UAA :: Volume #20

#1993: The king of stone ( 1 )

Li Yunxiao sees him to implore urgently, moved the compassion. Mallotus japonicus /p >\; 李云霄见他苦苦哀求,不由动了恻隐之心。楸/p>\; God pill already succeeded in obtaining, does not need to open again slaughters . Moreover the opposite party said is also reasonable, after several thousand years of seal, vexed was killed in light of this , was too indeed miserable. 神丹既已到手,无需再开杀戮,况且对方所言也有道理,历经数万年封印,就此窝囊被杀,也的确太惨了。 Slightly hesitates, then beckons with the hand, said: Leaves behind the pledge, you walk.” 略沉吟一下,便摆摆手,道:“留下誓言,你走吧。” The Palestinian beautiful jade stares, immediately is wild with joy, is grateful, refers to the day swearing that this holds the fist in the other hand saying: Many thanks Young Master Yunxiao shows mercy, has another chance to meet!” 巴瑾一愣,立即狂喜,感恩戴德,指天立誓,这才抱拳道:“多谢云霄公子开恩,后会有期!” He is only lived corruptly, begging for mercy of instinct, actually does not want really to trade the vitality, the heart lives sighs with emotion sad happy infinitely, turns around to change to the escaping light to dodge, is far away from emperor pill Palace to go. 他原本只是贪生,本能的求饶,却不想真的换来生机,心生无穷感慨悲喜,转身就化作遁光一闪,远离帝丹宫而去。 In the Qu Hongyan eye flashes through being astonished color, is blinking the big eye, said: This like flying upwards you murders the resolute temper.” 曲红颜眼里闪过讶色,眨巴着大眼睛,道:“这可不像飞扬你杀伐果决的性子。” Li Yunxiao smiles bitterly, looked up everywhere silver lock, with Gu Qingqing the dogfight in the same place, the feeling sighed: „The sudden appearance of this person, making me one feel the Heavenly Dao to be remote, myriad things like ant, since the goal has been achieved, why does certainly.” 李云霄苦笑一声,抬起头来看着漫天银锁,与顾青青缠斗在一起,感慨叹道:“此人的突然出现,让我一下感到天道渺渺,万物如蚁,既然目的已达到,何必做绝。” Appearance that some Qu Hongyan clear(ly) became aware, followed his vision to look, the formidable aura that in that red cloud showed that indeed absorbed the person heart and soul, had the constriction extremely. 曲红颜有些明悟的样子,也顺着他的目光望去,那红云内透出的强大气息,的确摄人心魄,极有压迫感。 Li Yunxiao looks to Zhu Junmeng carves them, said: Who is this person? Is it possible that is profound offshore islands island Lord, past did King of Ye eastern territory hold up the space?” But changes mind, does not think right, if the king of eastern territory, Beizhen Namdinh however recognizes. 李云霄望向朱钧孟琢两人,道:“此人是谁?莫非便是玄离岛岛主,当年的东域之王叶擎宇?”但一转念,又觉得不对,若是东域之王的话,北圳南定然认得。 Zhu Junhui looked at his one eyes, said with a smile indifferently: In profound offshore islands, besides the island main Sirs, four King rules the world, the Sir on throne is King of Lanyan stone Lord.” 朱钧回看了他一眼,淡然笑道:“玄离岛上,除了岛主大人外,还有四位王者君临天下,王座上的这位大人便是石之王岚岩主。” Mist crag Lord!” “岚岩主!” Qu Hongyan calls out in alarm, immediately knew this person of origin, the whole face has shocked. 曲红颜惊呼起来,立即知晓了此人来历,满脸震骇。 Li Yunxiao knits the brows: Is very famous?” 李云霄皱眉道:“很有名吗?” Regarding the annals record, Shenque Palace has the vast ancient book, for 100,000 years many important matters and powerhouse characters will mention, Li Yunxiao this facilitates far inferior Qu Hongyan. 对于史册记载,神霄宫有浩瀚典籍,100000年来诸多大事和强者人物都会有所提及,李云霄这方便远不及曲红颜 The Qu Hongyan facial color said dignifiedly: In the past the dynasty of horizontal tyrant mainland, ruled four territories, the sphere of influence even extends entering the sea, becomes one generation of world overlords who deserved.” 曲红颜面色凝重道:“当年有一个横霸大陆的王朝,统治四域,势力范围甚至延伸入海,成为当之无愧的一代天下霸主。” Li Yunxiao also suddenly remembers, startled say/way: You say the Lord of purple mist dynasty!” 李云霄也猛然想起,惊道:“你是说紫岚王朝之主!” The Qu Hongyan look is complex, the nod said: „, The purple mist dynasty first generation master is the mist crag Lord! Cannot think that he also entered the eternal life, and has joined the profound offshore islands.” 曲红颜神色复杂,点头道:“正是,紫岚王朝第一代主人便是岚岩主!想不到他也入了永生之界,并且加入了玄离岛。” Zhu Junman is the appreciation, said: Your excellency is really learned, perhaps what you do not know, the mist crag main older generation is also 100,000 years ago for the powerhouse, has lasting achievements in to seal/confer demon war certainly.” 朱钧满是赞赏,道:“阁下果然博古通今,但也许你们不知道的是,岚岩主的先辈也是100000年前的绝代强者,在封魔一战中功不可没。” The Li Yunxiao facial color said dignifiedly: Your excellency said under a moment ago Ye Qingyu has four King, who are another three people?” 李云霄面色凝重道:“阁下刚才说叶擎宇之下有四位王者,另外三人又是谁?” Zhu Jundao: This you do not need to know, if which day you are predestined friends into the profound offshore islands, naturally also knew.” 朱钧道:“这你就没必要知道了,若是哪天你有缘入玄离岛的话,自然也就晓得了。” Qu Hongyan somewhat worried that said: Flies upwards, we must help Sir Gu Qingqing, if she were grasped, on that day transported good fortune pill thoroughly not to have.” 曲红颜有些担忧,道:“飞扬,我们要不要帮帮顾青青大人,若是她被抓了的话,那天运造化丹就彻底没了。” This moment silver wire rope to seal/confer Tiansuo place, forms the spider web in the sky, is the giant prison covers the sky likely, all people under this side prisoner's cage. 此刻银色铁索封天锁地,在上空结成蛛网,像是巨大的囚牢笼罩天空,所有人都在这方囚笼之下。 Gu Qingqing just like the cageling, resists the strength of that silver lock unceasingly, wants to leave from out of the blue. But that silver locks actually such as 3000 worry silk, cutting does not go. 顾青青正如笼中之鸟,不断抗争那银锁之力,想要破空离开。但那银锁却如3000烦恼丝,斩之不去。 Li Yunxiao said: Makes her suffer a hardship first, they mutually are probing still the stage, this old woman so is not easy to defeat.” 李云霄道:“让她先吃点苦头,两人都还在互相试探阶段,这老女人没这么容易败。” Zhu Jun is stunned, whole face strange say/way: At this moment, Young Master Yunxiao actually is also thinking the day does transport good fortune pill?” 朱钧愕然,满脸奇怪道:“此时此刻,云霄公子竟然还想着天运造化丹?” Li Yunxiao is the strange appearance, said: „Doesn't day transports good fortune pill this is the duck of few mouth, suddenly flew, why think?” 李云霄更是奇怪的样子,道:“天运造化丹本就是本少嘴里的鸭子,突然飞了,为何不想?” Zhu Junhei said with a smile: Young Master Yunxiao idea is indeed strange, really the non- average man, no wonder can obtain World God monument.” 朱钧嘿笑道:“云霄公子的想法的确怪异,果然非常人,难怪可以得到界神碑。” At this moment hovering in midair, before collaborated to seal/confer Ya Gu Qingqing three Martial Artist to lower the head suddenly, as if heard World God monument three characters, the vision simultaneously to fall on Li Yunxiao. 此刻悬停在半空中,之前联手封压顾青青的三位武者突然低下头来,似乎听见了“界神碑”三字,目光同时落在李云霄身上。 Three people fly to fall together, are separated by more than ten zhang (3.33 m) far, becomes the triangle encircles Li Yunxiao in central, the atmosphere one becomes intense. 三人一道飞落,相隔十余丈远,成三角形将李云霄围在中央,气氛一下变得紧张起来。 Un? Three this makes anything.” “嗯?三位这是做什么。” Li Yunxiao secret heart startled, these three people are the palm day boundary powerhouse, the imposing manner such as the mountain suppress about obviously, obviously comes to oneself. 李云霄暗暗心惊,这三人显然都是掌天境强者,气势如山将自己左右压制,显然是冲着自己来的。 World God monument in your hand?” 界神碑在你手上?” And an old man of black surface beard asked fierce. 其中一位黑面髭须的老者厉声问道。 Li Yunxiao said: Is you must inquire me evidently, how speech so is impolite?” 李云霄道:“看样子是你们要询问我,怎的说话还如此不客气?” The old man complexion sinks, berates: Old man questioned, to be why must polite to you. Do not think that has real skill in Heavenly Martial World, obtained World God monument to be great. Powerhouse who this eternal life, which person does not scold a zha time, who not compared with you, therefore to this best is honest, so as to avoid suffers loss.” 老者脸色一沉,喝斥道:“老夫问话,对你何须客气。别以为在天武界有两下子,又得到了界神碑就多了不起。这永生之界内,哪个人不是叱咤一个时代的强者,谁不比你强,所以到了这最好是老实一点,免得吃苦头。” Zhu Junmang introduced: These three are the efficient subordinates of mist crag main Sir, melts the light, Qiu Ming, Sir Taishu journey.” 朱钧忙介绍道:“这三位乃是岚岩主大人的得力属下,融光、邱明、太叔程大人。” „, Fortunate meeting fortunate meeting.” “哦,幸会幸会。” Li Yunxiao holds the fist in the other hand, cups one hand in the other across the chest to three people. 李云霄抱拳,向三人拱手。 Non- Ni say/way: Husband, I studies few, do these three Sirs have what origin?” 非倪道:“夫君,我读书少,这三位大人都有何来历?” Li Yunxiao feels the chin, the forced smile said: Actually these three given names I am also first time heard, but this black surface brother said a moment ago, they once were also earthshaking, many must give a face. The people difficult do not open, why bother you must puncture.” 李云霄摸着下巴,苦笑道:“其实这三位的名号我也是第一次听说,但刚才这位黑面兄已经说了,他们也曾经叱咤风云,多少得给点面子呀。人艰不拆,你又何苦要戳破。” Dissolute!” “放肆!” The person of that black surface, is melts up to fly into a rage, the body appears the white light, turns into the light beam to be absent-minded, the formidable imposing manner such as Combat Tank batters, the oppression goes. 那位黑面之人,也就是融光勃然大怒,身上浮现出白光,化成光柱恍惚不定,强大的气势如战车横冲直撞,压迫而去。 Non- Ni Chichi said with a smile: Giggle, husband your quality.” 非倪吃吃笑道:“咯咯,夫君你好坏呀。” Li Yunxiao smiles lightly, double refers to gathering like the sword, in the body previous stroke, sword light slightly has cut together, breaks that imposing manner. 李云霄淡淡一笑,双指并拢如剑,在身前一划,一道剑光就轻微斩过,将那气势破开。 Scoffs!” “嗤!” Similar to the rubber ball leaks air, the air one was sheared two halves. 如同皮球漏气,空气一下被割成两半。 Removed extremely powerfully immediately, melts the light the imposing manner to press spatial. 万钧之力顿时卸去,融光的气势压了个空。 Courts death!” “找死!” Melts is only angry, not being able to think of Li Yunxiao dares to begin before him, the person's shadow one soars, leaps under the step to arrive in front of Li Yunxiao, shouted angrily a palm to pat, must give him to select the lesson personally. 融光更是大怒,想不到李云霄敢在他面前动手,人影一下腾空,跃步之下就来到李云霄面前,怒喝着一掌拍去,要亲手给他点教训。 In his eyes, Li Yunxiao is that type in enjoying the sight and sound of the wind whipping up the water that Heavenly Martial World mixes, actually does not know of fierce young fellow eternal life. 在他眼里,李云霄便是那种在天武界混的风生水起,却不知道永生之界厉害的毛头小子。 Bang!” “嘭!” A palm falls, was greeted by Li Yunxiao, shakes holds the strength bang to be broken, they were attacked, no one is actually willing to draw back one step. 一掌落下,被李云霄迎接下来,震得掌力轰碎,两人都受到冲击,却谁也不肯退一步。 What?!” “什么?!” „!!” “啊!!” Melts light under the shock, has not responded that the feeling palm was held by the opposite party, then the direct crumb the metacarpal bone, before the small arm has become a beach mud. 融光在震惊之下,还未反应过来,就感觉手掌被对方抓住,然后直接捏碎了掌骨,小臂前端成了一滩烂泥。 Li Yunxiao cold snort/hum, bullies the body on, while friendly light shock and delay, unexpected boxing in his chest! 李云霄冷哼一声,欺身而上,乘融光震惊和呆滞之下,猝不及防的出拳击在他胸膛! Bang!” “嘭!” Melts light in the mouth to put out a blood, the whole person flew. 融光口中吐出一口血来,整个人就飞了出去。 But he after all is the powerhouse of palm day boundary, one recovers, knows oneself had a low opinion of the enemy. 但他毕竟是掌天境的强者,一下就回过神来,知道自己太轻敌了。 The body in flying to draw back to balance, the both legs fall to the ground draw back continually more than ten steps, the impulse will remove, hatred looks at Li Yunxiao. 身躯在飞退中平衡下来,双腿落地连退十余步,将冲击力卸去,怨毒的看着李云霄 The other two have also feared, unbelievable. 另外两人也惊住了,难以置信。 Qiu Ming berated: Melts the light, are you up to mischief, act in a play?” 邱明喝斥道:“融光,你在搞什么鬼,演戏吗?” Melts light ashamed and resentful, anger snort/hum said: This boy does not seem like the surface simple, in addition I had a low opinion of the enemy.” 融光一阵羞愤,怒哼道:“这小子不像表面看上去这样简单,再加上我轻敌了。” Snort, a move the crumb palm, a move was struck to fly, this has a low opinion of the enemy to explain past?” “哼,一招被人捏碎手掌,一招被人击飞,这是轻敌能解释的过去的吗?” Taishu regulation also taunted, said: You are cultivating of palm day boundary are, enough high an opposite party big boundary, is results under two moves, let the person feeling is the opposite party high your big boundary, didn't you think disgraced?” 太叔程也冷嘲热讽起来,道:“你可是掌天境的修为啊,足足高了对方一大境界,可是两招之下的结果,却让人感觉是对方高了你一大境界似的,你不觉得丢人吗?” You...... !” “你们……噗!” Melts the light to be ridiculed by them, shames anger spitting blood of once more, clenches teeth saying: Has the skill on you!” 融光被两人讥讽一下,羞怒的再次吐血,咬牙道:“有本事你们上!” Zhu Jun saw their interior to have a falling out, hurried say/way: Three Sirs quarrelled not by any means that Li Yunxiao was mortal body to become Sheng, did not refuse stubbornly to extinguish the body, the strength has not gotten down in the palm day boundary. He fought the Palestinian beautiful jade a moment ago, three Sirs should also see.” 朱钧见他们自己内部就闹翻了,急忙道:“三位大人切莫争吵,李云霄乃是肉身成圣,不死不灭之躯,实力已不在掌天境下了。刚才他大战巴瑾,三位大人也应该看到了吧。” Mortal body to become Sheng!” “肉身成圣!” Three people all are one startled, on the face covers entirely the cold frost. 三人皆是一惊,脸上布满寒霜。 Taishu journey say/way: So that's how it is, mortal body great achievement sufficiently hard anti- palm day boundary. When this boy fought the Palestinian beautiful jade a moment ago is only the swordsmanship is tyrannical, actually does not want also to have the greatly strengthened mortal body, is really a thorny generation.” 太叔程道:“原来如此,肉身大成就足以硬抗掌天境了。刚才这小子战巴瑾时只是剑术强横,却不想还有极强肉身,果然是个棘手之辈。” Qiu Ming catches the eye to look at the expansive sky, the silver spider web covers the vault of heaven, among Gu Qingqing the also bursting with energy jump, knits the brows: How Sir King of stone this was, trivial Gu Qingqing protracted battle.” 邱明抬眼望着长空,银色的蛛网笼罩天穹,顾青青还生龙活虎的跳跃其内,不由皱眉道:“石之王大人这是怎么了,区区一名顾青青也久战不下。” Taishu regulation complexion changed, reprimanded the sound track: Rests the nonsense! Sir King of stone the mortal body by seal, can only display some small strengths, this has given Gu Qingqing a crevice, even if so, how long could not support. Now we must do then before the Sir takes Gu Qingqing, first takes this Li Yunxiao.” 太叔程脸色变了,斥声道:“休得胡言!石之王大人肉身被封印,只能施展出小部分力量,这才给了顾青青一点空隙,但即便如此,也撑不了多久了。我们现在要做的便是在大人拿下顾青青前,先把这李云霄拿下。” Said is really!” “所言甚是!” Qiu Ming and Taishu regulation they went around several steps, appeared in the Li Yunxiao about direction, the beforehand triangle encirclement turned around the potential of converging attack. 邱明与太叔程两人绕圈走了几步,出现在李云霄的左右方向,之前的三角形合围变成了前后夹击之势。 Li Yunxiao is surprised the different way: Why must take me, because I do have World God monument?” 李云霄诧异道:“为何要拿下我,就因为我有界神碑?” Taishu journey say/way: Considering you might also as well, besides World God monument, Ye Fan whether with you in the same place!” 太叔程道:“告之你也无妨,除了界神碑外,叶凡是否跟你在一起!” The Li Yunxiao complexion changes, Ye Fan is the baby junior, how to stir up the attention of these great people, then the result is obvious. 李云霄脸色微变,叶凡不过是个毛头小辈,怎么会惹得这些大人物的关注,那么结果显而易见。 Zhu Jun and Meng carve to be also panic-stricken, looks at one mutually. 就连朱钧与孟琢也惊骇起来,互望一眼。 Zhu Jun said surprised: „Do you inquire Ye Fan for what? Is this island main Sirs or stone Mr. King of order?” 朱钧吃惊道:“你们打探叶凡是为何事?这是岛主大人还是石之王大人的命令?” On Taishu journey face appears to grin fiendishly, said: This your two did not need to know, so long as one and got rid with us then. This time comes out to be possible really to kill four birds with one stone, World God monument, Ye Fan and day transport good fortune pill, Tianfeng body, as if also had several nine pill ten step god pill in Palace!” He has licked the lip, full is greedy. 太叔程脸上浮现狞笑,道:“这你们两个就不用知道了,只要与我们一并出手即可。这次出来可真是一举四得啊,界神碑叶凡、天运造化丹,天凤涅体,似乎还有几枚九丹宫内的十阶神丹,啧啧!”他舔了下嘴唇,满是贪婪。 Non- Ni also under their attention, at this moment reveals the natural disposition. 非倪也早在他们的注目之下,此刻方显露本性。 Zhu Jun and Meng carve them to reveal the color of feeling embarrassed, Zhu Jundao: In the Ye Fan status island the person completely knows, if captures the command of Ye Fan non- island Lord, my two people obey orders truly difficult.” 朱钧与孟琢两人露出为难之色,朱钧道:“叶凡的身份岛内之人尽知,若擒拿叶凡非岛主之令,我二人实难从命。” Qiu Ming nu: Even if Mr. King of stone order, couldn't have dispatched your two?” 邱明怒道:“即便是石之王大人的命令,难道还调遣不了你们两个吗?” Meng carves saying: If other matters, nature, but grasps Ye Fan......, Did not say island main Sir, with for of huge people four kings do know?” 孟琢道:“若是其它事,自然可以,但抓叶凡……,啧啧,不说岛主大人,同为四王之一的叶南天大人知道吗?” // only has one today. //今天只有一更了。
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