UAA :: Volume #20

#1986: Seizes pill ( 1 )

The palace inside and outside several people are the complexion big change, in Ying Shao the words pass one to kill intent, making them be afraid. 殿内外几人都是脸色大变,英韶的话里透着一股杀意,令他们不寒而栗。 The element smiles, said: This law I approve, day transports good fortune pill is not the casual Amao flatter dog can take, calculates the two in heaven offshore islands, if I have not misread, holds the day boundary altogether to have nine people.” 元基嘿嘿一笑,道:“此法我赞同,天运造化丹可不是随便阿猫阿狗都能拿的,算上玄离岛的两人,我若是没看错的话,掌天境一共有九人。” Mo, Gu Qingqing, Li Yunxiao, Ying Shao, the Palestinian beautiful jade and Guo Yang , he Mu Xing do several things at the same time to be attached to the puppet, cultivates, only then the boundary of returning to original condition, was excluded by them. 陌、顾青青、李云霄,英韶、巴瑾、郭阳,还有他自己,穆星只是分身附在傀儡上,修为只有归真之境,也被他们排斥在外了。 The Palestinian beautiful jade also said: So good, the old man also approves.” 巴瑾也道:“如此甚好,老夫也赞同。” Martial Artist of several people of cloudy and cold vision under toward these palm day boundaries look, these people all suck in the cold air/Qi, frightens hurried dispersing, several people feel the biting cold chill in the air, withdrew from the main hall hurriedly. 几人阴冷的目光往那些掌天境界之下的武者望去,那些人皆是倒抽冷气,吓得急忙散开,有几人感受到彻骨的寒意,急忙退出了大殿。 British beautiful vision one cold, is staring at outside the main hall the cold sound track: In 200 miles, staying behind dies!” 英韶目光一冷,盯着大殿外寒声道:“200里内,留下者死!” These people immediately complexion ugly, but wants to come so many powerhouses, oneself stay behind mostly is also a cannon fodder, without a trace that can only not willingly soaring, flee quickly. 那些人顿时脸色难看至极,但想来如此多的强者在内,自己留下多半也是炮灰,只能不甘心的腾空而起,很快遁逃的无影无踪。 Hehe, is Ying Shaoxiong the means is wonderful, one has been short of these many trash, the feeling air was better.” “呵呵,还是英韶兄的办法妙啊,一下就少了这么多垃圾,感觉空气都好了许多。” The element deeply inspired, on the face flood grins fiendishly. 元基深吸了口气,脸上泛起狞笑。 brave shows a faint smile beautifully, the vision falls on Mu Xing, has sized up several, said: This, how haven't you rolled?” 英韶微微一笑,目光落在穆星身上,打量了几下,道:“这位喽啰,你怎么还不滚呢?” Murderous aura to condense, sweeps across, „” has stroked on Mu Xing, shears the tiny scratch. 杀气一下凝聚起来,席卷过去,“唰唰”的在穆星身上拂过,割出许多细小的刮痕。 Mu Xing is without turning a hair, in the future will have drawn back several steps, walks to the threshold outside, said: „Am I also the person of profound offshore islands, staying behind should not have the issue?” 穆星面不改色,往后退了几步,走至门槛外,道:“我也是玄离岛之人,留下应该没问题吧?” brave beautiful one was shocked, looks to entrance two. 英韶一下愣住了,望向门口的两人。 Zhu Jun nods saying: This is the refinement and protection person of treasure tower, Sir Mu Xing.” 朱钧点头道:“这位乃是重器塔的炼制与守护之人,穆星大人。” Such being the case, that then for the time being stays behind.” “既然如此,那便暂且留下吧。” brave saw Zhu Jun also to acknowledge beautifully, inconveniently again felt embarrassed him, the vision continued to sweep in the palace, whereabouts on Guo Yang, hey have smiled one. 英韶见朱钧也承认了,也就不便再为难他,目光继续在殿内扫过,一下落在郭阳身上,嘿嘿笑了一声。 Guo Yang body trembles, the complexion big change, said: Ying Shao, your what meaning?” 郭阳身躯微颤,脸色大变,道:“英韶,你什么意思?” Hehe, does not have any meaning.” “呵呵,没什么意思。” brave smiles beautifully, said: Sir Guo Yang, although also has cultivating of palm day boundary, but this moment severe wound in the body, the ordinary returning to original condition boundary also not necessarily can compete. I look, for the safety of Sir, but also asked the Sir temporarily to leave.” 英韶轻轻一笑,道:“郭阳大人虽然也有掌天境的修为但此刻重伤在身,就连普通归真境也未必敌得过。我看,为了大人的安全,还请大人暂时离开吧。” Guo Yangnu: If not before I broke in first, on this day transported good fortune pill already the boy by that outside to be snatched, which also had your shares! At this moment unexpectedly like this to me!” 郭阳怒道:“之前若非我先冲入进来,这天运造化丹早就被那界外的小子抢去了,哪还有你们的份!此刻居然这样对我!” „!” “切!” brave laughs at one beautifully, said: Sir rather also too high looked did oneself look down on us? Said probably does not have you not to have transports good fortune pill to resemble on this day. Now the time press, I rubbish with the Sir, is stays behind dies, gets the hell out to live, oneself elect!” 英韶嗤笑一声,道:“大人未免也太高看自己而小瞧我们了吧?说的好像没你就没这天运造化丹似的。现在时间紧迫,我也不跟大人废话了,是留下死,还是滚蛋生,自己选吧!” Guo Yang violent anger, anger life, thought that within the body five main internal organs (entrails) such as the fire steams, got rid a moment ago heavily is also Ying Shao. 郭阳暴怒不已,怒气一生,就觉得体内五脏六腑如火蒸,刚才出手最重的也是英韶。 He is just about to shout abuse, actually suddenly realized that the British beautiful pupil deep place flashes through the murderous intention, the whole body that cannot bear trembles, this silent, haunches the severely wounded body, hates the sound track: Good, old man this walks!” 他正要破口大骂,却突然察觉到英韶眸子深处闪过杀机,忍不住的浑身一颤,这才沉默了下来,撑起重伤的身躯,恨声道:“好,老夫这就走!” His complexion is pale, rises with a spring, changes to the escaping light to go toward the palace outside. 他脸色铁青,一跃而起,化作遁光就往殿外而去。 Suddenly blade glow raises together from out of the blue, cuts that escaping light. 突然一道刀芒破空升起,直斩那遁光。 Bang!” “嘭!” Under two ray hits, blasts out loudly, Guo Yang spits a blood at the scene greatly, shakes flies on the ground. 两道光芒撞击之下,轰然炸开,郭阳当场大吐一口鲜血,震飞在地上。 The body slid directly dozens zhang (3.33 m) far, hits in the corner, Bang after a dull thumping sound, the big mouth spits blood once more. 身躯直接滑行了数十丈远,撞在角落里,“砰”的一声闷响后,再次大口吐血。 Ying Shao, you......!” “英韶,你……!” Raising the head of Guo Yangjing gets angry, nurses hatred to stare at Ying Shao, eyeful is the flaming anger. 郭阳惊怒的抬起头来,含恨盯着英韶,满眼都是熊熊怒火。 This accident lets the people are micro startled, but does not think strange. 这一变故让众人都是微惊,但却也并不觉得奇怪。 After all Guo Yang is also the palm day boundary powerhouse, brave thoroughly offended him beautifully here, naturally rode him to get sick to want him to assign. 毕竟郭阳也是掌天境强者,英韶在这里彻底把他得罪了,当然乘他病要他命了。 Sir Guo Yang, I thought that you are quite discontented with me. I think, since is discontented, we come Wu Jue, isn't the way of among the powerhouses solving the problem Wu Jue?” “郭阳大人,我看你对我极为不满呢。我想了想,既然不满,那我们就来武决吧,强者之间解决问题的方式不都是武决吗?” British beautiful coldly smiles, is raising a handle shining broadsword, slows pace to walk up. 英韶冷冷一笑,便提着一柄明晃晃的大刀,慢步走上前去。 You...... Shameless!” “你……无耻!” Guo Yang air/Qi and anxious, the anger and startled, cannot bear the vitality occur simultaneously, spouts a big blood once more. 郭阳又气又急,又怒又惊,忍不住气血交加,再次喷出一大口血来。 The British beautiful pupil shrinks, projects murderous aura, taking the opportunity the blade glow in a flash, has cut! Simultaneously person's shadow in a flash, along with that blade glow behind, but, lifts the blade to cut! 英韶瞳孔一缩,射出杀气,借机刀芒一晃,就斩了上去!同时人影一晃,随着那刀芒背后,一步而至,举刀斩下! Bang! Bang!” “轰!轰!” Two crazy blades cut one after another, the corner of main hall blasts out swiftly, Guo Yang whole body was the blood is shaken. 接连两道狂刀斩下,大殿的角落倏然炸开,郭阳浑身是血被震了出去。 brave dodged then to pursue beautifully, made up the number blade once more, the space is cut the round number section, Guo Yang body also immediately explodes, exploded the innumerable blood fog. 英韶一闪便追了上去,再次补上数刀,空间被斩成数段,郭阳的身躯也随即爆开,炸出无数血雾。 The Li Yunxiao pupil color break-up moves, unemotionally. 李云霄瞳光闪动,面无表情。 This is his first time saw the powerhouse who palm day boundary was killed, arrived at this boundary, among the world almost unmanned has been possible to kill. 这是他第一次见到掌天境的强者被杀,原本到了这个境界,天下间几乎无人可杀了。 If hits in situation to be determined to run away, opposite party also really difficult office. 若打不过的情况下执意要逃,对方还真难办。 But Guo Yang snatched the gold/metal furnace to run away before, was collaborated to strike the severe wound that by several people, launched a psychological attack by the anger of British beautiful air/Qi again, by a move of sneak attack, this thoroughly was lost the escaping ability, finally ended up to turn out the fate that the body died. 但郭阳在之前抢金炉逃走,就被几人联手击的重伤,再被英韶气的怒火攻心,又被一招偷袭中了,这才彻底失去逃跑能力,最终落得身死的下场。 Guo Yang dies, the person in main hall as if there is feelings, becomes somewhat quiet. 郭阳一死,大殿内的人似乎都有感触,变得有些静谧。 Li Yunxiao suddenly thought that some people are visiting him, has turned the head, is Gu Qingqing, the facial color is somewhat dignified. 李云霄突然觉得有人在看着他,微转过头去,正是顾青青,面色有些凝重。 Their vision interlocking, the lucky spirit heart, understood each other thoughts immediately. 两人目光相接,顿时福灵心至,明白了彼此的心思。 They install not to know temporarily, do what is right, the critical moment collaborates again, kills people one to be caught off guard. 两人暂装不认识,各行其是,关键时刻再联手,杀众人一个措手不及。 Li Yunxiao looks at the vision to Mo. 李云霄又将目光望向陌。 Mo lifted the view to look at each other one slightly, was actually tranquil like the water, was leading cold intent, obviously was not willing to give up the day transporting good fortune pill, respectively depending on skill appearance. 陌微微抬起眼帘来对视了一眼,却是平静如水,带着一丝冷意,显然不愿放弃天运造化丹,一副各凭本事的模样。 Suddenly the form of element moves, flickered to transfer to outside the palace immediately, grasped toward a ray. 突然元基的身影一动,也立即瞬移到了殿外,往一道光芒抓去。 What do you make?!” “你做什么?!” Giving a loud shout of British beautiful startled anger, in the hand Tyrant blade in a flash, from out of the blue has cut. 英韶惊怒的大喝一声,手中霸刀一晃,就破空斩了下去。 Bang!” “轰隆!” The sky was cut to crack two halves, the form of element one is blocked. 天空被斩裂成两半,元基的身影一下被挡住了。 The British beautiful diving posture, puts out a hand to grasp to a thing, is Guo Yang storage pouch, flew high to absorb by him, was almost won by the element. 英韶飞身而下,伸手就抓向一物,正是郭阳身上的储物袋,被他凌空摄取上来,差点被元基夺走。 „.” “啪。” That storage pouch was grasped by brave beautifully in the hand, immediately revealed the happy expression, the body returned to the palace in a flash. 储物袋被英韶抓在手中,立即露出喜色,身体一晃就回到了殿内。 Cloudy of element whole face, enters the palace immediately, but stares at Ying Shao the look was becoming bad. 元基满脸的阴沉,也随即入殿,只是盯着英韶的眼神已经变得不善起来。 The Palestinian beautiful jade is also in the eye projects the stern countenance, is staring at that storage pouch, said: Guo Yang, although is the Sir gets rid to strike to kill, but is actually our people collaborated to persecute to death, the thing of his staying behind, was been how could alone by the Sir.” 巴瑾也是眼里射出厉色,盯着那储物袋,道:“郭阳虽是大人出手击杀的,但本质上却是我们众人联手逼死的,他留下之物,岂能被大人独得。” This truth! If outside emperor pill Building, the Sir struck to kill Guo Yang, taking away his anything we not to have the opinion, but at this moment......” “正是这个道理!若是在帝丹楼外,大人击杀了郭阳,拿走他任何东西我们都不会有意见,但此刻嘛……” The element is also on the face flood the ferocious color, worked off anger to compel. 元基也是脸上泛起狞色,杀气逼了过去。 The British beautiful complexion changes, takes storage pouch to be vigilant that sneers saying: In world may have your so shameless person, before Guo Yang also caused heavy losses to by me, now is also I strikes to kill, you had a face with me unexpectedly said that divided the booty?” 英韶脸色一变,拿着储物袋警惕起来,冷笑道:“世上可有你们这般无耻之人,之前郭阳也是被我重创的,现在也是我击杀的,你们居然有脸跟我说分赃?” The element said: Other things can Sir, but by the Guo positive strength, was divided into nine pill Palaces inevitably, that god pill said that anything cannot the Sir be alone.” 元基道:“其它东西都可以给大人,但以郭阳的实力,必然被分入了九丹宫内,那枚神丹说什么也不能大人独得。” Joke, can the value of what thing compared with god pill?” “笑话,什么东西的价值能和神丹相比?” British beautiful coldly said: Is inferior to this, that god pill turns over to me, the remaining things gave you.” 英韶冷冷道:“不如这样,那枚神丹归我,剩下的东西就给你们了。” To their this degrees, only if Saint, otherwise the attraction of anything compared with can increase the skill and cultivates for medicinal pill. 到了他们这个程度,除非是圣器,否则任何东西的吸引力都比不过能够增加功力和修为的丹药 Gu Qingqing said with a smile suddenly: Giggle, do you determine Guo Yang to be able bright pill? The random transmission basis of this emperor pill Building besides the strength, should have the chance, is the strength is not necessarily stronger on the thing of obtaining is stronger, see clearly to first wonderfully.” 顾青青突然笑道:“咯咯,你们怎么就确定郭阳能有神丹呢?这帝丹楼的随机传送依据的除了实力外,应该还有机缘,未必是实力越强就分得之物越强,还是先看清楚为妙。” brave gawked beautifully, the nod said: This Sir stands to reason.” 英韶愣了一下,点头道:“这位大人言之有理。” His five fingers grasp, Guo Yang storage pouch explodes immediately, a space of sphere appears sky over the palm, inside many goods. 他五指一握,郭阳的储物袋顿时爆开,一个球形的空间在掌心上空浮现,里面不少物品。 Under brave manipulates beautifully single-handed, jumps out several jade boxes, he opens one by one, the look on face by intense is changed to gradually is cloudy and disappointed. 英韶单手摆弄下,跳出数个玉盒,他逐一打开,脸上的神色由紧张渐渐化作阴沉和失望。 Bang!” “砰!” Finally after picking up several goods stay behind, that sphere space one explodes, after the scrap, fell a thing of place, has Profound Artifact and jade Jane, medicinal pill wait/etc.. 最终挑出几个物品留下后,那个球形空间一下爆开,炸碎后落了一地的东西,有玄器、玉简、丹药等等。 But most precious several were received beautifully by brave, he is depressed: Also saw, does not have what god pill, 9th Rank medicinal pill and goods that only then some can also pass, does the old man take is not excessive?” 但最为宝贵的几件已被英韶收起,他郁闷道:“诸位也看见了,并没有什么神丹,只有一些还过得去的九阶丹药和物品,老夫取走不算过分吧?” Hehe, since does not have god pill, we do not have anything to say. But the Sir will be only several things to receive, but also has thrown trash of place, does not want to pick to us.” “呵呵,既然没有神丹,我们也没什么好说的。但大人将仅有的几件东西收去也就罢了,还扔了一地的垃圾,不会是想给我们捡吧。” Element stuffy snort/hum, is not quite quick. 元基闷哼一声,颇为不快。 brave sneers to say beautifully: Since element Sir cannot get used to seeing, I sweep and that's the end.” 英韶冷笑道:“既然元基大人看不惯,那我扫掉就是了。” Slow!” “慢着!” Li Yunxiao called one suddenly, that thing everywhere to the old freak thing of these palm day boundaries possibly is the trash, but by his vision, is the treasure. 李云霄突然叫了一声,那满地之物对这些掌天境的老怪物而言可能是垃圾,但以他的目光来看,无一不是宝贝。 Immediately changes to the tornado to sweep together, trash received these completely, said with a smile: „, if also has the trash that does not want, gives me.” 顿时化作一道旋风扫过,将那些“垃圾”全部收了起来,笑道:“诸位若是还有不要的垃圾,都给我吧。” brave stared at him to look at one beautifully, said: Wants the trash saying that but the present key question is, holds under the day boundary got the hell out, your excellency as if also?” 英韶盯着他看了一阵,道:“要垃圾好说,但现在的关键问题是,掌天境之下的喽啰都滚蛋了,阁下似乎也是喽啰吧?” Li Yunxiao cracks into a chuckle, said: Some these many powerhouses here, this little cannot snatch medicinal pill, might as well make me observe and emulate in the one side invincible might, opens mind well.” 李云霄嘻嘻一笑,道:“有这么多强者在此,本少也是抢不到丹药的,不如就让我在一旁观摩一下诸位的神威,开开眼界也好。” British beautiful cold sound track: Feared that the invincible might has not observed, gave the view to be blind the eyeball.” 英韶寒声道:“就怕神威没观到,把眼珠子给观瞎了。” Li Yunxiao said with a smile: This Sir Lao did not worry, how the Sir thinks to capture the day to transport good fortune pill, do not focus on my this being small.” 李云霄笑道:“这就不劳大人操心了,大人还是想想如何夺取天运造化丹吧,别把心思放在我这个小喽啰身上。” Seizes pill is the matter of Sir, decides innately. But has in side, this Sir is not really feeling well!” “夺丹是本大人的事,自有定夺。但有个喽啰在旁,本大人实在不爽!” British beautiful facial color one cold, then suddenly launches an attack, appears in front of Li Yunxiao instantaneously, the five fingers like the claw, strike toward his chest. 英韶面色一寒,便突然发难,瞬间出现在李云霄面前,五指如爪,往他胸膛击去。 Bang!” “嘭!” Li Yunxiao early has the protection, similarly is a palm ejects, under the double palm bombardment, the main hall trembles. 李云霄早有防备,同样是一掌击出,双掌轰击之下,大殿震颤。 A golden light swings from two people, the terrifying spirit pressure is absent-minded, unexpectedly is evenly matched! 道道金光从两人身上荡开,恐怖的灵压恍惚不定,竟是势均力敌!
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