UAA :: Volume #21

#2002: Conversation

You came.” “你来了。” Hears the shepherd's flute to open eyes, pinches finger joints with the thumb single-handed, one flickers to move to under the pinnacle. 聆牧笛睁开眼来,单手掐诀,一下就瞬移至石峰下。 Li Yunxiao said: Yes, the Sir subpoenaed, how dare not to come.” 李云霄道:“是的,大人传讯,岂敢不来。” Hears the shepherd's flute to show a faint smile suddenly, said: „Do you somewhat blame me? Blames me not to tell you various matters?” 聆牧笛突然微微一笑,道:“你是不是有些怪我?怪我没有将各种事告诉你?” Li Yunxiao said indifferently: Sir has own idea surely, how dare to blame below.” 李云霄淡然道:“大人必定有自己的想法,在下岂敢怪罪。” Hehe.” “呵呵。” Heard the shepherd's flute to swing the finger, said with a smile: Speaks insincerely. Before many matters had not informed you, indeed is because the opportunity has not arrived.” 聆牧笛摇了摇手指,笑道:“言不由衷。之前不少事没有告知你,的确是因为时机未到。” Li Yunxiao said: Now does the opportunity arrive?” 李云霄道:“现在时机就到了?” Hehe, may speak , can also say has not arrived, but since you did not have patiently, I then told you.” “呵呵,可说到了,也可以说没到,但既然你没有耐心了,那我便告诉你吧。” Hears the shepherd's flute facial color becomes gets up gradually with deep veneration, said: I know, sealed some things of war of demon about the past years.” 聆牧笛面色逐渐变得肃然起来,道:“我所知的,关于当年封魔之战的一些东西。” The Li Yunxiao look shot a look under Bei Jinghong on opposite pinnacle. 李云霄眼神瞥了下对面石峰上的贝经弘。 Hears the shepherd's flute to say with a smile: Might as well, Bei Jinghong also experiences the person of this war.” 聆牧笛笑道:“无妨,贝经弘也是亲历此战之人。” Li Yunxiao said: Good, then listens in reverent attention below. Especially makes the stage of perfection and hundred tribulation King Jing matters, hoping the Sir can say.” 李云霄道:“好,那在下就洗耳恭听。特别是造化境和百劫界王境的事,希望大人能多讲一些。” Hears the shepherd's flute saying: Makes the stage of perfection as the name suggests, seizes the world good fortune, achieves the Ten Directions boundary to be greatly complete, then the good fortune level master, was almost the limit that the manpower can reach. With mist crag main war, you also realized that strength a moment ago formidable.” 聆牧笛道:“造化境顾名思义,就是夺天地造化,达到十方境大圆满,便可谓之造化级高手,几乎是人力所能达到的极限了。刚才与岚岩主一战,你也体会到了那种力量的强大吧。” Li Yunxiao is black the face, said: Indeed realized, moreover almost died.” 李云霄黑着脸,道:“的确体会到了,而且差点死掉。” Haha, I cannot think to work as in this life, besides old fogy who our these have not died, some people can break in unexpectedly make the stage of perfection. This person seriously is for 100,000 years the talent first. If placed the past years, were perhaps many a King Jing powerhouse!” “哈哈,我也想不到当今世上,除了我们这些没死的老家伙外,竟然还有人可以冲入造化境。啧啧,此人当真是100000年来天赋第一。若是放在当年,也许又多了一位界王境的强者呢!” Hears the shepherd's flute heartfeltly acclaimed. 聆牧笛由衷的赞叹起来。 Li Yunxiao said: That King can Jing what's the matter, how achieve the king?” 李云霄道:“那界王境又是怎么回事,如何才能达到界王?” Heard the shepherd's flute white his eyes, said: You asked that my I asked who goes? However, later you can actually ask Sir Lin, her is perhaps happy, will explain 12 with you also perhaps.” 聆牧笛白了他一眼,道:“你问我我问谁去?不过,待会你倒是可以问问琳大人,也许她心情好,会跟你解释12也说不定。” Speaking of buddhist monster Lin, his look became respects extremely. 说到梵妖琳,他的神色变得极为尊敬起来。 Li Yunxiao said puzzled: Why Ye Qingyu is in you at present, more fearful than Lin of other families? Aren't the kings of your four territory allies side by side?” 李云霄不解道:“为何叶擎宇在你眼前,比外族的琳更为可怕?你们四域之王不是比肩的战友吗?” Hears the shepherd's flute hehe to smile, looked at Bei Jinghong subconsciously, Bei Jinghong also seemed touched just in time by these words, opens eyes. 聆牧笛呵呵一笑,下意识的看了一眼贝经弘,正巧贝经弘也似乎被这句话触动到,睁开眼来。 They have looked at each other, Bei Jinghong stuffy snort/hum, closes one's eyes once more. 两人对视了一下,贝经弘闷哼一声,再次闭上眼来。 Hears the shepherd's flute to shake the head slightly, said: „The kings of so-called four territory are similar to your present seven large amount gates, soul sect also life and death opposition of that ten thousand star valleys with biting. But the brothers catfish imperial it insults outside the wall, in the past the demon main straddling of zones came, to vibrate the world, this made the world powerhouse collaborate, altogether imperial foreign enemy under the rein of god Sir. For example the king of this western region, in the past was not the good bird, perhaps if not for the demon main invasion, the old man handled jointly with several other friends him, except that.” 聆牧笛微微摇头,道:“所谓的四域之王就跟你们现在的七大宗门差不多,那万星谷与噬魂宗还你死我活的对立呢。只不过兄弟阋于墙外御其侮,当年魔主跨界而来,震动天下,这才使得天下强者联手,在界神大人的统御下共御外敌。比如这位西域之王,当年可不是什么好鸟,若不是魔主入侵,老夫也许就会同另外几位朋友将他除了。” Hears the shepherd's flute old ordinary man, yourself who said are the good bird to be common!” “聆牧笛老匹夫,说的你自己就是好鸟一般!” Bei Jinghong suddenly opened both eyes, project severe glow, angrily rebukes, wants to kill the old man, you can try now!” 贝经弘暴睁双目,射出厉芒,怒斥起来,“想杀老夫,你现在可以试试!” Hehe.” “呵呵。” Hears the shepherd's flute to say with a smile: Crossed these many years, how to see again you were not pleasing to the eyes also pass. Now my humble abode in this puppet body, cultivated to is unable to restore again, was far from your rival.” 聆牧笛笑道:“都过了这么多年,再如何看你不顺眼也都过去了。现在我蜗居于这傀儡身中,修为再也无法恢复了,也绝非你敌手。” Snort!” “哼!” Bei Jinghong then air/Qi disappeared, continued to shut the item to get up. 贝经弘这才气消了点,继续闭目起来。 Hears the shepherd's flute to continue saying: Ye Qingyu this person of I and his friendship is not deep, this person also evil, cannot say the quality, has not done any good deed, but cannot select any dishonorable matter. But 100,000 years passed by, how now became I are unknown. Listens to a day of word, he also retains now has cultivated is, is master who makes the stage of perfection, therefore I make you more careful, should better not such quickly to see him. After best is you stepped into empty extremely, again the mortal body refining up to the virtual light, even if like this does not beat, escapes does not have the issue.” 聆牧笛继续道:“叶擎宇此人我与他交情不深,此人亦正亦邪,说不上好坏,也没做过什么好事,但也点不出什么伤天害理的事来。但100000年过去了,现在变得如何我就不得而知了。听叶南天言,他现在还保留了修为,是造化境的高手,所以我才让你小心一些,最好不要这么快去见他。最好是等你踏入虚极后,再将肉身炼至虚光,这样即便不敌,逃跑也是没问题的。” Li Yunxiao knits the brows: I in the past was also Shook the world Breaking Armies Martial Emperor, now is the god candidate, like this was always hung to hit, often escaped, was not quite after all good?” 李云霄皱眉道:“我当年也是叱咤天下破军武帝,现在又是界神候选人,总这样被人吊打,动不动就逃跑,总归不太好吧?” Hears the shepherd's flute to stare saying: That yourself diligently, have a pain, well under practice. You do not come under attack importantly, do not implicate me, I who harms endure hardship with you together.” 聆牧笛瞪眼道:“那就得你自己多努力,多吃点苦,好好修炼下。你自己挨打不要紧,别把我也连累进去了,害的我跟你一起吃苦。” The Li Yunxiao awkward cough said: „, Did not say that this, continued to discuss seals the matter of demon, buddhist monster Lin how?” 李云霄尴尬的咳嗽道:“咳咳,不说这个了,继续谈封魔之事,那梵妖琳又如何?” Hears the shepherd's flute saying: Sir Lin naturally was the past monster sovereign, stepped into hundred tribulation King Jing by the peerless natural talent, that fought seriously heroic, had lasting achievements. I have thought Sir Lin already fell from the sky, has not actually thought that also survived one to do several things at the same time, seriously was the good fortune of world.” 聆牧笛道:“琳大人自然就是当年的妖皇了,凭借绝世天资踏入百劫界王境,那一战中当真英勇,功不可没。我一直都以为琳大人早已陨落,却没想到还残存了一道分身,当真是天下之幸。” Li Yunxiao said: This person such being the case is righteous, we might as well ask her to become an official, making her draw in the present Monster Clan unit audiences, when the time comes is a nucleus.” 李云霄道:“此人既然如此深明大义,我们不如请她出山,让她去收拢现在的妖族部众,到时候又是一股中坚力量。” Heard the shepherd's flute to stare, immediately hesitated, said: Your boy somewhat is intelligent, this idea is really wonderful, but must look at the meaning of Sir Lin. The present Monster Clan strength is also highly regarded. The monster sovereign desolate takes True Spirit not to have for the host unexpectedly, the strength rushes directly empty extremely, Mo is Five Dawn Mountains for several thousand years good fortune, steps into empty extremely, that called war casualty Monster Clan, refine the Saint armillary sphere , not easy with it generation. Monster Clan Sheng, should be also concerned with the Heavenly Dao revolution now greatly.” 聆牧笛愣了下,随即沉吟起来,道:“你小子还真有点智慧,此计甚妙,但得看琳大人的意思。如今的妖族力量也不可小觑。妖皇荒竟以真灵‘无’为宿主,实力直接冲上虚极,陌更是得五霞山几千年来的造化,也踏入虚极,还有那个叫殇的妖族,炼化圣器浑天仪,也绝非易与之辈。妖族如今大盛,应该也是跟天道运转有关。” Li Yunxiao said: By seeing of Sir, now Heavenly Martial World strength the it 100,000 years ago how, if demon Monarch arrives once more, can have the odds of success?” 李云霄道:“以大人之见,现在天武界的力量比之100000年前如何,若是魔君再次降临,可有胜算?” Hears the shepherd's flute to shake the head saying: Naturally greatly was inferior, but in the past four King Jing powerhouses, under the present sky feared that is one does not have. Even if makes the stage of perfection, besides the kings of our four territory, ten several people, feared that now is a hand can count to come.” 聆牧笛摇头道:“自然是大为不如,当年可是有四位界王境的强者,如今的天空下怕是一位都没有。就算是造化境,除了我们四域之王外,也有十数人之多,现在怕是一只手就能数过来。” The Li Yunxiao nod said: Advocates peace Lin besides Ye Qingyu, the mist crag, feared that was again nobody.” He shot a look at Bei Jinghong unintentionally. 李云霄点头道:“除了叶擎宇、岚岩主和琳外,怕是再没人了。”他有意无意的瞥了一眼贝经弘。 Hears the shepherd's flute to know that he is consulting, said: „Before Bei Jinghong, how to be unknown, but his present wound body is extremely heavy, only if takes the day to transport good fortune pill, otherwise is very difficult to restore most flourishing.” 聆牧笛知道他在咨询,道:“贝经弘之前如何不得而知,但他现在伤体极重,除非服用天运造化丹,否则是很难恢复全盛。” Snort! The old men make certainly the stage of perfection!” “哼!老夫当然是造化境!” Bei Jinghong angrily rebukes, immediately the face darken, said: Has the day to transport good fortune pill to be naturally best, if no can find Grand Monad Profound Qi.” 贝经弘怒斥一声,随即脸色阴沉起来,道:“有天运造化丹自然最好,没有的话能找到太一玄气也可以。” In the Li Yunxiao heart is startled, immediately understood. Bei Jinghong should discover anything, Kunwu Divine Tree the Elf is small I in hearing the domain of shepherd's flute, was realized the clue by him mostly. 李云霄心中一怔,立即明白过来了。贝经弘应该是发现了什么,昆吾神树所化的精灵小吾就在聆牧笛的领域内,多半是被他察觉出了端倪。 He ponders to say secretly: In the past Kunwu Divine Tree said that only then, has all given itself, this saying did not know the genuine and fake, Bei Jinghong, since so said that is it possible that he has also discovered existence of Grand Monad Profound Qi. 他暗自忖道:当年昆吾神树说只有一丝,全给了自己,这话也不知真假,贝经弘既然这般说,莫非他还发现了太一玄气的存在。 The Li Yunxiao vision looks, as if saw in some corner was small I the form, but dodged disappears. 李云霄的目光四下望去,似乎在某个角落看到了小吾的身影,只是一闪就不见了。 Grand Monad Profound Qi is the world is newborn, in universe chaos breeds to live, for source of say/way strength, for one. 太一玄气乃天地初生,宇宙混沌中孕育而生,是为道之本源的力量,是为一。 After that divides into two, two are the Yin-Yang two air/Qi, starts once again, grows continually. 其后一分为二,二则是阴阳二气,周而复始,生生不息。 Two live three again, gives birth to three types of greatly strengthened air/Qi, the demon air/Qi is one of them. 再二生三,生出三种极强的气来,魔气便是其中之一。 Therefore Grand Monad Profound Qi for the strength of world source, can cure the myriad things, may refine by the myriad things, is only the countless sufferings and hardships. 所以太一玄气是为天地本源之力,可以治愈万物,也可由万物炼化而出,只是千难万难。 Kunwu Divine Tree from the life that epoch-making has, only refining up few two, had been used up by him, but also has given Li Yunxiao. 昆吾神树自开天辟地起就存在的生灵,也只炼化出寥寥二丝来,一丝被他自己用掉了,还一丝给了李云霄 But now Li Yunxiao suspected that was small my short and stocky to lie, perhaps also had the shredded pork, even was fourth...... 但现在李云霄怀疑那个小吾那个胖墩说谎了,说不定还有第三丝,甚至是第四丝…… If can have this thing, the sea sovereign couple's wound can also be restored to health. 若是能有此物,海皇夫妇的伤也能得到康复。 It seems like that young short and stocky is dishonest, when waits to hear the shepherd's flute Sir not to be , under must interrogate and torture well is.” Li Yunxiao thinks secretly. “看来那小胖墩不老实,等什么时候聆牧笛大人不在,得好好拷问下才是。”李云霄暗自想到。 „The western region king, you are having a dream!” “西域王,你在做梦吧!” Hears shepherd's flute discontented saying: If there is Grand Monad Profound Qi, Soul Power of this place can also be nourished, not only can restore such as beginning, even can enter one, has this thing, but also turns to obtain you?” 聆牧笛不满的说道:“若是有太一玄气,本座的魂力也能得到滋养,不仅能够恢复如初,甚至能更进一层,真有此物的话,还轮得到你吗?” Bei Jinghong the face one rises red, stuffy snort/hum no longer spoke. 贝经弘脸孔一下涨得通红,闷哼一声就不再说话。 Li Yunxiao has also understood what is heard, Bei Jinghong dropped at this moment mostly empty extremely, if could not find the day to transport good fortune pill and thing of Grand Monad Profound Qi this type of going against heaven's will, this whole life must stop in empty, can preserve to cultivate to no longer drop is lucky. 李云霄也是听明白了,贝经弘此刻多半跌落到了虚极,若是找不到天运造化丹和太一玄气这种逆天之物,这辈子就得停在虚极了,能保住修为不再跌落就是万幸了。 Li Yunxiao said: It seems like said right, made the stage of perfection powerhouse should only then three people, but from day manner looked like, so long as there is an enough Ten Directions rule, he broke through to making the stage of perfection assurance should also be big.” 李云霄道:“看来所言没错,造化境强者应该就只有三人了,不过从叶南天的态度看来,只要有足够的十方规则,他突破至造化境的把握也应该非常大。” Hears the shepherd's flute saying: So good, hopes that the Ten Directions rule re-enters the world, can bring about the tremendous changes, creates the massive powerhouses, otherwise this time demon tribulation, if...... Hey......” 聆牧笛道:“如此甚好,希望十方规则重回天地,能带来翻天覆地的变化,造就出大量强者,否则这一次的魔劫若是度不过去……嘿嘿……” He smiles somewhat ice-cold, the implication is clear, if the demon tribulation, entire Heavenly Martial World played. 他笑的有些冰冷,言外之意非常清楚,若是度不过魔劫的话,整个天武界就玩完了。 Bei Jinghong scoffs to say with a smile: Haha, huge joke! In the past sealed the demon to fight to be frigid you are not does not know, by present these mixed fish, only then three made the stage of perfection to undergo the demon tribulation, heard the shepherd's flute, was your brain hit in the past years remnantly?” 贝经弘嗤笑道:“哈哈,天大的笑话!当年封魔之战有多惨烈你又不是不知,凭借现在这些杂鱼,只有三个造化境就想历魔劫,聆牧笛,你的脑子是在当年就被打残了吗?” Hears the shepherd's flute not to pay attention to his ridicule, stern say/way: I do not believe that I to this time am quite optimistic after the demon tribulation, now the Ten Directions rule re-enters the world, definitely will have the massive powerhouses born, makes the stage of perfection the quantity definitely to promote to five above, in addition Li Yunxiao has World God monument, I also favor him to attack hundred tribulation King Jing.” 聆牧笛不理会他的讥讽,正色道:“我可不这么认为,我对此次历经魔劫还是比较乐观的,现在十方规则重回天地,必然会有大量强者诞生,造化境的数量肯定能提升到五个之上,再加上李云霄坐拥界神碑,我也看好他冲击百劫界王境。” He can attack the king, does that have what using?” “就算他能冲击到界王,那又有何用?” Bei Jinghong ridiculed: But in the past four King Jing Sirs, moreover if not for finally the demon main splits two suddenly, the result of fighting also cannot know!” 贝经弘讥讽道:“当年可是有四位界王境的大人,而且最终若不是魔主突然分裂成两个,一战的结果还未可知呢!” Hears the shepherd's flute saying: Do not forget, reason that demon main is the demon Lord, was the strength achieves King Jing demon Monarch to refine six demon soldiers, only then for demon Lord. But six demon soldiers were actually fettered in the Heavenly Martial World 100,000 years! In other words, in present demon, even if presented King Jing demon Monarch, is unable to become the demon Lord. But Li Yunxiao has Tiansheng World God monument, so long as can attack King Jing, can suppress all demons!” 聆牧笛道:“你别忘了,魔主之所以为魔主,便是实力达到了界王境的魔君炼化六道魔兵,方可为魔主。可六道魔兵却被束缚在天武界100000年了啊!也就是说,现在的魔界中,即便出现了界王境的魔君,也无法成为魔主。而李云霄却是拥有本界的天圣器界神碑,只要能冲击到界王境,便可压制一切魔头!”
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