UAA :: Volume #20

#1994: The king of stone ( 2 )

Qiu Ming sneers saying: Regardless of day whether knows, you have to defy the authority that Sir King of stone orders H 邱明冷笑道:“不论叶南天是否知道,你们二人有违抗石之王大人命令的权力吗H” Meng carves to be vigilant that said: Joke, my two people the subordinate of king of non- stone, besides the island main Sirs, no one is able to dispatch us.” 孟琢一下警惕起来,道:“笑话,我二人又非石之王的属下,除了岛主大人外,谁也无法调遣我们。” Said real good.” “说的真好。” Taishu journey Paishou said: Two said is very interesting, even if did not discuss the power and influence, asked that two did have to defy the strength that Sir King of stone ordered?” 太叔程拍手赞道:“两位说的很有趣,即便不谈权势,试问两位有违抗石之王大人命令的力量吗?” Is it possible that do you also want to begin inadequately to us?!” “莫非你们还想对我们动手不成?!” Zhu Junjing gets angry, stares at three people of meaningful glances is changing is cold. 朱钧惊怒不已,盯着三人的眼色变冷下来。 Meng carves to realize that some are not wonderful, hold the fist in the other hand saying: Failing to agree half a word are many, my two people present the command of island Lord to take the day to transport good fortune pill, but this moment pill will already fall into King in Daren the hand stone, my two people naturally do not need to remain much, say goodbye!” 孟琢意识到有些不妙,抱拳道:“话不投机半句多,我二人奉岛主之令来取天运造化丹,但此刻丹既将落入石之王大人手中,我二人自然也就无需多留,告辞!” Does not need three people to respond, they change to the escaping light to go immediately. 不待三人回应,两人顿时化作遁光而去。 But expansive sky silver light dodges, several chains seemed rocked, then saw that they fell once more same place, a face was astonished. 但长空银光一闪,几条锁链好似晃动了下,便见到两人再次落回原地,一脸惊愕。 Ha, in the blockade of Sir King of under stone, your two people of determinations can leave?” Taishu regulation laughs, whole face ridicule. “哈哈哈,在石之王大人的封锁下,你二人自觉得能走掉?”太叔程大笑起来,满脸讥讽。 Zhu Junjing said: What meaning is Sir that? Links my two people also to seal up unexpectedly?” 朱钧惊道:“大人那是什么意思?竟然连我二人也封住?” Taishu regulation coldly said: Before the Sir adjudicates all, anybody can not leave this place.” 太叔程冷冷道:“在大人裁决一切前,任何人都不得离开此地。” Then not only Zhu Jun and Meng carve, was Li Yunxiao and the others also changed the complexion. 这下不仅朱钧与孟琢,就是李云霄等人也变了脸色。 If Gu Qingqing were grasped, on him five god pill feared that is also hard to escape by luck, moreover looks at the appearance of opposite party, the book comes to World God monument and Ye Fan, now was to stare at the non- Ni's Tianfeng bodies and ten step god pill. 若是顾青青被抓的话,那他身上的五枚神丹怕也难以幸免,而且看对方的样子,本就是冲着界神碑叶凡来的,现在更是盯上了非倪的天凤涅体与十阶神丹。 Li Yunxiao said: It seems like two Sirs do not listen to the order, made the mist crag main very be discontented, feared that is receives punishment to be unavoidable. Let alone two knew he must cope with Ye Fan, how also to put two to depart to disclose secret information. In my opinion, even if massacres two Sirs to be also very likely.” 李云霄道:“看来两位大人不听命令,已经令得岚岩主十分不满了,怕是受刑在所难免。何况两位知道了他要对付叶凡,又岂会放两位离去通风报信。依我看,就算是杀掉二位大人也极有可能。” Zhu Jun and Meng carve are the complexion big change, Zhu Jun angrily rebuke saying: Li Yunxiao, you do not do to instigate!” 朱钧与孟琢都是脸色大变,朱钧怒斥道:“李云霄,你休要挑拨!” Li Yunxiao hey the sound said with a smile: Instigated not to mention, but my word was whether reasonable, should not be difficult to distinguish by two intelligence quotients.” 李云霄嘿声笑道:“是否挑拨且不说,而我之言是否有道理,以二位的智商应该不难辨别。” Zhu Jun and Meng carve have not never thought of this, they all are the heart startled, but does not dare to have a falling out with the mist crag Lord on own initiative, Zhu Jun angrily rebukes to say once more: Profound offshore islands one mind, brothers all like hand and foot, even if you want to instigate do not have the gate!” 朱钧与孟琢何尝没有想到这点,两人皆是心惊不已,但又不敢主动跟岚岩主闹翻,朱钧再次怒斥道:“玄离岛上下一心,众兄弟皆如手足,就算你想挑拨也没门!” Ha!” “哈哈哈!” Li Yunxiao laughs, ridiculed: Since under on wholeheartedly , is the hand and foot, that two should also help to capture Ye Fan. This matter will be known by day in the future, will praise two surely well!” 李云霄大笑不已,讥讽道:“既然下上一心,又皆为手足,那两位也就应该帮着擒拿叶凡了。此事将来被叶南天得知,必定会好好夸赞二位的!” Zhu Jun surface like the dying embers, is extremely ugly. 朱钧两人面如死灰,万分难看。 Let them get rid to grasp Ye Fan not to dare absolutely, because Ye Fan is not only day posterity, is the posterity who the island principal part holds up the space! 让他们出手抓叶凡是绝对不敢的,因为叶凡不仅是叶南天的后人,更是岛主叶擎宇的后人! The entire Ye is biggest in the influence of profound offshore islands, because all previous dynasties will be directed by the generation first, therefore many powerhouses of Ye entered the eternal life. 整个叶家在玄离岛的势力最大,因为历代都会受到先代指引,所以许多叶家的强者都进入了永生之界。 Even if makes them resist King of Lanyan stone to advocate, does not dare to resist profound offshore islands Ye! 即便让他二人对抗石之王岚岩主,也不敢对抗玄离岛叶家啊! Moreover the situation on island is also quite subtle, which can since the eternal life not be the having god-given wisdom rare talent, the God's favored one, who can under the inhabitants, who is willing to obey the person director? 而且岛上的形势也是较为微妙,能够进入永生之界者哪个不是天纵奇才,天之骄子,谁会甘居人下,谁又愿意听人指挥? Especially mist crag main such for the overlord, on the long inhabitants, already showed disdain for all certainly, even if in the profound offshore islands is also very independent existence, every so often Ye Qingyu also takes him not to have idea. 特别是岚岩主这样的绝代霸主,久居人上,早已傲视一切,即便在玄离岛也是十分独立的存在,很多时候叶擎宇也拿他没辙。 If he had thoughts to cope with Ye Fan, this was very dangerous signal, perhaps was making clear to the big change and turbulence of profound offshore islands. 若是他真的动了心思对付叶凡,这可是非常危险的信号,也许昭示着玄离岛的大变和动荡。 Those who most let Zhu Jun and Meng Zhuo is depressed, this matter made them bump into unexpectedly, incautiously possibly has become the cannon fodder. 最让朱钧和孟琢郁闷的是,这种事居然让他们碰上了,一不小心可能就成了炮灰。 Snort, Sir King of stone has gotten rid personally, Ye Fan exerts its utmost. How could your two people easily leave, immediately the best choice then together takes Li Yunxiao with us, grasps Ye Fan again, otherwise and other meeting Sirs blame, may let alone I not remind two.” “哼,石之王大人亲自出手了,叶凡是势在必得。你二人又岂能轻易离开,当下最好的抉择便是与我们一道拿下李云霄,再抓叶凡,否则等会大人怪罪下来,可别说我没提醒二位。” Melted the light therapy in the one side, restored, this opened the mouth to persuade. 融光在一旁疗伤,恢复了许多,这才开口相劝。 Zhu Jun complexion is ugly, clenches teeth saying: I cannot understand your meanings, has not thought must inform and so on, but the duty has been accomplished, when my two people also departed.” 朱钧脸色难看,咬牙道:“我听不懂你们的意思,也没想过要告密之类的,只是任务已完成,我二人也当离去了。” Cannot understand that then to consider as finished, later you voluntarily explained to Sir King of stone.” “听不懂那便算了,待会你们自行向石之王大人解释吧。” Qiu clear(ly) was disinclined to say anything again, both hands took out two denticle rings, around the both feet separated, puts on the stance. 丘明懒得再说什么,双手取出两个锯齿圆环,双脚前后分开,摆好架势。 Murderous aura to disperse from the body, such as Dragon Rujiao, rushes Li Yunxiao. 杀气从身上散出,如龙如蛟,涌向李云霄 Taishu regulation also takes out a handle weapon, three sharp two edges, shake-out a cold light to come, all around flowers and plants are on the wane, the stone also coats cold frosts. 太叔程也取出一件柄兵器,三尖两刃,抖出一片寒光来,四周的花草凋零,土石也罩上一片寒霜。 Qu Hongyan and the others and Li Yunxiao by in the same place, said: What to do?” 曲红颜等人与李云霄靠在一起,道:“怎么办?” „The opposite party like this understood, that the words said can only deliver these three people also to have this mist crag Lord to go to the western heaven!” “对方都将话说的这样明白了,那只能送这三人还有这个岚岩主上西天了!” Li Yunxiao also understood the gravity of matter, knows is absolutely impossible to give up, immediately got up has killed the heart. 李云霄也明白了事情的严重性,知道绝无可能善罢甘休,当下起了杀心。 Qu Hongyan said: Good! Ties down that mist crag Lord while Gu Qingqing, we killed these three people first!” 曲红颜道:“好!乘顾青青缠住那岚岩主,我们先将这三人杀了!” The Zixiao sword proceeds a finger, murderous aura to soar to the heavens. 紫霄剑往前一指,杀气冲天。 Profound offshore islands these people are all previous Shook the world powerhouses, but they never are not. 玄离岛这些人是历代叱咤天下的强者,而他们何尝又不是。 Haha, killed my three people? Many years have not listened to this cold joke.” “哈哈,将我三人杀了?多少年没有听过这种冷笑话了。” Qiu Ming laughs wildly one, then saw that the purple sword glow cuts, then like the female celestial form is solitary, but , a sword chops earthshakingly. 邱明狂笑一声,便看到紫色剑芒斩来,那如仙女般的身影孑然而至,一剑劈下惊天动地。 Bang!” “砰!” The double coil blocks before the body, locks in the Zixiao sword, the terrifying sword strength is actually the oppression, he who compels has drawn back two steps. 双圈拦在身前,将紫霄剑锁住,恐怖的剑力却是压迫而下,逼的他退了两步。 So to be how strong?!” “怎么会这么强?!” In Qiu Ming heart one startled, actually sees on that Zixiao sword the malignant influences to clash to congeal, evolves one sword, startled under pondered without enough time that the double coil dances in the air, dozens shadows circle around the body circle in flight, contends with that sword air/Qi, shakes the electric light flint. 邱明心中一惊,却见那紫霄剑上煞气冲凝,演变成一片剑阵,惊慌下来不及细想,双圈飞舞起来,也化出数十道影子绕在身体四周飞旋,抗衡那剑气,震出电光火石。 Sees Qiu Ming to be suppressed by Qu Hongyan, profound offshore islands several people are startled. 见邱明被曲红颜压制住,玄离岛几人都是大为吃惊。 Li Yunxiao said: Mr. Mo, do you also oppose with me at this moment?” 李云霄道:“陌先生,此时此刻你还跟我对立吗?” Mo said: Nature with your same battleline, but transported good fortune pill I not to drop on that day.” 陌道:“自然与你同一阵线,只是那天运造化丹我也不会放手。” Un, that jointly deals with the enemy, after god pill belongs, discussed again.” “嗯,那就共同对付敌人吧,神丹归属之后再谈。” Li Yunxiao is satisfied to this answer, with a hand finger of Taishu regulation, said: This person gave you.” 李云霄对这个答案还算满意,用手一指太叔程,道:“此人就交给你了。” No matter also Mo whether agreed that oneself wields a sword to melting the light cuts, shouted to clear the way: Non- Ni, Yunchang, you help the young person.” 也不管陌是否同意,自己则是挥剑向融光斩去,同时喝道:“非倪、云裳,你们去助红颜。” Two female assistance, strength of the three female strike to kill Qiu Ming sufficiently, south Beizhen is follows closely him behind, they rush to melt together up. 有两女协助,共三女之力足以击杀邱明,北圳南则是紧随他身后,两人一道奔向融光。 Mo cold snort/hum, long gown moves brandishes fights the spear/gun, direct thorn to Taishu regulation. 陌冷哼一声,长袍一动就挥舞战枪,直接刺向太叔程。 Outside ling pill Palace a piece of fierce combat, various movements and unique skills emerge one after another incessantly, only then Zhu Jun and Meng Zhuo stand in that actually such as sets up the pincushion, the whole body is not comfortable. 鹷丹宫外一片刀光剑影,各种身法和绝技层出不穷,只有朱钧和孟琢两人站在那,却如立针毡,浑身不自在。 Helps not to help? 帮还是不帮? Do the words that helps, whom help? 帮的话,帮谁? Which choice is not they can withstand, simply looks but not see, they sit cross-legged directly void, closes the eye to practice, to not see with own eyes the heart is not bothersome. 哪种选择都不是他们能够承受的,干脆视而不见,两人直接盘坐虚空,闭上眼睛修炼起来,是为眼不见心不烦。 In the battlefield explosives spread, Qiu Ming three people quick weak, Origin Force drops suddenly. 战场内一声声爆响传开,邱明三人很快不支,元力急剧下降。 Sir, saves us!” “大人,救我们!” Under three females collaborate to attack, although Qiu Ming protects the strategic point, unceasingly is actually injured , to continue again, must die without doubt, cannot bear shout one finally, the sound spreads to the sky. 在三女联手攻击之下,邱明虽护住要害,却不断受伤,再继续下去,必死无疑,终于忍不住大喊一声,声音传入天空。 That red Yun Nei, form not any expression on throne, but ten fingers place on the arm rest, the unceasing springing, is controlling everywhere silver chains. 那红云内,王座上的身影没有任何表情,只是十指放在扶手上,不断弹动,操控着漫天银色锁链。 Ten fingers also probably were he only active body parts. 十根指头也好像是他唯一能动的身体部分了。 King of Lanyan stone Lord, your subordinate must hang probably, do the thoughts socialize with me in this?” “石之王岚岩主,你的属下好像要挂了呢,还有心思在这与我周旋吗?” Gu Qingqing the body flies to fall, both feet exists side by side, steps in a silver chains, giggle jokes. 顾青青身躯飞落,双脚并立,踩在一根银锁链上,咯咯的讥笑道。 But examines carefully, she has a ruddy complexion, the foreheads and two temples have the beads of sweat, obviously is also at this moment tired out by dealing. 但细看去,她面色红润许多,额头和两鬓多有汗珠,显然此刻也疲于应对。 The mist crag main did not answer, the springing finger, crash-bang was silver locks across the sky to put on as before, raided like the python to Gu Qingqing. 岚岩主不答,依旧弹动手指,“哗啦啦”又是一条银锁横空穿来,像巨蟒袭向顾青青。 Bang!” “嘭!” Two chains touch in the same place, shakes the silver light, and exudes „” sound. 两条锁链碰在一起,震出银光,并且发出“哗哗”响声。 Gu Qingqing already jumped, the form in airborne circles in flight unceasingly, is with the wind faded and fallen like a floret, I said you, died? A few words non- throat, are four kings also great? Day I have also seen, others may genial many.” 顾青青早已跃起,身影在空中不断飞旋,像一朵小花随风飘零,“我说你这人,难道死了吗?一句话也不吭,四王就了不起吗?叶南天我也见过,人家可和善的多。” The mist crag main has opened the mouth finally, said: That three waste, if under the person could not tidy up continually, must come what to use.” 岚岩主终于开口了,说道:“那三个废物,若是连下方之人都收拾不了,要来何用。” His sound has not made any processing, falls from the sky directly, spreads to the people ear. 他的声音未做任何处理,直接从天空落下,传入众人耳中。 The Qiu Ming three people all are in great surprise, the complexion one is pale. 邱明三人皆是大惊,脸色一下就惨白起来。 Haha, your lords spoke, does the waste remain what uses? Everybody does not use politely, killing that can feel relieved!” “哈哈,你们主子都发话了,废物留之何用?大家不用客气,可以放心的杀了!” Li Yunxiao laughs wildly one, the sword in hand attacks is fiercer. 李云霄狂笑一声,手中的剑攻的更猛。 Melts on all alone ten bloodstains, but also was pared the big piece meat, horrible to look, counted on the king of stone gets rid, now hears word, not only a heart drops the valley, is the morale does not have. 融光身上十多道血痕,还被削去了大片肉,惨不忍睹,原本指望石之王出手,现在闻言,不仅一颗心跌落谷底,更是士气全无。 Presses hard on under by Li Yunxiao and Beizhen south, adds ten scars again, alarmed. 李云霄和北圳南紧逼之下,再添十多道伤痕,触目惊心。 Zhu Jun and Meng carve also from sitting in meditation wake, they look at one mutually, is the heart startled. 朱钧与孟琢也从入定中醒过来,两人互望一眼,皆是心惊不已。 The king of stone is unfeeling they early to hear, now sees really not empty, the subordinate life and death so is faint. 石之王的冷酷无情他们早有听闻,现在一见果然不虚,就连自己属下生死都如此淡漠。 What they worry, they who now stands by, can the king of stone move kills the heart. 两人更加担忧的是,现在袖手旁观的他们,石之王会不会动杀心。 Gu Qingqing is the innermost feelings is also anxious in void, was surrounded not to withdraw by the mist crag Lord, if other Li Yunxiao will melt the light three people to cut to kill, then the day transports good fortune pill unable to preserve inevitably. 顾青青在虚空中也是内心焦急,被岚岩主困住脱身不得,若是等李云霄将融光三人斩杀,那么天运造化丹自己也必然保不住。 Present situation her onset and retreat is also roadless, only if transports good fortune pill to give Li Yunxiao the day directly, directs the source of trouble. 只是现在的局势她也进退无路,除非将天运造化丹直接给李云霄,把祸水引下去。 She does not want to harm Li Yunxiao, but wants to seize pill, the words that does this completely violated the conscience. 她并不想害李云霄,只是想夺丹而已,这样做的话就完全违背本心了。 That three people again bad, the good and evil is also you raises many years of dog, said that abandons abandons, how could it not be a pity.” “那三人就算再不济,好歹也是你豢养多年的狗,说弃就弃,岂不可惜。” Gu Qingqing dodges the attack of chains, while continues to talk incessantly, even if the mist crag main does not get rid, divides the minute his heart to be also good. 顾青青一边闪躲锁链的攻击,一边继续唠叨起来,就算岚岩主不出手,分分他心也好。 Right that you said.” “你说的对。” Who knew the mist crag main to say such words that made her shock, afterward counted on the fingers a ball, together silver glow from red cloud **** left, speeds away under. 谁知岚岩主却说了这么一句让她大跌眼镜的话,随后屈指一弹,一道银芒从红云****・出,疾驰而下。 That silver glow is extremely quick, and why does not know, has locked Li Yunxiao directly. 那银芒极快,并且不知为何,直接锁定了李云霄
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