UAA :: Volume #20

#1972: Lives also what Ai, why bother dies also

„, Damn!” “啊啊,该死!” Seals to leave wildly with rage, in the volume the blue vein sticks out suddenly, the anger exclaimed: Passes on who?” The cold sword on incorruptible swings the intermittent chill in the air, points to under. 封要离狂怒,额上青筋暴起,怒吼道:“传于何人?”冷剑冰霜上荡出阵阵寒意,直指而下。 Hehe, the day line has often, you do not need to worry.” “呵呵,天行有常,你就不用操心啦。” Hundred rounds tie the clothes to smile lightly, both hands are in harmony with the dantian, discussed slowly: „When comes does not have the mark not to have the trace, goes to and comes the current event together. Why must to ask floats causes trouble, only this floated lives is in the dream.” 百轮结衣淡淡一笑,双手合于丹田,缓缓念道:“来时无迹去无踪,去与来时事一同。何须更问浮生事,只此浮生是梦中。” Dies to be imminent, does intentionally calmly, not having the medicine may rescue!” “死到临头,故作镇定,无药可救!” Yin Yu angrily rebukes, knows that cannot ask again result, immediately refers to the claw falling, inserts enters hundred rounds to tie the clothes top of the head, five blood columns flow off following the fingertip. 胤羽怒斥一声,知道再也问不出结果,顿时指爪落下,插・入百轮结衣头顶,五道血柱顺着指尖流下。 Hundred rounds tie clothes corners of the mouth reappearing smiling face, serene closing both eyes. 百轮结衣嘴角浮现笑容,安详的闭上双目。 Thinks that died death ends all troubles? By this energy, searches for your soul to be a cinch forcefully radically!” “以为死了就一了百了吗?以本座之能,强行搜你魂魄根本不在话下!” Yin Yu looks fiercely, a left hand palm has patted. 胤羽面露狰狞,左手一掌拍了过去。 Seals to leave the facial color big change, angrily rebukes saying: „The corpse of old thing gives me!” 封要离面色大变,怒斥道:“老东西的尸身给我!” A sword swings, the frozen ten thousand miles, the space and time stagnates, as if has anchored generally. 一剑荡下,冰封万里,时空为之一滞,仿佛停住了一般。 Seals to flickering to move , the cold sword cuts incorruptible toward descendants feather on. 封要离瞬移而下,冷剑冰霜就往胤羽手上斩去。 Works as!” “当!” Suddenly the strength breaks together frozen, straight shoots to come, to shake on the sword blade, immediately cuts to fall. 突然一道劲气破开冰封,直・射而来,震在剑身上,立即斩落一空。 Wei Wuya cultivates to climb instantaneously to empty extremely Divine Realm, counts on the fingers to spring, simultaneously grasps the tiger claw, appears is sealing to leave behind, the entire space transfers along with his movement, grasps to sealing to leave the left shoulder. 韦无涯修为瞬间攀至虚极神境,一手屈指弹出,同时一手握成虎爪,出现在封要离身后,整个空间随着他的动作而转,抓向封要离右肩。 Damn!” “该死!” Seals to leave is angry, the left shoulder shakes violently, the strength of space breaks all, a facial color fierceness, melts the calamity to fight the true body, a first revolution, biangular top suddenly! 封要离大怒,右肩猛烈一震,空间之力尽数破碎,面色一下狰狞,化出祸斗真身,头一转,双角猛然顶出! What? Does the calamity fight?!” “什么?祸斗?!” Wei Wuya was startled, two thunder and lightning long-range raids come, money bi-color circles the rotation unceasingly, the expansive sky is torn two extremely deep cracks. 韦无涯吃了一惊,两道雷电奔袭而来,金银双色不断旋绕转动,长空被撕裂出两道极深的裂缝。 Wei Wuya does not dare to pull rank, the right hand congealing palm, the left hand makes a fist, to become Baoshan the type rumbled in the past. Heterochroses open in the fist palms, swift and fierce extraordinary. 韦无涯不敢托大,右手凝掌,左手握拳,成抱山式轰了过去。一片异色在拳掌间张开,凌厉非凡。 Bang!” “嘭!” Two thunder balls were rumbled instantaneously broken, Wei Wuya form dodges bullies the body on, the strength climbs to the peak, the fist of bang pounds to fall! 两道雷球瞬间被轰碎,韦无涯身影一闪就欺身而上,力量攀至巅峰,轰的一拳砸落! Enormous and powerful, all condenses depending on the strength without any skill, toward sealing to strike. 浩浩荡荡,没有任何技巧全凭力量凝聚,往封要离身上击去。 Five Dawn Mountains fights, fierce that he has experienced dying young, if primal chaos to seal/confer Tianyin displayed to trouble, therefore study the Li Yunxiao then countermeasure, assaulted on, let opposite party not any opportunity of displaying. 五霞山一战中,他见识过殇的厉害,若是太极封天印施展出来就麻烦了,故而学李云霄当时的应对之策,抢攻而上,让对方没有任何施展的机会。 Bang!” “嘭!” Seals to leave is angry, cold sword before the body, a sword blade revolution, reflects the dazzling glare incorruptible horizontally, blocks the strength of that fist. 封要离大怒,冷剑冰霜横在身前,剑身一转,反射出刺目强光,将那一拳之力拦下。 But the sword blade of vast fist prestige bang ripples, his arm hemp, the big body in the future will have drawn back several steps. 但浩浩拳威轰的剑身荡漾,他也手臂一麻,偌大的身躯往后退了数步。 What? Empty extremely Divine Realm?!” “什么?虚极神境?!” Seals to leave was startled, sees Wei Wuya to compel to attack once more on, the form dodges suddenly, from same place escapes the hundred zhang (333 m), under dodges again draws back thousand zhang (3.33 m) far continually. 封要离吃了一惊,见韦无涯再次逼攻而上,猛然身影一闪,就从原地遁开百丈,再闪之下连退千丈之远。 A Wei Wuya heart has then put, cultivates to drop the palm day boundary for the boundary instantaneously, he does not want with the opposite party life-and-death fight, so long as blocks do not affect Yin Yubian to be possible. 韦无涯这才一颗心放了下来,修为境界瞬间跌落回掌天境,他也不想和对方殊死搏斗,只要拦住别影响胤羽便可。 Seals to after drawing back, stands beyond thousand zhang (3.33 m), changes the person, is cloudy the face to look that Yin Yu searches for hundred rounds to tie the soul of clothes. 封要离退开后,站在千丈外,变回人身,阴沉着脸看那胤羽搜百轮结衣之魂。 Yellow luminescence from hundred rounds tie in the mind of clothes to swing, various types of scattered fragments remember, such as vast smoke sea long-range raid. 一道道黄光从百轮结衣的脑海中荡出,各种零散的碎片记忆,如浩瀚烟海奔袭而来。 Yin Yu does not dare to be negligent, on these memory fragments is blending the massive too beginning strength, he is also cautious, in the fire takes the chestnut, is reading these fragments cautiously. 胤羽不敢大意,那些记忆碎片上参杂着大量的太初之力,他亦是如履薄冰,火中取栗,小心翼翼的读取着那些碎片。 The sudden absent-minded picture has floated in the pair at present, sees only hundred rounds to tie the clothes to grasp gold/metal Zhang, is opening the time mighty current, in deduction number of days. 突然一阵恍惚的景象在双眼前浮过,只见百轮结衣手持金杖,正打开时光洪流,在推演天数。 Meanwhile, on a fragment, sends out the light of greatly strengthened green, the white clouds circulation, the world unusual look. 同时,一块碎片上,散发出极强的青色之光,白云流转,天地异色。 The descendants feather whole body trembles greatly, opens both eyes suddenly, diligently waits and sees. 胤羽浑身大颤,猛然睁大双眼,努力的观望下去。 In the fragment the picture received immediately, afterward is hundred rounds ties the clothes to take out a fist big gold/metal Jane, information brand mark above. 碎片中景象立即收了回来,随后便是百轮结衣取出一枚拳头大的金简,将信息烙印其上。 The afterward news is damaged, numerous comes lost to view, Yin Yuda is anxious, searches unceasingly, jade Jane, golden jade Jane, in, where......” 随后的讯息破碎不堪,纷杳而来,胤羽大急,不断搜索下去,“玉简,金色玉简,在哪,在哪里……” Suddenly his pupil shrinks suddenly, finally sees in a flake memory picture, that golden jade Jane in the face of one person swiftly shatter, changes to innumerable point point golden glow, the dissipation world. 突然他瞳孔骤缩,终于在一小片记忆景象上看见,那金色玉简在一人面前倏然破碎,化作无数点点金芒,消散天地。 Bang!” “轰!” The sudden vast strength curls up these memory fragments, changes to the tornado long-range raid to come, pours into descendants feather spiritual platform Sea of Consciousness directly! 突然一股浩瀚之力卷起那些记忆碎片,化作龙卷风奔袭而来,直接灌入胤羽灵台识海 „!” “啊!” Yin Yu called out pitifully suddenly, both hands from hundred rounds ties in the brain of clothes to take out, covers oneself head. 胤羽猛然惨叫一声,双手从百轮结衣的脑中取出,捂住自己头颅。 On his both hands is the dazzling blood, immediately has smeared binaural and cheeks, becomes repulsive in appearance, holds a groan. 他双手上全是刺目的鲜血,立即污了双耳和脸颊,变得面目可憎,抱头呻吟。 Ha!” “哈哈哈!” In the expansive sky, seals to laugh suddenly, scoffs at the sound to ridicule: Clumsy mischief-doer, overreaches oneself!” 长空上,封要离猛然大笑起来,嗤声讥讽道:“跳梁小丑,不自量力!” „!! Damn, damn!!” “啊!!该死,该死啊!!” Damn hundred round tie clothes, damn golden jade Jane, who is, is who pinched to break to pieces that jade Jane!” “该死的百轮结衣,该死的金色玉简,是谁,到底是谁掐碎了那玉简!” The descendants feather violent anger, both eyes open the eyes red, the body shakes fiercely, transforms a golden Dragon's Tail, hits, in hundred rounds tie on the clothes, smashing that his corpse strikes. 胤羽暴怒不已,双目睁的通红,猛地身躯一抖,幻化出一条金色的龙尾,打在百轮结衣身上,将他的尸体击的粉碎。 That Dragon's Tail is congealed by golden glow, under strikes vanishes does not see, only remains Yin Yubao the head, stands gasps for breath in same place big mouth. 那条龙尾由金芒凝成,一击之下就消失不见,只剩胤羽抱着头颅,站在原地大口喘气。 At this time he knows that all are hundred rounds tie the trap under clothes arrange, kept some fuzzy news intentionally in Sea of Consciousness, was involved by oneself, but set up the institution in the most essential place, condensed the final too beginning strength to turn into the storm, caused heavy losses to own Divine Sense. 这时他才知道,一切都是百轮结衣布下的陷阱,故意留了一些模糊的讯息在识海中,让自己深陷其中,而就在最关键处设下机关,凝聚最后的太初之力化成风暴,重创自己的神识 Hundred rounds tie the clothes naturally also to know that this method was impossible to kill Yin Yu, can only be slightly punishes loudly warns, as affronting the one counter-attack of his corpse. 百轮结衣自然也知道这点手段不可能杀了胤羽,只能算是小惩大诫,也作为冒犯他尸身的一种反击。 „, Damn, damn!!” “呜,该死,该死啊!!” Yin Yu face upwards to bellow once more, body has the dragon shade to flash before unceasingly, all around piece of everything may become vulnerable. 胤羽再次仰天大吼,身上不断有龙影闪现,四周一片地动山摇。 All people feel under this pressure are startled intermittently, especially Qingyun, the face whiten like the paper, he almost can affirm now that at present this person absolutely is True Spirit common dragon, otherwise does not have this and other certainly fearful dragon prestige. 所有人都在这股威压下感到阵阵吃惊,特别是罗青云,脸色苍白如纸,他现在几乎可以肯定,眼前这人绝对是真灵一般的龙裔,否则绝无这等可怕的龙威。 Snort, the reptile is reptile, the heart is higher than the day, luck is as thin as paper is thin.” The ridicule that seals to being relentless, eyeful takes pleasure in others'misfortunes. “哼,爬虫就是爬虫,心比天高,命如纸薄。”封要离毫不留情的讥讽起来,满眼都是幸灾乐祸。 Snort, I am the reptile, you are any thing! Can refine in the person to sword including oneself wives, now is to become the person non- person, the monster, who is a pitiful creature?” “哼,我是爬虫,你又是个什么东西!连自己老婆都能炼化到剑里的人,现在更是变得人不人,妖不妖的,谁才是可怜虫?” The descendants feather has stabilized under mind slowly, this raised the head, rebuts with sarcasm: No matter what, I am also his enemy, he indeed has no reason to help me. But you? What is pitifully pitiful, with for too 1 st the lineage/vein, hundred rounds tie the clothes rather too beginning the real Secret Art passes to the bystander, did not pass to you his once junior brother, ha!” 胤羽慢慢稳定了下心神,这才抬起头,反唇相讥道:“不管怎么说,我也算是他的敌人,他的确没有理由帮我。而你呢?可悲可怜的是,同为太初一脉,百轮结衣宁可将太初真诀传给外人,也不传给你这个他曾经的师弟,哈哈哈!” Seals to leave is angry, in both eyes the blowout fire, looked angrily at one, coldly ridiculed: Snort, do I feel sorry for? How even if I am again pitiful, do not forget, I am also has too beginning Divine Art, whose final level cultivation technique falls into hand, this place can calculate similarly. But you? Ha, actually forever lost knew the opportunity in that place, the waiting Heavenly Dao choice slowly, swept into you garbage heap, ha!” 封要离大怒,双目中喷出火来,怒视了一阵,冷冷讥道:“哼,我可怜?就算我再怎么可怜,你都别忘了,我也是身怀太初神诀啊,最后一层功法落入谁手,本座同样可以推算出来。而你呢?哈哈哈,却永远失去了知晓那地方的机会,就慢慢的等待天道抉择,将你扫进垃圾堆里吧,哈哈哈!” Yin Yu stares, delay, this has revealed immediately appearance suddenly, eyes shines stares is sealing to leave, said excitedly: You did not say that I have also forgotten, you are hundred rounds tie the junior brother of clothes! In this life except for the person of that crumb jade Jane, only then you can figure out the Coordinate of that place! Haha, is really the Heaven never seals off all exits!” 胤羽一愣,随即呆滞了一下,这才露出恍然的样子,双眸放光的盯着封要离,激动道:“你不说我还忘了,你可是百轮结衣的师弟啊!当今世上除了那捏碎玉简之人,也就只有你能算出那地方的坐标了!哈哈,真是天无绝人之路啊!” Seals to the ridicule visits him, scoffs to say with a smile: „The technique of deduction, even if ordinary, will draw on the penalty, if peeps at the Heavenly Dao, will draw out the day to punish extinguishes the body. I deduce too beginning Divine Art is not hating to consume oneself life, let alone is your thing. Hundred rounds tie the clothes to gobble up the people of three crude fruits, the seal in the eternal life, the life so, inevitably had calculated again by far incessantly that place, this draws on the day to punish, was reduced the remaining lives directly. You think that I will rise above self , helping you calculate with the remaining lives?” 封要离讥讽的看着他,嗤笑道:“推演之术,即便再普通,也会招来惩罚,若是窥视天道的话,更会引出天罚灭身。我就连推演太初神诀所在都舍不得耗自己寿元,更何况是你那东西。百轮结衣可是吞吃过三生果的人,再将自己封印于永生之界,寿命远远不止如此,必然是推算了那地方,这才招来天罚,直接被砍掉了剩下寿元。你认为我会舍己为人,用剩下的寿元帮你推算吗?” Yin Yu silent, this said: In world the matter, does not have not possibly, chip that only then cannot pay. Perhaps I can put out you to not be uncertain.” 胤羽沉默了一阵,这才道:“世上之事,没有不可能,只有付不起的筹码。也许我能拿出你所需也不一定呢。” Haha, joke!” “哈哈,笑话!” Seals to ridiculing: What chip can be bigger than own life? Hundred rounds tie clothes idiot, will unable to bear offend the Heavenly Dao. Must know too beginning Divine Art original intention, is only the strength of control time, is certainly strong magical powers, may too 1 st these fools of lineage/vein, actually peep at with it in the future, with the Heavenly Dao is the enemy, got what one deserves he early dead!” 封要离讥讽道:“什么筹码能大过自己的性命?只有百轮结衣这种蠢货,才会忍不住去触犯天道。要知道太初神诀的本意,只是掌控时间之力,乃是一种绝强神通,可太初一脉的这些傻子,却用它来窥视过去未来,与天道为敌,活该他早早死掉!” Snort, person who hundred rounds tie clothes to have the belief, how to look like you to be so selfish!” “哼,百轮结衣可是有信仰的人,岂像你这般自私自利!” Yin Yu gets angry snort/hum one ill-humoredly, satirized. 胤羽没好气的怒哼一声,讽刺起来。 Seals to leave fall about, in eye is full of the ridicule, said: Haha, this saying said from your mouth, how that comedy? I thought after you, was abandoned the trash by the Heavenly Dao, but can also by speaking the joke amuses to maintain the livelihood.” 封要离忍不住大笑,眼中充满讥讽,道:“哈哈,这话从你口中说出,怎么就那么搞笑呢?我看你以后被天道废成了垃圾,还可以靠讲笑话逗乐来维持生计的。” Yin Yu thinks of this matter, immediately is confused, but seals to leave of strength, oneself force him not to come radically, even if unites the Wei Qing fathers and sons to seize him, the matter of that deduction indeed injures and life, feared that is he would rather die, since. 胤羽一想到这事,顿时心烦意乱,而封要离实力之强,自己根本逼迫他不来,就算联合韦青父子将其擒下,那推演之事的确伤及寿元,怕是他宁死也不会从。 But the words of exchange of equal value, what this in world can have equally own life? Especially regarding sealing to leave this selfishness, person who has not believed completely, own life is the day, is bigger than all, was impossible to sacrifice for other people. 而等价交换的话,这世间能有何物等价的了自己的性命呢?特别是对于封要离这种自私自利,完全没有信仰的人而言,自己的命就是天,大于一切,是绝不可能为他人而牺牲的。 After sealing must leave laughing several, receives the cold sword to be incorruptible, swaggers away under glare of the public eye. 封要离大笑数声之后,收起冷剑冰霜,在众目睽睽之下扬长而去。 Wei Qing and the others all are tranquil looks that the matter does not close oneself to hang up high, moreover Wei Wuya, although has obtained the advantage, but has also kept the promise, will get rid to seal to blocking, now is holding that Yin-Yang two air bottles to smile grins with ear to ear. 韦青等人皆是平静的看着,事不关己高高挂起,而且韦无涯虽得了好处,但也履行了诺言,出手将封要离拦下,现在正捧着那阴阳二气瓶笑得合不拢嘴。 „It is not right!” “不对!” Yin Yu called one suddenly, taps oneself head fiercely, immediately in both eyes projects the fine glow, probably a deceased person suddenly resurrected. 胤羽突然叫了一声,猛地一拍自己脑袋,顿时双眼中射出精芒来,就好像一个死人突然复活了似的。 Haha, is not right, but also some people can calculate! Hundred rounds tied the clothes to say a moment ago too beginning the real Secret Art has passed to other people, then the person of inheritance, inherited nine flare star sticks, similarly was capable of figuring out that place to be at!” “哈哈,不对不对,还有人可以推算出的!刚才百轮结衣说太初真诀已经传给了他人,那么得到传承之人,也就继承了九耀星杖,同样有能力算出那地方所在!” Yin Yuyan braves light unceasingly, stares direction that is sealing to going far away, cold sound track: Who now sealed to figuring out that person on is, moreover I must against he kill that person.” 胤羽眼里不断冒光,盯着封要离远去的方向,寒声道:“现在就等封要离算出那人是谁,而且我还得防着他将那人杀死。”
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