UAA :: Volume #20

#1991: Seizes pill ( 6 )

After a Li Yunxiao sword, then flickers to move to draw back, one moves sideways beyond several feet, holds is sneering to face one another. 李云霄一剑之后,便瞬移而退,一下闪身在数丈外,噙着冷笑相望。 Bang!” “轰隆隆!” That four attacks explode under the pocket lead Tianfeng, finally this mountain Zhenfei, but four people were also trembled by the great strength, another three people all are stuffy snort/hum one, has the blood thread to well up the throat indistinctly. 那四道攻击在兜率天峰下爆开,终于将此山震飞,但四人也受到巨力震颤,另外三人皆是闷哼一声,隐约有血丝涌上咽喉。 brave beautifully is similar to a blow to the head, spouts the big mouth blood, even also has the internal organs powder dust. 英韶则是如同当头一棒,“噗”的一声喷出大口血来,甚至还有内脏碎末。 How can like this?!” “怎么会这样?!” brave looks beautifully panic-stricken own front that sword cut, the flame boils the chest unceasingly, spells to try extinguishment that the flame suppresses, but front were many fist big hole, can see the back from front. 英韶惊恐的看着自己胸前那个剑伤,火焰不断将胸膛烧开,拼尽全力才将火焰压制的熄灭,但胸前却多了个拳头大的洞,可以从前面看到背后。 The strength and vitality dissipate on him suddenly, the body starts becomes is stiff and ice-cold, consciousness also gradually blurs. 力量和生机在他身上急剧消散,身体开始变得僵硬和冰冷,就连意识也逐渐模糊。 Palestinian beautiful jade three people had a scare, look at Ying Shao the pitiful condition, the whole body emit the cold sweat. 巴瑾三人都是吓了一跳,看着英韶的惨状,浑身冒出冷汗来。 Mused a moment ago Li Yunxiao, if sneak attacked, whether can shunt, three people all looked deathly pale, obviously the difficulty was enormous, cannot help but trembled, probably walked from Gate of Death. 暗想刚才李云霄若是偷袭的自己,是否能够躲开,三人皆是脸色惨白,显然难度极大,不由得哆嗦起来,就好像从鬼门关走了一趟。 No...... Do not die...... I do not die......” “不……不要死……我不要死……” brave beautifully is the whole body cold sweat is dripping, although front cave entrance has extinguished the ice ghost heart flame, is actually not able to restore, the massive blood and vitalities drain rapidly. 英韶则是浑身冷汗淋漓,胸前的洞口虽然熄灭了冰煞心焰,却根本无法恢复,大量的鲜血和生机飞速流失。 Also is that pocket lead Tianfeng hits twice, making him unexpected, shook injures Origin Qi, even if otherwise Li Yunxiao sneak attacked a sword, was insufficient to burn the wound so big. 也是那兜率天峰两次撞击下来,让他猝不及防,又震伤了元气,否则即便李云霄偷袭一剑,也不至于将伤口烧的如此大。 His trembling takes out a jade box from storage pouch, the trembling sound track of trembling: No...... Will not die...... I...... I have...... Also bright pill......” 他颤巍巍的从储物袋中取出一个玉盒,哆嗦的颤声道:“不……不会死的……我……我还有……还有神丹呢……” That jade box splendid attire god pill's box, in three exactly the same as Li Yunxiao hand. 那玉盒正是盛装神丹的盒子,与李云霄手中的三个一模一样。 „?!” “啊?!” brave called out pitifully beautifully suddenly, saw only the Palestinian beautiful jade to flash through before him, took that jade box in the hand, in the eye revealed the happy expression, turned the hand to receive. 英韶突然惨叫一声,只见巴瑾在他面前闪过,将那玉盒取在了手里,眼里露出喜色,翻手就收了起来。 Then shows the look that pities to come, the Palestinian beautiful jade sorrow sighed: Sir Ying Shao, you could not live in any case, why must waste a god pill. Had this pill, the old man is hopeful proceeds to break through once more, in the future will certainly revenge for the Sir.” 转而露出怜悯的神色来,巴瑾哀叹道:“英韶大人,反正你是活不了了,为何要浪费一枚神丹呢。有了此丹,老夫就有希望再次往前突破,将来一定会替大人报仇的。” „...... No...... Does not want...... Also...... Gives back to me......” “啊……不……不要……还……还给我……” The entreaty of British beautiful whole face, trembling from the sky walks, but the step is actually more and more steep, finally staggered from airborne crashes, falls has struggled several on the ground, died thoroughly. 英韶满脸的哀求,颤巍巍的在空中走过去,但步伐却是越来越陡,终于一个踉跄就从空中坠落,摔在地上挣扎了几下,彻底死去。 A palm day boundary powerhouse such vexed death. 一名掌天境强者就这样窝囊的死了。 In the main hall a feeling of like grieve for like, everyone is cloudy the face, the mood of not being able to say. 大殿内一股兔死狐悲的感觉,每个人都阴沉着脸,说不出的心情。 Ying Shao who everybody hate died, everybody should happy is right.” “人人都痛恨的英韶死了,大家应该开心才对呀。” Li Yunxiao sneers, the pocket lead Tianfeng returned to the palm, ray dispersing, dies, this little cuts down the woods, it seems like must pound again 34 times.” 李云霄冷笑不已,兜率天峰回到了掌心,光芒一圈圈散开,“不过才死一个,本少伐开森,看来还得再砸个34次。” Mo in great surprise, shouted to clear the way: May not!” 陌大惊,喝道:“不可!” His for fear that Li Yunxiao once more throws the pocket lead Tianfeng, this time feared that was nobody dares to keep off, then the day transported good fortune pill to be dangerous, immediately got rid suddenly, a handle long spear/gun punctured from out of the blue. 他生怕李云霄再次扔出兜率天峰,这次怕是没人敢去挡了,那么天运造化丹就危险了,当下猛然出手,一柄长枪破空刺去。 Works as!” “当!” A Li Yunxiao boxing on the spear's/gun's body, that war spear/gun shakes, shakes him draws back more than ten steps. 李云霄一拳击在枪身上,那战枪一抖,将他震退十余步。 Zhu Jun and other people also one bullies the body on, encircles Li Yunxiao and Gu Qingqing in the center. 朱钧等三人也一下欺身而上,将李云霄和顾青青围在中央。 Gu Qingqing by in the Li Yunxiao back, sinking sound track: By two enemies four, can have the odds of success?” 顾青青靠在李云霄后背,沉声道:“以二敌四,可有胜算?” Li Yunxiao sneers saying: Not by two enemies four, but by seven enemies four.” 李云霄冷笑道:“可不是以二敌四,而是以七敌四。” World God monument departs slowly, Qu Hongyan, Luo Yunchang and non- Ni will shortly appear, Beizhen south and survey bullfight. 界神碑缓缓飞出,曲红颜洛云裳、非倪顷刻出现,还有北圳南与巡天斗牛。 This, should by eight enemies four.” “还有这个,应该是以八敌四。” Last astral wind circles in flight, turns into the alligator to lie on his shoulder. 最后一道罡风飞旋而起,化成鳄鱼趴在他肩头上。 This lineup, Zhu Jun and other people are startled dumbfoundedly, gawked good to realize that the matter was not wonderful. 此阵容一出,朱钧等四人惊得目瞪口呆,愣了好一阵才意识到事情不妙。 The Palestinian beautiful jade is fearful and apprehensive, one thinks, when nine pill Palaces, oneself also want to strike to kill this person first, saves a life simply! 巴瑾更是心惊胆寒,一下想到在九丹宫的时候,自己还想先击杀此人,简直就是捡回了一条命啊! Under the intention phonograph, he takes the bull by the horns, turns around rushes toward the main hall outside. 心念电转之下,他当机立断,掉头就往大殿外奔去。 The tour of this emperor pill Building he obtained two ten step god pill, even if did not have the day to transport good fortune pill not to regret. 这趟帝丹楼之行他已经得到了两枚十阶神丹,即便没有天运造化丹也没有遗憾了。 But dozens sword glow come from out of the blue, one blocks his way, dispels before its one by one, cold light bone-chilling cold, forms sword. 但数十道剑芒破空而来,一下拦住他的去路,在其身前逐一排开,寒光凛冽,结成剑阵。 „To walk, leaves behind two god pill!” The Li Yunxiao sneering sound transmits. /p >\; “想走可以,将两枚神丹留下!”李云霄的冷笑声传来。/p>\; The Palestinian beautiful jade gets angry: Two? You were also too greedy! If all gives you, this old man how could it not be Bai to come?” 巴瑾怒道:“两枚?你也太贪心了吧!若是全给你,这一趟老夫岂非白来了?” Li Yunxiao said with a smile: Does not leave behind pill, then leaves behind the life, oneself elect.” 李云霄笑道:“不留下丹,便留下命,自己选吧。” The Palestinian beautiful jade is cloudy the face, the Li Yunxiao body is leaning several people, although only then returns to original condition cultivating of Divine Realm is, but the population is extremely numerous, suppresses them divides minute's of matter. 巴瑾阴沉着脸,李云霄身侧几人虽然只有归真神境的修为,但人数极多,压制他们是分分钟的事。 But , if not resist with them hardly, must walk wholeheartedly, but also not necessarily blocked itself below. 可自己如果不跟他们硬抗,一心要走的话,还真未必拦的下自己。 „To take me to assign, that must look that you have not to have this strength!” “想取我命,那也得看你有没这实力!” The Palestinian beautiful jade berated one, turned around to divide on the double palm, struck all in sword, wanted break array to run away. 巴瑾喝斥一声,转身就双掌劈出,尽数击在剑阵上,要破阵而逃。 Bang! Bang! Bang!” “砰!砰!砰!” More than ten handle swords cannot block that palm prestige, was shaken to fly directly, other treasured swords also tremble to keep, exude humming sound the whining noise. 十余柄剑挡不住那掌威,直接被震飞起来,其余宝剑也震颤不停,发出嗡嗡鸣声。 Haha, wants to walk, has a dream!” “哈哈,想走,做梦!” Li Yunxiao laughs at one, shouted to clear the way: On!” 李云霄嗤笑一声,喝道:“上!” The alligator on shoulder changes to astral wind to circle in flight to go suddenly, likely is dense dark cloud, sky over the main hall was sheared the innumerable tiny cracks, such as random walk of tadpole. 肩头上的鳄鱼猛然化作罡风飞旋而去,像是黑压压的一股乌云,大殿上空被割出无数细小裂缝,如蝌蚪似的游走。 The Palestinian beautiful jade turns head hurriedly, lets go to throw several rays, the perpendicular incidence. 巴瑾急忙回头,撒手就扔出数道光芒,直射而来。 Bang! Bang! Bang!” “砰!砰!砰!” The ray shoots through that tornado, however and egg, the terrifying storm falls loudly. 光芒射穿那旋风,然并卵,恐怖的暴风轰然落下。 Palestinian beautiful jade startled , the instinct of powerhouse manifests, immediately restores calmly, is not on the point of death chaotic, a white satin ribbon does not know when appears in the hand, rises against the wind. 巴瑾惊慌之下,强者的本能就体现出来,立即恢复镇定,临危不乱,一条白色的缎带不知何时出现在手里,迎风而涨。 Hu-hu!” “呼哧!” That satin ribbon flew, the above white light flashes, likely is stratification. 那缎带飞了起来,上面一层白光闪动,像是一层结界。 Bang!” “轰!” The astral wind bang on that satin ribbon, fell immediately, the satin ribbon fierce fetter, forces the alligator true body the astral wind, has bundled a solidity. 罡风轰在那缎带上,立即陷了进去,缎带猛的束缚起来,将罡风勒出鳄鱼真身,捆了个结实。 What?” “什么?” Li Yunxiao has gawked, cannot think that this Palestinian beautiful jade also has real skill, he is preparing to get rid, actually under sees that alligator to be furious to open mouth, puts out flame. 李云霄愣了一下,想不到这巴瑾还有两下子,他正准备出手,却见那鳄鱼震怒之下张开嘴来,吐出一片火焰。 The phoenix that bought is really hot, but after it swallows unceasingly the astral wind is formidable, two species lose balanced, has suppressed in the body. 正是原先吸纳的凤凰真火,只是它不断吞食罡风强大后,两种属性失去平衡,就一直压制在身体里。 whistling!” “呼呼呼!” The God Fire blowout, falls on the satin ribbon, in addition the astral wind blows, immediately the fire intensity rises sharply, almost burns the entire main hall. 神火喷出,落在缎带上,加上罡风一吹,立即火势大涨,几乎燃遍整个大殿。 The satin ribbon is roasting to burn, immediately the miraculous glow big powder, the alligator one flushed, changes to the body of half monster to throw to go forward. 缎带在炙烧下,立即灵光大散,鳄鱼一下就冲了出来,化作半妖之身扑上前去。 After the Palestinian beautiful jade sees it torches, in great surprise, the satin ribbon does not want, changes to the escaping light to walk together. 巴瑾见它喷火后就大惊,缎带也不要了,化作一道遁光就走。 But where escapes fast can result in the wind of five elements spirit body to escape quickly, runs out of main hall dozens zhang (3.33 m), was overtaken by the alligator, one falls down! 但遁速哪能快得过五行灵体的风遁,才冲出大殿数十丈,就被鳄鱼追上,一下扑倒! Bang!” “嘭!” The ground was pounded a big hole, and fissure diverges toward all around unceasingly. 地面被砸了个大坑,并且裂痕不断往四周发散。 Sees only the verve tornado to circle in flight in that inside the hole, and shoots up to the sky, among cannot see clearly the situation completely. 只见刚猛的旋风在那大坑内飞旋,并且冲天而起,完全看不清其内情况。 The earthshaking sound spreads to the palace, Zhu Jun and Meng Zhuojie is the complexion is ugly, gloomy and depression of Mo also whole face. 惊天动地的声音传入殿中,朱钧和孟琢皆是脸色难看,陌也满脸的阴沉和郁闷。 Merely one astral wind spirit has surrounded the Palestinian beautiful jade, the remaining seven people cope with their three, is in the heart the surging dilutedness. 仅仅一只罡风化灵就困住了巴瑾,剩下七人对付他们三个,都是心中涌起无力感。 Three do also want to compete?” “三位还想争夺吗?” Li Yunxiao ridicules, vision coldly looks. 李云霄讥笑起来,目光冷冷的看着。 Zhu Jun heart Ba Liangba is cool, looked Meng Zhuo one eyes, sought information his opinion. 朱钧一颗心拔凉拔凉的,回望了孟琢一眼,征询他的意见。 Meng carves in that one-eyed severe glow to flash, sinking sound track: „Does the Monster Clan friend, how you think?” 孟琢那只独眼里厉芒闪动,沉声道:“妖族的朋友,你觉得如何?” Mo's helpless shaking the head, said: I spoke frankly, this female who called Gu Qingqing was not the common palm day boundary powerhouse, similarly has also stepped into empty extremely Divine Realm, her I then could not only fight, only if two can take another six people, this war was meaningful.” 陌无奈的摇了摇头,道:“恕我直言,这位叫顾青青的女子并非一般的掌天境强者,同样也踏入了虚极神境,仅她一人我便战不下,除非二位能拿下另外六人,此战才有意义。” Zhu Jun and Meng carve are with amazement, shock is looking at Gu Qingqing, immediately they become dejected. 朱钧与孟琢更是骇然不已,震惊的望着顾青青,随即两人都变得颓然起来。 Zhu Jun raised the head, in the eye is flashing the fine glow, said: You are not only the Lord of World God monument, has seen Sir Mu Xing, thinks that also knows the matter of profound offshore islands. We present the command of island Lord to transport good fortune pill to bring back this day, do you want to resist with the profound offshore islands?” 朱钧抬起头来,眼里闪动着精芒,道:“你既是界神碑之主,又见过穆星大人,想必也知道玄离岛的事。我们奉岛主之令将此天运造化丹带回,难道你想与玄离岛对抗吗?” Yo, started to threaten me.” “哟哟,开始威胁我了呀。” Li Yunxiao hehe smiles, puts out a hand to say: Two are good, does not deliver.” 李云霄呵呵一笑,伸手请道:“两位好走,不送。” Zhu Jun sees him not to show due respect for the feelings completely, depressed incomparable, can only remain silent to hold the fist in the other hand saying: That has another chance to meet.” 朱钧见他完全不给面子,郁闷无比,只能闷声抱拳道:“那后会有期。” They turn around to depart, but before an utmost palace gate, stopped in pairs. 两人转身就离去,但一至大殿门前,双双停了下来。 Li Yunxiao pupil micro, as if realized that anything, said in a low voice: Be careful, as if has anything not to be right!” 李云霄瞳孔微缩,似乎察觉到了什么,低声道:“小心,似乎有什么不对!” Gu Qingqing said with a smile: „Can these two young animals also overturn the heavens inadequately?” 顾青青笑道:“这两个小崽子难道还能翻天不成?” Sees only Zhu Jun to turn around suddenly, shows the strange smiling face, said: We suddenly changed the mind.” 只见朱钧突然转过身来,露出诡异的笑容,道:“我们突然改变主意了。” „? Does not know that which two Sirs from do obtain this courage?” “哦?不知两位大人是从哪得到这份胆气的?” Saying that Li Yunxiao maintains composure: Is it possible that did two brains go bad suddenly?” 李云霄不动声色的说道:“莫非两位脑子突然坏了?” Zhu Jun did not answer, but asked: „The Monster Clan friend, you may have confidence to divert that Gu Qingqing, the remaining people give both of us.” 朱钧不答,而是问道:“妖族的朋友,你可有把握将那顾青青牵制住,剩下之人就交给我们两人。” Mo knits the brows: „, I am also very curious, is it possible that two have gone bad the brain really? The matter that has not grasped I never do.” 陌皱眉道:“哦,我也很好奇呢,两位莫非真的是坏了脑子?没有把握的事我从来不做。” Zhu Jun said with a smile: So long as you can divert Gu Qingqing, I then have the enormous assurance. But I transported good fortune pill also to exert its utmost to that day, later can use two god pill as your reward.” 朱钧笑道:“只要你能牵制住顾青青,我便有极大的把握。但我对那天运造化丹也是势在必得,之后可以用二枚神丹作为你的报酬。” Li Yunxiao congealing sound track: Two god pill who you said that won't be on the Palestinian beautiful jade that two?” 李云霄凝声道:“你说的二枚神丹,不会是巴瑾身上那两枚吧?” Hehe, Young Master Yunxiao is really intelligent. God pill who which otherwise my two people come.” “呵呵,云霄公子果然聪慧。否则我二人哪来的神丹。” Zhu Jun spreads out both hands, smiles. 朱钧摊开双手,轻轻一笑。 The Li Yunxiao facial color sinks to congeal, said: Two have any clever trick to cause, is why mystical in this attire, if I have not guessed that wrong, considered the reinforcements to arrive!” 李云霄面色沉凝,道:“两位有什么诡计就使出来,何必在这装神秘,若是我没猜错的话,当是有援兵到了!” Zhu Jundao: How was, can only say that your chance was insufficient, missed with this pill.” 朱钧道:“是又如何,只能说你机缘不够,与此丹无缘了。” His saying was equal to acknowledging had the reinforcements, Li Yunxiao and the others all were the complexion big changes. 他这话等于承认了有援军,李云霄等人皆是脸色大变。 Who although does not know reinforcements, but inevitably is the master on profound offshore islands. This island gathered of most powerhouse eternal life, the strength has gone against heaven's will, feared that was entire Heavenly Martial World joins up to be not necessarily able the enemy. 虽不知援军何人,但必然是玄离岛上的高手。此岛聚集了永生之界大半的强者,实力之强可谓逆天,怕是整个天武界联合起来都未必能敌。 Li Yunxiao flickers to move suddenly , the five fingers grasp to that gold/metal furnace, so long as the gold/metal furnace succeeds in obtaining, even if the reinforcements in profound offshore islands are strong, hits at least can run away. 李云霄猛然瞬移而下,五指抓向那金炉,只要金炉到手,就算玄离岛的援军再强,打不过至少能逃吧。
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