UAA :: Volume #20

#1995: The king of stone ( 3 )

Be careful!” “小心!” Gu Qingqing one calls out in alarm( comes, the sound punctures the vault of heaven. 顾青青一下惊呼(来,声音刺破天穹。 Even if no her calling out in alarm, Li Yunxiao also instantaneously realized that the danger, the sword war casualty has cut red raises, the sword blade turns into the ghost white, cuts to strike to go! 即便没有她的惊呼,李云霄也瞬间察觉到了危险,剑殇斩红一扬,剑身变成煞白色,斩击而去! Bang!” “砰!” That silver glow was cut by sword air/Qi, one blasts out, the terrifying might bang, attacks, in the sword war casualty cuts on red, Li Yunxiao that compels also again and again retrocedes. 那道银芒被剑气斩中,一下炸开,恐怖的威力轰隆而下,冲击在剑殇斩红上,逼的李云霄也连连后退。 The Inextinguishable Golden Body ray flashes on the body, resists that silver glow the strength of explosion. 不灭金身的光芒在身上闪动,抵抗那银芒的爆炸之力。 In the Li Yunxiao heart with amazement, that silver glow is one extremely fierce strength, making his God Grace Force consume enormously. 李云霄心中骇然,那银芒是一种极为厉害的力量,让他的神奕力都消耗极大。 After seeing mist crag Lord gets rid, Li Yunxiao is not affected much, Gu Qingqing then relaxed, simultaneously taking the opportunity the revolution elementary work, too the tour bustling place Secret Art displays, the bang to all directions, must strike this piece of blockade! 见岚岩主出手后,李云霄并无大碍,顾青青这才松了口气,同时借机运转元功,太游红尘诀施展出来,轰向四面八方,要将这片封锁击开! Bang!” “轰隆!” Bang!” “轰隆!” Within the silver locks, transmits the wind and thunder explosive unceasingly, the chains of big piece was struck to fly by strength of Gu Qingqing, one group of huge red apertures cover Gu Qingqing, and expands unceasingly. 银锁之内,不断传来风雷爆响,大片的锁链被顾青青之力击飞,一团巨大的红色光圈将顾青青罩住,并且不断扩张。 Space in little was opened, Gu Qingqing the facial color is dignified, the boundary has stepped into empty extremely, the strength also displayed the limit. 空间在一点点的被撑开,顾青青面色凝重,境界已经踏入虚极,力量也发挥到了极限。 „Was this then your limit? Praiseworthy, you are very different from the following these waste, has the talent potential very much, can be willing to pledge allegiance to me?” “这便是你的极限了吗?啧啧,很值得称赞呢,你与下面那些废物不同,很有天赋潜质,可愿归顺于我?” The mist crag main words are always few, this time said these many patiently. 岚岩主一向话少,这次却是耐心的说了这么多。 Hehe, pledges allegiance to you to have what attractiveness? This miss always does not have unable to benefit early, matter that does not have the advantage does not mention.” “呵呵,归顺你有何好看?本姑娘从来无利不起早,没好处的事就休提。” Gu Qingqing smiles somewhat reluctantly, fully is utilizing on the double palm, contends with the blockade of everywhere, that space like shutting tightly the front door, was being shaken by her little, gradually starts out the slit. 顾青青笑的有些勉强,全力都在运用在双掌上,抗衡漫天的封锁,那空间有如紧闭的大门,在被她一点点撼动,逐渐开出缝隙。 She also hopes that can talk nonsense several, delays the opposite party, strives for the opportunity. 她也希望能多胡扯几句,拖延住对方,争取时机。 Mist crag main at a moderate pace saying: I can bestow your glory, accepts you for the imperial concubine of this king.” 岚岩主不紧不慢的说道:“我可以赐你荣耀,纳你为本王之妃。” Bah!” “呸!” On Gu Qingqing face one red, scolded: I listened to Li Yunxiao saying that did not give the practical advantage, only spoke the mood, every day filled the leadership of chicken soup to the person is not good to lead, plays the hoodlum!” 顾青青脸上一红,骂道:“我听李云霄说过,不给切实的好处,只讲情怀,每天给人灌鸡汤的领导不是好领导,是耍流氓!” What practical advantage do you want?” “那你想要什么切实的好处?” The mist crag Lord asked that had supplemented immediately, said: Is the imperial concubine of this king, it would be better if the world glory generally is.” 岚岩主问道,随即又补充了一下,道:“做本王之妃,天下荣耀概莫如是。” Giggle.” “咯咯。” Gu Qingqing laughs, said: This miss wants to eat day to transport good fortune pill daily, Ok?” 顾青青大笑起来,道:“本姑娘想要天天吃天运造化丹,可以吗?” The red glow of whole body has supported to more than 30 zhang (3.33 m), Gu Qingqing the complexion one becomes happy, said with a smile: May let alone you not have, this miss does not like poorly compels, when you can make me eat the day transports good fortune pill the time daily again looks for this miss, first walks one step, bye, after best is, will be indefinite.” 周身的红芒已撑至30余丈,顾青青的脸色一下变得愉快起来,笑道:“可别说你没有哦,本姑娘不喜欢穷・逼,待你可以让我天天吃天运造化丹的时候再来找本姑娘吧,先走一步啦,再见,最好是后会无期。” One of her form in the red glow changes pale, slowly must vanish at present. 她的身影在红芒内一下变淡,慢慢就要消失在眼前。 Has the individuality female, this king appreciates you very much, stays behind accompanies this king.” “有个性的女子,本王很欣赏你,还是留下陪本王吧。” Crash-bang!” “哗啦!” The mist crag main was being bundled the silver chains one rocks, the silver glittering keeps, whole body sends out suddenly bang bang explodes the broken sound, these silver chains completely collapse Kai. 岚岩主身上被捆着的银色锁链一下晃动起来,银光闪烁不停,突然间全身上下发出“砰砰”的爆碎声,那些银色锁链全部崩开。 The mist crag main tall and strong body has stood from the throne, is generally great like the mountain, both hands hold two chains, suddenly in a flash. 岚岩主魁梧的身躯从王座上站了起来,像山岳一般伟岸,双手抓住两道锁链,猛然一晃。 Crash-bang crash-bang!” “哗啦哗啦!” In the sky delimits immediately has dazzled light, the space is hit to explode by the great strength directly, everywhere wire rope swings, is similar to the silver snake dances in the air up and down. 天空上立即划过炫光,空间直接被巨力打爆,漫天铁索摆动,如同银蛇上下飞舞。 Gu Qingqing the complexion changes, said: This miss walks first one step, did not accompany the Sir to play, wants to marry me, poor compelled the shunt!” 顾青青脸色一变,道:“本姑娘先走一步,就不陪大人玩耍了,想娶我,穷・逼闪开!” All over the world, through the ages, dares saying that the founding monarchy of purple mist dynasty, king of the stones profound offshore islands four kings is poor compels, feared also only then Gu Qingqing. 普天之下,古往今来,敢说紫岚王朝的开国君主,玄离岛四王之一的石之王是穷・逼・的,怕也只有顾青青一人了。 The red light circles of more than 30 diameters sudden one reduces, the time of but blinking does not see in the expansive sky. 30余直径的红色光圆突然一下缩小,只是眨眼的功夫就在长空不见。 Bang!” “嘭!” The mist crag main sudden arm shakes, the entire thousand zhang (3.33 m) expansive sky breaks all, the big hand holds a chains to rock, instantly everywhere silver chain gathers one, the undershoot of shake enters void. 岚岩主突然手臂一震,整个千丈长空尽数破碎,大手抓住一条锁链晃动,霎时漫天银链汇聚成一条,震荡之下射・入虚空。 South Li Yunxiao and Beizhen will happen to melt the light to cut to kill, looks that the mist crag Lord gets rid, is the complexion is extremely dignified. 李云霄和北圳南正好将融光斩杀,看着岚岩主出手的一幕,都是脸色万分凝重。 The Origin Force fluctuation that in that move spreads, making them feel very restlessly. 那一招中传开的元力波动,令两人感到十分不安。 In the sky sees only the mist crag to advocate one to hold the silver chain, dragging slowly, another end of silver chain inserts in enters to be void, unceasing pulled out comes out. 天空上只见岚岩主一手抓住银链,缓缓的拖动,银链的另外一端插・入虚空内,不断的被抽・出来。 What?” “什么?” After several breath, Li Yunxiao and the others are all surprised, end of that silver chain, tied up the big steamed rice dumpling Gu Qingqing, was towing from the nihility. 几个呼吸后,李云霄等人皆是大吃一惊,那银链的尾端,将顾青青绑成了大粽子,正从虚无内拖出来。 Gu Qingqing unemotionally, whatever that silver chain is towing, seemed incapable of revolting. 顾青青面无表情,任由那银链拖曳着,似乎无力反抗了。 Is seeing the mist crag Lord, immediately showed the whites of the eyes, said: „The king of stone really so much likes me, can tie up me in the side? May really like a person, do not give her to be free?” 见着岚岩主,当即翻了个白眼,道:“石之王就真的这么喜欢我,要把我绑在身边吗?可真正喜欢一个人,难道不是要给她自由吗?” Mist crag main road: Freedom? After you like me, I will then put you to be free.” 岚岩主道:“自由?待你喜欢上我后,我便会放你自由。” Really?” “真的?” Gu Qingqing is blinking the eye, a face adorable appearance, said: Sir King of stone, I early liked you actually.” 顾青青眨巴着眼睛,一脸可爱的模样,道:“石之王大人,其实我老早就喜欢你了。” The mist crag Lord gives a calm smile, said: Right? That is very good, wants the freedom, first returns to the profound offshore islands to consummate a marriage along with me.” 岚岩主淡然一笑,道:“是吗?那很好,想要自由,先随我回玄离岛圆房吧。” Circle...... Consummates a marriage......” “圆……圆房……” Gu Qingqing has called out in alarm one, a complexion paleness, cursed angrily: Hoodlum who smelly hoodlum, is not concerned about face!” 顾青青惊叫了一声,脸色一下苍白,怒骂道:“臭流氓,不要脸的流氓!” The mist crag Lord ignores, whatever she scolded, the hand Bank of China chain threw, simultaneously pinched finger joints with the thumb to pat single-handed. 岚岩主不理不睬,任由她骂,手中银链一抛,同时单手掐诀拍了出去。 rune/symbol writing departs together, afterward second, third...... 一道符文飞出,随后第二道,第三道…… Li Yunxiao was startled, these rune/symbol Wenjing are rubs scolds the ancient Chinese characters, seal under mist crag main pinching finger joints with the thumb, overtakes the silver chain, submerges. 李云霄吃了一惊,那些符文竟是一个个的摩诃古字,在岚岩主的掐诀下化印,追上银链,没入其中。 The silver chain likely is a galaxy, circles around Gu Qingqing, lives in its thorough suppressed seal. 银链像是一条星河,旋绕在顾青青周围,将其彻底压制封印住。 Gu Qingqing struggled furiously several, the space has been entirely still, the complexion one was uglier than the pig liver, as if did not have idea thoroughly. 顾青青奋力挣扎了几下,空间纹丝不动,脸色一下比猪肝还难看,似乎彻底没辙了。 The Li Yunxiao forced smile said: Then troubled in a big way.” 李云霄苦笑道:“这下麻烦大了。” South Beizhen silent did not speak, as always calmly was standing, as if already mind like still water, any important matter is unable to shake its heartstrings. 北圳南默然不语,一如既往的静静站着,似乎早已心如止水,任何大事都无法撼动其心弦。 In another two fights, Mo also smoothly struck to kill Taishu regulation, remained Qiu Ming also by strenuous efforts to support, but also life and death. 另外两场战斗中,陌也顺利击杀了太叔程,就剩邱明还在苦苦支撑,但也生死一线了。 The mist crag main was occupied by Gu Qingqing in the seal, determined after she is unable to get out of trouble, this goes to below battlefield the vision. 岚岩主在封印住了顾青青,确定她无法脱困后,这才将目光投向下方战场。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Li Yunxiao gives a loud shout fiercely, the intense restless premonition appears in the heart. 李云霄猛地大喝一声,强烈的不安预感在心中浮现。 Encircles three females who kills Qiu Ming is one startled, all the vigilance gets up. 围杀邱明的三女皆是一惊,全都警觉起。 Sudden huge referring to glow shoots down from the sky, fierce glow that such as the hot sun emits! 突然一道巨大的指芒从天空上射落,如烈日喷吐出的烈芒! whistling!” “呼呼呼!” Refers to the glow place visited, the space cremates. 指芒所过之处,空间都为之烧化。 Bang!” “轰!” That Dow Jones Index glow shoots down finally, strikes before three females, shakes boundless startled big wave, spreads like the ocean waves tumbling. 那道指芒终于射落,击在三女面前,震起无边惊涛,像海浪翻滚扩散。 Three female hurried diving postures draw back. 三女急忙飞身退开。 Qiu Ming on the severe wound in the body, the spent force, was pushed by that wave, spurts to spit blood crazily, the body broke unceasingly. 邱明原本就重伤在身,强弩之末,被那波浪一推,更是狂喷吐血,身体不断破碎开了。 Suddenly all strengths one vanishes, Qiu Ming's body proceeded but actually, put the ground, unknown whereabouts. 突然所有力量一下消失,邱明的身躯往前倒了下去,扑在地上,生死不明。 Suddenly presents medicinal pill before him, falls in the stone, covers the dust. 在他面前突然出现一枚丹药,掉落在土石中,蒙上灰尘。 Swallows, can guarantee your life, if you have the strength to pick up this pill.” “吞下吧,能保你一命,如果你还有力气拾起这枚丹的话。” The mist crag Lord appears in front of him, unemotionally said lightly that vision slightly has swept Qiu clear(ly) one eyes, with looking at ants not different. 岚岩主出现在他前面,面无表情的淡淡说道,那目光只是微微扫了丘明一眼,跟看蝼蚁无异。 That medicinal pill also completely is the appearance that bestows the beggar. 那枚丹药也完全是施舍乞丐的样子。 But Qiu Ming is actually excited body vibrates, the trembling uphold hand round trip picks that miracle cure, said unceasingly: Thanks...... Thanks...... Sir......” 但邱明却是激动的身躯抖动,颤巍巍的抬起手来去捡那枚灵丹,不断说道:“谢……谢谢……大人……” The mist crag main sufficient ear has not heard, the vision following the crowd person looked one by one, finally falls on Li Yunxiao, has sized up several. 岚岩主根本充耳未闻,目光从众人身上逐一看了过去,最后落在李云霄身上,多打量了几眼。 Everyone is with a heavy heart, extremely the alert. 每个人都是心情沉重,万分戒备。 Besides Li Yunxiao, to other people, the mist crag Lord is the entire life only sees. 除了李云霄外,对其他人而言,岚岩主之强乃是生平仅见。 Zhu Jun and Meng Zhuogeng was a heart sank, the mist crag main vision had swept a moment ago, in the eye as if absolutely did not have them, was neglected likely completely, was giving up on the person likely completely. 朱钧和孟琢更是一颗心沉了下来,刚才岚岩主的目光扫过,眼里似乎根本就没有他们二人,像是完全被忽略过去了,又像是完全在看死人。 „Are you World God monument temporary owner Li Yunxiao?” “你就是界神碑暂时的拥有者李云霄?” Mist crag main starts to talk asked that although he did not have the imposing manner to be threatening, but that calm like stars aura, made all will of the people live to dread and alert. 岚岩主开口问道,他虽然没有气势逼人,但那股沉稳如星辰般的气场,就让所有人心生畏惧和戒备。 Temporarily?” “暂时?” Li Yunxiao hehe smiles, immediately understands the mist crag main meaning, said: Also can speak well?” 李云霄呵呵一笑,立即明白岚岩主的意思,道:“还能好好说话吗?” Mist crag main road: Hands over World God monument, Ye Fan, the boat of Noa, and left behind this Tianfeng body, you can walk.” 岚岩主道:“交出界神碑,叶凡,诺亚之舟,并且留下这位天凤涅体,你就可以走了。” Qiu Ming just picked up the ground medicinal pill, heard after the word, goes well shakes, that miracle cure dropped the ground, eyeground panic-stricken. 邱明刚刚拾起地上的丹药,闻言后不由得手一抖,那灵丹又跌落地上了,眼底一片惊骇。 He follows mist crag main date and time not to be short, although in these many years in the eternal life, is at the deep sleep condition basically, but he knows about the mist crag main temper. 他跟随岚岩主的时日并不短,虽然在永生之界内这么多年,基本都是处于沉睡状态,但他对岚岩主的性子是非常了解的。 This person of unfeeling, regards the human life such as worthlessly, and murders resolute, to reach the goal resorts to all means that is executioner who a hand dyes trillion life lives, is capable certainly for the name of overlord, does not have any mercy feelings certainly. 此人冷酷无情,视人命如草芥,并且杀伐果决,为达目的不择手段,是个手染亿万生灵性命的刽子手,也堪当绝代霸主之名,绝没有任何慈悲心肠。 Proposed that puts an opposite party horse, this is Qiu Ming entire life only this hears, almost thinks oneself misunderstood. 主动提出放对方一马,这还是邱明生平仅此听到,几乎以为自己听错了。 Sorry, these four types that you said that I same cannot stay behind.” “抱歉,你说的这四样,我一样也留不下。” Li Yunxiao spreads out both hands, but said: How might as well trade four types, on me also has many day of material treasures, Profound Artifact medicinal pill and so on thing.” 李云霄摊开双手,无奈道:“不如换四样如何,我身上还有不少天材地宝,玄器丹药之类的东西。” Li Yunxiao do not have a dream, hurries to overthrow him, is good to save me to come out!” 李云霄你别做梦了,赶紧将他打倒,好救我出来!” Gu Qingqing shouts in the expansive sky loudly: Either illuminates his words to do, either overthrows him, by your temper, definitely was a fierce battle, that rubbish, got rid directly!” 顾青青在长空上大声喊道:“要么照他的话做,要么就打倒他,以你的性子,肯定是一场恶战了,那就别废话了,直接出手吧!” Oh, fierce battle?” “噢,恶战?” The mist crag main has cannot help but been astonished, looked up Gu Qingqing, this looked at Li Yunxiao saying: „The woman who I pick looks like favors you very much.” 岚岩主不由得讶异了一下,抬头看了一眼顾青青,这才望着李云霄道:“我相中的女人看来很看好你。” What's wrong, was jealous?” “怎么,吃醋了?” Li Yunxiao has flung under the hair, five fingers from sending have combed, suspends Shuai say/way: Does not have the means that in this looks in the world of face, I am such dazzling flash.” 李云霄甩了下头发,五指从发系中梳过,摆帅道:“没办法,在这个看脸的世界里,我就是这么耀眼闪光。” Father, husband quite leads!” “耶耶,夫君好帅!” Non- Ni Huankuai clapping is jumping, commended wantonly. 非倪欢快的拍手跳着,大肆称赞。 Mist crag main road: Now you have not been living the opportunity of departure. It is not I gets up to kill the heart suddenly, wants to drive you to commit suicide. But is I am very curious, the woman who I pick said that this can be a fierce battle, making me cannot help but have some anticipations.” 岚岩主道:“现在你没有活着离开的机会了。并非我突然起杀心,想置你于死地。而是我很好奇,我相中的女人说这会是一场恶战,让我不由得有了些期待呢。” The Li Yunxiao forced smile said: But I did not anticipate that was inferior we chatted the condition again, you did not like the day material treasure and Profound Artifact medicinal pill words, can you have other hobbies? For example the music, sang, drawing, to take pleasure in serving others wait/etc.......” 李云霄苦笑道:“可我一点也不期待,不如我们再谈谈条件,你不喜欢天材地宝和玄器丹药的话,那你可有其它爱好?比如说音乐、唱歌、绘画、助人为乐等等……”
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