UAA :: Volume #20

#1977: thunder Mou

That say/way attack is the golden color, such as golden glow is sharp, above also has the thunder color break-up to move. 那道攻击呈金色,如金芒锋锐,其上又有雷光闪动。 Li Yunxiao has been astonished, turns the hand to grasp toward that thunder and lightning. 李云霄讶异了一下,翻手就往那雷电抓去。 His palm also concentrates one group of azure thunder, as if there is electric field to induce, when two thunder are distanced the inch, electricity glow rise sharply, under divergence, flip-flop almost covers the entire palace. 他掌心也凝出一团青雷,似乎彼此间有电场感应,两股雷霆相距寸许时,一片电芒大涨,幅散之下,“噼啪”的几乎覆盖整个宫殿。 „!” “啪!” golden glow shoots enters that azure Rerri, one blasts out, sends out the dazzling light. 金芒射・入那青雷里,一下炸开,发出炫目的光。 Li Yunxiao only thought that an arm hemp, arrived by the golden thunder electricity unexpectedly, the arm passed out several breath. 李云霄只觉得手臂一麻,竟被金色雷霆电到了,手臂失去了几个呼吸的知觉。 This regarding five elements thunder body him, simply is inconceivable. 这对于五行雷体的他而言,简直就是不可思议。 Husband, looks quickly!” “夫君,快看!” Non- Ni Mengran has called out in alarm, sees only sky over that jade box, does not know that are when many a whole body blue jade small beast, the posthumous both wings, the head had the alone corner/horn. 非倪猛然惊叫了一下,只见那玉盒上空,不知何时多了一只全身碧玉色的小兽,背生双翅,头有独角。 The two eyes of small beast are the pure golden color, is staring at Li Yunxiao, the golden glow circulation. 小兽的两只眼睛呈纯金色,盯着李云霄,金芒流转。 This is any monster, is quite lovable.” “这是什么怪物,好可爱啊。” Three females were sprouted immediately by the shape of small beast. 三女立即被小兽的形态萌住了。 Li Yunxiao is the whole body shakes, in the eye projects severe glow, almost cannot believe. 李云霄则是浑身一震,眼中射出厉芒,几乎不敢相信。 The shape of this small beast he had seen, then in the forest of sea, that carved rubs to scold the ancient Chinese characters on several hundred True Spirit columns, a statue then and this beast shape is exactly the same at present! 这小兽的形态他曾经见过,便是在海之森林,那雕刻了摩诃古字的数百真灵柱上,其中一座雕像便与眼前这兽形一模一样! True Spirit thunder Mou!” 真灵雷哞!” Li Yunxiao one calls out in alarm. 李云霄一下惊呼起来。 What? This thing is True Spirit!” “什么?这东西是真灵!” Three females are also surprised, immediately alerts. 三女也是大吃一惊,立即戒备起来。 „It is not right, is not the body of complete True Spirit, this thing is only the actual situation soul condition,......” “不对,并非完整的真灵之躯,这东西只是虚实魂态,难道……” Li Yunxiao falls the vision on at present that god pill, blue jade divine light, is the same to that thunder Mou gloss, and both ray divergence, almost fuses together. 李云霄将目光落在眼前那神丹上,碧玉色的神光,与那雷哞的光泽一样,并且两者光芒辐散而出,几乎融合在一起。 pill soul!” “丹魂!” Li Yunxiao said surprised: This only thunder Mou is this god pill's pill soul!” 李云霄吃惊道:“这只雷哞是这神丹的丹魂!” Integrates in pill by the soul of True Spirit, zi, what medicinal pill is this?!” “以真灵之魂融入丹中,嗞,这到底是什么丹药?!” Li Yunxiao is pleasantly surprised, suddenly laughs, „, thunder attribute god pill, this emperor pill Building is really same to the jade book pavilion, is not the random transmission like that is simple, on demand transmission?.” 李云霄又惊又喜,突然大笑起来,“哈哈,雷属性的神丹,这帝丹楼果然与玉书阁一样,可不是随机传送那般简单呐,按需传送吗?啧啧。” Wild with joy , the smiling face on his face transfers the self-satisfied color, raised the head to stare at thunder Mou. 狂喜之下,他脸上的笑容转为得意之色,抬起头来盯着雷哞。 Expressive pill has the soul, is similar to Profound Artifact is ordinary, can be buys in the world essence born voluntarily, can pour into with the soul of monster beast, but regardless of which type, after the years, pill soul then can melt the body, the practice, is separated from the fetter of medicinal pill voluntarily finally, roams through in the world. 相传神丹有魂,如同玄器一般,可以是吸纳天地精华自行诞生,也能够用妖兽之魂灌入,但无论哪种,历经岁月后,丹魂便能化体而出,自行修炼,最终脱离丹药的束缚,遨游于天地。 This thunder moo the hostility is greatly strengthened, protects on medicinal pill, cannot anybody approach. 这只雷哞敌意极强,守护在丹药上,不许任何人靠近。 Moreover its body half solid half empty, feared that has practiced for a long time, the merit was soon complete. 而且它的身躯半实半虚,怕是修炼了许久,快要功德圆满了。 So long as melts the entity completely, can fettering its medicinal pill swallows, becomes existence that surmounted, left emperor pill Building to gain the freedom, how to be resigned to god pill to be won at this time. 只要完全化出实体,就能将束缚它的丹药吞食,成为超越生前的存在,离开帝丹楼获得自由,怎会甘心这个时候神丹被人夺走。 Husband was careful that I feel this beast no small matter.” “夫君小心,我感到此兽非同小可。” Non- Ni Tidian said that in this eternal life, her strength as if there is enormous addition, moreover had Tianfeng body, among induction non- average man institute regarding True Spirit. 非倪提点道,在这永生之界内,她力量似乎都有极大加成,而且身怀天凤涅体,对于真灵之间的感应更非常人所及。 Un, I will be careful that you draw back are farther, in order to avoid being affected.” “嗯,我自会小心的,你们退远些,以免被波及进来。” The Li Yunxiao voice falls, then the diving posture, took out the sword war casualty to cut the red straight thrust in the past. 李云霄话音落下,便飞身而起,取出剑殇斩红直刺过去。 He as five elements thunder body, regarding this beast induction is also greatly strengthened, this thunder moo within the body contains is making him also look askance the shocking strength, is ready to make trouble, making Li Yunxiao not dare to be negligent. 他身为五行雷体,对此兽的感应也是极强,这雷哞体内蕴含着令他也为之侧目震惊的力量,蠢蠢欲动,让李云霄不敢大意。 thunder Mouzao has the protection, opens the mouth to spit, together the black lightning shoots down, hits, in the sword war casualty cuts on red. 雷哞早有防备,张开口来一吐,就一道黑色闪电击落而下,打在剑殇斩红上。 Bang!” “砰!” Swift and fierce sword air/Qi was been directly loose by that black thunder stroke, on pure white sword blade, „” fully occupies black thunder Wen, unceasing lightning flash. 凌厉的剑气直接被那黑雷击散,纯白色的剑身上,“噼里啪啦”的占满黑色雷纹,不断电闪。 Li Yunxiao was startled once again, the discovery sword war casualty cut the red strength to be suppressed by the black thunder with amazement, his wrist/skill shook, ices the ghost heart flame to reappear immediately, swallowed all black thunder, this sword air/Qi brilliant, restored the point once more. 李云霄再度吃了一惊,骇然发现剑殇斩红的力量被黑雷压制了下去,他手腕一抖,冰煞心焰立即浮现出来,将所有黑雷吞噬,这才剑气灼灼,再次恢复了锋芒。 The thunder moo two golden pupils shrink suddenly, as if is also quite surprised, form flip-flop dodges, vanishes in the sky. 雷哞两只金色的眸子骤然一缩,似乎也颇为吃惊,身影“噼啪”一闪,就消失在上空。 Immediately one group of thunder clouds appear, the cover falls fiercely, in the palace the most space was covered by the thunder light, under the cloud condensed the vortex, goes toward Li Yunxiao body volume one, among a thunder cable prison, five different color thunder glitter in inside unexpectedly, most dazzling is the color of golden color, dark turning purple somewhat. 立即一团雷云浮现,猛地罩落下来,殿内大半空间都被雷光覆盖,云下凝聚了漩涡,往李云霄身上卷去,其内一片雷海电狱,竟有五种不同颜色的雷在里面闪烁,其中最为炫目的便是金色之色,暗的有些发紫。 p >\; Li Yunxiao had a scare, by him the understanding to the thunder, naturally understands that gold/metal might, in facing the purple thunder closed up, this thunder Mou urges the thunder the strength also above him. p>\;李云霄吓了一跳,以他对雷霆的理解,自然明白那金雷的威力,已经在朝向紫雷靠拢了,这雷哞驱使雷霆的力量还在他之上。 And in the vortex also has the sound of beast roar, shakes spiritual platform Sea of Consciousness, absorbs person soul. 并且漩涡中还有兽吼之声,震荡灵台识海,摄人魂魄 Li Yunxiao does not dare to be negligent, God Grace Force emerges in the sword crazily, sends out the burning hot glare, the sword glow soars to the heavens, contends with that everywhere thunder. 李云霄不敢大意,神奕力疯狂涌入剑内,散发出炙热强光,剑芒冲天,与那漫天雷霆抗衡起来。 Sword that cuts the Stars!” 剑斩星辰!” A sword ejects, vast sword intent such as the main road deduction, bang cutting enters in the thunder vortex, rips open a white crack, but only ruler, quick then restores at the naked eye obvious speed, the entire vortex storm continues to circle in flight under. 一剑击出,浩瀚剑意如大道推演,轰隆隆的斩入雷霆漩涡内,撕开一道白色裂缝,但只有尺长,很快便以肉眼可见的速度恢复,整个漩涡风暴继续飞旋而下。 Li Yunxiao is surprised, at this important moment melts thunder and lightning suddenly, across crack that will soon heal, escaped from the vortex storm. 李云霄大吃一惊,在这关键时刻骤化雷电,穿过那即将愈合的裂缝,从漩涡风暴下遁了出去。 „!” “噼里啪啦!” That vortex seems collapsing condenses, the form that melts thunder Mou toward the middle generally, has turned around to stare at Li Yunxiao, the golden pupil is flicking, as if cannot believe that some people can run away from its thunder storm. 那漩涡好似坍塌一般往中间凝聚,化出雷哞的身影,转过身来盯着李云霄,金色眸子一闪一闪,似乎不敢相信有人能从它的雷霆风暴下逃走。 Li Yunxiao is also fearful and apprehensive, innermost feelings forced smile, always only then he uses the thunder to divide the person, is short by others' thunder is extremely compelled so distressed. 李云霄也是心惊肉跳,内心苦笑不已,从来都只有他用雷去劈人,极少被别人的雷霆逼的如此狼狈。 thunder Mou raises head, in the mouth exudes „” the sound, as if moved the real anger, a both wings leaf, red glow sweep across immediately. 雷哞仰头,口中发出“嗷嗷”之声,似乎动了真怒,双翅一扇,顿时一片红芒席卷而来。 That red glow non- blood non- light, unexpectedly is red thunder Xia, in airborne one disintegrates, changes to innumerable scarlet thunder and lightning flip-flop bang to go, like ten thousand thunder through. 那红芒非血非光,竟是一片赤色雷霞,在空中一下瓦解,化作无数血色雷电“噼啪”轰去,有如万雷穿心。 You did not have!” “你还没完了!” Li Yunxiao is furious, berates one, the right hand instead grasps the sword hilt, inserts enters the earth, Zheng, white sword is enormous and powerful, opens in spin. 李云霄震怒,喝斥一声,右手反握剑柄,插・入大地,“铮”的一声,白色剑界浩浩荡荡,在身边旋开。 The left hand flies high again empty refers , the northern day of cold star sword broken body, melts Wan Jiantu, evolves in the palace, the innumerable sword shades circle in flight in all around, blocks that red thunder stroke! 再左手凌空虚指,北天寒星剑破体而出,化万剑图,在殿上衍化,无数剑影在四周飞旋,将那红色雷击拦下! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!” “轰!轰!轰!轰!” Ten thousand thunder Hongluo, strikes on innumerable sword astral, rumbles a lot of ensiforms all broken, Li Yunxiao arrange knot of under sword reduces unceasingly. 万雷轰落,击在无数剑罡上,将千百剑形尽数轰碎,李云霄布下的剑之结界不断缩小。 One changes from dozens zhang (3.33 m) range as small as the whole body three zhang (3.33 m), finally has shouldered a wave of thunder stroke. 从数十丈范围一下变小到周身三丈,终于将一波雷击扛了过去。 Damn!” “该死!” Li Yunxiao angrily rebukes, melts thunder Shunyi on, a sword cuts to thunder Mou, simultaneously branches out eight afterimage, holds the sword respectively, from has struck in all directions. 李云霄怒斥一声,化雷瞬移而上,一剑就斩向雷哞,同时分出八道残影,各自持剑,从四面八方击了过去。 Murong Zhu unique skill, sword Nine dragons, body myriad. 正是慕容竹的绝技,剑化九龙,身化万千。 He most adept thunder and lightning magical powers, one compared with feel dwarfed with the opposite party completely, therefore can only find the way to depend upon oneself swordsmanship win. 他最拿手的雷电神通,跟对方一比完全就是小巫见大巫,所以只能想办法依靠自己剑道取胜。 Although Li Yunxiao is five elements thunder body, actually will be the day after tomorrow cultivates, will compare the thunder moo this innate thunder, will have the enormous flaw. 李云霄虽是五行雷体,却是后天修炼所至,相比雷哞这种先天雷兽,存在极大缺陷。 Moreover thunder Mou ranked in antiquity True Spirit is not weak, this moment half solid half empty body, restored before death the less than half strength, sufficiently suppressed this time most powerhouses. 而且雷哞在上古真灵中排名也不弱,此刻半实半虚之体,也恢复了生前小半力量,足以压制这个时代绝大多数强者。 „!” “噼里啪啦!” Li Yunxiao each sword gets down, cuts to put on the thunder moo the body, can carry over piece of thunder light, flashes on the sword. 李云霄每一剑下去,斩穿雷哞身躯,都能带出一片雷光,在剑上闪动。 And without exception, so long as the sword blade touches that thunder Qu, will immediately cover entirely thunder Wen, the sword intent seal. 并且无一例外,只要剑身一触及那雷躯,立即会布满雷纹,将剑意封印。 Mother, how this also hits!” “妈・的,这还怎么打!” Li Yunxiao is depressed, every time cuts a sword, needs massive God Grace Force to break thunder Wen, restores sword blade. 李云霄郁闷无比,每斩一剑,都需要大量的神奕力将雷纹震碎,恢复剑锋。 Can contend with this thunder seal is the ice ghost heart flame, only then on the sword has the flame light to beat, not by seal, moreover can draw back thunder Moubi, making this beast fill to dread. 唯一能抗衡这雷印的便是冰煞心焰,只有剑上有焰光跳动,才不会被封印,而且能将雷哞逼退,令此兽充满忌惮。 But since by demon draw off real demon Djinn, ten of Li Yunxiao within the body demon Yuan strength go to its nine, is unable long time to maintain the ice ghost heart flame. 可自从被魔普抽去真魔巨灵后,李云霄体内的魔元之力十去其九,无法长时间维系冰煞心焰。 His innermost feelings raise a strange thought that to use the demon merit, it seems like must go to Transform Divine Sea ancient Mojing, restores own demon Yuan strength. 他内心升起一个古怪念头,要想动用魔功的话,看来还得去一趟化神海古魔井,将自己的魔元之力恢复过来。 Otherwise loses , is not only real magic, ices the ghost heart flame, is unable to twitch six demon soldiers, lost a greatly strengthened card in a hand. 否则失去的不仅是真魔法相,冰煞心焰,更加无法抽动六道魔兵,失去了一张极强底牌。 The intention phonograph, one loses concentration, thunder Mouqiang is going against the sword air/Qi, under roared to throw, the body from the sky increased three times, before lifting , the palm patted toward Li Yunxiao on. 正心念电转,一下分神,那雷哞强顶着剑气,怒吼之下扑了上来,身躯在空中变大三倍,抬起前掌往李云霄身上拍下。 Before that the palm only then four feet, the center appears thunder rune/symbol, under the twinkle shoots down. 那前掌只有四趾,中央浮现出雷符,闪烁之下就击落。 The Li Yunxiao heart in great surprise, this thunder Mou is the thunder of world production, body all strengths are the pure sources, but rune/symbol of writing that thunder, is on behalf of the world thunder, on that rubs with his day hammer scolds the ancient Chinese characters to be very similar, has the difference. 李云霄心头大惊,这雷哞乃是天地生成的雷兽,身上一切力量都是纯粹的本源,而那道雷之符文,正是代表天地雷霆,与他天锤上的那摩诃古字十分相似,却又有不同。 rubs scolded the ancient Chinese characters to create for the antiquity greatly, is used to imitate the Heavenly Dao rule, in each character contained to have greatly strengthened say/way intent. 摩诃古字为上古大能所创,用来模仿天道规则,每一个字内都蕴含有极强的道意。 Li Yunxiao understands instantaneously that on day hammer represents rubs of rule of thunder to scold the ancient Chinese characters, rule that imitates, this thunder Mouqian the rune/symbol writing who under holds! 李云霄瞬间明白过来,天锤上的那个代表雷之规则的摩诃古字,所模仿的规则,正是这雷哞前掌下的这个符文! Thinks without enough time that he draws in hurriedly does several things at the same time completely, the left hand pinches finger joints with the thumb rapidly, near spatial knot seal. 来不及多想,他急忙收拢全部分身,左手飞速掐诀,临空结印。 Red glow in palm, rise densely. 一片红芒在掌心化出,氤氲而升。 That thunder moo under the scowl, pair of eyes a golden light dodged, seeing that red glow as if instantaneously to be startled, probably some scared looks. 那雷哞怒容之下,双眼金光一闪,看见那红芒似乎瞬间怔了下,好像有些惧色。 floating life is a dream, the flying great wild goose has seal.”, This mortal world sea of bitterness, unique other shore.”, World is limitless, six samsara.” 浮生若梦,飞鸿有印。”、“尘世苦海,超脱彼岸。”、“天地无极,六道轮回。” Three seal like one!” “三印如一!” Li Yunxiao drinks one lightly, phantom of three seal condense, sends out the boundless prestige energy, all around red glow turnover, by he refining up pill fire Xin Guili flame! 李云霄轻喝一声,三道印之虚影凝聚起来,散发出无边威能,四周红芒吞吐,正是被他炼化的丹火辛癸离焰! Although this different fire is strong, this insufficient was also feared by thunder Mou, but this fire is actually pill fire of this emperor Pill Tower breeding, is this tower the source of strength, immediately lets moo in the heart one hurried, lost the mind. 这异火虽强,本也不足被雷哞惧怕,但此火却是这帝丹塔孕育的丹火,乃是此塔的力量之源,顿时让雷哞心中一慌,失了心神。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Three seal such as rumbles, pats, in that thunder Mouqian holds on, the terrifying glare jumps shoots the four directions! 三印如一轰出,拍在那雷哞前掌上,恐怖的强光迸射四方! Side is the heavenly thunder is billowing, presents five colors, changes to thunder to surround and attack, the thunder, the main hall also in instantaneously directly was magnetized everywhere, covers entirely thunder Wen. 一边是天雷滚滚,呈现出五色雷芒,化作一道道雷环击开,到处电闪雷鸣,大殿也在瞬间直接被磁化,布满雷纹。 Side is three seal such as a big hand imprint, the vast mighty force soars to the heavens in that India , China, bright that reflects. 一边是三印如一的大手印,浩瀚伟力在那印中冲霄而起,映的一片煌煌。 pill fire Xin Guili flame is the flaming combustion, almost melts the dragon, contends with that billowing heavenly thunder. 丹火辛癸离焰更是熊熊燃烧,几乎化龙而起,与那滚滚天雷抗衡。 Also does not know that this palace where makes, under the so terrifying might, actually stands erect not but actually! 也不知这宫殿是何所造,在这般恐怖的威力下,却是屹立不倒!
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