UMDK :: Volume #18

#1719: Exceeds the God

Turbulent wave of Monster Beast big military power compared with great antiquity blast. 汹涌如潮的妖兽大军势比洪荒巨流。 Everywhere one visit, the mountains rivers, the peaks and ridges long slope was trampled flat all hits to collapse. 所到之处,山川河流,峰峦长坡尽数被踏平撞塌。 Every large or small giant beast across vault of heaven, what end is blots out the sky. 大大小小的巨兽横掠苍穹,端的是铺天盖地。 The numerous beasts like the expelling car(riage)s of innumerable armor, flood into the Heavenly Dao city, joins in the war. 众兽如同无数装甲的撵车,涌入天道城内,加入战局之中。 Originally incomparably chaotic Heavenly Dao, immediately changes is more confused. 本就无比混乱的天道界,顿时变的更加乱腾。 Battlefield unceasing was split. 战场不断的被分裂。 Fills eight sides spooky, the defense in Heavenly Dao is broken through directly, a leader vicious fierce giant beast initiates toward six side fiercely attacks. 妖气弥漫八方,天道界内的防御直接被冲破,一头头凶狠狰狞的巨兽朝着六道界的这一方发起猛攻。 Bang......” in Heavenly Dao city, comprehensive blasting open. “轰……”天道城内,全面炸裂。 Imposing manner broad city tall buildings collapse to collapse loudly, brunting of monster territory giant beast, actually endures compared with the hit of one after another meteorite, the land one after another hollow fault/chasm. 一座座气势恢宏的城池高楼轰然塌坍,妖域巨兽的冲势,却是堪比陨石的接连撞击,大地接连凹陷断层。 Crowds of numerous six side were trampled the meat sauce under the sharp claws of giant beast directly. 众多六道界一方的人群直接是在巨兽的利爪下被践踏成肉酱。 But, sky over the highest heaven of numerous beast army, the whole body sends out together is soaring to the heavens the spooky tall and strong form to make one have startled palpitation. 而,众兽大军的九霄上空,一道浑身散发着冲天妖气的魁梧身影令人心生惊悸。 The build is big, the overbearing aura is strong in several person clan Great Emperor. 其体形高大,霸道的气息却是还要略强于几位人族大帝。 Is ignorant Emperor Kang monster......” people are surprised. “是蚩康妖帝……”众人惊愕不已。 Advocation and swallow Fushu secret palace looks at each other one, is reads in the opposite party eyes that wipes with astonishment. 天机宫之主穆斐和燕扶书对视一眼,皆是读到对方眼中的那一抹惊愕。 Above campsis grandiflora ancient rite of making sacrifices stage, around the samsara Great Emperor is lingering the mist shape light spin, in his ascends to burn roaring flame shape scarlet glow behind. 凌霄封禅台之上,轮回大帝周围萦绕着薄雾状的光旋,在他的身后升腾燃动着一股烈焰状的赤芒。 For example the supreme monarchy has several points ponder is ignoring the front Demon Race Great Emperor. 其譬如至尊君主般带着几分玩味的漠视着前方的妖族大帝。 „The matter of person clan, does the monster territory also mix one?” “人族之事,妖域也来掺和一手?” Ignorant Emperor Kang monster the ice arrogant expansive sky, air/Qi Yuxuan day, its coldly is staring at the samsara Great Emperor, said, „the matter of person clan, does have nothing to do...... „ why that you with this place hence? ” 蚩康妖帝凌傲长空,气宇轩天,其冷冷的盯着轮回大帝,道,“人族的事情,与本座无关……”“那你何故至此?” Saying that the samsara Great Emperor selects lightly. 轮回大帝轻挑的说道。 One for our monster territory, two is...... the ignorant Kang Yaodi reply is been direct by Emperor white who you kill. “一为我们妖域,二为被你所害死的白帝……”蚩康妖帝的回答非常直接。 Completely does not have any excuse and pretence under pretext. 完全没有任何的借口和托词。 Hahahaha......” the samsara Great Emperor smiled, his eyelid raises, looks like you to have the foreknowledge very much, knows that waited me to solve them, next was one's turn your monster territory......! You today also just right, the going monster territory that I do not need to move unnecessarily again......” „, did not have the control of God, your samsara Saint clan these years arrogant somewhat excessive......” whish!” “哈哈哈哈……”轮回大帝笑了,其眼皮微掀,“看来你很有先见之明,知道待我解决了他们,下一个就轮到你们妖域……也罢!你今日来的也正好,我不必再多此一举的前往妖域了……”“哼,没有了天帝的支配,你轮回圣族这些年傲慢的有些过头了……”“哗!” Instance that the voice drops, ignorant Kang Yaodi is broadminded to erupt one dreadfully shocking aggressive. 话音落下的瞬间,蚩康妖帝豁然间爆发出一股滔天的惊世霸气。 The both eyes shines through fearful cold glow, then instantly vanishes in same place, along with wipes the illusion remnant shadow that in void passed over gently and swiftly rapidly, ignorant Emperor Kang monster for example a meteorite to raiding as for campsis grandiflora ancient rite of making sacrifices stage on. 双瞳透射出慑人的冷芒,接着即刻消失在了原地,伴随着虚空中飞速掠过的一抹幻象残影,蚩康妖帝譬如一颗陨石般的冲袭至于凌霄封禅台上。 The huge boundless pressure leans the potential under. 巨大的磅礴威压倾势而下。 The floor that the samsara Great Emperor is at gets down fiercely hollowly, innumerable say/way profound cracks like spreading spider big net. 轮回大帝所在的台面猛地凹陷下去,无数道深邃的裂缝就像蔓延出去的蜘蛛大网。 Ignorant Emperor Kang monster the whole body is surrounding dark blue light Su, vigorous such as the light mark of column, and suddenly toward right arm collection. 蚩康妖帝浑身环绕着暗蓝色的光苏,雄浑如柱的光纹且急剧朝着右臂汇集。 Concentrates the solid and overbearing fist vigor pressure on the samsara Great Emperor, the latter peripheral space presents the close crack. 凝实且霸道的拳劲压向轮回大帝,后者周边的空间都呈现出细密的裂缝。 Roar......”, but, at this moment, the samsara Great Emperor in that group of red flame glow is startled the ominous offense roaring sound that behind suddenly is furious together. “吼……”而,就在这时,轮回大帝身后那团红色的焰芒中陡然惊起一道震怒的凶戾咆哮声。 Following close on, a gigantic swift and fierce beast claw was searching from that group of rays impressively. 紧跟着,一只硕大的凌厉兽爪赫然从那团光芒中探了出来。 Sharp such as the beast claw of hook pliers welcomed directly to ignorant Kang Yaodi, has the tearing void potential after hit together. 锋利如钩钳的兽爪直接是迎向蚩康妖帝,带着撕裂虚空之势与之后者撞击在一起。 Bang bang......” both connect, light luminary scatters. “轰砰……”两者交汇,光曜四溅。 The huge beast claw looks like together the back plate impediment in the ignorant Kang Yaodi front, dark blue fist seal and beast claw unceasing friction the star flower hot rain, the strong air current flows at the both sides broken minute. 庞大的兽爪就像是一块挡板般的阻隔在蚩康妖帝的面前,暗蓝色的拳印和兽爪不断的摩擦出星花火雨,强劲的气流于两侧破分流动。 This is your samsara sacred body ‚the strength of beast say/way?” “这就是你轮回圣体的‘兽道之力’?” Ignorant Kang monster Emperor cold Mouhan shoots steep, in the throat is spitting the low and deep shouting roaring sound lightly, it shouted sternly, also was too rather weak......” is too weak! „......” Together with the roar of falling, ignorant Emperor Kang monster the imposing manner such as the mountains and rivers is exploding greatly, the dark blue wild fist vigor was bang forcefully broke to pieces that huge beast claw unexpectedly. 蚩康妖帝冷眸寒芒陡射,喉咙中轻吐着低沉的嘶吼咆哮声,其厉声喝道,“未免也太弱了点……”太弱了点!“嗵……”连同着落下的吼声,蚩康妖帝气势如山河大爆,暗蓝色的狂暴拳劲竟是硬生生的轰碎了那庞大的兽爪。 Instant that the beast claw is split up, dark blue fist seal just like the meteorite that depresses, the great strength pounds to the samsara Great Emperor. 兽爪四分五裂的霎那,暗蓝色的拳印犹如压下的陨石,万般巨力砸向轮回大帝。 The latter brow selects lightly, lingers that fog shape light spin outside body sends out the slight space rhythm. 后者眉头轻挑,萦绕在身外的那圈雾状光旋发出轻微的空间律动。 Humanity, the god reprimanded the great strength!” “人道,神斥巨力!” The fog shape light halo flows slowly, seemingly thin like gauze, may contain extremely strongly instead shakes the strength. 雾状光圈缓缓流动,看似稀薄如纱,可却蕴含着极强的反震力道。 Bang......” heavy fierce explosive acoustic shock trembles eight sides, under ignorant Emperor Kang monster that tyrant gets angry shoots down, the fog shape light halo outside samsara Great Emperor body was compressed immediately, subsequently is works as......” a heavy sound, emperor place king Yijing under its proliferates the innumerable cracks instantaneously. “轰……”沉重剧烈的爆响声震颤八方,蚩康妖帝那霸怒一击落下,轮回大帝身外的雾状光圈顿时被压扁,继而更是“哐当……”一声重响,其身下的帝座王椅竟是瞬间遍布无数裂纹。 Immediately, big floor direct hollow collapsing, an cuns (2.5 cm) splitting open crushed stone raises flies eight sides. 随即,偌大的台面直接凹陷坍塌,寸寸迸裂的碎石掀飞八方。 A series of hysterical/frenzy complementary waves like hurricane sweeping. 一系列狂乱的余波如飓风般扫荡开来。 Good overbearing strength......” people are all startled. “好霸道的力量……”众人皆惊。 Worthily is the Demon Race Great Emperor, only feared also only then he can make the samsara Great Emperor stand the body to come from the seat.” “不愧是妖族大帝,只怕也只有他能够令轮回大帝从座椅上站起来身来了。” ...... Ignorant Kang Yaodi of fighting strength, no one can compare absolutely. ……蚩康妖帝的战斗力之强,绝对无人能比。 If only in contest by strength, even if ten side Great Emperor is also hard to fight to contend with it. 倘若单论力量上的较量的话,纵然是十方大帝也难以与之争锋抗衡。 Rolls......” ignorant Kang Yaodi to bellow, a gorgeous shadow wing-shape light luminary from his blooms in in the air behind. “滚下来……”蚩康妖帝大吼一声,一圈绚丽的影翼状光曜从他的身后绽放于空中。 Dazzling, shocking expansive sky. 璀璨夺目,惊艳长空。 It seems flower of the roaring flame in full bloom. 好似一朵盛开的烈焰之花。 Roar!” “吼!” The astral fierce rapid wind howls to go through vertically the vault of heaven highest heaven, the hollow floor split at the visible speed suddenly. 罡猛急骤的风啸纵贯苍穹九霄,本就急剧凹陷的台面以肉眼可见的速度从中裂开。 Many building and brace on day of stone column rapid disintegration campsis grandiflora stage destroys. 凌霄台上的诸多建筑和撑天石柱迅速的解体摧毁。 As the throne emperor chair under samsara Great Emperor body was ground the fragment powder, the samsara Great Emperor also left the current position finally. 随着轮回大帝身下的王座帝椅被碾碎成齑粉,轮回大帝也终于是离开了当前的位置。 Under the irresistible strength mighty current divulges, the samsara Great Emperor figure flutters immediately to the upper air, the dark look does not have too many fluctuations actually. 在势不可挡的力量洪流宣泄下,轮回大帝身形随即飘向高空,幽暗的眼神倒是没有太多的波动。 Looks at the campsis grandiflora ancient rite of making sacrifices stage of that blasting open, the people all by the dissemination of ignorant Kangda emperor the imposing manner shocks. 看着那炸裂的凌霄封禅台,众人无不被蚩康大帝的弥散出来的气势所震慑。 Frost dust everywhere, cold wind like blade. 霜尘漫天,凛风如刃。 But, at this moment, behind sky of samsara Great Emperor appears a sacred incomparable golden eye suddenly. 而,就在这时,轮回大帝的身后上空豁然惊现出一双神圣无比的金色眼睛。 That pair of golden god eyes just like overlook the myriad things the eye of deity. 那双金色神眼犹如俯瞰万物的天神之目。 The heart of people are startled. 众人的心头一怔。 Distant looks, sees only under that holy golden eye, the Bai Qianyu peerless grace and talent, just like having the dust exiles the fairy maiden. 远远的望去,只见那双圣洁的金色眼睛之下,白浅予风华绝代,宛如出尘谪仙子。 Cry......” swift and fierce air wave vibrato folds, Bai Qianyu that pair seems hiding the golden pupil nine stars rotation of stars, glows the supreme god glow. “唳……”凌厉的气浪颤音叠起,白浅予那双仿佛藏匿着星辰的金色瞳孔九星转动,焕发出至高无上的神芒。 nine stars god eyes, the space prohibits!” 九星神眼,空间封禁!” Humming sound......” intense space rhythm folds unceasingly, sending out of Bai Qianyu the imposing manner reaches the peak instantly, is centered on the samsara Great Emperor, first even/including 12 golden ray twinkle expansive sky, and first interconnection, combines a rhombus the cube to tie the space by extremely quick speed connection. “嗡嗡……”强烈的空间律动不断叠起,白浅予的散发出来的气势即刻达到巅峰,以轮回大帝为中心,一连十二道金色的光线闪烁长空,且首位相互连接,以极快的速度交汇组合成一个菱形的立方体结界空间。 The rhombus cube ties several surface, all are glittering design secret mark of nine stars god eyes. 菱形立方体结界的几个面,皆是闪烁着九星神眼的图案秘纹。 Was prohibited like cutting off all contacts with it space in internal samsara Great Emperor. 被封禁在内部的轮回大帝就像切断了与之外界空间的所有联系。 Does attractive......” saying situated in another side stars Great Emperor especially applause, then, it calls to Chu Hen said, „the Chu Hen boy......” knows!” “干的漂亮……”位于另一侧的星辰大帝尤为赞许的说道,接着,其又对楚痕唤道,“楚痕小子……”“知道!” Chu Hen sinking sound reply without hesitation. 楚痕毫不犹豫的沉声应答。 When the words fall, purple demon eyes that Chu Hen that pair is lending the endless evil charm aura is also startled an intense strength trembling cry. 话落之际,楚痕那双散发着无尽邪魅气息的紫色妖瞳亦是惊起一阵强烈的力量颤鸣。 „......” Storm collection, the thunder passes through spatially. “噌……”风暴汇集,雷霆贯空。 Sees only the samsara Great Emperor imprisoned region raises a purple monster flame that impressively burns a day of potential. 只见轮回大帝被禁锢的区域赫然掀起一股焚天之势的紫色妖焰。 Meanwhile, the imposing manner of stars Great Emperor is also inundates filling the heavens, his single palm holds up the day, the star glow Saint sunshine of innumerable say/way flowing light lightning shape collects above his palm arm suddenly. 于此同时,星辰大帝的气势亦是弥天漫地,其单掌擎天而起,无数道流光闪电状的星芒圣晖急剧汇集于他的掌臂上方。 Highest heaven above cloud tide is turbulent, just like grinding pan of revolving. 九霄上空云潮汹涌,宛如旋转的磨盘。 The powerful power of stars connection compresses one to cross thousand zhang (3.33 m) star link light spin. 强大的星辰之力交汇压缩成一座横贯千丈的星环光旋。 That returns hastily, as if Kurano a piece of universe galaxy mysterious strength. 那星旋的之中,仿佛藏纳着一片宇宙星河的神秘力量。 No hesitation, stars Great Emperor double pupil one cold, it lifts the hand to wield toward the position that the samsara Great Emperor is. 没有任何的迟疑,星辰大帝双眸一凛,其抬手朝着轮回大帝所在的位置挥去。 „The tribulation of star god......” rocking shaft wields, the huge star link light spin looks like a Milky Way galaxy of rapid movement, its everywhere one visit, grinds all. “星神之劫……”摇臂一挥,巨大的星环光旋就像是一座飞速移动的银河星系,其所到之处,碾碎一切。 The world is overshadowed, the Heavenly Dao city trembles with fear up and down. 天地黯然失色,天道城上下惊颤不已。 Comes from strikes shatter in the thunder violent of stars Great Emperor void, toward was imprisoned the samsara Great Emperor in space seal to cut. 源自于星辰大帝的雷霆暴击一路破碎虚空,朝着被禁锢于空间封印中的轮回大帝斩去。 Also at this moment, Chu Hen behind, stands erect to just like the Fiendgod black great shadow quietly. 也就在这时,楚痕的身后,悄然屹立着一尊犹如神魔般黑色巨影。 Whiz whiz whiz......” in that black great shadow palm, a black flywheel of super revolving is condenses. “嗖嗖嗖……”在那黑色巨影的掌中,一记高速旋转的黑色飞轮已然是凝聚而成。 Main road, cuts the star standing grain......” „!” “大道,斩星禾……”“咻!” Roaring of rapid swift and fierce wind exceptionally sharp grating, that black flywheel also like from the god of death black sickle slanting birthplace expansive sky of mysterious abyss, cuts to the samsara Great Emperor. 急促凌厉的风之咆哮异常的尖锐刺耳,那黑色的飞轮亦是如同来自于神秘深渊的死神黑镰斜贯长空,斩向轮回大帝。 ...... Good opportunity!” ……“好机会!” The swallow of distant place holds the color of written reveal pleasant surprise. 远处的燕扶书面露惊喜之色。 Advocation of nearby heavenly palace is also somewhat moved. 一旁的天宫之主穆斐亦是有所触动。 Even if the samsara Great Emperor, wanting the full power of hard anti- next two Great Emperor to strike, only feared that must pay a price. 纵然是轮回大帝,想要硬抗下两位大帝的全力一击,只怕也要付出一点代价。 ...... Milky Way galaxy returning hastily and black flywheel light spin one on the left and other on the right, is drags to entrain powerful cutting to kill to rip a day of strength to pull closer toward the same position rapidly. ……银河星系般的星旋和黑色飞轮光旋一左一右,皆是拖拽着强大的斩杀撕天之力朝着同一个位置急速拉近。 That burns the day the purple flame storm to be segmented directly from two groups. 那焚天的紫色火焰风暴直接从两路被切分开来。 Was imprisoned in the nine stars god eyes space ties in samsara Great Emperor like exposing under these two terrifying destruction offensive. 被禁锢于九星神眼空间结界内的轮回大帝就像暴露在这两股恐怖的毁灭攻势之下。 You ended.” “你完了。” The stars Great Emperor gets hold of the fist to say. 星辰大帝握紧拳头道。 Bang!” “轰!” „!” “嗵!” ...... Vault of heaven blasting open, void shake. ……天穹炸裂,虚空震荡。 Silver returning hastily and black light Yao's solid connection hit in same position. 银色的星旋和黑色光曜结结实实的交汇撞击在同一个位置。 The highest heaven vault of heaven is earth-shaking immediately, the sky of Heavenly Dao, like being in full bloom one group swept the void galaxy storm. 九霄苍穹顿时天翻地覆,天道界的上空,就像盛开了一团扫荡虚空的星河风暴。 The enormous and powerful complementary waves sweep across eight sides, the void disintegration, rooftop blasting open, the big campsis grandiflora ancient rite of making sacrifices stage, will be disintegrated unexpectedly shortly. 浩荡的余波席卷八方,虚空崩碎,天台炸裂,偌大的凌霄封禅台,竟是于顷刻间被解体。 The light beam and shock-wave that spatter in all directions recklessly shake the courage vigor to flow backwards peripheral other crowds of fierce combat. 肆意迸溅的光束和冲击波更是将周边其他激战的人群震得血气倒流。 Ignorant Kang Yaodi, the stars Great Emperor, Chu Hen, Bai Qianyu and the others all are the facial expression serious looks at that storm to cover, light spin staggered chaotic upper air. 蚩康妖帝,星辰大帝,楚痕,白浅予等人皆是神情郑重的望着那风暴笼罩,光旋交错的混乱高空。 Immediately, in that torn to pieces upper air, the samsara Great Emperor actually stands erect not but is actually built on the chaotic strength vortex. 随即,那支离破碎的高空中,轮回大帝却是屹立不倒的立于混乱的力量漩涡之中。 He......” people facial color changes. “他……”众人面色一变。 The stars Great Emperor, ignorant Kang Yaodi and the others frowns. 星辰大帝,蚩康妖帝等人都是皱起了眉头。 Sees only the body of samsara Great Emperor not to have the least bit obvious injury, and aura does not have too many changes. 只见轮回大帝的身上没有半点明显的伤势,且气息也没有太多的变化。 How possibly?” “怎么可能?” swallow Fushu unbelievable shaking the head. 燕扶书难以置信的摇着头。 Comes from four people of joint offensive, cannot injure and samsara Great Emperor slightest unexpectedly. 源自于四人的联合攻势,竟未能伤及轮回大帝分毫。 He actually as powerful as what situation? 他究竟强大到了何种地步? Just like I said before, except for small and weak, you do not have a thing in the world......” the samsara Great Emperor voice to be indifferent and quiet, it ignores ignorant Kang Yaodi and the others, said, initially by the fear of God control, had forgotten...... because of me, has exceeded the God......” to exceed the God! Makes the sound that the person innermost soul feels trembles resound through eight sides. “正如我之前所言,除了弱小,你们一无所有……”轮回大帝话音淡然且平静,其漠视蚩康妖帝等人,道,“当初被天帝支配的恐惧,早已忘记……因为我,已经超越天帝……”超越了天帝!令人灵魂深处都倍感颤栗的声音响彻八方。 The words fall, unusual aura divulges in both eyes of samsara Great Emperor. 话落,一股超凡的气息于轮回大帝的双瞳之中宣泄而出。 Cry......” familiar and intense air wave vibrato folds, sees only the double pupil of samsara Great Emperor to glow a strange ray impressively. “唳……”熟悉而强烈的气浪颤音叠起,只见轮回大帝的双眸赫然焕发出一片奇异的光芒。 „Is that?” “那是?” The heartstrings of everyone are startled fiercely. 每个人的心弦猛地一惊。 Chu Hen, the heart of Bai Qianyu is startled. 楚痕,白浅予的心脏更是不由的一怔。 Eyes of samsara Great Emperor change to the sacred noble golden color unexpectedly, an eye fluctuates directly the purple of monster different evil charm. 轮回大帝的一只眼睛竟是化作神圣高贵的金色,一只眼睛直接变幻成妖异邪魅的紫色。 Sacred and monster different coexistence. 神圣和妖异共存。 This eye, overlooks the world, ignores the common people! 这双眼睛,俯瞰天下,漠视苍生!
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