UAA :: Volume #20

#1981: Sentiment and advantage

Qu Hongyan said: This person of strength is greatly strengthened, takes your my present cultivating as, ч displays under the Sky Sword chart, the ordinary palm day boundary powerhouse cannot support, he can support unexpectedly does not die, is simply unthinkable.” 曲红颜道:“此人实力极强,以你我现在的修为,ч手施展天剑图下,普通的掌天境强者根本撑不下去,他竟能撑住不死,简直匪夷所思。” Li Yunxiao said: These old freak thing all are for 100,000 years top powerhouse, to track down that faintly recognizable Divine Realm, but since the eternal life, in this place seal, retains the life, waited for that the Ten Directions rule reappears. War fine jade war breaking by twisting in hands brothers who before met, was the strength startled day, under that earth-shaking seal, feared that was Wan Jiantu must be broken.” 李云霄道:“这些老怪物无一不是100000年来的顶尖强者,都为了追寻那飘渺的神境而进入永生之界,在此地封印自己,保留寿元,等待十方规则重现。之前遇见的战瑜战擘兄弟,何尝不是实力惊天,那翻天覆地印下,怕是万剑图也要被破去。” On his face reveals serious meditation, now also has a lingering fear. 他脸上露出沉重的凝思,现在还心有余悸。 Non- Ni Xiaodao: That two brothers are fierce, had not been defeated by husband, runs away distressedly.” Remembers Li Yunxiao to save her at risk of life, an innermost feelings warmth. 非倪笑道:“那两兄弟再厉害,还不是被夫君打败,狼狈而逃。”想起李云霄拼死救她,内心一阵温暖。 Li Yunxiao shakes the head saying: At that time that day evil deity, I could not control, under earth-shaking seal, stimulated the array potential mostly, this as bad as the array revolt, broke double seal to unite directly. If meets these two brothers again, must be extremely discrete.” 李云霄摇头道:“当时那都天神煞阵,已经非我能掌控了,多半是在翻天覆地印下,刺激了阵法的潜能,这才糟到阵法反抗,直接破了双印合一。若是再遇上这两兄弟的话,必须万分谨慎。” Yes.” “是。” Three female should say simultaneously. 三女同声应道。 You return to World God monument, I understood structure of this emperor Pill Tower, the technique god who was one passed away refine, this personal name was, cultivated to pass the god. Under arrange imperial palace free-space diagram, mysterious unpredictable, Jing whitewood also uses the stupid means that rips the space, falls into this place randomly.” “你们都回界神碑内吧,我已经明白了这帝丹塔的构造,乃是一位已经作古的术神所炼,此人名为一凡,修为通神。在阵内布下九宫空间图,玄妙难测,荆白木也是采用愚笨的办法,强撕空间,随机落入此地。” Confuses the chart regarding this space, the Li Yunxiao also not anything good means that can only imitate, was the same to Jing whitewood, hits the luck. 对于这种空间迷图,李云霄也并无什么好办法,只能依样画葫芦,与荆白木一样,撞运气了。 Three females fly into World God monument, Li Yunxiao also steps into that teleportation array, a green light immediately flood, the strength of space revolves. 三女飞入界神碑中,李云霄也踏入那传送阵,青色阵光顿时泛起,空间之力运转。 Opens the space channel in that formidable strength, when must he spreads emperor pill Building, his fiercely both hands toward the both sides one grasp, withstands the strength of that reverse directly, simultaneously the forehead antique Heavenly Eye opens, projects a lightning, tears the space! 就在那强大的力量打开空间通道,要将他传出帝丹楼时,他猛地双手往两侧一抓,直接将那扭转之力顶住,同时眉心太古天目一开,射出一道闪电,将空间撕裂! zi!” “嗞!” His whole body changes to the azure thunder, dodges suddenly, penetrates from that crack, entered another transfer passage, and goes against the flow on. 他全身化作青雷,猛然一闪,就从那裂缝中穿透而过,进入了另外一条传送通道,并且逆行而上。 In the jet black road, transmits the formidable space impulse, is the rivers and streams is likely ordinary, flows to another end end point. 漆黑的甬道内,传来强大的空间冲击力,像是江河一般,流向另一端的终点。 But Li Yunxiao changes to the thunder, breaks out the strength that these prevent, forcefully on, after the moment, then sees the source of this channel, a piece of white light appears. 李云霄则是化作雷霆,将那些阻挡的力量劈开,强行而上,片刻后便看见这条通道的源头,一片白光浮现出来。 Drinks!” “喝!” Dodges, he then penetrates, the body appears immediately in teleportation array, restores the mortal body, both hands make a fist fiercely shake, breaks that teleportation array the strength of space. 雷芒一闪,他便穿透而过,身躯顿时浮现在一座传送阵,恢复肉身,猛地双手握拳一震,将那传送阵的空间之力破去。 The azure glow on array dissipates immediately slowly, Li Yunxiao decides the eye to look, has placed another main hall. 阵法上的青芒顿时缓缓消散,李云霄定眼望去,已经身处另外一座大殿了。 Li Yunxiao!” 李云霄!” The form just stabilized, then hears together familiar calling out in alarm. 身影刚刚稳定下来,便听见一道熟悉的惊叫。 Hehe, is really life where does not meet by chance.” “呵呵,真是人生何处不相逢。” Li Yunxiao looked up, in the eye flashes through ice-cold stern countenance, taunted and murderous aura. 李云霄抬起头来望去,眼里闪过一丝冰冷的厉色,还有嘲讽和杀气。 The present person unexpectedly is Dingshan, at this moment is sitting cross-legged to sit in the main hall central recuperation aura, the body big piece bloodstained, the face whiten, sees under him, is becomes the surface like the dying embers. 眼前之人竟是丁山,此刻正盘腿坐在大殿中央调养气息,身上大片染血,脸色苍白,一见他之下,更是变得面如死灰。 The Dingshan eyeball revolves rapidly, the vision twinkle is uncertain, an innermost feelings anxiety, racking brains of going all out tries to find the solution. 丁山眼珠子飞转,目光闪烁不定,内心一片焦虑,拼命的绞尽脑汁想办法。 He knows that oneself at this moment is not the Li Yunxiao match, if cannot find out the means that feared that must fall from the sky this place. 他知道自己此刻绝不是李云霄对手,若是想不出办法来,怕是就要陨落此地了。 Ling fortunately?” “玲儿还好吗?” Dingshan long sighed, a face desolate appearance. 丁山长长叹了口气,一脸落寞的样子。 Haha, Dingshan, did the play develop enough?” “哈哈,丁山,戏演够了没有?” Li Yunxiao goes out from teleportation array, forwards step by step, said: Worthily is one generation of fierce and ambitiouses, is very calm.” 李云霄传送阵内走出,一步步向前,道:“不愧是一代枭雄,很镇定呢。” The Dingshan complexion changes, dejected say/way: Oh, I know that you will not let off my, between you and me sooner or later must have an understanding, late might as well early, this meet also be the divine intervention.” 丁山脸色微变,颓然道:“唉,我知道你不会放过我的,你我之间迟早都要有个了解,晚不如早,这次相遇也算是天意了。” That does not know how Dingshan Sir wants to understand, is yourself begins, makes me begin.” “那不知丁山大人想如何了解,是你自己动手,还是让我来动手。” Li Yunxiao both hands hold the chest, walked to stop to Dingshan front five zhang (3.33 m) places, this distance can guarantee that any sneak attacked him to have the time of defense. 李云霄双手抱胸,走至丁山面前五丈处停了下来,这个距离可以确保任何偷袭他都有防御的时间。 Among your me has such big hatred?” “你我之间就有这么大的仇恨吗?” The look of Dingshan has gawked, immediately is looking at Li Yunxiao, said: In this world does not have the enmity of not being able to melt, but Young Master Yunxiao is not willing to give me an opportunity of melting.” 丁山的神色愣了下,随即望着李云霄,道:“这世上没有化解不开的仇怨,只是云霄公子不愿给我一个化解的机会。” Li Yunxiao sees him to have a glib tongue, felt oneself a little said that he, then waves saying: Does not give, rubbish, do yourself mediate me to come?” 李云霄见他巧舌如簧,感觉自己有点说不过他了,便挥手道:“不给,别废话了,你自己了断还是我来?” Dingshan only thought that a chest depression, caught one's breath said: I die pity insufficient, but the hope can look at Ling before dying again, she is the daughter who I suffer great hardships to raise, is my one trains, Heaven Origin Chamber of Commerce the big base industry, finally must pass to her now.” 丁山只觉得胸口一阵郁闷,缓了口气才道:“我死不足惜,只是希望在死前能再看一眼玲儿,她是我含辛茹苦带大的女儿,也是我一手培养起来的,天元商会现在偌大的基业,最终还是要传给她。” Li Yunxiao snort/hum said: This request rather was also too difficult, as for passing on the matter of base industry, after you died, I will make Ling receive Heaven Origin Chamber of Commerce, you did not need to be worried.” 李云霄哼道:“这个要求也未免太难了吧,至于传基业之事,待你死后,我会让玲儿去接收天元商会的,你就不用担心了。” A Dingshan brow wrinkle, said: Without my support, the Heaven Origin Chamber of Commerce big industry, can it be that wants to take over at this moment can take over? Thousand eye covetously accidentally outside, fears......” 丁山眉头一皱,道:“没有我的支持,天元商会此刻偌大的产业,岂是想接手就能接手的?还有万一千在外虎视眈眈,就怕……” Good, I do not have the interest to your base industry, even if wasted all one's money did not matter, grumble. The words that do not mediate, this little personally delivered you.” “好了好了,我对你的基业没兴趣,就算败光了也无所谓,别磨叽了。再不自己了断的话,本少就亲自送你了。” The Li Yunxiao patience was ground, is disinclined to pay attention with him, in the eye projects the brilliant murderous intention. 李云霄耐心被磨光,懒得跟他理会,眼里射出灼灼杀机。 The Dingshan heart trembles, knows that played the patho sign is useless, an anxiety, busy say/way: Young Master Yunxiao, the old man is at this moment rich the enemy, is willing to pay with life with various types of belongings, eliminates between you and me the enmity.” 丁山心头一颤,知道打悲情牌是没用了,一阵焦急,忙道:“云霄公子,老夫此刻富可敌国,愿意用各种财物来抵命,消除你我之间的仇怨。” Hehe, life of Dingshan Sir, but the priceless treasure, can it be that the wealth can arrive. It seems like you will not have consciousness, makes this little deliver you.” “呵呵,丁山大人的性命可是无价之宝,岂是钱财能抵的。看来你是不会有觉悟了,还是让本少送你吧。” The Li Yunxiao form moves, changes to green thunder body, an increasing several fold, like Djinn. 李云霄身影一动,化作青色雷身,一下变大数倍,有如巨灵。 Lifts the right arm, the five fingers grasps from sky, piece of glitters. 抬起右臂,五指就从天空抓下,一片雷芒闪烁。 But the big hand touches Dingshan front three zhang (3.33 m) then, stopped stiffened generally, motionless. 但大手触到丁山面前三丈便,停僵住了一般,一动不动。 The Li Yunxiao pupil color break-up moves, looks on the palm of Dingshan, is holding a jade box, is exactly the same as two god pill boxes that he obtains. 李云霄瞳光闪动,看着丁山的手掌上,正托着一个玉盒,与他得到的两枚神丹盒子一模一样。 A palm piece of Origin Force transpiration of Dingshan, presses on that jade box, so long as makes an effort to pinch, then can crushes the box and pill together. 丁山的手掌一片元力蒸腾,压在那玉盒上,只要用力一捏,便能将盒子与丹一道粉碎。 Palm stagnation of Li Yunxiao in airborne, Dingshan is also motionless, but coldly visits him. 李云霄的手掌停滞在空中,丁山也一动不动,只是冷冷的看着他。 The action of Dingshan he understands that then threatens him taking advantage of ten step god pill, if begins, he first destroys god pill. 丁山的举动他明白,便是借着十阶神丹威胁他,若是动手的话,他第一时间就毁去神丹。 Dingshan shows a faint smile, said: Young Master Yunxiao, since is willing to stop the hand for ten step god pill, the old man thinks, among us can chat!.” 丁山微微一笑,道:“云霄公子既然愿意为了十阶神丹而停下手来,那老夫就想,我们之间还是可以谈谈!。” Li Yunxiao cold sound track: Lets off your me not to be willing, to destroy god pill I to be also unwilling, is really the difficult choice.” 李云霄冷声道:“放过你我不愿,毁神丹我又不甘,真是艰难的抉择呢。” Haha, the choice is in itself not difficult, what is difficult is Young Master Yunxiao in the heart cannot put down.” “哈哈,抉择本身并不难,难的是云霄公子心中放不下。” Dingshan is smiling, on the face reveals infinite recall and does not abandon, loving is looking in the hand medicinal pill, said: By this god pill, received exchange for I two between the friendship, how Young Master Yunxiao thinks?” 丁山微笑着,脸上露出无限的留恋和不舍,含情脉脉的看着手中丹药,道:“以此神丹,换取我两之间的友谊,云霄公子以为如何?” I!” “我呸!” Li Yunxiao angrily rebukes, shouted to clear the way: Dingshan, you rather look at me too lowly! For trivial medicinal pill, the delusion has the friendship with me.” The outstretch finger that he is filled with righteous indignation, said: Three.” 李云霄怒斥一声,喝道:“丁山,你未免将我看得太低了吧!为了区区一枚丹药,就妄想跟我结下友谊。”他义愤填膺的伸出手指,道:“怎么也得三枚。” Dingshan: „......” 丁山:“……” Dingshan is very depressed, said: Ten step god pill, even if 100,000 years ago, can obtain one is also the towering good fortune, which my comes three! Three words, I rather ate to support, died with no regrets!” 丁山无比郁闷,道:“十阶神丹,即便在100000年前,能够得到一枚也是参天造化,我哪来三枚!有三枚的话,我宁可自己吃了撑死,也死而无憾!” Snort, that rubbish with me and delusion!” “哼,那就别跟我废话和妄想!” Li Yunxiao sneers, puts out a hand to point at that jade box, said: Leaves behind medicinal pill, you walk. But next time will say goodbye, is still mortal enemy.” 李云霄冷笑不已,伸手指着那玉盒,道:“将丹药留下,你走。但下次再见,依然是死敌。” The Dingshan eyebrow selects, the forehead reappearing wrinkle, said: „My Dingshan thick patch of grass, ten step god pill can only trade an escaping opportunity unexpectedly, Young Master Yunxiao rather think highly of me.” He puts out a hand similarly, said: Three times!” 丁山眉毛一挑,额头浮现皱纹,道:“我丁山不过一介草莽,十阶神丹居然只能换一次逃生机会,云霄公子未免太看得起我了吧。”他同样伸出手来,道:“怎么也得三次!” Haha, Dingshan Sir just said own richest in the world, the wealth of Heaven Origin Chamber of Commerce adds to arrive at many god pill.” “哈哈,丁山大人刚说自己富甲天下,天元商会之财加起来可得抵多少神丹呐。” Li Yunxiao has hit, appearance of being smiling, but the vision is actually ice-cold, throughout is gazing at every action and every movement of Dingshan, Dingshan is extremely sly, he does not dare to have slightly negligently. 李云霄打了个哈哈,嬉皮笑脸的样子,但目光却是冰冷,始终注视着丁山的一举一动,丁山太过狡猾,他不敢有丝毫大意。 Dingshan forced smile said: That is only I, for from raising the sale price spoke irresponsibly, even if Heaven Origin Chamber of Commerce had the wealth, but that was also the tangible wealth, but this god pill was actually not the tangible wealth, entire Heavenly Martial World could not discover one to come.” 丁山苦笑道:“那只是我为了自抬身价乱说的,就算天元商会有财,但那也都是可聚之财,而这神丹却是不可聚之财,整个天武界也找不出一枚来。” Li Yunxiao coldly said: Dingshan Sir in Heavenly Martial World is also unique, god pill incessantly, but the Sir do 100% have one, which is the lighter and which is the heavier?” 李云霄冷冷道:“丁山大人在天武界也是独一无二的呢,神丹不止一枚,而大人却100只有一个,孰轻孰重?” Dingshan is looking in that box god pill, sighed: Oh, if Young Master Yunxiao said like this, the old man can only Ning is die honorably. What a pity this god pill, preserved 100,000 years, almost must melt spirit, is actually destroyed in a moment in the final moment, turns into the rubble soil containing waste matter.” 丁山望着那盒内神丹,啧啧叹道:“唉,若是云霄公子这样说,那老夫只能宁为玉碎了。可惜这神丹呐,留存了100000年之久,几乎都要化灵了,却在最后关头毁于一旦,变成瓦砾渣土。” The Li Yunxiao sinking sound shouted to clear the way: Do not begin!” 李云霄沉声喝道:“别动手!” On his depressed face azure white, cold sound track: Most gives you again an opportunity, next time will fall in my hand to put your one time, must kill again next time without doubt!” 他郁闷的脸上一阵青一阵白的,寒声道:“最多再给你一次机会,下次落我手中放你一次,再下次也必杀无疑了!” Dingshan knits the brows, said: Seriously implacably? I always do not believe in this world to have the eternal hatred, is only the benefit is insufficient. But your appetite rather was also too big, a god pill could not buy the friendship, you were blackmailing me!” 丁山皱起眉来,道:“当真无法和解了?我从来都不信这世上会有永恒的仇恨,只是利益不够。但你的胃口也未免太大了吧,一枚神丹也买不来友谊,你这是在敲诈我啊!” Li Yunxiao coldly said: Do not measure me with the brain of your merchant, Yu Wenbo dies when my front, then decided to kill the murderer, even if gives me 10,000 god pill I also to kill you. Reason that this time is willing to put you , because you to fear in my eyes insufficient, kill you, if kills the ant, momentarily good, why must waste a god pill.” 李云霄冷冷道:“别用你那商人的脑子来度量我,宇文博死在我前面时,便下了决心必杀凶手,就算给我10000枚神丹我也必杀你。之所以这次肯放你,是因为你在我眼中已不足为惧,杀你如杀蚁,随时都行,何必要浪费一枚神丹呢。” The Dingshan face twitched, had discovered oneself among the disparity with Li Yunxiao, feels fearful and apprehensive to its growth, therefore hopes that settles a dispute by this pill, has this kind of enemy, simply is the nightmare. 丁山脸孔抽搐了一下,也发现了自己与李云霄之间的差距,对其成长速度感到心惊肉跳,所以希望凭借此丹讲和,有这样一名敌人在,简直就是噩梦。 Early knows today's words, initially at risk of life must transfer all resources to cut to kill it first, but thinking was late now, can only try to find the solution as far as possible. 早知今日的话,当初拼死也要调动一切资源先将其斩杀,但如今思之已晚,只能尽量想办法。 For trivial Yu Wenbo! Can his life compare with me? Li Yunxiao, Gu Feiyang, do you leave are swayed by personal feelings to be good like this? If there are me to help you, takes your cultivating as and intelligent, becomes the hosts of world is just round the corner, you may be well clear!” “就为了区区一个宇文博!他的命能和我比吗?李云霄,古飞扬,你别这样意气用事行不行?若是有我助你,以你的修为和聪慧,成为天下之主都指日可待,你可好好想清楚啊!” Dingshan indistinct has the anger, only thinks very aggrievedly. 丁山隐约中有怒火,只觉得十分憋屈。
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