UAA :: Volume #20

#1997: The king of stone ( 5 )

Bang! Bang! Bang!” “砰!砰!砰!” Several rays one explodes, non- Ni and Luo Yunchang strength is weak, was shaken directly, the mouth spits the blood. 数道光芒一下爆裂,非倪与洛云裳实力较弱,直接被震开,口吐鲜血。 Beizhen and Mo, although the facial color does not change, but within the body is also the vitality surges, was shaken draws back several steps. 北圳南与陌虽面色不改,但体内也是气血激荡,被震退数步。 That survey bullfight under this virtual light attack, by the distortion of rumbling, was fallen by far on the ground, moo moo called several. 那巡天斗牛更是在这虚光攻击之下,被轰的变形,远远摔在地上,“哞哞”叫了几声。 Li Yunxiao takes advantage of a favorable situation the backlash, on the face panic-stricken. Even if mist crag main compared with them, is insufficient intrepidly in this way! 李云霄乘势后退,脸上一片惊骇。即便岚岩主比他们强,也不至于强悍如斯啊! Gu Qingqing on sky is also the whole face with amazement. 天空上的顾青青也是满脸骇然。 Is very confused, is very no use?” “是不是很迷茫,也很无助?” After the mist crag Lord a move repels people, smiles toward Li Yunxiao is walking, said: Can practice to eight inaugurates, is very good. Moreover your age low scary, the achievement will be simply inestimable in the future, no wonder World God monument will choose you.” 岚岩主一招击退众人后,微笑着朝李云霄走去,道:“能够修炼至八门初开,已经算是很不错了。而且你的年龄低的吓人,将来成就简直不可估量,难怪界神碑会选择你。” Li Yunxiao did not have the thoughts of teasing thoroughly, the sinking sound track: Since you understand that is World God monument selects the Lord voluntarily, snatches and has what significance.” 李云霄已经彻底没了调侃的心思,沉声道:“既然你明白是界神碑自行择主,抢去又有何意义。” The mist crag main said with a smile: Choice of World God monument not necessarily is right. The innumerable years, it has also made a mistake many times, but each wrong price, is the person of World God monument choice perishes.” 岚岩主微笑道:“界神碑的选择未必是对的。无数年来,它也弄错过很多次,但每一次错误的代价,便是界神碑选择之人殒命。” Li Yunxiao said surprised: World God monument was Tiansheng, was relating this fate, had the destiny in the body, where it selected Lord person to have is so easy to fall from the sky!” 李云霄吃惊道:“界神碑乃是天圣器,关系着这一界的命数,有天命在身,其择主之人哪有这么容易陨落的!” Hehe, it seems like you understand much.” “呵呵,看来你懂得不少。” The mist crag main somewhat seems to be excited, words were also many, said: Does not fall from the sky easily is not will not fall from the sky, the past god Sirs fell from the sky, let alone is only the host that World God monument first chooses.” 岚岩主似乎有些激动,话也多了起来,道:“不容易陨落并不是不会陨落,就连当年的界神大人都陨落了,何况只是界神碑初次挑选出来的宿主呢。” Li Yunxiao said: Understood that many people are you.” 李云霄道:“懂得不少的人是你吧。” The mist crag Lord smiles, said: How to think as you like that I can understand your mood at this moment, but the law of the jungle book is the Heavenly Dao principle, as you of weak meat, must have the consciousness of being eaten!” 岚岩主轻轻一笑,道:“随你怎么想,我能理解你此刻的心情,但弱肉强食本就是天道法则,身为弱肉的你,就得有被强食掉的觉悟啊!” Li Yunxiao coldly said: Sir to me whether has consciousness, but worried. But the rabbit anxious will have bitten is also the Heavenly Dao principle, let alone this little is not the rabbit, was careful that bit to death by me!” 李云霄冷冷道:“大人对我是否有觉悟,可是操碎了心。但兔子急了会咬人也是天道法则,更何况本少可不是兔子,小心被我咬死了!” His both hands pinch finger joints with the thumb before the body, immediately since 12 rays fly from the body, shoots at the mist crag main all around. 他双手在身前掐诀,顿时12道光芒从身上飞起,射向岚岩主四周。 Has the mist crag main moved, the absolute strength makes him have the absolute confidence, looks that 12 rays fall on the whole body, melts 12 puppets, cannot help laughing, contemptuously said: With puppet set up formation?” 岚岩主一动未动,绝对的实力让他拥有绝对的信心,看着那12道光芒落在周身,化出12尊傀儡,不由哑然失笑,轻蔑道:“用傀儡布阵?” The Li Yunxiao facial color is lonely, sinks heart, said: Main road 3000, the puppet technique is also one of the main roads, however not high under division, why is the Sir looking down upon?” 李云霄面色冷清,沉下心来,道:“大道3000,傀儡术亦是大道之一,然道无高下之分,大人缘何瞧不起呢?” The mist crag Lord has gawked, immediately nods gently, said: Good that you said that was I neglects.” 岚岩主愣了下,随即轻轻点头,道:“你说的不错,是我怠慢了。” Li Yunxiao both hands pinch finger joints with the thumb, that 12 puppet various pendulum postures, although is empty-handed, actually makes to hold the weapon appearance, is staring at the mist crag Lord who the whole body murderous aura, is entirely different before that wind light indifferent appearance. 李云霄双手掐诀,那12尊傀儡各摆姿势,虽是空手,却都做出持兵器模样,满身杀气的盯着岚岩主,与之前那种风轻淡然的样子截然不同。 Murderous aura like the nimbus cloud condenses in the sky, probably is cloudy, presented a light ash-gray picture, covers in the four directions. 一层杀气如雨云般在上空凝聚,好像乌云密布,出现了一层淡淡的灰色景象,笼罩在四方。 This......” “这阵……” Mist crag main first frowning, imitates appearance that if ponders. 岚岩主第一次皱起了眉头,仿若沉思的样子。 Thought that somewhat looks familiar?” Asking that Li Yunxiao teased. “是不是觉得有些眼熟?”李云霄调侃的问道。 Un, indeed has probably looked at similar record, but suddenly could not remember.” Mist crag main honest saying. “嗯,的确好像看过类似记载,只是一时间记不得了。”岚岩主坦诚的说道。 That recollection well!” “那就好好的回想一下吧!” Li Yunxiao pinches finger joints with the thumb single-handed, proceeding point goes suddenly. 李云霄单手掐诀,猛然往前点去。 That 12 puppets moved immediately, speed by slow to quick, is dazzled to behind, presents over a hundred afterimage. 那12尊傀儡顿时动了起来,速度由慢至快,到后面更是眼花缭乱,出现上百残影 So is unexpectedly clever, thinks that is the heart refining up the puppet, one has used 12, does not know that which array fused, among which move of magical powers also or is, making you so confident. It seems like I am also negligent can not.” “竟如此灵巧,想必是心炼傀儡,一下动用了12尊,也不知是融合了哪座阵法,亦或者是哪招神通其内,让你这般有信心。看来我也大意不得。” The mist crag main paces in slowly, every treads, the under foot then has the virtual light to reappear. 岚岩主在阵内缓慢踱步,每一下踏出,脚下便有虚光浮现。 In Li Yunxiao heart dark startled, under battle formation that he controls, the mist crag Lord imitates such as beyond the side the person, goes easily and freely, completely by the balance fetter of array, does not look like parallel two spaces. 李云霄心中暗惊不已,在他控制的阵势下,岚岩主仿如方外之人,如履平地,完全不受阵法的制衡束缚,就像是平行的两个空间般。 In his brain appears a few words to surpass three suddenly outside, not in five elements! 他脑中突然浮现出一句话超出三界外,不在五行中! Cracks a joke!” “开什么玩笑!” Of antiquity three big murder, even if among is the empty Divine Realm powerhouse must fall from the sky extremely, although was unable to evolve complete array by his comprehension and control completely, but can also resist general empty greatly strengthened, may main front as if be actually unworthy in the mist crag exposes to the sun. 上古三大凶杀之阵,即便是虚极神境的强者也要陨落其内,虽然以他的领悟和控制还不能完全演化出完整阵法,但也能够对抗一般的虚极强者,可在岚岩主面前却似乎不值一晒。 In Li Yunxiao is exceptionally shocking, but the stubborn unyielding temper lets his violent anger, will not differ such big!” 李云霄中异常震惊,但桀骜不屈的性子让他暴怒不已,“怎么也不会相差如此之大啊!” His both hands pinched finger joints with the thumb, fly high to tie seal to strike. 他双手掐诀,凌空结印就击了出去。 Innumerable golden rune/symbol Wenfei gets up, emerges the expansive sky, immediately is blustery, over a hundred puppet statures moved, starts to strike to the mist crag Lord, but the Tianfeng real strength that in these puppet hands to buy in directly transformed the pointed weapons. 无数金色符文飞起,涌入长空,顿时风起云涌,上百道傀儡身躯动了起来,开始击向岚岩主,而那些傀儡手中直接以吸纳进来的天凤真力幻化出兵刃。 The mist crag Lord lifts the hand, makes a fist to eject. 岚岩主抬起手来,握拳一下击出。 In the fist wind emerges the vortex immediately, ripples before the body. All attacks as if stagnated, is unable to go forward under the suppression of that fist again. 拳风上立即涌现漩涡,在身前荡漾开。所有攻击都似乎停滞住了,在那一拳的压制下无法再前进。 The fist prestige is similar to ties, not only the anchorage the attack, 12 puppets also all framed in the space, seemed the space and time is static. 拳威就如同结界,不仅定住了攻击,就连12傀儡也尽数定格在空间上,好似时空静止一般。 The Li Yunxiao complexion big change, changes Secret Art seal to make once more, shouts angrily. 李云霄脸色大变,再次变化诀印打出,怒喝一声。 Everywhere Yun Yong, the innumerable Tianfeng real strength bought by array, in an instant melts six ju lings, grasps up the blade edge respectively, cuts toward the mist crag Lord. 漫天云涌,无数的天凤真力被阵法吸纳进来,刹那间化出六尊巨灵,各自手持光刃,往岚岩主斩去。 Well, these ju lings......” “咦,这些巨灵……” The mist crag Lord hesitated, the pupil has projected the none remaining immediately, drank the sound track: I thought that twelve day evil deity! This was one of the antiquity three big ominous!” 岚岩主沉吟了一下,瞳孔顿时射出精光,喝声道:“我想起来了,十二都天神煞!这是上古三大凶阵之一!” After recognizing this, the mist crag main complexion did not have the beforehand relaxedness, the fist vigor proceeded to hand over, immediately in the front blasted out, bang an explosive, repelled 12 puppets all. 认出此阵后,岚岩主的脸色也没了之前的轻松,拳劲往前一递,立即在前方炸开,“轰隆”一声爆响,将12尊傀儡尽数击退。 12 puppet each ones from the sky tumble, by in an extremely difficult situation that the fist vigor strikes, but not chaotic, but after turned several, the respective homing, both hands pinch finger joints with the thumb motionless. 12尊傀儡各自在空中翻滚,被拳劲击的狼狈不堪,但并未混乱,而是翻了几圈后,就各自归位,双手掐诀不动。 That five Daoguang blade edge cut, in the space will suppress completely. The mist crag Lord evades not to be possible to evade, immediately gives a loud shout, knocks out the fist once more. 那五道光刃直斩而下,将阵内空间全部压制住。岚岩主避无可避,当下大喝一声,再次出拳。 Hazy virtual light is almost substantive in his fist sharp place, pressed with a crash under five Daoguang edges, blew out ripple, surged. 一层朦朦虚光在他拳尖处几乎实质起来,砰然压在五道光刃下,爆出一圈圈波纹,在阵内激荡。 Li Yunxiao was shaken cannot bear retrocede half step, panic-stricken incomparable. 李云霄被震得忍不住后退半步,惊骇无比。 Six ju lings, almost contained this big 50% strength, the mist crag main have been able unexpectedly hard anti-, and also accomplished a task with ease evidently. 六尊巨灵,几乎蕴含了此大阵一半的力量,岚岩主竟能硬抗住,并且看样子还游刃有余。 Gu Qingqing on sky is also the complexion blanch, muttered: So to be how strong......” she to shout suddenly: Everybody gets rid together, this cannot suppress him!” 天空上的顾青青也是脸色发白,喃喃自语道:“怎么会这么强……”她猛然喊道:“大家一起出手,这阵压制不住他!” Simultaneously the cheek she also vigorously struggles, the body surges too the ray of tour bustling place Secret Art, shakes that silver chain „” to make noise, although cannot shake, but the stubborn heart makes efforts. 同时頤她自己也是极力挣扎,身上涌起太游红尘诀的光芒,震得那银链“哗哗”作响,虽不能撼动,但倔强的心努力不懈。 Qu Hongyan and the others also know the situation to be critical, flushes away toward in successively. 曲红颜等人也知道形势危急,先后往阵中冲去。 Suddenly south Beizhen moves sideways, appears in the front, blocks them, said: You go in also make a futile effort, disparity is too big, can only be a drag on his.” 突然北圳南闪身一下,就出现在前方,将他们拦住,道:“你们进去也徒劳无功,差距太大,只能拖其后腿。” How to have the so big disparity? When first fight fine jade war moves the two brothers is the empty extremely boundary powerhouse, and has earth-shaking seal this and other peerless treasures, suffered a loss, almost among the body dies, why this mist crag main can by mortal body anti- it!” “怎么会有如此大的差距?当初战瑜战搫兄弟两人皆是虚极境强者,并且拥有翻天覆地印这等绝世重器,也在阵中吃了大亏,几乎身死其内,这岚岩主为何能够以肉身抗之!” Qu Hongyan is greatly anxious, extremely anxious. 曲红颜大急,万分的焦躁。 Non- Ni say/way: Is it possible that this mist crag main has overstepped empty extremely Divine Realm, before having achieved him, what that said king boundary?” 非倪道:“莫非这岚岩主已经踏过了虚极神境,达到了他之前所言的什么‘界王’境界?” Such remarks, the audiences all with amazement, as if nobody know that what king boundary is. 此言一出,众皆骇然,似乎没有人知道‘界王’境界是为何物。 The Beizhen southern complexion is serious, shook the head, said: Not, even if when 100,000 years ago, Divine Dao is prosperously prosperous, only then four Sirs have stepped into hundred tribulation King Jing.” 北圳南脸色沉重,摇了摇头,道:“并没有,即便在100000年前,神道昌盛繁荣之际,也只有四位大人踏入了百劫界王境。” Zhu Jun and Meng carve startle greatly, they looked at one mutually, Zhu Junjing said: Who you are, why knows for 100,000 years ago the matter?” 朱钧与孟琢大骇,两人互望了一眼,朱钧惊道:“你是何人,为何知道100000年前之事?” Beizhen south to that twelve day evil deity , the facial color is sinking to congeal, said: This mist crag main natural talent is indeed outstanding, the eternity will be unusual. But he actually seals the powerhouse who the demon rises after the war, even if there is a Tianfeng real strength auxiliary practice, was absolutely impossible to step into hundred tribulation King Jing. He should through quenching the mortal body, achieves that above empty Divine Realm to exist extremely, seizes the making of stage of perfection world good fortune!” 北圳南望着那十二都天神煞阵中,面色沉凝,道:“这岚岩主的确天资卓绝,千古少有。但他却是封魔之战后崛起的强者,即便有天凤真力辅助修炼,也绝无可能踏入百劫界王境的。他应该是通过淬炼肉身,达到了虚极神境之上的那个存在,夺天地造化之造化境!” Makes the stage of perfection......” “造化境……” The people were shocked, thinks that empty extremely Divine Realm is Divine Dao to the high boundary, actually does not think that above also has fierce existence. 众人都是愣住了,原以为虚极神境就是神道至高境界,却不想上面还有厉害的存在。 South Beizhen said: Above Nine Heavens Martial Emperor, is Ten Directions Divine Realm, returns to original condition, the palm day, empty extremely, good fortune, is the Ten Directions Divine Realm powerhouse. After empty is extremely to then seize the world good fortune, the ancient and modern intercourse, can step into makes the stage of perfection phoenix wool edges and corners, all will be the present age big energy, the leaving a good name eternity. But hundred tribulation King Jing above Ten Directions Divine Realm, are the eternity is rarer, is not can be born each time. 100,000 years ago Sir who can simultaneously present four King Jing, is the Heavenly Dao different counts.” 北圳南道:“九天武帝之上,便是十方神境,归真、掌天、虚极、造化,皆为十方神境的强者。在虚极之后便是夺天地造化,古今往来,能够踏入造化境者凤毛棱角,无一不是当世大能,留名千古。而十方神境之上的百劫界王境,更是千古罕见,并非每个时代都能诞生。100000年前能同时出现四位界王境的大人,已经是天道异数了。” South Beizhen words spread to the Li Yunxiao ear, hearing his heart to be startled. 北圳南的话传入李云霄耳中,听得他一阵心惊。 This words give several news \; first, mist crag main strength, has surpassed empty extremely Divine Realm, since the eternity quite will have been unusual, only then that phoenix wool edges and corners King Jing can suppress will be occupied by him. 此话传递出几个讯息,一是岚岩主的实力之强,已超出了虚极神境,千古以来都极为少有,只有那凤毛棱角般的界王境才能压制的住他。 Second, 100,000 years ago simultaneously presents four King Jing powerhouse, was fulfilling hundred rounds to tie the words of clothes, this was Heavenly Martial World say/way the behavior, needed the massive peerless powerhouses to resist the demon tribulation, this will present four extremely characters in the same time. 二是100000年前同时出现四位界王境强者,正应验了百轮结衣的话,此乃天武界的“道”之所为,需要大量的绝世强者对抗魔劫,这才会在同一时代出现四位绝顶人物。 But at this moment he does not have many moods to ponder that the second point, mist crag main strength such, twelve day evil deity cannot suppress, how could it not be can die without doubt? 但此刻他没有过多的心情去思考第二点,岚岩主的实力如此之强,十二都天神煞阵都压制不住,那自己岂非必死无疑了? Bang!” “轰隆隆!” When he is depressed, the light blade edge of that six Djinn was struck the powder by the fist vigor virtual light finally. 就在他郁闷之际,那六道巨灵的光刃终于被拳劲虚光击散。 The mist crag Lord gives a loud shout, the azure tendon root on temples sticks out suddenly, ray bright is similar to Sun, diverges toward the four directions. 岚岩主大喝一声,太阳穴上的青筋根根暴起,身上的光芒明亮的如同太阳,往四方散去。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Six ju lings strike certainly in that vanishes into thin air in abundance. The strength that but routs has not vanished, but was absorbed by array again, returns to array. 六尊巨灵在那绝强一击下,纷纷烟消云散。但击溃的力量并未消失,而是再次被阵法吸收,回归到阵法内。 Li Yunxiao stuffy snort/hum, injury of unexpectedly instead shaken, in throat a smell of blood. 李云霄闷哼一声,竟被反震的受了伤,喉咙里一阵血腥味。 But what made him only gratified was, twelve day evil deity has not been damaged, but a wave of attack was defeated and dispersed. 但令他唯一欣慰的是,十二都天神煞阵并未受损,只是一波攻击溃散了而已。
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