UAA :: Volume #20

#1987: Seizes pill ( 2 )

The vision of all people were attracted the past. 所有人的目光都被吸引了过去。 Especially the element and Palestinian beautiful jade, Zhu Jun and Meng outside palace gate carve, four people all are the complexion change. 特别是元基和巴瑾,还有殿门外的朱钧与孟琢,四人皆是脸色微变。 On Li Yunxiao flood that say/way golden glow, although is evenly matched, but Li Yunxiao appears especially dazzling. 李云霄身上泛起的那道道金芒,虽是势均力敌,但李云霄显得格外刺眼。 Zhu Jun is startled to ask in a low voice: „Can emperor pill Building that Sir Mu Xing, you and this person enter together, know this person of origin?” 朱钧低声惊问道:“穆星大人,你与此人一道进的帝丹楼,可知此人来历?” Mu Xing nods saying: Knows, but is not detailed, but...... This person has World God monument.” He wants to hide the truth from this matter first, after returning to the profound offshore islands, reply the island principal part holds up the space directly, but pondered that said. 穆星点头道:“知道一些,但并不详细,但……此人拥有界神碑。”他原本想先瞒住此事,回到玄离岛后直接回禀岛主叶擎宇,但细想一下还是说了出来。 What?!” “什么?!” They are startled cry, unquenchable at the scene rude, immediately caused in the palace the person focuses attention on. 两人惊得大叫一声,难以抑制的当场失态,立即引得殿内之人注目。 They know rude, after stuffy snort/hum one, no longer spoke, looked at the vision to that Li Yunxiao, was the unquenchable shock, the look is quite complex. 两人自知失态,闷哼一声后不再吭声,将目光望向那李云霄,都是难以抑制的震惊,神色极为复杂。 In this moment palace, brave beautifully is shocks and is startled similarly the anger, although the opposite party returns to original condition Divine Realm to cultivate is, can actually hard anti- he, as soon as strikes, is not weak. 此刻殿内,英韶同样是震骇和惊怒,对方虽然只是归真神境修为,却能硬抗他一击,丝毫不弱。 You are eight entirely Kai, mortal body to become Sheng!” “你是八门俱开,肉身成圣!” Stared at Li Yunxiao to look at good one, Ying Shaocai recovered, was cloudy the face to say slowly. 盯着李云霄看了好一阵,英韶才回过神来,阴沉着脸缓缓说道。 Li Yunxiao said with a smile: Luckily mortal body to become Sheng, eyeball also obtained the exercise, otherwise must be punctured blind both eyes by the invincible might of Sir.” 李云霄笑道:“幸亏肉身成圣,眼珠子也得到了锻炼,否则就要被大人的神威刺瞎双眼了。” Snort!” “哼!” brave beautiful depressed snort/hum, said: Since is mortal body to become Sheng, naturally also has the qualifications to stay behind.” 英韶郁闷的哼了一声,道:“既然是肉身成圣,自然也有资格留下。” Bang!” “嘭!” In their palms the spirit pressure explodes together fiercely, each one will retreat in the future. 两人手掌之间一道灵压猛地爆开,各自往后退去。 The element then understood, why before the Palestinian beautiful jade was not willing to collaborate to strike to kill this person, is the god body accomplishment, mortal body to become Sheng, the innermost feelings sighs unexpectedly secretly, said: Presently the person of remaining in the field, all has the qualifications to seize pill, how should below assign?” 元基这才明白了,之前巴瑾为何不愿联手击杀此人,竟是神体大成,肉身成圣,内心暗暗叹了口气,道:“现在场内所剩之人,皆是有资格夺丹的,下面又该如何分配呢?” Several people of vision are looking at the gold/metal furnace of that ground, no one dares to come up to touch, otherwise becomes is the target of public criticism immediately, Guo Yang is the best fate. 几人的目光都望着那地上的金炉,谁也不敢上去碰一下,否则立即成为众矢之的,郭阳就是最好的下场。 A British beautiful vision revolution, falls on Mo, coldly said: „Can this day transports good fortune pill is my person clan older generation Grandmaster refining up, how could go by the alien race? May be willing to collaborate with me, first pursues the person of this Monster Clan!” 英韶目光一转,落在陌身上,冷冷道:“此天运造化丹乃我人族先辈大师所炼,岂能被异族得去?诸位可愿与我联手,先将此妖族之人驱逐!” Mo complexion sudden change, blows out the anger to stare at Ying Shao, shouted to clear the way: You court death!” 陌脸色骤变,爆出怒火来盯着英韶,喝道:“你找死!” brave by his murderous aura was compelled beautifully, unable to bear retrocede half, glances right and left, hurried say/way: „Are you glad to have the Monster Clan ginseng to gather to snatch pill?” 英韶被他的杀气一逼,忍不住后退半步,左顾右盼,急忙道:“难道你们乐意有妖族参合进来抢丹?” The element and Palestinian beautiful jade are in heart dark startled, the strength of person of that Monster Clan indistinctly also above them . Moreover the malignant influences are extremely heavy. 元基和巴瑾都是心中暗惊,那妖族之人的实力隐约还在他们之上,而且煞气极重。 Before saw him to get rid a palm to divide to fly Guo Yang, as if the magical powers were not small, already was they dreads the person. 之前见他出手一掌劈飞郭阳,似乎神通也不小,早就是他们忌惮之人。 I thought that word of Ying Shaoxiong the is rational!” “我觉得英韶兄之言有理!” The element one stands the British beautiful body side, immediately aura Sheng, has compelled Mo's prestige greatly. 元基一下站到英韶身侧,顿时气场大盛,将陌的威压逼了回去。 The Palestinian beautiful jade also one step goes forward, stands with two people to together. 巴瑾也一步上前,与二人站至一起。 Two?” “两位呢?” brave is looking at Gu Qingqing and Li Yunxiao beautifully, said: Two are cruel enough to look the supernatural object that older generation leaves behind was taken by other families?” 英韶望着顾青青和李云霄,道:“难道二位忍心看着先辈留下的神物被外族所取吗?” Gu Qingqing giggle smiles, looks at Li Yunxiao saying: You said how we do handle?” 顾青青咯咯一笑,望着李云霄道:“你说我们怎么办好呢?” Li Yunxiao said with a smile: Although approves the Sir viewpoint, but the strength is limited, does not participate, several Sir play with this Monster Clan.” 李云霄笑道:“虽认同大人观点,但无奈实力有限,就不参与了,几位大人自己跟这妖族玩吧。” Although Mo indicated that follows his ten years, but also manner explicit wants to fight to transport good fortune pill on this day, Li Yunxiao naturally cannot help him seize pill, but is impossible to join the British beautiful camp to cope with Mo, therefore the neutrality is the best manner. 陌虽然表明追随他十年,但也态度明确的要争这天运造化丹,李云霄自然不会帮他夺丹,但也不可能加入英韶阵营对付陌,故而中立是最好的态度。 Gu Qingqing said with a smile: Good that said that the viewpoint of Li Yunxiao I approve, although has a mind to be actually incapable.” 顾青青笑道:“说的不错,李云霄的观点我认同,虽有心却无力。” The British beautiful three people all are extremely discontented, the element reprimanded the sound track: Is it possible that your two people want to visit us to contend, thus profits from another's strife?” 英韶三人皆是极为不满,元基斥声道:“你二人莫非想看我们相争,从而坐收渔利?” Li Yunxiao raises the eyebrow saying: Said as you like, we do not have including the right that oneself do take responsibility? The element Sir you do not forget, before you have injured my innermost feelings, now has not compensated, this matter I will not forget.” 李云霄扬眉道:“随你怎么说吧,难道我们连自己做主的权利也没有吗?元基大人你可别忘了,之前你伤害了我的内心,现在还没补偿呢,这件事我是不会忘的。” The element complexion sinks, the incomparable depression and speechless, do not know that said any was good. 元基脸色一沉,无比的郁闷和无语,不知道说什么好了。 brave is looking at outside the palace beautifully, high sound track: Three Sirs, saw with own eyes that the person of Monster Clan runs amuck, don't you manage?” 英韶望着殿外,高声道:“三位大人,难道眼见妖族之人横行,你们也不管吗?” Zhu Jun sneers saying: Joke, you snatch pill, what closes our!” 朱钧冷笑道:“笑话,你们抢丹,关我们何事!” The British beautiful three people are depressed incomparable, said actually they collaborate unable to take Mo, but is Mo's strength is tyrannical, many person little strive, but the mallotus japonicus retains one to seize pill opportunity. 英韶三人都是郁闷无比,倒不是说他们三人联手拿不下陌,而是陌的实力强横,多一个人自己就少出一份力,可楸多保留一线夺丹机会。 Now the profound offshore islands three people, Li Yunxiao and Gu Qingqing and others surround in the one side, exhaustion that if three people of hitting, that trouble was big. 现在玄离岛三人,李云霄和顾青青等都在一旁围观,若是自己三人打的精疲力竭,那就麻烦大了。 Snort, since you no matter, old man also being disinclined managed!” “哼,既然你们不管,老夫也懒得管了!” brave has thought beautifully, is not willing to get rid to Mo easily, immediately strokes the sleeves, the war relinquishes. 英韶想了下,还是不愿轻易对陌出手,顿时一拂衣袖,战事作罢。 Mo also cold snort/hum, received the whole body aura, he naturally cannot to provoke silly on own initiative three palm day boundary powerhouses. 陌也冷哼一声,将全身气息收了回来,他自然不会傻到要主动挑衅三名掌天境强者。 The element said: Since is not willing to pursue this Monster Clan, that also that's the end of it. This moment remaining nine people, all have the chance that seizes pill, but in my opinion, everybody biggest enemy perhaps is...... Profound offshore islands that pretends to stay out! I can guarantee that these three people stop up in the main hall entrance, so long as we who seizes pill to succeed, they will certainly get rid!” 元基道:“既然诸位不愿驱逐此妖族,那也便罢了。此刻剩下九人,皆有夺丹的机缘,但以我之见,大家最大的敌人恐怕是……装作置身事外的玄离岛!我敢保证,这三人堵在大殿门口,只要我们谁夺丹成功,他们一定会出手的!” Zhu Jun and Meng before Zhuojie palace gate is the complexion big change, Zhu Junli shouts to clear the way: Element, do you want to tidy up us with the strength of people?!” 殿门前的朱钧和孟琢皆是脸色大变,朱钧厉喝道:“元基,你想借众人之力收拾我们?!” The element sneers saying: If three do not have the thoughts, how my element was again fierce also says the motionless people. Here no one is a fool, three think that canary, mentality of benefitting as the third party in a dispute who is not clear, who isn't clear?” 元基冷笑道:“若是三位没有心思,我元基再怎么厉害也说不动众人的。这里谁也不是傻子,三位想黄雀在后,渔翁得利的心态谁不清楚,谁不明白?” brave also said beautifully: „The three Sirs in good, profound offshore islands stand in the entrance, we are really not relieved, but also please three Sirs fast depart.” 英韶也是说道:“不错,玄离岛的三位大人站在门口,我们实在是不安心呐,还请三位大人速速离去吧。” Meng carves the cold sound track: „The emperor pill Palace's ban is my two people of using energy thoughts opens, why we walk, discussed the qualifications by the strength, you were any things!” 孟琢寒声道:“帝丹宫的禁制是我二人费劲心思才打开的,凭什么我们走,论实力论资格,你们算什么东西!” Zhu Jun and Meng Zhuo are depressed, simultaneously secretly angry, they indeed are plan to profit from another's strife, but has not thought that such quickly has become the object of preemption. 朱钧和孟琢两人郁闷无比,同时暗自恼怒,他们的确是打算坐收渔利,但没想到这么快就成了排挤的对象。 But thinks also right, which on the scene is not the old fox, how possibly to make them pick up a bargain. 但想想也对,在场的哪个不是老狐狸,怎么可能让他们捡便宜。 Haha!” “哈哈!” The element laughs, said: „Are we competent, had the qualifications work three Sirs not to worry, you hurried to get the hell out on the line!” 元基大笑起来,道:“我们有没有实力,有没有资格就不劳三位大人操心了,你们赶紧滚蛋就行!” His vision one is looking at Li Yunxiao and Gu Qingqing, said: „Won't two this times look on hands tied?” 他目光一下望着李云霄和顾青青,道:“两位这次不会束手旁观了吧?” Un, this time I also approve, support!” “嗯,这次我也赞同,力挺!” Li Yunxiao is narrowing the eye, smiles brightly like the flower. 李云霄眯着眼睛来,笑得灿烂如花。 If also expels the profound offshore islands three people, then on the remaining British beautiful three people, then insufficient to fear, oneself has confidence to obtain medicinal pill greatly. 若是将玄离岛三人也赶走,那么就剩下英韶三人,便不足为惧,自己大有把握取得丹药 At that time on the contrary Gu Qingqing and Mo have become the variable. 那时反倒顾青青和陌成了变数。 Mo clarified must snatch pill, although Gu Qingqing formed an alliance at this moment, but innermost feelings what thinks, as well as transports under the good fortune pill's enticement to have the what kind thoughts in the day, guessed truly difficult. 陌是摆明了要抢丹的,顾青青虽然此刻与自己结盟,但内心何想,以及在天运造化丹的诱惑下会生出何等心思,也实难猜测。 Complexion that Zhu Jun and Meng carve is ugly immediately, if in the palace six people in view of oneself, that this place indeed had no way to treat, moreover Li Yunxiao had World God monument, the status became is quite special, they do not want with it to be the enemies. 朱钧和孟琢的脸色顿时难看起来,若是殿内六人都针对自己,那这地方的确没法待了,而且李云霄拥有界神碑,身份就变得极为特殊起来,两人也不想与之为敌。 Zhu Junchen sound track: Even if expels my three people, you many assurances can seize pill, finally most people die. In my opinion, might as well use the fairest way, ballot Wu Jue, the winner to result in pill. This can avoid everybody falling from the sky, can make the people be sincerely convinced.” 朱钧沉声道:“即便赶走我三人,你们又有多少把握能夺丹,最终还是多数人身死。以我之见,不如就用最公平的方式,抽签武决,胜者得丹。这样可以避免大家陨落,也能让众人心服口服。” The element said: This method is good, but military person definitely the fewer the better.” He smiles to look in the palace people, said: When we person the profound offshore islands pursue, definitely how uses force decides?” 元基道:“这法子不错,但武决之人是越少越好。”他笑望着殿内众人,道:“待我们将玄离岛之人驱逐,就用武决来定如何?” Haha, this law is really wonderful!” “哈哈,此法甚妙!” brave also laughs to approve of beautifully with the Palestinian beautiful jade. 英韶和巴瑾也是大笑着赞同起来。 Element you court death! Whether or not today to seize pill, keeps you to be serious!” “元基你找死!今日不论是否夺丹,都留你不得了!” Zhu Jun is angry, on face gloomy drop water leakage. 朱钧大怒,脸孔上阴沉的滴出水来。 Bang!” “轰隆!” The air demolishes, sees only together the air current shuttle, the formidable strength arouses the cyclone, fires into the element. 空气爆破开,只见一道气流穿梭而过,强大的力量激起气旋,冲向元基。 Element panic-stricken, moves sideways to draw back, but that cyclone such as the maggot of tarsal bone, cannot shunt. 元基惊骇之下,闪身而退,但那气旋如跗骨之蛆,根本躲不开。 Drinks, scarlet spin palm!” “喝,赤旋掌!” The element revolution elementary work, a palm pats fiercely. 元基运转元功,猛地一掌拍去。 Bang!” “轰隆!” The two sides say/way explodes, one sweeps across them. 两股劲道爆开,一下将两人席卷进去。 In the storm two forms flash unceasingly, shortly will hand over the seat of honor, being heavily engaged that hits, various strength change to abilities to swing. 风暴内两道身影不断闪动,顷刻间就交上手,打的不可开交,各种劲气化作一圈圈能力荡开。 In the palace the people one disperses to the both sides, observes, while is gazing at the gold/metal furnace of that ground, in order to avoid being shaken badly. 殿内众人一下就散开至两侧,一边观战,一边注视着那地上的金炉,以免被震坏。 gold/metal furnace on the lying down ground, under Origin Force surges trembles unceasingly, is very dangerous, actually nobody dares to go forward to pick. 那金炉就躺地上,在元力激荡下不断震颤,十分危险,却无人敢上前去捡。 Zhu Jun decided to kill the element, cannot attend to seizing pill again, uses fully a war, does not keep the hand. 朱钧是真的下了决心要杀元基了,再也顾不得夺丹,倾尽全力一战,丝毫不留手。 Helps me quickly!” “快来助我!” The element startled anger, hastily greatly drinks. 元基惊怒不已,连忙大喝。 Under Zhu's honored craziness attacks, only then the strength of defense, compelled dies away leeward. 在朱钧的狂攻之下,只有防御之力,被逼的渐弱下风。 A British beautiful eyeball revolution, hehe said with a smile: Element Sir felt relieved that has us , the people in another two profound offshore islands do not dare to meddle, otherwise we will not sit by and do nothing.” 英韶眼珠子一转,呵呵笑道:“元基大人放心,有我们在,另外两名玄离岛的人绝不敢插手进来,否则我们绝不会坐视不理的。” Element: „......” 元基:“……” These words were equal to saying, independent combat that you felt relieved, some opposite party people will not meddle, we will not meddle. 这番话就等于是说,你们放心的单打独斗吧,对方不会有人插手,我们也不会插手的。 In the palace the person are the general thoughts, looks forward to these two to hit perishing together that. 殿内之人都是一般心思,巴不得这两人打的同归于尽。 „Have your this group of mean villains, forgotten the treaty of alliance?!” “你们这群卑鄙小人,忘了刚才的盟约吗?!” The element shouted abuse: Reaches an agreement pursues the profound offshore islands together, unexpectedly makes me begin! Credit where!” 元基破口大骂道:“说好一起驱逐玄离岛的,居然让我一人动手!信用何在!” brave they feel ashamed with the Palestinian beautiful jade beautifully, somewhat awkward lowered the head, treats as has not heard. 英韶和巴瑾两人脸上无光,有些尴尬的低下头去,当做没听见。 Li Yunxiao and Gu Qingqing are also hehe smiles, ignores, looks at the happiness that they hit. 李云霄和顾青青也是呵呵一笑,置若罔闻,看他们打的欢乐。 Zhu Jun ridiculed: Present is the private affair of profound offshore islands with you, with seizing pill has nothing to do, other people naturally cannot get rid. Difficult not to bundle the treaty of alliance, can they also keep off the personal grudge for you?” 朱钧讥讽道:“现在是玄离岛与你之间的私事,与夺丹无关,他人自然不会出手。难不成结了盟约,他们还要替你挡私仇吗?” Oh, originally is the personal grudge!” “哎呀,原来是私仇!” The blame of British beautiful face, called out: Element Sir, your this is insincere, wants to take us unexpectedly, when the shield, how I will know your this kind of mean villain!” 英韶一脸的责备,叫道:“元基大人,你这也太不厚道了,竟然想拿我们当挡箭牌,我怎么会认识你这样一个卑鄙小人!” The Palestinian beautiful jade is face upwards smiles, said: Haha, the element, cannot think that you will have today! In the past you sneak attacked to me in secret, almost took my life, but the past matter also on the past, my close to beautiful jade is not the person of that bearing a grudge, today renders good for evil, has not haggled over with you, but wanted me to keep off the personal grudge for you, you had a dream really!” 巴瑾更是仰天一笑,道:“哈哈,元基,想不到你也会有今日吧!当年你对我暗中偷袭,差点取我性命,但过去的事也就过去了,我巴瑾也不是那种记仇的人,今日就以德报怨,不跟你计较了,但想要我替你挡私仇,你真是做梦了!”
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