UAA :: Volume #20

#1973: Descendants feather status

Wei Qing listens to him to speak, opens the mouth saying: Descendants feather mister, you as if stared at this person evidently, that present was looks for the Tianfeng plume feather, disbanded in light of this, took various groups respectively.” 韦青听着他说话,开口道:“胤羽先生,看样子你似乎盯上了此人,那现在是去找天凤翎羽,还是就此散伙,各走各路呢。” Yin Yu ponders erratically, said: That too beginning real Secret Art the person of inheritance I must look, the Tianfeng real tail plume was also very important to me. But the matter has the relative importance, obviously seals to leave the matter more important. The Coordinate of Tianfeng real tail plume I gave you, you passed first, after I handled matters, can come.” 胤羽沉思不定,道:“那太初真诀的传承之人我是一定要找的,天凤真尾翎对我也十分重要。但事有轻重缓急,显然封要离之事更为重要。天凤真尾翎的坐标我给你们,你们先过去,待我办完事后自会过来。” He takes out a jade box to throw to Wei Qing, inside is lying down an aquamarine indicator, is smart. 他取出一个玉盒来扔给韦青,里面躺着一枚碧绿色的指针,灵气十足。 Later then directly changes to the flowing light, the direction that toward sealing to disappearance pursues. 之后便直接化作流光,朝封要离消失的方向追去。 Wei Qing is taking that jade box, the train of thought was uncertain, has hesitated for a long time. 韦青拿着那玉盒,思绪不定,沉吟了许久。 Wei Wuya said: Wei Qing, what you are thinking, whether the matter of real tail plume? If thought that the danger, does not go greatly.” 韦无涯道:“韦青,你在想什么,是否真尾翎之事?若是觉得危险的话,大可不去。” Danger?” “危险?” Wei Qing gives a calm smile, shakes the head saying: Even if dangerous place, by strength of self-preservation our people. Obtains the Coordinate indicator that the real tail plume was at for no reason innocently, was the space falls the meat pie, why did not go. I am guessing that Yin Yu status, is too mystical, was too fearful.” 韦青淡然一笑,摇头道:“即便再危险的地方,以我们众人之力自保还是可以的。况且凭白无辜得到了真尾翎所在的坐标指针,算是天上掉馅饼了,为何不去。我只是在猜那胤羽的身份,太神秘,又太可怕了。” Qingyun is also the complexion white hair, thinks who one fear, the body cannot bear trembled under. 罗青云也是脸色白发,想想都一阵后怕,身躯忍不住的自己颤栗了下。 Li Yi white his eyes, ridicule of ridicule: Looks at your this prospect, had almost not knelt a moment ago down to call the ancestor to others!” 李逸白了他一眼,讥讽的嘲笑道:“瞧你这点出息,刚才差点就没给人家跪下叫祖宗了!” Zheng!” “铮!” Qingyun wild with rage, fights spear/gun to eject instantaneously, points to the Li Yi strategic point! 罗青云狂怒之下,战枪瞬间击出,直指李逸要害! zi! You dare!!” “嗞!你敢!!” Li Yi startles greatly, originally is not his match, now launches an attack suddenly, is fends, in roaring, forcefully reverse body, but still scoffing, was penetrated the scapula by the long spear/gun, the penetration. 李逸大骇,本就不是他对手,现在被突然发难,更是闪避不及,在怒吼一声下,强行扭转身躯,但依然“嗤”的一声,被长枪贯入肩胛,穿透而出。 „!!” “啊!!” Li Yi kills pig is howling, the eye looks to Wei Qing, the trembling sound track: Big, Sir, he and he must kill me, good pain!” 李逸杀猪般的嗷嚎起来,眼睛望向韦青,颤声道:“大、大人,他、他要杀我啊,啊,好痛!” Throws!” “扑!” Qingyun fights the spear/gun to select again, a Li Yi arm flew immediately, blood such as note blowout. 罗青云再战枪一挑,李逸一条手臂顿时飞了起来,鲜血如注喷出。 A Li Yi complexion paleness, cannot think that under the opposite party dares the cruel methods unexpectedly, has feared immediately somewhat, has drawn back hurriedly several steps, stops the blood on shoulder, whole face angry look. 李逸脸色一下惨白,想不到对方竟真的敢下狠手,顿时有些怕了,急忙退了几步,将肩膀上的血止住,满脸怒色。 Wei Qing knits the brows, berates: Have not made, is the people on one's own side, hits any dozen!” 韦青皱起眉来,喝斥道:“别闹了,都是自己人,打什么打!” Li Yi is busy at putting on a long face, wails saying: Sir, this person of his heart may execute, a word at earliest convenience do not begin to kill the person on one's own side!” 李逸忙哭丧着脸,哀嚎道:“大人,此人其心可诛啊,一言不合就要动手杀自己人!” Haha, added others, looks at your prospect!” “哈哈,还说别人,瞧你那点出息!” Yao Jinliang has watched critically, the ridicule that at this moment cannot bear, told the phlegm to come up on the difference. 姚金良一直都冷眼旁观,此刻也忍不住的讥讽,就差吐口痰上去了。 Wei Qing did not have the means with him, the angry eye stared his, shouted to clear the way: You little provoke him, how he will kill you with no reason at all!” 韦青拿他没办法,怒眼瞪了他一下,也喝道:“你少招惹他,他岂会无缘无故杀你!” Regarding Li Yi this subservient, flattering the racket must the generation, he also exceptionally loathes, but the person is respectively useful, Li Yi also has the Li Yi ability, at least red semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate management in good order, making him feel relieved much. 对于李逸这种奴颜婢膝,谄媚拍须之辈,他也是异常厌恶的,但人各有用,李逸也有李逸的才能,至少将红月城管理的井井有条,让他放心不少。 Although Qingyun a lofty character, suits the acting heavy responsibility, can be the unparalleled hero, actually cannot become a side overlord, because his complete thoughts used above the practice. 罗青云虽一身傲骨,适合担当重任,可以为盖世豪杰,却不能成一方霸主,因为他的全副心思都用在了修炼之上。 Li Yi reproven keeping silent, how does not know argued, moreover looks at Wei Qing that angry appearance, obviously does not want to listen to him rubbish, will immediately get angry the barometric pressure in the heart, lowers the head to pick own arm, starts to smudge the medicine engagement. 李逸被训斥的哑口,不知如何辩解,而且看韦青那恼怒的模样,显然也不想听他废话,顿时将怒气压在心中,低着头去把自己手臂捡起来,开始涂抹药物衔接。 Qingyun, you have ten step Dragon blood, is unable to contend with his pressure, can have the guess to this person of status?” Wei Qing is looking at face pale Qingyun, asked. “罗青云,你拥有十阶龙血,都无法抗衡他的威压,对此人身份可有猜测?”韦青望着一脸苍白的罗青云,问道。 This person certainly is existence of True Spirit level, moreover before placing extremely, I even suspected that he can be the child of some real dragon!” “此人一定是真灵级的存在,而且排名极前,我甚至怀疑他会是某位真龙之子!” Qingyun clenches teeth saying that is pale the face, throughout cannot restore the scarlet. 罗青云咬牙说道,铁青着脸,始终没能恢复血色。 „The child of real dragon? Has such exaggeration?” “真龙之子?有这样夸张吗?” Wei Qing said surprised: Before listened to him with hundred rounds to tie the dialog of clothes, before this person, as if by seal in shaking Dragon Chui in East China Sea, only then together remnant soul. Afterward does not know how to come out, must understand this person of status, but must go to an East China Sea royal palace. But those who make me very curious is, he is that place that goes all out to seek for what? As if relating his lives and properties, probably could not find, the Heavenly Dao will make him die.” 韦青吃惊道:“之前听他与百轮结衣的对话,此人之前似乎是被封印在东海的撼龙槌中,只有一道残魂。后来不知如何就出来了,或许要了解此人身份,还得去一趟东海王宫。而让我非常好奇的是,他拼命要寻找的那地方到底是什么?似乎关系着他的身家性命,好像找不到,天道就会让他死似的。” Several people are silent, only thought that was extremely mystical, has surpassed his understanding. 几人都是沉默起来,只觉得太过神秘了,超出了他的理解。 The south wind fine jade had not spoken, at this time suddenly opens the mouth saying: May once record, when he named seals to leave with that the man who talks, seals to once say you also worked as are really Longtianzi, does not know that everybody may once remember.” 南风璇一直都未说话,此时突然开口说道:“诸位可曾记,他与那名叫封要离的男子对话时,封要离曾说了一句‘你还当自己是真龙天子了’,不知大家可曾记得。” The Wei Qing facial color changes, sinking sound track: I remember that what you do want to say?” 韦青面色一变,沉声道:“我记得,你想说什么?” The south wind fine jade said leisurely: Actually I want to say anything, when I proposed these words, Sir Wei Qing has guessed correctly, why asked something already known.” 南风璇悠悠说道:“其实我想说什么,在我提出这句话的时候,韦青大人就已经猜到了,何必明知故问了。” She shot a look at Wei Qing one, said indifferently: Is only the Sir cannot believe that therefore does not dare to say.” 她瞥了韦青一眼,淡然道:“只是大人不敢相信罢了,所以才不敢说出口。” Wei Qing stuffy snort/hum, sleeves, said with deep veneration: Has what does not dare, is only impossible! These words deeply have the different meanings, can understand that is conceited for the descendants feather, will treat as the real dragon to be alive, can understand that for the descendants feather once was the real dragon, now did not have the qualifications. Two meanings, you think that can be the second type? Hehe, said that he was the antiquity real dragon, was too rather unfounded!” 韦青闷哼了一声,一副衣袖,肃然道:“有何不敢,只是不可能而已!这句话深有歧义,可以理解为胤羽狂妄自大,将自己当做真龙在世,也可以理解为胤羽曾经为真龙,现在已经没有资格是了。两种意思,你们认为会是第二种吗?呵呵,说他是上古真龙,未免太无稽了吧!” Wei Wuya also said: Un, I look inevitably am the first significance, sealed to be says him to be conceited, when were really Longtianzi. But this person indeed a little skill, perhaps is really the child of dragon also perhaps.” 韦无涯也是说道:“嗯,我看必然是第一种意义,封要离是说他狂妄自大,当自己是真龙天子。但此人的确有点本事,也许真是龙之子也说不定。” Snort, no matter he is any evildoer/monstrous talent, is ready to cope with anything to resist by whatever means available, even if were really the antiquity real dragon, this sky were not the places that their these old freak thing can gallop at will!” “哼,不管他是什么妖孽,兵来将挡水来土掩,哪怕真是上古真龙,这片天空也不是他们这些老怪物可以随意驰骋的地方了!” The Wei Qing big hand wields, in the eye full is self-confident, said: We look for that phoenix plume now, has been short of this person, might as well be a good deed.” 韦青大手一挥,眼中满是自信,道:“我们现在就去找那凤翎,少了此人,未尝不是件好事。” Wei Wuya the breadth of spirit to own son appreciates, twisting must smile, said: Good, the worry are too many, instead is swayed by personal gains and losses. azure, this Yin-Yang two air bottles you take away, happen to you now lack a name hand weapon.” 韦无涯对自己儿子的这种气魄十分赞赏,捻须而笑,道:“不错,顾虑太多,反而患得患失。青儿,这件阴阳二气瓶你拿去吧,正好你现在缺一件称手兵器。” Yao Jinliang the pupil glittering in one side, said: Boundless Sir, this is any Profound Artifact, is so unusual, and made you so like.” 姚金良在一旁眼中眸光闪烁,道:“无涯大人,这到底是什么玄器,如此奇特,并令你这般喜欢。” Wei Wuya smiles, feels that silver bottle, said: This thing common people called it the silver feather bottle, but the old man knows that its regulations were called the Yin-Yang two air bottles, was extraordinary Saint.” 韦无涯嘿嘿一笑,摸着那银瓶,道:“此物世人叫它银羽瓶,但老夫知道它实则叫阴阳二气瓶,乃是一件了不得的圣器。” What? Saint?!!” “什么?圣器?!!” These all people stare dumbfounded, Wei Qing was also shocked, Yao Jinliang is the petrochemical is ordinary, opening mouth delay. 这一下所有人都是瞠目结舌,就连韦青也是愣住了,姚金良更是石化一般,张嘴呆滞。 Haha, Yin Yu does not know whether knows this bottle of origins, but sees him with hundred rounds to tie the dialog of clothes, should be knows that so disregards unexpectedly, treats as the cargo to exchange, this person seriously is not simple.” “哈哈,那胤羽也不知是否晓得此瓶来历,但见他与百轮结衣的对话,应该是知道的,居然如此无视,当做货物来交换,啧啧,此人当真是不简单呢。” Wei Wuya sobbed, thought of here, cannot help but in the heart trembled, as if dreaded to the descendants feather. 韦无涯一阵唏嘘,想到此处,不由得心中微颤,似乎对胤羽更为忌惮起来。 Other people are also facial color sudden change, Li Yi are sharp the voice, startled called out: „...... Was he really the antiquity real dragon?!” 其余之人也是面色骤变,李逸更是尖着嗓门,惊叫道:“难道……难道他真的是上古真龙?!” Shut up! This is how possible!” “闭嘴!这怎么可能!” Although Wei Qing is happy Saint, ecstatic, but thinks of Yin Yu the status, inexplicable is agitated, hears Li Yi to cry out strangely, wishes one could a palm to pat him to go! 韦青虽喜得圣器,心花怒放,但一想到胤羽的身份,又莫名的烦躁起来,听到李逸怪叫,恨不能一掌拍死他去! Wei Wuya sinking sound track: azure is not bothersome, from a moment ago looked like, this Yin Yu strengths were also mediocre, moreover now also faces the life and death crisis, temporarily will not have any conflicts of interest with us. In the future will meet this person, has to do again adds carefully is.” 韦无涯沉声道:“青儿莫烦,从刚才看来,这胤羽的实力也不过如此,而且现在还面临生死危机,暂时是不会跟我们有什么利益冲突的。只是日后遇见此人,再打交道的时候多加小心便是。” Un, all take own strength as the premise. So long as I step into reach the pinnacle, refining up this Saint again, does not have anything to be good to fear.” “嗯,一切都以自身实力为前提。只要我踏入登峰造极,再炼化这件圣器,也就没什么好怕的。” Wei Qing regained the confidence once more, feels that silver bottle, feels an unusual strength, rushes like the sea, making his both eyes shine, startled say/way: Father, this Saint does have what origin?” 韦青再次恢复了信心,摸着那银瓶,感受到一股异常的力量,澎湃如海,令他双目放光,惊道:“爹,这件圣器有何来历?” Hehe, the background of this thing is very indeed big. Was in the past demon main hand the thing, we went to that phoenix plume first in it place, on the road I and you related in detail slowly.” “呵呵,此物的来头的确很大。乃是当年魔主手中之物,我们先去那凤翎所在之地,路上我与你慢慢细说。” Wei Wuya mood is excellent, cheerful appearance. 韦无涯心情大好,乐呵呵的样子。 The people in great surprise, stare at the look of that silver bottle are becoming are surprisedly uncertain, was daunted by the background of this thing. 众人更是大惊,盯着那银瓶的眼神变得惊疑不定起来,被此物的来头吓住了。 Wei Qing is also joyful, wields the sleeves, immediately laminar flow light covers the people, breaks in the horizon directly, goes in that indicator direction. 韦青也是欣喜不已,一挥衣袖,顿时一片流光将众人罩住,直接冲入天际,往那指针方向而去。 In the eternal life somewhere, in the expansive sky of stretching to the horizon, Li Yunxiao and the others are flying toward the front. 在永生之界某处,一望无垠的长空上,李云霄等人正朝着前方飞去。 Gu Qingqing a sudden frown wrinkle, some innermost feelings aches, panic-stricken under stop the flight slightly hurriedly, after having turned around to communicate, looks, in the eye a piece trembles with fear. 顾青青突然双眉一皱,内心微微有些疼痛,惊骇之下急忙停下飞行,转过身来往后望去,眼里一片惊颤。 How?” “怎么了?” Other people stop immediately, Li Yunxiao dodges on, is busy at asking. 其余之人立即停下,李云霄一闪而上,忙问道。 I and I as if felt hundred rounds Sirs...... Fell from the sky!” “我、我似乎感受到了百轮大人……已经陨落了!” Said the final several characters, Gu Qingqing the inexplicable heart trembled, cannot bear the tears flow off, along with fluttering in airborne. 说出最后几个字,顾青青莫名的心颤,忍不住泪水流下,随着飘在空中。 Li Yunxiao startled say/way: Do not let one's thoughts wander, at this moment is far away, has no reason to induce.” 李云霄惊道:“别乱想了,此刻相距甚远,没有理由能感应到的。” Although he comforts Gu Qingqing, but the innermost feelings suddenly some were not good to have a premonition that after all arrived at Gu Qingqing so to cultivate is, little will have the inexplicable induction, as long as some have thought that must fulfill. 他虽是安慰顾青青,但内心也突然有了不好预感,毕竟到了顾青青这般修为,很少会有莫名的感应,但凡有所想,必会应验。 Yes, the Sir you considered thoroughly.” Luo Yunchang on also comes to comfort. “是啊,大人您多虑了。”洛云裳也上前来安慰着。 Gu Qingqing shakes the head slightly, the tears class that still cannot bear, said: I know that will not be wrong, the Sir is I most respects the person, before several days dates, leaves my heart had a feeling, but cannot think that will come such rapidness unexpectedly.” 顾青青微微摇头,依然忍不住的泪流,道:“我知道绝不会错的,大人是我最为敬重之人,数日前离开的时候我就心有所感了,但想不到竟会来得如此之快。” Several people are silent, actually everyone knows, since Gu Qingqing so induced, must have its matter, but does not know how to comfort her. 几人都是沉默起来,其实谁都知道,既然顾青青这般感应了,必有其事,只是不知如何安慰她罢了。 Li Yunxiao silent, said: Do not be sad, hundred rounds Sirs are following the Heavenly Dao his entire life, now such result, is he arranges?” 李云霄沉默了一阵,才道:“别难过了,百轮大人一生都在追随天道,如今这样的结局,何尝不是他自己安排的呢?” I know that actually these I know, I cannot bear will be sad.” “我知道,其实这些我都知道,我只是忍不住会难过。” Gu Qingqing „” one has cried, is holding own right hand, a little girl is likely common fierce that „” cries. 顾青青“哇”的一下就大哭了起来,抱着自己的右手,像个小女孩一般“哇哇”哭的厉害。 On Mu Xing the face flashes through the unusual look, said: Hundred rounds Sirs, although does the life are not many, but is also insufficient such quickly to fall from the sky, is it possible that change?” 穆星脸上闪过异色,道:“百轮大人虽然寿元不多,但也不至于这么快陨落呀,莫非其中有变?”
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