarily, but is equal to not knowing basically that heard the shepherd's flute not to say( some. 李云霄吃了一惊,关于界神的事零星听到一点,但基本等于不知,聆牧笛也一直没说过(些。 Mist crag main road: „In the world is flooding the Ten Directions rule, the powerhouse who makes the stage of perfection almost will have 1-2 people every time, but the king Divine Realm powerhouse will not be will appear each time, may have some exceptions the time, 100,000 years that ago for example this friend said a moment ago, then presented four, but four King Jing powerhouse, who for god?” 岚岩主道:“在天地间充斥着十方规则的时候,造化境的强者几乎每个时代都会有一两人,而界王神境的强者则并非每个时代都会出现,可也有例外的时候,比如刚才这位朋友说的100000年前,便出现了四位,但四位界王境的强者,到底谁为界神呢?” The Li Yunxiao miraculous glow moves, immediately understood, said suddenly: „The god is a name, should be a within supreme name, looks like the emperor is the same, but has World God monument, then may for the god.” 李云霄灵光一动,顿时明白了,恍然道:“界神乃是一种称呼,应该是一界之内至高无上的称呼,就像是皇帝一样,而拥有界神碑者,则可为界神。” Good, you are very intelligent. The god is similar to the Lord of demon, the demon main is also only a supreme name.” “不错,你很聪明。界神便如同魔界之主,魔主也只是一种至高无上的称谓。” Mist crag main to praise sighed: Built up to melt World God monument, transfer strength that can have one's wish truly, even if with for king Divine Realm, the strength of god must surpass plans.” 岚岩主赞叹道:“炼化了界神碑者,才能真正随心所欲的调用界力,即便同为界王神境,界神的力量也要超出一筹。” Li Yunxiao white his eyes, said: You now are Dharmakaya boundary, is equal to the good fortune boundary merely, to that King Jing. When or you broke through, again how snatches my World God monument?” 李云霄白了他一眼,道:“你现在不过是法身境界而已,仅仅相当于造化境界,离那界王境还远着呢。要不等你什么时候突破了,再来抢我界神碑如何?” Mist crag main road: I have said that I do not like the humorous person. towards hears say/way, the evening may die, I proselytized, everybody can also die a worthy death, I also calculate that could do right by you.” 岚岩主道:“我说过了,我不喜欢幽默的人。朝闻道,夕可死,我传道于诸位,大家也可以死得其所,我也算对得住你们了。” His virtual light dodges, vanishes is in-situ. 他身上虚光一闪,就消失在原地。 In Li Yunxiao heart one startled, did not shout darkly well, immediately the whole body alerted, several Secret Art seal infiltrated. 李云霄心中一惊,暗呼不好,顿时全身戒备起来,数道诀印打入阵中。 Piece of rune/symbol writing dances in the air sky over array, turns into a vault of heaven to revolve. 一片符文在阵法上空飞舞,化成一个天穹旋转。 Each puppet also respective change Secret Art seal, immediately 12 ju lings behind appear in it, in angry glare bird's eye view. 每个傀儡也各自变化诀印,顿时12道巨灵都在其身后浮现,怒目俯瞰阵中。 Well, you can evolve 12 day evil deities to work unexpectedly.” “咦,你竟然能演化出12道都天神煞灵。” In the nihility transmits the mist crag main form, the body that vanished appears once more, the vision has swept from that 12 ju lings, reveals the unusual look. 虚无内传来岚岩主的身影,原本消失的躯体再次浮现出来,目光从那12巨灵身上扫过,露出异色。 He stands in that directly, motionless, on the face emits up, said: Thinks will be very senseless, perhaps now looks like is also worth anticipating, how many can you play this might?” On his face unexpectedly is the appearance of full wish challenge. 他径直的站在那阵中,一动不动,脸上放出光来,道:“原本以为会很无趣呢,现在看来也许还值得期待一下,你能将此阵的威力发挥出多少呢?”他脸上竟是满满的想要挑战的模样。 In the Li Yunxiao heart sinks, the opposite party is this, damages his confidence on exceed, perhaps like the same day, 12 ju lings unites, displays startled day one move to be also not necessarily able to repel the mist crag Lord. Let alone strikes on the same day, was earth-shaking seal directly causes array to backlash, day evil deity voluntarily attacked, was not his wish leadership. 李云霄心中一沉,对方越是这样,就越打击他的信心,也许像当日一样,12巨灵合一,施展出惊天一招也未必能击退岚岩主。更何况当日一击,是翻天覆地印直接引起了阵法反噬,都天神煞阵自行攻击的,并非他意愿主导。 He can only urge six ju lings at this moment, increased again broke through the limit together, but also however and egg. May things have gotten to this point, he not have other means again, after all makes the stage of perfection the mortal body, was higher than him two levels, can only brace oneself on. 他此刻只能驱使六道巨灵,再增加一道都是突破了极限,但也然并卵。可事已至此,他再没其它办法了,毕竟造化境的肉身,比他足足高了两个层次,只能硬着头皮上。 In array, goes out of six ju lings once more, seventh after was rocking difficultly under the body, goes out from the array, simultaneously brandishes in the hand the light blade edge to cut. 阵法内,再次走出六道巨灵,第七道在艰难的晃动了下身躯后,也从阵列内走出,同时挥舞着手中光刃斩下。 What's wrong, another five can only look that can't use?” “怎么,另外五道只能看不能用吗?” On mist crag main face reveals the disappointed color to come, to sigh: Made me rejoice without reason.” 岚岩主脸上露出失望之色来,叹息道:“令我空欢喜一场呢。” A boxing leaves, the array space reverses, seven attacks broke off unexpectedly forcefully crookedly, directly is involved in the fist vigor in the vortex. 一拳击出,阵法的空间扭转,七道攻击竟被强行掰歪,直接卷入拳劲的漩涡里。 Bang!” “轰隆隆!” Everywhere is the strength explosive, almost does not distinguish the picture, the person beyond looks like, inside is similar to a giant top, swallows all. 漫天都是力量爆响,几乎不辨景象,在阵外之人看来,里面如同一个巨大的陀螺,吞噬一切。 12 puppets start unable to withstand that impact, the under foot will retreat in the future. 12尊傀儡开始顶不住那冲击,脚下往后退去。 Qu Hongyan and other people were anxious, said: What to do?” 曲红颜等人大急,道:“怎么办?” Gu Qingqing called out in the expansive sky: One flock of stupid pigs! Naturally saves me first, this miss is empty extremely Divine Realm, was worse than him a boundary, then we together collaborate, the big probability can suppress him!” 顾青青在长空上叫道:“一群笨猪!当然是先救下我啊,本姑娘是虚极神境,也就比他差了一个境界而已,然后再我们一起联手,大概率可以压制他!” These reminded people immediately, criticizes itself silly, such long actually has not thought of the life-saving! 这一下立即提醒了众人,都暗骂自己傻,这么久了竟然没想到救人! Mo one to/clashes, fights the spear/gun to puncture toward that silver chain on, on spear/gun blood glow, red light according to person. 陌一下冲起,战枪往那银链上刺去,枪上一片血芒,红光照人。 Gu Qingqing also strength promotion to limit, forcefully hard anti- that chains. 顾青青也将力量提升至极限,强行硬抗那锁链。 Bang!” “嘭!” Under two empty Divine Realm joint efforts, shakes extremely finally that silver chain. 在两位虚极神境的合力之下,终将那银链震断。 Gu Qingqing the look is dignified, said loudly: All people get rid together, at this time who hid one's incompetence by remaining silent again, that really courted death! Including you, the two young fools in profound offshore islands!” 顾青青神色凝重,大声道:“所有人一起出手,这个时候谁再藏拙,那就真的是找死了!包括你们,玄离岛的两个小笨蛋!” Mo and Gu Qingqing change to two rays to fall from the space, appears in twelve day evil deity respectively, starts the revolution elementary work. 陌与顾青青化作两道光芒从天上落下,各自出现在十二都天神煞阵上,开始运转元功。 Beizhen south and Qu Hongyan and the others are the facial color is also dignified, respectively the cultivation technique promotion to limit. 北圳南与曲红颜等人也是面色凝重,各自将功法提升至极限。 The terrifying strength appears outside emperor pill Palace immediately, everywhere is the absent-minded shade, under the formidable strength frightens, everyone felt that greatly strengthened pressure, looked like the space is pushed to shrink. 恐怖的力量顿时在帝丹宫外浮现,漫天都是恍惚之影,在强大的力量震慑下,每个人都感到极强的压力,就像是空间被挤缩了。 Zhu Jun and Meng Zhuo under the extrusion of this everywhere strength, their complexions also are extremely also ugly, but is weak. 朱钧和孟琢也在这漫天力量的挤压下,两人的脸色也万分难看,但还是犹豫不定。 Suddenly broadcasts the mist crag main sound from, said: Your two also together get rid, otherwise later must kill you.” 突然从阵内传来岚岩主的声音,道:“你两个喽啰也一起出手,否则待会必杀你们。” Their whole body shakes, but also thinks oneself misunderstood, Zhu Jun said: What, what? Orders us to get rid?” 两人浑身一震,还以为自己听错了,朱钧怔怔道:“什、什么?命令我们出手?” Under Qiu Ming who in the distant place therapy is shocked, appears to sneer, said: Sir King of stone has not run into the formidable enemy for a long time, wants to unshackle to wrestle.” 在较远处疗伤的邱明震惊之下,浮现出冷笑来,道:“石之王大人许久没有遇到过强大的敌人,想要放开手脚来一搏呢。” Zhu Jun and Meng Zhuo then understand that is the whole face bitterly and astringently, oneself were involved in this dispute eventually, but cannot think actually by such situation. 朱钧和孟琢两人这才明白过来,都是满脸苦涩不已,自己终究还是被卷入了这场纷争,但想不到却是以这样的形势。 They lower the head, shot a look at one mutually, is the pupil deep place flashes through the murderous intention. 两人低着头,互相瞥了一眼,都是眸子深处闪过杀机。 Under so many powerhouses besiege, could strike the mist crag Lord massacres for may not know, if successful, that was the most ideal result. 在如此多的强者围攻下,也许能够一击将岚岩主杀掉也未为可知,若是成功的话,那就是最理想的结果了。 They have settled on the attention, immediately changes to two rays to shoot up to the sky, the facial color is dignified, is built on Mo and Gu Qingqing not far away separately. 两人拿定了注意,顿时化作两道光芒冲天而起,面色凝重,分别立于陌与顾青青不远处。
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