UMDK :: Volume #18

#1718: Chaotic of Heavenly Dao

Beside eight Great Emperor, the ninth emperor! Emperor clear/pain! Chu Hen! On the campsis grandiflora ancient rite of making sacrifices stage, frost dust everywhere, the rapid cold wind wreaks havoc. 八位大帝之外,第九帝!楚帝!楚痕!凌霄封禅台上,霜尘漫天,急骤的凛风肆虐。 Is looking Chu Hen that appears in not far away, the brow of stars Great Emperor that light wrinkle stretches slightly slightly. 望着惊现于不远处的楚痕,星辰大帝那轻皱的眉头微微稍稍舒展开来。 Just like the ninth Asura dying blade like that Chu Hen flashed before to the campsis grandiflora ancient rite of making sacrifices stage on a moment ago is also makes the surrounding people heart be startled. 正如刚才第九道修罗绝命刃那般,楚痕闪现至凌霄封禅台上亦是令周围的众人心头一惊。 „The Chu Hen boy, you must select...... the stars Great Emperor incomparably serious sinking sound to say carefully. 楚痕小子,你要小心点……”星辰大帝无比郑重的沉声说道。 The Chu Hen corners of the mouth select, replied with a smile, should be the Great Emperor you is more earnest is startled to......” the stars Great Emperor, the double fist grasps, the vision falls again to samsara Great Emperor Yu Shengu extremely. 楚痕嘴角一挑,笑着回答,“应该是大帝阁下你要认真一些才对……”星辰大帝一怔,双拳微握,目光再次落向轮回大帝宇神孤极。 Opposite party as before steady sitting in original position, even the sitting posture has not changed. 对方依旧平稳的坐在原来的位置上,甚至连坐姿都没有改变。 So many years, you have not progressed look that the stars Great Emperor who actually......” the samsara Great Emperor tone selects lightly said. “这么多年,你倒是一点都没有进步……”轮回大帝语气轻挑的看着星辰大帝道。 The latter look sinks, „, good play in behind.” 后者眼神微沉,“哼,好戏在后头。” The words fall, „......” air current trembles lightly, if the stars Great Emperor still cursory flashes to the samsara Great Emperor, the latter that deep and quiet reflects like well both eyes is wiping the bright and beautiful light shadow, along with the violent fresh breeze of surging forward, the stars Great Emperor broadminded ice to the top of the head of samsara Great Emperor above, it turns over/stands up presently is a astral fierce such as heavy leg sweeping of ruthlessly whip to the head of samsara Great Emperor. 话落,“咻……”的一声气流轻颤,星辰大帝犹若掠影浮光般闪向轮回大帝,后者那深幽如古井般的双目倒映着一抹亮丽的光影,伴随着汹涌澎湃的猛烈劲风,星辰大帝豁然凌现至轮回大帝的头顶上方,其翻身便是一记罡猛如鞭的重腿狠狠的扫向轮回大帝的脑袋。 Myriad star glow linger, delimits together the spin blade of campylodromous in the air. 万千星芒萦绕,于空气中划出一道弧状的旋刃。 The stars Great Emperor the most direct attack, contains the bang to explode the space the fearful great strength. 星辰大帝着最为直接的攻击,却是蕴藏着轰爆空间的可怕巨力。 However, facing the former so offensive, the samsara Great Emperor is actually at a moderate pace uphold left hand, kept off the sweeping leg of stars Great Emperor by the arm. 然,面对前者这般攻势,轮回大帝却是不紧不慢的抬起左手,以手臂挡下了星辰大帝的扫腿。 The instance that keeps off, the samsara Great Emperor wrist/skill turns slightly, the palm gushes out a dark vigor to lay out, the stars Great Emperor was also shaken to draw back. 挡下的瞬间,轮回大帝手腕微微一翻,掌心涌出一股暗劲拍出,星辰大帝随之被震退出去。 However, the stars Great Emperor also completes one to shift in the midair with the strength of opposite party, it changes to the palm blade backhandedly, if still has been contaminated in the endless star glow palm blade reverse toward the throat detachment of samsara Great Emperor. 不过,星辰大帝亦是借着对方的力量于半空中完成一个转向,其反手化作掌刀,犹若在无尽的星芒中浸染过的掌刃反向朝着轮回大帝的喉咙劈去。 Gives me to get down......” the stars Great Emperor to shout sternly. “给我下来……”星辰大帝厉声喝道。 Has to acknowledge, the attitude of samsara Great Emperor this cloud poor business conditions light expression made him uncomfortable, be called the person to be angry extremely arrogant. 不得不承认,轮回大帝这云淡风轻的表情的态度令其极度的不爽,傲慢的叫人恼怒。 The swift and fierce palm blade delimits one bunch of crescent moon shapes the loop. 凌厉至极的掌刃划出一束弯月状的弧圈。 Sharp like the sickle that the god of death brandishes. 锋利的就像死神挥舞的镰刀。 However, samsara Great Emperor that seemingly gentle movement actually swift and violent incomparable, its single-handed such as strokes the leaf to lift, pulls up a series of remnant shades. 然而,轮回大帝那看似平缓的动作实则迅猛无比,其单手如拂叶抬起,撩出一系列的残影。 Then back of the hand racket gently in the stars Great Emperor wrist/skill place that wields. 接着手背轻轻的拍在星辰大帝的挥来的手腕处。 Together with a depressed sound, is lingering in the stars Great Emperor arm high and low gorgeous Lixing link light shadow is actually shaken the powder all. 连同着一记沉闷的声响,萦绕在星辰大帝手臂上下的绚丽星环光影却是尽数被震散。 The continual offensive fell by opposite party so resolution easily, look of stars Great Emperor even more ice-cold. 连续的攻势被对方这般轻易的化解掉,星辰大帝的眼神愈发的冰冷。 At this moment, innumerable say/way manic power of thunder erupt to fold after behind sky of samsara Great Emperor. 就在这时,无数道狂躁雷霆之力于轮回大帝的身后上空爆发叠起。 Rumble......” racing Leiguan ear, lightning startled day. “隆隆……”奔雷贯耳,闪电惊天。 Sees only Chu Hen for example a war-god that is controlling the thunder and lightning flashes in the samsara Great Emperor behind above, in his hand summoned, but no emperor blade fled surely at the interweaving roaming of purple thunder and lightning condensed a instantaneously greatly operates a day of blade. 只见楚痕譬如一尊掌控着雷电的战神般闪现于轮回大帝的身后上方,其手中召唤而出的无相帝刃在千万紫色雷电的交织游窜下瞬间凝聚成一柄巨大的开天之刃。 „......” Such as the startled dragon -like power line pole drags in the great blade high and low, sends out is cutting off all terrifying invincible mights. “嗤嗤……”如惊龙般的电柱摇曳在巨刃上下,散发着斩断一切的恐怖神威。 The Chu Hen both arms erupt the astonishing boundless strength, brandishes purple operates a day of blade to cut toward below samsara Great Emperor potential under. 楚痕双臂爆发出惊人的磅礴力量,抡起紫色的开天之刃朝着下方的轮回大帝势斩而下。 The great blade horizontal day, for example the day punishes sweeps the vault of heaven slantingly. 巨刃横天,譬如天罚斜扫苍穹。 The people all are feel to come from Chu Hen this strike the contained fearful supernatural power. 众人皆是感受到源自于楚痕这一击所蕴含的可怕神力。 But, the samsara Great Emperor deals in the situation of stars Great Emperor in the upfront, has not returned unexpectedly continually. 可是,轮回大帝在正面应对星辰大帝的情况下,竟是连头都没有回一下。 The vision slightly side, in pair of dark cold eye flashes through wipes the cold light. 其目光微侧,一双幽暗的冷眸中闪过一抹凛光。 Humanity, the god reprimanded the great strength......” in an instant, „......” a heavy giant explosive blasted open in the floor, saw only four to flee, the electric light was mobile, along with the crazy sudden and violent thunder column of everywhere splash, the purple that Chu Hen condensed operates a day of great blade to be split up unexpectedly. “人道,神斥巨力……”霎那间,“嗵……”的一声沉重的巨大爆响于台面上炸裂开来,只见雷芒四窜,电光流动,伴随着漫天飞溅的狂暴雷柱,楚痕所凝聚出来的紫色开天巨刃竟是四分五裂。 Floor cuns (2.5 cm) blast open collapse open/start, astral's fierce dark color shock-wave also sweeps across, the stars Great Emperor and Chu Hen were all lifted toward the rear area. 台面寸寸炸裂崩开,一股罡猛的暗色冲击波随之席卷出去,星辰大帝和楚痕皆是被朝着后方掀开。 Dense and numerous quarry stone dancing in the air expansive sky. 密密麻麻的乱石飞舞长空。 The chaotic thunder and lightning like the flower petal that everywhere blooms. 混乱的雷电就像漫天绽放的花瓣。 Humanity, the blade of new moon...... immediately, one bunch of black aurora penetrate the sky that the thunder and lightning interweaves extremely instantaneously, toward the Chu Hen assault. “人道,极朔之刃……”随即,一束黑色的极光瞬间击穿雷电交织的上空,朝着楚痕袭去。 The speed of aurora just like the speed of light. 极光的速度犹如光速。 Seemed together the swift and fierce death beam. 好似一道凌厉的死亡射线。 When a Chu Hen brow wrinkle, is hasty, will immediately not have the emperor blade to keep off before the body horizontally. 楚痕眉头一皱,仓促之际,立刻将无相帝刃横挡在身前。 Ding......” a clear and grating sound, that black light beams penetrated unexpectedly forcefully sword blade that does not have the emperor blade. “叮……”的一声清脆且刺耳的声响,那束黑色光束竟硬生生的穿透了无相帝刃的剑身。 „......” Subsequently, one string of blood splash expansive sky, that light beam also passed through the left shoulder of Chu Hen. “哧……”继而,一串鲜血飞溅长空,那道光束也贯穿了楚痕的左边肩膀。 How can? 怎么会? swallow Fushu, and the others all are the shock! Chu Hen opened the circle the eye, the samsara Great Emperor struck conveniently, the divine tool did not even have the emperor blade unable to shoulder. 燕扶书,穆斐等人皆是震惊不已!就连楚痕自己都睁圆了眼睛,轮回大帝的随手一击,却是连神器无相帝刃都扛不住。 When you appear before me, continually surprised time few pitiful......” samsara Great Emperor that faint voice hears. “当你出现在我面前的时候,连吃惊的时间都少的可怜……”轮回大帝那淡漠的声音入耳。 The Chu Hen facial color again changes, the tsunami that the dreadful aura of surging forward such as folds rushes to the upper air, in the motion process, in the dark colored tornado spin finds out a sharp beast claw, the iron hook that the beast claw such as opens, covers to Chu Hen nearby. 楚痕面色再次一变,汹涌澎湃的滔天气息如叠起的海啸冲上高空,在移动过程中,暗黑色的龙卷风旋中探出一只锋利的兽爪,兽爪如张开的铁钩,笼罩至楚痕的跟前。 „Not good......” the stars Great Emperor to be startled. “不好……”星辰大帝一惊。 Chu Hen!” 楚痕!” A Divine Eyes Sacred Clan that side Bai Qianyu delicate eyebrows pressed, beautiful pupil changes to the holy golden color instantly, cry......” the strength of nine stars god eyes starts suddenly, the nine sunspots of pupil deep place pursue to revolve mutually, fluctuates along with the strange strength, sees only the space that Chu Hen to form a dream immediately the distortion shape. 神眼圣族那边的白浅予秀眉一蹙,美眸即刻化作圣洁的金色,“唳……”九星神眼之力豁然启动,瞳孔深处的九颗黑点相互追逐旋转,伴随着奇异的力量波动,只见楚痕所在的空间随即形成一片梦幻的扭曲状。 Is the strength of space......” vision subconscious sweeping of people to the direction that Bai Qianyu is. “是空间之力……”众人的目光下意识的扫向白浅予所在的方向。 May merely be the next flash, the Chu Hen peripheral space unexpectedly is bang......” by that swift and fierce beast claw pinching exploding is broken. 可仅仅是下一霎那,楚痕周边的空间竟是“砰……”的一声被那凌厉至极的兽爪给捏的爆碎。 The Bai Qianyu strength cut off the relation with it that space region immediately. 白浅予的力量顿时与之那片的空间区域切断了联系。 Speed that she without delay, picks up to face forward to move instantly. 她二话不说,即刻加快朝前移动的速度。 However, iron hook that that only fearful sharp claws also such as gather the Chu Hen blockade, pupil of Chu Hen sudden contracts together. 不过,那只可怕的利爪也如聚拢的铁钩将楚痕封锁在内,楚痕的瞳孔急剧的收缩在一起。 „......” Serious explosive acoustic shock swings the highest heaven, in that sharp claws the instance that Chu Hen grinds, sky all-around blast of magnificent purple fireball in floor. “嗵……”沉重的爆响声震荡九霄,在那利爪将楚痕碾碎的瞬间,一股壮观的紫色火球于台面的上空全方位的炸开。 The purple monster flame blots out the sky, the Chu Hen body also is only beast in the claw to be split up in that. 紫色妖炎铺天盖地,楚痕的身躯也于那只兽爪中四分五裂。 Purple flame clone......” the samsara Great Emperor eyelid to lift lightly, in the pupil exudes to wipe the different light. “紫炎分身……”轮回大帝眼皮轻抬,眸中泛起一抹异光。 The wreaking havoc above purple monster flame inundates filling the heavens. 肆虐上空的紫色妖焰弥天漫地。 But in another of distance beast claw several hundred meters position, Chu Hen is stern-faced is actually looking below samsara Great Emperor. 而在距离兽爪数百米位置的另外一处,楚痕却是一脸凝重的望着下方的轮回大帝。 On his left shoulder also has the blood to drip, in hand no emperor blade also lost the original peerless point. 其左边的肩膀上还有着鲜血淌出,手中的无相帝刃也失去了原本的绝世锋芒。 You how?” “你怎么样?” The Bai Qianyu flying arrives in the Chu Hen side, the somewhat concerned inquiry said. 白浅予飞身抵达楚痕的身边,有些关切的询问道。 Chu Hen shakes the head slightly, subsequently handsome eyebrow one tight, the double pupil also concentrates. 楚痕微微摇头,继而俊眉一紧,双眸随之一凝。 „......” Space is startled the intermittent vibrato, that pair of profound black pupil overflows monster different purple glow instantly. “噌……”空间惊起阵阵颤音,那双深邃的黑眸即刻溢出妖异的紫芒 Pupil deep place, nine stars simultaneous/uniform present, monster different, and evil charm. 瞳孔深处,九星齐现,妖异且邪魅。 Outside below samsara Great Emperor body is flowing faintly nearly transparent pale black halo, its sweeping of having a relish to Chu Hen and Bai Qianyu. 下方的轮回大帝身外隐隐流动着一圈近乎透明的淡黑色光环,其饶有兴致的扫向楚痕白浅予 In his behind, is one group like the wave-like brilliance, the interior of brilliance is surging the strength of extremely strong samsara beast. 在他的身后,是一团如同浪潮般的光焰,光焰的内部涌动着极强的轮回兽之力量。 That only swift and fierce giant beast claw, then moves restlessly the anxious brilliance to search from that. 那只凌厉的巨大兽爪,便是从那躁动不安的光焰内部探出来的。 Really is two eye that made one fondly remember......” under samsara Great Emperor that tranquil facial features has several points of thought-provoking happy expression. “真是两双令人怀念的眼睛……”轮回大帝那平静的面容下带着几分耐人寻味的笑意。 Stars Great Emperor, Chu Hen, Bai Qianyu three people of hearts is startled faintly. 星辰大帝,楚痕,白浅予三人的心头不由的隐隐一惊。 Although Chu Hen relied on the purple flame clone to replace the main body not to receive the extremely serious injury, but everyone of Saint clan alliance side could not be happy. 尽管楚痕凭借着紫炎分身替代了本体而未受到太过严重的伤势,但圣族联盟这一方的所有人都高兴不出来。 The stars Great Emperor and Chu Hen two people collaborate, actually cannot get the tiny bit winning side in the front of samsara Great Emperor. 星辰大帝和楚痕两个人联手,却是未能够在轮回大帝的面前占据到一丝一毫的上风。 Even yes, has not made the samsara Great Emperor leave the position under body. 甚至是,都没有令轮回大帝离开身下的位置。 Unbelievable. 难以置信。 Really incredible. 着实叫人难以置信。 The people shake the head secretly, cultivation base of this samsara Great Emperor, actually powerful to what situation? 众人暗暗摇头,这轮回大帝的修为,究竟强大到了何种地步? ...... At the same time, burns the fight of day of Great Emperor and great antiquity Great Emperor also blasts open the vault of heaven. ……于此同时,焚天大帝和洪荒大帝的战斗亦是炸裂苍穹。 One is in ten side Shengzu the strongest explosive force, controlled the strength in world most powerful different fire. 一个是十方圣族中最强的爆发力,一个是掌控了世间最强大的异火之力。 Two people collisions, exceptionally fierce. 两人的碰撞,异常的凶猛。 In addition burnt day of Great to suppress a lot of hatred and angers, combat zone that two people were , the scene was the roaring flame blots out the sky, burns completely the Happouzan river. 再加上焚天大帝内心憋了一肚子的憎恨和愤怒,以致于两人所在的战斗区域,场面可谓是烈焰铺天盖地,焚尽八方山河。 Swallows the Great Emperor and Nine Nether Great Emperor confrontation also even more intense, but both sides also are almost evenly matched, although swallows bloodline limit of Great Emperor slightly to restrain a Nine Nether Sacred Body point relatively, but, Nine Nether Great Emperor is also the card in hand completely leaves, is showing the extremely strong strength. 吞噬大帝和九幽大帝的交锋也愈发的激烈,但双方也差不多是势均力敌,虽说吞噬大帝的血脉界限相对略克制九幽圣体一分,不过,九幽大帝也是底牌尽出,展现着极强的实力。 Under compares, the wild emperor meets head- on Dragon Blood Great Emperor just like has the quite distinct advantage. 相比较之下,荒帝迎战于龙血大帝俨然有着颇为明显的优势。 After all before beast, Dragon Blood Great Emperor was injured by Chu Hen, in addition „the strength of serious famine has the restraint armor-piercing effect regarding the defense of Dragon Blood Great Emperor, latter many are somewhat strenuous. 毕竟之前在兽道界的时候,龙血大帝就被楚痕所伤,加上“大荒之力”对于龙血大帝的防御有着克制穿甲的奇效,后者多少有些吃力。 However, Dragon Blood Great Emperor is actually not the common people, although disadvantage, but is also insufficient to be defeated in a short time. 不过,龙血大帝却也不是泛泛之辈,虽然劣势,但还不至于在短时间内落败。 Chu Hen, stars Great Emperor that side , to support to the support of wild emperor has a big difficulty. 楚痕,星辰大帝那边若想支撑到荒帝的支援却是有着不小的困难。 ...... Ten clan wars, get stronger and stronger. ……十族大战,愈演愈烈。 Scene chaotic degree, continuous rise. 场面的混乱程度,持续不断的走高。 The Dragon Blood Sacred Clan holy blood dragon, incarnations are the fierce fearsome big dragon ominous thing washout the front lineup. 龙血圣族圣血化龙,一个个化身为狰狞可怖的巨龙凶物冲刷着前方的阵形。 The terrifying explosive force of great antiquity Saint clan may be called blasting open, each astral fierce strength impact, causes collapsing of space wide scope to rock. 洪荒圣族的恐怖爆发力堪称炸裂,每一次的罡猛力量冲击,都引得空间大范围的坍塌晃动。 The samsara Saint clan wields the strength of six say/way, various powerful fight martial Xuejing explode the battlefield. 轮回圣族更是执掌六道之力,各种强大的战斗武学惊爆战场。 But, nine quiet, the domain space that Great Desolate Sacred Clan creates just like led into own home game general the battlefield, the unpredictable nine quiet strength and overbearing incomparable serious famine strength of large scale is weakening enemy side the strength of defense. 而,九幽,大荒圣族所创造出来的领域空间宛如将战场带入了自身的主场一般,变幻莫测的九幽之力和霸道无比的大荒之力大幅度的削弱着敌方的防御之力。 Various mahatma clans completely reveal its energy! Various group of powerhouses completely reveal its strength! Strong eye technique that Demon Eyes Sacred Clan and Divine Eyes Sacred Clan release is dazzling, magnificent incomparable. 各大圣族尽显其能!各路强者尽显其力!妖瞳圣族神眼圣族释放出来的超强瞳术更是绚丽夺目,壮观无比。 Battlefield unceasing segmentation of Heavenly Dao. 天道界的战场不断的切分开来。 Many powerful military study secret technique connection collide, cause the wind and cloud drastic change. 诸多强大的武学秘术交汇碰撞,引得风云剧变。 Wither! Brutal! Blood-stained, field littered with corpses. 肃杀!残酷!鲜血染红,尸横遍野。 Like the Fiendgod tangled warfare. 如同神魔混战。 ...... „!” ……“嗷!” Roar!” “吼!” ...... Unexpectedly, at this moment, the southeastern direction of Heavenly Dao is startled the intermittent startling thunderclap to pass through the sound of ear ominous beast roaring unexpectedly. ……蓦地,就在这时,天道界的东南方向竟是惊起阵阵惊雷般的贯耳凶兽咆哮之声。 The heart of people are startled. 众人的心头一惊。 Sees only, the sky, the ground, the dense Monster Beast army looks like the tide that blots out the sky to come, the potential of sweeping, toward here turbulent attack. 只见,天空,地面,黑压压的妖兽大军就像是铺天盖地而来的潮水,以扫荡之势,朝着这边汹涌来袭。 I said Chu Hen, has this grade of good deed, how can not call me Mu Feng dreadfully......” spooky such as the typhoon transits. “我说楚痕,有这等好事,怎么能不叫上我沐枫呢……”滔天的妖气如台风过境。 Long Qingyang, Ye Yao, Long Xuanshuang, Qiu Xingyi and the others at present one bright. 龙青阳,叶瑶,龙玄霜,邱星易等人的不由的眼前一亮。 Is Mu Feng!” “是沐枫!” ...... Is the monster territory!” ……“是妖域!” swallow Fushu sinking sound said. 燕扶书沉声道。 The brow slightly wrinkle, slightly reveals the meaning of vigilance looks at that to bear the brunt, leads the young man who the innumerable Monster Beast armies are making a long-range raid to come. 穆斐眉头微皱,略显警觉之意的看着那首当其冲,引领着无数妖兽大军奔袭而来的年轻男子。 The opposite party freely seem like with human not the slightest difference, may release spooky actually achieved the peak level. 对方尽管看上去和人类一般无二,可释放出来的妖气却达到了巅峰层面。 Chu Hen, I help you......” am the person of head am broadminded to erupt fast of lightning, and back rapid transforms eight pairs of willow Yeban black thin airfoil. 楚痕,我来助你们……”为首之人豁然间爆发出一股闪电之速,且后背迅速的幻化出八对柳叶般的黑色薄翼。 When the speed rises dramatically, its rapid plundering enters in the battlefield. 速度暴增之际,其飞速的掠入战场之中。 Hiss!” “嘶!” „!” “哧!” ...... Its everywhere one visit, in the air delimits the overlapping shape illusory image arc blade one after another, but will have six here expert blood splashing expansive sky instantaneously, or limbs separation. ……其所到之处,空气中划出一道接一道的交叉状幻影弧刃,而瞬间就会有一名六道界这边的高手血溅长空,或是肢体分离。 Good quick speed! Long Qingyang and the others were surprised. 好快的速度!龙青阳等人惊愕不已。 Sees only in Mu Feng unceasing in Diqun to conduct the leap-style attack, distant looks, on the both arms of Mu Feng is growing unexpectedly a pair of sickle folding sharp blade. 只见沐枫不断的于敌群中进行跳跃式的进攻,远远的望去,沐枫的双臂上竟是生长着一对镰刀般的折叠利刃。 Then to sickle blade sharp like the god glow of segmentation lightning. 那对镰刃锋利的如同切分闪电的神芒。 Even if the incarnation for the Dragon Blood Sacred Clan powerhouse of dragon, was given the easy segmentation by the Mu Feng arm sickle blade directly two. 哪怕是化身为龙的龙血圣族强者,都直接被沐枫的手臂镰刃给轻而易举的切分成两段。 Is the aura of quiet sovereign god wing praying mantis......” swallow holds the book sinking sound said. “是幽皇神翼螳的气息……”燕扶书沉声道。 The slight nod, looks like him is that human that fused the monster emperor skeleton......” roar!” 穆斐微微点头,“看来他是那个融合了妖帝骨骸的人类……”“吼!” „!” “嗷!” ...... The enormous and powerful Monster Beast army follows closely the Mu Feng footsteps to break in the battlefield. ……浩浩荡荡的妖兽大军紧随沐枫的脚步冲入战场之中。 Many giant beasts like hitting the meteorite of collapsing vault of heaven, tread the broken mountains and rivers the mighty current. 诸多巨兽如同撞塌天穹的陨石,踏破山河的洪流。 Magnificent! Shock! And confusion! But, at this moment, more powerful soaring to the heavens is attacking inside and outside Heavenly Dao spooky. 壮观!震撼!且混乱!而,就在这时,一股更加强盛的冲天妖气侵袭着天道界内外。 This aura, actually fused Mu Feng of monster emperor skeleton also to want rich many compared with it. 这股气息,却是比之融合了妖帝骨骸的沐枫还要浓郁的多。 „Is that?” “那是?” swallow Fushu looks at each other one, sees only in the sky that Monster Beast army transits, grows thickly together aggressively, such as ten thousand beasts revere tall and strong form Ling proud under vault of heaven. 穆斐,燕扶书对视一眼,只见在那妖兽大军过境的上空,一道霸气丛生,如万兽之尊般的魁梧身影凌傲于苍穹之下。 Ignorant Emperor Kang monster......” “蚩康妖帝……”
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