UAA :: Volume #20

#1992: Seizes pill ( 7 )

Mo sees him to snatch gold/metal furnace, gets rid suddenly, is having the bloody и color spear/gun glow perpendicular incidence together under. 陌见他抢金炉,猛然出手,一道带着血腥的и色枪芒直射而下。 Bang!” “嘭!” Li Yunxiao compelled turning the hand wields, destroys that spear/gun glow, grasps once more to the gold/metal furnace. 李云霄被逼的翻手一挥,将那枪芒打碎,再次抓向金炉。 But Mo has taken advantage of opportunity, fights the spear/gun to sweep away to come, has sealed up his road thoroughly, a piece of blood photoemission to Li Yunxiao. 可陌已经顺势而下,战枪横扫而来,彻底封住了他的路,一片血光射向李云霄 You court death seriously!” “你当真找死!” Li Yunxiao is angry, both hands hold to fight the spear/gun fiercely, melts the superhuman, four arms pinches finger joints with the thumb ties seal, rumbled following the spear/gun on the past. 李云霄大怒,猛地双手抓住战枪,化出三头六臂,身后四臂掐诀结印,顺着枪上轰了过去。 Double seal changes to Gold Dragon, roared on. 双印化作金龙,咆哮而上。 Mo does not want to throw the spear/gun, can only give a loud shout to take control. 陌不想丢枪,只能大喝一声出掌。 Bang!” “轰隆!” The terrifying strength explodes, the blood light one embezzles Gold Dragon, such as the bloody water sprinkles generally on Li Yunxiao, full is incarnadine. 恐怖的力量爆开,血光一下将金龙吞没,如血水一般泼在李云霄身上,满是染红。 Mo takes advantage of opportunity to fly high grasps, gold/metal furnace was absorbed immediately by its palm strength, straight must fly into his hand. 陌顺势凌空一抓,那金炉顿时被其掌力摄上,笔直的就要飞入其手中。 Death!” “死!” Li Yunxiao angrily rebukes, holds to fight the spear/gun upward spatially to select suddenly, grasps the sword, cuts the sword glow, another grasps the hammer, leading ten thousand thunder Guangza to fight on the spear/gun! 李云霄怒斥一声,抓住战枪猛然往上空挑去,身后一手握剑,斩出剑芒,另一手握锤,带起万道雷光砸战枪上! Bang!” “嘭!” Innumerable electricity glow zi zi zi spread upward, such as the earthworm drills into Mo's within the body, explodes the hemorrhage pit unceasingly. 无数电芒“嗞嗞嗞”的往上蔓延,如蚯蚓钻入陌的体内,不断炸出血坑。 After that sword glow is cuts, Mo captures the mechanical resistance to break, revolves to cut his hand back once more. 那剑芒更是斩出后,将陌的擒拿之力阻断,再次回旋过来斩其手背。 Mo is helpless, can only give up seizing pill, received the hand came back to pat on fighting the spear/gun, shook the strength of thunder and lightning extinguishes, simultaneously both hands grasped the spear/gun and Li Yunxiao compete. 陌无奈,只能放弃夺丹,将手收了回来拍在战枪上,把雷电之力震灭,同时双手握枪与李云霄争夺起来。 They get rid instantaneous, Gu Qingqing also lightly shouted to clear the way: Gets rid!” 两人出手不过瞬间,顾青青也轻喝道:“出手!” All people one disperses, Gu Qingqing flies to fall to snatch gold/metal furnace directly. 所有人一下散开,顾青青直接飞落下去抢金炉。 Zhu Jun and Meng carve to stop, was actually detained by Qu Hongyan and the others, can only look helplessly that gold/metal furnace falls into Gu Qingqing the hand. 朱钧与孟琢想要阻拦,却被曲红颜等人拦阻,只能眼睁睁的看着那金炉落入顾青青之手。 Hee hee, so wonderful pill, cannot think that turned over to this miss.” “嘻嘻,如此妙丹,想不到归本姑娘了。” Gu Qingqing turns the hand gets up gold/metal Lushou, the whole person changes to the escaping light to go to the palace unexpectedly. 顾青青翻手就将金炉收起,整个人化作遁光竟向殿外而去。 What?!” “什么?!” Li Yunxiao was also startled, depressed incomparable, shouted to clear the way: Blocks her quickly!” 李云霄也是吃了一惊,郁闷无比,喝道:“快拦下她!” But Gu Qingqing the speed is too fast, Qu Hongyan and the others also think that she will seize alone pill and running away, under is caught off guard, where also pursues obtains. 但顾青青速度太快,曲红颜等人也想到她会独自夺丹而逃,措手不及之下,哪里还追得到。 Li Yunxiao, Sir, thanks!” 李云霄,还有诸位大人,谢啦!” A twinkling, Gu Qingqing appeared outside the main hall, the escaping light soared to the heavens to go. 一眨眼,顾青青就出现在了大殿外,遁光冲天而去。 In the palace the people were scared, bustle about to be so long, the death that dying, the wound wound, was picked up a bargain by her finally unexpectedly. 殿内众人都傻了眼,忙乎了这么久,死的死,伤的伤,最后竟是被她捡了便宜。 Suddenly in the expansive sky a red cloud speeds away to come, shortly will arrive at sky over the main hall, shoots in the clouds leaves the multi-colored sunlight, shines, covers the surrounding area several miles. 突然长空上一朵红云疾驰而来,顷刻间就到了大殿上空,云中射・出霞光,照耀而下,笼罩方圆数里。 The escaping light by a rosy cloud glow photo, immediately appears Gu Qingqing the true body, on the face reveals the startled color. 遁光被霞芒一照,立即现出顾青青真身,脸上露出惊色。 Transports good fortune pill to stay behind the day.” “将天运造化丹留下。” In the red cloud hears the vigorous drinking sound, afterward falls to three forms, takes control of unexpectedly, collaborates to pat toward Gu Qingqing on. 红云内传来雄浑的喝声,随后落到三道身影,竟同时出掌,联手往顾青青身上拍去。 „It is not concerned about face!” “不要脸!” Gu Qingqing angrily rebukes, the body ray blooms, both hands gather ten before the body, holds up suddenly, the whole person such as the hasty meteor, is going against that giant palm prestige on. 顾青青怒斥一声,身上光芒绽放起来,双手在身前合十,猛然举起,整个人如急火流星,顶着那巨大的掌威而上。 Bang!” “轰隆隆!” Gu Qingqing the facial color hesitates, the corners of the mouth are holding the ridicule and sneering, both hands take back hug before the body, the similar piece of sunset glow raises, is too the tour bustling place Secret Art, pats swiftly! 顾青青面色沉吟,嘴角噙着讥讽和冷笑,双手收回抱于身前,同样一片红霞升起,正是太游红尘诀,倏然拍去! Bang!” “轰隆!” The spaces of three palm strength seals were shaken unexpectedly, the air pressure humming sound explosive, the sunset glow such as the fresh flower is in full bloom, is loose toward all around bang, seems restores justice. 三道掌力封印的空间蓦地被撼动,空气压得“嗡嗡”爆响,红霞如鲜花盛开,往四周轰散,好似拨云见日。 Bang!” “嘭!” That say/way blockade shortly will be broken, Gu Qingqing the facial color is chilly, under foot lightly, body light like rainbow, crosses the expansive sky to go. 那道封锁顷刻间被破开,顾青青面色清冷,脚下轻点,身轻如虹,横贯长空而去。 Oh, unexpectedly is empty extremely Divine Realm. Your excellency is Gu Qingqing.” “喔,竟是虚极神境。阁下就是顾青青吧。” Circled has not diverged under the impact in the above red cloud, but was the cloud layer dodges, overtook that to wipe the rainbow, hit directly. 盘旋在上空的红云在刚才的冲击下并未散去,而是云层一闪,追上那抹长虹,直接撞去。 Gu Qingqing one startled, that red cloud seems one group of fires, the entire air was dyed the colorful color, is the meteorite falls likely from Nine Heavens, the bracing cold presses her garment clothes flap flap to make noise. 顾青青一惊,那红云好似一团火,整个空气都被染成艳色,又像是陨石从九天坠下,气劲压得她身上的衫衣猎猎作响。 In the red cloud wipes the big male form, the end above the throne, cannot see clearly the facial features. 红云内一抹高大的男子身影,端于王座之上,看不清面容。 Sees only in his tall and strong body, seemed twined by the wire rope, on the four limbs full is the chains, ties up on the throne. 只见他魁梧的身躯上,似乎被铁索缠绕,四肢上满是锁链,绑在王座上。 Gu Qingqing remembers one person suddenly, said panic-strickenly: Four kings!” 顾青青突然想起一人,惊骇道:“四王!” She who just wants to meet turned around immediately, changed fully escapes? Flies to run away. 刚想迎战的她立即转身,全力化作遁?飞逃。 The strength of that red Yun Xie world, on the throne broadcasts the sound enormously and powerful, said: Already recognizes this king, how can there be the principle of escaping?” 那红云携天地之力,浩浩荡荡而下,王座上传来声音,道:“既认出本王,焉有逃脱之理?” In the red cloud hears the sound of wire rope, saw with own eyes that stirs up projects eight silver wire ropes, across the sky goes, blocks the front thousand zhang (3.33 m) spaces all. 红云内传来铁索之声,眼见激・射出八道银色铁索,横空而去,将前方千丈空间尽数封锁。 Eight silver chains pass through the expansive sky, cages toward Gu Qingqing the body, the innumerable crazings tremble, gorgeous of photo, tall and pleasing to the eye. 八道银色锁链贯穿长空,往顾青青身上锁去,无数银纹震颤而起,照的一片绚丽,美轮美奂。 Li Yunxiao and the others already left main hall, watches the fierce struggle on expansive sky, is the shock is incomparable. 李云霄等人早已出了大殿,看得长空上的激斗,都是震惊无比。 The Li Yunxiao ingenious method spirit item sees through that red cloud directly, purity that among the man will look at carefully. The male facial color is light, both hands put in both sides throughout, has not moved. 李云霄的妙法灵目直接看穿那红云,将其内男子端详的一清二楚。男子面色平淡,双手始终放于两端,未曾动弹一下。 These silver wire ropes indeed stubbornly tie up him, with the throne binds together, can actually by its obligation, become the weapon. 那些银色铁索的确是将他死死捆住,跟王座绑在一起,却能被其驱使,成为武器。 On the throne carves various full rune/symbol writing, sends out the weak silver light, probably a seal technique, as if male seal above. 王座上刻满各种符文,散发出微弱的银光,好像一种封印术,似乎将男子封印其上。 Who is this person? So is unexpectedly powerful!” “此人是谁?竟如此强悍!” Li Yunxiao and the others all are in great surprise, south Beizhen also shows the stunned look, does not recognize. 李云霄等人皆是大惊,北圳南也露出愕然的神色,并不认得。 The battle of this moment alligator and Palestinian beautiful jade also gets stronger and stronger, each other cannot win, but the alligator actually stubbornly bites the opposite party, keeping it from withdrawing. 此刻鳄鱼与巴瑾的争斗也愈演愈烈,彼此不能胜,但鳄鱼却是死死咬住对方,让其无法脱身。 The Li Yunxiao form dodges, flickers to move to the Palestinian beautiful jade behind, a sword punctures. 李云霄身影一闪,瞬移至巴瑾身后,一剑刺去。 Works as!” “当!” The Palestinian beautiful jade turns round suddenly, both hands arm with knife to block, the violent anger said: Mean villain, will only sneak attack!” 巴瑾猛然回身,双手持刀挡住,暴怒道:“卑鄙小人,只会偷袭!” Before Ying Shao was sneak attacked by Li Yunxiao, after this Li Yunxiao and the others left the main hall, Palestinian beautiful jade were many mind, really saw to play the same old trick. 之前英韶被李云霄偷袭,这次李云霄等人出了大殿后,巴瑾就多了个心眼,果然见到故技重演。 Li Yunxiao sneers saying: Independent combat with you, but to take your life, why not!” 李云霄冷笑道:“又不是跟你单打独斗,而是为了取你性命,有何不可!” „!” “唰唰唰!” The sword war casualty cuts red several sword glow, compels to attack on, the alligator behind changes half monster in the Palestinian beautiful jade, both hands hold the fist in the other hand excessively, the violent force pounds down! 剑殇斩红化出数道剑芒,逼攻而上,鳄鱼更在巴瑾身后变身半妖,双手抱拳过头,猛力砸下! The converging attack, in the Palestinian beautiful jade heart greatly is anxious, a palm pats on the blade, Zheng punctures the sound, the dazzling blade glow passes, divides into two unexpectedly, melts the geminate blade. 前后夹击,巴瑾心中大急,一掌拍在刀上,“铮”的一声刺响,炫目刀芒晃过,竟然一分为二,化成双刀。 The right-hand men hold a blade respectively, cuts, flood hazy blade glow covers in the whole body. 左右手各持一刀,前后斩去,泛起一片朦朦刀芒罩在周身。 Bang!” “嘭!” The first blade suppresses the sword war casualty to cut red, a subsequent party blade scoffing cuts to become enlightened two halves the alligator, by strength of hard anti- them oneself! 前刀压住剑殇斩红,后手一刀“嗤”的一声将鳄鱼斩开成两半,以一己之力硬抗两人! Hu-hu!” “呼哧!” But the alligator cuts the instance of crack, turns into the innumerable wind edges to cut, is easy to break sends. 但鳄鱼斩裂的瞬间,就化成无数风刃斩下,吹毛断发。 The Palestinian beautiful jade startles greatly, a blade shakes Li Yunxiao suddenly, turns around the double blade to chop hurriedly, the arrange next blade light, cuts broken the innumerable wind edges. 巴瑾大骇,猛然一刀震开李云霄,急忙转身双刀砍出,布下一层刀光,将无数风刃斩碎。 Bang bang bang bang!” “砰砰砰砰!” Four all are the blade shades, 78 brandish double blade afterimage. 四下皆是刀影,还有78道挥舞双刀化出的残影 The Palestinian beautiful jade before and alligator could not struggle hard to withdraw, consumption Origin Force was enormous, now by the converging attack, an innermost feelings anxiety, the words that the long time drags must die without doubt. 巴瑾之前与鳄鱼苦战不得脱身,就耗费元力极大,现在更是被前后夹击,内心一片焦虑,久拖下去的话必死无疑。 Shortly, Li Yunxiao also held the sword to attack, melted surely the sword shade, with alligator wind blade edge coordination, simultaneously in sword shade azure glittering, had the thunder. 顷刻间,李云霄又持剑攻了上来,化出千万剑影,与鳄鱼所化的风刃配合,同时剑影内青光闪烁,带有雷霆。 Bang!” “嘭!” Bang!” “嘭!” On the Palestinian beautiful jade by sword burr, was blown out the blood-stained mouth immediately unceasingly, but the blade glow protects the whole body strategic point, still by strenuous efforts supports. 巴瑾身上立即被剑芒刺中,不断爆出血口,只是刀芒护住全身要害,依然苦苦支撑。 Li Yunxiao stops!” 李云霄住手!” The Palestinian beautiful jade shouts anxiously: I admit defeat, I have made a mistake, that two god pill give you, stops quickly!” 巴瑾急喊道:“我认输,我错了,那两枚神丹都给你,快住手!” On him explodes the hemorrhage hole unceasingly, soon could not support. 他身上不断爆出血洞,快要撑不住了。 Among this powerhouses contests, even if there is palm day boundary to cultivate is, but life and death also on flash, so long as defends is broken, the opposite party with irresistible force, takes oneself life inevitably instantaneously. 这种强者之间过招,即便拥有掌天境修为,但生死也就一瞬间,只要防御被破开,对方必然势如破竹,瞬间取自己性命。 Was dying begs for mercy, in did the world have such truth?” “快死了就求饶,世上有这样的道理吗?” Li Yunxiao is unforgiving, incurs the move to set at the opposite party sharply in the deathtrap, this degree of powerhouse offended now, if cannot put to death, will certainly leave behind the infinite disaster. 李云霄不依不饶,招招犀利要置对方于死地,这种程度的强者现在得罪了,若是不能诛杀,必将留下无穷祸患。 I already admitted defeat, is willing to offer god pill, why with hardship compels!” “我既已认输,又愿奉上神丹,何必苦苦相逼!” The Palestinian beautiful jade is in an uncontrollable rage, clenches teeth saying: Old man is also one generation of powerhouses, how the life allows you to mistreat at will!” 巴瑾怒不可遏,咬牙道:“老夫也是一代强者,性命岂容你随意作践!” Li Yunxiao sneers saying: Under the Heavenly Dao is the ants, how many your my life compared with it snake mouse can on strong, the life and death by the day, sooner or later have the date of falling from the sky, couldn't the Sir have completely understood this?” 李云霄冷笑道:“天道之下皆为蝼蚁,你我之命比之蛇鼠又能强上多少,生死由天,迟早都有陨落之日,难道大人还看不透这层吗?” Ants, in addition lives corruptly, even if I completely understood, is not willing dead at will, why bother otherwise to enter this eternal life, for several thousand years quiet intent where?!” “蝼蚁尚且贪生,我即便看透,也不愿随意而死,否则何苦入这永生之界,数万年来沉寂的意又何在?!” The unwillingness that the Palestinian beautiful jade is filled with, on the Li Yunxiao sword glow and everywhere wind blade edge, the body was pared the innumerable flesh and blood, the facial features were been already fuzzy by the blood, supports to fight. 巴瑾满心的不甘,在李云霄的剑芒和漫天风刃上,身上被削去无数血肉,面容早已被鲜血模糊,强撑而战。 Significance? Heavenly Dao next ants, does itself have what significance? Imposing of wishful thinking gives itself.” “意义?天道下一蝼蚁,本身又有何意义?只是一厢情愿的强加给自己罢了。” Li Yunxiao rebutted with sarcasm, in the hand sword potential even more was swift and fierce, cut unceasingly on the opposite party blade, depended upon the law of brute force to consume opposite party Origin Force, making the opposite party collapse step by step. 李云霄反唇相讥,手中剑势却越发凌厉,不断斩在对方刀上,依靠蛮力之法消耗对方的元力,让对方步步崩溃。 The blade glow of Palestinian beautiful jade is finally weak, exposes weaknesses, had been cut by the wind blade edge together, enters the body strategic point. 巴瑾的刀芒终于不支,露出破绽,被一道风刃斩了进来,直入身躯要害。 !” “噗!” That vital part blows out one group of blood, immediately the imposing manner sharply falls, totals military defeat. 那要害处爆出一团血,顿时气势急落,兵败如山倒。 Scoffs!” “嗤!” Li Yunxiao also takes advantage of opportunity a sword to prick his chest, the penetration. 李云霄也顺势一剑刺入其胸膛,穿透而过。 The Palestinian beautiful jade lowers the head, looks at the white long sword on chest, the flame fires in the wound, the severe pain is incomparable, suddenly mirthless smile, ha.” 巴瑾低头,看着胸膛上的白色长剑,火焰在伤口上灼烧,剧痛无比,突然惨笑一声,“哈哈哈。” Li Yunxiao fears him to put up a last-ditch struggle, pulls out sword to fly to draw back, said: What do you smile?” 李云霄怕他垂死挣扎,抽出剑来飞退,道:“你笑什么?” The Palestinian beautiful jade smiles exceptionally ugly, is almost opens cries, said: I smile the Heavenly Dao circulation, retribution am not feeling well. brave dies under this move beautifully, I snatched his god pill, now must die in this move, but god pill no one want!” 巴瑾笑得异常难看,几乎是张哭脸,道:“我笑天道循环,报应不爽。英韶死在此招下,我抢了他的神丹,现在自己也要死在这招下了,但神丹谁也别想要了!” His facial color one ferocious, storage Wuhuan departs from the body together, immediately a palm pats, must and among the space the link breaks completely. 他面色一狞,一道储物环从身上飞出,随即一掌拍去,要将环和其内空间全部震碎。 Bang!” “嘭!” But the space reverses slightly, before that link, suddenly presents the transparent cyclone, hard anti- this palm, blasts out suddenly. 但空间微微扭转,那环前突然出现透明的气旋,硬抗了这一掌,猛然炸开。 But storage Wuhuan actually departs, was held by Li Yunxiao. 但储物环却是飞出,被李云霄一把抓住。 Li Yunxiao said with a smile lightly: Was laborious.” 李云霄轻笑道:“辛苦了。” Then was condensed the big alligator by the cyclone of scrap in the Li Yunxiao body side, stands before his foot. 那被炸碎的气旋在李云霄身侧凝聚成大鳄鱼,站在其脚边。 Palestinian beautiful jade one under like dying embers, in eye gloomy colorless, fills desperately. 巴瑾一下面如死灰,眼里暗淡无色,充满绝望。 Li Yunxiao several broken went to the storage Wuhuan ban, has inspected, two god pill impressively among, great happiness received. 李云霄几下就将储物环的禁制破去,检查了一下,两枚神丹赫然在其内,大喜的收了起来。 Now in nine pill Palaces nine god pill, had more than half by him obtained. 如今九丹宫内九枚神丹,已有过半被他所得。 Now god pill has turned over to you, how puts my horse? I can refer to the day pledging that this lives will not retaliate!” “如今神丹已归你,放我一马又如何?我可以指天发誓,此生绝不会报复!” The Palestinian beautiful jade moral nature raises again a hope, begs for mercy. 巴瑾心底再升起一丝希望,求饶起来。 // only has one today. //今天只有一更了。
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