UAA :: Volume #20

#1980: Northern broad law day pill

Tianfeng was really hot!” “天凤真火!” Jing Baimu was startled, although this flame cannot injure him, actually also very puzzles, this can burn really hot really the Yuan, making his Origin Force consume enormously. 荆白木吃了一惊,这火焰虽不能伤他,却也十分困扰,这真火能够燃烧真元,让他的元力消耗极大。 Air/Qi returns to the sect!” “一气归宗!” In Jing Baimu hand a monster blade dance, gonorrhea vast flood, such as the smoke diverges, blocks the sea of fire in a whole body several feet place. 荆白木手中妖刀一舞,一片白茫泛起,如烟散去,在周身数丈处将火海阻住。 Simultaneously the monster blade dances again, stirs up eight blade light, strikes to keep off all cutting of Qu Hongyan, the blade edge light shoots at Luo Yunchang together. 同时妖刀再舞,激出八刀刃光,将曲红颜的斩击尽数挡下,其中一道刃光则是射向洛云裳 Bang! Bang! Bang!” “砰!砰!砰!” Thin-bladed knife glow sword air/Qi surges, under the Jing whitewood several moves, collaborates to block three females, the whole body covers under blade light, but beyond the square inch is the white fog. 一片刀芒剑气激荡,荆白木数招之下,将三女联手挡住,周身罩在一层刀光下,而方寸之外则是白雾。 As if also accomplishes a task with ease, his form and blade unite, under the twinkle passes through the mist, cuts Qu Hongyan. 似乎还游刃有余,他身影与刀合一,闪烁之下穿过雾气,直斩曲红颜 After all in three females, Qu Hongyan is biggest to his threat, must except that first. 毕竟三女中,曲红颜对他的威胁最大,必须首先除去。 Works as!” “当!” The Qu Hongyan anger does not reduce, the front surface raises the sword to keep off, sends out Profound Artifact the engine knock, shakes a flame. 曲红颜怒气不减,迎面提剑一挡,发出玄器相击声,震起道道火光。 Jing whitewood hey smiles one suddenly, the wrist/skill shakes, on that monster blade flies inexplicably a smog, is the rope ties down Zixiao likely. 荆白木突然嘿笑一声,手腕一抖,那妖刀上莫名飞起道道烟雾,像是绳索般将紫霄缠住。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Qu Hongyan dark startled, twines the sword blade book not to matter, but that white smoke not only has locked in the Zixiao sword, is unable to shake by oneself, but also in the smog rune/symbol writing flashes, suppresses completely sword intent, on the Zixiao sword hears one to call out in grief, makes its shall be grateful as a personal favor, then realized that the strength of accumulated is getting more and more weak. 曲红颜暗惊一声,缠绕剑身本无所谓,但那白烟不仅锁住了紫霄剑,让自己无法撼动,而且烟雾内符文闪动,将剑意完全压制下去,紫霄剑上传来一声悲鸣,令其感同身受,便察觉到器蕴之力越来越弱。 Immediately the left hand pinches finger joints with the thumb, the fierce place on the sword blade, purple light spreads under the fingertip, contends with that white smog. 当即左手掐诀,猛地点在剑身上,一片紫光在指尖下扩散,抗衡那白色烟雾。 Roar!” “吼!” Suddenly in the white smog transmits roars, the monster blade and Zixiao sword all shake, immediately sees monster phantom to float with the monster blade sky over, the head assumed the triangle, the opening mouth threw. 突然白色烟雾内传来咆哮,妖刀与紫霄剑皆是一震,随即看见一只怪兽虚影浮与妖刀上空,头呈三角,张大嘴巴就扑了过来。 That monster is spirits likely, is different, in both eyes blows out the vicious tendencies and fine glow, obviously the spirit wisdom does not beat. 那怪兽像是器灵,却又不同,双眼中爆出戾气和精芒,显然灵智不敌。 This old thing indeed has real skill.” “这老东西的确有两下子。” Under the golden light twinkle, Li Yunxiao appears before that monster together, has pinched thunder seal single-handed, afterward holds up the hammer to pound toward the monster on! 一道金光闪烁之下,李云霄出现在那怪兽前,单手掐了个雷印,随后举起锤子往怪兽身上砸去! „!” “啪啦!” A piece of electric light brings, half wall sky maps a set the green. 一片电光带起,半壁天空都映成青色。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Hammers the mallotus japonicus direct bang in that monster top of the head, immediately the boundless thunder can pour into, instantaneously its puncture! 锤楸直接轰在那怪物头顶,顿时无边雷能灌入进去,瞬间将其击穿! Volume!” “额啊!” The monster whole body trembles greatly, the body reduces unexpectedly suddenly, on hidden enters in the smog to disappear, white smoke also small big piece. 怪物浑身大颤,身躯竟然急剧缩小,就隐入烟雾中不见了,就连白烟也小了大片。 Li Yunxiao lowered the head to stare at that monster blade, as if the issue leaves in the white smoke. 李云霄低下头来盯着那妖刀,似乎问题就出在白烟上。 Boy, damn!” “小子,该死!” Jing Baimu angrily rebukes, the sword blade shakes fiercely, shakes Qu Hongyan, lifts the blade to cut to Li Yunxiao. 荆白木怒斥一声,猛地剑身一震,将曲红颜震开,举刀就斩向李云霄 Useless!” “没用!” Li Yunxiao laughed at one, sword war casualty cuts to welcome red, bang struck on the monster blade, immediately the pupil shrank, only thought that the sword blade had been stucked by that monster blade probably, could not pull. 李云霄嗤笑一声,剑殇斩红就迎了过去,“嘭”的一声就击在妖刀上,顿时瞳孔一缩,只觉得剑身好像被那妖刀黏住了,扯不开来。 Afterward on the monster blade the white smoke appears, cuts the red bunch to live the sword war casualty, before such as is the same, and melts several blade glow, flies high to cut. 随后妖刀上白烟浮现,将剑殇斩红束住,就如之前一样,并且化出数道刀芒,凌空斩去。 Qu Hongyan startled say/way: Flies upwards carefully!” 曲红颜惊道:“飞扬小心!” Li Yunxiao laughs at one, an demon Yuan strength pours into the sword, immediately arouses the ice ghost heart flame, changes to seven lotus flowers to blast out. 李云霄嗤笑一声,魔元之力灌入剑内,顿时激起冰煞心焰,化作七朵莲花炸开。 Bang! Bang! Bang!” “砰!砰!砰!” Flame explode, immediately cremates the strength of that fetter, the sword cut cut to pull out red immediately, a sword swept away to go, crushed the blade. 一朵朵火焰爆起,顿时将那束缚之力烧化,剑伤斩红顿时抽了出来,一剑横扫而去,将刀刃击碎。 What? Is impossible!” “什么?不可能!” Jing whitewood startles greatly, discovered that at present this man cultivates, although is inferior to him, but the magical powers method was actually, that purple thunder did not say that this bewildered white fire can break his monster blade unexpectedly, simply was unthinkable. 荆白木大骇,发现眼前这男子修为虽不如他,但神通手段却是了得,那紫雷不说,这莫名其妙的白火竟能破他的妖刀,简直就是匪夷所思。 He hesitant, only thought that gang of vast sword strength racing to come, the heart does not think immediately wonderfully, the also two strength not weak returning to original condition boundary females, turn around then to flee. 他正犹豫之下,只觉得一股浩瀚剑力奔来,顿时心觉不妙,身后还有两名实力不弱的归真境女子,转身便要遁走。 Archaism has the cloud, came, stays behind!” “古语有云,来都来了,就留下吧!” Li Yunxiao sneers, the northern day of cold star sword departs all, one blocks before Jing whitewood body. 李云霄冷笑一声,北天寒星剑尽数飞出,一下拦在荆白木身前。 Qu Hongyan is also on the Zixiao sword precious jade flashes, sword glow launches. 曲红颜也是紫霄剑上宝玉闪动,一片剑芒展开。 Their double sword coordination, day star takes care , the evil spirits clash concentrate, double unites the Sky Sword chart, immediately has covered Jing whitewood. 两人双剑配合,天星照应,地煞冲凝,双阵合一化出天剑图,立即将荆白木罩了进去。 Over a thousand sword shades circle in flight in all around, and more melts are more, becomes the shackles, the entire main hall almost vanishes does not see, a piece of sword sea. 上千的剑影在四周飞旋,并且越化越多,自成牢笼,整个大殿几乎消失不见,一片剑海。 Jing Baimu immediately complexion big change, only innumerable sword light brilliant, almost does not see the sword shade, but own protecting body Yuan actually unceasingly was torn , every moves to be hard to start, likely is on under the mountain of sword the sea of fire. 荆白木立即脸色大变,只无数剑光灼灼,几乎不见剑影,但自己的护体真元却不断被撕裂开,每一动下都举步维艰,像是上刀山下火海。 Scoffs!” “嗤!” Monster blade suddenly raises in the hand, immediately disperses the white petti-coat pipe on oneself, Jing whitewood taking the opportunity flees, but instantaneous, the sky drops together the golden sword symbol, strikes in the white fog fiercely. 妖刀猛然的在手中一扬,立即散出白烟罩在自己身上,荆白木借机遁走,但不过瞬间,上空落下一道金色剑符,猛地击白雾上。 Bang!” “砰!” The white smoke annihilates instantaneously, Jing whitewood monster blade in a flash, keeps off that sword symbol. 白烟瞬间湮灭,荆白木妖刀一晃,才将那剑符挡下。 But in Wan Jiantu, raises suddenly stars, is the innumerable sword symbols appears unexpectedly, such as the sudden downpour crashes. 但万剑图内,骤然升起一片繁星点点,竟是无数剑符出现,如急雨坠落。 Jing whitewood startles greatly, startled draws back half step, but the body actually receives the sword chart space to suppress, the whole body was torn to make a debut a sword cut. 荆白木大骇,惊退半步,但身体却受剑图空间压制,浑身被撕裂出道道剑伤。 Stop! Stops quickly!” “住手!快住手!” He really somewhat has then flustered, first time realized that the opposite party has to kill own ability, death aura reappearing heart. 他这下真的有些慌了,第一次意识到对方有杀自己的能力,久违的死亡气息浮现心头。 Since called under Tyrant Heaven, visited palm day Divine Realm, since the eternal life, Jing whitewood has also feared death, what fears is the life exhausts dead, never has actually thought will die in others hand. 自从称霸天下,踏足掌天神境,进入永生之界以来,荆白木也怕死,但怕的是寿元耗尽而死,却从未想过会死在别人手中。 This to him is almost fantasy story, matter that is hard to accept. 这对他而言几乎是天方夜谭,难以接受的事。 But how no matter he is hard to accept, the reality of firm on the pendulum at present, that myriad sword symbol quick firing , the body contended with this sword chart space almost to reach the limit. 但不管他如何难以接受,铁铮铮的现实就摆在眼前,那万千剑符急射而下,身躯抗衡这剑图空间就几乎达到极限了。 Stop!” “住手啊!” He not willingly bellows once more, but responded to his sound, made him almost spit blood. 他不甘心的再次大吼起来,但回应他的声音,更让他差点吐血而已。 Li Yunxiao shouts beyond sword: Old thing has been begging for mercy, explained that he could not withstand, cuts again!” 李云霄在剑阵外喊道:“老东西在求饶了,说明他顶不住了,再斩!” Bang! Bang! Bang!” “砰!砰!砰!” Jing Baimu goes all out to wave the monster blade, covers a sword astral before the body, but unceasingly was actually crushed, can only attend to protecting the whole body strategic point to behind, other places by myriad penetrations, one covered with blood. 荆白木拼命舞动妖刀,在身前罩起一层剑罡,但却不断被击碎,到后面只顾得上护住周身要害,其余地方被万千穿透,一片血肉模糊。 „!” “啊啊啊!” Jing Baimu goes crazy to roar, the hair scatters, not only distressed exceptionally, almost wanted insanely, eyes like wild animal, only remaining consciousness chopped crazily, blade glow surged. 荆白木发狂怒吼,头发飘散,不仅狼狈异常,几乎要疯了,双眸如野兽般,只剩下意识的狂砍,一道道刀芒激荡出去。 After the moment, the sword sea gradually disperses, Wan sword absent-minded , the access road vanishes. 片刻后,剑海才逐渐散开,万剑恍惚之下,便道道消失。 Li Yunxiao and Qu Hongyan are the full beads of sweat, they stimulated to movement the limit Wan Jiantu, really could not maintain, this removed sword. 李云霄曲红颜都是满头汗珠,两人将万剑图催动到了极限,实在是维系不下去了,这才撤了剑阵。 They swallowed several medicinal pill respectively, under the supplement Origin Force, the complexion slightly changed for the better. 两人都是各自吞了几枚丹药,补充下元力,脸色才稍微好转。 But the sword chart diverges, reveals the main hall form, Jing whitewood is dishevelled hair and dirty face, the whole body is the blood, arms with knife to stand single-handed in that on the blade a gloominess, does not have the slight spiritual energy. 而剑图散去,露出大殿身影,荆白木蓬头垢面,全身是血,单手持刀站立在那,刀上一片灰暗,没有丝毫灵气。 Died?” “死了吗?” Several people are the same questions, under the careful investigation, discovered that also has the weak aura, but looks at that appearance, seemed already unconscious, under the crazy chopper glow, has consumed his vigor thoroughly, if the Li Yunxiao two people in the support moment, Jing whitewood were cut the muddy flesh paralysis inevitably on the ground. 几人都是同一疑问,仔细探查之下,发现还有微弱气息,只是看那模样,似乎早已神智不清,狂砍刀芒之下,彻底耗了他的精气神,若是李云霄二人在支持片刻,荆白木必然被斩成肉泥瘫在地上。 I thought that you could not live, stretches across confuses the law of chart to keep one's mouth shut inevitably. Remembers that the ancient times had an Sir to say began, having ample food and clothing, was taken by this few.” “我看你也活不成了,横跨迷图之法必然守口如瓶。记得古时有位大人曾经说过‘自己动手,丰衣足食’,就由本少自己来取吧。” Li Yunxiao walks up, stretches out the five fingers on grasping under. 李云霄走上前去,伸出五指就抓下。 Zheng!” “铮!” Jing Baimu as if felt danger, the instinct raising sword, was almost his final strength, furiously a thorn! 荆白木似乎感受到了危险,本能的扬起剑来,几乎是他最后的力量,奋力一刺! Although the strength is not small, but absolutely does not have the speed, Li Yunxiao changes the claw, working as monster blade claw in hand, simultaneously the purple thunder pours into the five fingers, the electric shock on the knife, Bang breaks off that monster blade! 力道虽不小,但完全没有速度,李云霄变爪而下,“当”的一声就将妖刀爪在手上,同时紫雷灌入五指,电击在刀身上,“砰”的一声将那妖刀掰断! Jing whitewood whole body trembles, eyes one blows out the fine glow, as if leaves blurry recovers, with amazement and delay looks own hand interrupt blade edge! 荆白木浑身一颤,双眸一下爆出精芒,似乎出迷糊中回过神来,骇然和呆滞的看着自己手中断刃! You......!” “你……!” You did not need to speak, this few has not needed.” “你不用说话了,本少已经不需要了。” The Li Yunxiao words such as the god of death judged that in ice-cold introduction Jing tremella, afterward greatly strengthened Divine Sense surges to go, breaks in his spiritual platform Sea of Consciousness, crazy search. 李云霄的话如死神宣判,冰冷的传入荆白木耳中,随后一股极强的神识激荡而去,冲入他灵台识海,疯狂的搜索起来。 After half double-hour, Li Yunxiao takes back Soul Power, on the face surges piece of blood flushes, as if displays cultivation technique to be excessive. 半个时辰后,李云霄收回魂力,脸上涌起一片潮红,似乎施展功法过度。 Jing whitewood thoroughly turns into fool, falls down. 荆白木则是彻底变成傻子,倒在地上。 Imperial palace confuses the chart!” “九宫迷图!” Northern broad law day pill! “北广法天丹! In Li Yunxiao both eyes projects the fine glow, puts out a hand, absorbs storage pouch from Jing whitewood waist, pinches to explode in the sky, inside various treasures receive in oneself pouch all, a jade box is without change with that Purple Gold Thunder Tribulation pill. 李云霄双眼中射出精芒,一伸手,就从荆白木腰间摄上一个储物袋,当空捏爆,里面的各种宝物尽数收入自己囊中,其中一个玉盒就与那紫金雷劫丹一般无二。 He holds in the palm, opened lid carefully to observe one, numerous expiration , the mood was excellent. 他托在掌心,打开盒盖仔细观察了一阵,重重的吐了口气,心情大好。 Qu Hongyan said: „Did this pill call northern broad law day pill? Does not know that has what function?” 曲红颜道:“这丹叫北广法天丹吗?不知有何作用?” Li Yunxiao shows a faint smile, received pill, said: This small advantage picked in a big way, this pill breaks hardship, can raise the Divine Realm breakthrough probability. Before is in this emperor Pill Tower ranks extremely several god pill one.” 李云霄微微一笑,将丹收了起来,道:“这次便宜捡大了,此丹乃是破厄之用,可以提高神境的突破几率。是这座帝丹塔内排名极前的几种神丹之一。” Eradicates the Divine Realm hardship barrier?!” “破除神境厄障?!” Three females all are one startled, immediately understood precious of that medicinal pill. 三女皆是一惊,顿时明白了那丹药的珍贵。 The Heavenly Martial World for 100,000 years do not have god pill to appear, can be been very few by medicinal pill that the Divine Realm powerhouse absorbs, the 9th Rank high-grade pill's effect is not quite good. 天武界100000年来没有神丹出现,能够被神境强者吸收的丹药少之又少,九阶上品丹的效果也不太好。 But pill this who can increase the breakthrough probability is the merit of going against heaven's will, let alone is aims at Divine Realm to be effective. 而能够增加突破几率的丹本就是逆天之功,更何况是针对神境有效。 Qu Hongyan is happy: Had this northern broad law day pill, in addition before flying upwards, that pill who obtains, broke through to the assurance of palm day boundary is enormous.” 曲红颜喜道:“有了这枚北广法天丹,加上飞扬之前得到的那枚雷丹,突破至掌天境的把握就极大了。” Un.” “嗯。” Li Yunxiao nodded, said truthfully: After all my previous life on card before palm day boundary, regarding whether can top this boundary point to grasp does not have. But currently eight entirely Kai, the god body accomplishment, has almost five assurances to stride in this barrier. But after obtaining pill, if after can quenching , the assurance that the heavenly thunder body, is promoted has 80% basically. If adds on this northern broad law day pill again, hehe, that was ten tenths!” 李云霄点了点头,如实说道:“毕竟我前世就卡在掌天境前,对于是否能够突破这一境界一点把握也没有。但现在八门俱开,神体大成,几乎有了五层的把握可以跨入这一障碍。而得到雷丹后,若是能够淬炼后天雷身,晋级的把握基本有八成。若是再加上这北广法天丹,呵呵,那是十成了!” Three females are all overjoyed, through the ages, even if there is a counter deity pill, dares to say the own ten tenths assurances step into palm day boundary, is few. 三女皆是大喜过望,古往今来,即便有逆天神丹,敢说自己有十成把握踏入掌天境者,也是寥寥无几。 Congratulates husband this chance!” “恭喜夫君得此机缘!” Non- Ni Jimang congratulates, another two females also congratulated. 非倪急忙贺喜起来,另外两女也跟着道喜。 Li Yunxiao shows a faint smile, said: This pill I am remaining for the time being, using, the breakthrough palm day boundary not necessarily is not needing anxiously. In the future will perhaps have the opportunity to touch that empty extremely, truly sends to use greatly. This Jing whitewood also wants to attack by this pill empty extremely.” 李云霄微微一笑,道:“此丹我暂且留着,并不急着用,突破掌天境未必需要。将来也许有机会触摸那虚极,才是真正派上大用。这荆白木原本也是想靠此丹冲击虚极的。” // only has one today. //今天只有一更了。
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