UMDK :: Volume #18

#1720: eye technique showdown

Except for small and weak, you did not have a thing in the world...... I to forget initially by the fear that the God controlled, because I...... have exceeded the God......” bang!” “除了弱小,你们一无所有……我早已忘记当初被天帝所支配的恐惧,因为我……已经超越天帝……”“轰隆!” The highest heaven is thunderous, if the unequalled peerless aura has the deity near the world. 九霄雷动,无与伦比的绝世气息如有天神临世。 In an instant, presents the heartstrings of everyone trembles. 霎那间,在座每个人的心弦都不由的为之一颤。 Burns the day, nine quiet, the serious famine, as well as swallows Great Emperor and the others to look the astonished color. 就连焚天,九幽,大荒,以及吞噬大帝等人都面露惊愕之色。 Chu Hen, Bai Qianyu is a face complex and unbelievable is looking at that Ling proud samsara Great Emperor on void. 楚痕,白浅予皆是一脸复杂且难以置信的望着那凌傲于虚空上的轮回大帝。 In the eyes of opposite party, sacred and monster different coexistence. 对方的眼中,神圣和妖异共存。 His eye is the golden color, an eye, is the purple. 其一只眼睛为金色,一只眼睛,为紫色。 And, in this double different luster pupil deep places, nine stars rotates. 且,在这双不同色泽的瞳孔深处,九星轮转。 This is......” the stars Great Emperor is getting hold of the fist, somewhat perplexed looking to Chu Hen and Bai Qianyu. “这个是……”星辰大帝不禁握紧着拳头,有些不明所以的望向楚痕白浅予 But, two people facial expressions even more dignified. 而,两人的神情愈发的凝重。 Dignified, is fermenting many hatred. 凝重中,酝酿着诸多憎恨。 Emperor white and Demon Eyes Great Emperor, eye......” Chu Hen sound gradually ice-cold, the look is also covers entirely the frost to be cold. “白帝和妖瞳大帝的,眼睛……”楚痕声音逐渐冰冷,眼神亦是布满霜寒。 Whish!” “哗!” Follows, four cause a stir. 跟着,四下轰动。 Innermost feelings one of the everyone trembles with fear. 每个人的内心都一阵惊颤。 Is that Emperor white and Demon Eyes Great Emperor eyes? 那是白帝和妖瞳大帝的眼睛? Astonished! Anxious! And unbelievable. 惊愕!不安!以及难以置信。 Initially the rumor, Emperor white and Demon Eyes Great Emperor at a vault of heaven palace war, two people fell from the sky, and ruined the eyes of opposite party respectively. 当初外界传言,白帝和妖瞳大帝于苍穹殿一战,两人陨落,且各毁掉了对方的一只眼睛。 Now looks like, that so-called was ruined eye, actually by the samsara Great Emperor taking away. 如今看来,那所谓“被毁掉”的眼睛,却是被轮回大帝给夺去了。 Is looking in that pair of gold/metal purple strange both eyes to the square features, even if big Imperial Capital thought that the scalp somewhat tingles with numbness. 望着对方脸上那双一金一紫的诡异双瞳,纵然是诸位大帝都觉得头皮有些发麻。 Hey, the good play must start......” to burn the day of Great Emperor fierce struggle great antiquity Great Emperor with it self-satisfied saying with a smile. “嘿,好戏要开始了……”与之焚天大帝激斗的洪荒大帝略带得意的笑道。 Another side, Nine Nether Great Emperor is actually hates the anger, she clenches jaws saying that really may not forgive......” flashes through with it para-position the eyes of swallowing Great Emperor in wipes inexplicable complex. 另一侧,九幽大帝却是憎怒不已,她咬牙切齿道,“真的是不可原谅……”与之对位的吞噬大帝的眼中闪过一抹莫名的复杂。 Life that the samsara Great Emperor not only killed Emperor white and Demon Eyes Great Emperor, but also seized the eyes of opposite party, this method, shocked the people. 轮回大帝不仅杀了白帝和妖瞳大帝的性命,还夺了对方的眼睛,这手段,震惊了众人。 You may really be the crime do not have to be possible the amnesty......” the stars Great Emperor sinking sound to shout. “你可真是罪无可赦……”星辰大帝沉声喝道。 Crime, leaves the weak one!” “罪,是留给弱者的!” The samsara Great Emperor ignores the people, just like the King who rules the world. 轮回大帝漠视众人,犹如君临天下的王者。 Snort......” ignorant Kang Yaodi sneers, even the beast is inferior to your cold blood, custom that but, others' eyes, you use?” “哼……”蚩康妖帝冷笑一声,“连禽兽都不如你冷血,只不过,别人的眼睛,你用的习惯吗?” Ignorant Emperor Kang monster has the meaning of taunt greatly. 蚩康妖帝大有嘲讽之意。 Although the samsara Great Emperor seized Emperor white and Demon Eyes Great Emperor eyes, but the opposite party does not have the god eyes and demon eyes bloodline limit, is hard to display eye technique of two mahatma clans. 虽说轮回大帝夺了白帝和妖瞳大帝的眼睛,但对方并不具备神眼和妖瞳血脉界限,也难以发挥出两大圣族的瞳术 You, and tries......” the samsara Great Emperor to finish speaking, the eyelid lifts immediately lightly. “尔等,且试试……”轮回大帝话音刚落,眼皮随即轻抬。 Cry......” rapid air wave howling sound folds, along with an intense space rhythm, its both eyes deep place nine stars rotation, together with strength of the dreadful samsara deep say/way, is seeing only below that sores all over the eye, the avalanche most campsis grandiflora ancient rite of making sacrifices stage blasts open to explode again. “唳……”急促的气浪呼啸声叠起,伴随着一阵强烈的空间律动,其双瞳深处九星转动,且,连同着一股滔天的轮回冥道之力,只见下方那满目疮痍,崩塌大半的凌霄封禅台再次炸裂爆开。 The quarry stone is startled to fly, a huge dead souls soldier crawled from the stone pile directly. 乱石惊飞,一尊庞大的死灵战士直接是从石堆中爬了出来。 The powerful death air/Qi as if came from in the dark hell. 强盛的死气仿佛源自于黑暗地狱。 The figure exceeds more than hundred zhang (3.33 m), is lingering under the armor of strange black glow, in a face of fog shape, a pair of red pupil is sending out the light of nether world. 其身形超过百余丈,萦绕着诡异黑芒的盔甲下,一张雾状的面庞中,一双赤色的瞳孔散发着幽冥之光。 Feels the strength of so astonishing samsara, on the face of people are gushing out several points of vigilance. 感受着这般惊人的轮回之力,众人的脸上都涌出几分警觉。 However, more dismayful matter happened. 然,更为令人惊愕的事情发生了。 Sees only about both arms of that dead souls war-god to ignite two strange flame suddenly. 只见那死灵战神的左右双臂豁然燃起两股奇异的火焰。 The left hand is the golden god flame. 左手为金色的神焰。 The right hand is, purple monster flame. 右手则为,紫色的妖炎。 Two different luster different fires seem wild astral dragon -like to collect in both hands of dead souls war-god, subsequently under the innumerable double trembling with fear vision, changes to two long and narrow swift and fierce flame swords respectively. 两股不同色泽的异火好似狂暴的罡龙般汇集于死灵战神的双手之中,继而在无数双惊颤的目光下,分别化作两柄狭长凌厉的火焰战刀。 ...... „Is this?” ……“这是?” Looks two flame swords that in dead souls war-god hand that samsara Great Emperor is summoning, stars Great Emperor, extends the monster emperor ignorantly, Chu Hen, Bai Qianyu, as well as swallow Fushu and the others both eyes circle open the eyes. 望着那轮回大帝召唤出来的死灵战神手中的两柄火焰战刀,星辰大帝,蚩延妖帝,楚痕,白浅予,以及燕扶书等人不由的双目圆睁。 How can?” “怎么会?” Too relaxed! The samsara Great Emperor releases to be lost in thought easily and demon eyes strength, and made these two types conduct the fusion with it own samsara sacred body bloodline power. 太轻松了!轮回大帝不禁轻而易举的释放出了神眼和妖瞳的力量,且还令这两种与之自身的轮回圣体血脉之力进行了融合。 How to achieve?” “如何做到的?” Cross-eyed that lord and swallow Fushu secret palace cannot bear. 天机宫之主穆斐和燕扶书忍不住的对视一眼。 ...... Receives your laughable expressions at this moment, because then just started.” ……“收起你们此刻的可笑表情,因为这才只是刚刚开始。” Samsara Great Emperor that arrogant voice has an indifference of permeating soul. 轮回大帝那孤傲的声音有着一种渗入灵魂的冷漠。 As if the world myriad things, all are his object of overlooking. 仿佛世间万物,皆是其俯视的对象。 The instance that buzz......” words fall, that whole body sends out endless nether world aura dead souls war-god both eyes to shine through the sharp blood glow, immediately, his both hands raise gold/metal purple two handles long and narrow executes a day of sharp blade to wield toward the front four people. “嗡……”话落的瞬间,那浑身散发着无尽幽冥气息的死灵战神双瞳透射出锋利的血芒,随即,其双手扬起一金一紫两柄狭长的诛天利刃朝着前方的四人挥去。 „!” “咻!” In an instant, together crosswise overlapping campylodromous sword glow tearing expansive sky. 霎那间,一道十字状的交叉弧状剑芒撕裂长空。 Arc glow that purple gold intersects, for example two divine punishment luminary light/only. 紫金相交的弧芒,譬如两道神罚曜光。 Ignorant Kang Yaodi, the stars Great Emperor, Chu Hen, the Bai Qianyu facial color changes, four people the flying leaps instantly draws back, withdraws toward the rear area. 蚩康妖帝,星辰大帝,楚痕,白浅予面色微变,四人即刻飞身跃退,朝着后方撤去。 Bang......” giant cross sword glow chops to fall immediately, in that soars to the clouds in rooftop, originally the sores ancient rite of making sacrifices stage cannot withstand to be split up everywhere finally, disintegrates is spatial in the top of Heavenly Dao city. “轰隆……”巨大的十字剑芒随即劈落在那凌霄天台上,本就满地疮痍的封禅台终于是承受不住而四分五裂,解体于天道城的顶空。 Good fearful destructive power! Several Great Emperor facial color simultaneous/uniform change. 好可怕的杀伤力!几位大帝的面色齐变。 Hehe, interesting......” the great antiquity Great Emperor is teasing of face laughs. “呵呵,有意思了……”洪荒大帝更是一脸的戏谑嗤笑。 „! Don't happy too early.” “狗贼!别高兴的太早了。” Burns the day of Great Emperor to get angry the sound to roar, and offensive of launching even more is ruthlessly swift and violent severe. 焚天大帝怒声咆哮,且发起的攻势愈发迅猛狠厉。 Simultaneously in the eyes of wild emperor also flashes through wipes anxiously, it also obviously changes regarding the attack of Dragon Blood Great Emperor was swifter and fiercer. 同时荒帝的眼中也闪过一抹焦急,其对于龙血大帝的攻击也明显变的凌厉了很多。 It seems like must solve you as soon as possible......” „, only feared that you do not have this skill!” “看来要尽快解决掉你了……”“哼,只怕你没这个本事!” The Dragon Blood Great Emperor dark golden pupil erupts the fearful fine glow, at once shoots up to the sky to leap to void, then the potential of dive plunders to the wild emperor, in the motion process, the air/Qi of boundless nine dragons just like the storm nebula that divulges, with many dragon shadow encirclement , the Dragon Blood Great Emperor holy blood dragon, changed sun-blocking ancient times to be great impressively. 龙血大帝暗金色的瞳孔爆发出慑人的精芒,旋即冲天而起跃至虚空,然后再以俯冲之势掠向荒帝,在移动过程中,磅礴的九龙之气犹如宣泄的暴风星云,与诸多龙影环绕下,龙血大帝圣血化龙,赫然变化成一尊遮天蔽日的远古巨凶。 Roar......” several thousand zhang (3.33 m) ancient times big dragon was the imposing manner shakes the day, every inchs dragon scale if still the iron wall of brass casting. “吼……”数千丈的远古巨龙可谓是气势撼天,每一寸龙鳞都犹若铜铸的铁壁。 Wild emperor compared with the figure of it opposite party, tiny pity. 荒帝与之对方的身形相比,渺小的可怜。 However, regarding this wild emperor is actually chuckle one. 然,对此荒帝却是轻笑一声。 Come just right......” domain, Nine Provinces is desolated!” “来的正好……”“领域,九州荒芜!” Then, the wild emperor double palm gathers, if still the air/Qi of desert raging tide serious famine sweeps across toward eight side world. 说罢,荒帝双掌一合,犹若瀚海狂澜般的大荒之气朝着八方天地席卷而出。 The sky of Heavenly Dao surges instantly a dust halo, the grey glow arrives at and place, world pale yellow, the mountains and rivers all withered, the vegetation vegetation, lost completely originally gorgeous bright...... the breeze blows gently, then changes to the dust to dance in the air. 天道界的上空即刻激荡开一圈灰褐色的光环,灰芒所到及之处,天地一片昏黄,山河尽数枯槁,草木植被,全部失去了原本的绚丽鲜明……微风轻轻一吹,便化作尘埃飞舞。 The strength of overbearing incomparable serious famine makes the wild emperor and Dragon Blood Great Emperor battlefield degenerated into strength of the no least bit life death forbidden area instantly. 霸道无比的大荒之力即刻令荒帝和龙血大帝的战场沦为了一片毫无半点生命之力的“死亡禁区”。 The strength of desolate looks like plague to wrap inside and outside Dragon Blood Great Emperor, latter that crowded dragon scale actually at instantaneous dim several points. 荒之力就像是“瘟疫”般包裹着龙血大帝内外,后者那密集的龙鳞却是于瞬间黯淡了几分。 Cannot temper the strength of defense compared with the strength of it serious famine again. 再也没有比之大荒之力能够削弱防御的力量了。 Snort......” feels the self-defence by large scale reduction, in Dragon Blood Great Emperor both eyes the ominous glow is revealed completely, it sends out a low roar, the day hook that the sharp claws such as open grasps to the wild emperor. “哼……”感受着自身的防御被大幅度的降低,龙血大帝双瞳之中凶芒毕露,其发出一声低吼,利爪如张开的天钩抓向荒帝。 Depends on this degree, but could also not affect me.” “就凭这点程度,还影响不了我。” Right? “是吗? Hopes to be occupied by...... ” wild emperor who you can insist not to show weakness, the flying launches to meet the approaching enemy. 但愿你能坚持的住……”荒帝毫不示弱,飞身展开迎击。 „......” Both's upfront just, for example the meteorite collided hardly, the day star exploded. “嗵……”两者的正面硬刚,譬如陨石碰撞,天星地爆。 A series of chaotic remaining prestiges horizontal vertical sweep, throws off the vault of heaven. 一系列混乱的余威横纵扫荡出去,掀翻天穹。 ...... The campsis grandiflora ancient rite of making sacrifices stage was held dead souls war-god cleavage that directly grasps the flame sword, the people felt again threat that came from the samsara Great Emperor. ……凌霄封禅台直接被执握火焰战刀的死灵战神劈裂,众人再一次感受到了源自于轮回大帝的威胁。 At this time, the ignorant Kang Yaodi sinking sound shouted, I solved this thing first, your three first towed......” saying that ignorant Kang Yaodi got angry raises dreadfully spooky, flushed away toward the dead souls war-god. 这时,蚩康妖帝沉声喝道,“我解决掉这个东西先,你们三个先拖一下……”说完,蚩康妖帝怒掀滔天妖气,朝着死灵战神冲去。 Moves in the process, the ignorant Kang Yaodi behind light wing twinkle, a pair of huge light shadow seems the star link that is in full bloom, his fist offers a sacrifice, if the dark blue ray the meteorite passes through spatially. 移动过程中,蚩康妖帝的身后光翼闪烁,一对巨大的光影好似盛开的星环,其一拳祭出,暗蓝色的光芒如若陨石贯空。 Rolls your hell......” Jie......” that dead souls war-god not to fear, is raised by the golden god flame and purple monster flame the sword chops to ignorant Kang Yaodi, two swords look like two bunches of aurora that murder the day, is very shocking. “滚回你的地狱……”“桀……”那死灵战神毫无所惧,扬起由金色神焰和紫色妖炎所化的战刀劈向蚩康妖帝,两记战刀就像是两束弑天的极光,很是惊艳。 „!” “嗵!” Has not fended. 没有闪避。 Solid positive/direct impact. 结结实实的正面冲击。 Ignorant Kang Yaodi fist pounding ruthlessly in the double blade overlapping center of opposite party, the countless light beam everywhere splash, the complementary waves of surging forward surges eight sides. 蚩康妖帝一拳狠狠的砸在对方的双刀交叉的中央,数之不尽的光束漫天飞溅,汹涌澎湃的余波激荡八方。 In ignorant Emperor Kang monster that endures compared with the serious impact of thunder, that dead souls war-god was actually shaken in the future will back up several points, covers double blade the roaring flame on hand also to sway erratically. 在蚩康妖帝那堪比雷霆的沉重冲击下,那死灵战神却是被震得往后倒退了几分,覆盖在手中的双刀上的烈焰也摇晃不定。 ...... Saw that ignorant Kang Yaodi is so cut-throat, that side stars Great Emperor, Chu Hen, Bai Qianyu immediately mind one cold, three people look at each other one mutually, flashes to the samsara Great Emperor. ……见到蚩康妖帝如此凶狠,那边的星辰大帝,楚痕,白浅予顿时心神一凛,三人相互对视一眼,随之闪向轮回大帝。 Cry......” the Chu Hen both eyes purple glow twinkle, it takes the lead to launch the offensive. “唳……”楚痕双瞳紫芒闪烁,其率先发起攻势。 Burns the day the purple monster flame plunges the samsara Great Emperor at the same time, a purple thunder big dragon gets angry to clash in the sea of fire. 焚天的紫色妖炎扑向轮回大帝的同时,一尊紫色的雷霆巨龙于火海中怒冲而出。 The big dragon makes threatening gestures, showing ancient times ominous prestige. 巨龙张牙舞爪,彰显远古凶威。 It by potential of dive plate day straight under. 其以盘天之势俯冲直下。 Places oneself lifts in front samsara Great Emperor cold Muqing, his purple left eye selects, cry......” pupil deep place nine sunspots pursue mutually. 置身于前方的轮回大帝冷目轻抬,其紫色的左眼一挑,“唳……”瞳孔深处九颗黑点相互追逐。 „!” “咻!” The purple arrow arrow the illness/quick from its shoots together immediately, moves in the process, that bunch of arrow arrows just like the illusory image to distribute nine advantage arrows. 一道紫色的箭矢随即从其眼中疾射出去,移动过程中,那束箭矢犹如幻影般分成九支利箭。 Puts on losing of the world?” “穿世之失?” A Chu Hen brow wrinkle. 楚痕眉头一皱。 In some time ago, him also defeated Dragon Blood Great Emperor by this move. 就在不久前,他还以这招击败了龙血大帝 „......” Does not need the people to respond that nine branch light advantage arrows curl up an extremely strong penetration imposing manner, connects in vigorous strength that under the arrow body rapid mobile the cyclone unceasingly changes. “咻咻咻……”不待众人反应过来,那九支流光利箭卷起一阵极强的贯穿气势,交汇在箭身上下飞速流动的气旋不断变的雄浑壮大。 Nine arrows! Nine bunches of aurora flying shuttles! Penetrated the head of that thunder big dragon directly. 九支箭!九束极光飞梭!直接是击穿了那雷霆巨龙的脑袋。 Bang bang......” thunder and lightning blasting open, the vault of heaven changes color. “轰砰……”雷电炸裂,苍穹变色。 The thunder big dragon is splits to explode a startled day directly the hysterical/frenzy storm, but that nine aurora arrow arrow offensive have not reduced many, having the endless withering imposing manner to raid to Chu Hen. 雷霆巨龙直接是绽爆成一股惊天的狂乱风暴,而那九支极光箭矢攻势未减多少,带着无尽的肃杀气势袭向楚痕 Chu Hen vision slightly cold, both eyes is startled again a strange rhythm. 楚痕目光微凛,双瞳再次惊起一阵奇异的律动。 nine stars demon eyes, the tribulation day grasps......” rumble!” 九星妖瞳,劫天之握……”“隆隆!” Together with monster flame storm of collection, a giant purple palm that is dragging innumerable and flame finds out, that nine arrow arrows break outside. 连同着汇集的妖焰风暴,一只摇曳着无数雷芒和火焰的巨大紫色手掌探出,将那袭来的九支箭矢震碎在外。 ...... Is relying on the shield of Chu Hen, the stars Great Emperor if still the phantom flashes before to the samsara Great Emperor nearby. ……凭借着楚痕的掩护,星辰大帝犹若魅影般闪现至轮回大帝的跟前。 You, the crime does not have the amnesty!” “你,罪无可赦!” Stars Great Emperor both hands palm relative, class/flow shades return hastily in the palm connect to flow. 星辰大帝双手掌心相对,一圈圈的流影星旋在掌中交汇流动。 „......” Powerful strength rhythm caused the spatial warping the pinnacle, subsequently, a fist size water-drop shape the best strength body condensed the formation before the body of stars Great Emperor. “噌……”强大的力量律动引得空间扭曲到了极致,继而,一颗拳头大小的“水滴状”精萃力量体在星辰大帝的身前凝聚成型。 The Saint light overflows, dazzling. 圣光四溢,绚丽夺目。 It seems like only then fist size waterdrop, feels actually as if with the strength that an entire stars heavenly body compresses becomes. 看似只有拳头大小的“水滴”,给人的感觉却仿佛是用一整颗星辰天体压缩而成的力量。 „......” The stars Great Emperor holds waterdrop for example a light corpuscle projects, in the air rubs the red star flower hot rain, its everywhere one visit, the space was delimited one bunch of straight fissures. “咻……”星辰大帝掌中的“水滴”譬如一颗光粒射出,空气中摩擦出红色的星花火雨,其所到之处,空间一路被划出一束笔直的裂痕。 This strikes! Passes through the day of penetrating place! Imitates if there is puncture center of the earth another end extinguishing world invincible might. 这一击!贯天彻地!仿若拥有着击穿地心另一端的灭世神威。 The strong cold wind howls, incisiveness that the samsara Great Emperor double pupil slightly changes, at once, it is lifts the arm unexpectedly, the palm exudes corrugated photo sources. 强劲的凛风呼啸而下,轮回大帝双眸微微变的尖锐,旋即,其竟是抬起手臂,掌心泛起一圈圈波纹状的光源。 Vertical I am guilty, actually no one may try......” rapid fresh breeze to wave the expansive sky, that waterdrop energy body touches that instant of samsara Great Emperor palm, bang......” a heavy incomparable fierce explosive is shakes directly turns the highest heaven, in blooms like myriad stars instantaneously. “纵我有罪,却无人可审判……”急骤的劲风舞动长空,那颗“水滴”能源体触碰到轮回大帝掌心的那一霎,“砰……”的一声沉重无比的剧烈爆响直接是震翻九霄,如同万千星辰于瞬间绽放。 The dazzling light spin looks like the ring-like arc blade to strike to cut the sky. 耀眼的光旋就像是环状的弧刃击斩天空。 One after another, spreads infinitely. 一圈接着一圈,无限扩散出去。 Magnificent! Shock! Intense collision of sacred body bloodline limit, intense fighting between two big eye technique. 壮观!震撼!圣体血脉界限的强烈碰撞,两大瞳术之间的激烈争锋。 Extremely strong picture feeling, is attacking the visual nerves of countless person. 极强的画面感,冲击着无数人的视觉神经。 ...... However, at this moment, stars Great Emperor peripheral space of towering exhibits a strange distortion condition. ……然,就在这时,星辰大帝周边的空间突兀的呈现出一股奇异的扭曲状态。 nine stars god eyes, the space prohibits!” 九星神眼,空间封禁!” The heartstrings of people tremble fiercely, these words do not come from Bai Qianyu. 众人的心弦猛地一颤,这句话并非源自于白浅予 Humming sound......” in an instant, first even/including 12 golden ray twinkles in the surroundings of stars Great Emperor, and head and tail such as simple constellation design interconnection. “嗡嗡……”霎那间,一连十二道金色的光线闪烁于星辰大帝的周围,且首尾如简单的星座图案般相互连接。 The stars Great Emperor was blocked the imprisonment immediately, in a cube of rhombus ties in the space. 星辰大帝顿时被封锁禁锢在一个菱形的立方体结界空间之中。 The rhombus cube ties several surface, all are reappearing design secret mark of nine stars god eyes. 菱形立方体结界的几个面,皆是浮现着一只九星神眼的图案秘纹。 ...... Like the pass/test in the trapped/sleepy beast in box, the stars Great Emperor cut off the relation with it outside world directly. ……就像关在在盒子中的困兽,星辰大帝直接与之外界切断了联系。 But also however, does not need the stars Great Emperor to respond, sees only in it void in all directions unexpectedly is towering appears tens of thousands of say/way purple light beam. 然,还不待星辰大帝反应过来,只见其四面八方的虚空之中竟是突兀的惊现出成千上万道紫色光束。 Each purple light beam is similar to ten thousand arrow who returns to the sect, all around, toward was imprisoned from each angle in the stars Great Emperor gathers the assault. 每一道紫色光束都如同归宗的万箭,前后左右,以各个角度朝着被禁锢于其中的星辰大帝聚拢袭去。 ...... Another side Chu Hen complexion changes again and again, life also has the blade......” Demon Eyes Sacred Clan and Divine Eyes Sacred Clan eye technique, in the hand of samsara Great Emperor, has words at fingertips and writes with facility unexpectedly, such adeptness of control. ……另一侧的楚痕脸色一变再变,“命也具刃……”妖瞳圣族神眼圣族瞳术,在轮回大帝的手中,竟是信手拈来,掌控的如此娴熟。 Innumerable purple light luminary all-around is initiating to the stars Great Emperor encircles kills. 无数的紫色光曜全方位的对着星辰大帝发起围杀。 The latter evades not to be possible to evade! Cry......” at this time, the Bai Qianyu beautiful pupil situated in rear area congealed, golden both eyes nine stars chase rotation. 后者避无可避!“唳……”这时,位于后方区域的白浅予美眸一凝,金色的双目九星追逐转动。 Space prohibits, solution!” “空间封禁,解!” Solution! In an instant, imprisons is extremely unstable, the god eyes designs that in its six surface the rhombus space body of stars Great Emperor changes rapidly change illusory transparent. 解!霎那间,禁锢星辰大帝的菱形空间体变的极度不稳定,其六个面上的神眼图案迅速变的虚幻透明。 As the above ray dissipation removes, bang......” a resounding, the six surface of rhombus space body like the glass that the disintegration explodes, turns into the innumerable crystal scraps/condescend fragment. 随着上面的光芒消散褪去,“砰……”的一声脆响,菱形空间体的六个面就像崩碎爆裂的玻璃,化成无数的晶屑碎片。 The stars Great Emperor who relieves the seal also exposes in the innumerable purple light beams to raiding under. 解除封印的星辰大帝同时也暴露在无数的紫色光束冲袭之下。 His cold snort/hum, star god day gets angry!” 其冷哼一声,“星神天怒!” Then, the stars Great Emperor both arms raise outward, just like the nebula to split silver halo all-around sweeping. 说罢,星辰大帝双臂朝外一掀,一座犹如星云绽裂般的银色光环全方位的扫荡出去。 Bang......” the universe vibrates, wind anxiously cloud angry. “轰嗵……”乾坤震动,风急云怒。 racing thunder roared, raided to the innumerable purple light beam all shaken smashing of stars Great Emperor. 万般奔雷咆哮,袭向星辰大帝的无数紫色光束尽数被震的粉碎。 But, a purple great hand to wield the potential of vault of heaven to search toward the stars Great Emperor, sky over its top of the head rapidly changes sinks secretly, imitates, if the dark cloud obstructs spatially. 可紧接着,一记紫色的巨手以执掌天穹之势朝着星辰大帝探去,其头顶上空迅速变的暗沉下来,仿若乌云遮空。 Bang......” a little handled against stars Great Emperor this obstructed a day of great hand ruthlessly to be pressed into below Heavenly Dao city slightly directly. “砰……”稍微有点措不及防的星辰大帝直接被这一记遮天巨手给狠狠的按入了下方的天道城中。 Bang!” “哐轰!” The land explodes, tower over a city gate collapsing. 大地爆裂,城楼坍塌。 In the Heavenly Dao city, gets down immediately hollowly huge being in charge, like the mighty current quells in the big piece city to construct toward the wild complementary waves that eight sides divulge. 天道城之中,顿时凹陷下去一个庞大的掌印,朝着八方宣泄的狂暴余波如洪流般荡平着大片的城中建筑。 The people complexion changes again and again. 众人脸色一变再变。 The heart one startled is startled. 心头一惊又惊。 Especially Demon Eyes Sacred Clan and Divine Eyes Sacred Clan people, looked that covered entirely indescribable panic-stricken and complex to the look of samsara Great Emperor. 尤其是妖瞳圣族神眼圣族的众人,看向轮回大帝的眼神布满了难以言表的惊骇和复杂。 Really is unbelievable! The opposite party do not have demon eye's bloodline, two do not have the god eyes bloodlines, can actually utilizes so the degree Emperor white and Demon Eyes Great Emperor eye technique. 真的是难以置信!对方一没有妖瞳血脉,二没有神眼血脉,却能够将白帝和妖瞳大帝瞳术运用到了如此程度。 ...... Bang!” ……“轰!” According to entering land erupts the innumerable say/way soaring to the heavens spiral tornado column by that purple stars Great Emperor whole body in giant palm, his both eyes are red, if the surface frost cold fierce shouting, Yu Shengu...... the samsara Great Emperor is built on the cold wind extremely, is full is ignoring below stars Great Emperor who ponders. 被那紫色巨掌按入大地之中的星辰大帝浑身爆发出无数道冲天的螺旋风柱,其双目赤红,面若霜寒的厉声喝道,“宇神孤极……”轮回大帝立于凛风之中,饶有玩味的漠视着下方的星辰大帝。 So many years passed by, your progress does not have actually......” “这么多年过去了,你倒是一点进步都没有……”
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