UAA :: Volume #20

#1985: Slightly selects superiorly

Raises the prestige of fist, has so vast prestige energy, these wounded Martial Artist all with amazement, cannot bear in the future. 仅仅是扬拳之威,就有如此浩瀚威能,那些被击伤的武者皆是骇然,忍不住的往后。 Even if can shoulder fist prestige, facial color blanch. 即便是能够扛住拳威者,也面色发白。 Zhu Junjiang hand received, sneers saying: Does not recognize the profound offshore islands not to relate, recognizes the fist to be good, the ban outside emperor pill Building opened, anybody can exit. From now on, outside this palace in hundred miles is the forbidden area, among every still remains, death!” 朱钧将手收了回来,冷笑道:“不认得玄离岛没关系,认得拳头就好,帝丹楼外的禁制已开,任何人都可以出去。从现在起,此宫殿外百里内皆为禁区,凡依然留在其内者,死!” Many person complexion big change, under the shock turns around to walk. 不少人脸色大变,震惊之下转身就走。 They obtained many good things, does not think bewildered dies in this, many people now are any situation are not clear, immediately flies to escape to walk. 他们已经得到了不少好东西,可不想莫名其妙的就死在这,很多人连现在是什么情况都不清楚,当下就飞遁而走。 Quick, in the field becomes scattered, only remains ten people. 很快,场内就变得稀稀落落的,只剩十来人。 Except that Li Yunxiao and the others as before are the appearances of being carefree and content, many face discolorations dignified extremely, is pale the face, wants to walk is also puzzled. 除了李云霄等人依旧是悠然自得的样子,不少人脸色变得凝重万分,铁青着脸,想走又纠结。 Zhu Junleng snort/hum, said: Remaining has prepared bringing death?” 朱钧冷哼一声,道:“剩下的都是做好了送死的准备是吗?” On him is passing incomparable dignity, making one be afraid. 他身上透着无比的威严,令人不寒而栗。 Finally two could not shoulder constraining of innermost feelings, the tone walk. 终于又有两人扛不住内心的压抑,调头就走了。 In this moment field the remaining 15 people, Li Yunxiao, element, the Palestinian beautiful jade and Gu Qingqing, Mo, star and herd crane, the people of eight understanding, as if have not only thought the try one's chance. 此刻场内只剩下15人,李云霄、元基、巴瑾、顾青青、陌、穆星、牧鹤,还有八名不认识之人,似乎都想试试运气。 Meng carved suddenly opened silent, said: In nine pill Palaces takes god pill, does your this have several people?” 孟琢突然打开了沉默,道:“九丹宫内取神丹者,你们这有几人?” 15 people all are the complexion change, some hesitate, some are astonished. 15人皆是脸色微变,有的沉吟,有的则是惊愕。 Meng carves, although only remains the left eye, actually swift and fierce incomparable, one sweeps the pleasant bottom the people look, supposed several points. 孟琢虽只剩左眼,却凌厉无比,一下将众人神色扫入眼底,也就估摸出了几分。 The element huh, said: What's wrong, you inquired this, is it possible that also wants to snatch inadequately?” 元基哼哧一声,道:“怎么,你打听这个,莫非还想抢不成?” Meng carved to look at his one eyes, in the eye reappeared to despise with cold intent, as if disdained extremely. 孟琢看了他一眼,眼里浮现出轻蔑和冷意,似乎极为不屑。 The element one is enraged by facial expression that his despised, reprimanded the sound track: Boy, in report your given name, father, when the profound offshore islands mix, has not seen people of your sort!” 元基被他那蔑视的神情一下就激怒了,斥声道:“小子,报上你的名号,老子在玄离岛混的时候,可没见过你这号人物!” Meng carves does not pay attention, simply closes one's eyes. 孟琢不理会,干脆闭上眼来。 Element air/Qi „” cries, the whole body blows out murderous aura, but was not obviously suitable at this time gets rid, although got angry actually to restrain itself. 元基气的“哇哇”大叫一声,满身爆出杀气,但这时显然不宜出手,虽怒却还是克制住了自己。 Zhu Jun has also disregarded to him, said: „, since remains, my two people do not stop, this emperor pill wants to enter then enters.” 朱钧也对他无视了,道:“诸位既然留下来,那我二人也不阻拦,这帝丹想进便进吧。” He carves to walk up with Meng, they pinch finger joints with the thumb join the palms in greeting, on a racket toward that imperial city gate. 他与孟琢走上前去,两人掐诀合掌,往那宫门上一拍。 The vast golden light appears in the gate, above banned that already broke, „” slowly opens. 浩瀚金光浮现在门上,上面禁制早已破去,“哐”的一声就缓缓打开。 The ray shines, inside have several mu big, empty only remains a table, above is putting gold/metal furnace, exquisite luxurious. 光芒照耀进去,里面有数亩之大,空荡荡的只剩一张桌子,上面放着一尊金炉,精巧奢华。 Outside the palace one is peaceful, all people are staring at that gold/metal furnace. 殿外一下安静起来,所有人都盯着那金炉。 Some people to do not know at this moment has what treasure, but wants to stay behind has a look at the luck, now sees also understood, in entire emperor pill Building most precious thing inevitably in that gold/metal Lunei. 有些人到此刻都不知道有何宝物,只是想留下看看运气,现在一见也明白了,整个帝丹楼内最为珍贵之物必然就在那金炉内。 Zhu Jun is also in the none remaining twinkle, but dodges not to have, the hand signal that has made invitation, said with a smile: Invited, as long as in wants to enter, my two people did not stop. But must know that on this day transports good fortune pill to have one, but you are actually 15 people.” 朱钧也是眼里精光闪烁,但一闪而没,做了个请的手势,呵笑道:“诸位请吧,但凡想入内者,我二人绝不阻拦。但要知道,这天运造化丹只有一枚,而你们却是15人。” Day transports good fortune pill!” “天运造化丹!” Several screams resound, then everyone knows that what among was, all both eyes shone, was excited. 几道惊呼声响起,这下谁都知道其内为何物了,全都双眼放光,激动起来。 Meng carves to sneer saying: pill, although is good, but must have the life to take.” 孟琢冷笑道:“丹虽好,但也要有命拿。” Element cold sound track: Is good to plan, you want to make us kill one another, finally profits from another's strife well! Among the world where has such good deed, we are not stupid!” 元基冷声道:“好算计,你们就是想让我们自相残杀,最终好坐收渔利!天下间哪有这样的好事,我们又不蠢!” Meng carves saying: Has not to have this good deed, is stupid has nothing to do with this place, pill in this, likes with then taking, does not take get lost!” 孟琢道:“有没这好事,蠢不蠢都与本座无关,丹就在这,爱拿便拿,不拿就滚!” Get Lost in character has one to drink severely, changes to the sound wave to shake, in the ground raises the dusting ash, people both eyes that blows are blurred. “滚”字内带着一声厉喝,化作音波震开,地面上掀起尘灰,吹的众人双眼迷离。 All people were peaceful, can cultivate the Body Tempering present strength, is not the intelligence quotient superficial generation. 所有人都安静了下来,能修炼到现在的实力,绝不会是智商浅薄之辈。 Moreover the scene of this type of seizing treasure, person of which presence does not have energy over several times, moreover many are the final winners, therefore is clear, now at this time, who got rid first who most is bad luck. 而且这种夺宝的场景,在场之人哪个没精力过几次,而且多是最终赢家,所以非常清楚,现在这个时候,谁先出手谁就最倒霉。 Therefore was all motionless, static with haunted house. 所以全都一动不动了,静的跟鬼屋似的。 Hehe, how to begin? Each is Lei Feng, is unselfish is utterly devoted to others?” “呵呵,怎么都不动手了?难道诸位各个都是雷锋,毫不利己专门利人?” Li Yunxiao sneers, then walks toward that main hall. 李云霄冷笑一声,便往那大殿内走去。 Li Yunxiao!” 李云霄!” Gu Qingqing has called out in alarm one, urgently said greatly: Do not go in!” 顾青青惊叫了一声,大急道:“别进去!” Once among stepping into, will turn immediately is the target of public criticism, becomes the enemies of all people. 一旦踏入其内,立即会变成众矢之的,成为所有人的敌人。 I do not hug to this medicinal pill too counted on greatly that after all so supernatural object being predestined friends occupies it. But everybody always consumes time not to be good in this, always the person must go advanced, this little offered a few ordinary introductory remarks so that others may offer their valuable ideas, whom will have a look at with.” “我对这丹药并不抱太大指望,毕竟如此神物有缘者居之。但大家总在这耗时间也不好,总有一个人要先进去的,本少就抛砖引玉,看看谁会跟来。” Li Yunxiao imposing, then steps into the main hall presently, walks toward that gold/metal furnace. 李云霄一身凛然,当前便踏入大殿内,朝那金炉走去。 Every one step steps on falls, under foot can flood the ripples, he proliferates the whole body God Grace Force, has completed alert, to guard danger. 每一步踩落,脚下都会泛起涟漪,他将神奕力遍布全身,做好了十分的戒备,以防危险。 The times of several breath, Li Yunxiao is getting more and more near to that gold/metal furnace, many powerhouses outside palace somewhat could not repress finally, the breathing becomes heavy and rapid. 几个呼吸的功夫,李云霄离那金炉越来越近,殿外的诸多强者终于有些按捺不住了,呼吸声都变得沉重和急促起来。 Stops!” “停下!” Finally an old man shouted angrily, changed to together the escaping light on flying into, raised the palm to come the direct racket to Li Yunxiao, shouted to clear the way: Your this outside person, has what qualifications to take this god pill!” 终于一名老者怒喝一声,化作一道遁光就飞入其内,扬起手掌来直接拍向李云霄,喝道:“你这界外之人,有何资格取此神丹!” The Li Yunxiao form dodges, draws back dozens zhang (3.33 m) far continually, that strikes to avoid, laughs saying: Haha, this little offered a few ordinary introductory remarks so that others may offer their valuable ideas, since your excellency has the skill, that then takes.” 李云霄身影一闪,连退数十丈远,将那一击避开,大笑道:“哈哈,本少原本就只是抛砖引玉,阁下既然有本事,那便去拿吧。” Li Yunxiao has drawn back to the main hall one side, be with smile on the face looks, appearance that as if not care about completely. 李云霄已经退至大殿一侧,面带微笑的看着,似乎完全不在意的样子。 Snort!” “哼!” The old man layer on layer snort/hum, then had turned around, in the eye shoots leaves the greedy color, is staring at that gold/metal furnace, suddenly dodges on the form, is almost flickers to move on, the sleeve robe wields, gold/metal furnace disappears does not see. 那老者重重哼了一声,便转过身去,眼里射・出贪婪之色,盯着那金炉,突然就身影一闪,几乎是瞬移而上,袖袍一挥下,那金炉就消失不见。 Meanwhile, old man body explodes certainly the strong aura, bellows, everything may become vulnerable! Immediately a glare shoots up to the sky, strikes to that main hall vault, must broken go against to go! 与此同时,老者身上爆开绝强的气息,大吼一声,地动山摇!随即一道强光冲天而起,击向那大殿穹顶,要破顶而去! Guo Yanglao ghost, stays behind!” “郭阳老鬼,留下!” Outside the palace hears several to shout angrily, immediately several rays flicker to move, but, several people appears in the vault directly, ties seal to pat toward that glare. 殿外传来几声怒喝,随即数道光芒瞬移而至,更有几人直接出现在穹顶上,结印往那强光拍去。 Bang!” “轰隆隆!” The space one trembles, that light beam instantaneously struck reverse is curving. 空间一下震颤,那光柱瞬间被击的扭转弯曲。 Under Guo Yang body also in several people collaborate to attack, from the nihility, turns into the entity, gets rid with amazement hastily, strikes to person's shadow in all directions. 郭阳的身躯也在几人联手攻击之下,从虚无中化出,变成实体,骇然中连忙出手,击向四面八方的人影。 Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” Several huge deafening sounds, Guo Yang gets rid five, ejects five terrifying spirit pressures, surges in the palace. That lays aside gold/metal furnace the table to crush instantaneously, like never has appeared generally. 数道巨大震响,郭阳出手五下,击出五道恐怖的灵压,在殿内激荡。那放置金炉的桌子瞬间就粉碎,就像从未出现过一般。 !” “噗!” Guo Yang cannot bear spout a blood, although shouldered five people to attack, but was shaken has injured in the internal organs. 郭阳忍不住喷出一口血来,虽然扛住了五人攻击,但还是被震伤了内腑。 Although that five people of strengths have the weakness, but under collaboration is unapproachable, after Guo Yang spouts a blood, turns around toward flushing away toward the main hall. 那五人实力虽有强有弱,但联手之下根本无可匹敌,郭阳喷出一口血后,就转身往大殿往冲去。 Fierce old freak has almost come, out of the door except for the profound offshore islands two people, was some moment ago response not prompt Martial Artist, the strength naturally also wanted weak one, perhaps had an opportunity. 厉害的老怪几乎都进来了,门外除了玄离岛二人,都是一些刚才反应不及时的武者,实力自然也要弱一层,也许有一线机会。 Snort, weak!” “哼,幼稚!” The imperial city gate transmitted orally to sneer, along with the form that even if presented Mo, he had not begun a moment ago, at this moment was the blood light surges, on the palm the spirit pressure rocked to keep, the shocking prestige drew the bow and not discharged the arrow. 宫门口传来一声冷笑,随即便出现陌的身影,刚才他并未动手,此刻则是身上血光涌动,手掌上灵压晃动不停,惊世之威引而不发。 Is the pupil shrinks in imperial city gate both sides Zhu Jun and Meng Zhuojie suddenly, looks at Mo panic-strickenly, they have looked at each other one, reveals to be vigilant the color. 在宫门两侧的朱钧和孟琢皆是瞳孔骤缩,惊骇的看着陌,两人对视了一眼,都露出警惕之色。 Stays behind!” “留下!” Mo raises the hand, gives a loud shout lays out, huge scarlet is in charge from the sky appears. 陌扬起手来,大喝一声就拍出,一道巨大血色掌印在空中浮现。 Guo Yang alarmed and afraid , can only brace oneself to the bang comes up! 郭阳惊惧之下,只能硬着头皮对轰上去! Bang!” “轰隆!” That blood palm explodes, changes to everywhere blood rain to fall, Guo Yang was struck to fly. 那血掌爆开,化作漫天血雨落下,郭阳被击飞了出去。 The whole body is the blood, does not know that is spits, is that everywhere blood is incarnadine. 浑身是血,也不知是自己吐的,还是那漫天鲜血染红的。 Mo gets rid, immediately caused all people look askance, cannot help but the heart shakes, immediately understands this person must seizes the powerful enemy of pill. 陌一出手,立即引得所有人侧目,都不由得心头一震,立即明白此人必是夺丹之强敌。 Li Yunxiao eyebrow black micro wrinkle, some indistinct worries. Although Mo follows him, but does not have the duty to help itself seize pill, will fear politely not with oneself before god pill. 李云霄眉黛微皱,隐约中有些担心。陌虽追随他,但并没有义务帮自己夺丹,在神丹面前怕也不会跟自己客气。 But on this day transports good fortune pill to relate sea sovereign Paulon and supple Wei's injury, even if no narcissus relations, to cope to turn over to the ruins and day thinks, must do everything possible to obtain. 而这天运造化丹关系着海皇波隆与柔薇的伤势,就算没有水仙这层关系,为了对付归墟与天思,也要想尽办法得到。 Stop, this pill I do not want, gives you! Do not kill me!” “住手,这丹我不要了,给你们!别杀我!” Guo Yang sees several people to raid once more to him, frightens hurriedly wields the sleeves, gold/metal furnace appears again, flies toward the vault. 郭阳见几人再次向他袭来,吓得急忙一挥衣袖,那金炉再次出现,往穹顶上飞去。 The people of that several attack see, immediately changed the direction. 那几名袭击之人一见,顿时变了方向。 Guo Yang then relaxed, turns around to draw back to the corner, clothing/taking next several medicinal pill, starts therapy. 郭阳这才松了口气,一个转身就退至墙角,服下几枚丹药,开始疗伤起来。 Several people in airborne lash out the opposite party respectively, competes for that gold/metal furnace, ripple open, being heavily engaged that hits on emptily. 几人在空中各自出手攻击对方,争夺那金炉,一道道波纹在上空荡开,打的不可开交。 Before big palace gate, Meng Zhuo frowned, high sound track: You hit like this, did not fear that gold/metal furnace was shattered, does god pill explode destroys?” 大殿门前孟琢皱起眉头,高声道:“你们这样打,就不怕那金炉破碎,神丹爆毁吗?” This saying one was startled several people, postponed in the hand to act, from airborne fell slowly, gold/metal Luzhui on the ground, sent out works as one, was very delightful. 这话一下惊到了几人,都是放缓了手中动作,从空中缓缓落下,那金炉坠在地上,发出“哐当”一声,十分悦耳。 Element ferocious sound track: Hits not to hit, that what to do? Difficult to be inadequate to play a finger guessing game to decide the victory and defeat?” 元基狞声道:“打还打不得,那怎么办?难不成来猜拳定胜负?” Meng carves coldly saying: I reminded you, how as, only to visit you.” 孟琢冷冷道:“我只是提醒你们罢了,至于如何,只看你们自己。” Li Yunxiao said with a smile: Not so pill furnace first delivers to me to take care.” 李云霄笑道:“不如此丹炉先交予我保管。” Go away!” “滚!” The element cursed angrily one, afterward was staring at that gold/metal furnace, has thought, said: Was inferior that under everyone arrange the mark, the seal gets up this gold/metal furnace together first, we fight for again, this will not damage.” 元基怒骂一声,随后盯着那金炉,想了下,道:“不如每人布下一道印记,将这金炉先封印起来,我们再来争抢,这样就不会损毁了。” Another extraordinary old man sinking sound track: This law, although is good, but cannot solve the basic issue. This place large number of elderly persons, truly difficult assignment. In my opinion might as well come superiorly slightly to select first.” 另外一名气质不凡的老者沉声道:“此法虽不错,但也不能解决根本问题。此地人数众多,实难分配。以我之见不如先来个优胜略汰。” If I have not misread, this thinks that is in famous Sir Ying Shao.” “若是我没看错的话,这位想必就是界内声名远播的英韶大人。” The element cups one hand in the other across the chest to hold the fist in the other hand, said: Does not know that what for superior slightly selects?” 元基拱手抱拳,道:“不知何为优胜略汰?” brave smiles beautifully, said: Simple, is first will remove, we assign again.” 英韶嘿嘿一笑,道:“简单,便是先将喽啰除掉,我们这些人再行分配。” The element has thought, said: This law is good, but what is, how also to eliminate it?” 元基想了下,道:“此法不错,但何为喽啰,又如何除之呢?” brave chatters: I observe, holds day Divine Realm also several, such being the case, then under the palm day boundary naturally, either voluntarily gets the hell out, either dies!” 英韶道:“我观诸位,掌天神境的也有几位,既然如此,那么掌天境下自然就是喽啰,要么自行滚蛋,要么死!”
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