UAA :: Volume #20

#1984: Blackmail

The element looks at their stunned looks, hey said with a smile: So long as had not walked under the strength of transmission a moment ago, has the chance to compete the day to transport good fortune pill. Naturally, in which risk is also a narrow escape, looked at individual choices. After all so medicinal pill, present age only saves one.” 元基看着两人愕然的神色,嘿嘿笑道:“只要在刚才传送之力下没走,就有机缘争夺天运造化丹。当然,其中的风险也是九死一生,就看个人取舍了。毕竟如此丹药,当世仅存一枚。” Li Yunxiao and Palestinian beautiful jade is in heart the slightly shakes, although already guessed correctly, even if has, also the affirmation is only one, after all existence of this legend rank, can have one already some myths, but somewhat is anxious, the atmosphere becomes dignified. 李云霄和巴瑾都是心中微震,虽然早就猜到即便真有,也肯定只是一枚,毕竟这种传说级别的存在,能有一枚就已经有些神话了,但还是有些紧张,气氛变得凝重起来。 Hehe, left is too anxious.” “呵呵,别太紧张了。” The element saw their appearance, said with a smile: According to my observations, the transmission shook many people, but also many masters remained, the person in additional heaven offshore islands, later feared that could not avoid the fierce battle.” 元基看出了两人的样子,笑道:“据我观察,刚才的传送震走了不少人,但也有不少高手留了下来,加上玄离岛的人,待会怕是免不了恶战。” The Palestinian beautiful jade has thought, said: Has any words to speak frankly, I most am tired of this to beat around the bush!” 巴瑾想了下,道:“有什么话就直说,我最烦这拐弯抹角!” Haha, Palestinian beautiful jade Sir as always candid, that place spoke frankly. Was inferior that your I collaborate, resists the foreign enemy, how?” “哈哈,巴瑾大人一如既往的心直口快呀,那本座就直说了。不如你我联手,共拒外敌,如何?” The element is staring at him, said: „The past matter after all passed, personhood must look forward that clings to the remains to have the dead end.” 元基盯着他,道:“过去的事终归是过去了,做人总得向前看,抱残守缺只有死路一条。” The Palestinian beautiful jade has hesitated, is pointing at Li Yunxiao, said: Your I collaborate, that this person?” 巴瑾沉吟了下,指着李云霄,道:“你我联手,那此人呢?” The element laughs, in the eye flashes through murderous intention, said: This person after all is outside the person, is different from your me, since must collaborate to form an alliance, happen to first took this person to operate, kills him by revealing the sincerity.” 元基哈哈一笑,眼里闪过杀机,道:“此人毕竟是界外之人,与你我不同,既然要联手结盟,正好先拿此人开刀,杀了他以显诚意。” Li Yunxiao hears speechless, stuffy snort/hum, immediately in has dragged into the blacklist the element at heart. 李云霄听得一阵无语,闷哼了一声,立即在心里将元基拉入了黑名单。 „? But this person is not simple.” “哦?但此人可不简单呐。” The Palestinian beautiful jade eyelid jumped, saying of maintaining composure: Even if your I collaborate, takes this person very much difficultly in a short time, once the fight affects, will fear other people cheaply.” 巴瑾眼皮跳了下,不动声色的说道:“即便你我联手,也很难短时间内拿下此人,一旦战斗波及开,怕会便宜了他人。” „Does this person have such strength really?” “此人真有如此实力吗?” Element some do not believe that shot a look at Li Yunxiao several, looks in the darkroom again in confusion, the complexion changes, said: But this person remains is also being the disaster, sooner or later becoming we seizes one of the pill archenemies, is inferior now except that early.” 元基有些不相信,多瞥了李云霄几眼,再看着暗室内的狼藉,脸色微变,道:“但此人留着也是祸患,迟早成为我们夺丹的大敌之一,不如现在及早除去。” Li Yunxiao sneers, puts out a hand to point at the element, said: Old thing, I with deciding you. Later this little did not snatch pill, specially hit you, which dozen you walked, pill I could not obtain, do not want.” 李云霄冷笑一声,伸手指着元基,道:“老东西,我跟定你了。待会本少也不抢丹了,就专门打你,你走哪打哪,那丹我得不到了,你也别想要。” The element complexion big change, looks suddenly to the Palestinian beautiful jade, the sinking sound track: Palestinian beautiful jade Sir, he so said now, definitely will go bad us to plan, even if again difficult office, eliminated it to be then quick first!” 元基脸色大变,猛然望向巴瑾,沉声道:“巴瑾大人,他现在都如此说了,必然会坏我们计划,就算再难办,也得先除之而后快了!” The Palestinian beautiful jade remains unmoved, said indifferently: What this person must cope is the Sir you, has what responsibility with me, the misdemeanor is also the matter of bad Sir, why must pull me, really felt strange.” 巴瑾不为所动,淡然道:“此人要对付的是大人你,跟我有何干系,坏事也是坏大人的事啊,为何要扯上我,真是奇了怪了。” The element startled gets angry immediately, berated: Palestinian beautiful jade! Do not know the good and evil!” 元基立即惊怒起来,喝斥道:“巴瑾!你别不识好歹!” The Palestinian beautiful jade hehe smiles, smiles very with ease, said: Where also dares to know the good and evil, first time was plotted against by you are my general idea, the second time words can only say that was I am stupid!” 巴瑾呵呵一笑,笑得非常轻松,道:“哪里还敢识好歹,第一次被你暗算是我大意,还有第二次的话就只能说是我蠢了!” Li Yunxiao whole face anger, is also staring the element, sneers saying: Hehe, how then looks at your also fleeing day, later when snatches pill I specially hit you with you!” 李云霄也满脸怒火,瞪着元基,冷笑道:“呵呵,这下看你还怎么窜天,待会抢丹之时我就专门跟你打你!” Element depressed wants to spit blood, a complexion paleness, this has relaxed the expression, said: Little brother, was I was crude a moment ago. Do not ruin because of a spirit in vain snatched pill's opportunity.” 元基郁闷的想吐血,脸色一阵铁青,这才缓和了语气,道:“小兄弟,刚才是我鲁莽了。你可不要因为一点意气而白白葬送了抢丹的机会啊。” Snort, I was bent on having to ruin in vain, pursued you to hit!” “哼,我偏要白白葬送了,就追着你打!” The Li Yunxiao whole face is indignant, appearance that must perish together. 李云霄满脸愤愤,一副要同归于尽的模样。 You......!” “你……!” The element illness brought on by the obstruction of flow of vital energy, does not understand how to have the so jerk, if died to stare by this youth, that trouble was big. 元基气结,不明白怎么会有如此愚笨之人,若是被这种愣头青死盯上,那就麻烦大了。 Most essential is this youth strength is greatly strengthened, the Palestinian beautiful jade does not want to annoy. 最关键是这个愣头青实力极强,就连巴瑾都不想惹。 Little brother, before was the old man made an indiscreet remark, here gave you to apologize prudently, but also looked do not haggle over with my this old person.” “小兄弟,之前是老夫失言了,在这里慎重的给你道歉,还望不要跟我这个老人家计较。” The element whole face is sincere, the bow lower part of the body has bowed, to seize pill, he was also endures humiliation. 元基满脸诚恳,躬下身来鞠了一下,为了夺丹,他也算是忍辱负重了。 Snort, you said actually dexterous, if not the Palestinian beautiful jade Sir does not collaborate with you, this whether little to live the present not to know, you do know my innermost feelings trauma area in a big way?” “哼,你说的倒是轻巧,若非巴瑾大人不与你同流合污,本少能否活到现在还不知呢,你知道我内心心理阴影面积有多大吗?” Li Yunxiao angry incomparable is pointing at the chest, the loud anger said. 李云霄愤怒无比的指着自己胸口,大声怒道。 The element is the chest is also depressed, is depressed: Old man is any status, condescended with you apologized, how you also want!” 元基也是胸口发闷,郁闷道:“老夫乃什么身份,都已经屈尊跟你道歉了,你还想怎的!” Snort!” “哼!” The Li Yunxiao asthma several, said: Artificial wealth dead birds die in pursuit of food, advantageous all said that story-telling script that has not benefitted little with your bar on!” 李云霄气喘了几下,才道:“人为财死鸟为食亡,有利就一切都好说,没利的话本少就跟你杠上了!” Element: „......” 元基:“……” He has gawked, understands that at present this person does not gawk, that angry appearance installs mostly. 他愣了一下,才明白眼前这人不愣啊,那副气恼的模样多半是装出来的。 Thinks is also, if no an intelligence quotient, where can mix in the world of this law of the jungle now. 想想也是,若是没一点智商,在这种弱肉强食的世界里哪能混到现在。 How you want.” “那你想怎的。” The element understood after Li Yunxiao thoughts, an innermost feelings loosen, he most feared on the contrary the opposite party is really that type the rash fellow who does not have the brain, clings to for dear life not to put, that troubled. 元基明白了李云霄的心思后,内心反倒一松,他最怕对方真是那种没脑子的二愣子,死缠着自己不放,那就麻烦了。 Li Yunxiao said: Snort, does not want to be what kind. Since you can arrive at this place, obtained a god pill mostly, gave me to be good that god pill.” 李云霄道:“哼,不想怎样。你既然能到此地,多半也是得到了一枚神丹吧,将那神丹给我就好了。” !” “噗!” The element and Palestinian beautiful jade they are startled to put out a blood, all opens the mouth, this appetite was also too scary. 元基和巴瑾两人都是惊得吐出一口血来,全都张大嘴巴,这胃口也太吓人了吧。 The element is the anger instead smiles extremely, said: Haha, present young people all such extremely arrogant didn't have side? Wants god pill, that also you have this strength and life!” Speaking of behind, his item of dew was ominous light, worked off anger to erupt. 元基更是怒极反笑,道:“哈哈,现在的年轻人全都这么狂妄的没了边吗?要神丹,那也得你有这个实力和命啊!”说到后面,他目露凶光,身上的杀气一下就爆发出来。 Li Yunxiao shrugs, spreads out the hand, said: I do not have that big ambition, wants to snatch this only day to transport good fortune pill, you want to kill me a moment ago, this is the life and death big enmity, if cannot make up with a god pill, I today with deciding you, I did not believe under this few disturbance, you can also seize pill, I must make your 10% opportunities not have.” 李云霄耸了耸肩,摊开手来,道:“我没那么大的野心,想去抢这唯一的一枚天运造化丹,你刚才可是想杀我,这是生死大仇,若不能拿一枚神丹来弥补,我今天就跟定你了,我就不信在本少的干扰下,你还能夺丹,我要让你一成机会都没。” The element violent anger, Li Yunxiao this is scarlet bare bare blackmail, cold sound track: Since yourself court death, that really could not complain about me!” 元基暴怒,李云霄这已经是赤・裸・裸的敲诈了,寒声道:“既然你自己找死,那就真怨不得我了!” Let him come with lost pill, is absolutely impossible, therefore kills the heart to be big, imposing manner one erupts, such as the disasters attack. 让他拿出神丹来,绝无可能,故而杀心大起,身上的气势一下爆发开,如洪水猛兽冲击出去。 Suddenly the entire space rocks, sends out the fierce reverse. 突然整个空间晃动起来,发出剧烈的扭转。 Li Yunxiao is preparing to get rid, sees only curled without a trace of these wild murderous aura under the strength of space, afterward the darkroom starts becomes absent-minded uncertain. 李云霄正准备出手,只见那些狂暴的杀气在空间之力下被卷的无影无踪,随后暗室开始变得恍惚不定。 Three people all are one startled, the vision becomes sharp, knows that was emperor pill Palace is opened, all spaces merged into one organic whole. 三人皆是一惊,目光变得锐利起来,知道是帝丹宫被打开了,所有空间融为一体。 Rumble!” “隆隆!” Near the ear transmits the fulmination unceasingly, afterward the body was torn by the great strength, in a flash, appears before a giant palace. 耳边不断传来爆鸣,随后身躯被巨力撕扯,一晃之下,就出现在一栋巨大的宫殿前。 Types of formidable aura appear one after another, suddenly the time, 20-30 people, all gather in front of palace, some are pleasantly surprised exceptionally, some are the whole face is vacant. 身边各种强大的气息相继出现,眨眼功夫,就有二三十人之多,全都汇聚在宫殿门前,有的是惊喜异常,有的则是满脸茫然。 Li Yunxiao Divine Sense sweeps, had discovered Mo, Gu Qingqing the amicable star, actually disappearing money Sheng and dust segment Tian, feared was they have resulted after medicinal pill that oneself matched left emperor pill Building. 李云霄神识一扫,发现了陌、顾青青和穆星,却不见了钱生和尘段天,怕是两人得了与自己匹配的丹药后就离开了帝丹楼。 Moreover Dingshan not in the crowd, actually the herd crane and blood crow of palace Mi Hong northern deep Xuangong , the remaining people, somewhat has the impression, but is not quite also ripe. 而且丁山也不在人群中,倒是北冥玄宫的牧鹤与血鸦宫糜宏都在,剩下之人,有些有印象,但也都不太熟。 In all people, besides the element and Palestinian beautiful jade, the aura of two old men is also very formidable. 所有人中,除了元基和巴瑾外,还有两名老者的气息也是非常强大。 That old famous old man also at the same time is assigned away from the capital Divine Sense, before palace, purity that the situation looks, somewhat astonished uncertain is sizing up the element and Palestinian beautiful jade, even also looked at several on Li Yunxiao. 那老名老者也在同一时间外放神识,将殿前情况看的一清二楚,有些惊异不定的打量着元基和巴瑾,甚至在李云霄身上也多看了几眼。 Many does not know that had anything to change, found the people of understanding to whisper, but quick became peaceful. 许多了不知发生了什么变化,找到认识之人都嘀咕起来,但很快就变得安静。 Before the main hall, has two form backs to them, flap flap the astral wind blows in two people, the gown makes noise. 大殿前有两道身影背对着他们,猎猎罡风吹在两人身上,袍子作响。 People motionless looks, although many people not yes what's the matter, but also knows that definitely has the matter to occur. 众人都是一动不动的看着,虽然很多人不明白怎么回事,但也知道肯定有事发生。 Li Yunxiao knows that at present these two decide however are the masters in profound offshore islands. 李云霄知道眼前这两人定然就是玄离岛的高手。 Meng carved with Zhu Junhu looked at one, was the whole face is bitter and astringent. 孟琢和朱钧互望了一眼,都是满脸苦涩。 Some of their complexion blanches, on the forehead beads of sweat, broke this imperial city gate to forbid to consume many physical strength obviously. But those who make their heart sink to the valley is, in the entire tower all powerhouses have transmitted, this has not thought of the matter. 两人脸色有些发白,额头上点点汗珠,可见破此宫门禁止耗费了不少气力。而更让他们一颗心沉到谷底的是,整个塔内所有强者都传送了过来,这是万万没有想到之事。 Now this aspect, is somewhat difficult to control. 如今这个局面,有些难掌控了。 Two Sirs look like somewhat look unfamiliar, might as well turn around to make the old man attractive.” “两位大人看来有些面生呀,不如转过身来让老夫好好看看。” The element first starts to talk, on face is having teasing and ice-cold facial expression, even also murderous aura. 元基第一个开口,脸上带着戏虐和冰冷的神情,甚至还有杀气。 Snort, the element Sir is really the honored person forgets the matter, such quickly has forgotten the old man?” “哼,元基大人果然是贵人多忘事,这么快就忘了老夫了吗?” Zhu Jun sneers, has turned around slowly, in eye ice-cold. 朱钧冷笑一声,徐徐转过身来,眼里一片冰冷。 You are...... Zhu Jun!” “你是……朱钧!” The element complexion big change, reveals a startled color, cannot think that the future unexpectedly is this person, the facial expression is somewhat dignified. 元基脸色大变,露出一丝惊色,想不到来者竟是此人,神情有些凝重起来。 But another person of look is quite strange, and right eye shuts tightly, above centipede results in the scar together, appears somewhat fierce, never has actually seen, did not know. 而另外一人相貌极为陌生,并且右眼紧闭,上面一道蜈蚣似得疤痕,显得有些狰狞,却是从未见过,并不认识。 Zhu Jun coldly smiles, this catches the eye to look at all people, the vision is sweeping one by one. 朱钧冷冷一笑,这才抬眼望着所有人,目光逐一扫过去。 Li Yunxiao pupil micro, felt obviously the vision of this person falls on oneself, the resident time wants long many compared with other people, feared that was fell into the attention of this person. 李云霄瞳孔微缩,明显感觉到此人的目光落在自己身上,停留时间比其他人要长的多,怕是自己已经落入此人的注意了。 After Zhu Jun the people have swept, this said: This place had taken over control of by profound offshore islands, all people leave immediately.” 朱钧将众人都扫了一遍后,这才说道:“此地已被玄离岛接管,所有人立即离开。” Under had the discussion slightly, most people do not know that the profound offshore islands are anything, reveals the curious color. 下方微微起了议论,多数人并不知道玄离岛是什么,都露出好奇之色。 Ha.” “哈哈哈。” Is listening to people's discussion, element fall about, said: Profound offshore islands good power and prestige, only to be really a pity that few knows probably personally.” 听着众人的议论,元基忍不住大笑起来,道:“玄离岛果然好威风,只可惜啊,好像没几个人知道呢。” Zhu Jun is also somewhat awkward, at present only has several in old freak, remaining is almost outside the person, he snort/hum, said: Does not know has not related, knows this on the line.” 朱钧也是有些尴尬,眼前只有几名界内老怪而已,剩下的几乎都是界外之人,他哼了一声,道:“不知道没关系,知道这个就行。” He raises the hand, flies high to make a fist, immediately demolishes the sound together crack, in that fist as if there is strength of dragon shape, changes to the boundless prestige to be able toward under to shake. 他扬起手来,凌空握拳,顿时一道爆破声炸响,那拳头中似乎有龙象之力,化作无边威能往下方震去。 Bang!” “轰隆隆!” A boundless pressure swings, in the air congeals to make a debut ripples, strokes on everyone. 一股无边威压荡开,空气中凝结出道道涟漪,拂在每个人身上。 !” “噗!” !” “噗!” Immediately several people spit blood at the scene, in the future is flown, one ends up to turn out the severe wound that fist overawes. 立即有几人当场吐血,被那拳威震得的往后飞去,一下就落得重伤。 Li Yunxiao naturally stands motionless, although that illustrious fist prestige is strong, but to him merely mediocre. 李云霄自然站立不动,那赫赫拳威虽强,但对他而言不过尔尔。
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