UAA :: Volume #20

#1990: Seizes pill ( 5 )

Mu Xing walks, the atmosphere in field becomes subtle. 穆星一走,场内的气氛又变得微妙起来。 brave first had the opinion beautifully, called out: Both of us deal with one person, your three people deal with one person, is this bureau rather unfair?” 英韶首先就有意见了,叫道:“我们二人对付一人,你们三人对付一人,这个局未免不公吧?” Li Yunxiao knits the brows: Mu Xing walks because of my word, to put it bluntly is I persuades to quit, what comes unfairly?” 李云霄皱眉道:“穆星是因我之言而走的,说白了是我劝退的,何来不公?” brave beautiful hey said with a smile: Words, although so, but you by three enemies one , was too rather relaxed, my two people refused to accept.” 英韶嘿嘿笑道:“话虽如此,但你们以三敌一,也未免太轻松了吧,我二人不服。” Li Yunxiao gets angry: „Can you also again shameless? How should that assign in your opinion?” 李云霄怒道:“你还能再无耻点吗?那以你之见该如何分配?” brave chatters: Young Master Yunxiao the mortal body accomplishment, does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish, when by an enemy two, that Monster Clan friend may with our one group.” 英韶道:“云霄公子肉身大成,不死不灭,当以一敌二,那位妖族的朋友可与我们一组。” Haha, coveted incautiously has become poor, this corrupt reading made the travel of your seizing pill probably shift to an earlier time to answer a curtain call!” “哈哈,太贪了一不小心就成了贫,这贪念让你的夺丹之旅要提早谢幕了啊!” The Li Yunxiao whole face sneers, points at brave to chatter: „, This person is really hateful, in my opinion might as well make him answer a curtain call first!” 李云霄满脸冷笑,指着英韶道:“诸位,此人着实可恶,以我之见不如先让他谢幕!” British beautiful complexion big change, shouted to clear the way severely: Li Yunxiao, you were insane!” 英韶脸色大变,厉喝道:“李云霄,你疯了吧!” Insane? This little sober very! Can the two Sirs in profound offshore islands, be interested in collaborating?” “疯?本少清醒的很!玄离岛的两位大人,可有兴趣联手?” Li Yunxiao at a moderate pace saying. 李云霄不紧不慢的说道。 Situation at this moment he had almost victory in the hand, biggest variable in Gu Qingqing, if Gu Qingqing can help him, then all things without cause for grief. 此刻的局势他几乎胜券在握了,最大变数就在顾青青,若是顾青青能助他,则万事无忧。 Now every time cleans one person, his odds of success must increase several points. 现在每扫除一人,他的胜算就要增加几分。 Zhu Jun complex is looking at Li Yunxiao, said: Ying Shao is indeed hateful, this place also wants to execute quickly then. But the threat of Young Master Yunxiao is not small, whether the young master considered transports good fortune pill to remise us the day, I and Meng Zhuo can give the young master other compensation.” 朱钧复杂的望着李云霄,道:“英韶的确可恶,本座也想诛之而后快。但云霄公子的威胁也不小,公子可否考虑将天运造化丹让与我们,我和孟琢可以给公子另外的补偿。” After knowing Li Yunxiao is World God monument main, Zhu Jun and Meng carve do not want the contradiction with him. 在得知李云霄界神碑主后,朱钧与孟琢都不想跟他发生矛盾。 „? I pour very curiously, what compensates to can be as good as the day to transport good fortune pill?” Li Yunxiao thinks somewhat strangely, felt that Zhu Jun seemed to be polite. “哦?我倒很好奇,什么补偿能抵得上天运造化丹呢?”李云霄觉得有些奇怪,感觉朱钧似乎过于客气了些。 Zhu Jundao: Day transports the good fortune pill's value we naturally to know that temporarily cannot find out the method that has anything to compensate, in the future must have the repayment.” 朱钧道:“天运造化丹的价值我们自然知道,暂时也想不出有什么补偿的法子,将来必有回报。” Li Yunxiao beckons with the hand saying: Does not do to coax I with the unofficial receipt, a bewilderment, illusory compensation, wants to trade the day to transport good fortune pill, extremely indulged in fantasy.” 李云霄摆手道:“休要拿白条忽悠我,一个莫名其妙,虚无缥缈的‘补偿’,就想换走天运造化丹,太过异想天开了。” Zhu Jun also thought that own words are somewhat weak, the forced smile said: That then did not have idea, after all precious of this pill, the rare thing can arrive. The words turn over to the subject, I also approve of make brave answer a curtain call first beautifully.” 朱钧也觉得自己的话有些幼稚,苦笑道:“那便没辙了,毕竟此丹之珍贵,罕有东西能抵。话归正题,我也赞同先让英韶谢幕。” British beautiful complexion big change, draws back to the Palestinian beautiful jade body side hurriedly, said: Palestinian beautiful jade Sir, your I now an online grasshopper, if I were pursued by them, feared that was next is one's turn the Sir you.” 英韶脸色大变,急忙退至巴瑾身侧,道:“巴瑾大人,你我现在一条线上的蚂蚱了,若是我被他们驱逐,怕是下一个就轮到大人你了。” The Palestinian beautiful jade also appears somewhat tense, Zhu Jun and Meng carve one group, Li Yunxiao and Gu Qingqing as if have the complicated relation, the people of remaining that Monster Clan and they complete the order form. If Ying Shao were pursued, oneself can only warm up with that Monster Clan sticking together, but that Monster Clan seems like extremely cold proud, is not necessarily able to pay attention to itself. 巴瑾也显得有些紧张,朱钧与孟琢一伙,李云霄与顾青青似乎有千丝万缕的联系,就剩下那妖族之人和他们两人落单。若是英韶被驱逐,自己就只能与那妖族抱团取暖了,但那妖族看似极为冷傲,未必会理睬自己。 Under the intention phonograph, the Palestinian beautiful jade had realized immediately the importance that Ying Shao has, snort/hum said immediately: Sir Ying Shao felt relieved, I must with the Sir altogether onset and retreat!” 心念电转之下,巴瑾立即意识到了英韶存在的重要性,当即哼道:“英韶大人放心,我必与大人共进退!” Haha, good, good that said.” “哈哈,好,说的好。” Li Yunxiao claps hands to laugh, said: This chapter one can solve two!” 李云霄抚掌大笑,道:“这回一下就可以解决两个了!” Zhu Jun nods to say with a smile: „, Saved troublesome.” 朱钧点头笑道:“正是,省了麻烦。” Meng carves also from outside the main hall walks into, one to Zhu Jun body side, coldly looks at Ying Shao and Palestinian beautiful jade with the one-eyed, they are afraid. 孟琢也从大殿外走入,一下至朱钧身侧,冷冷的用独眼看着英韶和巴瑾,两人不寒而栗。 Zhu Jundao: We eat the point to owe, two people cope with Ying Shao, another person is solved by your three people.” 朱钧道:“我们就吃点亏,二人对付英韶,另外一人就由你们三人解决吧。” Meng carves also hey smiles one, said: This owes being glad that I may eat.” 孟琢也嘿笑一声,道:“这亏我可吃的乐意。” brave flustered with the Palestinian beautiful jade beautifully immediately. 英韶和巴瑾顿时慌了。 The Palestinian beautiful jade is also the dizziness, he thinks oneself with a British Beautiful Station battleline, the opposite party will worry, re-enters balances the game, but cannot think oneself have feeling such low, immediately is busy at the say/way: Goes to brave beautifully, has nothing to do with the old man, the old man is also willing with crusade against Ying Shao together.” 巴瑾也是眩晕不已,他原以为自己跟英韶站一阵线,对方就会有所顾虑,重新进入平衡游戏,但想不到自己存在感如此之低,顿时忙道:“诸位是冲着英韶去的,与老夫无关,老夫也愿与诸位一道讨伐英韶。” Said his shunt, with the appearance of brave beautiful clear boundary. 说完他就一下闪开,与英韶化清界限的模样。 brave almost spits blood beautifully, gets angry: „The Palestinian beautiful jade, cultivates the behavior cannot be too mean!” 英韶差点吐血,怒道:“巴瑾,做人不能太卑鄙!” The Palestinian beautiful jade sneers saying: Who is mean to compare to result in you? You now are the people public enemy, gave up any idea of that deceives me to work oneself to death for you, the intelligent words hurry to get the hell out!” 巴瑾冷笑道:“论卑鄙谁比得过你?你现在是众人公敌,休想诓骗我替你卖命,聪明的话就赶紧滚蛋!” British beautiful cold sound track: You think that I got the hell out, can you stay behind?” 英韶寒声道:“你以为我滚蛋了,你就能留下吗?” The Palestinian beautiful jade complexion is unattractive, knows that the possibility is extremely low, but if with the British beautiful battleline, then must defeat without doubt. 巴瑾脸色也不好看,知道可能性极低,但若是与英韶一条阵线,则是必败无疑了。 p >\; Ying Shaochao distant place Mo has incurred starting, high sound track: „Can this Monster Clan friend, hope with our battleline? Otherwise if goes well by Li Yunxiao and profound offshore islands, your excellency was also dangerous!” p>\;英韶朝远处的陌招了下手,高声道:“这位妖族的朋友,可愿与我们一条阵线?否则若是被李云霄和玄离岛得手,阁下也就危险了!” The Mo whole face complex color, he knows that Li Yunxiao also has World God monument, Qu Hongyan and non- Ni and other powerhouses, have twelve day evil deity this to go against heaven's will the magical powers. 陌满脸复杂之色,他知道李云霄还有界神碑,还有曲红颜和非倪等强者,更有十二都天神煞阵这等逆天神通。 The people in profound offshore islands are not clear, but he actually really understands, once Ying Shao and Palestinian beautiful jade leave the field, on that day transported good fortune pill ten to have eight nine fell in Li Yunxiao. 玄离岛的人不明白,但他却是真正明白,一旦英韶和巴瑾离场,那天运造化丹十有八・九就落在李云霄手里了。 The Li Yunxiao lonely vision looked, said: Mo, can you really with me for the enemy?” 李云霄冷清的目光望了过去,道:“陌,你真的要与我为敌吗?” Mo whole body shakes, shakes the head saying: This for the enemy, does not run counter to my commitment, treasure front everybody has the opportunity, why must remise you.” 陌浑身一震,摇头道:“这不是为敌,并不违背我之承诺,宝物面前人人都有机会,为何要让与你。” He one steps into fights the circle, said: Two of profound offshore islands, have not been cheated by Li Yunxiao, in his hand control Saint, some inside also many powerhouses, if the British beautiful two people are forced to the field, unmanned will be able to suppress Li Yunxiao again!” 他一下踏入战圈,道:“玄离岛的两位,可别被李云霄蒙骗了,他手中掌控圣器,里面还有不少强者,若是英韶二人被迫离场,将再无人压制得住李云霄了!” The people are the complexion big change, Zhu Jun and Meng Zhuogeng were startled, they know in the Li Yunxiao hand to have World God monument, had not actually considered that among also has the powerhouse. 众人都是脸色大变,朱钧和孟琢更是吃了一惊,他们知道李云霄手中有界神碑,却未考虑到其内还有强者。 Li Yunxiao one becomes is the target of public criticism immediately, Zhu Jun, Meng Zhuo, Ying Shao and Palestinian beautiful jade four vision are staring at him stubbornly. 李云霄顿时一下成为众矢之的,朱钧、孟琢、英韶和巴瑾四道目光死死盯着他。 Hey, this boy has gone against heaven's will, unexpectedly also has Saint! This thing is very rare 100,000 years ago!” brave sneers to say beautifully: Now I thought how you also make me answer a curtain call ahead of time!” “嘿嘿,这小子真是逆天了,居然还身怀圣器!这东西可是在100000年前都十分罕见呐!”英韶冷笑道:“现在我看你还如何让我提前谢幕!” The Palestinian beautiful jade also said: additional first fullmoon Kina god pill, his body had two god pill, Saint...... Hey...... Takes this person, the treasure also sufficed us to divide. Even if cannot obtain the day to transport good fortune pill, can make up for some regrets.” 巴瑾也是说道:“加上元基那枚神丹,他身上有二枚神丹了,还有圣器……嘿嘿……将此人拿下,宝物也够我们大家分了。即便得不到天运造化丹,也能弥补些许遗憾。” In the British beautiful eye blows out fine glow, said with a smile ferociously: Any words that spoke, Saint high of value, does not transport under good fortune pill in the day!” 英韶眼里爆出精芒,狞笑道:“说的什么话,圣器的价值之高,并不在天运造化丹下!” Ah, then what to do can? They must hit us.” “啊呀,这下可怎么办?他们要打我们了。” An appearance of Gu Qingqing fear, turns around to hide in Li Yunxiao behind, finds out the head. 顾青青一副害怕的样子,转身躲在李云霄身后,探出脑袋来。 Li Yunxiao is ice-cold is staring at Mo, said: Good, Sir Mo may probably remember that surely the bureau of today, this account another day again calculates with you!” 李云霄则是冰冷的盯着陌,道:“好,陌大人可千万要记得今日之局,这笔账他日再跟你算!” Mo knits the brows: Seizes pill depending on the method.” 陌皱眉道:“凭手段夺丹而已。” brave kills the heart to be big beautifully, shouted to clear the way: Also rubbish with him anything, that female is not the good thing, perhaps body also bright pill, strikes to kill his them, we gained in a big way!” 英韶杀心大起,喝道:“还跟他废话什么,那女的也不是什么好东西,身上或许也有神丹,将他两人击杀,我们就赚大了!” Zhu Jun sighed: Two, so long as the present departs, no longer participates to seize pill, I will carve with Meng will then not get rid.” 朱钧叹道:“两位只要现在离去,不再参与夺丹,我与孟琢便不会出手。” brave beautifully in great surprise, busy say/way: Sir this is any words, they have......” 英韶大惊,忙道:“大人这是什么话,他们身怀……” The words told only half that has had food stuck in the throat, the vision that Zhu Jun ice-cold and disdains throws, complete does not want to manage his appearance. 话说到一半就噎住了,朱钧冰冷和不屑的目光投来,完全一副不想理他的样子。 Li Yunxiao guessed correctly that was Mu Xing said anything to them mostly, shook the head saying: Was sorry, my this person has a temperament, does not see the coffin not to shed tears, makes me see the coffin.” 李云霄猜到多半是穆星跟他们说了什么,摇头道:“抱歉了,我这人就有个脾气,不见棺材不掉泪,诸位还是让我见见棺材吧。” Knows that not discussed the leeway again, Li Yunxiao was not wordy, on the right hand six color rays flew, worked on the pocket lead Tianfeng to throw. 知道再无商量余地,李云霄也不啰嗦,右手上六色光芒飞起,抓起兜率天峰一扔。 Bang!” “嘭!” The air one was hit to explode, the direction that mountain peak throws unexpectedly is not an enemy, but pounds directly to side. 空气一下被打爆,那山峰掷去的方向竟不是敌人,而是直接砸向旁边。 But under that mountain shade gold/metal furnace! 而那山影下方正是金炉! zi! The scoundrels, you want to destroy god pill unexpectedly!” “嗞!混账,你竟想毁去神丹!” brave screamed beautifully fiercely, several other people are also the whole body tremble, stare the big eye. 英韶猛地尖叫了一声,其余几人也是浑身一颤,瞪大眼睛。 Mo and Gu Qingqing are in heart one cold, simultaneously understood the Li Yunxiao strategy. 陌和顾青青则是心中一凛,同时明白了李云霄的战略。 Pounds gold/metal furnace with the pocket lead Tianfeng, they definitely will rescue, but gold/metal furnace is the hot potato, no one dares Bang, can only attack the pocket lead Tianfeng...... 用兜率天峰砸金炉,他们必然会去救,而金炉是烫手山芋,谁也不敢砰,就只能攻击兜率天峰了…… Mo and Gu Qingqing simultaneously on the forehead emit the cold sweat, secretly by Li Yunxiao planned to frighten astutely, this move may suffice the toxin really! 陌和顾青青同时额头上冒出冷汗,暗暗被李云霄的精明算计吓到了,这一招可真够毒啊! The pocket lead Tianfeng directly contends with existence of earth-shaking seal, even if they break in empty cultivate to extremely do not dare to meet hardly. 兜率天峰可是直接抗衡翻天覆地印的存在,就算他们冲入虚极修为也不敢硬接。 Sees only two rays to fly to shoot, is Ying Shao and Palestinian beautiful jade, they flicker to move to sky over the gold/metal furnace, simultaneously gets rid to go toward that pocket lead Tianfeng bang. 只见两道光芒飞射而下,正是英韶和巴瑾,两人瞬移至金炉上空,同时出手往那兜率天峰轰去。 They are confident, collaborates to strike to let that mountain peak disintegration inevitably. 两人都是信心满满,联手一击下必然让那山峰崩碎。 But in world matter, often/common Nansui the person hopes...... 但世间事,常难遂人愿…… Bang!” “嘭!” Bang!” “嘭!” Two giant explosives, the spirit pressure was suppressed under the mountain peak, is unable to diverge, is changes to the impact instead to shake to return! 两道巨大的爆响,灵压在山峰底下被压制,无法散去,更是化作冲击反震而回! The pocket lead Tianfeng also stagnated under the attack several breath, but increases one time immediately , to continue to fall following the original path! 兜率天峰也在攻击下停滞了几个呼吸,但随即增大一倍有余,继续顺着原先的轨迹落下! What?!” “什么?!” brave is beautiful, Palestinian beautiful jade and Zhu Jun and Meng Zhuo four human eye beads raised, that mountain peak rolling falls, crush to them and gold/metal furnace. 英韶、巴瑾、朱钧和孟琢四人眼珠子都凸了出来,那山峰滚滚而落,碾压向两人和金炉。 Rumble!” “咕噜!” At this time brave with Palestinian beautiful jade their brain instantaneous blanks, the words gold/metal furnace that ran away was finished beautifully, words who does not run away were finished, has not actually thought that must hold gold/metal Lupao. 英韶和巴瑾两人脑子瞬间空白,这个时候逃的话金炉完蛋,不逃的话自己完蛋,却没有想到要抱着金炉跑。 After all that thing touches becomes will be the target of public criticism, Guo Yang is the living fate. 毕竟那东西一碰就会成为众矢之的,郭阳就是活生生的下场。 Gets rid quickly!” “快出手!” Zhu Jun bellows suddenly, flickers to move , the double palm one pats at earliest convenience toward the mountain peak, exclaimed: Gets rid fully, otherwise gold/metal furnace was finished!” 朱钧猛然大吼一声,也瞬移而下,双掌一合就往山峰拍去,吼道:“全力出手,否则金炉就完蛋了!” Meng carves is also the diving posture falls, follows takes control. 孟琢也是飞身落下,紧随其后出掌。 brave responded beautifully immediately with the Palestinian beautiful jade, and confidence increased, does not dare to have retains slightly, struck fully on. 英韶与巴瑾立即反应过来,并且信心大增,再不敢有丝毫保留,全力一击而上。 Four attacks such as the rainbow shoots spatially. 四道攻击如长虹射空。 The Li Yunxiao corners of the mouth hold ice-cold smiling, in the eye the murderous intention are dodging, flickers to move, appears in brave behind, a sword punctures beautifully fiercely! 李云霄嘴角噙着冰冷的笑,眼里杀机一闪,就瞬移而下,出现在英韶身后,猛地一剑刺去! brave felt beautifully immediately abnormal risk, that is Martial Artist one instinct responded, panic-stricken under turns round hurriedly the blade! 英韶立即感到了异常危险,那是武者的一种本能反应,惊骇之下急忙回身出刀! Zheng!” “铮!” The blade sound just made a sound, blade glow starts, the rapid sound punctures the person eardrum, then tows however stops. 刀声刚响,刀芒乍起,急促的声音刺人耳膜,便曳然停下。 Sees only the sword war casualty to cut red pricks his chest directly, the wound place ignites the white spark, the calcine brave beautiful body. 只见剑殇斩红直接刺入其胸膛,伤口处燃起白色火花,煅烧英韶身躯。 „!!” “啊!!” brave beautiful deeply grieved yelled that the sound was sad and shrill, penetrates the four strength explosives under that pocket lead Tianfeng, becomes the loudest sound that reverberated in the main hall. 英韶惨痛的大叫起来,声音凄厉无比,穿透那兜率天峰下的四道力量爆响,成为在大殿内回荡的最响之音。
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