UAA :: Volume #20

#1974: The day transports good fortune pill

Li Yunxiao sinking sound track: Eternal life opening, number of days is instable, in the powerhouses are ready to make trouble, in addition the massive outsiders, by the hundred rounds Sir then situations, indeed were hard to deal. But the Sir already can spy on the future, feared that already expected oneself life and death, now falls from the sky, is he has prepared mostly.” 李云霄沉声道:“永生之界开启,天数易变,界内强者都蠢蠢欲动,加上大量的界外来人,以百轮大人当时的情形,的确难以应对。但大人既能窥探过去未来,怕是早已料到自己生死,如今陨落,多半也是他有所准备的。” Qu Hongyan comforts Gu Qingqing saying: Flew upwards to say unusual was rational, left is sad. Finally the time, hundred rounds Sirs make us leave, does not want to make us see his result mostly, since he so arranges, we should along its regard.” 曲红颜安慰顾青青道:“飞扬说的非常有理,别再难过了。最后时刻,百轮大人让我们离开,多半也是不想让我们见到他的结局,既然他这般安排,我们就该顺其心意。” Gu Qingqing has sobbed in a low voice, stops, wipes the tears, lowers the head, sees her inflamed both eyes shyly, said in a low voice: I who you said understand, but is unable not to be sad, but sad was also good, walks.” 顾青青低声哭泣了一阵,才停下来,抹去眼泪,垂着头,怕人看见她红肿的双眼,低声道:“你们说的我都明白,但无法不难过呀,但难过一阵也就好了,走吧。” To their this levels, already looked to the life and death very much opened, but sentimental the wound left since old times, leaves uncomfortably always most. 到了他们这个层次,对生死早已看得很开了,只是多情自古伤离别,离别总是最令人难受。 Group silently flies in expansive sky, the atmosphere as if becomes somewhat depressing, no one has started talking. 一行人默默的在长空上飞行,气氛似乎变得有些压抑,谁也不曾开口说话。 In the Li Yunxiao sudden heart moves, near stopped spatially, looks the color of ponder. 李云霄突然心中一动,临空停了下来,面露沉思之色。 Flies upwards, how?” “飞扬,怎么了?” Qu Hongyan flying near body, surprise visits him, Gu Qingqing the heart had a feeling a moment ago, did he also induce what? 曲红颜飞近身来,诧异的看着他,刚才顾青青心有所感,难道他也感应到了什么? Li Yunxiao is knocking the chin with the finger, toward front endless void looks, hesitates saying: Before to the flame is only built up to melt by Xin Gui who I surrendered, I felt the aura of emperor pill Building from, in this direction.” 李云霄用手指敲着下巴,往前方无尽虚空中望去,沉吟道:“之前被我降服的辛癸离焰光已经炼化了,我从其内感受到了帝丹楼的气息,就在这个方向。” He puts out a hand to aim at the front end place, said: I am thinking that must make a detour to seek that emperor pill Building first, then looked for the Tianfeng tail plume. After all that tail plume in the buddhist monster hand, I do not hug too in a big way hopes, but so long as emperor pill Building seeks, is extremely easy to obtain.” 他伸手指向前方尽头处,道:“我在想要不要转道先去寻那帝丹楼,再去找天凤尾翎。毕竟那根尾翎在梵妖手中,我并不抱太大希望,而帝丹楼只要寻到的话,便是唾手可得。” Gu Qingqing looks to Mu Xing, said: „Do you think? After all four big seal the matter of thing of spirit you to be clearest, the book is the profound offshore islands makes.” 顾青青望向穆星,道:“你觉得呢?毕竟四大封灵之物的事你最清楚,本就是玄离岛弄出来的。” Un, four big seal the thing of initial original intention spirit is only the seal eternal life in spiritual energy, in order to avoid leaks, simultaneously revolves, extracts the effect that the outside spiritual energy supplements unceasingly. Afterward the profound offshore islands to buy in each powerhouse of time entered, this to cause, pill, treasures and book four big heavy buildings, and unseal jade book pavilion. That constructs emperor pill Building, and among the refinement the medicinal pill Grandmasters many passed away, among? The value of thing is very high, is worth going.” “嗯,四大封灵之物最初的本意只是封印永生之界内的灵气,以免外泄,同时生生运转,不断抽取外界灵气补充进来的效果。后来玄离岛为了吸纳各个时代的强者入界,这才以弄出了器、丹、宝、书四大重楼,并且解封玉书阁。那建造帝丹楼,并且炼制其内丹药的大师们多已作古,其内?物的价值还是非常高的,值得一去。” Mu Xing explained patiently that in the eye had the ray to flash slightly, said: Moreover among several medicinal pill, even if I also exceptionally moves.” 穆星耐心的解释起来,眼里微微有光芒闪动,道:“而且其内有几枚丹药即便是我也异常动心。” Gu Qingqing as if listened to anything, amazed say/way: Is it possible that among has ten step god pill?!” 顾青青似乎听出了什么,惊诧道:“莫非其内有十阶神丹?!” Li Yunxiao and the others are also body slightly shakes, reveals the startled color. 李云霄等人也是身躯微震,露出惊色。 Ten step god pill, already vanished for 100,000 years. Even if Shenque Palace this type inherits the big faction, consumes completely, can have 9th Rank top medicinal pill is the thing of going against heaven's will. 十阶神丹,早已绝迹了100000年了。即便是神霄宫这种传承大派,也消耗殆尽,能有九阶顶级的丹药就已经是逆天之物了。 Hey, ten step god pill?” “嘿嘿,十阶神丹吗?” Mu Xing mysterious smiles, on the face of that metal appears the expression of difference, could not bear lick the lip, said: Can go against heaven's will changes to assign, did the day that the dead air/Qi revives transport good fortune pill you to be possible once to listen?” 穆星神秘的一笑,就连那金属的脸庞上都浮现出异样的表情,忍不住舔了下嘴唇,道:“能够逆天改命,死气回生的天运造化丹你们可曾听过?” Day transports good fortune pill!!” “天运造化丹!!” All people have pulled out an cold air/Qi, calls out in alarm. 所有人都是抽了口冷气,惊呼起来。 Gu Qingqing is a complexion big change, the anger upwells in vain, the murderous intention jumps shoots, shouted to clear the way fierce: Mu Xing your this damn thing, some days transported the good fortune pill's news actually silent not saying that otherwise this pill went against heaven's will sufficiently changes to assign, perhaps hundred rounds Sirs did not use!” 顾青青更是一下脸色大变,徒然怒气上涌,杀机迸射,厉声喝道:“穆星你这个该死的东西,有天运造化丹的消息竟然闭口不说,否则此丹足以逆天改命,百轮大人或许就不用死了!” Murderous aura of rushing from the sky dances in the air, a congealing round number cyclone, fetters the four limbs and body of solemn star, Zheng, pulls Mu Xing directly in a big way character, tying up stubbornly in sky. 澎湃的杀气在空中飞舞,凝成数道气旋,将穆星的四肢和身体束缚住,“铮”的一拉,把穆星直接扯成一个“大”字,死死的绑在天空上。 Qu Hongyan and the others had a scare, although Gu Qingqing looks down on the world, but the temperament is always good, first time sees her to get angry realistic, obviously touched really has killed the heart. 曲红颜等人都是吓了一跳,虽然顾青青玩世不恭,但脾气一向挺好,第一次见她动真怒,可见是真的触动了杀心。 Mu Xing frowned, depressed saying: Which my remembers this matter . Moreover the day transported good fortune pill to be aloof ten step categories, if can also upward divide the rank, this pill feared is ten 1st Rank existed, can it be that thought to obtain?” 穆星皱起眉头来,郁闷的说道:“我哪记得此事,而且天运造化丹已经超脱了十阶范畴,若是还能往上划分等级的话,此丹怕已经是十一阶的存在了,又岂是想得就能得到的?” Li Yunxiao said: This pill's hearsay I have also listened, has thought is the legend, cannot think that has unexpectedly. How regardless of must go to the experience one, as for whether to obtain must watch the chance. The Sir the deaths of hundred rounds Sir, blames not by any means at this unfounded matter, isn't this obvious venting anger in the person?” 李云霄道:“此丹的传闻我也听过,一直都以为是传说而已,想不到竟真的有。无论如何也得去见识一番了,至于能否得到还得看机缘。大人切莫将百轮大人之死,怪罪在这种无稽的事情上,这不是明显的迁怒于人吗?” Gu Qingqing has thought that also thought oneself were somewhat excessive, stuffy snort/hum, will work off anger completely restrains, Mu Xing then restores, whole face depressed color. 顾青青想了一下,也觉得自己有些过分了,闷哼一声,将杀气尽收敛,穆星这才恢复过来,满脸郁闷之色。 Walks, since emperor pill Building entered the eternal life, do not let other people act swiftly to get there first.” “走吧,既然帝丹楼进入了永生之界,可别让其他人捷足先登了。” After having set the direction, Li Yunxiao and the others fly immediately toward the front. 确定了方向后,李云霄等人顿时朝着前方飞去。 In the Li Yunxiao palm, is holding one group of scarlet red flames, Naxin last of the ten Heavenly Stems leaves the flame, by , the shadow of faintly visible emperor pill Building, as if also has the person's shadow to flash. 李云霄的手掌心,托着一团赤红色的火光,正是那辛癸离焰,透过其内,隐约可见帝丹楼的影子,似乎还有人影闪动。 As if some people we one step had found emperor pill Building first, picks up the speed, do not act swiftly to get there first by other people!” “似乎有人先我们一步找到了帝丹楼,加快速度,千万别被他人捷足先登了!” Li Yunxiao pupil micro, the body disperses a piece of thunder and lightning, covers into all people, immediately changes to together, goes from out of the blue, the speed promoted the several fold to continue. 李云霄瞳孔微缩,身上散开一片雷电,将所有人罩入其内,立即化作一道雷芒,破空而去,速度提升了数倍不止。 On this day transports good fortune pill to remind him of one person to come, is the sea sovereign Paulon's wife, mother supple Wei of narcissus, at this moment is still using the Seventh Star lamp to continue the life, if can obtain this pill, then can bring back to life, even if sea sovereign Paulon, may rely on the strength of this pill to restore the Martial Dao foundation, re-enters reaches the pinnacle. 这天运造化丹让他想起一人来,便是海皇波隆之妻,水仙的母亲柔薇,此刻还在用七星灯续命,若是能够得到此丹的话,便能起死回生,即便是海皇波隆本人,也可凭借此丹之力恢复武道根基,重回登峰造极。 thunder Guangru the lightning flash, speeds away in expansive sky, exceed approaches emperor pill Building, discovery many formidable aura also toward same end in the past. 雷光如电闪,在长空内疾驰,越靠近帝丹楼,就发现不少强大的气息也在朝同一目标过去。 After the moment, the front on void has the ray to rock indistinctly, under Divine Sense sweeps, has over a hundred people unexpectedly. 片刻后,前方虚空上隐约有光芒晃动,神识一扫之下,竟有上百人之多。 Giant pill Building phantom airborne absent-minded uncertain, ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) high, the peak enters void. 一座巨大的丹楼虚影空中恍惚不定,有万丈之高,耸入虚空。 These Martial Artist many come from Heavenly Martial World, but as if some formidable aura concealment in void, have not come, is unobservable, even if Li Yunxiao also only felt some if hidden aura that if no. 那些武者多是从天武界过来的,但似乎还有一些强大气息隐匿在虚空里,并未现身,让人难以察觉,即便是李云霄也只感到一些若隐若无的气息。 What's the matter? Emperor pill Building phantom?” “怎么回事?帝丹楼虚影?” Li Yunxiao was startled, looks that peak enters the void tall building, before , is not false in emperor pill Building that the jade xuan day escapes, but increases hundred times to continue at this moment, absent-minded uncertain, obviously together projects. 李云霄吃了一惊,看着那耸入虚空的高楼,正是之前在琅嬛天外逃走的帝丹楼不假,只是此刻变大百倍不止,恍惚不定,显然只是一道投影。 Gu Qingqing startled say/way: Big nihility technique? Which type this emperor pill Building makes.” 顾青青惊道:“大虚无术?这帝丹楼到底是闹哪样。” Mu Xing is also eats saying: This emperor pill building Pa was worked, as to run away from out of the blue, was used the greatest magical powers striking back primary form, therefore empty escaped spatially, wanted to protect itself.” 穆星也是吃道:“这帝丹楼怕是已经化灵了,似乎是想破空逃走,被人用莫大神通打回原形,故而虚化遁空,想要保护自己。” The Li Yunxiao facial color is strange, said: Now these many people gather round, but also runs away, waits to come to be snatched up. I start also to worry that acted swiftly to get there first, now looks like as if must wait for the period of time.” 李云霄面色古怪,道:“现在这么多人围着,还逃个屁啊,等着现身被抢光吧。我开始还担心被人捷足先登了,现在看来似乎还要等一阵子。” Gu Qingqing looks toward the distant place, said: These Martial Artist that came from Heavenly Martial World also calculate to cope, the strength is not too strong, but in I realize to be void indistinctly have the powerhouse to hide, is the careful point for wonderful.” 顾青青往远处望去,道:“这些从天武界过来的武者还算好对付,实力都不是太强,但我隐约察觉到虚空内有强者遁形,还是小心点为妙。” Un, I also felt, moreover our whereabouts and strengths mostly were also realized by them. But what snatches pill incident competion is the chance and hard strength, will hide not to profit, we frank and upright will be standing, don't worry.” “嗯,我也感受到了,而且我们的行迹和实力也多半被他们察觉。但抢丹一事比拼的是机缘和硬实力,躲起来也不会更占便宜,我们就光明正大的站着,不用担心。” Li Yunxiao looks at that over a hundred people, in the Heavenly Martial World illustrious powerhouse, many old knowledge, moreover several people also quite have enmity. 李云霄看着那上百人,都是在天武界赫赫有名的强者,其中不乏旧识,而且几人还颇有过节 Li Yunxiao!” 李云霄!” And several old knowledge have also discovered him, speeds along to come, to go forward hurriedly to greet. 其中有几名旧识也发现了他,急忙飞驰而来,上前打招呼。 Has money father child who money helps, Yang Tianpeng who dust segment Tian and an elder of sword sect, the leaders of some hidden Shizong gates, burn the moon/month sect, Mi Hong of blood crow palace and others, definitely had seen in the military of overseas aristocratic family. 有金钱帮的钱生父子,还有刀剑宗的尘段天及一名长老,还有一些隐世宗门的掌门,焚月宗的杨天鹏,血鸦宫的糜宏等,都曾经在海外世家的武决中见过。 The vision of people sweeps toward Li Yunxiao body side, is in the heart greatly shakes, dust segment Tian and the others also recognize Qu Hongyan and non- Ni, for can understand to their cultivating, but Gu Qingqing, Mu Xing, even Luo Yunchang is makes them be startled. 众人的目光往李云霄身侧一扫,皆是心中巨震,尘段天等人还认得曲红颜和非倪,对她们的修为能够理解,而顾青青、穆星,甚至洛云裳更是让他们吃惊不已。 Only weak only then arrange three people, but also is existence of Ninth Star peak, is only in this situation, does not have many to have the feeling. 唯一弱些的就只有布子三人,但也是九星巅峰的存在,只是在这个场合里,就没多少存在感。 Dust segment Tianding non- Ni was looking at one, this sighs with emotion: Congratulates non- Ni Zongzhu also to step into transcends the mortal world, since then Long rose is just round the corner.” 尘段天盯着非倪看了一阵,这才感慨道:“恭喜非倪宗主也踏入超凡入圣,从此龙家崛起更是指日可待了。” Non- Ni smiles, raises slightly saying: Sir overpraised, Long also will look in the future at the Sir to look after much, led by the hand much is.” 非倪轻轻一笑,欠身道:“大人过奖,日后龙家还望大人多多照顾,多多提携才是。” On the Qu Hongyan face has not quickly, coldly said: Section huge person, above blade range Jianfeng, I remembers on the same day the Sir had said wants Shenque Palace to a confession, the present was to come to confess?” 曲红颜脸上颇有不快,冷冷道:“段天大人,当日刀岭剑峰之上,我记得大人说过要神霄宫给一个交代的,现在是不是来要交代了?” Dust section day complexion is quite awkward, compensates to say with a smile: On the same day is indignant a saying, cannot think that young person Palace Lord also in heart, hehe, made a mistake obsolete.” 尘段天脸色颇为尴尬,赔笑道:“当日只是气愤一说,想不到红颜宫主还记在心中,呵呵,是老朽错了。” Let alone a Qu Hongyan person of strength is not their sword sect selects, moreover there is Li Yunxiao and other strong helps, begged the confession saying that completely has become a joke. 别说曲红颜一人的实力就不是他们刀剑宗挑得动的,而且还有李云霄等其他强援,讨要交代之说完全就成了个笑话。 Sends sovereign astuteness by him, naturally cannot violate muddled at this important matter, bears the temporary air/Qi, so as to avoid hundred days sorrow. 以他一派宗主的精明,自然不会在这种大事上犯糊涂,忍得一时之气,免得百日忧。 Hehe, I also chatted, the section huge person did not need to take seriously.” “呵呵,我也只是说笑而已,段天大人不用当真。” Qu Hongyan is also the eye pupil narrows the eyes, smiles, dimple like flower. 曲红颜也是眼眸微眯,嫣然一笑,笑靥如花。 Haha, the misunderstanding, the misunderstanding, completely misunderstands.” “哈哈,误会,误会,全然是误会。” Dust segment Tianlv the beard is laughing, the innermost feelings layer on layer relaxed. 尘段天捋着胡须大笑起来,内心则是重重松了口气。 money Sheng watches critically, what although does not know, but can also look by his astuteness, had enmity inevitably, but now dust segment Tian admitted defeat. 钱生冷眼旁观,虽不知何事,但以他的精明也看得出来,必然是曾经有过过节,而现在尘段天服软了。 Shenque Palace is the first under heaven big faction, but Li Yunxiao is shocking , the hearsay are innumerable, in addition also has the influence of Tian Ling Long, so the combination, did not admit defeat is not good. 神霄宫天下第一大派,而李云霄更是名震天下,传闻无数,加上还有天岭龙家的势力,这般组合,不服软也不行。 Let alone money Sheng the news is quicker than average people, from Qian Duoduo that hear many scary information, can understand Li Yunxiao that huge inside story compared with other people. 何况钱生的消息比普通人都要灵通,从钱多多那听来诸多骇人的情报,比其他人更能明白李云霄那庞大的底蕴。 Hears Young Master Yunxiao to unite Shenque Palace and Long, south territory did Flame Martial City, form an alliance?” “听闻云霄公子联合神霄宫与龙家,还有南域炎武城,结成了联盟?” Money lives the intention phonograph, the innermost feelings made up mind quickly, immediately goes forward to say. 钱生心念电转,内心很快拿定了主意,立即上前说道。 The people of nearby how many hidden world aristocratic families are surprised, Shenque Palace and Long alliance, this is the earthshaking important matter, what ghost but that is Flame Martial City? 旁边几位隐世世家的人都是大吃一惊,神霄宫与龙家联盟,这可是惊天动地的大事,但那炎武城是什么鬼? They each other face one another, in the eye is one piece confuses, obviously has never listened. 他们彼此相望,眼里都是一片迷惑,显然从未听过。
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