UAA :: Volume #20

#1988: Seizes pill ( 3 )

The element almost must explode with rage, but under the Zhu Jun formidable offensive, the gap that curses at people does not have, is supporting by strenuous efforts. 元基几乎要气炸了,但在朱钧强大的攻势下,就连骂人的间隙都没,苦苦支撑着。 The words that his their strength quite, really must hit are very in a short time difficult to decide the victory and defeat, but if a war, they must be wounded fully, wants to snatch again transported good fortune pill completely to be hopeless on that day. 原本他两人实力相当,真要打的话短时间内很难分出胜负,但若是全力一战,两人必然都要带伤,再想抢那天运造化丹就完全没指望了。 Therefore the element does not want to hit, unceasing fends to shunt. But Zhu Jun is actually dies to compel not to put, a move exceeds one move. 所以元基根本不想打,不断的闪避躲开。但朱钧却是死逼不放,一招胜过一招。 The element wants to direct east the calamity to flow, unceasing hides toward all around, but the surrounding person each experienced calculation, laughs at one, already by far avoid. 元基想引祸东流,不断的朝四周躲去,但周围的人各个老成精算,都是嗤笑一声,早就远远躲开。 Damn!” “该死啊!” The element roars, flushes away toward the central that gold/metal furnace. 元基怒吼一声,就往中央那金炉冲去。 All person pupils shrink suddenly, one is vigilant that is clear his thoughts, wants to course the calamity transported good fortune pill on that day. 所有人瞳孔骤缩,一下警惕起来,都清楚他的心思,想将祸引向那天运造化丹。 Dissolute, this pill is supernatural object, how could to be planned by you.” “放肆,这丹乃神物,岂能被你算计。” Mo laughs at one, the blood light dodges appears sky over that gold/metal furnace, condensed a palm, the front surface element has patted, left ten tenths strength directly, must its racket. 陌嗤笑一声,血光一闪就出现在那金炉上空,凝聚一掌,迎面元基拍了过去,直接出了十成力量,要将其拍死。 Zhu Junyan reveals the happy expression, sees some people in the frontal attack, immediately both hands one after lays out, immediately one group of raging fire ignite, changes to dozens red glow unexpectedly, such as the storm shoots brashly, covers completely into the element. 朱钧眼里露出喜色,见有人在前方攻击,顿时双手一合后拍出,顿时一团烈火燃起,竟化作数十道红芒,如暴风骤雨般射去,将元基全部罩入其内。 Was attacked both front and rear, making the element one scared, under was caught off guard, fell into the dangerous situation. 前后受敌,让元基一下就傻眼了,措手不及之下,已经陷入险境。 When this is at a crucial moment, the element opens mouth suddenly, bellows, everything may become vulnerable. 这千钧一发之际,元基猛然张嘴,大吼一声,地动山摇。 The sound wave becomes substantializes, likely is a white light float all around, above dense and numerous ripple. 音波变得实质化起来,像是一层白光悬浮四周,上面密密麻麻的波纹。 On the element started to change, on skin grows the down fiercely, the facial features like the beast, in the hand leaves a golden wolf's tooth club, both hands has held up suddenly wields! 元基身上开始发生变化,皮肤上长出绒毛,面容狰狞如兽,手里多出了一根金色狼牙棒,双手举起就蓦然一挥! Monster!” “妖化!” In all person hearts is startled, shows the astonished look. 所有人心中一怔,都露出惊愕的神色。 Has the Monster Clan bloodlines, presents monster condition Martial Artist, has the strength talent compared with ordinary human Martial Artist. 拥有妖族血脉,呈现出妖化状态的武者,比普通人类武者更有力量天赋。 But the Heavenly Dao is balanced, each race has the weakness, has the humanity of blood of Monster Clan, has the superiority in the strength, but also receives the monster Qi to dye, in is more inferior to the comprehension of Heavenly Dao. 但天道是均衡的,每个种族都有强有弱,拥有妖族之血的人类,在力量上占据优势,但也受妖气所染,在对天道的领悟上要逊色许多。 Therefore the Monster Clan integral force is strong, but peak Martial Artist is very scarce. 所以妖族整体力量非常强大,可巅峰的武者却十分稀少。 Element whole body down, accommodates strangely, double hand-held stick, powerful. Moreover the aura that the body passes is pure Origin Force, as if has washed the monster Qi. 元基此刻浑身绒毛,容古怪,双手持棒,威风凛凛。而且身上透出来的气息是纯粹的元力,似乎已将妖气洗尽。 Bang!” “轰隆!” The terrifying strength shells in together, the defense of that matter sound wave light breaks first, under the impact of blood and fire, in the sky a crude primal chaos fish, presses on the element! 恐怖的力量轰击在一起,那层音波化光的防御最先破碎,在血与火的冲击下,天空上化出一个简陋的太极鱼,生生压在元基身上! The element raises the wolf's tooth club once more, in the sky melts ten times of big phantom immediately, withstands the vault directly, has hit maliciously! 元基再次扬起狼牙棒来,天空上立即化出一根十倍大的虚影,直接顶住穹顶,狠狠打了下去! Bang!” “轰!” The primal chaos fish chart that blood and fire concentrate was crushed, the escaping light flies to shoot from among together, personal appearance beyond dozens zhang (3.33 m). 那血与火凝成的太极鱼图被击碎,一道遁光从其内飞射而出,于数十丈外化出身形。 The element has turned head, looks at that terror the strength complementary waves, one has a lingering fear, is the complexion blanch, full is gets angry and hates. 元基回过头,看着那恐怖的力量余波,一下心有余悸,更是脸色发白,满是怒和恨。 Mo takes back to hold, coldly said: I how, no matter you play, but wants to hit transports the good fortune pill's idea on this day, does not take it ill me not to be impolite!” Regarding god pill, the hope of his innermost feelings is stronger than anybody. 陌收回掌来,冷冷道:“我不管你怎么玩,但想要打这天运造化丹的主意,就休怪我不客气!”对于神丹,他内心的渴望比任何人都强。 The element face whiten like the paper, purses the lips not to speak, eyeful is the hatred. 元基脸色苍白如纸,抿着嘴不吭声,满眼都是怨毒。 Suddenly his body trembles, the inexplicable danger appears in the heart, probably the death arrived, does not know that many years this type had not felt, frightened the whole body to tremble, the pore seemed opens completely. 突然他身躯一颤,莫名的危险就在心头浮现,好像死亡降临过来,已经不知多少年没有过这种感觉了,吓得浑身一哆嗦,毛细孔好似一下全部张开。 Element Origin Force fluctuation as if had the change in this flash, did not return to wave the wolf's tooth club toward behind to hit, the dangerous aura of that death from behind transmitted. 元基身上的元力波动在这一瞬间似乎起了变化,头也不回就挥舞着狼牙棒往身后打去,那股死亡的危险气息正是从身后传来的。 Bang!” “嘭!” The wolf's tooth club strikes on a handle golden color sword, two weapons exude the intense resistance sound, gold/metal surge. 狼牙棒击在一柄金色战刀上,两件兵器发出强烈的对抗声,一道道金波荡开。 The body of element has not moved, was that holding the blade person is shaken to fly on the contrary, from the sky slid the hundred zhang (333 m) to be far directly, hit directly on the palace wall, Bang then stopped. 元基的身躯未动一下,反倒是那持刀人被震飞了出去,直接在空中滑行了百丈远,直接撞在宫殿墙上,“砰”的一声这才停下来。 You...... You...... Your strength......” “你……你……你的力量……” That person of close to beautiful jade holding the blade, the panic-stricken color of this moment whole face, loses one's voice to scream: Empty extremely Divine Realm!” 那持刀之人正是巴瑾,此刻满脸的惊恐之色,失声尖叫道:“虚极神境!” The element in the life and death, indeed erupted the empty extremely Divine Realm strength a moment ago, although only then flickers, actually also shakes the wound the Palestinian beautiful jade, this moment complexion is paler, pants, is staring at the Palestinian beautiful jade cold sound track: You did not say a moment ago the beforehand matter passing doesn't investigate? Why can also sneak attack me?!” 元基刚才在生死之间,的确爆发出了虚极神境的力量,虽然只有一瞬,却也将巴瑾震伤,此刻脸色更为苍白,气喘吁吁,盯着巴瑾寒声道:“你刚才不是说以前的事过往不究吗?为何还要偷袭我?!” The Palestinian beautiful jade complexion changes, was somewhat timid, stuffy snort/hum said: A moment ago was a moment ago, the present is now, in this world where has the eternal matter, anything has the effectiveness, crossed a moment ago, I must passing investigate.” 巴瑾脸色微变,有些胆怯了,闷哼一声才道:“刚才是刚才,现在是现在,这世上哪有永恒的事,任何事情是有时效性的,过了刚才,我就要过往究了。” Your younger sister! Your this bastard!” “你妹啊!你这个畜生!” The anger of element air/Qi launches a psychological attack, a blood has spurted, nursing hatred is staring at the Palestinian beautiful jade, that appearance looks like must skin the cramp him. 元基气的怒火攻心,一口血就喷了出来,含恨的盯着巴瑾,那模样就像是要将他剥皮抽筋。 The Palestinian beautiful jade protects the sword before the body, vigilant saying: Although you broke in empty extremely Divine Realm, but can only maintain several breath mostly, you have the wound at this moment in the body, wants to kill me to be no different than the moron to have a dream, how thinks to maintain life!” 巴瑾将战刀护于身前,警惕的说道:“虽然你冲入了虚极神境,但多半只能维持几个呼吸,你此刻又有伤在身,想要杀我无异于痴人做梦,还是想想怎么保命吧!” He also fears the element to go crazy, only pursues him to hit. 他也怕元基发狂,只追着他一个人打。 „, Really is pitiful one.” “啧啧啧,真是悲惨的一幕呢。” Zhu Jun also stopped, reveals the color of sympathy, said: I, although hates you, villain but who the entire life hates the back sneak attack, if you must kill this person, I then temporarily do not get rid, consider to you opportunity.” 朱钧也停了下来,露出同情之色,道:“我虽然痛恨你,但生平更痛恨背后偷袭的小人,你若是要杀此人的话,我便暂时不出手,当是给你机会。” What?!” “什么?!” The Palestinian beautiful jade had a scare, glowers, Sir Zhu Jun, your this saying rather executed the heart!” 巴瑾吓了一跳,怒目而视,“朱钧大人,你这话未免太诛心了吧!” Zhu Jun coldly smiles, both hands hug in the front, said: „The generation of sneak attack, may endure what else cannot be tolerated.” 朱钧冷冷一笑,双手抱在胸前,道:“偷袭之辈,是可忍孰不可忍。” Ha!” “哈哈哈!” The element laughs suddenly, the vision has swept in several people, the face becomes twists extremely, said maliciously: Do not think that I do not know your thoughts, in those present who does not hope me dead, this has been short of an archenemy! As for Zhu Jun your words, is the bullshit! Nothing but wants to let me the first mutual wounds of Palestinian beautiful jade bastard putting together, then tidies up me, this and other weak scheme will I be swindled?!” 元基突然大笑起来,目光在几人身上扫过,脸孔变得极为扭曲,狠狠道:“别以为我不知道你们的心思,在场的人里谁不希望我死,这样就少了一个大敌!至于朱钧你的话,更是屁话!无非就是想让我先跟巴瑾这个畜生拼的两败俱伤,然后再收拾我,这等幼稚的计谋我会上当吗?!” On Zhu Jun face flashes through blushes, somewhat shames the anger snort/hum said: As you like, you want to be cut to kill by me earlier, that is also good!” 朱钧脸上闪过红晕,有些羞怒的哼道:“随你,你想早点被我斩杀,那也行!” Snort, weak, as the person of profound offshore islands, said these weak words to come, I felt shy.” “哼,幼稚,身为玄离岛之人,说出这些幼稚的话来,就连我都感到羞涩。” The element corners of the mouth raise the ridicule, scoffs to say with a smile: Kills me? In those present who has this skill, stands to give me to take a look actually! Although this can only maintain to count breaths at empty Divine Realm extremely, but not awfully strikes fully, can cut your dog head! Who does not believe to come out to try!” 元基嘴角扬起讥讽,嗤笑道:“杀我?在场的人里谁有这个本事,倒是站出来给我瞧瞧!本座虽然只能在虚极神境维持数息,但不要命的全力一击,还是能斩你们狗头的!谁不信可以出来试试!” The strength of empty Divine Realm the appearances of his some crazies, the violent anger mood, had shown a moment ago, makes the people dread extremely that nobody dares to go forward. 他那有些疯癫的样子,已经暴怒的情绪,还有刚才展现出来的虚极神境之力,都让众人忌惮,没人敢上前去。 „!” “啪啪啪啪!” brave applauds beautifully suddenly, has profound respect saying: Element brother really heroic spirit ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), worthily our generation people, the old man hopes with your common onset and retreat!” 英韶突然鼓起掌来,肃然起敬道:“元基兄果然豪气万丈,不愧我辈中人,老夫愿与你共同进退!” Listened to a moment ago the words, under Ying Shao considers, thinks indeed right. Only if some people are willing the self-sacrifice, otherwise wants to kill the element to be difficult, immediately has made the choice. 听了刚才一番话,英韶思量之下,觉得的确没错。除非有人肯自我牺牲,否则想杀元基难上加难,顿时做出了选择。 I! Common onset and retreat your younger sister! Shameless!” “我呸!共同进退你妹!无耻!” Element phlegm has spat directly, breaks to obloquy. 元基一口痰直接吐了过去,破开大骂起来。 Copes with the idea of profound offshore islands is brave is beautiful, finally became he has actually fought single-handedly, what thinks to be full was the tears, the element trauma area was unquantifiable. 对付玄离岛的主意是英韶出的,结果却成了他一人孤军奋战,想想都满满的是泪,元基的心理阴影面积难以计算。 The British beautiful complexion is somewhat awkward, becomes angry out of shame, flicks the sleeve snort/hum said: Sufficed! The old men said that is willing with your onset and retreat to be to think highly of you, since you so are unappreciative, that please as one likes!” 英韶脸色有些尴尬,恼羞成怒,拂袖哼道:“够了!老夫说愿意跟你进退是看得起你,既然你这般不识抬举,那请自便!” Hehe, everybody offended the element Sir now, but element Sir empty extremely Divine Realm powerhouse, if left this place, another day has a reunion outside, hehe.” “呵呵,现在大家都得罪了元基大人,而元基大人可是虚极神境的强者,若是离开了此地,他日在外面重逢,呵呵。” Li Yunxiao smiles suddenly strangely, in words the significance is obvious. 李云霄突然怪笑起来,话语之中意义明显。 brave beautifully with the Palestinian beautiful jade is the complexion big change, one reveals the ominous glow, Divine Sense locks the element. Even if Zhu Jun also complexion changes, is staring at the element, as if feared that he ran away. 英韶和巴瑾都是脸色大变,一下露出凶芒来,神识将元基锁定。即便是朱钧也脸色微变,盯着元基,似乎怕他逃了。 The element is looking angrily at Li Yunxiao, clenches teeth saying: Little animal, his heart may execute, unexpectedly wants to kill me!” 元基怒视着李云霄,咬牙道:“小畜生,其心可诛啊,居然想杀我!” Li Yunxiao coldly smiles, does not dread his vision, the front surface on, cold sound track: Sir has forgotten in nine pill Palaces, is his heart may execute to kill me!” 李云霄冷冷一笑,并不畏惧他的目光,迎面而上,冷声道:“大人可是忘了九丹宫内,何尝不也是其心可诛要杀我呢!” Ha! Good, good, good!” “哈哈哈!好,好,好!” Element first even/including puts out three well character, is pointing at Li Yunxiao, has cancelled the finger, scoffs to say with a smile: Since you plant like this, that tries actually, has a look at the empty extremely strength of this place, whether can break your does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish the body!” 元基一连吐出三个“好”字,指着李云霄,勾了勾手指,嗤笑道:“既然你这样有种,那倒是来试试啊,看看本座的虚极之力,是否能破你的不死不灭身!” Around the Li Yunxiao pupil appears the losing face light, under the twinkle, calm saying: You have the wound at this moment in body, in addition had attacked instant empty extremely Divine Realm a moment ago, even if can also attack one time, that is also the spent force, must die without doubt. This final eruption opportunity, do you dare to use up easily?” 李云霄眸子四周浮现出彩光,闪烁之下,冷静的说道:“你此刻有伤在身,加上刚才冲击了刹那的虚极神境,即便还能冲击一次,那也是强弩之末,必死无疑。这最后的一次爆发机会,你敢轻易用掉吗?” The element is scared by the innermost feelings that his strange pupil looks , the cold sweat seeps from the palm. 元基被他那诡异的眸子看的内心发毛,冷汗从手心渗透出来。 A point that Li Yunxiao said right, his condition at this moment, can attack time empty extremely Divine Realm at most . Moreover the time over three breath that maintains, in other words at most will not make him erupt a time startled day to attack. 李云霄说的一点没错,他此刻的状态,顶多还能冲击一次虚极神境,而且维持的时间不会超过三个呼吸,也就是说顶多让他爆发一次惊天攻击。 But the present condition, had been held the day boundary powerhouse to gather round, after striking, was ganged up on dead by them inevitably. 而现在的状态,被已经掌天境强者围着,一击之后必然是被他们群殴而死。 My striking, does not die also injures, ends up to turn out inevitably with my general fate, does anyone of you dare to go forward to try?!” “中我一击者,不死也伤,必然落得与我一般的下场,你们谁又敢上前一试吗?!” Element facial color cloudy vulture, asked. 元基面色阴鹫,反问道。 Seeing nobody dares should, his innermost feelings relaxed, hey said with a smile: Who is not the generation of coveting life and fearing death, who does not treasure own life, who is willing to make that generation of rising above self, sacrificed itself to help other people? Ha, this is scarlet bare bare human nature! Although the old men only remain strength of the striking, actually can also leave safely, your nobody dares to keep off!” 见无人敢应,他内心松了口气,嘿嘿笑道:“谁不是贪生怕死之辈,谁又不爱惜自己的性命,谁又愿做那舍己为人之辈,牺牲自己成全他人?哈哈哈,这就是赤・裸・裸的人性啊!老夫虽只剩一击之力,却也能安然离开,你们无人敢挡!” Ha!” “哈哈哈!” Element supine Tianchang smiles, then must swagger away. 元基仰天长笑,便要扬长而去。 Slow!” “慢着!” Suddenly Li Yunxiao berated one, changed to the thunder and lightning to dodge, blocked in front of the element, the corners of the mouth raised to smile strangely, said: Element Sir underestimated our determinations. This little is willing to make that generation of rising above self, does not need to thank, please call my Lei Feng.” 突然李云霄喝斥一声,化作雷电一闪,就拦在元基面前,嘴角扬起怪笑来,道:“元基大人太小看我们的决心了。本少就甘愿做那舍己为人之辈,诸位不用谢,请叫我雷锋。” The people are one startled, cannot think that Li Yunxiao will stand, cannot think through, shows the stunned look. 众人都是一惊,想不到李云霄会站出来,都是想不通,露出愕然神色。
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