UAA :: Volume #20

#1975: Heavenly Martial pledge

Li Yunxiao said with a smile: What's wrong, does Sir money Sheng want to do our alliance business? Money help/gang proliferates the world, the rich enemy, the Sir was also too greedy.” He has hit, a face sluggish appearance. 李云霄微笑道:“怎么,钱生大人是想做我们联盟生意?金钱帮遍布天下,富可敌国,大人也太贪心了哈。”他打了个哈哈,一脸懒散的模样。 Haha, an old man businessman, makes a board, but must Young Master Yunxiao and leader looks after much.” “哈哈,老夫一介生意人,赚点饭钱,还得云霄公子和诸位掌门多多照顾啊。” Money lives hehe smiles, holds the fist in the other hand bows in salute to the people. 钱生呵呵一笑,抱拳向众人作揖。 Li Yunxiao knows that he decides however also has as follows, said with a smile slightly: This year the head, the resources are everywhere deficient, is the landlord family/home does not have the surplus grain.” 李云霄知道他定然还有下文,微微笑道:“这年头,到处资源匮乏,就是地主家也没有余粮啊。” money Sheng laughs saying: Haha, Young Master Yunxiao likes cracking a joke. Does not know that the alliance many members, may be willing to accept money now to help this type of small chamber of commerce, is leading obsolete and brothers makes a money together, sends to get rich.” 钱生大笑道:“哈哈,云霄公子就爱开玩笑。不知联盟现在有多少成员,可愿收下金钱帮这种小商会,带着老朽和兄弟们一起赚点钱,发发财。” All around was peaceful immediately, dust segment Tian and the others are in the heart shake, immediately listens to disburse money the fresh meaning, this is must coalize the rhythm. 四周顿时安静了下来,尘段天等人都是心中一震,立即听出了钱生的意思,这是要加入联盟的节奏啊。 Money helps strength or financial resource, is quite astonishing, Dingshan and thousand several times wanted its annexation accidentally, is all unavailable, to be still independent beyond two big opposition business pledges, obviously its inside story is unusual, now actually voluntarily requests to join the Li Yunxiao alliance. 金钱帮无论是实力还是财力,都相当惊人,丁山和万一千都数次想要将其吞并,皆不可得,依然独立于两大对立商盟外,可见其底蕴非同一般,现在竟然主动要求加入李云霄的联盟。 Money lives naturally has his consideration, this action betting nature is enormous, but the odds of success is also in his opinion big. Li Yunxiao grasps seven in a big way sovereign two, will have soon becomes Flame Martial City of world focal point, side also many powerhouse accumulations, once the alliance can withstand all pressure, will rise smoothly, then money will help also to be one of the senior statesmen, in which benefit will be out of the ordinary. 钱生自然有他的考量,这一举动赌性极大,但在他看来胜算也大。李云霄掌握七大宗主之二,坐拥即将成为天下焦点的炎武城,身边还有诸多强者聚集,一旦联盟能顶住各方压力,顺利崛起的话,那么金钱帮也算是元老之一,其中的利益非比寻常。 Let alone now the world is more meddlesome, the north-south two big business pledge conflicts are unceasing, money helps the independence be also enormous in the one side pressure, even there are by the dangers of two big business pledge together roller compactions, might as well hurries to look for a backer, may a slow current crisis. 更何况现在天下多事,南北两大商盟争端不断,金钱帮独立于一旁也压力极大,甚至有被两大商盟一道碾压的危险,还不如赶紧找个靠山,也可一缓当前危机。 Stands is also touches in nearby dust segment Tian enormously, on him comes to greet with Li Yunxiao, wants to discuss again the matter of forming an alliance, the key is also the issue of this hegemon, he somewhat unwillingly occupies under the person, wants in the chip by the hand to strive for one this hegemon, driving joining that but money helps, making him is somewhat passive, the look cannot help but complex, somewhat could not calm down. 站在一旁的尘段天也是触动极大,他上前来跟李云霄打招呼,也是想重谈结盟之事,关键还在于这个盟主的问题,他有些不甘屈居人下,想以手中筹码争取一番这个盟主,但金钱帮的主动加入,让他变得有些被动起来,不由得神色复杂,有些沉不住气了。 Place that our alliances kill, is not the peace does business, did Sir money Sheng consider really?” “哦,我们的联盟可是打打杀杀的地方,可不是和平做买卖,钱生大人真的考量好了吗?” money Sheng proposed that makes money help alliance, not only stems from the Li Yunxiao accident, but in the reason, Flame Martial City matter Qian Duoduo is understands that looked brings in money to live indeed wants to bet. 钱生提出让金钱帮入盟,既出乎李云霄意外,但又在情理之中,炎武城的事钱多多是明白的,看来钱生的确想赌一把。 Li Yunxiao smile visits him, the words that money help/gang is willing to join naturally wish for earnestly, but must look at money Sheng the determination in a big way, if comes to occupy a status, holds a job without doing any work, that does not want. 李云霄微笑的看着他,金钱帮肯加入的话自然求之不得,但还得看钱生的决心有多大,若只是进来占个名分,尸位素餐,那不要也罢。 Hehe, does business actually contradictory also many, kills unavoidably, money helps these many years is to also kill, since must join union, has prepared obsolete naturally killing.” “呵呵,其实做生意也矛盾多,也免不了打打杀杀的,金钱帮这么多年也是打打杀杀过来的,既然要入盟,老朽自然做好了打打杀杀的准备。” Money lives hehe says with a smile, he knows that Li Yunxiao suspected his manner and determination, therefore lay bare one's true feelings, said: Once joins union, naturally all are primarily the alliance, the command of hegemon, Mo Gan does not revere!” 钱生呵呵笑道,他知道李云霄是怀疑他的态度和决心,故而表明心迹,说道:“一旦入盟,自然一切以联盟为主,盟主之令,莫敢不尊!” Good!” “好!” The Li Yunxiao great happiness, goes forward to grab money Sheng the hand, said: Welcome Sir money Sheng, joining that welcome money helps.” 李云霄大喜,上前抓住钱生的手,道:“非常欢迎钱生大人,欢迎金钱帮的加入。” Haha.” “哈哈。” They smile, looks like understanding for a long time old friend is the same, inquired after the well being, talks and laughs merrily. 两人相视一笑,就像是认识许久的老朋友一样,嘘寒问暖,谈笑风生起来。 Dust segment Tian hears in the one side very depressed, several times want to say anything, starts to speak but hesitates. 尘段天在一旁听得十分郁闷,几次想说什么,欲言又止。 But the Li Yunxiao vision also distantly looks to the distant place crowd, many people and he still had enmity, a vice- gate main herd crane of northern deep aristocratic family, but also one person is of leader Dingshan two big business pledges. 李云霄的目光也遥遥望向远处人群,不少人与他尚有过节,其中一位北冥世家的副门主牧鹤,还一人正是两大商盟之一的领袖丁山。 Dingshan also repeatedly throws to look at the vision, in the eye full is the cloudy vulture, Li Yunxiao Divine Sense locks him immediately, although maintains composure now, but when began most likely. 丁山也多次将目光投望过来,眼里满是阴鹫,李云霄神识在第一时间就将他锁定,虽然现在不动声色,但保不定什么时候就动手了。 In the Dingshan eye the ray twinkle, does not know that is thinking deeply about anything. 丁山眼中光芒闪烁,不知在思索什么。 money Sheng also realized that the hostility of Li Yunxiao to Dingshan, maintained composure similarly, he does not want to annoy Dingshan on own initiative, since Li Yunxiao treats as to be all right general, he naturally also plays the fool, treats as does not know. 钱生也察觉到了李云霄对丁山的敌意,同样是不动声色,他并不想主动去惹丁山,既然李云霄当做没事一般,他自然也装傻,当做不知道。 Does not know that Young Master Yunxiao this does form an alliance to have the given name?” “不知云霄公子这结盟可有名号?” money Sheng glances to the left it, pulls to forming an alliance the topic. 钱生左顾而言它,将话题扯到结盟上来。 Un, the given name, Sir money Sheng has not read the poetry book full, on knows the astronomical geography, might as well help to take a given name?” “嗯,尚未名号,钱生大人饱读诗书,上知天文地理,不如帮取个名号?” Li Yunxiao has thought, also must decide a given name. 李云霄想了下,也的确要定个名号了。 Has Shenque Palace and Long Jia, joining that money helps, own strength, pushes out the alliance given name in addition sufficiently, attraction more influences according to * come. 神霄宫、龙家,还有金钱帮的加入,加上自己的力量,足以将联盟名号推出去,吸引更多的势力依*过来。 money Sheng has hesitated, said: Entire forms an alliance is primarily Young Master Yun, how might as well call Yun Meng?” 钱生沉吟了一阵,道:“整个结盟是以云少为主,不如就叫云盟如何?” „It is not good.” “不好。” Dust segment Tian opposes to say immediately: Alliance is many school unions, how could by a person of name crown it, this highly improper, how obedience?” 尘段天当即反对道:“联盟乃是诸多门派联合,岂能以一人之名冠之,这成何体统,如何服众?” His innermost feelings, oneself also want to take joining union as the chip depressed, struggles the position of hegemon, if the name were called Yun Meng, struggled. 他内心郁闷至极,自己还想以入盟为筹码,一争盟主之位,若是名字都叫云盟了,那自己还争个屁啊。 money Sheng saw him to stroke oneself face, was quite disgruntled, strange say/way: Section huge person saying said that probably the sword sect is also alliance member, the name of alliance, but also takes a bystander to take?” 钱生见他拂了自己面子,颇为不悦,奇怪道:“段天大人这话说的,好像刀剑宗也是联盟成员似的,难道联盟之名,还要一个外人来取吗?” You......!” “你……!” Dust segment Tian is depressed, stuffy snort/hum, flicks the sleeve pays no attention to money Sheng. 尘段天郁闷非常,闷哼一下,拂袖不理钱生。 Li Yunxiao said: Section huge person, since thinks improper, that what name is appropriate?” 李云霄道:“段天大人既然觉得不妥,那什么名字妥当呢?” Dust section Heavenly Dao: Since is many schools converges, the world hero gathers together, might as well call the hero the alliance.” 尘段天道:“既然是诸多门派云集,天下英雄荟萃,不如就叫英雄联盟吧。” Li Yunxiao both hands hold the chest, is knocking the chin with the index finger, hesitates saying: How this name feels strangely?” 李云霄双手抱胸,用食指敲着下巴,沉吟道:“这名字怎么感觉怪怪的呢?” Qu Hongyan said with a smile sweet: Thinks insufficiently aggressively?” 曲红颜嫣然笑道:“是不是觉得不够霸气?” Un, has a little.” Li Yunxiao honest saying. “嗯,是有那么一点。”李云霄老实的说道。 Gu Qingqing the complexion sank, remembers Five Dawn Mountains one, said: Doesn't want to make a very long name?” 顾青青脸色沉了下来,想起五霞山一幕,道:“不会又想弄个很长的名字吧?” Mo is in the heart trembles, some face rounds were green, Five Dawn Mountains that move entrains crazily very dazzles the century eternal revolving yo-yo, simply is the war casualty of Monster Clan, becomes angry while talking about it. 陌则是心中一颤,脸孔有些发绿了,五霞山那一招狂拽酷炫之千秋万古旋转溜溜球,简直就是妖族之殇,谈之色变。 In Li Yunxiao eye one bright, claps saying: Sir word reminded me actually, the matter of alliance for the world common people, what is good is the century eternal righteousness, affects entire Heavenly Martial World, might as well call century principle of righteousness to shake the eternal universe invincible wind and cloud border meeting the super Heavenly Martial pledge!” 李云霄眼中一亮,拍手道:“大人此言倒是提醒了我,联盟之事为的是天下苍生,行的乃是千秋万古之义,波及整个天武界,不如就叫千秋大义名震万古乾坤无敌风云际会之超级天武盟!” Gu Qingqing: „......” 顾青青:“……” I think this, was really.” “我看此名可以,甚是了得。” Qu Hongyan covers the mouth to smile, other two females are also the chuckle, very approve. 曲红颜掩嘴而笑,其余两女也是轻笑不已,十分赞同。 Money unfamiliar road: Except front that big string, the Heavenly Martial pledge three characters is indeed good, although is somewhat extremely arrogant, but not necessarily may not take on.” 钱生道:“除去前面那一大串,天武盟三字的确不错,虽有些狂妄,但未必不可担当。” Dust segment Tian also gently nods, said: I look.” 尘段天也是轻轻点头,道:“我看也可以。” Good, such being the case, that then decided.” “好,既然如此,那便定了。” Li Yunxiao claps the palm of the hand, has decided the name. 李云霄一拍巴掌,算是敲定了名字。 Money unfamiliar road: „The position of hegemon, naturally should take on by Young Master Yun.” 钱生道:“那盟主之位,自然应该由云少来担当。” Dust segment Tian immediately sinking sound track: Hegemon can it be that can finger/point, appointed? That money lives you to be better than the hegemon, the hegemon must you assign!” 尘段天当即沉声道:“盟主岂是可以指任的?那钱生你比盟主还牛啊,盟主还得你来指定!” Haha, is really the joke, this is the matter of our Heavenly Martial pledge interior, with your section huge person what Gan?” “哈哈,真是笑话,这是我们天武盟内部之事,与你段天大人何干?” money Sheng laughs at one, rebutted with sarcasm. 钱生嗤笑一声,反唇相讥起来。 Li Yunxiao finger of correct path: Must say the full name, is century principle of righteousness shakes the eternal universe invincible wind and cloud border meeting the super Heavenly Martial pledge.” 李云霄指正道:“要说全名,是千秋大义名震万古乾坤无敌风云际会之超级天武盟。” money Sheng: „......” 钱生:“……” Gu Qingqing angrily rebukes saying: „Can you proper!” 顾青青怒斥道:“你能不能正经点!” Li Yunxiao curls the lip saying: I am not how proper, was the name was too long, couldn't remember by your intelligence quotient?” 李云霄撇嘴道:“我怎么就不正经了,是不是名字太长了,以你的智商记不住?” Gu Qingqing: „......” 顾青青:“……” Dust segment Tian also thinks a little dizzy, so the matter of enforcing, becomes with each family, but the name next, the key is the position of hegemon, his coldly is staring at money Sheng, snort/hum said: How do you know the sword sect not to join union?” 尘段天也觉得有点晕,如此严肃之事,变得跟过家家似的,但名字已经其次了,关键是盟主之位,他冷冷盯着钱生,哼道:“你怎知刀剑宗就不会入盟?” „, Is it possible that does the sword sect have to join the Heavenly Martial pledge the meaning?” “哦,莫非刀剑宗也有加入天武盟的意思?” money Sheng the eyelid raises slightly, said with a smile. Actually the dust segment Tian performance, showed all. 钱生眼皮微微一扬,含笑说道。其实尘段天的表现,就已经说明了一切。 Nature!” “自然!” Dust section day stern say/way: „Before, Young Master Yun and young person Palace Lord then visited blade range Jianfeng, with me discussed that the matter of forming an alliance, this place has thought for a long time, thought very feasible. Now I on behalf of the sword sect, officially join the Heavenly Martial pledge!” 尘段天正色道:“早在之前,云少和红颜宫主便莅临刀岭剑峰,与我商谈结盟之事,本座想了许久,觉得十分可行。现在我就代表刀剑宗,正式加入天武盟!” Takes seriously?” “当真?” Li Yunxiao is staring at him, be with smile on the face, as if also early has the expectation. 李云霄盯着他,面带微笑,似乎也早有预料。 Dust section Heavenly Dao: Naturally takes seriously, this is a Lord, how could the speech child's play. The position of this hegemon, absolutely not can decide the person at will.” 尘段天道:“自然当真,本座乃一宗之主,说话岂能儿戏。只是这盟主之位,断不能随意定人。” Li Yunxiao said: Good, how you said recommended that was inferior everybody votes.” 李云霄道:“好,那你说如何推举,不如大家投票吧。” Good good, this is fairest!” “好啊好啊,这样最公平!” Non- Ni Paishou said: I cast husband ticket.” 非倪拍手赞道:“我投夫君一票。” Qu Hongyan said: I also throw fly upwards.” 曲红颜道:“我也投飞扬。” money Sheng laughs, said: Obsolete is also.” 钱生哈哈一笑,道:“老朽亦是。” Dust segment Tian: „......” 尘段天:“……” He has wiped under the forehead cold sweat, stern say/way: „The person of practicing martial art, how could the voting elects, naturally should Wu Juelai decide!” 他抹了下额头冷汗,正色道:“习武之人,岂能以投票来选,自然应该武决来定!” Although he has not grasped can win Li Yunxiao, the words that but votes definitely lose , can only throw the military definitely. 虽然他也没把握能赢李云霄,但投票的话是肯定输,也只能将武决抛了出来。 Good, that then decides by Wu Juelai.” “好,那便以武决来定。” Li Yunxiao said with a smile lightly: If the section huge person has won, the headquarters of that Heavenly Martial pledge are located in blade range sword blade, if I have won, naturally is located in Flame Martial City.” 李云霄淡淡笑道:“若是段天大人赢了,那天武盟的总部就设在刀岭剑锋,若是我赢了,自然就在设在炎武城。” Ok!” “行!” Dust segment Tian has complied, can win over the military decision hegemon, is he biggest turning point, if the military also defeats definitely, other ways are more impossible to win. 尘段天一口应了下来,能争取到武决定盟主,已经是他最大的契机了,若是武决也败,其它方式更不可能获胜。 Qu Hongyan and non- Ni Yanzui smiles, they know that dust segment Tian will not have any opportunity. 曲红颜和非倪掩嘴而笑,她们知道尘段天不会有任何机会。 A Li Yunxiao vision revolution, looks to nearby Yang Tianpeng and Mi Hong and other hidden world aristocratic families sovereign, said with a smile: Whether can also join?” 李云霄目光一转,望向旁边的杨天鹏和糜宏等隐世世家宗主,笑道:“诸位可否也要加入?” Ha, Sir Yunxiao chatted, we hide away the overseas, did not ask humans affair long since, where can want to join any alliance.” “哈,云霄大人说笑了,我们隐遁海外,不问世事久已,哪会想加入什么联盟。” Yang Tianpeng smiles awkwardly, immediately declined, but the shock of innermost feelings was indescribable. 杨天鹏尴尬一笑,立即推辞掉了,但内心的震惊是难以言喻的。 Some Heavenly Martial pledge big strengths he is not clear, but has third seven large amount gate at present, money help/gang, this existed enough has contended with Holy Territory and Transform Divine Sea . 天武盟到底有多大实力他不清楚,但眼前就有七大宗门之三,还有金钱帮,这等存在就已经够抗衡圣域化神海了。 Which their is person who anything hides away, but the situation is unclear at present, not the clear any condition, has not wanted to stand in line prematurely. 他们哪是什么隐遁的人,只不过眼前局势不明,还不清楚什么状况,不想过早站队罢了。 At this moment, outside phantom of emperor pill Building, the person more gathers. 此刻,帝丹楼的虚影外,人越聚越多。 That peak enters void big building Ying, starts gradually becomes must be rich, as if must break void! 那耸入虚空的偌大楼影,也开始逐渐的变得殷实起来,仿佛要震碎虚空而来!
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