UAA :: Volume #20

#1982: Nine pill takes completely

Li Yunxiao smiles, pities visits him, said: Dingshan Dingshan, is makes me approve your intelligence quotient to be high, said that you are stupid? Through the ages, how many hegemony to become empty/sky, what is the Lord of world? Holy Territory? Transform Divine Sea ? They are not, you are not, I am not, moreover we can never be. The world myriad things, the world life is under this day the Lord! But your I, including all heroes through the ages, in a hurry the traveler in years, entire divine intervention obscene called under Tyrant Heaven, your achievement also stopped.” 李云霄轻轻一笑,怜悯的看着他,道:“丁山啊丁山,是让我赞你智商高呢,还是说你蠢呢?古往今来,多少霸业成空,什么才是天下之主?圣域是吗?化神海是吗?他们都不是,你也不是,我也不是,而且我们永远都不会是。天下万物,天下生灵才是这天下之主!而你我,包括所有古往今来的豪杰,都只是匆匆岁月中的过客,整天意・淫自己称霸天下,你的成就也就到此为止了。” Dingshan hears the complexion to change, these words character character pearls, almost shake his mind, the startled anger shouted to clear the way: How old man achievement, having no need for you gesticulating! If not you many exactly for a while, chance by far in me, how could also to come to speak to me with the manner of occupying a commanding position!” 丁山听得脸色大变,这些话字字珠玑,几乎撼动他心神,惊怒喝道:“老夫成就如何,用不着你来指手画脚!你若非多活一时,机缘远胜于我,又岂能以居高临下的态度来对我说话!” Li Yunxiao ironic say/way: Do not forget, chance book is part of strength. Powerhouses always in unceasing advance, but the weak one always has all kinds of excuses. Dingshan Sir, when you are becoming angry out of shame to your failure, when you are finding the excuse to your failure, you thorough losing in a complete mess.” 李云霄反讽道:“别忘了,机缘本就是实力的一部分。强者总是在不断的前进,而弱者始终有各种各样的借口。丁山大人,当你在对自己的失败恼羞成怒的时候,当你在给自己的失败找借口的时候,你就彻底的输的一塌糊涂了。” The Dingshan whole body trembles, seemed irrigated trough cold water, the whole person was all of a sudden calm, the color of whole face cloudy vulture. 丁山浑身一颤,似乎被浇了一盆冷水,整个人一下子冷静了下来,满脸阴鹫之色。 Li Yunxiao said with a smile: If you are really powerhouse, an opportunity is enough, otherwise gives you to be many, finally is also dies in my hands.” 李云霄笑道:“如果你真的是强者的话,一次机会足以,否则就算给你再多,最终也是死在我手里。” The Dingshan complexion is pale, in the jade box the hand throws, said: Takes away.” Said that is holding the severely wounded body, walks toward teleportation array, vanishes. 丁山脸色铁青,将手中玉盒一扔,道:“拿去吧。”说完便托着重伤的身躯,往传送阵走去,消失在阵内。 Li Yunxiao continuously coldly looks, although there is the feeling of leaving trouble for the future, but obtains three god pill now, so long as the time is enough, steps into the palm day boundary to be just round the corner, even if Dingshan has the ability again, will not create to oneself too in a big way puzzles, received exchange for a god pill being quite worthwhile by this. 李云霄一直冷冷的看着,虽有放虎归山之感,但如今得到三枚神丹,只要时间足够,踏入掌天境指日可待,就算丁山再有能耐,也不会对自己造成太大困扰,以此换取一枚神丹极为合算。 After Dingshan departs, he slowly in the jade box the hand opens, medicinal pill of thumb size lies down among, is the cream color, drools with envy. 待丁山离去后,他才缓缓将手中玉盒打开,一枚拇指大小的丹药躺在其内,呈乳白色,垂涎欲滴。 This is......” “这是……” The Li Yunxiao delay, the complexion big change, anger has burnt the whole body immediately, Dingshan, damn!” 李云霄呆滞了一下,随即脸色大变,一股怒火烧遍全身,“丁山,该死!” „!” “啪!” In hand that jade box and medicinal pill, in he holds under the vigor to change to the powder powder, fans into airborne. 手中那玉盒与丹药在他掌劲之下化作齑粉,散入空中。 Dingshan gives his ten step god pill to be unexpectedly false! 丁山给他的十阶神丹竟是假的! Inside is only mallotus japonicus ordinary 8th Rank medicinal pill, supplements spiritual energy, although is also precious, but is actually difference of Yun Ni the! 里面只是一楸普通的八阶丹药,补充灵气之用,虽然也算珍贵,但却是云泥之别! Li Yunxiao almost exploded with rage, in teleportation array where also has the shadow of Dingshan, that old fox emperor pill Building, feared early runs away without a trace, even if pursues inevitably to be also fruitless now. 李云霄几乎气炸了,传送阵内哪里还有丁山的影子,那老狐狸一出帝丹楼,怕是早逃的无影无踪了,就算现在追出去也必然无果。 Can perpetrate a fraud before me unexpectedly, practices trickery, Dingshan, was I have belittled you!” “竟能在我面前偷梁换柱,瞒天过海,丁山,是我小觑了你啊!” Li Yunxiao angry, secretly blamed oneself general idea. 李云霄一阵恼怒不已,暗暗责备自己大意。 Thinks the imposing manner to be arrogant, is sure of success, Dingshan decides however does not dare to play to cheat, maliciously had actually been played one. 以为气势凌人,稳操胜券,丁山定然不敢耍诈,却是被狠狠的玩了一通。 After having been mad one, Li Yunxiao also aware dull, depressed walks toward teleportation array, prepares to snatch next. 气了一阵后,李云霄也自觉没趣,郁闷的往传送阵走去,准备去抢下一家。 Suddenly, entire emperor pill Building starts to tremble, the space keeps absent-minded, the huge tearing strength appears, wipes the white light to wrap Li Yunxiao, wants the direct transmission. 突然间,整个帝丹楼开始震颤起来,空间恍惚不停,巨大的撕裂力出现,一抹白光将李云霄包裹住,就要直接传送出去。 What's the matter, is time limit?” “怎么回事,难道是时间限制?” He has thought a possibility, is everyone is then limited in the time in emperor pill Building treating. 他想到了一种可能,便是每个人在帝丹楼内所待的时间是有限的。 If so, so long as has shouldered the strength of this transmission, then can continue to stay again!” “若是如此的话,只要扛过这阵传送之力,便能再继续停留!” Li Yunxiao melts the law immediately golden body, six arms pinch finger joints with the thumb respectively, fly high to sit cross-legged in the main hall, resists the strength of that transmission by the greatest magical powers. 李云霄当即化出法相金身,六臂各自掐诀,凌空盘坐在大殿上,以莫大神通抵御那传送之力。 At the same time, in emperor pill Building somewhere darkroom. 就在同一时刻,帝丹楼内某处暗室。 Meng carves simultaneously to open eyes with Zhu Jun, projects the fine glow, before looking at the body, that array, above imperial palace, the precious jade tarnish, means god pill who all nine town buildings was all taken. 孟琢与朱钧同时睁开眼来,射出精芒,望着身前那阵法,上面九宫之内,宝玉尽数变暗,意味着九枚镇楼的神丹全被取走。 Finally came, nine pill takes completely, in this building emperor pill must appear finally!” “终于来了,九丹取尽,这楼内帝丹终于要出现了!” Zhu Jun is somewhat excited, pinches steady Secret Art seal, under that intense space rocks, anchorage oneself body, whatever the external force gallops, motionless. 朱钧有些激动起来,掐稳诀印,在那强烈的空间晃动下,定住己身,任由外力驰骋,一动不动。 Meng carved also so, deeply shouted the tone, in that left only one-eyed the none remaining circled, strange incomparable. 孟琢亦是如此,深呼了口气,那左边唯一的独眼中精光一圈圈旋绕,诡异无比。 Bang!” “轰隆隆!” Rocking of emperor pill Building is getting stronger and stronger, suddenly transmits one to shake greatly, seemed the entire building collapsed, resounded through the world. 帝丹楼的晃动越来越强,突然传来一阵巨震,就好似整个楼宇坍塌了般,响彻天地。 Afterward is dies general silence, the entire world does not have a sound, calmed down completely. 随后便是死一般的寂静,整个世界都没有一点声音,完全静了下来。 A Zhu Jun startled say/way: What's the matter? Probably some are not right.” 朱钧一下惊道:“怎么回事?好像有些不对。” Meng carves both hands to make several seal art, before falling into, in array, a layer upon layer hazy ray raises, he takes out a disc, above seal cutting the dense and numerous digit, are putting in these rays. 孟琢双手打出数道印诀,落入身前阵法中,一层层朦朦的光芒升起,他取出一个圆盘,上面篆刻着密密麻麻的数字,放入那些光芒内。 Quick, these digit have all shone, starts to hover on the disc, finally concentrates one group of digit. 很快,那些数字全都亮了起来,开始在圆盘上游动,最终凝成一组数字。 zi! Strengths of 70,000 splendid light!” “嗞!70000华光的力量!” They are the complexion big changes, frightens heavily, Meng Zhuogeng is the hand trembles, has almost not discarded the disc. 两人都是脸色大变,吓得不轻,孟琢更是手一颤,差点没将圆盘扔掉。 Zhu Junshi sound track: „Has not miscalculated, even if a strength of palm day boundary powerhouse, over 10,000 splendid light, the strength of 70,000 splendid light, will not explain that this emperor Pill Tower strength of Martial Artist has at least achieved ten palm day boundary powerhouses!” 朱钧失声道:“有没算错,就算一名掌天境强者的力量,也不会超过10000华光,70000华光之力,说明这帝丹塔内的武者之力至少达到了十名掌天境强者!” Meng carves the complexion also ugly, sinking sound track: Imperial palace god pill broke after a moment ago, the space changes, should transmit among Martial Artist all leaves, among left the mistake? Has so many powerhouses not to walk unexpectedly!” 孟琢脸色也难看至极,沉声道:“刚才九宫神丹破去后,空间异动,应该会将其内武者尽数传送离开,难道其内出了差池?竟有如此多的强者没走!” Zhu Jun is cloudy the face, said: I have thought a possibility, that is the person of strength of resistance space are too then many, making emperor pill Building the strength of space be destroyed, was small to be transmitted, the fierce role feared that has stayed behind.” 朱钧阴沉着脸,道:“我想到了一种可能,那便是对抗空间之力的人太多,使得帝丹楼的空间之力被打碎,只有一些小喽啰被传送出去了,厉害一些的角色怕是已经都留下了。” Meng carves saying: These troubled in a big way, nine god pill were broken, emperor pill will soon appear, if they had found the place, we took pill's difficulty to increase were too many.” 孟琢道:“这些麻烦大了,九神丹被破,帝丹即将出现,若是他们找到了地方,那我们取丹的难度就增加了太多。” Un, no matter how, the day transports good fortune pill we to obtain!” “嗯,不管如何,天运造化丹我们一定要得到!” On Zhu Jun face covers entirely malignant influences, cold sound track: „Under not to mention your I collaborate, in this emperor pill Building does not have the rival certainly, even if separates alone accepts a challenge, should not have the issue. Let alone we come from the profound offshore islands, how dare the remaining that several old freak thing fight for with us, but the outsider insufficient creates disaster radically.” 朱钧脸上布满一层煞气,寒声道:“且不说你我联手之下,这帝丹楼内绝无敌手,就算是分开独自应战,也应该是没问题的。更何况我们来自玄离岛,剩下的那几个老怪物岂敢跟我们争抢,而界外来人根本就不足为患。” „The side that said is.” “说的极是。” Meng carves saying: Reason that will have the strengths of 70,000 splendid light to preserve, should be the large number of elderly persons reason, we go to top layer pill Pavilion to protect first, waited for that the day transports good fortune pill born.” 孟琢道:“之所以会有70000华光的力量留存,应该是人数众多的缘由,我们先去顶层丹阁护着,等待天运造化丹出世吧。” They pinch finger joints with the thumb respectively, the ray dodges, vanished in the darkroom. 两人各自掐诀,光芒一闪,就消失在了暗室里。 In god pill Pavilion, Li Yunxiao displays superhuman, the golden light, pinches finger joints with the thumb all over the body sits cross-legged, strength of the space in his side circulation, have gradually died away, finally vanishes does not see. 一座神丹阁内,李云霄施展出三头六臂,通体金光,掐诀盘坐,一道道的空间之力在他身边流转,渐渐弱了下去,最终消失不见。 Finally stopped?” “终于停了吗?” He opens eyes, discovered that all around is exceptionally silent, talks to oneself: Should be good, the time that I preserve indeed somewhat is also long. Nine god pill Pavilions emptied its three, I and Jing Baimu, Dingshan, but also the remaining six people feared that has gone also well, feared that they had been delivered by teleportation array.” 他睁开眼来,发现四周异常寂静,自语道:“应该是好了,我留存的时间也的确有些久。九神丹阁已经空了其三,我、荆白木、丁山,还剩下六人怕是也都得手了,就怕他们已经被传送阵送出去。” He sudden one was shocked, sees was only activating teleportation array not to know when static, did not have the light of transmission. 他突然一下愣住了,只见原本激活着的传送阵不知何时静止了下来,已经没有了传送之光。 I resisted the transmission a moment ago, making the conveyor system collapse?” “难道我刚才抗拒传送,使得传送系统崩坏了?” Li Yunxiao has pondered, then dodges on, must inspect that teleportation array situation. 李云霄沉思了一下,便一闪而上,要去检查那传送阵的情况。 Bang!” “轰!” Suddenly that teleportation array explodes, wiped the yellow luminescence to clash from the ground, not only blew up teleportation array, the entire ground has also broken to pieces one piece, revealed more than a ten zhang (3.33 m) tunnel. 突然那传送阵爆开,一抹黄光从地面下方冲了上来,不仅将传送阵炸毁,整个地面也碎了一片,露出一个十余丈的地洞。 But above the tunnel, stands a person, the whole body is showing the cold air/Qi, watches intently. 而地洞上方,站着一人,浑身透出冷气,逼视过来。 Although Li Yunxiao one startled, has drawn back half alert, but the innermost feelings are actually joyful, at present this person of strength cultivates is, under Jing whitewood, should not be the person who in nine god pill Pavilions comes out completely, then also has god pill inevitably. 李云霄虽然一惊,退了半步戒备,但内心却是欣喜不已,眼前这人的实力修为,完全不在荆白木之下,应该就是九神丹阁内出来的人,那么身上必然也带有神丹。 The old man stared at him to look at one, wrinkled under the eyebrow slightly, then turned around to depart. 那老者盯着他看了一眼,微微皱了下眉,便转身要离去。 Slow!” “慢着!” Li Yunxiao drinks, the innermost feelings think strange, the opposite party does not snatch his medicinal pill unexpectedly, who are you?” 李云霄一喝,内心觉得奇怪,对方竟然不抢他的丹药,“你是何人?” The old man then slightly revolving head, said: You also obtained the god pill's person, hehe, good, the old man currently has the matter, you keep this not to walk, later the old man again comes back to narrate to chat with you.” 那老者这才微微回转头来,道:“你也是得到了神丹的人吧,呵呵,不错,老夫现在有事,你就留在这别走,待会老夫再回来跟你叙叙。” Then, the old man directly flies into the tunnel, does not pay attention to him. 说完,那老者就直接飞入地洞内,再不理会他。 Li Yunxiao treated same place was somewhat ignorant, the old man said that also will come back to ask him to narrate to chat, narrated a yarn, certainly must snatch his pill, but why doesn't begin now? 李云霄待在原地有些懵了,那老者说还会回来找他叙叙,叙个毛线,肯定是要抢他的丹,但为何现在不动手呢? He said that has the matter, what matter has snatching god pill in this emperor Pill Tower is more important than?” “他说有事,在这帝丹塔内有什么事是比抢神丹还重要的?” Li Yunxiao has hesitated, naturally cannot keep same place being kept waiting, but along with also flies into that tunnel. 李云霄沉吟了一下,自然不会留在原地傻等,而是随着也飞入那地洞中。 Inside similarly is a big palace, should be he has not gone to one of the another six pavilions. 里面同样是一个偌大的宫殿,应该是他未曾去过的另外六阁之一。 Bang!” “轰隆!” In the main hall one shook greatly, sees only the opposite ground to drive out a large cave, that old man shot a look at his one eyes, directly flew into the hole, afterward was a big laughter transmits. 大殿内一下巨震,只见对面的地上被轰开了一个大洞,那名老者只是瞥了他一眼,就直接飞入洞中,随后便是一道大笑声传来。 Under Li Yunxiao follows hurriedly, after flying into, sees is only a darkroom, the nobody left, is different from nine god pill's main halls. 李云霄急忙跟上,飞入进去后,只见下方是一个暗室,空无一人,与九神丹的大殿不同。 The darkroom center is a chart, Li Yunxiao concentrates the item to look, that chart mounted nine precious jades, the luster varied, but dimly did not have up. 暗室中央是一个阵图,李云霄凝目望去,那阵图镶嵌了九块宝玉,色泽不一,但都昏暗无光。 Imperial palace confuses chart!” “九宫迷图阵!” Li Yunxiao was startled, array of this ground, according to the memory of Jing whitewood, this place should be the center rooms in entire nine god pill Pavilions again, controls all revolutions. 李云霄吃了一惊,这地上的阵法,再根据荆白木的记忆,此地应该就是整个九神丹阁的中枢室,控制所有运转。 The old man was light well, this revolving head, somewhat accidental saying: „Do you also recognize the imperial palace to confuse chart?” 那老者轻“咦”了一声,这才回转头来,有些意外的说道:“你也认得九宫迷图阵?” Li Yunxiao maintains composure, said: Some impressions, as if have seen.” 李云霄不动声色,道:“有些印象,似乎见过。” Old men „”, access road: That was also has great learning.” He then carefully sizes up Li Yunxiao to come, did not think the complexion sudden change, the eyeball has almost exploded, called out in alarm said: Your skeletal age......” 老者“哦”了一下,便道:“那也算是学识渊博了。”他这才仔细打量起李云霄来,不觉得脸色骤变,眼珠子几乎爆了出来,惊呼道:“你的骨龄……” Under is startled, he immediately restored the normal look, the congealing sound track: „Are you body of arrival? Resides in the soul in this body, who is?” 吃惊之下,他立即恢复了正常神色,凝声道:“你是降临之体吧?居于这副身躯内的灵魂,到底是何人?” In the Li Yunxiao heart blushes with shame, he can also understand that the feeling of opposite party, a 20-year-old body, is actually returns to original condition cultivating of Divine Realm is, appointed no one believes. 李云霄心中汗颜,他也能明白对方的感受,一副20余岁的身躯,却是归真神境的修为,任谁都不会相信。
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