UAA :: Volume #20

#1976: Ten step god pill

Was quick, is about to appear!” “快了,快出现了!” In the crowd starts to reappear the tumult, various sounds resound, excited. 人群中开始浮现骚动,各种声音响起,激动万分。 Li Yunxiao also felt the emperor Pill Tower power and influence, wanted to be too more than under the islands before formidable, was void to have various multi-colored sunlight to shake to shoot unceasingly, making the space reverse. 李云霄也感受到了帝丹塔的威势,比之前在岛屿下方要强大太多,虚空内不断有各种霞光震射过来,让空间为之扭转。 So the power and influence, feared that is not simple.” “这般威势,怕是不简单啊。” In the solemn starry eyes reveals the startled color, along with the unceasing appearance of emperor Pill Tower, that vast power and influence shakes shoots comes out, the multi-colored sunlight overflows, before most these person compelled unceasing backlash. 穆星眼里露出惊色,随着帝丹塔的不断出现,那股浩瀚威势震射・出来,霞光四溢,靠得最前的那些人被逼的不断后退。 Danger!” “危险!” Li Yunxiao cannot bear call out in alarm one, reminded the front these people. 李云霄忍不住惊呼一声,提醒前方那些人。 Some retrocede after the ponder immediately, but much fears to lose the situation, still encircles in most front, contends with that multi-colored sunlight different strength. 有的在沉思后立即后退,但还是不少怕丢失先机,依然围在最前头,抗衡那霞光异力。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Suddenly the space was shattered, entire emperor Pill Tower comes swiftly, the tremendous strength such as ocean waves shoves open, in that strength shake, but also follows has massive Xin Gui to leave the flame light, simultaneously divergence! 突然空间破碎,整个帝丹塔倏然现身而出,巨大的力量如海浪一波波推开,那力量震荡中,还伴随有大量的辛癸离焰光,同时辐散! „!!” “啊!!” Massive pitiful yell sounds get up, the recent person who these depend on, cultivates to mostly set the base, this feared that snatches others not to win, strives to seize a situation, finally bears the brunt! 大量的惨叫声响起,那些靠的最近的人,多半也是修为垫底,这才怕抢不别人赢,争取夺个先机,结果首当其冲! Blood light spreads, massive Martial Artist were killed by shock by that vast strength, but also somewhat fortunately survives a life, Xin Gui who also came out by the turnover fires the ashes to the flame light. 一片血光蔓延,大量的武者被那浩瀚之力震死,还有些幸存一命,也被吞吐出来的辛癸离焰光烧成灰烬。 Dozens person's shadows disperse toward the distant place like the ant, avoid that terror strikes. 数十道人影如蚁般往远处散开,躲避那恐怖的一击。 Bang the sound is lingering on faintly, gradually ceases, the people are the complexion blanches, has a lingering fear. 轰隆之声不绝于耳,一阵后才渐渐停息,众人都是脸色发白,心有余悸。 An exceedingly high great tower stands erect in the front, is thousands of times of big that beforehand Li Yunxiao sees, above corner unpatterned silk returns, projecting eaves tile tall Zhuo, holds the topography respectively, exquisiteness and grand that could not say. 一座通天的巨塔屹立在前方,是之前李云霄所见的千万倍大,上面廊腰缦回,檐牙高啄,各抱地势,说不出的精巧和宏伟。 „, So great writer, not under the treasure tower of old man.” “啧啧,这般大手笔,不在老夫的重器塔之下。” Mu Xing acclaimed heartfeltly, that turret main point was boundless, the narrow view carved, making one praise to the heavens. 穆星由衷赞叹起来,那塔楼大处磅礴雄伟,小处精雕细琢,令人叹为观止。 Ban opened, everybody goes in quickly!” “禁制打开了,大家快进去吧!” Sudden Martial Artist shouted loud, then changes to the escaping light to go toward. 突然一名武者高声喊了起来,便化作遁光往里而去。 But Li Yunxiao actually discovered that Martial Artist that yells although proceeds to clash, but the speed is not fast, several forms one has exceeded him, when breaks in the tower first. 李云霄却发现,那叫喊的武者虽然往前冲,但速度并不快,数道身影一下就超越了他,当先冲入塔内。 That person hesitates slightly, seeing several people to vanish in the tower, after confirming does not have the issue, then went. 那人略微迟疑,看见几人消失在塔中,确认没有问题后这才自己进去。 On the scene is the master and astute generation, watches the sly act of this person, after confirming does not have the danger, this rushes to be first to/clashes toward. 在场的无一不是高手和精明之辈,都看着此人的滑头行径,确认无危险后,这才争先恐后的往里冲。 Li Yunxiao said: Looked like from the situation, had a look at the treasure tower again, feared that is in so will not be simple, we were more careful.” 李云霄道:“从刚才的情况看来,再看看重器塔,怕是里面也不会这么简单,我们还是小心一些。” You were careful, our strength can it be that these trash can compare.” “你小心过头了吧,我们的实力岂是这些渣渣可以比的。” Mo thinks little, laughs at one. 陌不以为意,嗤笑一声。 This emperor Pill Tower is also enormous to his attraction, after all Monster Clan Refining Master are few, he was suppressed these many years under Five Dawn Mountains, is rare medicinal pill. 这帝丹塔对他的吸引力也极大,毕竟妖族术炼师少,他被镇压在五霞山下这么多年,更是罕见丹药 Li Yunxiao looks at all around several people, said: Section huge person, money lives Gang Lord, although everybody present is union one, but I reminded one first, will snatch medicinal pill to come me not to be lenient, can result in many to depend entirely on oneself strength and luck, do not count on that others will help.” 李云霄看着四周几人,道:“段天大人,钱生帮主,虽然大家现在是同盟一线,但我先提醒一句,抢起丹药来我是不会手软的,能得多少全靠自己实力和运气,可别指望别人会帮忙。” Haha, this nature.” money Sheng laughs. “哈哈,这个自然。”钱生大笑一声。 Dust segment Tian also yes snort/hum said: That naturally, depends on skill respectively, cannot take medicinal pill also to divide equally.” 尘段天也是哼道:“那当然,各凭本事,总不能取个丹药还平分吧。” Li Yunxiao shows a faint smile, immediately changes to a lightning, covered into Qu Hongyan and the others, flies to shoot to go, only leaves behind together the laughter, „, that walks!” 李云霄微微一笑,顿时化作一道闪电,将曲红颜等人罩入其内,飞射而去,只留下一道笑声,“哈哈,那走吧!” Dust segment Tian and money Sheng and the others, hidden Shizong gate several sovereign, flickered to move, dashed to go. 尘段天与钱生等人,还有隐世宗门的几位宗主,也瞬移动了,飞奔而去。 Dingshan is calm free, has stood in the distant place is motionless, holds the chest to stand. 丁山则是淡定自若,一直站在远处不动,抱胸而立。 Afterward is void as if an appearance number form, disappears, is only indistinct such as water general flowing, floods into emperor pill Building. 随后虚空中似乎出现数道身影,不见踪影,只是隐约如水一般的流动,涌入帝丹楼内。 For a long time, almost walked the nobody left, Dingshan slowly dropped, steps into emperor pill Building. 许久,几乎走得空无一人了,丁山才缓缓放下手来,踏入帝丹楼里。 The so palatial turret stands erect in this, besides Martial Artist that formerly went, but also often has the person's shadow to catch up, pleasantly surprised under dashes to enter. 如此巍峨的塔楼屹立在这,除了先前进去的武者外,还不时有人影赶来,惊喜之下都飞奔而入。 Li Yunxiao and the others just stepped into, then coming several Origin Force fluctuate. 李云霄等人刚踏入进去,便迎面而来数道元力波动。 Un, what's the matter?” “嗯,怎么回事?” The thunder light falls, melts the people form, Li Yunxiao decides the eye to look, in the first main hall, is placing rows of racks, on each jade box, obviously is Sheng pill. 雷光落下,化出众人身影,李云霄定眼望去,第一层的大殿内,摆放着一排排的架子,每个上面都有一只玉盒,显然是盛丹之用。 Martial Artist that before entered all attacked brutally, in the big palace, accommodated thousand people sufficiently, at this moment appeared the right and wrong is crowded, various types of sword light fist glow, the twinkle was uncertain. 之前进入的武者全都大打出手,偌大的殿内,原本足以容纳千人,此刻都显得是非拥挤,各种剑光拳芒,闪烁不定。 Many medicinal pill, haha!” “好多丹药啊,哈哈!” A Mo great happiness, in eye murderous intention Bi Xian, cold sound track: These trash all killed!” 陌一下大喜,眼里杀机毕现,寒声道:“这些渣渣全杀了吧!” Li Yunxiao had a scare, is busy at blocking him, said: Do not act unreasonably! This tower does not know that many levels, this is first, places definitely is also most preliminary medicinal pill, we do not need to take.” 李云霄吓了一跳,忙拦住他,道:“千万别乱来!这塔不知有多少层,这才是第一层而已,摆放的肯定也是最为低级的丹药,我们根本无需去拿。” The front pitiful yell sound is unceasing, various blood light splashes. 前方惨叫声不断,各种血光飞溅。 The sudden person was struck to fly to hit on that rack, immediately shakes but actually one pile of boxes, inside medicinal pill tumbles. 突然一人被击飞撞在那架子上,顿时震倒一堆的盒子,里面的丹药滚落出来。 „? These medicinal pill......” “啊?这些丹药……” Immediately some people call out in alarm, sprinkle in the ground these, although nimble and resourceful person, if by any chance the level is not high, only has 7th Rank. 顿时有人惊呼,洒落在地上的那些,虽然灵动可人,但等级不高,只有七阶 Outside placed is also valuable thing, may in these person of eyes, with the stone not different. 放在外面也算是值钱之物了,可在这些人眼里,与土石无异。 Damn, any broken place, takes some trash to coax unexpectedly we!” “该死,什么破地方,竟拿一些垃圾来忽悠我们!” The fighting sound stopped immediately, all was scared, especially these made into the severe wound, several died on the ground, died in vain. 打斗声立即停了下来,全都傻了眼,特别是那些被打成重伤的,还有几个已经死在地上,算是白死了。 Snort, who makes you come stupid!” “哼,谁让你们自己蠢来着!” In all around of main hall, is distributing several teleportation array, many people emerge, passes on toward other floors, wear a look of ridicule looks at these to snatch pill. 在大殿的四周,分布着几个传送阵法,不少人涌入过去,传往其它楼层,都面带讥讽的看着那些抢丹的。 Immediately one group of people rush all around, starts to snatch that transmission, for fear that went late. 立即一群的人涌向四周,开始抢那传送,生怕去得晚了。 Haha, Young Master Yun really respected opinion.” “哈哈,云少果然高见。” Sound that transmits money Sheng, grinning watches at present one piece in confusion, said: Luckily has not come up to snatch, otherwise really fell the status.” 身后传来钱生的声音,笑嘻嘻的看着眼前一片狼藉,道:“幸亏没上去抢,否则真是掉身份了。” Li Yunxiao said with a smile: By the strategy of Sir money Sheng, how the so simple matter unable to look. Structure and jade in book pavilion this emperor Pill Tower has the things in common, through transmission intercourse.” 李云霄微笑道:“以钱生大人的智谋,这般简单之事岂会看不出来。这帝丹塔内的构造与玉书阁有相通之处,都是通过传送往来。” Money unfamiliar road: Young Master Yunxiao has also gone to the person in jade book pavilion, what attainment can have?” 钱生道:“云霄公子也是去过玉书阁的人,可有什么心得?” Li Yunxiao said with a smile: Where has the attainment, but I went to the jade book pavilion at that time, the place of transmission has been peeped the day of pupil technique just in time, has solved backlash of my Moon Pupil, I have been thinking that in world does have coincidence so really? Originally this time? Calculates that goes to the jade book pavilion again, but cannot seek the Coordinate.” 李云霄笑道:“哪有心得,只是当时我去玉书阁,正巧传送之地得到窥天瞳术,解了我月瞳的反噬,我一直都在想,世间真有这般巧事吗?原本这次?算再去玉书阁的,只是未能寻到坐标。” Un, indeed was somewhat skillful.” “嗯,如此说来的确是有些巧了。” money Sheng is also quite surprised, hesitates saying: If this emperor Pill Tower is the same to that jade book pavilion, how could it not be the assignment of medicinal pill does come on demand?” 钱生也是颇为惊讶,沉吟道:“若这帝丹塔与那玉书阁一样,丹药的分配岂非是按需来的?” Distribution according to need?” “按需分配?” Li Yunxiao said: This word is new, but indeed has this possibility.” 李云霄愣道:“这个词新鲜,但的确有这种可能。” Money unfamiliar road: We tried apparent, will not transmit to a place mostly.” 钱生道:“我们去试试便知了,多半不会传送至一处地方。” Li Yunxiao turns around to several humanity: teleportation array should be stochastic, you can enter in World God monument, so as to avoid everybody separates.” 李云霄转身对几人道:“传送阵应该是随机的,你们可以入界神碑中,免得大家分开。” Who must enter your World God monument, separates does not separate.” Gu Qingqing ahem said. “谁要进你的界神碑,分开不就分开。”顾青青哼唧道。 Only then in the Qu Hongyan three females, the arrange three people are willing to enter, Gu Qingqing, the Mo amicable star, thinks the go it alone. 只有曲红颜三女,还有布子三人愿意入内,顾青青、陌和穆星,都想单独行动。 Three females are not willing to separate with Li Yunxiao, the arrange three people are to know own strength is limited, is safer with Li Yunxiao, they are also waiting for to become Shen the turning point, does not want assigning to lose in the eternal life. 三女是不愿和李云霄分开,布子三人则是知道自己实力有限,跟着李云霄更为安全,他们还等着成神的契机呢,可不想将命丢在了永生之界。 Li Yunxiao received six people World God monument immediately, when the people snatch teleportation array, is after not quite crowded, this chose one to walk into. 李云霄顿时将六人收入界神碑内,待众人抢完传送阵,不太拥挤后,这才选了一个走入其中。 money Sheng and the others also together walk into same as him. 钱生等人也与他一道走入同一个阵内。 Under the azure light flood, space rocks together slightly, several people vanish all do not see. 一道青光泛起,空间微微晃动之下,几人尽数消失不见。 The next quarter, Li Yunxiao appears in an empty main hall immediately. 下一刻,李云霄顿时出现在一座空荡荡的大殿内。 In the entire palace is empty, only then a sacrificial altar, above is placing a red jade box. 整个殿中空无一物,只有一个祭台,上面摆放着一个红色玉盒。 Really is the random transmission, such comes me to think suddenly, it is fortunate that.” “果然是随机传送,这么一来我突然觉得亏了。” He has all put three females, the arrange three people continue to keep in World God monument, has not had the feeling in any case, meets the powerful enemy unable to help, made them practice in inside. 他将三女全都放了出来,布子三人则继续留在界神碑内,反正没存在感,遇上强敌也帮不上忙,就让他们在里面修炼了。 Qu Hongyan smiles, said: Yeah, if we transmit separately, everyone can enter a main hall, has the opportunity to obtain medicinal pill.” 曲红颜轻轻一笑,道:“可不是嘛,若是我们分别传送的话,每人都能进入一座大殿,都有机会得到丹药。” Is only...... Is so simple?” “只是……有这么简单吗?” Li Yunxiao looks at that red jade box, Divine Sense sweeps off toward all around, not discovers the difference, this slowly walks to go forward. 李云霄看着那红色玉盒,神识往四周扫去,并无发现异样,这才缓慢走上前。 Flies upwards more careful.” “飞扬小心些。” Husband was careful.” “夫君小心。” Qu Hongyan with shouted, Luo Yunchang that non- Ni cared although the whole face was also tight, for fear that had the matter. 曲红颜与非倪都关心的呼了出来,洛云裳虽也满脸紧张,生怕有事。 But before Li Yunxiao has arrived at the sacrificial altar, does not have any difference, afterward then extends to touch that jade box, immediately a red glow ejection opens. 李云霄一直走到祭台前,都没有出任何异样,随后便伸出去碰那玉盒,顿时一道红芒弹射开。 Li Yunxiao is unhurriedly, does not hide does not evade, instead turns the hand grasps, grasps that red glow in the hand. 李云霄不慌不忙,不躲不避,反而翻手一抓,将那红芒抓在手中。 Bang!” “砰!” But is the red glow is extremely finally sharp, one breaks his God Grace Force, cuts to strike in the five fingers, the golden palm was also cut the fissure, but in a flash voluntarily restored. 但终是红芒太过锋锐,一下破开他的神奕力,斩击在五指间,金色的手掌也被划开裂痕,但不过转瞬就自行恢复了。 Good fierce ban.” “好厉害的禁制。” The Li Yunxiao complexion changes, his Inextinguishable Golden Body was far from the past may compare, that red glow seemed like simple, can actually one wound his body, changed to the words of another transcending the mortal world powerhouse, possibly already severe wound. 李云霄脸色微变,他的不灭金身远非从前可比,那红芒看似简单,却能一下击伤他的身躯,化作另外一位超凡入圣强者的话,可能就已经重伤了。 Does not dare to put laxly, Li Yunxiao is vigilant that the five fingers place on the box gently, opens slowly. 更加不敢放松懈,李云霄警惕起来,五指轻轻放在盒子上,缓缓打开。 Roar!” “吼!” Suddenly startled day beast roar shake, Li Yunxiao one avoids together, strong sound wave strike certainly on him, makes bang bang the sound, like thousand blade Wan sword, strokes in the metal. 突然一道惊天兽吼震荡而出,李云霄一下躲避不及,绝强的音波一道道击在他身上,发出“噼噼砰砰”的声音,有如千刀万剑,击打在金属上。 Three females also call out in alarm, transport the merit to resist. 身后的三女也是同时惊呼,运功抵挡。 The beast roar has continued good one, gradually subsides, sees only jasper medicinal pill to lie down in the box an all over the body, sends out the astonishing spiritual energy, under attracts thought that five main internal organs (entrails) Shu has launched completely, is very comfortable. 兽吼持续了好一阵,才渐渐平息下来,只见一枚通体碧玉的丹药躺在盒中,散发出惊人灵气,一吸之下就觉得五脏六腑全部舒展开了,十分舒服。 This is......” “这是……” Li Yunxiao one is excited, said wild with joy: Ten steps...... This feeling...... Ten step god pill!” 李云霄一下激动起来,狂喜道:“十阶……这种感觉……十阶神丹啊!” As top Refining Master he, first time sees ten step medicinal pill, excited being hard practicing moderation, puts out a hand to take up the jade box. 身为顶级术炼师的他,第一次见到十阶丹药,兴奋的难以自持,伸手就将玉盒拿起。 Suddenly main hall sky ray dodges, the swift and fierce attack falls from the day together, violent shoots! 突然大殿上空光芒一闪,一道凌厉至极的攻击从天落下,激・射而来!
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