UAA :: Volume #20

#1983: Palestinian beautiful jade and element

Who has had nothing to do with you, but I definitely did not recognize you. ē “到底是谁就与你无关了,但我肯定不认得你。ē The Li Yunxiao vision has swept in the indoor, is empty besides this array, instead asked: „Is this place the center of emperor pill Building?” 李云霄目光在室内扫了一圈,除了这座阵法外空无一物,反而问道:“此地是帝丹楼的中枢?” The old men have hesitated, knows that cannot conceal, access road: „.” 老者沉吟了下,知道隐瞒不住,便道:“正是。” Li Yunxiao visits him smilingly, said: Your excellency untold hardships arrive at this, has attempted inevitably.” 李云霄笑盈盈的看着他,道:“阁下千辛万苦来到这,必然是有所企图了。” The old men sneer saying: Attempts naturally to have, but you did not say status agree why I do want to tell you to attempt?” 老者冷笑道:“企图自然是有的,但你连身份都不肯说,我又为何要告诉你企图?” Li Yunxiao is unhurriedly, says with a smile: Has not related, your excellency was needless to say anything, naturally well looks below.” 李云霄不慌不忙,笑道:“没关系,阁下不用说什么,在下自然会好好看着。” The old men stare, the face was cloudy immediately, cold sound track: You court death!” 老者一愣,脸孔立即阴沉了下来,寒声道:“那你就是找死!” Sees only him to launch an attack suddenly, both hands previous gather in the body, melt together the golden tally seal, circles circles in flight in the palm, one has patted fiercely. 只见他突然发难,双手在身前一合,化出一道金色符印,绕在掌心飞旋,猛地一下拍了过来。 Although Li Yunxiao early has the alert, but cannot think that he said hits hits, is so neat, and prestige of that palm is enormous and powerful, sends out the unsurpassed prestige energy, is not the exploratory attack, but wants one move to take his life. 李云霄虽早有戒备,但也想不到他说打就打,如此干脆利落,并且那一掌之威浩浩荡荡,散发出无上威能,绝不是试探性的攻击,而是想要一招取他性命。 Although Li Yunxiao startled, but not flurried, calm draws back several steps continually, spreads out, this same congealing palm, moved forward to meet somebody. 李云霄虽惊,但并未慌乱,沉着的连退数步,将距离拉开,这才同样凝掌,迎了上去。 Bang!” “轰!” The double palm hits mutually, golden light halo swing, hard anti-, Li Yunxiao has not flinched half step. 双掌相互撞击,金色光圈一道道荡开,硬抗之下,李云霄并未退缩半步。 The old men only thought an own palm struck on the copper wall, somewhat shook the entire arm to tingle with numbness, panic-stricken, both eyes were punctured by the Li Yunxiao whole body golden light was hard to open. 老者只觉得自己一掌击在了铜墙上,震得整条手臂有些发麻,惊骇之下,双眼被李云霄浑身金光刺的难以睁开。 What's the matter, since is the body of arrival, what comes the so formidable mortal body!” “怎么回事,既然是降临之体,何来如此强大肉身!” Although he does not have one to see the opposite party mortal body accomplishment, but also felt that oppression strength, desperate under was inferior to ponder that withdrew to hold hastily, under turned around, a white light was clear, draws a sword to puncture. 他虽没有一眼看出对方肉身大成,但也感受到了那种压迫力,情急之下不及细想,连忙撤回掌来,转身之下,一道白光粼粼,拔剑刺出。 Works as!” “当!” Li Yunxiao chuckle, at a moderate pace, stretches out double refers to pinching finger joints with the thumb, refers to the back knocking, strikes on that white light sword blade, sends out sword humming sound sound. 李云霄轻笑一声,不紧不慢,伸出双指掐诀,指背一敲而下,击在那白光剑身上,发出剑器的“嗡嗡”响。 But immediately his complexion sudden change, that sword double was referred to knocking not to shoot to start, but will melt shortly softly, such as the snake like the rope, one double refers to twining with the arm him. 但随即他脸色骤变,那剑被双指一敲下并未弹开,而是顷刻间化软,如蛇如绳,一下将他双指和手臂缠绕住。 Whiz whiz whiz!” “嗖嗖嗖!” The software fetters the Li Yunxiao finger and right arm, and circles in flight following the arm upwardly, the strength of terrifying strangling to death appears under the sword glow, tears the entire arm directly. 软件束缚住李云霄手指和右臂,并且顺着手臂向上飞旋,恐怖的绞杀之力在剑芒下浮现,直接撕裂整条手臂。 „!” “啪啦!” Under the sword air/Qi strangles to death, the Li Yunxiao half body thunder, that soft sword instantaneous ball is straight, shakes into its within the body, blows out sword glow, shoots from that thunder Qu. 剑气绞杀下,李云霄半个身躯化雷,那软剑瞬间弹直,震入其体内,爆出一片剑芒,从那雷躯中射开。 Bang! Bang!” “砰!砰!” The entire body was shot through hundred openings by the opposite party sword glow, thunder form one blurs, „” dispersing, condenses beyond dozens zhang (3.33 m), this changes the true body. 整个身躯被对方剑芒射穿百道口子,雷形一下模糊起来,“啪”的一声散开,在数十丈外凝聚,这才变回真身。 five elements spirit body!” 五行灵体!” The old men call out in alarm one, eyeful with amazement, holds the sword to stand, seemed motionless. 老者惊叫一声,满眼骇然,持剑而立,似乎不动了。 The Li Yunxiao face darken, felt exceptionally depressed, under the general idea is deceived by Dingshan a moment ago, now incautiously is injured by the opposite party, if not fled by thunder Qu, depended upon Inextinguishable Golden Body to shoulder hardly, was cut the severe wound by that sword inevitably a moment ago. 李云霄脸色阴沉下来,感到异常郁闷,刚才大意之下被丁山所骗,现在又一不小心被对方所伤,若非凭借雷躯遁走,依靠不灭金身硬扛的话,必然被刚才那一剑斩出重伤来。 Old thing, when really this were few to bully!” “老东西,真当本少好欺负了!” Li Yunxiao grasps the sword, pinches finger joints with the thumb, the sword war casualty cuts red in airborne together white glow, immediately the person sword unites, changes to giant sword astral in airborne, cuts suddenly! 李云霄一手持剑,一手掐诀,剑殇斩红在空中化出一道白芒,顿时人剑合一,化作巨大的剑罡在空中,猛然斩下! Bang!” “轰隆隆!” In the entire main hall, the space was torn by sword astral unceasingly, as if must cleave in two entire turret, the ground in secret room is the reappearing black crack, goes toward both sides unceasingly broken. 整个大殿上,空间不断被剑罡撕裂,似乎要将整座塔楼劈成两半,密室的地面更是浮现黑色裂缝,不断往两旁碎去。 Old men one startled, so of sword potential, he does not want to meet hardly, but the secret room is not wide, this sword has covered the four-pole eight sides, evades not to be possible radically to evade. 老者一惊,这般剑势之强,他也不想硬接,但无奈密室不宽,这一剑又笼罩了四极八方,根本避无可避。 Stop, do not hit!” “住手,不要打了!” In one of the old man hands sword becomes hard like the iron, meets the approaching enemy on, two sword clashes, shake him again and again to retrocede with a crash. 老者手中之剑一下变得坚硬如铁,迎击而上,砰然一声,两剑相击,震得他连连后退。 The innumerable sword air/Qi cut on to erupt red from the sword war casualty, presses him to protect body astral air/Qi unceasingly contracts, a complexion blanch. 无数剑气从剑殇斩红上爆发开,压得他护体罡气不断收缩,脸色一阵发白。 Hits meaningless, stop!” “打下去毫无意义,住手!” The old men have drunk one once more, he wants to write off Li Yunxiao before quickly, since the opposite party is the body of arrival, will not be inevitably strong, has the enormous assurance to be able in the short-term to solve. 老者再次喝了一声,他之前想以迅雷不及掩耳之势将李云霄抹杀,对方既然是降临之体,必然不会很强,有极大把握能够短期内解决。 Like this not only has been short of a trouble, but can also capture opposite party god pill, it may be said that kills two birds with one stone. 这样不仅少了个麻烦,而且可以夺取对方神丹,可谓一举两得。 But now gets rid clearly, how many move of it can strike to kill the opposite party is not? Can achieve, he did not have the heart of fight like this immediately, shouts to call a halt. 但现在一出手就清楚,要击杀对方绝不是几招之?做得到的了,这样他立即没有了战斗之心,大喊停手。 In the Li Yunxiao eye swift and fierce, stared at that old man to look at one, this shook with the sword, the diving posture has drawn back several steps, stopped to attack. 李云霄眼里一片凌厉,盯着那老者看了一阵,这才用剑一震,飞身退了几步,停下攻击来。 Li Yunxiao is only in the heart aggrieved depressed, therefore under the emotionalism will make a sword to vent, does not want to branch out the plan of life and death with the old man in this place, after a sword, calm, coldly looks at the opposite party. 李云霄只是心中憋屈郁闷,所以将情绪化作一剑发泄下,也没有想和老者在此地分出生死的打算,一剑后也就冷静了下来,冷冷的看着对方。 Of your excellency strength, pours also some qualifications to learn the matter of this emperor pill Building.” “阁下实力之强,倒也有资格获知这帝丹楼之事。” The old man facial color has relaxed, said: This imperial palace confuses chart is the emperor pill Building center is not false, and this place directly to emperor pill Palace, highest of this building!” 老者面色缓和了起来,道:“这九宫迷图阵乃是帝丹楼中枢不假,并且此地直接通向帝丹宫,此楼的最高一层!” Emperor pill Palace!” “帝丹宫!” In the Li Yunxiao heart shakes, busy say/way: How should that go?” 李云霄心中一震,忙道:“那该如何前往?” Snort!” “哼!” The old man complexion sinks, said: Old man also wants to know, but just came this place, you with!” 老者脸色一沉,道:“老夫也想知道,但刚来此地,你就跟来了!” The Li Yunxiao look number changes, hey smiles one, said: In emperor pill Palace, but some innumerable god pill spirit medicine?” 李云霄神色数变,嘿笑一声,道:“那帝丹宫内可是有无数神丹灵药?” The old men said: How can this I know? This building was the past technique god one every refining up, the situation in emperor pill Palace only then the people in profound offshore islands know, but according to what has been heard had the day to transport among good fortune pill, did not know the genuine and fake.” 老者道:“这我如何能知?此楼乃是当年的术神一凡所炼,帝丹宫内的情况只有玄离岛的人才知道,但据闻有天运造化丹其内,也不知真假。” Day transports good fortune pill, does in world have this thing really?!” “天运造化丹,世间真有此物?!” Li Yunxiao both hands get hold, ten fingers explode flip-flop straight sound, obviously innermost feelings is not tranquil. 李云霄双手握紧,十根指头爆的噼啪直响,可见内心的不平静。 The old men look at his appearance, cold snort/hum, contemptuously said: Also is only the hearsay, but emperor pill god pill in Palace must certainly exceed nine pill Palaces.” 老者看着他的样子,冷哼了一声,轻蔑道:“也只是传闻而已,但帝丹宫内的神丹肯定要胜过九丹宫的。” Suddenly transmits together, hey has smiled one, said: Palestinian beautiful jade Sir said not empty, in emperor pill Palace indeed had the day to transport good fortune pill, this news place confirmed unmistakably.” 突然一道传来,嘿嘿笑了一声,道:“巴瑾大人所言不虚,帝丹宫内的确有天运造化丹,这个消息本座确认无误。” A ray flies from the secret room, falls on the indoor, melts the male form, the long unlined close-fitting gown raids together, the item like the imperial guard, the body is straight. 一道光芒从密室外飞来,落在室内,化出一道男子身影,长衫袭地,目如虎贲,身躯笔直。 You are...... Element!” “你是……元基!” The old man whole body trembles, complexion big change, sinking sound track: You have not died unexpectedly!” In his eyes projects the fine glow, vigilant incomparable, as if dreaded to this person extremely. 老者浑身一颤,脸色大变,沉声道:“你竟然还没死!”他眼里射出精芒,警惕无比,似乎对此人极为忌惮。 Hehe, cannot think that Palestinian beautiful jade Sir still remembers below, is really honored utmost.” “呵呵,想不到巴瑾大人还记得在下,啧啧,真是荣幸之至呢。” The lai element smiles somewhat strangely, making the person not concede extremely, his vision disregarded the Palestinian beautiful jade, but has sized up Li Yunxiao several, revealed to doubt the color. 麳元基笑起来有些诡异,令人极度不服输,他的目光无视巴瑾,而是打量了李云霄几眼,露出疑色。 Palestinian beautiful jade cloudy and cold ridiculed: In the past the old man entered the eternal life, is the element Sir receives and instructs, must lead me to enter the profound offshore islands, may actually covet the thing of old man on the road, does not give a thought to the status gets rid to sneak attack in secret, luckily the old man has guarded, this saves a life.” 巴瑾阴冷的讥道:“当年老夫一入永生之界,便是元基大人来接引,要带我入玄离岛,可却在路上觊觎老夫的东西,不顾身份的暗中出手偷袭,幸亏老夫有所防备,这才捡回一条性命。” Hehe, the past matter, cannot think that the Palestinian beautiful jade Sir still remembers so clearly.” The element smiles, feels the caret-shaped beard of corners of the mouth. “呵呵,都过去的事了,想不到巴瑾大人还记得如此清楚。”元基嘿嘿一笑,摸着嘴角的八字胡须。 Palestinian beautiful jade coldly said: Element Sir naturally is the honored person forgets the matter, that is old man this lives most thrilling one time, almost changed to this dust, naturally was hard to dismiss from mind. This also lets the old man to profound offshore islands not any favorable impression, afterward some people invited not to go repeatedly, actually Sir......, I listened to the person saying that has offended in the island the laws, chased down went in all directions, but also thinks that the Sir already fell from the sky.” 巴瑾冷冷道:“元基大人自然是贵人多忘事,那可是老夫此生最惊险的一次,差点就化作此界尘埃了,自然难以忘怀。这也让老夫对玄离岛没有任何好感,后来多次有人相邀也不想去了,倒是大人自己……,我听人说触犯了岛上条规,被追杀的四处流窜,还以为大人早已陨落呢。” Hehe, said is the past matter, do you also always take to raise do do? Is it possible that wants to talk about old days with this place?” “呵呵,说了都已经是过去的事了,你还总拿出来提干嘛?莫非是想和本座叙旧?” Element cloudy and cold saying with a smile: In the past your luck was good, may also the luck be not necessarily good today.” 元基阴冷的笑道:“当年你运气好,可不见得今日也运气好了。” „!” “嗤嗤!” The Palestinian beautiful jade medium-soft sword shakes, such as the snake sticks out the tongue, shakes makes a debut the sword glow, an appearance of decisive battle, pinches finger joints with the thumb single-handed is pointing at the element, strength upward rises unceasingly. 巴瑾手中软剑一抖,如蛇吐信子,震出道道剑芒,一副决战的模样,单手掐诀指着元基,身上的力量不断往上攀升。 Snort, how many said your, but also wants to begin really? On that day transported good fortune pill not to want?” “哼,说你几句,还真想动手了?那天运造化丹不要啦?” Element both hands hold the chest, appearance that has not planned to get rid of completely. 元基双手抱胸,完全没有打算出手的模样。 The Palestinian beautiful jade scoffs to say with a smile: Is it possible that you will leave me pill, finally do not fight!” 巴瑾嗤笑道:“莫非你会将丹留给我,最终还不是要一战!” The element nod said: Gives you not to be naturally impossible pill, this pill results in the world good fortune, but the living corpse, the meat bones of the dead, were almost equal to a life, appointed no one could shoulder this pill to entice. But you contend in this crane freshwater mussel, cheap other people.” 元基点头道:“把丹让给你自然不可能,此丹得天地造化,可活死人,肉白骨,几乎就等于多了一条命,任谁也扛不住此丹诱惑。只不过你们在这鹤蚌相争,就便宜他人了。” The Palestinian beautiful jade turned the head slightly, looked around Li Yunxiao, said: „Did you say him?” 巴瑾微微转头,看了一眼旁边的李云霄,道:“你说他?” Hehe, this person somewhat is indeed unusual, should be evidently outside the person, when is the Heavenly Martial World powerhouse of this time. What I said is not he, but refers to the profound offshore islands!” “呵呵,此人的确有些奇特,看样子应该是界外之人,当属于这个时代的天武界强者。我说的并非他,而是指玄离岛!” An element sound revolution, becomes dignified, in eye often has the murderous intention twinkle, as if exceptionally resented to the profound offshore islands. 元基声音一转,变得凝重起来,眼里不时的有杀机闪烁,似乎对玄离岛异常愤恨。 Profound offshore islands?!” “玄离岛?!” The Palestinian beautiful jade was also startled, said: „Did the profound offshore islands also seize pill? Is impossible! This emperor pill Building continuously under profound offshore islands' control, if must take medicinal pill, why do not choose the present.” 巴瑾也吃了一惊,道:“难道玄离岛也来夺丹了?不可能!这帝丹楼一直都在玄离岛的控制下,若是要取丹药,何时不可以,为何要偏偏选现在。” Hehe, this you have not to know that this place has a period of time in the profound offshore islands, knows may be clearer than you.” “呵呵,这你就有所不知了,本座在玄离岛内有段时日,知道的可比你清楚。” The element explained: „This emperor pill building Nai every Grandmaster refining up, and under supposing banned that as of seal spiritual energies four spirits, but after uppermost emperor pill Palace needs nine pill Palaces break, can open, but once emperor pill Palace opens, emperor pill Building hides was equal to that was opened completely, since then changes to every thing, is unable to take the eye seal eternal life again the spiritual energy, therefore the profound offshore islands do not dare to act rashly, must wait for this opportunity. If I have not guessed that wrong, the people of profound offshore islands entered emperor pill Palace.” 元基解释道:“这帝丹楼乃一凡大师所炼,并且设下禁制,作为四灵之一封印灵气,而最上面一层帝丹宫必须要九丹宫破去后才能开启,而帝丹宫一旦开启,帝丹楼的所藏就等于全部被打开,从此化作凡物,再无法作为阵眼封印永生之界灵气,所以玄离岛也不敢妄动,必须等待这个时机。若是我没猜错的话,玄离岛之人已经进入帝丹宫了。” The Palestinian beautiful jade hears one startled one for the first time, does not know the genuine and fake, said: If the people of profound offshore islands entered emperor pill Palace, how could it not be we as futile as carrying water in a bamboo basket, keep this place also to have what significance!” 巴瑾听得一惊一乍的,也不知真假,道:“若是玄离岛之人已经进入帝丹宫,那我们岂非竹篮打水一场空,留在此地又还有何意义!” Hey, should not be anxious.” “嘿嘿,你别急呀。” The element said: If emperor pill Palace opens, in this building all spaces will open, voluntarily the fusion is one, at this moment any exceptionally, that imperial city gate had not been opened obviously.” 元基道:“若是帝丹宫开启,此楼内所有空间都会打开,自行融合为一,此刻并没有任何异常,可见那宫门还未被开。” „Is space fusion one?” “空间融合为一?” The Li Yunxiao complexion changes, said: That how could it not be entire building channel makes a connection, did all people push in emperor pill Palace?” 李云霄脸色微变,道:“那岂非整栋楼通道都打通,所有人都挤入帝丹宫内了?” Element sinister smile visits him, nodded, said: Is so.” 元基阴笑的看着他,点了点头,道:“正是如此。” // only has one today. //今天只有一更了。
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