UAA :: Volume #20

#1978: Purple Gold Thunder Tribulation pill

Li Yunxiao under the suppression of this five colors thunder clouds, the big hand imprint ray is getting more and more weak, but the strength of that pill fire constantly is actually enhanced. 李云霄在这片五色雷云的压制下,大手印光芒越来越弱,但那丹火之力却是不断增强。 In magnetized main hall, starts the reappearing hot mark, resists with that thunder mark! 被磁化的大殿上,开始浮现火纹,与那雷纹相抗! Three females are shocked to face one another in the distant place, are ready that momentarily gets rid, so long as Li Yunxiao has the weary condition, then immediately gets rid. 三女在远处都震惊相望,做好随时出手的准备,只要李云霄出现疲态,便立即出手。 But main hall four walls under mutual assaulting of two strengths, start such as the light wall general swing to rock . Moreover the hot mark is listed the winning side unceasingly. 但大殿四壁在两股力量的相互搏击下,开始如光壁一般摇摆晃动,而且火纹不断暂居上风。 For 100,000 years, this Xin Guili flame is this emperor Pill Tower source of strength, but the main hall four walls, are part of tower, immediately puts in order strength of the emperor Pill Tower to start to condense, suppresses that thunder and lightning! 100000年来,这辛癸离焰都是这帝丹塔力量之源,而大殿四壁,正是塔身的一部分,顿时整座帝丹塔之力都开始凝聚过来,压制那雷电! Two strengths are finally difficult to maintain balanced, blasts out swiftly, certainly the incomparable strength rushes in all directions! 两股力量终于再难维系平衡,倏然炸开,强绝无匹之力涌向四面八方! Bang!” “轰隆隆!” Li Yunxiao moo had been swallowed by the strength with that thunder together, blue jade ten step god pill are also under the impact on shake fly, but has a strength to circle around god pill, has not been damaged. 李云霄与那雷哞一道被力量吞噬了进去,碧玉色的十阶神丹也受到冲击震飞,但却有股力量绕在神丹四周,并未受损。 The distant place three females collaborate under the arrange to tie together, resists that prestige to clash. 远处三女联手布下一道结界,抵抗那威能冲荡。 The wind and thunder surging sound of full main hall, continued long time, gradually to diverge, but in the air was still filling the thunder and lightning and flame, was flooded by these two types of elements. 满大殿的风雷激荡声,持续了良久,才渐渐散去,但空气中依然弥漫着雷电和火光,被这两种元素充斥。 Li Yunxiao grasps the sword only, the left hand also maintains ties the seal shape, the body golden light twinkle, looks at unexpectedly not by the least bit wound. 李云霄单手持剑,左手还保持结印形态,身上金光闪烁,看去竟未受半点伤。 The distant place Qu Hongyan heart moves, as if has thought of anything, calls out in alarm said: Flies upwards you......” 远处曲红颜心头一动,似乎想到了什么,惊呼道:“飞扬你……” Li Yunxiao shows a faint smile, will tie the arm of seal to take back, the nod said: In hundred rounds ties clothes that cultivates with the Yunchang god body mutually, I indeed opened the eighth door, the mortal body accomplishment.” 李云霄微微一笑,将结印的手臂收回,点头道:“在百轮结衣那,与云裳神体互修,我的确已经打开第八门,肉身大成。” Luo Yunchang two cheeks flood red, very under shy appearance, hangs down. 洛云裳两颊泛红,十分羞涩的模样,低垂下头。 Eight entirely Kai, mortal body is immortal, god body accomplishment!” “八门俱开,肉身不朽,神体大成!” Qu Hongyan and non- Ni are pleasantly surprised, this means that Li Yunxiao relies on the mortal body merely, can fight with the palm day Divine Realm powerhouse! 曲红颜和非倪都是惊喜不已,这意味着李云霄仅仅凭借肉身,便可和掌天神境的强者一战! Tyrant Heaven Body Refining Art, is bright colored glaze body, is present age strongest body refining cultivation technique, even if the Li Yunxiao strength were suppressed by thunder Mou, but under the terrifying impact, they high under stood a moment ago sentences. 不论是霸天炼体诀,还是光明琉璃身,都是当世最强的炼体功法,即便李云霄实力被雷哞压制,但在刚才恐怖的冲击下,两人高下立判。 The Li Yunxiao slightest has not injured, but thunder Mou is becomes is more absent-minded, in that body thunder light dodges one brightly, is almost hard to maintain the shape. 李云霄分毫未伤,而雷哞却是变得更加恍惚起来,那身躯上雷光一闪一烁,几乎难以维持形态。 The thunder moo the both wings dodge, change to the thunder and lightning to delimit the expansive sky together, straight? In god pill who hidden enters that jasper, on medicinal pill appears intermittently immediately thunder light, flip-flop flashed several, takes back in pill. 雷哞双翅一闪,化作一道雷电划过长空,直?隐入那碧玉的神丹内,丹药上立即隐现一层雷光,“噼啪”闪动了几下,收回丹内。 Immediately light pill sends out together fragrant, the three females in distant place also hear it like the dew, completely relaxed. 顿时一道淡淡的丹香散发开来,远处的三女也闻之如露,心旷神怡。 Li Yunxiao relaxed, luckily that thunder Mou returned to pill, otherwise he did not have any good means , can only make three females get rid together, under arrange big, goes back thunder Moubi. 李云霄松了口气,幸亏那雷哞自己回到了丹内,否则他还真没什么好办法,只能让三女一同出手,布下大阵,将雷哞逼回去。 After all pill soul cannot lose, otherwise the god pill's property will lose ten 78, half do not save. 毕竟丹魂失不得,否则神丹的药性将丢失十之78,一半都不存。 Li Yunxiao walks up, picks up from ground jade box, looks at carefully carefully. 李云霄走上前去,将玉盒从地上拾起,仔细端详起来。 Sees only on pill often to have thunder light to jump, faintly visible thunder moo shadow. 只见丹上不时有雷光跳跃,依稀可见雷哞影子。 Three females have also encircled, looks at carefully this god pill, after all is the thing of ten step, no one has seen, the curiosity is big. 三女也围了上来,端详这神丹,毕竟是十阶之物,谁也未见过,好奇心大起。 In the Li Yunxiao eye projects the fine glow, could not bear lick under the dry lip, hey sound track: Good strength big thunder energy, my swallows its impulsion, this feeling was too intense. Does this pill embodiment include the source of thunder?” 李云霄眼中射出精芒,忍不住舔了下干燥的嘴唇,嘿声道:“好强大的雷能,我真有一口吞下它的冲动,这种感觉太强烈了。这丹内蕴含有雷之本源吗?” Qu Hongyan is happy: You hurry to swallow to try, after could , the heavenly thunder body transfer the first heavenly thunder body.” 曲红颜喜道:“那你赶紧吞下试试,也许能将后天雷身转为先天雷体。” The Li Yunxiao whole face happy expression, said: Even if cannot transform, can wash the body of day after tomorrow, making my thunder Yuan essence go a step further again, even breaks through returns to original condition the Divine Realm fetter, steps into the palm day boundary also to have the possibility. Swallows this pill to require the time to close up the digestion, now is in emperor Pill Tower, after leaving the eternal life, eats again.” 李云霄满脸喜色,道:“即便不能转化,也能洗涤后天之身,让我的雷元本质再进一步,甚至冲破归真神境束缚,踏入掌天境也有可能。只是吞食此丹需要时间闭关消化,现在又处于帝丹塔内,待离开永生之界后再吃。” He extends refers to the airborne symbol, forms several tally seals, flies high to fly to fall, sealing on that medicinal pill, his spiritual energy closes/obsctructs Zhu, in order to avoid diverges. 他伸指在空中化符,结成数道符印,凌空飞落下来,一道道的封在那丹药上,将其灵气闭住,以免散去。 Has exerted also several bans, so as to avoid thunder Mou restores Origin Force to clash, this received the jade box World God monument. 同时也施加了几道禁制,免得雷哞恢复元力冲出来,这才将玉盒收入界神碑内。 At this moment, in the front of main hall, slowly reappearing small teleportation array, the azure light circulation is uncertain. 此刻,在大殿的前方,缓缓浮现小型传送阵,青光流转不定。 This place jade book pavilion is really same, to be different from the attribute according to cultivating of everyone, transmits to own space, refined the person of this emperor Pill Tower to take seriously.” “此地果然玉书阁一样,根据每个人的修为和属性不同,传送到属于自己的空间内,炼制这帝丹塔之人当真了得。” Li Yunxiao heartfelt acclaimed, this precise computation has gone beyond his understanding range, these technique gods had the method of inevitably in the past. 李云霄由衷的赞叹起来,这种精密计算已经超出了他的理解范围,必然是当年那些术神们才有的手段。 Qu Hongyan said: Words that walks from this teleportation array, should be returns to the entrance? Can that also come in again?” 曲红颜道:“从这个传送阵走的话,应该是回到入口处了吧?那还能再进来吗?” Li Yunxiao hesitates saying: If in the jade book pavilion, your direct transmission to the pavilion outside, the same person will enter again difficultly. In this tower the spatial structure is complex, I am thinking that has the means not to exit, shuttles back and forth directly another main hall?” 李云霄沉吟道:“若是玉书阁的话,会将你直接传送至阁外,同一人再难入内。这塔中空间结构非常复杂,我在想,有没有办法不出去,直接穿梭去另外一个大殿?” Non- Ni Xiaodao: If, in that this Pill Tower bright pill must turn over to us.” 非倪笑道:“若是可以的话,那这丹塔内所有神丹都得归我们了。” Several people think that somewhat small excited, after all is ten step god pill, is not the stall goods. 几人想想有些小激动,毕竟是十阶神丹,可不是什么地摊货。 Li Yunxiao starts carefully to observe this main hall and that teleportation array. 李云霄开始仔细观察这大殿与那传送阵来。 But in this time, at the same time. 而就在此时,同一时刻。 In emperor Pill Tower, somewhere in the blind story, two black robe men respectively pinch finger joints with the thumb, sit facing each other. 丹塔内,某处暗楼中,两名黑袍男子各自掐诀,相对而坐。 They are one circular law, was divided equally nine palace standards, among is mounting various types of color Baoyu pearls, bright with many colors, is very dazzling. 在两人中间是一座圆形的法阵,被均分成九道宫格,其内镶嵌着各种颜色的宝玉明珠,五光十色,十分炫目。 Suddenly together blue jade precious pearl one is gloomy, lost all rays, as if turns into the earth gravel. 突然其中一块碧玉色的宝珠一下暗淡下来,失去了所有光芒,仿佛化成土砾。 Un, unexpectedly is Purple Gold Thunder Tribulation pill!” “嗯,竟是紫金雷劫丹!” The left man, named Meng Zhuo, suddenly opens the left eye, explodes projects the fine glow, seems unbelievable. 左侧一名男子,名为孟琢,蓦然睁开左眼,爆射出精芒,仿佛难以相信。 His right eye shuts tightly, above an inch scar, is the centipede lies above together likely, fierce fearsome. 他的右眼紧闭,其上一道寸长的疤痕,像是蜈蚣趴在上面,狰狞可怖。 Un, indeed some accidents.” “嗯,的确有些意外啊。” The right black robe man build is slightly fat, named Zhu Jun, the facial features are honest, smile, said: „A god pill who most is worried about, cannot think that second was taken, is next to whitewood old freak takes northern broad law day pill, it seems like that this person of strength is unusual.” 右侧的黑袍男子体型略胖,名为朱钧,面容敦厚,嘿嘿一笑,道:“最为担心的一枚神丹,想不到第二位就被人取走,仅次于白木老怪取北广法天丹,看来这人的实力非同一般呢。” Strange, takes the person of Purple Gold Thunder Tribulation pill, unexpectedly is outside the person. Can surrender thunder Mou, under now Heavenly Martial World, this did exist?” “奇怪,取走紫金雷劫丹之人,竟是界外之人。能够降服雷哞,当今的天武界下,还有这等存在吗?” Meng carves to stare at that remaining seven precious pearl, hesitates. 孟琢盯着那剩下的七枚宝珠,沉吟起来。 That seven precious pearl present the different colors, but ray brilliant, only then together jasper and cream precious pearl dark. 那七枚宝珠呈现出不同颜色,但都光芒灼灼,只有一块碧玉和乳白色的宝珠暗了下去。 Zhu Jun nods saying: Indeed astonishing, but emperor Pill Tower will locate to Purple Gold Thunder Tribulation pill this person of direct transmission, then obviously this person of strength, unusual. This has surpassed us to predict that also does not know that is good is bad, any variable is.” 朱钧点头道:“的确令人吃惊,但帝丹塔会将此人直接传送到紫金雷劫丹处,便可见此人实力,非同一般。这已经超出了我们预测,也不知是好是坏,千万别出什么变数才是。” Meng carves on the face to cover entirely the malignant influences, that centipede scar appears fiercer, in the left eye the violent leaves the cold glow, said: thunder Mou is the body of half reality, even if your I must take it, must consume a hands and feet. This person of many must guard, so as to avoid went bad us to take pill's plan.” 孟琢脸上布满煞气,那蜈蚣般的疤痕显得更为狰狞,左眼里暴出寒芒,道:“那雷哞已是半实之躯,即便是你我要拿下它,也得耗费一番手脚。此人多少要提防一些,免得坏了我们取丹的计划。” Zhu Jun un has complied with one, said: Cannot think in emperor Pill Tower to be so troublesome, I also think that is light evergreen branch figures, no wonder nobody is willing to come. Initially every Sir does not know that was what thinks, transported the good fortune pill so most precious object to put the day in this place unexpectedly, the disciple increases us to take pill's difficulty.” 朱钧“嗯”的应了一声,道:“想不到帝丹塔内如此麻烦,我还以为是个轻松活呢,难怪没人肯来。当初一凡大人也不知作何想,竟将天运造化丹如此至宝放于此地,徒增我们取丹的困难。” Meng carves saying: Day transports good fortune pill to seize the number of days good fortune, but the living corpse, the meat bones of the dead, every Sir is hopes that being predestined friends results in it, but 100,000 years passed by, still do not see being predestined friends person to appear, the island hosts have to make us bring back god pill, so as to avoid falls into the vulgar person hand, making medicinal pill flee the capital.” 孟琢道:“天运造化丹夺天数造化,可活死人,肉白骨,一凡大人是希望有缘者得之,可100000年过去了,依然不见有缘人出现,岛主只好令我们将神丹取回,免得落入俗人手中,令得丹药蒙尘。” Hey.” “嘿嘿。” Zhu Jun is suddenly strange smiles, in the eye reveals the cunning ray, said: Was inferior that your I have eaten that god pill, went back saying that has not taken. Who can say that your I amn't that person of being predestined friends?” 朱钧突然古怪一笑,眼里露出狡黠的光芒,道:“不如你我将那神丹吃了,回去就说没取到。谁又能说,你我不是那有缘之人呢?” This......” “这……” Meng carves one startled, will oppose, but hears the Zhu Jun following words, has gawked, hesitates. 孟琢一惊,正要反对,但听得朱钧后面的话,也是愣了一下,沉吟起来。 Zhu Jun smiles, instigates saying: Why can't we be predestined friends? If medicinal pill falls into your my hand, that is predestined friends. Why otherwise is not others comes, but what sends is you and I?” 朱钧嘿嘿一笑,怂恿道:“凭什么我们就不能有缘?若是丹药落入你我之手,那就是有缘。否则为何不是别人过来,而偏偏派的是你和我呢?” Meng carved to think, that one-eyed was also fiery, the nod said: Your word also reasonable.” 孟琢想了一阵,那只独眼也是炯炯有神,点头道:“你之言也有道理。” Hey, on the road that precisely, came I have been thinking this issue.” “嘿嘿,本来就是嘛,来的路上我就一直在想这个问题。” Zhu Jun self-satisfied saying with a smile: When pill gate opens, we act according to circumstances again. These people broke imperial palace pill, was impossible to find this.” 朱钧得意的笑道:“待丹门打开,我们再见机行事。这些人就算破了九宫丹图,也不可能找到这的。” Meng carved to ponder one, suddenly the vision flashed, said: „It is not right, northern broad law day pill already by Jing whitewood obtained, he should be transmitted emperor Pill Tower is, may actually not see him to come, is detained the main hall not to walk?” 孟琢沉思了一阵,突然眼光闪动,道:“不对,北广法天丹已被荆白木所得,他应该被传送出了帝丹塔才是,可却一直未曾见他现身,难道还滞留大殿未走?” Zhu Jun is also the facial color changes, startled say/way: What is detained the main hall to make?......” 朱钧也是面色一变,惊道:“滞留大殿作什么?难道……” They look one, one each other sees through the thoughts. 两人对望一眼,一下彼此看穿心思。 Snort, this old freak is really insatiably greedy! Ten step god pill cannot force-feed him, is it possible that also wants to snatch the day to transport good fortune pill to be inadequate!” “哼,这老怪真是贪得无厌!十阶神丹也喂不饱他,莫非还想抢天运造化丹不成!” Zhu Jun coldly smiles, in eye is also jumps shoots cold glow. 朱钧冷冷一笑,眼中也是迸射冷芒。 Meng carves saying: Snatches the day to transport good fortune pill not necessarily, perhaps he wants to try one's luck but actually, breaks the space in this emperor Pill Tower to confuse the chart, enters other ten step god pill Palaces.” 孟琢道:“抢天运造化丹倒未必,也许他想碰碰运气,破开这帝丹塔内的空间迷图,进入其它十阶神丹殿。” Zhu Junwen said that went to front array vision, said: Altogether only has nine god pill Palaces, after all completely presents the closed state, only then after obtaining medicinal pill, teleportation array opens, this place space was opens. If whitewood old freak wants to cross confuses chart, only then this main hall may go.” 朱钧闻言,将目光投向前方阵法,道:“一共只有九座神丹殿,毕竟全部呈现封闭状态,只有取得丹药后,传送阵开,此地空间才算是打开了。白木老怪若是想横穿迷图,也只有这一座大殿可去。” He puts out a hand to aim at the front palace standard, among the precious pearl, that just lost the ray, assumes the blue jade bead. 他伸手指向前方一座宫格,其内宝珠,正是那枚刚刚失去光芒,呈碧玉色的珠子。 But at this time, Li Yunxiao is nosing in the main hall, wants to try having a limited view, searches the emperor Pill Tower internal complete picture. 而此时,李云霄正在大殿中查探,想试着管中窥豹,一探帝丹塔的内部全貌。 Suddenly on that teleportation array the azure light becomes bright, has the formidable aura to overflow from among unceasingly, the space also becomes somewhat absent-minded. 突然那传送阵上青光变得明亮起来,不断有强大的气息从其内溢出,空间也变得有些恍惚。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Several people are one startled, looks hurriedly toward that teleportation array. 几人都是一惊,急忙往那传送阵望去。 Sees only the azure light to dissipate slowly, the form appears together from, puts on the old man of hempen garments, the appearance of unemotionally sky over array. 只见青光慢慢消散,一道身影从其内浮现出来,一名穿着麻衣的老者,面无表情的出现在阵法上空。 Old man complexion wax yellow, without any expression, the body hempen garments damages cannot withstand, the hair is dishevelled, the whole person looks to give people a sloppy feeling. 老者脸色蜡黄,没有任何表情,身上麻衣破损不堪,头发蓬乱,整个人看去给人一种邋遢感。 But is actually one for a long time occupies the superior the makings, extraordinary threatening. 但却是一副久居上位的气质,非凡逼人。
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