UAA :: Volume #20

#1989: Seizes pill ( 4 )

You? You lose any temper!” “你?你发什么神经!” The element reprimanded the sound to shout to clear the way, he does not believe Li Yunxiao to rise above self. 元基斥声喝道,他才不信李云霄会舍己为人。 Li Yunxiao smiles, not to reply, but is pinches finger joints with the thumb single-handed, melts the superhuman law the golden body, six arms pinch finger joints with the thumb, sword swings before the body. 李云霄嘿嘿一笑,并不回答,而是单手掐诀,化出三头六臂法相金身,六臂掐诀,一片剑阵在身前荡开。 Simultaneously within the body gushes out the demon Yuan, concentrates coverage of armor in the body. 同时体内涌出魔元,凝成一层铠甲似的覆盖在身躯上。 Lifts the hand to come again, piece of thunder opens, changes to dozens zhang (3.33 m) big domain, floats before the body. 再抬起手来一点,一片雷界张开,化作数十丈大的领域,浮于身前。 Element Sir, you thought that this few magical powers keep off you how, as soon as strikes to work as?” “元基大人,你觉得本少神通挡你一击当如何?” Li Yunxiao grasps the sword only, points to, on sword cold glow brilliant, has the ice ghost heart flame to beat, to person extremely dangerous feeling. 李云霄单手持剑,直指而下,剑上冷芒灼灼,更有冰煞心焰跳动,给人极度危险的感觉。 The element complexion is ugly, clenches teeth saying: „Are you serious?” 元基脸色难看起来,咬牙道:“你玩真的?” Li Yunxiao is with smile on the face, said: Naturally!” 李云霄面带微笑,道:“当然!” The element gets angry: I do not believe! Certainly has the trick, I will not believe you to rise above self!” 元基怒道:“我不信!一定有花样,我不信你会舍己为人!” Ha, Yunxiao Young Master righteousness Bo Yuntian, the prefer honor to life, courage two Kunlun Mountains, can it be that you selfish such person can understand!” “哈哈哈,云霄公子义薄云天,舍生取义,肝胆两昆仑,岂是你这样自私自利的人可以明白的!” brave beautiful one is excited, the blade glow dodges, appears in the element behind, breaks its escape route, waited for that strikes. 英韶一下就兴奋起来,刀芒一闪,就出现在元基身后,断其退路,等待一击。 The Palestinian beautiful jade and Zhu Jun also quietly move, is preparing getting rid silently. 巴瑾和朱钧也悄然而动,默默的准备着出手。 The facial color of element becomes is then uglier than the pig liver, the hissing exclaimed: Li Yunxiao, I and you do not have the enmity without the injustice, why must compel with hardship, rather dies must stop the old man!” 这下元基的面色变得比猪肝还难看,嘶声吼道:“李云霄,我与你无冤无仇,为何要苦苦相逼,宁可一死也要阻拦老夫!” Li Yunxiao chuckle, said: Sir spoke incorrectly, empty Divine Realm strikes extremely, your present severe wound in body, even if steps into instantaneously empty extremely, how many strengths can also display? I keep off you, as soon as strikes to be injured, but dying character said was too unfounded. As for the hatred, has the Sir forgotten the matters in nine pill Palaces?” 李云霄轻笑一声,道:“大人说错了,虚极神境一击罢了,你现在重伤在身,哪怕瞬间踏入虚极,又能发挥出多少力量来?我挡你一击或许会受伤,但‘死’字说的太无稽了。至于仇恨,难道大人就忘了九丹宫内的事吗?” The element was shocked, said: Provocation that because my having no interest?” 元基愣住了,道:“就因为我一句无心的挑衅?” Snort, has no interest? If not Palestinian beautiful jade Sir does not collaborate with you, this little possibly died in your hands, what has no interest to provoke? This is the life and death big enmity, this little said that this enmity will not forget!” “哼,无心?若非巴瑾大人不与你同流合污,本少可能就死在你手里了,什么叫无心挑衅?这可是生死大仇,本少说了,此仇不会忘的!” Li Yunxiao laughs at one, whole face ridicule. 李云霄嗤笑一声,满脸讥讽。 The element has gawked the long time, is silent, said: I understood finally, you mindfully want to blackmail me.” 元基愣了半晌,沉默不语,一阵后才道:“我终于明白了,你还是念念不忘的想要敲诈我。” Haha, the words do not say such coarse.” “哈哈,话可不要说得这么难听。” Li Yunxiao narrows the eye to say with a smile: This little is the frank or straightforward person, the youth, the matter that recognizes must persevere, looks at Sir own choice. I am also in any case hopeless the day to transport good fortune pill, after keeping off the Sir strikes, this little turns around walks, even if they must cope with me, definitely also the first Sir broken corpse, this little enough time ran.” 李云霄眯着眼睛笑道:“本少就是直肠子,愣头青,认定的事就要坚守到底,就看大人自己的抉择了。反正我也没指望得天运造化丹的,挡下大人一击后,本少掉头就走,就算他们要对付我,肯定也得先把大人碎尸了,本少足够时间跑了。” British beautiful busy say/way: Where words that Young Master Yunxiao spoke, the young master gives self up to take the righteousness, I and others admired, will not make to the young master disadvantageous action.” 英韶忙道:“云霄公子说的哪里话,公子舍身取义,我等敬佩有加,自不会做出对公子不利的举动。” Li Yunxiao cold snort/hum, when he is the air, being disinclined manages. 李云霄冷哼一声,就当他是空气,懒得理。 Element also calm, choice at present. 元基也冷静了下来,抉择就在眼前。 Oneself spell to break in empty Divine Realm to cut to strike extremely, has not grasped strikes to kill Li Yunxiao does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish the body, but after oneself strike at risk of life, the result is falls from the sky without doubt. 自己拼着冲入虚极神境斩出一击,也没有把握击杀李云霄的不死不灭身,而自己拼死一击后,结局就是陨落无疑。 Died words all to become empty/sky, didn't the life have also wanted god pill to do really? 死了的话一切成空,命都没了还要神丹作甚? The element is also the intelligent person, under two measured had the choice immediately, took out a jade box, opened in the hand, immediately splendid light raised, the spiritual energy soared to the heavens. 元基也是聪明之人,两相权衡之下立即有了抉择,取出一个玉盒,在手中打开,顿时华光升起,灵气冲天。 That is......” “那是……” All people are in the heart shake, open the eye to look at that jade box, immediately understood. 所有人都是心中一震,睁大眼睛看着那玉盒,马上就明白了过来。 British beautiful complexion sudden change, shouted to clear the way: Element, brings that jade box quickly, I did not feel embarrassed you!” 英韶脸色骤变,喝道:“元基,快将那玉盒拿来,我不为难你了!” Element coldly smiled, holding about the jade box to demonstrate, this gently threw, the jade box was being held by a strength, flew in front of Li Yunxiao slowly. 元基冷冷一笑,托着玉盒左右展示了一下,这才轻轻抛起,玉盒被一股力量托着,缓缓飞到李云霄面前。 Ten step god pill who Young Master Yunxiao, you want, now can make the this place walk.” 云霄公子,你要的十阶神丹,现在可以让本座走了吧。” The element corners of the mouth are holding sneering, he exposes god pill intentionally, making Li Yunxiao draw fire to oneself. 元基嘴角噙着冷笑,他故意将神丹展露,让李云霄引火烧身。 In that jade box a Bao pill is the garnet, shows the good wine same ray, looking is thirsty, making one be enchanted by. 那玉盒内一枚宝丹呈暗红色,透出美酒一样的光芒,望之即渴,令人迷醉。 The Li Yunxiao great happiness, received the jade box, laughs saying: Haha, the element Sir is really the intelligent generation, understands to size up the situation, so the great ability cardinal virtue greatly can the person, this little very much appreciate.” 李云霄大喜,将玉盒收了起来,大笑道:“哈哈,元基大人果然是聪慧之辈,懂得审时度势,如此大才大德大能之人,本少很是欣赏。” He will receive superhuman, immediately draws back to one side, lets the outlet, said with a smile: Element Sir invited.” 他将三头六臂收了起来,立即退至一侧,让出路来,笑道:“元基大人请。” Snort!” “哼!” The chest of element air/Qi must explode, holding the fist in the other hand ruthless sound track: Mountain does not change the H green water long class, another day must meet again, this place expected that on the day of arrives earlier!” 元基气的胸膛都要炸了,抱拳狠声道:“青山不改H绿水长流,他日必再相见,本座期望这一天早点到来!” He strokes the long sleeve, is then cloudy the face, the steps is going toward the palace outside. 他一拂长袖,便阴沉着脸,踏步往殿外而去。 Like this put him to walk?” “就这样放他走了?” British beautiful complexion big change, is not extremely willingly. 英韶脸色大变,极不甘心。 What's wrong, does Sir Ying Shao want with this war? Comes actually!” “怎么,英韶大人想跟本座一战吗?倒是来呀!” The element turns around unexpectedly, swift and fierce air/Qi compels to press, on the face monster begins, full is fierce. 元基蓦地转身,凌厉之气逼压过去,脸上妖化再起,满是狰狞。 brave had a scare beautifully, retrocedes half step, he also really fears the element fit of temper, goes all out with him directly. 英韶吓了一跳,后退半步,他还真怕元基气头上,直接跟他拼命。 Snort!” “哼!” The reprimanding sound that the element disdains scolded: One crowd of waste, might as well a youth, disgraced!” 元基不屑的斥声骂道:“一群废物,还不如一位少年,丢人!” Then, then swaggers away, unmanned dares to keep off again. 说罢,便扬长而去,再无人敢挡。 After Li Yunxiao obtains god pill, excited the moment has then calmed down, knows that drew fire. 李云霄得到神丹后,兴奋了片刻便冷静下来,知道已经引火上身了。 The innermost feelings criticize, Yuan Kina old fox, not only shows the strength of god pill intentionally, causes the people to own jealousy flame, before walking, specially provokes, initiates the people to own hatred. 内心暗骂不已,元基那老狐狸,不仅故意将神丹之力展现,引起众人对自己的妒火,走之前还特意挑衅一番,引发众人对自己的仇恨。 But has must lose, can obtain ten step god pill, this risk is very glad to brave, and has not wasted itself one to act in a play. 但有得必有失,能够得到一枚十阶神丹,这点风险还是挺乐意冒的,而且也没白费自己一番演戏。 Snort! Young Master Yunxiao is really the plans deep generation, pretends the have a strong sense of righteousness appearance, actually seeks private gain for oneself, lets the old man really disappointedly!” “哼!云霄公子果真是心机深沉之辈,装作大义凛然的模样,却是为自己谋私,真让老夫失望至极!” After the element walks, Ying Shaobian the complexion is ugly, item of dew ominous light is staring at Li Yunxiao. 元基走后,英韶便脸色难看,目露凶光的盯着李云霄 „, Was Sir Ying Shao, you too also serious oneself? Also disappoints you, disappointed how, what thing are you?” “切,英韶大人,你也太把自己当回事了吧?还让你失望,失望又如何,你算什么东西?” Li Yunxiao laughs at one, has no consideration for face directly. 李云霄嗤笑一声,直接就撕破脸来。 Presently the person of remaining in the field is few, even if no matter of element, Ying Shao also mostly must have the thoughts to cope with itself. 现在场上所剩之人无几,即便没有元基之事,英韶也多半要动心思对付自己了。 Let alone has the matter of element, even if continue to play the fool to smooth over differences, is difficult to run away by the hostile situation. 更何况有元基之事,即便自己继续装傻和稀泥,也难逃被敌对的局势。 Might as well simply, directly has no consideration for face, by brave beautiful astute instead is cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt, does not dare to force itself. 还不如干脆点,直接撕破脸来,以英韶的精明反而投鼠忌器,不敢过于逼迫自己。 Really, Ying Shao was shocked, cannot think that Li Yunxiao so spoke, the delay, the violent anger shouted to clear the way: Houseboy, dares to rail the old man!” 果然,英韶愣住了,想不到李云霄这般说话,呆滞了一下,才暴怒喝道:“竖子,竟敢谩骂老夫!” Li Yunxiao coldly said: Scolded did not scold, how do you also want?” 李云霄冷冷道:“骂了不就骂了,你还想怎的?” brave was shocked beautifully once more, yes, scolded scolded, oneself were what kind, rushed with him goes all out? 英韶再次愣住了,是啊,骂就骂了,自己还想怎样,难道冲上去跟他拼命? His vision shot a look under, discovered that the surrounding person is looking at himself, appearance that taking pleasure in others'misfortunes, is the appearances that looks forward to itself to go all out. 他目光瞥了下,发现周围的人都在看着自己,一副幸灾乐祸的样子,都是巴不得自己上去拼命的模样。 Giggle.” “咯咯。” Gu Qingqing cannot bear smile to bend the waist, said: Sir Ying Shao, may endure what else cannot be tolerated, a youth like this scolded you, can you also work as the enduring turtle?” 顾青青忍不住笑弯了腰,道:“英韶大人,是可忍孰不可忍,一个少年都这样骂你了,你还能当忍者龟吗?” The British beautiful face was mad green, but Gu Qingqing more so said that his innermost feelings warned themselves on exceed, cannot the fell into a trap, bear, bears, must bear! 英韶脸都气绿了,但顾青青越是这般说,他内心就越告诫自己,千万不能中计,忍住,忍住,一定要忍住! Hehe, the old man lived these many years, to haggle how also over with a young later generation.” “呵呵,老夫活了这么多年,怎么还会跟一年轻后辈计较呢。” brave opens the facial skin beautifully, strange has smiled several, pretends not to be angry the appearance that but that hair hike up, betrayed his innermost feelings directly. 英韶强撑开脸皮,怪异的笑了几声,装作不生气的样子,但那头发都根根飘起,直接出卖了他的内心。 Li Yunxiao white his eyes, said: That not and that's the end, added a wool? Although superior win and inferior wash out many people, but also remaining many, Sir Ying Shao, finds the way to reduce several again.” 李云霄白了他一眼,道:“那不就是了,还说个毛?虽然优胜劣汰了不少人,但还剩下不少,英韶大人,再想想办法减几个呀。” British beautiful ill-humored saying: Subtracts you to be good?” 英韶没好气的说道:“减掉你可好?” Hehe, Sir, if reduces me, I overrun now will transport good fortune pill to destroy on that day, everyone leaves!” “呵呵,大人若是减我,我现在就冲过去将那天运造化丹打碎,谁也别得!” Li Yunxiao I am the hoodlum I feared that whose appearance, made brave does not have idea beautifully thoroughly, can only the head belch smoke. 李云霄一副我是流氓我怕谁的样子,弄得英韶彻底没辙,只能头上冒烟。 Gu Qingqing covers the mouth to smile, said: Giggle, in my opinion, presently archenemy is unreliable the offshore islands the person.” 顾青青掩嘴而笑,道:“咯咯,以我之见,当前的大敌还是玄离岛的人。” These words, in the main hall was peaceful immediately, Zhu Jun and Meng Zhuo complexion sudden change, are looking angrily at Gu Qingqing. 这句话一出,大殿内顿时安静了下来,朱钧和孟琢都脸色骤变,怒视着顾青青。 „, Be that as it may, but people not of one mind, difficult.” “咳咳,话虽如此,可众人不齐心,难啊。” brave shook the head beautifully, an appearance of team not good belt. 英韶摇了摇头,一副队伍不好带的模样。 Zhu Jun puts out a hand, is pointing at Gu Qingqing, cold sound track: Girl, you courts death!” 朱钧伸出手来,指着顾青青,寒声道:“小妮子,你找死!” Outside the palace Mu Xing the complexion changes, in the eye flashes through the startled color, he knows that Gu Qingqing strength, is the empty extremely Divine Realm powerhouse, feared that is this place is strongest, if Zhu Jun frontage conflicts with her, must meet with a disaster mostly. 殿外穆星脸色微变,眼里闪过惊色,他知道顾青青的实力,乃是虚极神境强者,怕是此地最强,若是朱钧正面与她冲突,多半就要遭殃。 Hee hee, I have courted death many times, how to have died? To kill me? Come comes, big monster.” “嘻嘻,我已经找死过好多次了,怎么还没死呢?想杀我吗?来呀来呀,大怪物来呀。” Gu Qingqing spits the tongue, is making faces to Zhu Jun unceasingly. 顾青青吐了吐舌头,对着朱钧不断做鬼脸。 Zhu Jun: „......” 朱钧:“……” Li Yunxiao said: I have an idea, we under assignment duty how? brave copes with Zhu Jun with the Palestinian beautiful jade Sir beautifully, the remaining two deal with by our three, like this no one can stay out.” 李云霄道:“我有个主意,咱们来分配下任务如何?英韶和巴瑾大人对付朱钧,剩下的那两人就由我们三个来对付,这样谁也不能置身事外了。” Zhu Jun complexion big change, startled and anger, as if realized that the situation was not wonderful. 朱钧脸色大变,又惊又怒,似乎察觉到了情况不妙。 Un, so but actually also good.” “嗯,如此倒也不错。” brave looked at Palestinian beautiful jade one beautifully, they think feasible, afterward the vision falls on Zhu Jun. 英韶望了巴瑾一眼,两人都觉得可行,随后目光就落在朱钧身上。 Li Yunxiao and Gu Qingqing and Mo, looks at the vision Zhuo to palace Mu Xing and Meng outside. 李云霄、顾青青和陌三人,也同时将目光望向殿外的穆星和孟琢。 The atmosphere one becomes intense. 气氛一下变得紧张起来。 Li Yunxiao sighed: „Won't Sir Mu Xing, you want to begin?” 李云霄叹道:“穆星大人,您不会想要动手吧?” Mu Xing shook the head, said: I do not have the strength to seize pill, naturally does not make the idea.” 穆星摇了摇头,道:“我没有实力夺丹,自然不做想法。” He also said: Zhu Jun, the Meng Zhuo two Sirs, I do not know that the island advocated the what kind order, but if did not violate, I hope that two also drew back lost pill's competition. After all so the supernatural object, naturally has main, if two participate, fears the gain does not equal the loss.” 他同时说道:“朱钧、孟琢两位大人,我不知岛主下了何等命令,但若是不违背的话,我希望两位也退出神丹的争夺。毕竟如此神物,自然有主,二位若是参与进去,怕得不偿失。” Zhu Jun and Meng carve all knit the brows, they have looked at each other one, is indecisive. 朱钧与孟琢皆是皱起眉来,两人对视了一眼,都是犹豫不决。 Zhu Jun said slowly: „The command of island Lord is to then let us brings this pill, feared that was the hope of Sir Mu Xing must fail.” 朱钧缓缓说道:“岛主之令便是让我们将此丹带回去,怕是穆星大人的希望要落空了。” Solemn asterism nod, no longer talks too much, but said: That hoped two Sir good luck.” 穆星点了点头,也不再多言,只是说道:“那希望二位大人好运了。” Then, then turns around to go, only leaves behind the sound to spread to the main hall together, back and forth revolving, Li Yunxiao, has another chance to meet.” 说完,便转身而去,只留下一道声音传入大殿,来回旋转,“李云霄,后会有期。” The golden light flees together, Mu Xing disappears outside the main hall. 一道金光遁走,穆星就消失在大殿外。 Li Yunxiao holds the fist in the other hand, bows in salute distantly, regarding Mu Xing, he is very grateful. 李云霄抱拳,遥遥作揖,对于穆星,他还是非常感激。
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